The Florida Volume 34, Number 2
April 2014
President’s Message
Motto “Let all things be
FSAP President’s New Year Message.
done decently and
The New Year started off with a bang and a bullet through my carport and into the trunk lid of my car. I hope your start of 2014 was less indenting.
in order.” I Corinthians 14:40
Presidents Message Mary T. Randolph, Bio
1-2 3
Proposed Bylaw Amendments 4,5,8 Questions and Answers
Registration Forms
Scholarship Application
The Educational Outreach Committee has chosen to have a booth at the Community Associations Institute trade show in Bradenton on March 21. The committee will be promoting parliamentary procedure for the officers, managers and members of the condo, homeowners and co-operative groups. NAP Basic Info Sheets and other items will be handed out by FSAP members. They also will be speaking to passers-by about FSAP and how a parliamentarian can help them have better meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order. Sixty years ago Herberta Leonardy founded FSAP, later a scholarship was created in her name. The FSAP Scholarship Committee has been refining the criteria by which members of FSAP may apply for a scholarship. Read the criteria elsewhere in this newsletter and maybe you’d like to apply. This is the official call to the annual meeting May 2 – 4, 2014, at the Holiday Inn Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota; same hotel as last May. Send in your registration slips now and reserve your hotel room. The education will feature you, the member, so bring your questions.
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Even though prices have gone up, the room fee includes a hot breakfast. The registration fee covers a Saturday luncheon and evening meal at the hotel. FSAP is privileged to have First Vice President, Mary Randolph, as the NAP representative. Mary will fly all the way from Washington State to attend our meeting. She will share the latest from NAP, take part in our educational panels and be the keynote speaker at the evening meal. Mary looks forward to meeting all of you. Let’s do our best to have a large turnout to welcome her. Many units have asked for proclamations from mayors, city councils or county commissioners to declare April as Parliamentary Law Month. Don’t forget you can also celebrate Henry M. Robert’s birth month in May. Maybe you can round up some scarce Oh! Henry candy bars to sweeten the day. I look forward to your participation at the annual meeting in May. It will be fun.
Shirley Brodbeck,RP FSAP President
The Florida Parliamentarian is the official publication of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians, published four times a year; February, April, September, December. Subscription rate: $20 per year. © 2005 Florida State Association of Parliamentarians
Shirley Brodbeck, RP, Editor-in Chief DEADLINES FOR COPY February issue > > > > Dec 31st April issue > > > > > Mar. 1st September issue > > > > July 31st December issue > > > > Oct 31st
941-722-2281 E-mail: Karen Price, Editor 941-697-8000 E-mail:
SEND ADDRESS CORRECTIONS TO: Nancy Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, Florida 33606-3107
Patricia McDougle, PRP, Associate Editor 954-791-5957 Email:
Nancy H. Watkins, PRP, Circulation Manager 813-254-3369
FSAP Spring Annual Meeting, May 2 – 4, 2014 Holiday Inn Lakewood Ranch – Sarasota Exciting education involving everyone. NAP Vice President Mary L. Randolph, CPP-T, PRP of Washington will be our national representative at the annual meeting.
Mark your calendar now and make plans to attend !!!
Mary L. Randolph, CPP-T, PRP Parliamentary Resources 10491 E State Route 106 Union, Washington 98592
Phone: 360.898.2712 Fax: 360.898.2712 Mobile: 360.791.8878 Email: Mary Randolph is a Certified Professional Parliamentarian Teacher (CPP-T) and a Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP) with over twenty years experience in parliamentary procedure. She has the privilege of residing in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and travels throughout the United States to provide services to local, regional and clients. Her objective as a professional parliamentarian is to assist an association in accomplishing the business of the organization by applying parliamentary principles and procedures to the degree that the organization may accomplish their business in a fair and efficient manner. Services: Consultant for meeting procedures Convention services including script writing, presiding officer training, and consultation Bylaws consultant for document review, development, amendments, and revision Parliamentary opinions Customized workshops and training for boards, conventions, and organizations Experience: BS degree in education from the University of Washington Owner and operator of Parliamentary Resources Past parliamentarian for the 3,500 member National Association of Parliamentarians Past secretary for the National Association of Parliamentarian Past president of the Washington State Association of Parliamentarians Parliamentarian for state and national organizations
The Bylaws committee has submitted proposed amendments to our bylaws for your consideration. Please review and bring the proposed information with you To the Annual Meeting May 3, 2014
Proposed Amendment to the FSAP Bylaws Current wording
To be amended by
If adopted, would read
Article III-- Membership Section 3. Resignation, Reinstatement, Forfeiture
Striking out: “and payment of the FSAP reinstatement fee”
B. A former member who resigned in good standing may be granted reinstatement in accordance with NAP bylaws.
B. A former member who resigned in good standing may be granted reinstatement in accordance with NAP bylaws and payment of the FSAP reinstatement fee. Rationale: The amendment corrects an oversight. FASP no longer charges reinstatement fees.. Proposed Amendments to the FSAP Bylaws Current wording To be amended by
If adopted, would read
Article V, Section 1.A.
