September 2013 florida parliamentarian

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The Florida Volume 33, Number 3

September 2013


Presidents Message


Motto Reaching Out to you…

“Let all things be

This is your newly elected president speaking: Shirley Brodbeck, RP, primary member since 1974 in Toledo, Ohio but I live across the line in Michigan, a snowbird affiliate member of Bradenton, Florida Alpha and Florida Registered Units. FSAP members have been so helpful in my parliamentary journey and now you’ve chosen me to give back to you by heading the organization for the 2013 – 2015 term. Thanks, I think. Did you see that big gavel with which I was empowered at the installation? I’ll try to speak softly as I lead but always know the “big stick” is available if I need to call you to order.

done decently and in order.” I Corinthians 14:40

Presidents Message


FSAP Call to Meeting


Questions and Answers


FSAP Registration Form


Hotel Reservation Form


FSAP Officers/Committee’s



In reading the FSAP Bylaws I discovered that my theme “Reach Out” is certainly not original. It is spelled out in the FSAP Bylaws, Article II – Object. The object of this not for profit corporation shall be to: 1. Cooperate with NAP and promote the principles of parliamentary law; 2. Promote the study of parliamentary law and educational programs of NAP; 3. Bring into closer cooperation the parliamentarians of the State of Florida; 4. Promote educational, literary and professional purposes of studying and teaching parliamentary law; 5. Further the interest in and the teaching of parliamentary procedure in schools at all levels; and 6. Be of service to the assembly life of Florida in promoting better understanding of parliamentary procedure. I’m especially keen on 1, 3, and 6. We need to reach out to one another, and those around us, to ask for help and share our Robert’s Rules knowledge, ideas and ways we’ve found to do this. At the latest count FSAP membership was around 177 and this doesn’t count the provisional members. Only 30 – 40 attend state meetings. If we have 200 members

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then only 20% hear and see one another at state meetings. Let’s reach out to all our members in some way. Will it be electronically, personal visit, snail mail or just what would you propose to connect and support one another in our quest to learn Robert’s Rules and share with others? Let me know. We can’t all be PRPs but we can all share at our own level. Our joint meeting in May, with District III members was attended by 45 people (12 from out of state). It was energizing to host our fellow district members. Reports of state associations were heard, a District III awards banquet attended and Dr. Robert B. Blair, Ph.D., PRP of Tennessee and Corliss Baker of Georgia presented workshops along with our FSAP members Julie Palm, Shirley Brodbeck and Tim Wynn. Three receptions, catered by member Beth Bond, were an FSAP welcome, hosted by President Nancy Dauster, a dessert reception to meet NAP presidential candidate Ann Guiberson and a reception for the new FSAP president hosted by the Bradenton Unit. Summer was no time to slow down after you elected me president and a super executive board. Most everyone I asked was able to accept a chairmanship and we are preparing to have outstanding meetings with lots of education and sharing of parliamentary experiences. Thanks to Eugene Bierbaum and the nominating committee for presenting the slate that was elected by voice vote since there was only one candidate for each office. First came paying the FSAP bills (Dave Gruman) from the May annual meeting, sending thank you notes to the many behind the scenes workers: hotel staff, District 3 Director Emma Faulk, installing officer Ann Guiberson, book chairman Joe Hagaman and wife Nancy, past president Nancy Dauster, Meeting Coordinator Beth Bond and the Bradenton Unit. Next up was selecting members to fill chairmanships and work with Mary Giddens to send first e-mail blast to all members that have current email addresses on file with FSAP. Continue on page 3

The Florida Parliamentarian is the official publication of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians, published four times a year; February, April, September, December. Subscription rate: $20 per year. © 2005 Florida State Association of Parliamentarians

Shirley Brodbeck, RP, Editor-in Chief DEADLINES FOR COPY February issue > > > > Dec 31st April issue > > > > > Mar. 1st September issue > > > > July 31st December issue > > > > Oct 31st

941-722-2281 E-mail: Karen Price, Editor 941-697-8000 E-mail:

SEND ADDRESS CORRECTIONS TO: Nancy Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, Florida 33606-3107

