6 minute read
Proximity text (pixels near river)
//new rules 3 1 5 waterway layer
Y population density layer livestock density layer create your own layer fig

Overlaying ALC and Land use with rules generates image 2.12, defining interventions at pixel level (e.g., Grade 4 + Arable = 20% crops, 40% Forests, 40% Pasture). 50 rules accommodate diverse conditions, fostering nature, agriculture and NFFN engagement via open-source contributions from farmers.
This tool also lets you develop exclusive rules for certain spatial condition making it more inclusive and creating bottom-up approach.
Wetland fig 2.12 Algorithm - Generated Map Algorithm tests pixel overlaps, creating 8 outcomes: Forests, Grassland, Pasture, crops, Freshwater, Saltwater, Marsh, and Wetland, encompassing land and water. fig 2.14 Plugin to Rethink The concept reinterprets data for visualization, pattern recognition, and proactive intervention. Linked with AI drawing tools, it creates captivating images from pixel data, enabling quick data processing, overlap, and rule design for diverse applications.

Spatial awareness begins with the river layer, establishing buffer zones at 50 and 100-pixel resolutions around nearby pixels. Illustrated diagrams showcase potential pixel distributions along the river edge, examining the implications of these layers on the landscape..

/imagine prompt: Broadband Weaveland in England’s grade 3 agricultural land with 20 percent crop, 40 Percent forest and 40 percent pasture land. Visualise a realistic render.

/imagine prompt: Freshwater in England’s grade 3 agricultural land with 20 percent Wetlands, 40 Percent forest and 40 percent crops. Visualise a realistic render.

Under Construction: Contemporary Touchdown
Rakhiyal, Monogram Mill Lands, 23°01’25.6”N 72°37’23.9”E a. Site voronoi diagram for desired anchor points development c. Scoring of each cell and selected buildable cells d. Proximity test and final buidable grid
The cities of today can only increase in population density at the expense of the open spaces which are quite the lungs of the city. Now we need to understand if we want to increase the density of the cities without urban Sprawl in order to diminish distance between places we need to go ‘Vertical’.
The Idea here is to construct water tight formula to arrive at the fundamental principles of site development and introducing variant typologies to reflect the surrounding which can adapt to the changes and which change in context can become potential for the new place. The Design questions Idea of Underutilized space and space pressurised as a balance enforced by the fabric. ‘The contemporary touchdown’ – Occurring on the site ; tries to bring new skyline in the city, the skyline that is dynamic due to always under construction process with concerns of site and changes that needs to be addressed. The development strategy of such typologies links with parameters to be preserved or respond deriving potential location for the built fabric which will always be in the harmony with open spaces ; currently are perceived as just VACANT plots.
Here the vacant plot is developed with series of processes which can be applied to other sites with different constrains. Here the plot is connected across edges with points where potential development can take place and is in the proximity yet avoiding densification in fabric. The relationship thereby is created without hindering wall across market and slum residence. The process is likely to be used as a program to understand possible location whereas development of the site can be done in process still left incomplete with creating relationships across developed anchor points.The intent here is to create a stable environment with respect to the need for instability. The idea is to bridge the gap. The vacuum is the catalyst by the walled element. To decentralize the density pressure and create the bridge between existing Archipelagos.
There are sets of new typologies that needs to be introduced in the existing fabric – vacant here. Picture a platform that can be workshop, discussion room, commercial block, housing unit or production unit, designed to be an architectural experience and engage city surrounding it.

As mapped white lines in the south of vacant plot marks built up space occupied by Monogram Mills in relationship to red line in the plot portraying current built up space of hospital – created as public infrastructure. Drawing out relationship there is an overlap of landscape in 2000s and current built up space. This indicates the landscape in past was hampered for development observed in present.

The site development strategy focuses on preserving potential and history of the site.
The intent here is to bridge the gap between density and vacancy. The vacuum is catalyzed by the deployed structure walled element. To decentralize the density pressure and create the bridge between existing archipelagos of density. Different typologies can be added to engage the city, based on the particular surrounding.

Things that evolved in one context suddenly find their potential when they are moved into another context. Exploring how society can be manifested into physical form. The form seeks to connect the tangible and intangible and inform change for the positive. The form that will be always under construction with changing context will be always at the most beautiful state,halffinished. Over time it becomes more about the magic of the structure and its emergent qualities.

