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Questions & Answers
The intent of this column is to provide general answers or advice (not formal, official opinions) about the questions asked . The answers are based on the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, unless otherwise indicated, and do not take into account such governing authorities as statutes, bylaws, adopted special rules of order, other parliamentary authorities, or earlier editions, except as specifically mentioned .
The abbreviations used in these questions and answers are explained in National Parliamentarian Vol . 85, No . 1, Fall 2023, p . 30 .
Questions should be emailed to npquestions@nap2.org.
Propriety of Postponement to the Incoming Board
A controversial matter came up in our organization regarding internal governance structure. The organization’s principal governing body is a representative assembly structured similarly to the united States Senate. Members of the assembly serve three-year terms. One-third of the body is elected each fall to serve a term starting the January 1st after the election. The group meets four times a year: October, January, April, and July. The parliamentary authority is RONR.
Some members want the body to switch to six-year terms with elections in even years, just like the u.S. Senate, arguing that continuity will aid institutional memory. Others want to retain the current structure, arguing that volunteer time is limited and longer terms could result in an unrepresentative assembly largely composed of retirees with more time on their hands. The Bylaws Committee studied the matter for a year and came up with majority and minority recommendations. After lengthy discussion at the October meeting, it was clear that the assembly was divided and the proponents of change had a majority, but not the two-thirds vote required to amend the bylaws. The sense of the members was that the issue had been studied sufficiently and in great detail by the Bylaws Committee and no further committee study was necessary.
To keep the matter active and at the forefront, a member moved to postpone the motion to amend the bylaws to the January meeting.