GO AND TEACH Matthew records the words of Jesus in Chapter 28, Verse 19, “Go, ye, therefore and teach all nations …” This is a challenging command for believers. How can we reach across cultural and language divides? Where exactly should we go? Continued on page 2
NEW BEGINNINGS: A HOME FOR MOTHERS Single parent homes have been on the rise for multiple generations. Children raised in these homes often struggle with many statistical disadvantages that can be difficult to overcome. New Beginnings provides services that enable single mothers to achieve and maintain spiritual, financial, and personal success in order to combat the issues that they and their children might face in the future. Continued on page 5
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR If Bishop Anthony and Sister Diane Tamel had said a firm “good-bye” when they retired as Senior Pastor and First Lady of Parkway Church on September 2, 2018, and moved to some distant shore, our church family would have shed tears of sorrow. Instead, knowing this beloved couple is deeply rooted here, and plan to continue working alongside us for the Kingdom, we held a celebration. This article gives honor to a humble man and woman who helped build a church in which people are passionate about the things of God, while importing a vision for growth and discipleship around the world. Anthony Tamel began serving in the Body of Christ while attending Elim Tabernacle, where he taught Sunday School. When His father, the late Bishop Frank Tamel,
began to pastor the new Parkway Apostolic Church in 1972, Anthony became the church treasurer. He also taught a teen class on Sunday mornings, and within three years, was teaching home Bible studies, which he credits as preparing him, more than any other ministry, for his later role as a pastor. Nothing has given him more godly contentment than to share the gospel with people, resulting in their salvation. When, in his early 30’s he felt called to be a pastor, Anthony began preparing himself to go wherever God would lead. An opportunity came for him to shepherd a church in central Wisconsin in the mid 1980’s, but his father and the church board persuaded him to stay at Parkway and accept the position of assistant pastor.
Realizing that her husband’s call was hers as well, Diane wondered whether she was up to the challenges of being a pastor’s wife. Fears were soon dispelled, as the Lord provided the living examples of two wise and godly women. Sister Janet Trout’s message at a Ladies’ Retreat dealt with her feelings of inadequacy when she first became involved in pastoral ministry. And, Anthony’s mother, the late Angeline Tamel, was a strong and loving role model. Although, Diane says, they never sat down for “mentor moments,” the younger woman observed her dear mother-in-law in action and applied the lessons taught by her example. Continued on page 6
There are few things that move people more compassionately than a story about a sick or needy child. We also know that it is with pictures and story lines of those in need that many have been parted from their finances for years. There is something within a person, which I believe to be imprinted by God, that causes one to automatically reach for someone in need. Continued on page 15
BENEFITS OF SACRIFICIALLY GIVING As true followers of Jesus Christ, we understand that giving should come naturally. After all, that was what Jesus came to Earth to do. He gave His time, He gave His wisdom, but most of all, He gave His life. So, the first question we need to ask ourselves is: “Am I a giver?” Continued on page 8
OUR GLOBAL MISSIONS FOOTPRINT The objective of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) in organizing Global Missions is to proclaim the whole gospel to the whole world by sending forth God-called men and women in obedience to the great commission. “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). The ultimate goal and aim is the preparing of the church for the coming of Jesus Christ for His bride. “That he might present to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that
it should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27). To this end it is the absolute responsibility of this God-instituted body to teach the Oneness of the Godhead in Jesus Christ; repentance of all sin; baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin; and the receiving of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. 2018 statistics on page 4
GO AND TEACH written by Kris Newman
Continued from page 1 What do we do when we get there? Educational missions answers these questions by positioning teachers in strategic locations to reach into many nations at one time. Thanks to IF, a team was privileged to work in Moscow, Russia in June of 2018 to do exactly that.The International School of Tomorrow (ISoT) in Moscow is home to approximately two hundred-fifty students from more than thirty-five countries. The curriculum provides the opportunity for graduates to receive an American diploma. However, ISoT is not satisfied with teaching only academics. In fact, it is legally required under the initial charter registered in 1993 to include the Bible as part of its curriculum. The Accelerated Christian Education format provides a Biblical component to the curriculum. Although most are not of the Christian faith, the parents are drawn to the peaceful
atmosphere resulting from a strong moral foundation. Students learn the Bible as a part of their curriculum, but are seldom able to dig into history, themes, and characters. Our team worked closely with ISoT staff to make a personal book. Songs, crafts, and stories in the classrooms enabled students from places such as China, Sudan, Egypt, and many other countries, to learn individually about the love of Christ. At the request of students, we also participated in an after-school small group where we discussed how to have a personal relationship with Christ. One student wept as she recalled a time when she knew without a doubt that Jesus was real. “He helped my family by sending an angel. There is no other explanation.” The United Pentecostal Church of Moscow is an international group of about twenty. The Russian pastor and
his family faithfully do the work of conducting services each week. While we were there, our group used their gifts to encourage the church so the local ministry could receive more than give. Teaching, praying, and singing were among the activities of the team. Inviting people to attend religious activities is banned in Russia. Handing out invitations, park revivals, and other “religious” activities can lead to arrest. Our team was very mindful of these restrictions. However, God has no such limitations. The UPCI of Moscow rents a room in a building called The Christian Center. It is common for the halls to ring with praises sung in French, Russian, English, and other languages. A Nigerian church meets down the hall at the same time as the UPCI. They have children in their congregation but not any Sunday School teachers. The Russian UPCI children welcomed their building
neighbors with open arms. There are no boundaries when children share the love and light of Jesus with one another. The team was also able to deliver supplies and gifts from America. One entire suitcase was full of educational supplies which can’t be easily obtained in Russia. A second suitcase was full of more items which are beyond the means of the pastor’s family: dresses for the daughters. Like princesses, they flounced their treasures! Separated by thousands of miles from other believers, living on a limited budget; this little family now has tangible proof that God sees their hearts’ desires. They are not alone. Sometimes “go” looks like boots on the ground teaching and preaching. Sometimes “go” looks like princess dresses. Thank you to those who made the “go” possible for Moscow, Russia.
