April 2012 Florida Parliamentarian

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The Florida Theme: Volume 32, Number 2

April 2012

Parliamentary Procedure Joins the Electronic Age

Presidents Message


FSAP Newsletter Article for April 2012, Nancy S. Dauster, PRP

“Let all things be

The Plantation Unit of Parliamentarians (PUP) is hosting this spring meeting of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians from Friday May 11 to Sunday morning, May 13, 2012. We will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites at 1701 N. University Drive in Plantation, FL 33322, in southeast Florida. The direct phone number is 954-472-5600. The hotel rate includes a hot buffet breakfast. Look for further information in this newsletter. PUP is a very large unit with lots of members and resources. We’re delighted they are going to be the hosts. It should be fun and educational.

done decently and in order.” I Corinthians 14:40

Presidents Message


Yearbook Correction


Questions and Answers


Scholarship Fund


Electronic Age


Annual Session Info


Registration Form


Members and Happenings



On Friday we are all in for a treat at "Our Backyard Museum" in Plantation. Please plan to arrive on Friday night before 7PM and see this wonderful program our local guests have planned. It is necessary that you make reservations in advance. The program will feature parliamentary contest demonstrations by local middle school and high school students. Coffee and dessert will be served following our tour so please R.S.V.P. by emailing Barbara Proctor, PRP (askaprp@yahoo.com) or Patricia McDougle, PRP (patmcdougle@att.net) or calling Carol Cotton (h) 954791-2156 or (m) 954-591-9105 and let us know you will be attending. There will be a business meeting for all FSAP members Saturday morning followed by a special workshop given by the Vice President of the National Association of Parliamentarians, Ann Guiberson, titled “The 21st Century Parliamentarian”. She will review the major differences between the 10th Edition and 11th Edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised”. Then lunch will be served and we will have a special guest. Will it be Thomas Jefferson, Martha Washington, or someone else?

Continue on page 2 1

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After lunch are basic and advanced workshops. The basic workshops are A Review of the 300 Questions for the NAP Exam followed by a Slide Show/Game based on the 300 Questions from the earlier session. The NAP membership exam will be offered on Saturday afternoon. Please read the article about the exam. There will be two advanced workshops on Saturday afternoon and one on Sunday morning. Also on Sunday morning there will be a memorial service including a Memorial Day Tribute including a video presentation “White Crosses on Green Grass” by Steve Amerson. Everyone is invited to attend the Florida Unit of Registered Parliamentarians (FURP) short meeting and workshop right after the Memorial Tribute. This meeting of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians should be outstanding and memorable. Please plan to attend.

"At least in the public eye, a president carries the major responsibility for the success, effectiveness, and reputation of an organization. A capable president must therefore be a jack-of-all trades and a master of one - the ability to get along with people." from Pointers on Parliamentary Procedure, Louise E. Bereskin The Florida Parliamentarian is the official publication of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians, published four times a year; February, April, September, December. Subscription rate: $20 per year. © 2005 Florida State Association of Parliamentarians

Nancy Dauster,PRP, Editor-in Chief 941-505-2122 E-mail: jndauster@aol.com

DEADLINES FOR COPY February issue > > > > Dec 31st April issue > > > > > Mar. 1st September issue > > > > July 31st December issue > > > > Oct 31st

Karen Price, Editor 941-697-8000 E-mail: craftyksp@ewol.com

SEND ADDRESS CORRECTIONS TO: Nancy Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, Florida 33606-3107

Dorothy Demarest, PRP, Associate Editor 239-417-5269 Email: ParliDDR@aol.com

FSAP WEBSITE http://www.flparliamentarian.com

Nancy H. Watkins Circulation Manager 813-254-3369 nwatkins@robertwatkins.com


Year Book Corrections: Patti Schwindt, RP, 1625 S. Delaney Ave, Orlando, FL 32806-3054 schwindtp@bellsouth.net 407-423-4750 Mary Scull Brown, 1008 South Sterling Ave., Tampa, FL 33629, 813-254-2535 Marla Portz, correct email to marlaportz@gmail.com Please advise if you have any corrections craftyksp@gmail.com

Judges Needed As most of you know, NAP partners with several youth organizations. Part of that partnership requires that NAP provide judges for the organization’s national parliamentary competition. Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) will hold their national convention in Orlando June 20 – June 23, 2012. The specific date for the parliamentary competition is yet to be announced. However, if you are available in that time frame, if you would like to have the rewarding experience of seeing these outstanding young people perform in competition, contact Brandon Walters at brandonhwalters@gmail.com.

