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NAP Connections NAPEF: Your Donation Makes a Difference
NAPEF: Your Donation Makes a Difference
Visit our website for more details about grants, and to apply for one yourself. If you have questions about NAPEF, please contact us at info@napef.org.
Together, we can meet these challenges and continue providing educational programs that promote effective meetings.
Please support the NAPEF mission by giving today. Every gift, no matter the size, helps.
The mission of the National Association of Parliamentarians Educational Foundation (NAPEF) is to fund and support NAP and others who have educational programs that promote effective meetings. In this time of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, the ability to conduct effective meetings is more important than ever because the meeting dynamics are compounded by the virtual setting instead of the traditional face-toface interactions to which many are accustomed.
In 2020, NAPEF awarded two grants to NAP: $27,500 to update education materials, and $10,000 to support the Virtual National Training Conference. Other grant opportunities have provided support to the Train the Trainer course for 40 NAP members, and for the Credentialing Commission to develop step three of the new program to attain the RP designation. NAPEF has been able to support NAP with similar amounts annually over the past ten years.
NAP has begun updating all its educational materials to comply with the 12th edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. We know you want to be a part of this transition—your contribution to the NAP Educational Foundations gives you the opportunity to bask in the glow of helping to make a smooth transition in the education materials.
As in 2020, we face challenges in education for NAP members. Virtual and hybrid meetings are likely to continue to be a necessity for most of this year. The Foundation wants to be able to assist NAP in this and other endeavors. This is an excellent time for you to help make this possible by giving to the NAPEF.
Thank you for your dedication to parliamentary education. NAPEF looks forward to you joining in and supporting parliamentary education. You may join in by giving online at www.napef.org or www.facebook.com/NAPEducationalFoundation/, or by mailing your check made out to NAPEF to the NAP headquarters.