HERE A LITTLE, THERE A LITTLE written by Mathias Newman
All through the Book of Acts we read the Apostles’ stories of miraculous, divinely inspired moments of meeting. In Acts 19, Paul met disciples who were baptized by John the Baptist, but had not learned of any further good news. When Paul asked them whether they had received the Holy Ghost since they believed, they responded that they had not heard of such a thing. In short order, they heard and obeyed the rest of the gospel message. Without hearing the message in their own language, it is likely they would never have understood there was a great gift waiting for them. The same story is being played out today in the region of Asia! Hungry hearts wait to hear “the Good News” of the gospel in their own language. A local pastor in Singapore tells many stories of the effectiveness of sharing the Gospel by word of mouth. One person tells another who tells another. Before
long, the Word has traveled through many villages and across the sea. These who have heard the milk of the Word need solid teaching in their own language. A twelve lesson study called Unlocking the Bible, with lessons from Genesis to Revelation, has been written and developed in the Vietnamese language to answer this need. After work, giving of their limited funds, saints from the area did their best to print and distribute the materials. Word began to spread, and several divine connections were made. As a result, many people gave their lives to the Lord. However, it was not enough. Saints who read and speak Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Tamil, and Hindi, even Spanish, were asking for instruction in their languages to share “the Good News” of Jesus. The cost is the only thing which held back progress. That is, until the connection to Faith Initiatives was
made. An investment close to $13,000 provided the resources necessary for the Unlocking the Bible study to be printed, taught, and distributed to teachers in Mandarin, Vietnamese, and Spanish. Tabernacle of Joy in Singapore has undertaken the project and oversees the training of teachers and distribution of materials. It’s impossible to know the full eternal impact of this project. There can be no projection of results. Solomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun.” Just like the experience of the Apostles, God is the author and finisher of this story. God knows the Words to be shared, who will do the sharing, and how those connections will change the lives of those who hear. Remember the words of Paul in his letter to the church at Corinth in which he said, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.”
“Over the last 4.5 months we have witnessed 13 baptized and 26 receive the Holy Ghost at the Crossroads church in Athens. We are seeing a growth in our weekly attendence! God is bringing the increase!”
“Today concluded the Children’s Crusades led by Rich and Kim Huntley Garcia from Mequon, Wisconsin. Eight more were filled with the Holy Ghost this morning, making the 4 services total 82 filled with the Holy Ghost. Pastor Darlynton Jakin of the JFAC in Enugu baptized 8 of our local children.”
“Last week we had our Minister’s Conference and Bible School graduation. About 800 ministers & 500 wives assisted. This year our attendnce was low, but through it all we are still in Revival. Also, 160 pastors graduated from Bible School.”
written by Destri Dixon
It is difficult to encapsulate in mere words how life-changing my AYC Austria trip was. Its effects are still in full force within my life. Through the short period of time away from home and normalcy, many events took place that would change my perspective and thoughts about the future. I would highly encourage someone who may be thinking about going on a trip for missions, within the Apostolic Youth Corps, to do so. There is so much prayer and fasting that is put in for trips like these, and they are beyond anointed because of it. One of the aspects of the trip that impacted me most was the outreach. Though Austria is a country with religious freedom, we were not allowed to preach or speak on the streets about Christ or salvation, but there were certainly other ways to witness. Music was one outlet. Being heavily involved in music ministry most of my life, I found this exciting. We got a group of those who could sing or play an acoustic instrument, and we sang on the streets of Austria. Students not participating in the music held out posters of verses and testimonies in both English and German. As we ministered on those streets, there were those people who made it obvious about how they felt, whether positive or otherwise.
I was determined to make it to the top, and there were many times on the way up when I thought I couldn’t make it. Every step was a struggle. If it weren’t for the encouragement from the others who pushed onward with me, I probably wouldn’t have made it. By the time we made it to the top, we realized that if we had known what it would take, we probably wouldn’t have begun the trek to begin with. This paralleled with God’s plan for our lives. If we knew all of what is in store to get us where God wants us, like the top of a mountain, would we fail to begin that journey even though the end result is better than we can imagine? This idea, along with other parallels, were discovered when we reached the top. The summit was one of the most indescribably beautiful things I’d ever seen. Though the journey was extremely difficult, the end was completely worth it. The relationships that were created from that climb together are ones that have lasted to this day.
Some days it seemed that no one cared about who we were or why we were there. At devotion one morning it was clear that there was some discouragement about the feedback received from the people. We were then uplifted by what our leader had said about faith. Though faith is something that most everyone knows the meaning of, there often is the need to be reminded. It is the belief in things unseen. In connection with our experience witnessing through music, we may not always see what goes on behind the scenes in people’s hearts. We may see no reaction, but God is working within them. After that, I had a new perspective every time we did outreach. That concept of faith has stuck with me. The climb up one of the mountains in the Austrian Alps was the most memorable event of the trip. In addition, it was the hardest mental and physical trek I have completed in my life. It was a long and hard way up, and not everyone made it.
THE HEART BEHIND THE HOME written by Laura Sigrist
It may be safe to say that almost all of us have heard the saying, “Home is where the heart is.” This is such a common phrase for us, but it takes on a whole new meaning for H.O.M.E. International in Guatemala. H.O.M.E. is a refuge for children who experience physical and emotional abuse, neglect, poverty, and other life experiences you wouldn’t wish upon any child. According to a recent UNICEF report, every day in Guatemala there are thirty-five cases of child abuse and twenty-three cases of sexual abuse. To say that there is a great need for safety and love in Guatemala is an understatement.
The H.O.M.E. staff genuinely becomes family to the children in their care. When these children have no one else to turn to, or are afraid to let anyone connect with them, H.O.M.E. exposes them to the love of Christ. One of the greatest gifts you could ever give to a child is the truth. To teach them about a God who loves them, treasures them, and who is with them when they feel alone, could possibly be the most important investment made. The Bible tells us to, “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it” (Proverbs 22:6, NLT). It is our God-given responsibility to love and teach all children about God’s goodness.
H.O.M.E. takes in children between the ages of 3 and 7, who come with a court order due to having legal reasons as to why they need to be placed in protective care. However, H.O.M.E. welcomes the children to stay with them as long as they are in need of a safe and nurturing environment.
