12 minute read
Neighborhood Voices
New library that is cleanear and prettier, with more books and that is free. It should always be open. Being able to write about the books, what I liked, with an after school program that supports kids in their learning.
Billy Coronado, 7 y Avdelio Coronado, 38
More spaces for children: for instance libraries, exercise / sports areas and public toilets.
A daycare that supports undocumented children.
A space for single mothers that are facing difficulties paying rent and are homeless. The rent is too high. Workshops for housing applications, and job searching. Neighbors can do a knowledge exchange. Silvestre
A place that offers tutorials for children and recreational games- Arts programming.
Space to learn English, computing and how to communicate and interact with others. Place for adults.
José Infante
Free writing, reading and horticulture classes. Neighbors sharing knowledge
Michele & Ken
More activities for children, like playing (spaces for running, crafts, painting), also games with physical activity. A closed space with physical play areas.
Araceli Mendoza
A free english learning center taking into account the participation of latin communities who have not recieved enough education.
More counseling for mental awareness.
It's good to have a space where kids can go, so they stay out of the streets. A space like a library.
Indoor play space for kids (after-school programming)
A community center that provides help with housing issues, health insurance, etc. Where there are people who speak your language and some feel welcome.
Olga Hernandez
English classes for free for all ages. Adel
Space that is extention of CD7 for information and education about what is going on in the neighborhood.
A space for children of working moms where they learn to share, craft and read in spanish.
Multigenerationa l, for all
A space for youth, children and parents that offers tutorials, classes, and workshops for job hunting and immigration aid and ID applications.
Ana Vasquez
Afterschool space that proudes activities and structure for kids that usually arrive to empty homes without company or guidance.
Chairs with cushions that are comfortable for a long time
A space that offers art programs and activities for kids, young adults and seniors
Help and information center, health services and job search, and tenant aid and organizing.
Acevedo Isaac
A gymnasium where people can exercise, that also provides group and individual activities, for the use of people that live here. It would be nice that other people that don't live in sunset park could also come visit.
A community space for the kids like an indoor playground and event space. Cleun
Give classes to immigrant people to learn english that struggle for free. School for kids with no proper opportunity to go to college.
An open, accessible space that allows people to freely join together
A recreation center for kids, an arts center would be great because there are not a lot of summer programs. Storytelling time and other activities. I imagine tables, children sitting and professionals teaching. All of this to connect with their emotions, providing dance classes. They should have everything they need to reach their potential.
Silvia y Veronica
A physical and mental health wellness center
A space that educates youth and informs on substance abuse
One that prioritizes accessibility, intergenerational relationship-building, and shared visions for safety & health. Also lots of green space! + mutual aid + political education :)
2 3 4 5 6 How community empowers ¿Cómo te comunitario empodere 想象一个团结和赋予社区的 空间,那会是什么样的?
A space for migrant orientation.
Support for victims of violence. Woman and man. Work Trainings
Familia de sunset park
Give OSHA classes for all hispanics and don't have trouble with work
Jose Perez
A space for dance that is taught for free
A healthy space, where we all live without distinction of race. Showing everyone's traditions.
Eleucadio Flores
There were over 80 responses from passersby in the two days of conversation in Sunset Park. Their responses are presented below. 1 A B C D E F G
Workshops for helping women about domestic violence
Maria Cruz
Something for children like craft stories, a space for them to be there and entertain themselves. That they have a place to be and spend time, doing manual, physical activities. This is how they are entertained and inspired, and this is how they imagine and create. Beatriz
I imagine... games for children with special needs. It would be the most beautiful for me.
Free workshops for kids of different ages. Rosalba
7 8 9
A diner for the whole community that serves healthy food and information on nutrition.
I want something for children, like events for special needs children. We want a lot of things but the most important is the future of education among youth. Sobretodo su educación (activities and teachers).
One that prioritizes accessibility, intergenerational relationship-building, and shared visions for safety & health. Also lots of green space! + mutual aid + political education :)
For children and adults to have a space to be, talk, study or have a cup of coffee...more so in the spring that we all go out. I imagine a beautiful space, with flowers, trees and modern design. An open space. Eufracia
do you imagine a community space that unites and empowers the community?
te imaginas un espacio comunitario que una y empodere la comunidad?
想象一个团结和赋予社区的 空间,那会是什么样的?