FSAP Book Service Special!! The FSAP Book Service is the unique distributor for An Elementary Course in Parliamentary Procedure (Revised Edition). It was written by Florida’s Dr. Herberta Ann Leonardy, NAP president 1959-1961. This handy booklet is organized into a series of lessons covering most relevant information. It is only available from FSAP for $5. Other titles are also available. Add $3 for postage to each full order. Orders and all inquiries should be directed to Joyce Gleason at 941-637-5921, or joycegle@earthlink.net.


Questions and Answers Associate Editor


All page numbers are references to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition unless otherwise noted. Send your questions to the Associate Editor: Dorothy Demarest, PRP , 3634 Zion Park Ct. Naples, Fl or at ParliDDR@aol.com

Disclaimer: The questions answered in this column are answers to questions on parliamentary procedure. If you are a member of a Florida condominium association, homeowner’s association, etc. the answers might not be applicable because of the Florida Statutes, or the bylaws of the home owners association. Florida statutes, bylaws of the association and in the case of governmental bodies have rules which have precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order


Introduction: These opinions are gleaned from an out of print book published by the American Institute of Parliamentarians in 1982. The book Parliamentary Opinions was written by Virginia Schlotzhauer, William J. Evans, and John R. Stipp, all of whom are deceased. Most of the opinions in the book were taken from the Parliamentary Opinions column found in the Parliamentary Journal from 1962 to 1974. This issue’s opinions are on the topic of nominations. All references are taken from Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised 11th edition unless otherwise stated.

Question: With seven directors to be elected, and with nominations from the floor, may a delegate nominate more than one?

Opinion: Except by general consent, no one may nominate more than one candidate until each delegate has had a reasonable opportunity to nominate one. After each delegate has had an opportunity each delegate may nominate an additional candidate, and so on, but no delegate may nominate a total of more than the number to be elected.

Question: Under our bylaws, the immediate past president of the organization is made chairman of the nominating committee. The president resigned and his resignation was accepted. Upon becoming immediate past president the resigning president retired and moved away from the locality so he is unable to serve as chairman of the nominating committee? What can our organization do?

Opinion: If the immediate past president cannot or will not serve as chairman of the nominating committee, the only course of action the organization can take is to ask the other members of the nominating committee to select a chairman pro tempore.

Question: What should be done if a nominee of the nominating committee withdraws after the nominating committee has reported and before balloting has begun ? Opinion: The nominating committee is automatically revived, and it should meet at once and attempt to agree on another nomination. This procedure may not work and the organization may need to depend on an alternative method of making nominations, for example from the floor, or by ballot, or on a ballot election without nominees. (RONR p.435)


HERBERTA ANN LEONARDY SCHOLARSHIP FUND FLORIDA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS This form explains in detail the essentials that are needed to complete an application. CRITERIA In order to be considered as a recipient of the Herberta Ann Leonardy Scholarship an applicant must be sponsored by a Registered Parliamentarian or a Unit and shall: 1. Be a Florida resident 2. Must have some training in Parliamentary Procedure 3. A. be a student entering college B. be a student pursuing a business or technical career C. be a student furthering his/her studies. D. be a FSAP member wishing to further his/her parliamentary studies, including taking the Registered Examination, Professional Development or Professional Qualifying Courses. FSAP Scholarship Fund will pay NAP fees required to take the RP Examination, PD Course or PQ Course. Member must show a financial need for the funds. 4. Submit an application form including: A. list of educational accomplishments B. list of references C. purpose of request D. training in Parliamentary Procedure Past recipients may reapply. APPLICATION FORM FOR HERBERTA ANN LEONARDY SCHOLARSHIP FLORDIA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS DATE__________________ NAME___________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________CITY _______________________ZIP _______________ TELEPHONE # _____________________FL RESIDENT?