Be encouraged to take time to pray for the children who are on their road to recovery at such young ages. Pray that the parents or offenders may find forgiveness and healing in Jesus’ Name. Pray that God continues to fill people with a calling to serve those who are desperate for love and safety, and pray for the governments of countries who may make this line of mission work difficult and seem almost impossible.
The H.O.M.E. president and staff truly believe in giving the children they serve holistic care, offering a variety of programs to encourage a healthy way of life. Children are given nutritional, medical, psychological, and educational attention to help them get back on track. Staff are equipped to be traumacompetent; this enables them to help children heal from their past hurts. H.O.M.E. believes in families. So much so, that their houses on campus are set up like the homes we love and know. With two volunteers, a number of children of different ages, a living room, a kitchen, etc., the children grow up in a family-like, loving atmosphere. Although staff members feel they are a good option for the children in their care, they don’t necessarily believe that they are the best option. Their family reunification program involves home visits, counseling, and parenting classes with the hope of reintegrating children into a more secure and loving environment. You may always recognize the traditional sense of “family,” but you quickly learn that family can become so much more in an orphanage. Families are the people who invest in you, believe in you, support you, and are there for you when you’re at your lowest.
Not everyone is called to go, but everyone is called to pray.
THE TEAM KENYA EXPERIENCE written by Randall Visser
Growing up at Parkway, I have always been surrounded by mission minded individuals. However, I had never personally felt interested or led to experience the mission field myself. In early 2015, God began working on my heart to do more outside of the local church assembly, specifically, something global. It was announced that a team from our church was going to Kenya, and I expressed interest. To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. Our team landed in Africa late at night, so we weren’t able to see our surroundings. It wasn’t until the next morning that I was able to take in the visuals for the first time. The journey from the airport to Meru was an almost 7 hour bus ride! I can remember spending most of that trip in silence, as we passed village after village of the poorest communities I have ever seen. When our team visited the Ntani Community School, the students greeted us with loud cheers, skits, and very warm welcomes. Once all the preliminaries were completed, the team broke up to spend time in each classroom. I was assigned to the students that would be the equivalent of an American eighth grader. We talked about culture, sports, Jesus, and yes, even politics. After the discussions were all complete, they asked each of us from Team Kenya to feed the students their lunches for the day. One of the staff members from the school brought in an orange 5 gallon pail and a handful of bowls. There I was, standing in a room with 30 or so hungry students, and I had their lunch, to be portioned out from a 5 gallon pail. I fought hard to hold back the tears.
I got back to my condo, and sat in my plush bed with my laptop open, enjoying all my American amenities. I remember feeling so guilty, because it has always been so easy to complain about everything we DON’T have. I had food in my house for weeks, and my African friends have no clue where their next meal comes from. The continued impact of my multiple visits to Africa has always played two vital roles. First, it brings perspective to my life. These trips remind me of all the true blessings I have, which are straight from God. But, also, I’ve been allowed to experience what it truly means to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. From teaching Bible classes and baptizing folks, to feeding the hungry, to building houses, to leading church services, and conducting medical camps, this is what James was referring to as “pure and undefiled religion.” While I wish everyone I know could experience a journey such as this, I understand that it is most likely not feasible for everyone to actually go. However, everyone can be a part, through prayer and fasting, for both the beautiful people of Africa and the teams that continually go to minister to them. You can also make sacrificial commitments to the IF program. Trust me, it makes a difference!
OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE written by Jessica Redlich I don’t know what I was expecting when I stepped off the plane in Moscow. I didn’t know whether I was going to understand what anyone was saying, what I was going to learn, or if I was even ready to be there. The next morning after I arrived, I joined others at the school where we would be helping out. I loved that, as soon as we walked in, people were welcoming Kris Newman back. She really made an impact the last time she was there. My first day, I was introduced to the Primary One class and had the opportunity to go to the zoo with them. I needed a few days to get the hang of helping at the school. On Thursday, I was asked to learn the Russian alphabet in Russian sign language, as well as to teach every student how to sign their name. Friday, I spent the day trying to teach eighth graders their names in sign language as well as the song Shackles. The kids were being prepared for a rally later that day. I forgot to eat and even forgot it was my birthday until I was in the teachers’ room during break and everyone came and sang “Happy Birthday.” This was my first birthday away from my family, but the school staff made me feel loved. I was exhausted by the end of the day, but all of these experiences helped prepare me for the rest of the trip. Working with the church really forced me out of my comfort zone. I sang with the local church pastor, his family, and a few others on a street corner, lead worship with Ashton one week and Sheri another, and invited people to a teen outreach. I loved every minute and maybe next time I won’t shake as much. It took me almost an hour to get to church because I had to walk to the bus, take the bus to the metro, switch two trains, and then walk the rest of the way. My favorite part about the church was the people and the love they had for God. They don’t have a building to call “church,” so it was a blessing to be a part of their experience each Sunday, as they set up and took down, without complaining. One of my last days in Russia, I read a passage in 2 Corinthians 9 and broke down in tears because it mentioned sowing seeds, and I realized that was what we were doing in Russia: sowing spiritual seed. We might not ever see the harvest from all those seeds, but they are out there. This was an amazing experience! I really learned a lot from this trip, and God willing, I hope to be able to travel again. Until then, I will put what I learned into practice here.
The image of these students was ingrained in my mind through the remainder of the trip, and even the weeks to follow. You see, once we arrived back in the USA, we were greeted by a parade of supporters in the church parking lot.
