Party Papers with Something to Say Choose a
design. P lan a party. E njoy the fun!
W h o l e s a l e C a t a l o g 20 1 4 Des i gne d a n d p r i n te d i n Nash v i l l e , T e n n e sse e , U SA
Sa ss y Pa nt s This big, bold type design definitely comes to the party with something to say. Perfect for a girls’ night, card games or just a group of friends feeling sassy!
Coasters, 4˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SPCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item SPPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00
Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SPPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SPGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50 Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item SPDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00
Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SPST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SPWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 7˝ Item SPLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00
Banners, 8˝ x 11˝ pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item SPBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
De s igne d and printe d in Nashville, T ennessee, USA
Coaster text reads: “ You stain it. You own it.”
Sw irly B
“ Isn’t your date a little young for you?”
“ Remember the last party? Don’t do that again.”
Big beautiful black-and-white swirls make an elegant backdrop for any party. Classy and stylish…but look closely and read the text for a brassy surprise!
Placemat text reads:
Coasters, 4˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item SBCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
“ The way you eat you’ll need two of these.”
No text on back.
No text on back.
Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SBDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00
Placemat text reads: “ You’re only here because someone else cancelled.”
Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8˝ Item SBLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00
No text on back.
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item SBPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00 Gift Box text reads: “ Tell me you like it, even if you don’t.”
Placemat text reads: “ Did I invite you? Really?” No text on back.
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SBGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SBWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item SBPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00 Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item SBST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Banners, 8˝ x 11˝ pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item SBBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
Orde r o n l i n e
by p ho ne
Banner text reads: “ You’re only here because your date is hot.”
by fa x
by em a il
C h a m p a g n e To a s t Very sophisticated designs in the tone of French Champagne labels with warm, uplifting toasts. Perfect for a classy evening affair or when celebrating with family and friends. Coasters, 5.25˝ x 3.75˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CTCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (4 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CTDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00
Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8˝ Item CTLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00 Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item CTPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CTGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50
Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CTPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CTWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CTST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Banners, 8˝ x 11˝ pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item CTBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
De s igne d and printe d in Nashville, T ennessee, USA
Big Blooms Big bright die-cut flower blooms bring happiness and fun to any party. Have an outdoor soiree, an afternoon on the veranda or just a casual event to celebrate the weather.
Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8.75˝ Item BBLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00
Coasters, 4˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item BBCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item BBPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00 Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item BBST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item BBDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item BBWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item BBGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50
Placemats, 16˝ x 16˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item BBPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
Banners, 7˝ diameter pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item BBBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
Orde r o n l i n e
by p ho ne
by fa x
by em a il
Clink n Drink Share a drink with friends, toast a promotion, enjoy a girls’ night out. A few drinks, some cocktail recipes and a little dress-up make for a fabulously good time! Printed in metallic silver.
Coasters, 4˝ diameter (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CDCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item CDPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00 Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CDPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (4 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CDDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00 Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8˝ Item CDLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00
Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CDST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CDWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CDGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50
Banners, 7˝ diameter pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item CDBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
De s igne d and printe d in Nashville, T ennessee, USA
Coaster text reads: “ Dined at any new feeders lately?”
Bird Banter
“ Tweeted anything interesting lately?”
“ My kids are driving me crazy; they never shut their mouths.”
These pretty birds have a lot to say. This versatile design has everyone’s favorite feathered friends on a limb with big bold designs to mix it up. Great for outdoor parties or for any nature lover. Placemat text reads: “ That elliptical is doing nothing for my calves; I still have bird legs.”
Coasters, 4˝ diameter (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item BTCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Placemat text reads: “ My therapist says I’ve got mommy issues from being kicked out of the nest.”
Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8˝ Item BTLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00 Luminary text reads: “ Welcome to our nest.”
Placemat text reads: “ M y kids are driving me crazy; they never shut their mouths.”
