Annual Report 2014

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Annual Report 2014

Table of Contents Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of CSOs 5 Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society in Albania


Work for Creating an Enabling Environment for Development of Civil Society in Albania


Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of CSOs-European Agenda


Local Democracy in Action - LEVIZ ALBANIA Project


The Albanian Crowd, an Interactive Platform for Albanian NGOs and Social Enterprises


Capacity Building Programs for Youth, Women and CSOs


Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union (JoiEU)


Enhance Dialogue and Interaction Among Citizens and European Institutions Toward Social Inclusion


Women and Youth Employment and Increased Representation in Decision-making


RISIAlbania Project - Making the Labor Market Work for Young People in Albania


Towards an Alternative Tourism


Study Visit on Professional Education and Measures to meet Youth Unemployment, Germany


Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation


National and Regional Competition of Green Ideas


Young Entrepreneurs of Albania


Challenges and Opportunities for Employment of Marginalized Groups by Social Enterprises


Social Innovation Europe


Social Innovation SI-Drive Project


Social Entrepreneurship in the Region


Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility Philanthropy Awards 2014

Transparent and Accountable Governance

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Enhancing the Transparency and Accountability of Electronic Public Procurement at Local Level


Consultative Forums on the Administrative-Territorial Reform


Facilitation of Public Input in Country Partnership Framework of the World Bank Group in Albania


Building Local Capacities for Urban Governance


New Publications


Partners Albania in Media Focus




Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of CSOs


Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society in Albania Partners Albania administered during 2014 a nationwide survey to assess the practical application of laws, policies and regulations affecting civic engagement and enabling environment for civil society organizations in Albania. The findings served as the base for the “Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society in Albania, Annual Report 2014”. It is part of the Western Balkan and Turkey report using the same methodology and prepared by members of the Balkan Civil Society Development Network. The report was presented and discussed in November 27, 2014 with representatives of government, civil society organizations and donor agencies. The round-table was addressed by the Prime Minister’s legal advisor Mrs.Eralda Çani who highlighted the government’s commitment to address civil society concerns as raised in the report and in line with the EU integration agenda. Mrs. Arjana Dyrmishi, Director of Policy and Fiscal Relations in the Ministry of Finance anticipated in her presentation changes on the fiscal legislation that affects the activity of non-profit organizations. The three main areas covered by the Monitoring Matrix are: 1) Basic Legal Guarantees of Freedoms; 2) Framework for CSOs’ Financial Viability and Sustainability; and 3) Government – CSO Relationship.

Regional round-tables organized in Elbasani, Durrësi, Vlora and Shkodra to discuss the preliminary findings.

Annual Report 2014


Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of CSOs

During 2014, the Working Group on Enabling Environment for Civil Society in Albania, under the coordination of Partners Albania worked intensively to address all the issues raised in the National Conference “Social Partners - Time for Action” that Partners Albania organized in December 2013. The advocacy efforts of the Working Group resulted in several positive developments and achievements with regard to legal and institutional architecture in support of civil society.

The Albanian Parliament Adopts the Resolution “For Recognition and Strengthening the Role of Civil Society in the Process of Democratic Development of the Country” On December 24, 2014 the Albanian Parliament adopted the Resolution “For Recognition and Strengthening the Role of Civil Society in the Process of Democratic Development of the Country”, the first political document that recognizes and establishes concrete commitments by both civil society and state actors to this regard. The broad support that the Resolution attracted across the political spectrum in the Albanian Parliament represents an achievement in legitimizing the NGO sector as a partner in its relations with the highest legislative body.

National Council for Civil Society The Working Group on Enabling Environment for Civil Society in Albania worked during 2014 on drafting the Law “On the Establishment and Functioning of the National Council for Civil Society”. In December 2014 the final draft was presented to the High Administrative Group established by the Council of Ministers on this issue.

Social Procurement in Albania Partners Albania is working to introduce the concept of social procurement as a way to enable CSO participation in public procurement bids, to provide quality and financially sustainable services. To ensure stakeholders understanding on this new concept and build political support, Partners Albania developed a Policy Paper which discusses social procurement practice, its importance in CSO social service delivery and highlights models from different countries. The Paper also provides an analysis of the current framework of public procurement in Albania, identifying the main factors that hinder the participation of CSOs in the public bids. The set of recommendations suggest ways how social procurement can be regulated in Albania within the current procurement law or as a separate one.

During 2015, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and ASCS will consult the draft law with the sector. The Council will guarantee the institutional cooperation between government and civil society, and development of an enabling environment including a national strategy for civil society and a roadmap for the Albanian government.