141,115 29,687
36,917 227 523 11,403
written by Laurie Chen
There are pros and cons to everything in life. When we first started fostering children, with the heartfelt desire to adopt, we did not know what to expect. It was the unknown, and we were full of questions and some trepidation. But, we had prayed and believed God would direct us. The first placement was easy but the second placement would take us through roller coaster rides with our hearts pulled, stepped on, and mangled, as the placement dragged on towards the third year mark. But we had a strong, supporting, praying network of family and friends. And most importantly, we had God – our strong tower! Fast forward to today, and 5 foster children later (the 5th is currently placed in our home), we are the proud parents of a beautiful, enthusiastic, overly curious, full of energy daughter. This precious bundle of joy taught us to love someone we’d never met, and to open our hearts and minds to love, protect, nurture, shape, guide, and support. I see this as a humbling experience because I was chosen to be the parent of a child we did not bear. We are blessed beyond measure. Children, biological or not, are gifts from God. The love you feel for them is immeasurable, just like Christ’s love for us. When you adopt you will find that you really don’t care whether or not they look like you. You may worry about bonding with them, and hoping you will love them unconditionally, but God takes care of all that. You’ll discover that, as with biological children, they will imitate you. You will influence them, shaping their ideas around your household values and daily routines, positive or not. This is a serious responsibility. When you adopt, you are risking everything to be this child’s parent. You are saying “yes” with an open heart, knowing that you have been called into this as a ministry and you will have to be of strong spirit. But, that love, those kisses, the hugs, and the snuggles, are worth the risk. To the courageous woman who gives away her child, she has to love them more than her own motherly desires. And if she has selected you, that is a privilege. Moses was adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. Esther was adopted as well. Following her parents’ death, Esther’s cousin took her in. And then, there is Jesus. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit BUT Jesus was adopted by Joseph and brought up by him as his very own child. Adoption is not a negative. It is a positive! Spiritually, we are all adopted. Romans 8:15, NIV, tells us, “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry ‘Abba Father.’” And Ephesians 1; 4-5 says, “For He chose us, in him before the creation of the world, to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us for adoption to sonship.” Families are built not bred. Adoption, in Christian theology, is the admission of a believer into the family of God. So, whether physical or spiritual, the act of adoption is a phenomenal manifestation of God’s mercy and love.
NEW BEGINNINGS: A HOME FOR MOTHERS written by Veronica Sparks
The mission of New Beginnings is to help a single mother develop spiritually in God’s Word, become a responsible citizen in society, continue her education, achieve self-sufficiency, and be a competent and loving Christian parent. Continued from page 1 New Beginnings is dedicated to lifting the burdens of single mothers by helping them to achieve self-sufficiency in a nurturing, faith-based environment. “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock” (Matthew 7:25). As a Christian based organization, New Beginnings understands the need for the teaching of the principles of God’s Word to be the first priority in the counseling of young single mothers. Mothers in the program remove themselves from cultural and environmental influences and are uplifted and encouraged by a loving and positive community that is rooted in Christ. New Beginnings gives mothers a foundation of faith to build their life upon by building their spiritual knowledge and their relationship with God. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). Facing
motherhood alone can be a daunting task, especially in terms of providing for one’s children financially. Many single mothers find themselves fixed in a cycle of low earnings and lifelong dependence on government assistance. New Beginnings aims to break this cycle of generational poverty. They provide invaluable services and financial assistance to mothers, and mentor them with the intention of carving a path toward financial independence. Through these services, mothers can further their education, hone their professional and social skills, and ultimately prepare themselves for success in the workplace. These are crucial elements to long term financial sustainability and lifelong self-sufficiency. “She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed” (Proverbs 31:27-28). The demands of parenthood in general are difficult as it is. Single parenthood can, therefore, seem impossible at times, especially without a network of support. Mothers at New Beginnings are
educated in fundamental personal skills, parenting skills, and home management skills that lead to effectively operated homes. From children’s health education, to understanding and coping with personal stress, mothers are equipped with the tools and knowledge to successfully navigate their day-to-day lives with efficiency and comfort. Time management, budgeting, nutrition, and organization are basic skills that are learned in order for mothers to attain balance in their lives and achieve a successful future for both themselves and their children. New Beginnings gives single mothers the tools they need to achieve financial independence, educational advancement, and personal success. However, the foundation of faith and knowledge of God’s love that is achieved in the Christ-centered environment creates in mothers a steadfast hope. Through New Beginnings, single mothers are equipped to successfully and confidently navigate their journeys – both physical and spiritual.
written by Anne Ney
Continued from page 1 By 1989, the assistant pastor’s responsibilities had grown to the extent that the church board wanted his position to better reflect his role, so an election was held, and the congregation unanimously elected Pastor Anthony to become a copastor with his father. After several years of successful collaboration, Bishop Frank Tamel retired in 2003, and the younger Tamel became Parkway’s lead pastor. While working diligently at the home church was their priority, the Tamels also enjoyed travel, most often to be a blessing to others. One memorable trip took them to Singapore at a time when the late Brother Richard “Steve” and Sister Barbara Willoughby were on deputation in the states. They had left the very capable Parkway member and missionary Genny Miller in charge, and the Tamels came for one month to help her with church responsibilities, events, visiting the sick, counseling, and anything else that needed doing. Another trip Diane says she will never forget was a week spent with dear friends and missionaries to Nigeria, Brother Gerry and Sister Darla McLean, and the experience of ministering to, and spending personal time with, the students of the Ministerial Training Centre. Pastor Tamel’s more recent missions trips included attending a house church meeting in China, during which the noise of worship alerted the police, but was covered by the loud thunder of a sudden storm, so that the authorities could not find the exact location of the saints’ meeting – clearly, God’s intervention to keep His people safe.