Patricia McDougle, PRP, Associate Editor 954-791-5957 Email:

Nancy H. Watkins, PRP, Circulation Manager 813-254-3369



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If you didn’t receive email blast or changed your address since the last FSAP Yearbook please send your address to Second VP Nancy Watkins . It’s especially important to get your unit’s correct info to Nancy by September as she’ll be making up the new directory for the term. Barb Proctor is working on workshop topics and presenters and Julie Palm is investigating hotels and dates for our next four FSAP meetings. The October meeting will be in Lake Mary, May 2014 in Sarasota, fall 2014 in Ft. Lauderdale area and May 2015 in Lake Mary or Orlando area. The chair signed credentials for our six designated and elected delegates: Shirley Brodbeck, Tim Wynn, Karen Price, Barbara Proctor, Carol Austin, Dorothy Demarest and alternate Ron Guiberson to the NAP Convention in Portland this September. Barbara Proctor, Mary Giddens and Tim Wynn were appointed to attend the Leadership Conference prior to the NAP Convention and Karen Price will also attend. FSAP will be doing its best to help elect Ann Guiberson the next NAP president and Carol Austin a director at large. Tim Wynn and Eugene Bierbaum will present workshops. Several other FSAP members will be in attendance and we look forward to their reports. The Fall Henry M. Robert Day meeting will be October 18 – 20, at the Lake Mary Homewood Suites. See hotel and meeting registration forms on pages 9 & 10. This meeting will focus on education and is open to the public and will have topics useful to officers and members alike. Invite others to attend or better yet, give them a ride. Together we learn. Wow! and I thought I only had to chair meetings. Reach out and help. Shirley J. Brodbeck, RP FSAP President

Call To Meeting

FSAP Henry M. Robert Day meeting will be October 18 – 20, 2013, at the Lake Mary Homewood Suites in Lake Mary, Florida. Find your registration form on page 8.


Questions and Answers Associate Editor All page numbers are references to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition unless otherwise noted. Send your questions to the Associate Editor: Patricia McDougle, PRP , Email: Q&A

Disclaimer: The questions answered in this column are answers to questions on parliamentary procedure. If you are a member of a Florida condominium association, homeowner’s association, etc. the answers might not be applicable because of the Florida Statutes, or the bylaws of the home owners association. Florida statutes, bylaws of the association and in the case of governmental bodies have rules which have precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order FLORIDA PARLIAMENTARIAN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR THIRD QUARTER 2013 Question 1: The bylaws of our association require that the election of officers take place at the annual meeting in September and that the slate of officers be published to the membership twenty days in advance of the election. The chairman of the Nominating Committee was in a serious automobile accident and the slate of officers was published with only ten days notice. Can we suspend the twenty-day notice requirement? Can the election be postponed until the regular meeting in October? Can a special meeting be scheduled as soon as the twenty-day advance notice is met? Since we cannot satisfy both, which of the two requirements would be best for us to follow? We are thinking the election is more important than the twenty-day notice. What do you recommend? Answer 1: The bylaws of an organization contain the basic rules that pertain to itself as an organization. It is therefore mandated that the provision of the bylaws be adhered to as written and, in the situation you describe, both provisions of the bylaws must be followed. “Rules contained in the bylaws (or constitution) cannot be suspended—no matter how large the vote in favor of doing so or how inconvenient the rule in question may be—unless the particular rule specifically provides for its own suspension, or unless the rule properly is in the nature of a rule of order . . .” (p. 263, ll. 2-7) However, both requirements can be met. At the annual meeting in September, schedule an adjourned meeting twenty plus days out from the annual meeting. This is accomplished by adopting the motion Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn. “. . . the effect of this motion is to establish an adjourned meeting—that is, another meeting that will be a continuation of the session at which the motion is adopted . . . An adjourned meeting should not be confused with a special meeting, which is a separate session called, in ordinary societies, as prescribed by the bylaws.” (p. 244, ll. 18-25) Then postpone the election to the adjourned meeting. Send the Nominating Committee slate of officers again and include the date, time and place of the adjourned meeting. Question 2. On Executive Session: Does Robert’s Rules require that any non-voting member leave the room or is it at the discretion of the president? Does Robert’s Rules make provision for an association’s CEO, corporate counsel and necessary administrative staff to remain or is it silent? May past presidents remain if they sign a confidentially agreement? Continue on page 5