Article V, Section 1.A.
Annual per capita dues shall be: 2. Members-at-large $30.00
After “Members-atlarge,” strike “$30.00” and insert “$25.00.”
Annual per capita dues shall be: 2. Members-at-large $25.00
Rationale: This would equalize the FSAP dues for all primary members, rather than penalizing members-at-large; and it would encourage members to join FSAP even if there is no unit within commuting distance of their homes. Proposed by Bylaws Committee Continue on page 5
Proposed Amendment to the FSAP Bylaws Current wording
To be amended by
Article V, Section 1.A. Annual per capita dues shall be: 3. Affiliate – Florida unit member $25.00 4. Affiliate – non-Florida unit $30.00 5. Provisional $25.00
If adopted, would read Article V, Section 1.A.
In 3, strike “-- Florida unit member,” and “4. Affiliate – non-Florida unit $30.00.” Renumber 5.
Annual per capita dues shall be: 3. Affiliate $25.00 4. Provisional $25.00
Rationale: This would equalize the FSAP dues for all affiliate members, rather than penalizing affiliate members who are not unit members; and it would encourage members to join FSAP even if there is no unit within commuting distance of their homes. Proposed by Bylaws Committee Please bring proposed amendments to the Annual Meeting Proposed Amendment to the FSAP Bylaws Current wording
To be amended by
If adopted, would read
Article VI, Section 4.D. Strike “10. receive the names, addresses and fees of new members and provisional’s upon their affiliation with a unit or study club;” and create a new Article VI, Section 4.G.11 to assign the responsibility to the treasurer. Rationale: The change would reduce postage costs and enable checks to be handled more efficiently because they would not have to be mailed to the second vice-president before being mailed to the treasurer, who could simply email the names and addresses to the second vice-president. Proposed by the Bylaws Committee. The second vice-president shall: 10. receive the names, addresses and fees of new members and Provisional’s upon their affiliation with a unit or study club;
Continue on page 8
Questions and Answers Associate Editor All page numbers are references to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition unless otherwise noted. Send your questions to the Associate Editor: Patricia McDougle, PRP , Email: Q&A
Disclaimer: The questions answered in this column are answers to questions on parliamentary procedure. If you are a member of a Florida condominium association, homeowner’s association, etc. the answers might not be applicable because of the Florida Statutes, or the bylaws of the home owners association. Florida statutes, bylaws of the association and in the case of governmental bodies have rules which have precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order FLORIDA PARLIAMENTARIAN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR SECOND QUARTER 2014
Question 8. At a recent meeting at which debate on a controversial issue was lengthy (very) a member moved to adjourn at 4:30 p.m. The motion on adjourn was adopted and the debate continued. Was this procedure correct? Answer 8. No. When adjourn is qualified in any way it is not a privileged motion but an incidental main motion (p. 233, ll. 9-16). As such it would not have been in order to move to adjourn at 4:30 while another main motion was pending. The chair should have ruled this motion to adjourn out of order. However, it would have been in order to move to adjourn in an unqualified form with no mention of time for adjourning making it the privileged motion and, if adopted, closing the meeting immediately. —(p. 233, ll. 17-20) Question 9. Our national organization has been amending our bylaws with a two-thirds vote of members present who voted at our annual meeting. It now turns out that the bylaws, as written, require a two-thirds vote of the entire membership. Does that make the amendments previously adopted null and void? Answer 9. Yes. The bylaws have not been amended by the vote required in the bylaws and all amendments thus adopted would be null and void. First, your organization has unknowingly suspended the rules stated in the bylaws. To have suspended the requirement of two-thirds vote of the membership would not have been order since rules contained in the bylaws cannot be suspended unless the rule is in the nature of a rule of order or provides for its own suspension (p. 263, ll. 1-6). Second, since the vote required for amending the bylaws is a rule that cannot be suspended, this becomes a case in which a point of order can be made at any time during the continuance of the breach and Robert says “. . . it is never too late to raise a point order since any action taken is null and void.” —(p. 251, ll. 25-26)
Continued on page 7 6
Continued from page 6
Question 10. What is the difference between an unqualified two-thirds vote and a qualified “two-thirds vote of those present” specifically when applied to bylaws? Answer 10. An unqualified two-thirds vote is based on the actual votes cast by members who are present. The qualified two-thirds vote of those present is based on the total number of voting members who are present without regard to how many voted. Consider this example and note the difference it makes: Number of voting members present Two-thirds of those present
100 67
Number of votes cast Two-thirds of votes cast
90 60
When specifying the vote required to amend bylaws, Robert says that “Efforts to define the meaning of such expressions as "two-thirds vote" should also be avoided in the wording of this article, since these definitions are found in the parliamentary authority. —(p. 582, ll. 27 -30) For the record, the definition of a two-third vote may be found on page 401 of RONR beginning on line 8.