A vision for reaching and retaining souls came to Pastor Anthony Tamel in 1991, when Parkway saw its first decline in attendance. The average had dropped by 105 members. But God had an answer just around the corner, though that corner was in Russia. This was a country in which Christian churches didn’t have buildings. So, its believers followed a model espoused in a book written by Ralph Neighbor on the subject of small groups, and met in homes. Pastor Anthony met Ralph Neighbor in Singapore and visited the 6,000 member church where he was on staff. The experience of attending one of their small groups made Parkway’s co-pastor certain his congregation needed this method of winning and keeping souls, and confirmation came in the first year after home groups were implemented: Parkway’s attendance rose by 105 souls! Knowing that the successful change from a traditional church model to a small group model was difficult for many pastors to achieve, Pastor Tamel developed New Wineskins Small Group Seminars. Several annual trainings were held at Parkway, but he and Diane also led a team throughout the United States and to various other countries, where thousands have been reached and discipled through this effective apostolic method. While Diane Tamel was deeply committed to New Wineskins, and accompanying her husband to homes for Bible studies, the Lord gave her visions as well, to develop and implement new ministries. One of these was the Parkway Ladies’ Get-away, which has been an instrument for unity, inspiration, and spiritual
refreshing. She credits her dear friend, the late Eileen Falkey, for encouraging her to make these events happen, and she also thanks Deb West for being the venue liaison and taking care of the important details. Another notable ministry involvement was “Prepared to Last” pre-marriage classes. Diane said that the interaction with couples about to take one of the most important steps of their lives gave her a sense of real purpose. Of the people she has spent most of her adult life serving, Sister Diane says, “The Parkway church family has always and will always be held dear to my heart. From the pastoral days of the late Bishop Frank Tamel to those of my husband’s leadership, the saints have served unselfishly, giving of their time, talents, finances, love, and support. They have followed the vision and have lived our mission, To know Christ, and To Show Christ.” Bishop Tamel’s sentiments are entirely the same. He says, “Our church truly is a family that cares for each other and the work of God sacrificially because of their love for truth. While there are some churches that follow charismatic leaders, our family at Parkway has put their confidence in the apostolic message of God in Christ and the new birth of water and Spirit.” While ministry has always been a priority for this couple, they knew that serving others in the Body was never to be more important than caring for each other and their children. They believed they could best serve the saints through their example of love and loyalty, and they have indeed been consistent and faithful.
After over thirty years of providing vision and leadership, the time came to prepare Parkway for its future, and as a testament to his wisdom and discernment, Anthony Tamel has ushered in a new era with a smooth and godly transfer of oversight. He was led by God to pass the mantle to Pastor Tim Peters, and the church is in very good hands. Bishop Tamel will not be retiring from Kingdom work, as he hopes to do some writing relating to small group ministry and to consult with or coach small group pastors. He is planning to assist with Spanish radio broadcasts on the subject of small groups that will reach a number of Spanish speaking countries, and he hopes to continue teaching Bible Studies wherever and whenever God opens a door. He will also serve on Parkway’s Board of Trustees in an honorary capacity. In the immediate future, the Tamels will be spending time with family and friends, many of whom live out of state, and some they haven’t visited in years. But, home base is the church on Nicholson Road in Oak Creek, and we pray that both Bishop and Sister Diane will continue to bless the people of God with the purity of their hearts for many years to come.
When people give money to the work of Christ, money that could be used for their own needs (or wants), it creates an opportunity to learn a number of things, including, listening to the voice of God, being obedient to his Word, and relying on His provision. Giving can sometimes be a challenge for our family. We own a small remodeling business and our income fluctuates, based on our workload. We don’t earn a set income every month. We have to trust that God will provide. Several years ago, God impressed upon Joe to give to one of our young ministers who periodically preached here at Parkway. Joe was blessed by one of his sermons and asked God what he could do to bless him in return. He immediately felt God say, “Give him money.” However, for a number of weeks, Joe forgot to bring the money, and so, every week, he added one hundred dollars to the total. Finally, after four weeks, he told me to, “Just write a check!” Turns out, the final sum we gave was the exact amount needed for a major car repair the minister had that very week. His wife thanked us with tears in her eyes. It is exhilarating to be directed by God and after being obedient, seeing His will come to pass. In the end of 2017, our largest corporate client made some organizational changes and reduced the amount of work they were doing overall. It didn’t affect us immediately, but we didn’t know what the upcoming year would hold. It could mean a significant drop in our income. Of course, it was at that very same time we were preparing our pledge for Faith Initiatives. We prayed and asked God to show us what we should give.
Joe and I have made it a practice to pray individually, asking God to tell us the amount he wanted our family to give. We have done this countless times, and each time God gives both of us the same number. We came up with the same amount this time as well, and it was twenty percent more than we had pledged the previous year. Even faced with some uncertainty in our business, we pledged what we felt we should. Without a doubt, God has come through. Joe’s workload has been so busy this year, he can hardly complete it all. He’s been working steadily, double and triple booked some days, as God opened several other new avenues for repeat business throughout the year, and we’re also still continuing with the current client. God has provided. Giving sacrificially doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect in your home or family, and our family is an excellent example of that. However, God has shown Himself faithful in our difficulties. We have the obvious challenges that face the family of a special needs child, but we are incredibly overwhelmed with the amount of love and grace God gives us to face these day-to-day obstacles. Because we are learning to trust God with our money, we can learn to trust Him in all the different areas in our lives. God meets our needs more completely and comprehensively than we ever could. God’s provision goes beyond what money can accomplish in our lives; He blesses things that money cannot change. Malachi 3:10, NKJV, says, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”
BENEFITS OF SACRIFICIALLY GIVING written by Joshua Beaugrand Continued from page 1 Most of us can answer, “yes,” as we all have varying interpretations of what giving means. But, if the question was, “Are you a sacrificial giver?” We might need to think twice about that. First, what does it mean to “sacrificially give?” An answer to that question could be that we are giving to the extent that it interrupts our current lifestyle. So, we ask ourselves, are we giving up something in which we take pleasure, in order to further God’s kingdom? That’s sacrificially giving. But why should we give to a point where it interrupts our lifestyle? Isn’t our tithe enough? According to Scripture, we learn that God has something to say about giving above and beyond our tithe. However, these gifts can also reap some rewards. Importantly, sacrificially giving will store up treasures in heaven. This form of giving also has the power to change our attitudes toward things upon which we might have not placed value. If we read the parable of the ten servants in Luke 19, we find that Jesus is trying to tell us that there is a direct correlation of how we handle our resources here on earth and what it means in the life to come. We learn through this story that how we spend our money on earth will have a proportionate impact on what we will be put in charge of for eternity. Jesus is paying attention to what we do with our resources, big or small! He wants to know who He can trust with the important things in the life to come. The second, and even more radical benefit, is that sacrificially giving can inherently change our feelings toward something because of where our money goes. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:21, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Now, most people have the opposite mindset. Some may say, “I don’t feel like giving to the church.” Or, “I don’t feel anything for the widows or orphans.” The problem is, our culture tells us to allow our behaviors to follow our feelings, when Jesus says we have it all backwards. We need to allow our feelings to follow our behaviors. So, what does that mean? Well, if we want to have a burden for the lost, or the homeless, we need to have our behaviors reflect that. We need to give sacrificially to these causes, and in doing so our emotional allegiances will change. That’s what makes this so beautiful. Christ changes our emotional attachment to things when we decide to sacrificially give, as well as storing up treasures for us when we go into the next life. But it’s up to us! Will we sacrifice the temporary things in our life to further His work? Only you can decide. What will your sacrifice be?