Under Construction: Contemporary Touchdown

Fig 2.6 Visuals of eight module form the feasibility of the project in terms of how will it be constructed, what scale will it be and what materials will be used

Fig 2.7 Visuals of sixteen module form Tower Crane assembly is used to attach modules that creates coherent form without function
Fig 2.8 Visuals of thirty-two module form Flexible enough to allow variant activities.
Fig 2.9 Across the Vacant plot The more denser the cities ae there are less distance to be covered by people. The mortal is therefore that the density of the centres must be increased in cities. Now with the logic of where to place, there is a system which allows to address need of the context. System is deployable and flexible with functions it can inherit and now with the locations on spatial basis the structure system can be utilized with changing context.
One Planet Development: The Policy
United Kingdom, Wales, 52.1307° N, 3.7837° W
The One Planet Development is a planning policy implemented under the guidelines set forth by numerous Welsh parliamentary legislations and international conferences on climate action. The Welsh government introduced this policy with the aim of reducing its environmental impact, which currently exceeds permissible levels, by encouraging individuals to take responsibility for reducing their ecological footprints. The government hopes that this collective effort will also lead to positive changes in national consumption patterns. As part of this policy, individuals who sign up are allowed to live on farmlands, provided they can sustain themselves while adhering to a reduced ecological footprint allowance of 1.88gHa per person. This allowance is calculated based on the Welsh population and national ecological footprint.
Aptly named the ‘One Planet Development’, the policy provides detailed guidelines for various occupants of the Welsh landscape. However, it currently remains incomplete, having only specified ‘Practice Guidelines’ for applicants from the ‘open countryside’ category (Wimbush 2023). Initially, the intention was to create separate Practice Guidelines for those seeking to build an OPD on the ‘edge of settlement’ as well as a ‘multi-unit OPD’. Unfortunately, these alternative models were scarcely elaborated on, and without the necessary policy provisions, the ideas were eventually abandoned over time.
Under the single-unit OPD scheme, the general principles remain the same. Each applicant must convince the Planning Authorities of their commitment to the following goals:
A) Reducing their ecological footprint to 1.88gHa
B) Constructing an eco-house on the land with net-zero emissions, operating under zero carbon upon completion.
C) Successfully operating a land-based business that can financially support the occupants.
Each OPD project is granted a 5-year incubation period during which they can work towards achieving these goals in a sustainable manner. The planning process also outlines the improvements to be made to the biodiversity of the land and the benefits to be brought to the local community (Trust 2012).

Ownership Data
Crown Estate
National Trust
Ministry of Defence
Proximity to Settlement
0Km to 1Km
1Km to 6 Km
6K to 11Km
11Km to 16Km
16Km to 28Km
Agriculture Land Productivity
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3a/3b
Grade 4
Grade 5
Landuse Reclassified
Builtup Marine
Rock exposure and waste
Open Water
Mosaic, Mire/Swamp

Woodland Scrub
Cultivated/Marginal Land
Grassland and Marsh
Multi-criteria Scoring Grades
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Priority 5
Misleading Standards
Studying One Planet Council’s planning applications reveals key factors influencing OPD site selection: affordable land near settlements and specific government land classifications. Suitability index shows potential areas, but accessibility remains limited. Effective management can restore unsuitable land, but unknown factors also influence availability.
Fig 4.4 OPD uitability Map Suitability Map indicating all areas available for an OPD if parameters from previous figure are accepted as standards
Data Source- DataMapWales, Welsh Government. Landmap Landscape Habitats, 2017 Edition. Downloaded [March 2023] DataMapWales, Welsh Government.Predictive Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) Map 2, 2019 Edition. Downloaded [March 2023]

Contradictions in Landcover X Agricultural Productivity
National land classifications based on agricultural productivity and land cover are widespread but have limitations and omissions. Individual land management, like OPDs, must acknowledge these contradictions and prioritize development typologies that restore landscapes beyond scientific formulas. To reduce the ecological footprint, strategies should focus on landscape health beyond imposed classifications.
Data Source- DataMapWales, Welsh Government. Landmap Landscape Habitats, 2017 Edition. Downloaded [March 2023] DataMapWales, Welsh Government.Predictive Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) Map 2, 2019 Edition. Downloaded [March 2023]]