YES_____ NO ________

CATEGORY OF APPLICANT (see #3 above) ___________________________________________ SPONSOR ____________________________________________________ MUST BE A REGISTERED PARLIAMENTARIAN OR UNIT SIGNATUREOFSPONSOR ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ______________________________________________________ ATTACH RESUME' INCLUDING LIST OF EDUCATION AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS, REFERENCES, AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST. SEND TO: Janet O. Falk, 570 Capt. Hendry Dr., LaBelle, FL 33935-4207


Parliamentary Procedure Joins the Electronic Age Nancy S. Dauster, PRP

decide who has the authority to call the special meeting. Please note that all the meetings suggested are for board or committee meetings not for the assembly.

As you probably know my theme for this biennium is Parliamentary Procedure Joins the Electronic Age. In the last couple of months I’ve been a participant in several Teleconference meetings. Although Robert’s prefers that meetings take place in a room where everyone can see and hear each other, that’s not always possible.

5. A minimum of (hours or days) notice shall be provided to all participants via telephone by the (secretary, presiding officer or chairman). Such notice shall include the agenda and supporting documentation for business to be conducted at the e-meeting. If notice is via email or fax, participants shall be required to check their messages at specified intervals and respond within a specified time whether or not they are able to attend. Sometimes it could be a mixed meeting, some in person and some call-in. Everyone should have the same items of business or supporting documents. Comment: In one instance, several of us checked in on a conference call but not the person who called the meeting and a couple of others who were not online at the designated time. They all lived in a different time zone than those of us on the phone at the appointed hour. We agreed to call back an hour later when we were all online. Remember to designating the proper time zone for a meeting.

Here are some of the rules to be followed from the book: Rules for Electronic Meetings, A Guide to Develop Rules for E-Meetings, by the National Association of Parliamentarians. The rules I discuss are for telephone meetings. I recommend you purchase this outstanding book. 1. All participants must have access to the necessary equipment. Comment: Seems easy but not everyone has clear cell phone reception in rural areas. 2. All participants must be able to simultaneously hear in order to participate during the e-meeting. A member participating in an e-meeting by this means is deemed to be present at the meeting. 3. Regular (board and/or committee) meetings may be held via e-meetings. These meetings may be used to consider, investigate, or take action on certain matters or subjects. Groups may face restrictions imposed by state statutes or by your organization’s bylaws.

6. A majority of the (board or committee) members shall constitute a quorum for an e -meeting and once established, shall be assumed present until the e-meeting is adjourned. Members are deemed present when they respond to the role call. Since visibility of members is not possible, a roll call is the most effective method to ascertain the presence of a quorum. If members have to leave early they should announce the fact to the group.

4. Special (board or committee) meetings may be held via e-meetings called as designated in the bylaws, by the presiding officer or committee chairman, or by a certain number of members. Each organization must decide if they will allow phone meetings for special meeting and

7. The (board presiding officer or committee chairman) shall call the e-mail meeting to order at the designated time and call the roll of attendees. It is the duty of the presiding officer or committee chairman to determine the presence of a quorum. Continue on page 7 6

8. Participants shall try, as much as possible, to eliminate background noise during the e-meeting, i.e., radio, television, music, appliances, and side conversations. Participants shall not place the telephone on hold if the system has music or messages playing while in that mode. Comment: This has been a problem on telephone conferences in which I have participated. I hear side conversations, music, appliances and dishes being washed. A good way to avoid that is to push the mute button, but remember to turn it off when you want to enter in discussion.