Gift Box text reads:
Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item BTPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
“ It’s small, but it’s not cheep, cheep, cheep.”
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item BTGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50 Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (4 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item BTDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00 Serving Platter text reads: “ I was hoping for a few sunflower seeds.”
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item BTWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00 Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item BTST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ (3 alternating designs) Item BTPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00
Wine Tote text reads: “ My kind of red! (or white)”
Banners, 8˝ x 11˝ pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item BTBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
Orde r o n l i n e
by p ho ne
by fa x
by em a il
Caust ic Lace These beautiful, delicate lace designs would make your grandmother proud but might also make her blush. The unexpected messages stitched in the lace will shake up any gathering.
Coasters, 5˝ x 3.25” (3 alternating designs) Item CLCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item CLPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00
Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ Item CLPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CLDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00 Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8˝ Item CLLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00
Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CLST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CLWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CLGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50
Banners, 7˝ diameter pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item CLBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
De s igne d and printe d in Nashville, T ennessee, USA
Chr ist mas Cheer Welcome your friends and family to a warm Christmas party with these beautifully textured papers. The festive text will make everyone feel at home and comfortable. Coasters, 4˝ diameter (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CCCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CCST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8˝ Item CCLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item CCPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00
Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CCDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00
Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item CCPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CCWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item CCGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50
Banners, 8˝ x 11˝ pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item CCBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
Orde r o n l i n e
by p ho ne
by fa x
by em a il
Hol id ay Joy s This intricate, decorative pattern of swirls and snowflakes gives a sophisticated flair to any holiday function. It’s the perfect choice for making everyone feel warm and welcome. Printed in metallic gold.
Coasters, 4˝ diameter (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item HJCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item HJDT (12 per pkg)…$4.00 Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item HJPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item HJPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00
Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item HJST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item HJGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item HJWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8˝ Item HJLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00
Banners, 7˝ diameter pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item HJBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
De s igne d and printe d in Nashville, T ennessee, USA
Pot ion s Any Halloween party will be a little classier with these designs inspired by witches’ potions and elixirs. These timeless designs can be used to greet your guests and serve them well.
Coasters, 4˝ diameter (3 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item POCO (12 per pkg)…$5.00
Place Cards, 4˝ x 2˝ Item POPC (12 per pkg)…$3.00 Placemats, 18˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item POPL (24 per pkg)…$9.00
Drink Tags, 1.3˝ x 2.5˝ (4 alternating designs/printed 2 sides) Item PODT (12 per pkg)…$4.00 Luminaries, 4˝ x 4˝ x 8˝ Item POLM (8 per pkg)…$7.00
Serving Platters, 12˝ x 12˝ (printed 2 sides) Item POST (4 per pkg)…$7.50
Wine Totes 5.5˝ x 16˝ (printed 2 sides) Item POWT (2 per pkg)…$5.00
Gift Boxes, 4.7˝ x 3.5˝ x 1.5˝ (printed 2 sides) Item POGB (2 per pkg)…$4.50
Banners, 8˝ x 11˝ pennants/12 ft wide (printed 2 sides) Item POBN (1 per pkg, pre-strung)…$5.50
Orde r o n l i n e
by p ho ne
by fa x
by em a il
P o i n t- o f- S a l e D i s p l a y This beautiful display rack will hold up to 60 packaged products in a variety of formats on a small footprint. Made of durable, smoked acrylic with branding on front and side panels. Sits on a 24” x 10” footprint and is 18” tall. Item DSP1…$99.00/ea
Pa r t y-i n-a-B o x For 12 guests
Everything you’ll need to entertain 12 guests with a fun, coordinated theme. 19.5” x 16.25” x 1.5”. I nc lude s:
12 Placemats 12 Coasters 4 Square Serving Platters 12 Drink Tags 8 Luminaries 12 Place Cards 1 Banner
Shown here:
Bird Banter, Item BTPP
Each boxed set…$38.00 Sassy Pants . . . . . . . . . . . . Item SPPP Swirly B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Item SBPP Champagne Toast . . . . . . Item CTPP Big Blooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . Item BBPP Clink n Drink . . . . . . . . . . Item CDPP Bird Banter . . . . . . . . . . . . Item BTPP Caustic Lace . . . . . . . . . . . . Item CLPP Christmas Cheer . . . . . . . Item CCPP Holiday Joys . . . . . . . . . . . . Item HJPP Potions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Item POPP
De s igne d and printe d in Nashville, T ennessee, USA
9 v e r s a t i l e f o r m a t s i n 10 f u n d e s i g n s Most of these items are printed front and back, many with alternating designs in the same package to allow for versatile use when setting any party. Printed on high-quality paper and beautifully packaged for retail sale. See corresponding design pages in this catalog for details.
