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From the Editor

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Hit a Homerun

Hit a Homerun

There has been much discussion recently about the spread of artificial intelligence (AI) through some important sectors of our society . As people watch this proliferation, some are worried, and others are excited . In this issue of National Parliamentarian® Todd Crowder points out in his article “Artificial Intelligence and Parliamentarians” that for better or worse AI technology is changing the world and then focuses on how, in the near term, this technology will affect our profession .

In his article, Kirby Glad reviews the rules on suspending bylaws . John Berg discusses the rules for small boards and committees that permit an entire meeting to conduct its business without any motions being made . David Mezzera offers challenges on what to do with reports when they are presented .


As we prepare for the 44th Biennial Convention and the election of new officers, this editor is very grateful to President Wanda Sims for the opportunity to serve NAP in this position . Sincere appreciation is extended to the 2021-2023 National Parliamentarian® editorial team: assistant editor TennieBee Hall, the NP review team (Dana Dickson, RP-R, Ronald Dupart, PRP, Ferial Bishop, PRP), and the Q&A Parliamentary Research Committee (Rachel Glanstein, PRP, Lyle Kleman, PRP-R, Azella Collins, PRP, Timothy Wynn, PRP, parliamentarian) . Thank you to the NAP staff who helped with the production of each issue, to Kansas City graphics designer Rosemary Holderby of Cole Design & Production for the very attractive layouts, and to our authors for their informative, educational, and thought-provoking articles .

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