It provides an equal opportunity for all participants to speak. Each organization must decide whether participants may interrupt to make a request or inquiry, e.g., raise a point of order or request information. 10. Board procedures for minutes shall be the same for e-meetings as for face-toface meetings. Committees should designate a member to prepare a memorandum of each e-meeting. Other areas that might require rules involve how costs will be covered or limited, what happens if a communication link is lost, if the chair may participate in discussion, if a second will be required and which motions will or will not be entertained.

9. The (board presiding officer or committee chairman) shall announce each agenda item in order. Each member shall be called upon (by predetermined order) to speak. The member may speak in debate, offer a motion or pass. After each member has had the opportunity to speak the first time, the (board presiding officer or committee chairman) shall call upon each member to speak further in debate, offer a motion, or pass. By unanimous consent, a third opportunity to speak may be offered. All votes on a motion shall be by roll call. This rule handles the problem of recognition or domination of debate by a few.

This report is only a small portion of this timely book, Rules for Electronic Meeting

Interesting News City adopts Robert's Rules Alamogordo Daily News (New Mexico) By Laura London, Staff Writer Posted: 02/29/2012 10:51:42 PM MST The Alamogordo City Commission adopted rules of conduct for its meetings during its regular meeting Tuesday night, officially making the latest revised edition of Robert's Rules of Order the guiding procedure for meeting.


May Annual Session Information The Plantation Unit of Parliamentarians invites everyone to attend the upcoming FSAP meeting in Plantation. Our “Welcome” begins at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, May 11th at “Our Backyard Museum” at 11701 NW 12th Street, Plantation Acres, FL 33323. The program will feature parliamentary contest demonstrations by local middle school and high school students. Coffee and dessert will be served following our tour so please R.S.V.P. by emailing Barbara Proctor, PRP (askaprp@yahoo.com) or Patricia McDougle, PRP (patmcdougle@att.net) or calling Carol Cotton (h) 954-791-2156 or (m) 954-591-9105 and let us know you will be attending.

Take a tour and step back in time at Our Backyard Museum In the heart of Broward County is a museum which is in a backyard, and this museum is so different that you have to come to see it to believe it. The museum features a fort, civil war collection, a general store, bank, school room, game room, gas station, fire station, a log cabin, a 1910 road grazer (used to build roads), a music room with player pianos, music boxes that date back to the 19th century … and much, much more. The web page at www.ourbackyardmuseum.com does not begin to tell the story of the quality and depth of this private, antique collection of Americana from the Civil War thru World War II. You do not want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. Carol J. Cotton Plantation Unit of Parliamentarians

Make Mom Proud and Become a Member of NAP Saturday afternoon following the last educational session, PUP members will be monitoring the NAP Exam to encourage its members, as well as other members of the community, to demonstrate their basic knowledge of parliamentary principles by becoming members of NAP. If there are no classes offered in your area, NAP offers an on line course for only $10 at: http://parliamentarians.org/ wbtmemexprep.php The 300 question bank from which 100 questions will be taken is available on the internet at: http://parliamentarians.org/doccenter.php?id=33 Applying for NAP membership involves three steps: 1) Send your completed Membership Application and first-year’s dues to NAP Headquarters. 2) Take the membership exam. 3) Receive confirmation of successful completion of the exam from the NAP MEC. Applications are available online at the National Association of Parliamentarians web site. Regular membership demonstrates a commitment to learning and practicing fair and effective democratic processes, and allows members to participate more fully in the activities of the National Association of Parliamentarians. Regular members help introduce provisional members to parliamentary concepts; serve their local and state/province organizations in leadership roles; and can serve as a delegate to state/province and national conventions. Continue on page 9