Coasters Printed on thick blotter paper, these 4” designs (unless specified) turn any place-setting into a fun party. Designs printed 2 sides, 12 per package.
Placemats 24 sheets packaged with an attractive header. Adds plenty of personality to any party. Designs printed 2 sides. 18” x 12” (unless specified).
Swirly B (3 alternating designs) Item SBPL…$9.00
Sassy Pants Item SPPL…$9.00
Clink n Drink Item CDPL…$9.00
Bird Banter (3 alternating back designs) Item BTPL…$9.00
Sassy Pants Item SPCO…$5.00
Swirly B Item SBCO…$5.00 Champagne Toast (3 alternating designs) Item CTPL…$9.00
Big Blooms (16˝ x 16˝, 3 alternating designs) Item BBPL…$9.00
Caustic Lace Item CLPL…$9.00 Christmas Cheer (3 alternating designs) Item CCPL…$9.00
Champagne Toast (5.25˝ x 3.75˝ ) Item CTCO…$5.00
Big Blooms (Die cut) Item BBCO…$5.00
Clink n Drink Item CDCO…$5.00
Holiday Joys Item HJPL…$9.00
Potions Item POPL…$9.00
Bird Banter Item BTCO…$5.00
Lu m i n a r ies Place a candle in these beautiful items to light up a walkway or dress up a table. Approximately 4” square and 8” tall. 8 per package.
Caustic Lace (Die cut, 5˝ x 3.25˝ ) Item CLCO…$5.00
Christmas Cheer Item CCCO…$5.00 Sassy Pants Item SPLM…$7.00
Swirly B Item SBLM…$7.00
Champagne Toast Item CTLM…$7.00
Big Blooms Item BBLM…$7.00
Clink n Drink Item CDLM…$7.00 Holiday Joys Item HJCO…$5.00
Potions Item POCO…$5.00 Bird Banter Item BTLM…$7.00
Caustic Lace Item CLLM…$7.00
Christmas Cheer Item CCLM…$7.00
Holiday Joys Item HJLM…$7.00
Potions Item POLM…$7.00
Gift Boxes
Place Cards
Ser v ing Plat ters
Colorful and fun, these matchboxstyle boxes are perfect for party favors or gift-giving. Designed inside and out, they need no wrapping paper. 2 per package. 4.7” x 3.5” x 1.5”.
These versatile 4” x 2” place cards can be used to identify guests or food items, or for many other fun uses. 12 per package.
Approximately 12” square with raised edges to hold lots of snacks. Designs printed 2 sides, 4 per package.
