1 minute read
The Warehouse has been divided up using high quality timber cassettes and woolbased insulation. These could be re-purposed for use as walls in other similar spaces.
Desgined for dissasembly, these units bolted together in order to allow them to be taken down in sections, with some sections using industrial shelving units and others using wooden sections to create walls and spaces.
Power requirements N/A
Fixed Requirements Bolted to floor, requires contractors to fix
Floor Area Felxible
Moving Requirements Contractors, carpenters, Large vehicles
Additional functionality needed to complete N/a
Number of inducted people N/A
Users desiring continued access N/A
Approximate value £13,000
The units are of varying heights and lenghts, constituting walls that currently make up three large rooms.
The walls making up the Learning Lab are primarily wooden casettes made of timber, with glass sections, cassetes with insulation and shelving to host a gallery area. The Visiting Maker Room uses racking units backed with OSB to create highly functional wall units and the area around Messy Making primarily constitutes a large sliding door to allow equipment and material to pass through.

More details and visits can be arranged on request through an expression of interest form (see the website)