Goal: 100% FSAP Unit Participation PUP invites every member and every Unit to participate. We realize everyone is not able to travel, or might have other conflicts, and will be unable to attend. We still invite you to be part of the family by donating something as a raffle prize; something from your community, something in memory of a favorite parliamentarian, or anything related to parliamentary procedure – an autographed photo of Unit members, a favorite parliamentary story or lesson. If you have any questions, please contact PUP’s special committee members, Barbara Proctor, PRP (askaprp@yahoo.com or 561-756-0570), Patricia McDougle, PRP (patmcdougle@att.net) or Carol Cotton. Red, White and Blue Help celebrate by wearing your best red, white and blue. Not only will we have color guards, we will have a video presentation of “Colors” by the Oakridge Boys and “White Crosses on Green Grass” by Steve Amerson. Lunch highlights will include a Living History Presentation … not sure if it will be Thomas Jefferson, Martha Washington, or someone else – we are waiting for their confirmation. PUP is taking is opportunity to introduce the community to the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians and to the National Association of Parliamentarians, as resources to learn more about parliamentary procedure, how to exercise your skills as an officer in an organization, practice facilitating meetings effectively, or become a more effective participant in and contributor to meetings of organizations to which you belong. FSAP and NAP provides its members opportunities to develop and exercise their skills for participating in and leading effective meetings. Whether you prefer to participate in workshops, meet in small groups, or learn independently, NAP can help you achieve your goals. We need your support to by attending and/or sending something to introduce yourself and/or your unit to the community. Directions to Our Backyard Museum … from West Sunrise Blvd turn south on NW 118th Avenue, turn left on NW 12 Street at round-a-bout. Parking will be on your left (north side of road). From Alligator Alley, merge onto I-595, exit at Flamingo Road and travel north to West Sunrise Blvd. – turn right and follow directions. From I-95 or Florida Turnpike, go west on I-595, exit at Flamingo Road and travel north to West Sunrise Blvd. – turn right and following directions.

"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, determined effort, and skilled execution." from Spotlight on Meeting Planning



NAME_______________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________ CITY____________________________ST.____ZIP_____________ PHONE________________________________________________ Unit/Club/Mal/Member/Guest______________________________ FSAP- Office/Chairmanship Held____________________________ UNIT-Office/Chairmanship Held_____________________________ REGISTRATION FEE: (Registration fee includes Saturday lunch) Postmarked no later than May 2nd ………………… Guest lunch .................... Saturday Workshop Only Fee……………………… Late Registration Fee: Postmarked after May 2nd ………………………………………….

$59.00________ $27.00________ $45.00________ $65.00________

TOTAL ENCLOSED…………….. $______________ Cut-off date for Luncheon is May 04 , 2012 SATURDAY DINNER ON YOUR OWN Make checks payable to FSAP and mail to: Marla Portz, 17785 SW 23rd Street, Miramar, Fl. 33029-5120 Email: marlaportz@gmail.com


Holiday Inn Express & Suites 1701 N. University Drive Plantation, Fl. 33322 Phone: 954-472-5600 Fax: 954-476-0458 RESERVATION FORM (Cut and mail or fax directly to hotel. Please Print) NAME__________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________ CITY________________________ST________ZIP_____________ ARRIVAL DATE___________DEPARTURE DATE_______ Room Rate is $89.00 per night plus applicable state and local taxes Complimentary Breakfast is included in room rate Non/Smoking Only One (King)____ or Two/Doubles______

PARKING IS FREE GUARANTEE: Submit one night’s deposit or fill out the following information. Amex_____ Diners_______ Discover______ Master Card_____ Visa____ ________________________ Card Holder’s Name _________________________ Card Holder’s Signature

____________________________________ Credit Card Number __________________________________ Expiration Date

DEADLINE FOR ROOM RATE GUARANTEE: APRIL 11, 2012 Group Name: Florida State Association of Parliamentarians


MEMBERS AND HAPPENINGS Change of Address : – See page 3 for corrections Congratulations to our newest Professional Registered Parliamentarian : Timothy Wynn,PRP, Central Florida Congratulations to our newest Registered Parliamentarian: Dona Garner, RP ,CCPU Welcome to our newest Provisional Members: Fred McFarland, CCPU Welcome to our newest NAP Members : David Schwartz, MAL, Gainesville; Beth Bond, Bradenton Unit; Ron Guiberson and Roberta Jordan, both from Florida Alpha Unit

Florida State Association of the National Association of Parliamentarians Nancy H. Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606-3107



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