3 minute read

President’s Report




“Directors and the Senior Leadership Team are working hard to meet Member needs with the development of plans to refresh and refurbish the Clubhouse, to expand facilities for social interaction, refresh gaming and dining areas, and explore opportunities for expansion in our precinct.”

Dear Members

With all the challenges of this unprecedented year, the Parramatta Leagues Group achieved great progress, and is positioned well for a bright future.

Highlights included; • Overwhelming approval by Members of a new

Constitution • Appointment of a new independent, highly qualified Board • Overcoming the unprecedented challenges of

COVID–19, with resilience and innovation • A profitable financial result despite a 10-week shutdown • Parramatta Eels achieving a top four finish • A new Strategic Plan setting the pathway to the future • Repairs to the Parra Clubhouse façade

Certainly a year to remember!

The new Constitution, supported by 91% of Members, has set the platform for years to come. Appointment of the new Board in March 2020 signalled the departure of Administrator Max Donnelly, job done! Max demonstrated great skill, resilience, and persistence to achieve the goal of establishing the process to return full control of the Club to Members in an orderly fashion.

The current Directors are all Parramatta Leagues Club Members, with a combined 104 years of continuous membership. All are Eels supporters, and have formed an independent, highly skilled, and dedicated team. Profiles of each Director are available on the Parra Leagues website, and we encourage all Members to check the outstanding credentials of those now proudly representing them.

The advent of COVID-19 highlighted the priority of safety and security of Members and staff. Our Club’s rapid response to frequent regulatory changes, and

its innovation in introducing online delivery and takeaway services along with community support during the closure was outstanding. Our Chief Executive Officer’s report details the many vital steps taken.

We acknowledge and thank all our 200+ staff who made substantial sacrifices in work and income to ensure our great Club’s survival, and to ensure that we were ready to welcome back Members and guests at Parra Leagues and Vikings at the first opportunity. We took great pleasure in seeing the smiles of Members as they returned.

To show their support, Directors also decided to forgo some or all their Member approved honoraria.

Although many parts of the Club industry struggled, our Club avoided retrenchment of staff due to COVID-19. Further, we were able to make a Special Payment to all staff, to compensate in part for financial loss.

We were extremely proud to have maintained the financial strength to be able to recognise staff in this way.

Despite all the hurdles, we emerged strong and profitable. We were able to manage through the COVID-19 shutdown without needing to draw down on emergency lines of credit prudently arranged.

Throughout we were able to continue with our high levels of community support. Over 60 community groups received ClubGRANTS payments totalling more than $800,000, continuing the Club’s proud tradition of contribution to community groups - in addition to our support of the Eels.

Substantial maintenance work was carried out during COVID-19, and Directors authorised expenditure of over $1.2 million to repair the façade of the Club, damaged in storms two years ago. A major review of the Club’s strategic direction was initiated. A key part of the process was a formal survey of Members which received a very positive response. Directors and the Senior Leadership Team are working hard to meet Member needs with the development of plans to refresh and refurbish the Clubhouse, to expand facilities for social interaction, refresh gaming and dining areas, and explore opportunities for expansion in our precinct.

We congratulate the Eels for their achievements in this crisis ridden season. The Eels Board and Management led by Chair Sean McElduff and Chief Executive Jim Sarantinos drove on field success with a top 4 finish and off field efficiencies, reducing the financial commitment of Parramatta Leagues Club, and freeing up resources for future development of the Club. The Eels have emerged with a strong platform for sustained success.

I thank my fellow Directors, and the Staff and Management of Parra Leagues and Vikings for their tremendous commitment and expertise in seeing the Club through. Keeping up with day-to-day changes in COVID-19 rules while continuing to develop future plans has required great flexibility and resilience.

In closing, I have no doubt that the new governance arrangements endorsed by Members, and the substantial groundwork laid by both Parra Leagues and the Eels has indeed positioned our great Club for an outstanding future.

Go Parra!

Greg Monaghan President Parramatta Leagues Club Limited

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