Parliamentary Law Month Or why are we not better known in Florida? Every year the National Association declares April as Parliamentary Law month, however no one else hears about it but we Parliamentarians. We are there to help associations, groups, and people to understand and learn about Parliamentary Procedure. However, talk to anyone and they (a) think they know all about Parliamentary Procedure, and (b) have never heard of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians, much less the National Association of Parliamentarians. We need to begin now to toot our own horns. One easy way, and one which the Apollo 11 Unit is going to do this, is to prepare a display for each and every Library in Brevard County, or as many as we can get into in April, which will include some handy short pieces about Parliamentary Procedure, a copy of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, and our Logo. We are also going to include, where we can get one done, a Proclamation from the local Mayor declaring April as Parliamentary Month in that area. Hopefully a copy of the Proclamation will be included in the display.
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In order to do this we first of all need to prepare now, not wait till March, to get onto the Library schedules, as well as the City Council agendas for the declaration. The Declaration should be done no later than half way through March, which means scheduling in January. And then the displays can go up in April with names and emails of people who can be contacted for information about Parliamentary Procedure, the Unit and the State Association. Also, it might be a good idea to ask the Governor to also do such a declaration, and with luck, get it into the papers. One idea for a declaration is to adapt last years’ that was on the back of the National Parliamentarian, another idea would be for the FSAP Board to draft wording for such a declaration for each unit to try to utilize. We need to begin now, and work to get our name out so that people now we exist, and begin to train new people in the use of Parliamentary Procedure, and the rights of members of assemblies to get their ideas out into the open.
Continued from page 5
Proposed Amendment to the FSAP Bylaws Current wording
To be amended by
Article VI, Section 4.G The treasurer shall: 10. file all necessary forms with the IRS and the state of Florida.
If adopted, would read Article VI, Section 4.G
Add “11. receive the names, addresses and fees of new members and provisionals upon their affiliation with a unit or study club and forward the names and addresses to the second vice-president.”
The treasurer shall: 10. file all necessary forms with the IRS and the state of Florida. 11. receive the names, addresses and fees of new members and provisional’s upon their affiliation with a unit or study club and forward the names and addresses to the second vicepresident. Rationale: The change would reduce postage costs and enable checks to be handled more efficiently because they would not have to be mailed to the second vice-president before being mailed to the treasurer, who could simply email the names and addresses to the second vice-president. Proposed by the Bylaws Committee. Please bring proposed amendments to the Annual Meeting
FLORIDA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS 62nd ANNUAL MEETING Holiday Inn Sarasota-Lakewood Ranch 6231 Lake Osprey Drive Sarasota, FL 34240 May 2 – May 4, 2014 NAME________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________ CITY____________________________________STATE______ZIP______________ Unit__ MAL__ Member__ Guest__ _______________________________________ FSAP-Office/Chairmanship held___________________________________________ UNIT-Office/Chairmanship held____________________________________________ REGISTRATION FEE: Postmarked no later than April 18, 2014 (Includes Saturday lunch and Saturday dinner)
$90 $____________
LATE REGISTRATION FEE: Postmarked after April 18, 2014
$100 $____________
$15 $____________
$27 $____________
Choose one (lunch): Honey-Pecan Chicken Sandwich___ Chef Salad____ Choose one (dinner): Beef Tenderloin Tips____ Filet of Salmon____ List any special dietary needs:______________________________ Non-member fee for SATURDAY WORKSHOPS and lunch TOTAL ENCLOSED
Did you choose your entrée?