An excellent idea to use a space for the community that will otherwise be wasted when it can be used for a good purpose for our community. To be used for entitlements, immigrants, healthcare and any other services that will benefit the community. Edey
That it be a seedbed of values in children or young people
Swimming center for kids
A recreational park for children. An open space with places to sit and with plenty of green. With activities for children.
A recreational center for children
We need english learning support and other classes to begin working in some fields, any type of information.
Plant some cherry blossoms, improve cleanliness of public toilets, manage homelessness increased security at night noise control, trader joes improve micromobility management (bicycles, motorcycles)
English language learning and IT skills for kids. Support in job search and education to be able to improve on an individual level.
José Piñeiro
Tutorials for childen and teens.
Playgrounds & play spaces for children
A school for english language learning for children and adults, and a recreational center for children (arts & crafts). Also a help center for immigrants to get work.
Juan Calaby
It should be a space for children and adults to read and educate themselves.
Grecia Rodriguez
Jaime Ramirez
A space that tends to special needs children — and fosters inclusive learning.
Investing in everyday life skills & creating synergies across the boards allocating communal & individual success
A museum featuring children's art.
Britney (Visión Futuro)
I imagine a center that supports children in school work.
Maria, Mexico
Community center for youth and adults Mary
Activities and crafts workshops for children during winter. Angela
English classes, job training, construction. Support for adults.
Jovenes de la comunidad
A space for kids to gather afterschool, for homework support and during school breaks
Lisette (sunset park)
Space where single mothers that can't read can learn how to do so to guide their children in an environment where they feel included and listened to.
Marina Rodriguez
Maria Bolaños
A safe inclusive space for everyone
Ben, Lauren + Eli
Animal clinic, Resources for pet owners
Community residents
Activities and crafts workshops for children during winter.
I would like an education center for girls with vocabulary to understand more.
Oswaldo Mendez
A space that offers art and technology activities for young people and the elderly. With programs that keep young people off drugs
Opportunities to create jobs in the community.
Educational and vocational programs. Johny
Center for kids' mental health awareness. Center for mental health awareness of children, youth and adults. Unite the community and connect the neighbors with specialists.
Carla Trujillo
A gamer room, a playground, a nail salon for girls and a spa for grownups, games for babies and a room for eating and to learn to cook.
*All the voices in Spanish and Chinese were translated to English for research purposes.
A New library that is cleaner and prettier, with more books and that is free. It should always be open. Being able to write about the books, what I liked, with an after school program that supports kids in their learning.
Billy Coronado, 7 y, Avdelio Coronado, 38
B More spaces for children: for instance, libraries, exercise / sports areas and public toilets.
C A daycare that supports undocumented children.
D A space for single mothers that are facing difficulties paying rent and are homeless. The rent is too high. Workshops for housing applications, and job searching. Neighbors can do a knowledge exchange.
E A place that offers tutorials for children and recreational games- Arts programming.
F Space to learn English, computing and how to communicate and interact with others. Place for adults.
José Infante
G Free writing and reading (...) classes. Knowledge sharing (...).
Michele & Ken
A More activities for children, like playing (spaces for running, crafts, painting), also games with physical activity. A closed space with physical play areas.
Araceli Mendoza
B A free english learning center taking into account the participation of latin communities who have not received enough education.
C More counseling for mental awareness
D It’s good to have a space where kids can go, so they stay out of the streets. A space like a library.
E Indoor play space for kids (after-school programming)
F A community center that provides help with housing issues, health insurance, etc. Where there are people who speak your language and some feel welcome.
Olga Hernandez
G English classes for free for all ages.
A Space that is extention of CD7 for information and education about what is going on in the neighborhood.
B A space for youth, children and parents that offers tutorials, classes, and workshops for job hunting and immigration aid and ID applications.
Ana Vasquez
C Afterschool space that provides activities and structure for kids that usually arrive to empty homes without company or guidance.
D Chairs with cushions that are comfortable for a long time
E A space that offers art programs and activities for kids, young adults and seniors
F Support for victims of violence. Woman and man. Work Trainings
Familia de Sunset Park
G Give OSHA classes for all hispanics and don’t have trouble with work
Jose Perez
A A space for children of working moms where they learn to share, craft and read in spanish.
B Help and information center, health services and job search, and tenant aid and organizing.
Acevedo Isaac
C A gymnasium where people can exercise, that also provides group and individual activities, for the use of people that live here. It would be nice that other people that don’t live in Sunset Park could also come visit.
D A community space for the kids like an indoor playground and event space.