Changes on the Fiscal Legislation for NGOs in Albania The recent Council of Ministers decision No. 953, dated 29.12.2014 regarding Added Value Tax (VAT), in line with the VAT Law no. 92/2014, introduce a series of important changes in the tax regime and regulations for the economic activity of non-for-profits. They address the previous legal gaps and ambiguities related to economic activity of non-for profits and VAT treatment.

Discussion of the Policy Paper with CSOs, donors and government representatives, November 21, 2014.

Partners Albania work to create an enabling environment for civil society in Albania is supported by EU through regional project “Balkan Civil Society Acquis - Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential, and Capacities of CSOs”, implemented by the members of BCSDN in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey, and the Olof Palme International Center in Albania through the Swedish government funds, in framework of the project “Increasing Citizen Participation in Policy Making and Implementation”.


Policy Workshop “What is the Environment in which CSOs work, and what can the EC and Governments do to Improve it?” Klotilda Tavani Kosta, Director of Programs, represented Partners Albania in this policy discussion workshop organized by BCSDN in partnership with ECNL. The workshop gathered over 40 representatives of the European Commission, European networks, experts and civil society from Western Balkans and Turkey. It served as an opportunity to present the 1st-ever Regional Report on Enabling Environment for CSDev in Enlargement Countries.

Policy workshop, Brussels, May 27th Photo: BCSDN

Monitoring Matrix Working Group Meeting The thirteen representatives of the project’ partners who developed the Monitoring Matrix and conducted the monitoring in their respective countries, gathered in Skopje, on 18 - 19 June 2014, to discuss on the 1st year monitoring experience and devise the approach in measuring progress in the current and future years.

meeting by Klotilda Tavani Kosta, Director of Programs.

Partners Albania, the organization conducting the monitoring in Albania, was represented in this An online tool is available to compare countries progress as per established indicators in the Matrix.

The implementation experience of the Monitoring Matrix and consultations with stakeholders have led to refinement of a common methodology and further development of progress measurement.

Photo: BCSDN

Maximizing the Potential and Capacity of the Framework Partnership Agreements As a partner in the implementation of the FPA project “Balkan Civil Society Acquis – Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs”, Partners Albania represented by Klotilda Tavani Kosta, Director of Programs, participated in the

closing conference of Framework Partnership Agreements of the European Commission with networks of CSOs from the Western Balkans, Turkey, and the European Union. The project leaders and their partners of the Framework

Partnership Agreements and the European Commission’s Civil Society Facility Team at DG Enlargement got together on the 24-25 of September in Brussels to exchange views on what it is achieved and plans for the second phase of the projects.

Networking in the Western Balkans Blerina Guga, PA Project Manager participated in the Regional Western Balkans Network Meeting organized by Olof Palme International Center in Belgrade, September 24 – 26, 2014. The meeting helped build and strengthen regional and international partnerships among active organizations of the Olof Palme International Center network in Albania, Kosovo, Serbia and Sweden. They explored opportunities for cooperation through joint actions, projects, exchanges and long term collaboration.

Annual Report 2014


Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of CSOs

Roundtables on Funding, Independence and Accountability of Associations , OSCE, Warsaw Juliana Hoxha, Partners Albania Director, member of the CSO consultative group from member countries of the OSCE, participated in two events organized on May 6-7, 2014 in Warsaw, Poland. The first roundtable which discussed funding, independence and accountability of associations was organized at the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Warsaw.

Photo: OSCE

As a follow-up, a second roundtable with the civil society consultative group was organized by the Community of Democracies and the team of United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai. The discussions focused at international human rights norms, standards and mechanisms to promote the right of freedom of association, and ways to strengthen them.

Provision of Social Services by CSOs – Study Visit to Slovenia Klotilda Tavani Kosta, PA Director of Programs participated in a study visit exploring provision of social services by CSOs, organized in Slovenia during October 22-24, 2014.

Participants met with Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Affairs, Municipality of Ljubljana and several CSOs implementing social programs.

Participants came from partner organizations in Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia who are implementing the monitoring of enabling environment for civil society development. Part of the group were representatives of relevant state institutions.

The central topic of discussion was the functioning of systems of social programs, social procurement legal framework and how CSOs can effectively combine service provision with advocacy.

7th edition of Black Sea NGO Forum Enabling Environment for CSOs: Towards a Strategy of Civil Society in the Black Sea Region This year’s edition launched a regional consultation with the purpose of starting the process of creating a Strategy of Civil Society in the Black Sea Region. Through working groups and thematic workshops, the Forum gathered valuable input and expertise from participants to identify the common needs and challenges for having an enabling environment in which civil society carries out its activity. During the two days of the event, Ariola Agolli, PA Director of Programs facilitated some of the workshops.