INTO 2019
31: Mid-Winter Camp South
1: Mid-Winter Camp South 22-23: Marriage Retreat
MARCH 8-9: Hyphen Conference
APRIL 21: Easter Sunday
16-18: WI District Ladies’ Retreat 31: Parkway Men’s Retreat
1: Parkway Men’s Retreat 9: Pentecost Sunday 18-22: Junior Camp 24-28: Youth Camp 30: Family Camp
1-5: Family Camp 31: North American Youth Congress
1-2: North American Youth Congress 22-24: WI District Men’s Camp
SEPTEMBER 6-7: Parkway Leader’s Retreat
PASTOR’S SUGGESTED READING 1. The God Chasers by Tommy Tenny
4. Beyond Ordinary by Justin and Trisha Davis
This is a book that has been highly impacting in my personal life and also my ministry. Tommy deals with the paradigm that many would have that church is simply a place I go, attend or even do from time to time challenging the reader to desire something more. This is a book that I would recommend that every believer read at least once to calibrate the reason for: why the church… why relationship with God… why intimacy.
Many times marriages are cast aside as quickly as a change of clothes, but this account shows how, through betrayal and great hurt, a marriage can still stand as a testament of God’s faithfulness and ability to restore and use for His glory. 5. The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges God gives the command to be holy and oft times we are not sure even what this means. Jerry gives a perspective that is most certainly intriguing.
2. Leadership Pain by Samuel Chand
10-12: Parkway Ladies’ Getaway
To grow as a leader, it is required that one would have a tolerance for pain. Pain that is often times inflicted upon you by those you are attempting to serve. There is a suffering principle of leadership~ Mark 10:38
6. Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill
3. Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
7. Fasting by Jentezen Franklin
To be a spiritual leader, one must be a servant. Jesus did not teach this principle simply to inspire good character in people but rather a dependence on the Master.
A subject that many do not completely understand and a practice, that very few enjoy, but is so valuable to connection and intimacy with God.
24: Thanksgiving Service
15: Kidz Parkway Christmas Program 22: Christmas Service 31: New Year’s Eve Service
*Dates/events are subject to change
What will it take for the people of God to be moved by what moves God?
“The most important part of Men’s Retreat is connecting with men within the church and making new relationships with individuals that you may not connect with on Sunday or during the week.”
“God always seems to bless us with His presence, and teaches our hearts something that we can carry with us for years to come.”
What do you enjoy most about going to Men’s Retreat?
“I really enjoy breaking the schedule a little bit when they’ve brought in a comedian or other activities for us all to just have a good time together.” What would you say to someone who is unsure about attending? “I would just encourage the importance of fellowship with the body and tell them to expect to be changed by the experience that occurs at Men’s Retreat.” “Men’s Retreat is a great opportunity to gather with other men who are young AND old with having a minimal agenda - to fellowship and learn about God.”
What do you enjoy most about going to Ladies’ Getaway?
“It’s a chance to connect and hear God speak to our tender hearts. I love that through this, I spend time with sisters and friends who are doing life with me.“ What would you say to someone who is unsure about attending? “Ladies’ Getaway is a perfect way to begin developing a deeper relationship with God, be blessed by His unending goodness, and of course have great fellowship.” “The best part of Ladies’ Getaway is you make it what you want. If you’re needing space, you’ll find it there. If you need fellowship, you’ll find it there. God wants to meet all of our unique needs.”
What’s hiding behind those pesky numbers? Connect the dots from the numbers 1-16 to find out!
Look at the list of thirteen words to the right that relate to the above scripture. Find them in the puzzle and circle them. Also circle or cross them out in the list so you can see whch ones you’ve found. Words may appear horizontally, vertically, diagonally, backwards and share letters.
7 10 9
WAYS TO “GIVE” ALL YEAR Giving doesn’t always have to mean giving away your money. Giving can also include doing tasks for someone who may not be able to do it by themselves, preparing a meal or treat for someone who has had a bad day, volunteering at your church, there are so many ways you can give! Check out four different ways that you can give with ideas for each one:
in your community
Mow a neighbor’s yard
Get involved in a ministry at your church
Donate your clothing that no longer fits you
Parkway’s IF campaign - funds go to missionaries AND their children
Help elderly neighbors with yard work
As a family, choose somewhere local to volunteer your time each month
Give away some of the toys that you no longer play with
Practice saving, spending, and giving
Make a meal for someone who may need it
Design your own service project to address a need
Donate non-perishable food items to your local food pantry
Host a bake sale to raise extra funds to give away
coloring contest Please submit your coloring page into the wooden box located in the Still Waters Bookstore by Sunday, February 3, 2019. The winners will be announced in the Worship Center on Family Sunday in March.
(JAN. - OCT.)
Sonia Carrasquillo
Carlos Pizzaro
Penny Frank
Gage Reff
Jason Gondek
Paul Reff Alejandra Renteria
Sheri Gondek Brock Huisman Tyrone Keith Jr Julia Kennedy Mia Mazurkiewicz Breanna Moore Ellie Moore Heather Morales
Eileen Schmitz Shelby Sheridan Lincoln Thielecke Ada Torres Carter Torres Yvette Torres Taylor Tyryfter
Joe Morales
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 Fear: has ceased to exist. “What time I am afraid, I will trust thee.” Psalm 56:3
Diana Alfonzo
Prentis Scott
Adrian Arzuaga
Shelby Sheridan
Corinne Baer
Hayllie Stindle
Taylor Borchardt
Rudy Talavera
Tina Brinkman
Marley Taylor
David Caldwell
Lincoln Thielecke
Cristian Camarillo
Allison Thompson
Deniz Ceballos
Hunter Thompson
The broken heart: has been mended.