Q&A continued from page 4

Answer 2. Robert states that when meeting in executive session “only members of the body that is meeting . . are allowed to remain in the hall.” (p. 95, ll. 31-35) The presiding officer is required to ask that all non-members or persons not otherwise authorized leave the meeting room. However, special invitees, employees, or staff members may be allowed to remain in the room either by established special rule or written policy or by being included in the motion adopted to go into executive session. The same would be true for the past presidents. Following Robert, members must not violate the secrecy of the executive session and any others who are present are “honor-bound not to divulge anything that occurred.” (p. 96, ll. 8-9) The need for a confidentiality agreement should be directed to the association’s legal counsel.

FSAP Education at October Meeting

How many people hold the honor of being a charter member of an organization? Often in reviewing charters or articles of incorporation of organizations, the charter members are named, and many organizations often refer to their "founding members" creating a vision that is still being carried out today. During the organizational process, it is always special when members are asked to sign their name, to show that they have come together to further their mission. When does this happen? How do we get there from here? Perhaps FSAP members who attend will have an opportunity to create their own legacy. At the beginning of every school year mass meetings are held at every school and on college campuses with the organization of this year's PTA, student government, and numerous student/teacher clubs and other organizations. FSAP members will learn how to answer parliamentary questions, to reach out and help others in accomplishing their goals. Better leaders create stronger organizations. In October, provisional members will learn how basic principles of parliamentary procedure cultivate leaders, NAP members will learn how to apply what they know to strengthen their organizations, and Professional Parliamentarians will leave with a plan, a check list of what needs to be done, and a script. There will be education opportunities for everyone.

Barbara Proctor, PRP FSAP Education Chairman

If anyone wishes to take the NAP membership test at the Henry M. Robert Day meeting, please make arrangements with Membership Chairman, Nancy Watkins,


Unforgettable Experiences By Eugene Coy PRP I had the pleasure of participating in the combined meetings of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians (FSAP) & NAP District III Joint Conference and serving at my last meeting as President of the Florida State Association of Registered Parliamentarians (FURP), held on May 1719, 2013 at the Holiday Inn Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota FL. Nancy Dauster, FSAP President, appointed me to serve as FSAP Parliamentarian Pro-tem is the absence of Dona Garner FSAP Parliamentarian. I attended the FSAP Board meeting Friday, May 17 from 4:00-5:00 PM and the FSAP meeting Saturday, May 18 from 8:30-10:00 AM. The special orders for the FSAP meeting were: the election of Officers and Delegates and Alternates to the NAP Convention. The FSAP President, after nominations from the floor, declared the new FSAP officers to be; President, Shirley Brodbeck; 1st Vice-President, Timothy Wynn; 2nd Vice-President Nancy Watkins; Secretary, Todd Wynn; Treasurer, Dave Gruman. FSAP Bylaws Article X, Section 1, D. Three Delegates and Two Alternates says: 1. The delegates and alternates shall be elected at the FSAP annual session in the oddnumbered years. Nominations shall be from the floor, and a plurality vote shall elect. The three receiving the highest number of votes shall be the delegates, and the two receiving the next highest number of votes shall be the alternates. I give you this information to help you with what will follow. The election of Delegates and Alternates to the NAP Convention was rather interesting as a tie vote occurred for the third delegate position. Normally there would be a revote to fill the third delegate position. President Nancy Dauster had the assembly stand at ease while she talked to me, her Parliamentarian Pro-tem. FSAP had three automatic delegates, FSAP President, FSAP 1st Vice President, and FSAP Immediate Past President. Nancy would be the Immediate Past President delegate and also a NAP delegate as Chairman of the Membership & Registration Examiners Committee. Due to the tie vote for third delegate she gave up the FSAP delegate position so that both third place candidates could be declared elected. President Dauster announced this to the assembly and prevented a runoff election. The rest of the meeting went smoothly. The District III meeting was next. Emma Faulk, District III Director had contacted me several weeks before the meeting asking me to be the Chairman of the Election Committee which I felt was an honor and accepted the position. The election would be for the District III Director that would serve for two years starting at the end of the NAP convention in Portland, OR. My first job was to get a copy of the District III Standing Rules 2013 to find out my duties. Rules 14 &15 of the standing rules say; 14. The chairman of the Election and Tellers Committee shall be responsible for election material. 15. Ballots and signed tally sheets shall be sealed in an envelope and given to the Recording Secretary who shall destroy them after adjournment of the conference. Continue on page 7