Photo: Black Sea NGO Forum


ALBANIA LEVIZ ALBANIA In 2014 it was launched the Local Democracy in Action - LEVIZ ALBANIA Project which aims to enhance democracy at the local level through support to various drivers of change. The project will work to mobilize and engage civil society toward greater citizen participation and to increase oversight of local

governance leading to far greater transparency, accountability and improved public services. During the inception phase, the project conducted thorough baseline research to identify actors of change, assess their capacities, and collect best practices of collaboration with and local government accountability initiatives.

The Albanian Crowd, an Interactive Online Platform of the Albanian NGOs and Social Enterprises LEVIZ ALBANIA is implemented by a consortium of three organizations: OSFA, Partners Albania and Co-Plan, and financially supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in Albania.

The Albanian Crowd is an interactive online platform of the Albanian NGOs and social enterprises. The platform provides comprehensive information on the location, scope of work, areas of activity, beneficiaries, services the organizations and social enterprises offer and projects they are currently working on. The platform has already 140 member organizations from across the country, operating in different fields. Since its launch, the platform counts over 8000 visitors, more than 100,000 hits and 15,000 visits from nearly 120 countries from all continents. All Albanian organizations and interested groups can join the platform by completing the online registration form at this link: http://www.

Annual Report 2014


Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of CSOs

Empowerment of School Governments in Librazhdi Partners Albania assisted organization World Vision Albania to empower school governments in 15 pilot primary schools in Librazhdi. The aim of this assistance was to improve the quality of learning process towards creating a friendly environment for pupils.

Trainings focused on the role, duties, responsibilities and rights of the student’s governments, project writing and fundraising for their schools needs and life skills. At the end of the training process, the student governments of 15 schools participated in a competition organized by World Vision in Librazhdi, where PA was an evaluation panel member.

Partners Albania conducted 21 trainings with participation of 132 student governments’ members and 15 coordinator teachers.

A proposal sketch presented in the competition.

The competition funded best projects presented by the student governments and the respective schools boards to improve their school infrastructure.

Capacity Building Programs for CSOs Partners Albania assisted the formalization and then institutional setup procedures and human capacity building of the youth group “Changing the Future” in Dibra.

This group has been successful in mobilizing more than 150 youngsters from urban and rural areas in Dibra and engaged them in local community initiatives. “Changing the Future” is a World Vision partner in Dibra region.

Effective use of media is crucial for the civil society in building support and ensuring transparency of its activity. To address the gaps in this area, Partners Albania organized a training program on social media and branding for organizations from Tirana, Vlora, Elbasani and Shkodra.

The training provided knowledge and practical skills on producing videos to promote their organizations’ work and using social media to convey messages, build audience and supporters. The training was organized with the support and in cooperation with the US Embassy in Tirana.

Writing qualitative proposals and managing successful projects remains a need for the civil society sector. In this focus, Partners Albania conducted in December 2014 a three-day training on “Project Proposal Writing and Management”. Participants in the program were a group of representative of the Albanian Women Empowerment Network from across the country, who were introduced to some of the latest tools and techniques, as well as different project - proposal formats according to donors. This program was supported by Kvinna Till Kvinna.


Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union (JoiEU) Partners Albania is an implementing partner of the project “Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union”. JoiEU comprises of a series of transnational debates mobilizing citizen participation by using innovative communications and advocacy strategies in a joint effort to put together policy proposals for greater citizen participation in the decisionmaking process in the EU. In the framework of the JoiEU project, Partners Albania organized on October 14, 2014 an international debate on “Development of Social Enterprises”.

It was a follow up of Partners Albania contribution in the social enterprises development. The debate brought together actors from state agencies, SE representatives, academic institutions, development agencies and donor agencies working and supporting development of social entrepreneurship. The discussion featured some of the best practices and challenges in European countries such as Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Serbia and the UK. The Albanian panel discussion presented the Albanian experience and included contributions from the start-ups supported by Partners Albania through the Green Ideas competition.

The JOIEU project is funded by the European Union through Europe for Citizens Programe.

Enhance Dialogue and Interaction Among Citizens and European Institutions Toward Social Inclusion Partners Albania was a consortium implementing member of higher education institutions and nongovernmental organizations from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Albania, Poland, Austria and Cyprus of IGA (Inter Gea Ação) project. The project contributed to a more inclusive Europe, stimulating dialogue and interaction between citizens and European institutions, in order to find efficient and sustainable solutions for various forms of social exclusion. A team of Partners Albania participated in the conclusive meeting of the partner organizations from seven countries, organized in Florence, Italy on 2124, May 2014.