Sierra Dawson
Ada Torres
Laurel Gildemeister
Carter Torres
“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3
Benjamin Graichen
Daniel Torres
Adina Maynard
Tinisha Torres
Jessica Mazurkiewicz
Yvette Torres
Frank Mitchell
Joseph Valenzuela
Kaitlynn Mitchell
Nathanael Valenzuela
Heather Morales
Giovanni Velazquez
Joe Morales
Audrey Voigt
Brittany Nelson
Doug Voigt
Aiden Rairie
Grant Voigt
Samantha Schwartz
Jonathan Weber
Pain: has been conquered. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4 Sin: has lost its power. “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” Romans 6:14
Weakness: has been made strong. “Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.” Isaiah 35:4
Discouragement: has become joy. “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Isaiah 41:10 Bondage/Addiction: no longer defines me. “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” James 1:2-3 Death: has been overcome. “But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:” 2 Timothy 1:10 Temptation: has been buried. “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” 1 Cor 10:13
PARKWAY’S GROW CLASS Recently been baptized? Are you new to Parkway Church? Or, do you just have questions?
Our 4-week discipleship course is designed as a beginning point for Parkway believers. If you are new in your faith, looking for where you belong in the Body of Christ, or have
recently transferred from another church, GROW is for you. While the course runs in 4-week cycles, it is ongoing. So, you can join at any time. A few of the lessons covered are: The Importance of God’s Word, How to Pray, and Spiritual Warfare.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is true in all that it teaches. As the flawless Word of God, it is our only authority for what we believe and how we live (2 Tim 3.15-17).
God created us to thrive in relationship, first with Him and then with one another. Doing life together is a principle that we find throughout the Bible and is supported and taught through the teachings of the New Testament (Acts 2:42-47; Matt. 18:20; Heb. 10:24-25; 2 Tim. 2:2).
CHRISTIAN LIVING As Christians we are to love God and love others. We are to worship God joyfully and seek to live a life that is pleasing to Him both inwardly and outwardly—in our thoughts, words, and actions. We are empowered to live a life pleasing to God through the Holy Spirit. As a Pentecostal church, we believe that the supernatural gifts of the Spirit are for the church today and are available to all Spirit-filled believers (Mark 12.28-31; 1 Cor 12.810; 2 Cor 7.1; Rom 8.13-14; Gal 5.1926; Heb 12.14).
GOD + JESUS There is only one God. The One God has revealed Himself to us as our Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that is, the One God manifested in and through an authentic human life. To see Jesus is to see God. (Deut 6.4; John 14.9; Eph 4.4-6; Col 2.9; 1 Tim 3.16).
SIN + SALVATION Everyone has sinned and needs salvation. Salvation comes by grace through faith based on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Rom 3.23-25; 6.23; Eph 2.8-9).
COMMUNION The cup and the bread are taken by believers together in remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us, until He comes again at the end of this age (1 Cor. 11:23-27).
HEALING God still provides physical and emotional healing, deliverance from addiction, restoration of relationships, and transformed lives (James 5:14-15; Isaiah 53:4-5).
There are times when a person would say they have fundamental beliefs about important matters such as finances, marriage, abortion, raising children, or education and in the substantiating of these beliefs they would pull upon facts. Facts are something that are not simply a result of belief, feeling or simply a mental assent of the individual, but are rather based upon evidence that can be discovered, tested and proven by others. When it comes to matters of faith and God, it seems as though this criteria is all but discarded, and we allow ourselves to base not only fundamental beliefs, but eternal outcomes, on simply feeling, emotion and personal confidence.
The Bible is and has been proven throughout the centuries to not only be relevant and timeless, but also factual and accurate. This is why you will find what we believe to be based upon the whole counsel of the Bible and also our confident hope of eternal life with our Creator, God, and Savior Jesus Christ therein. We would ask you as you peruse this section that you remember that these are not simply beliefs of one individual or organization, but rather timeless truths and sure promises given to us by our Great God.
The gospel is the good news that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again. We express our belief in the gospel through our obedience to the gospel. We obey the gospel and apply it to our lives by repenting of our sins (death to sin), being baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins (burial), and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit (resurrection). This threefold experience is the consistent pattern of conversion in the early church (1 Cor 15.1-4; 2 Thes 1.8; 1 Pet 4.17; Mark 1.15; Acts 15.7; Rom 6.3-4; Acts 2.4, 37-39; 8.9-17; 10.1-48; 19.1-7).
Jesus Christ is coming again to catch away His church. In the end will be the final resurrection and the final judgment. The righteous will inherit eternal life, and the unrighteous eternal death (1 Thes 4.16-17; Rev 20.11-15).
BENEFITS OF SERVING written by James Bentley
A servant is one who is subject to the direction or control of an individual. For us Christians, this means we are under submission to God first, and then, to one another. Jesus said: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39). The simplest benefit of serving is that an immediate need of an individual is met. We are told, “You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and needy in your land”(Deuteronomy 15:11). “So the people asked him, saying, ‘What shall we do then?’ He answered and said to them, ‘He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise” (Luke 3:1011). By serving, we also exercise the gifts that God has given us. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” We do this because we were wired to do so! “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). Christian love means putting the other person
first REGARDLESS of the cost, so serving makes us humble. Jesus’ style of ministry is the opposite of the world’s power-based mentality in which authority, praise, and power are viewed as badges of importance. “He that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” (Matthew 23:11-12). There is no greater example of humility than Jesus Christ Himself! Listen to what Paul says in Philippians 2:3-8: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,
being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” In Charles Swindoll’s book, The Quest for Character, and in the chapter entitled, The Gift that Lives On, these words form a fitting conclusion: “In our pocket of society where pampered affluence is rampant, we are often at a loss to know what kind of gifts to buy our friends and loved ones… the standard type gift won’t cut it… I have a suggestion… [the] ideal gift is … yourself. In your quest for character, don’t forget the value of unselfishness. That’s right, give some of yourself away… Jesus taught: ‘…to the extent that you did to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.’” (Matthew 25:40).
