economizing emissions
design interventions in the face of a climate crisis


The world is warming faster than at any point in recorded history. +0.98°C

Credit: Redux Pictures
Copyright: © The New York Times
If heating continues, it will have a devastating impact on the planet.
Causing hunger, flooded homes along the coast as well as more wildfires, hurricanes and droughts.
Ensuring a safe future below the 1.5°C mark requires the world to reduce 30 gigatonnes ghg annually by 2030.

Reference:: hps://

Two-thirds of the global GHG emissions are linked to household consumption
Average emissions of an American is 15.6 metric tons per capita - 4 times the global average.

How might we build awareness among individuals and motivate them to reduce their carbon footprint?
User Research Report

Survey Respondents : 76
Secondary Survey Resource (IPSOS) : 1540 (2021)
Subject Maer Experts: 6
Knowing how much we pollute is the only way we can manage it
Our Proposal

currenc. is an ecosystem of products and services that is designed to grant consumers the agency to be part of the fight against climate change.
Intended Impact

aecting change from the boom-up
money is an enabler of carbon emissions

the existing landscape for individual action is vast, disorganised, expensive and complicated
we aim to break through the chaos and reduce the burden around sustainable living

oset track trade

we embed emission data into every digital transaction

a platform that unites the diverse touchpoints a consumer must interact with in order to incorporate sustainable consumerism into their lives.

service blueprint

awareness enabled by information

enabling behaviour change in three key steps

set limits, budgets and goals.
a dynamic dashboard that logs all your real-time emission related data that are tied to your financial transactions.

don’t worry about logging data, we’ve got it covered! track and access transactional data and your emission spend in a simplified way. Split your emissions with friends and colleagues.

no more browsing and stressing - oset by transaction or in bulk at the touch of a buon!
neutralise your carbon footprint by investing in high-quality carbon oseing projects (biotic and abiotic) that are Gold Standard certified.

Note: Osets are a means of compensation and not to be used as a method of reduction. Your osets are budgeted too - the goal is to reduce emissions first, and oset the ones that are unavoidable.

trade these credits with your connections or verified buyers on the currenc. network stayed under your emission budget for the month? we oer you rewards and credits that hold immense value - you can sell your credits to your friends at the currenc network or redeem them against other services too.

community connect
we’re in this together.
see where you stand on the carbon conscious leaderboard and compete against your friends, family, and community so that you can celebrate your contributions to the planet. its time to show o your impact and we’re all for it!

AR readers
use the app’s AR feature to scan products and identify their emission data on-the-do. this feature can be used to compare products and select the ideal option for you. beer experienced through AR goggles.

real-time updates

get notified about your transactions and budget consumption as soon as you make a transactions.

a favorable future
we envision a world where individuals can identify their highest emission sources, thus implement an emission reduction strategy and reduce their footprint using currenc’s robust recommendation engine that highlights beer products and services.
the power of individual action

there is hope.
we already see the growing adoption of climate change policies and national decarbonization strategies
93% of the world’s 250 largest companies are now reporting on sustainability with the help of ESG Consultants & new technologies let’s keep going and make our own individual contribution
the ultimate climate ally.

standardized lifecycle assessment
Cradle-to-Grave Method

step lifecycle assessment

a standardized and comprehensive assessment methodology that accounts for the entire product lifecycle in order to demonstrate the full impact of consumer products - from cradle to grave.

materials manufacturing transport product use end-of-life

Why a carbon label ?

Impact Transparency Accountability
Increased awareness of carbon footprint leads to quantify positive impact

Identify brands that are eco-minded and transparent about their footprint
Brands adopting carbon labels create more accountability & relational trust

carbon label requirements

carbon footprint embedded information calculation information accessibility standards Simplistic design expiry

Prof. Koray Caliskan
Marc o’Brien
Credits for Contribution
Mentor | Co-Director, School of Design Strategies @ Parsons
Renuka Shenoy
Burak Arikan
Amer Jandali
Isabella Todaro
Shefali Dhar
Lucia Jaramillo
Founder, Climate Designers
Carbon Analyst, Kita
Founder, Graph Commons
CEO & Co-Founder, Future Meets Present Carbon Measurement, Climate Neutral
Strategic Designer | International Policy | Digital Transformation
Strategic Designer | Psychologist
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