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Time to go to work (1) Make up Official Ballot for District III Director, May 18, 2013 with Directions: Please vote for one candidate with one line with a space above it for the name. (2) Make up District III Tellers Report. (3) Prepare “Rules for Counting Ballots” from RONR (11th Edition), p.414417. (4) Now how will the election be handled, I decided that since only one would be elected and the ballot would have no names on it that I would take a white board and put the names on it as the candidates were nominated. The District Director appointed two (2) people to serve as tellers to help me. We are now ready for the election. When the chair opened the nominations for District Director I put the names nominated on the white board which was on a stand positioned for everyone to see. The Tellers handed out Ballots to all District III voters and collected them after they had voted. After the votes were counted I read the results of the election to the chair, she declared the future District Director elected. On to my next experience Sunday, May 19, 2013, FURP meeting 8:30-9:30 AM. As FURP President, I was ready to chair my last meeting of my term in office. The Meeting started with the Opening Ceremonies. The Agenda was adopted as handed out. The next business in order was the acceptance of the resignation of 2011-2013 FURP Secretary, Roger Smith. This was done by Unanimous Consent. Now we have to have a secretary so Nancy Dauster was elected to the position of Secretary Pro-tem by Unanimous Consent. Julie Palm and Barbara Proctor were appointed to approve the minutes of this meeting by Unanimous Consent. After Reports of Officers and the Standing Committees came the Special Order of Nominations and Elections. Secretary Pro-tem read FURP Bylaw Article IV-Officers, Sections 1, 2, & 3. Nominating Committee Chairman Nancy Dauster gave the Committee report: President, Barbara Proctor; Vice-President, Dave Gruman; Secretary, Nancy Dauster; Treasurer, Jacquelyn Pierce. There were no nominations from the floor on any of the positions and they were individually declared elected. The next business in order was the Special Order to Elect a FURP Delegate and Alternate to the NAP Convention. Julie Palm was declared elected Delegate and Gene Bierbaum was declared Alternate. The next business in order was the general order previously noticed in the FL PARLIAMENTARIAN. “The following Standing Rule to be voted on at the Annual Meeting: Standing Rule # 6. The Treasurer may select with approval of the executive board a bank of their choice to hold the funds of FURP”. The standing rule was adopted. The next business in order was New Business where the motion “that FURP donate $100 to the NAP Education Foundation at the 2013 NAP Convention.” was adopted. Since there was no further business the meeting was adjourned. I will now adjourn to gain other experiences.

CONGRATULATIONS !! Nancy Dauster, PRP was elected at the District III Conference as incoming District III Director. Nancy will take her office at the conclusion of the NAP National Convention .


From left to right: FSAP Meeting Coordinator Beth Bond, District III Director Emma Faulk, FSAP President Shirley Brodbeck at the joint FSAP/District III meeting in Sarasota in May.

News Alert! The Florida State Association of Parliamentarians heading to Lake Mary in October for a fun filled educational weekend . Henry M. Robert Day meeting will be held at the Lake Mary Homewood Suites. You can register on line, via fax, phone, or snail mail, use our group code C-FSA. They say it is suppose to be a busy weekend so make sure you get your reservation in before the hotel fills up. If you have never been to a Homewood Suite you are in for a treat. Your room will have a kitchen and sitting area. Guests of the hotel are treated to a complimentary breakfast. Coffee and tea are available to guests in the common area through out the day. Attendees are on their own for dinner Saturday night; cook in your room, barbecue grill available for your use, walk across the parking lot to the Macaroni Grill. What ever you do come back to the hotel after dinner , our education chair is planning a special end of the evening educational event. Don't forget the FURP workshop Sunday morning. Julie Palm, PRP