THE ACT OF SERVING written by Pastor Shane Maki
Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” While highly respected and admired, Gandhi is far from the only notable voice to encourage serving, and yet, the thought of it can make us cringe when the presentation of a need tugs at our heart strings. The word “servant” quickly conjures up mental visions of butlers and maids seemingly joyless and downcast. Those that have a positive mental attitude, that have somehow been plunged into the depths of servitude, are the ones our fairytales tell us will be elevated out of this lowly state, which should be reserved for only the worst kind of people. This paradigm comes against a brick wall as we step into the teaching of Jesus and try to adapt to the Biblical world view. The idea of servitude as a punishment is complete counterculture to the Biblical call for us to all serve one another. Yet, the power of the principles of God’s Word has started seeping into even the most self-centered world views. In December of 2017, the Huffington Post updated an article promoting the benefits of serving others. These benefits included research completed by professors, polling, and scientific studies of biological responses. They recorded 7 measurable benefits to serving others: more happiness, reduced stress, relief from pain, longer lifespan, lower blood pressure, reduced depression, and career improvement. Brain studies of research volunteers showed releases of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, which help to create buffers to stress and dole out feelgood chemical responses. The acts of volunteering, of those who suffer from chronic pain, showed statistically significant improvements of before and
after pain ratings. Other findings included an up to 22% reduction in mortality rates and a 40% decrease in hypertension. Dependence support groups show long term sustainability and reduction in depressioninfluenced isolation. Finally, the research put into the Halo Effect study concludes that volunteering increases confidence and energy, which results in direct improvement to individual career tracks. Despite these amazing benefits, the same studies also show that not all volunteering is beneficial. In fact, the sure fire wet blanket to the power of serving is that of obligation. For service to produce its potential benefits, we must care, not just about the act, but more importantly, we must care about those we are serving. This syncs directly with the Biblical world view of service. With Jesus as our greatest example, it should come as no surprise that He emphasized the act of serving others. On His arrival to Jerusalem, before His death, Jesus taught His disciples the value of servitude. John 13:4-5 records His first action after His arrival as one of washing the disciples’ feet. In verse 8, we find a very interesting response when Peter refuses to allow Jesus to wash his feet. Jesus tells him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” Essentially, He was saying, “Peter, if you do not receive this example, then you have received no part of Me at all.” The first priority of our Savior, before He went to the cross, was to give all of us the example that would become the prerequisite of taking part in His kingdom: the act of serving. While the world at large is starting to understand the benefits of serving, for the children of God, serving is more than just an action with positive results. Service is the avenue Jesus provided for us to have part in who He really is – a servant.
Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson, moneymanagement class taught by America’s most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more. And now you can experience this life-changing class the way that’s best for you: with other people in a local group, online at your own pace or both! See Joshua Beaugrand for more information or email 4u@theoakcreekchurch.com.
PURPOSE INSTITUTE “Apostolic Ministry, Methods, and Doctrine” Purpose Institute is a ministry training institution that partners with local Apostolic trainers anywhere in the world. PI enables trainers to develop leader’s ministry skills and to clarify their individual purpose. Purpose Institute supports the local mission by providing curriculum and systems that are adaptable and accessible ministry training resources. The Purpose Institute curriculum has been designed to cycle in eight semesters. A student can begin at any point in the cycle and follow the curriculum through to completion. Each semester is designed to be a good mix of courses that include a focus on biblical, leadership, and spiritual training. The curriculum is currently available in multiple languages.
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Continued from page 1
We have this innate desire to serve, to assist, to help, to rescue and to lift another human. This is why we read questions like this one found in 1 John 3:17 (NLT) “If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person?” Is it possible that being stingy or selfish is a learned behavior? Possibly, but it may also be a result of the fallen nature of our humanity. Understanding who God is and the model He showed for us to follow, I believe it becomes very clear that we honor God when we care for one another. When we are willing to give sacrificially to the work of the kingdom that the gospel message might be shared in our families, our communities, our country and also around the world, I believe we model behavior or an attitude that causes God to smile. We read in Proverbs 19:17 (NLT) “If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord— and He will repay you!” When we do the work of the Lord by extending mercy and love through action and finances, we can be confident that God will repay. I heard it once said this way, “God keeps good score” and we know that our God is faithful. We, as a church, have been so blessed and as you are reading this you are holding a 4 year story that continues to be written of the faithfulness of God’s
people to the vision of Parkway Apostolic Church. “To know Christ and to show Christ.” I, as Senior Pastor, am very humbled to have been handed the baton from a prior generation that began to run with the vision that we as a church could truly do more and give more, that together, we could have an even greater impact in our world with the love of Christ. I give honor here to the leadership of our former Senior Pastor Anthony Tamel and his wife Diane. As you have read this printing you have seen that we have highlighted some of the various facts of their lives, given for kingdom advancement. They truly are spiritual giants in my life. Having perused the articles within this printing, it would be my hope that you would be moved to a place of gratitude for God’s goodness to you and for the privilege to be a part of something bigger than any of us. We are part of the Kingdom of God and we stand as ambassadors of the only hope in this world, Salvation through Jesus Christ and Him alone. Please consider joining with us again this coming year as we seek to make a difference for the cause of Christ with your continued faithful giving.
Did you know that Parkway Church offers scholarships for those who are actively involved in a ministry on campus? Base Camp - $100 / per semester The Climb - $200 / per semester The Summit - $300 / per semester See Vanessa Sparks for more information or email 4u@theoakcreekchurch.com.
ABOUT IF In this issue of IF, it is our hope that you would be moved to a place of gratitude for God’s goodness to you and for the privilege to be a part of something bigger than any of us. The print version of IF is published annually in December. The publication is also available online via www.issuu.com/ parkwaychurch.
Parkway Church 10940 S Nicholson Rd Oak Creek, WI 53154
Senior Pastor Tim Peters
Parkway Church
1 414 571 2680 4u@theoakcreekchurch.com www.theoakcreekchurch.com @WeAreParkway