Make check payable to FSAP and mail to: Kay Stephens, 2946 Golden View Lane , Orlando, FL 32812-5984 Email: phone: 1-407-658-9779
$65 $____________ $____________
Lakewood Ranch - Sarasota 6231 Lake Osprey Drive Sarasota, FL 34240 Phone: 1-866-782-4401 Fax: 1-941-782-4401 RESERVATION FORM (Cut and mail or fax directly to hotel. Please Print) NAME________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________ ARRIVAL DATE__________________DEPARTURE DATE______________________ Room Rate is $104.00 per night plus applicable state and local taxes (room rate includes a hot breakfast ordered in restaurant) Non-Smoking Only
One (King)______ or Two Queen/Doubles______ PARKING IS FREE
GUARANTEE: Submit one night’s deposit or fill out the following information Amex___ Diners___ Discover___ Master Card___ Visa___
_______________________________ Card Holder’s Name
____________________________________ Credit Card Number
_______________________________ Card Holder’s Signature
____________________________________ Expiration Date
DEADLINE FOR ROOM RATE GUARANTEE: April 11, 2014 Group Name: Florida State Association of Parliamentarians (FSAP) Driving Directions Traveling from the North: I-75 South to exit 213. Left off of exit ramp onto university Parkway. Turn right at the second light onto Lake Osprey Drive. The hotel is located on the left. Traveling from the South: I-75 North to exit 213. Right off of exit ramp onto University Parkway. Turn right at the first light onto Lake Osprey Drive. The hotel is located on the left.
FLORIDA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS HERBERTA ANN LEONARDY SCHOLARSHIP FUND This document explains in detail the essentials that are needed to complete an application. The purpose of this scholarship is to increase and maintain the number of NAP members, Registered Parliamentarians and Professional Registered Parliamentarians. CRITERIA In order to be considered as a recipient of the Herberta Ann Leonardy Scholarship an applicant must be sponsored by a Registered or Professional Registered Parliamentarian or a Unit and shall: 1.Be a member of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians (FSAP) 2. Submit an application form including: A. list of references (one to be a Registered or Professional Registered Parliamentarian or an officer of a Florida Unit) B. Purpose of Request and amount requested (ex: to take the Membership Exam, to become a Registered Parliamentarian, to become a Professional Registered Parliamentarian, to seek renewal, etc.) Past recipients may reapply. APPLICATION FORM FOR HERBERTA ANN LEONARDY SCHOLARSHIP FLORDIA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS DATE ___________________ NAME _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________CITY _____________________ZIP _____________ TELEPHONE #___________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________ ARE YOU A CURRENT STUDENT IN HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE? YES___ NO___ PRINT SPONSOR NAME __________________________ _____ TELEPHONE _______________________ MUST BE A REGISTERED OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTERED PARLIAMENTIAN OR FLORIDA UNIT OFFICER SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR _________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT______________________________________ ATTACH A STATEMENT EXPLAINING IN NOT MORE THAN 250 WORDS THE PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST AND AMOUNT REQUESTED. SEND TO: Carol Austin, 18210 Abbey Lane, Lutz, FL 33548, 813-909-8523 11
What is a webinar and do we really need it? Well, welcome to a new age for those of us who are used to pens, pencils and typing onto a computer screen to communicate. That would be slow, time consuming and, depending on the user, subject to delays generated by the users. This newer and more efficient way of exchanging ideas and critical information makes communicating with many users all at once a pleasure. Think of a webinar as an online real time mass seminar that can accommodate up to fifty (50) individuals at one time on the platform that NAP used for this event. I’ll mention that the host does have control over this event but every effort was made to accommodate as many people as was reasonable. If you have a computer, you can join in the session. Google and other platforms have long lists of companies from which to choose. In a “nutshell� web conferencing refers to a service that allows conferencing events to be shared with remote locations. These are sometimes referred to as webinars or, for interactive conferences, online workshops. In general, the service is made possible by Internet technologies, particularly on TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol) (TCP) / (Internet Protocol) (IP) connections. The service allows real-time point-to-point communications as well as multicast communications from one sender to many receivers. It offers data streams of text-based messages, voice and video chat to be shared simultaneously, across geographically dispersed locations. Applications for web conferencing include meetings, training events, lectures, or short presentations from any computer. My experience with the webinar started with a conference generated through the National Association of Parliamentarians to gather the information presented by professionals and also those who want answers to questions where we have an opportunity to help solve problems. This particular webinar was limited to text messages. As mentioned above there are services that provide voice and video chat but not on this particular webinar. The purpose of this event was to gather polls and surveys that can be condensed into data and information that will help develop better tools for the use of professionals and users. Participants were congenial and at times humorous. There are costs involved in the use of webinars but generally those are borne by the host organization. I understand that the results of this webinar will be made available at the National Training Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma starting on August 8, 2014. Dave Gruman PRP-R Treasurer, FSAP