E Give classes to immigrant people to learn English that struggle for free. School for kids with no proper apportunity to go to college
F A space for dance that is taught for free
G Workshops for helping women about domestic violence
Maria Cruz
A Multigenerational, for all
B An open, accessible space that allows people to freely join together.
C A recreation center for kids, and arts center would be great because there are not a lot of summer programs. Storytelling time and other activities. I imagine tables, children sitting and professionals teaching. All of this to connect with their emotions, providing dance classes. They should have everything they need to reach their potential.
Silvia and Veronica
D A physical and mental health wellness center
E A space for migrant orientation
José Infante
F A healthy space, where we all live without distinction of race. Showing everyone’s traditions.
Eleucadio Flores
G Something for children like craft stories, a space for them to be there and entertain themselves. That they have a place to be and spend time, doing manual, physical activities. This is how they are entertained and inspired, and this is how they imagine and create.
A A space that educates youth and informs on substance abuse.
B One that prioritizes accessibility, intergenerational relationship-building, and shared visions for safety & health. Also lots of green space! + mutual aid + political education :)
Ana Vasquez
F I imagine... games for children with special needs. It would be the most beautiful for me.
G Free workshops for kids of different ages.
A A diner for the whole community that serves healthy food and information on nutrition.
B I want something for children, like events for special needs children. We want a lot of things but the most important is the future of education among youth. sobretodo su educación (activities and teachers).
F An excellent idea to use a space for the community that will otherwise be wasted when it can be used for a good purpose for our community. To be used for entitlements, immigrants, healthcare and any other services that will benefit the community
G That it be a seedbed of values in children or young people.
A School for children and help center for older people..
B For children and adults to have a space to be, talk, study or have a cup of coffee... more so in the spring that we all go out. I imagine a beautiful space, with flowers, trees and modern design. An open space.
F I imagine... games for my children and the children of Sunset Park
G Swimming center for kids.
A A space to help kids with homework.
B A recreational park for children. An open space with places to sit and with plenty of green. With activities for children.
C A recreational center for children
D A recreational center for loved ones with special needs.
Britney (Visión Futuro)
E I imagine a center that supports children in school work.
Maria, Mexico
F Community center for youth and adults
G After school programs for many and also support programs for parents. But especially entertainment programs for young people instead of being on the street. Writing and reading clubs.
A Keep the police there so that the kids will be safer.
B We need English learning support and other classes to begin working in some fields, any type of information.
C Tutorials for children and teens.
D A museum featuring children’s art.
E Activities and crafts workshops for children during winter.
F English classes, job training, construction. Support for adults.
Jovenes de la comunidad
G A space for kids to gather after school, for homework support and during school breaks.
Lisette Arnaud-Heri (Sunset Park)
A Plant some cherry blossoms, improve cleanliness of public toilets, manage homelessness , increased security at night, noise control, Trader Joes, improve micromobility management (bicycles, motorcycles)
B English language learning and IT skills for kids. Support in job search and education to be able to improve on an individual level.
José Piñeiro
C Playgrounds & play spaces for children
D Help for the elderly to search for jobs because the agencies do not consider them. Because I like to work but not be exploited.
Maria Bolaños
E A safe inclusive space for everyone
Ben, Lauren + Eli
F Animal clinic, resources for pet owners, community residents
G Opportunities to create jobs in the community. Educational and vocational programs..
A A school for English language learning for children and adults, and a recreational center for children (arts & crafts). Also a help center for immigrants to get work..
Juan Calaby
B It should be a space for children and adults to read and educate themselves. Tutorials for children and teens.
Grecia Rodriguez
C Hospital.
D Space where single mothers that can’t read can learn how to do so to guide their children in an environment where they feel included and listened to.
Marina Rodriguez
E I would like an education center for girls with vocabulary to understand more.
Oswaldo Mendez
F A space that offers art and technology activities for young people and the elderly. With programs that keep young people off drugs
G Community space help children teach their mothers values, respect, tolerance, love.
Yesenia Cardozo
A An exhibition and cultural exchange center
Jaime Ramirez
B A space that tends to special needs children — and fosters inclusive learning.
C Investing in everyday life skills & creating synergies across the boards allocating communal & individual success
D Place where children can play and where they can learn art, culture, and dance techniques.
Enma E School
F Center for kids’ mental health awareness. Center for mental health awareness of children, youth and adults. Unite the community and connect the neighbors with specialists.
Carla Trujillo
G A gamer room, a playground, a nail salon for girls and a spa for grownups, games for babies and a room for eating and to learn to cook.