FLORIDA STATE ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARIANS Henry M. Robert Day Homewood Suites Lake Mary October 18-20, 2013

NAME_________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________ CITY____________________________________STATE______ZIP__________________ Unit__MAL__Member__Guest__ _______________________________________________ FSAP-Office/Chairmanship held__________________________________________________ UNIT-Office/Chairmanship held__________________________________________________ FSAP MEMBER REGISTRATION FEE: Postmarked no later than October 11 (includes Saturday lunch) LATE REGISTRATION FEE: Postmarked after October 11

$50 $___________ $ 5 $___________


$15 $___________


$35 $___________

Lunch: Choose one: Vegan Wrap_____ Club Wrap________ Corned Beef Sandwich________ TOTAL ENCLOSED

Did you choose your entrĂŠe? List any dietary restrictions or special needs.

Make check payable to FSAP and mail to: Kay Stephens, 2946 Golden View Lane, Orlando, Fl 32812 Email: phone 407-658-9779



Homewood Suites Lake Mary 755 Currency Circle Lake Mary, FL 32746 Phone: 1-407-805-9111

Fax: 1-407-805-0236

RESERVATION FORM (Cut and mail or fax directly to hotel. Please Print) NAME________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________ ARRIVAL DATE__________________DEPARTURE DATE______________________ Room Rate is $89.00 per night plus applicable state and local taxes Smoking and Non-Smoking Rooms One (King)______ or Two Queen/Doubles______ PARKING IS FREE GUARANTEE: Submit one night’s deposit or fill out the following information Amex___Diners___Discover___Master Card___Visa___

_______________________________ Card Holder’s Name

____________________________________ Credit Card Number

_______________________________ Card Holder’s Signature

____________________________________ Expiration Date


Driving Directions Travel I-4 East to Exit 98 (Lake Mary/Heathrow), turn right at W Lake Mary Blvd, make an immediate left at Primera Blvd; turn left at Currency Circle, hotel is located on the left. Link also for directions:


Florida State Association of Parliamentarians 2013 - 2015 Officers President ………………….Shirley J. Brodbeck First Vice President …………Timothy Wynn Second Vice President…….Nancy Watkins Recording Secretary …………...Todd Wynn Treasurer ………………………..David Gruman Appointed Positions Corresponding Secretary……..Beth Bond Parliamentarian………Dorothy Demarest FSAP Standing Committees Audit Committee…………………………………………Howard Dobson Book Service……………………………………………….Robert Hagaman Budget/Finance………………………………………………David Gruman Bylaws……………………………………………………… Helen Poppovitch M. Kay Stephens, Constance Taylor Chaplain……………………………………………………...Vergie Lee Shaw Education……………………………………………………..Barbara Proctor Education Materials Review………………………………………………….. Membership…………………………………………………..Nancy Watkins Meetings Coordinator…………………………………………….Julie Palm Protocol…………………………………………………….….Barbara Holland Registration………………………………………………….M. Kay Stephens Scholarship Chair…………………………………………………………………... Scholarship Members……………………………………………………………. Unit Presidents………………Deborah Laury and Barbara Proctor Yearbook…………………….Nancy Watkins and Mary Lou Harden Youth……………………………………………………………………Julie Palm Webmaster…………………………………………………….Ann Guiberson The Florida Parliamentarian Editor-in- Chief…….Shirley J. Brodbeck Editor………..Karen Price Associate Editor………..Patricia McDougle Circulation Manager…………Nancy Watkins


MEMBERS AND HAPPENINGS Change of Address: Congratulations to our newest Professional Registered Parliamentarian: Congratulations to our newest Registered Parliamentarian: Welcome to our newest Provisional Members: Welcome to our newest NAP Members: James Colson, South Dade Unit Welcome to Student Members: Welcome MAL Members:

Florida State Association of the National Association of Parliamentarians Nancy H. Watkins 1903 Bayshore Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606-3107



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