Sassy Pants Item SPGB…$4.50
Swirly B Item SBGB…$4.50
Champagne Toast Item CTGB…$4.50
Sassy Pants Item SPPC…$3.00
Sassy Pants Item SPST…$7.50
Swirly B Item SBPC…$3.00
Swirly B Item SBST…$7.50
Champagne Toast Item CTPC…$3.00
Champagne Toast Item CTST…$7.50
Big Blooms Item BBPC…$3.00
Big Blooms Item BBST…$7.50
Clink n Drink Item CDPC…$3.00
Clink n Drink Item CDST…$7.50
Bird Banter (3 alternating designs) Item BTPC…$3.00
Bird Banter Item BTST…$7.50 Caustic Lace Item CLST…$7.50
Caustic Lace Item CLPC…$3.00
Christmas Cheer Item CCST…$7.50
Christmas Cheer Item CCPC…$3.00
Big Blooms Item BBGB…$4.50
Holiday Joys Item HJST…$7.50
Holiday Joys Item HJPC…$3.00
Potions Item POST…$7.50
Potions Item POPC…$3.00
Clink n Drink Item CDGB…$4.50
Dr i n k Ta gs Bird Banter Item BTGB…$4.50
Approximately 1.3” x 2.5” and die-cut to loop around a wine glass stem or slip over the lip of a drink glass to identity its user in fun, conversational ways. Designs printed 2 sides, 12 per package.
Caustic Lace Item CLGB…$4.50 Sassy Pants Item SPDT…$4.00
Swirly B Item SBDT…$4.00
Champagne Toast Item CTDT…$4.00
Big Blooms Item BBDT…$4.00
Christmas Cheer Item CCGB…$4.50
Clink n Drink Item CDDT…$4.00
Holiday Joys Item HJGB…$4.50
Potions Item POGB…$4.50
Orde r o n l i n e
Holiday Joys Item HJDT…$4.00 by p ho ne
Bird Banter Item BTDT…$4.00
Potions Item PODT…$4.00
by fa x
Caustic Lace Item CLDT…$4.00
Christmas Cheer Item CCDT…$4.00
Drink tags are designed to loop around a wine glass stem or slip over the lip of a drink glass to identify its user.
by em a il
Des i gne d and pr inte d in Nash ville, T ennessee, USA
W i n e To t e s Each of these elegant carriers holds a wine bottle with a built-in space for a greeting or message. Designs printed inside and out, 5.5” x 16”, 2 per package. Sassy Pants Item SPWT $5.00
Swirly B Item SBWT $5.00
Champagne Big Blooms Clink n Drink Bird Banter Toast Item BBWT Item CDWT Item BTWT Item CTWT $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00
Caustic Lace Christmas Item CLWT Cheer $5.00 Item CCWT $5.00
Holiday Joys Item HJWT $5.00
Banners Adjustable from 8-12 feet, these pre-strung pennants announce your greeting for everyone to see. 1 per package. Sassy Pants Item SPBN…$5.50
Swirly B Item SBBN…$5.50
Champagne Toast Item CTBN…$5.50
Big Blooms Item BBBN…$5.50
Clink n Drink Item CDBN…$5.50
Bird Banter Item BTBN…$5.50
Caustic Lace Item CLBN…$5.50
Christmas Cheer Item CCBN…$5.50
Holiday Joys Item HJBN…$5.50
Potions Item POBN…$5.50
Potions Item POWT $5.00
Parsnip Party Papers add color, fun a n d a l i t t l e attitude t o any party. You can build an entire party theme around them or just add a bit of personality to a gathering. Beautifully designed and smartly packaged for your retail environment, these disposable papers are sure to become a profitable item for you.
Pac k a g i n g All of our beautiful designs are smartly packaged for retail sales.
Ordering Information No minimum order! Try as many designs and formats as you want. Try them all! Opening order: Credit Card 689 Davidson Street Nashville, TN 37213 To apply for net 30-day terms, please contact Ashley Couse: 615-722-8003
How to order: Order online By phone 615-722-8003 By fax 615-256-6803 By email
Hours of operat ion: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm (Central Time) Designs are printed on high-quality, recycled or recyclable papers with soy-based ink. Š2013. All designs are the copyright of Parsnip Party Papers, LLC, Nashville, Tennessee Des i gne d and pr inte d in Nashville, Tennessee, USA