The project partners and invited citizens shared the results of the project in every country and worked to finalize the recommendations on social inclusion that will be presented to the Europe for Citizen Program of the European Union. During these days, the project partners visited and met with several social enterprises such as “Il Sipario”, a social enterprise of young workers with intellectual disabilities or sensory impairment, The Impact Hub Firenze, Action Research for Co-development, ESPRIT Toscana, CESVOT (Voluntary Service Centre for Tuscany), Cooperativa Il Cenacolo, etc.

For more information on project products and results visit: php

Annual Report 2014


Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of CSOs

Development of Democracy and Institutional Reform in South-Eastern Europe: EU Enlargement in practice On January 29, 2014 it was organized in Brussels a meeting with officials from the DG Enlargement of European Commission and representatives of civil society organizations. The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss on the latest development of democracy and institutional reform in Eastern Europe, with an emphasis on development trends of civil society and its cooperation with national governments in Albania and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Juliana Hoxha, Partners Albania Director, as the Albanian representative panelist presented the advocacy plan developed by civil society in Albania with regard to its enabling environment. The presentation touched upon regional project “Balkan Civil Society Acquis – Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of Civil Society Organizations” as an important contributor to the development of this agenda.

PDCI Summit 2014 Juliana Hoxha, PA Director and Ariola Agolli, PA Director of Programs participated in the PDCI Summit 2014, organized by the PDCI office in Brussels, on 1-4 November 2014. The Summit brought together executives and management staff from the 19 Centers of the network, from Europe, Americas, Africa and Middle East. During the Summit, PDCI hosted a series of public outreach events to share best practices with members of EU institutions, international NGOs, and multinational corporations. PDCI is a global network of 19 local autonomous organizations working for peaceful and democratic change.

Standing with Civil Society Juliana Hoxha, Partners Albania Director, together with thirty other civil society representatives from around the world, participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) “Standing with Civil Society”, a flagship program of the US State Department. The program was organized through September 14-27, 2014. As part of the program, Ms. Hoxha had the opportunity to attend the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Event 2014 and a private civil society event with President Obama. The program included participation in the high level meeting of Open Government Partnership, meetings with State Department, US agencies including private foundations and NGOs in Washington DC, New York and Philadelphia.

Women and Youth Employment and Increased Representation in Decision-making


Making the Labor Market Work for Young People in Albania RisiAlbania is a youth employment project that focuses on achieving systemic changes in the Albanian labor market in order to improve access to employment opportunities for young women and men.

RisiAlbania project is being implemented by a consortium of Helvetas Swiss Inter-cooperation and Partners Albania, and is funded by the Embassy of Switzerland in Albania. Using the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach, the project seeks to overcome the main barriers to youth employment by stimulating job creation (demand), developing skills (supply) and improving labor market information and services (intermediation). Risi has started stimulating job creation in three sectors that combine growth potential and attractiveness to young people, and in particular women, namely agro-processing, tourism and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). By facilitating the uptake of new and profitable business models, the project aims to achieve sustainable and large-scale impact. In 2014 Risi successfully started promoting effective job intermediation and increase job opportunities for young women and men in Albania. It has supported leading job matching portals to offer new value added online services to businesses and young job-seekers and further increase their outreach through a free mobile app. A new professional recruitment service targeting Small and Medium Enterprises and focusing on the low and middle skilled job market has been set-up and is now up and running. In the agro-processing sector, Risi has initiated promising interventions to support the provision of quality marketing and financial services as well as improve agro-processors’ access to supporting schemes. Risi has enabled four national media in TV, radio, print and online to develop and broadcast programs on labor market information for young people. The availability of relevant labor market information to young people and their parents will improve the education, career choices and employment opportunities of future young employees.

Annual Report 2014


Women and Youth Employment and Increased Representation in Decision-making

Towards an Alternative Tourism Since June 2013, Partners Albania and MEDF foundation in FYR Macedonia are implementing the cross-border project “Towards an Alternative Tourism”, focusing on the cross-border area of the District of Korça in Albania and Struga, Ohrid, Debarca and Vevcani in FYROM. The project contributes to sustainable economic development through promotion and development of alternative tourism in the area.

During 2014, Partners Albania launched an intensive media campaign promoting the region as a touristic destination, through TV ads, a website, a documentary film and various promotional materials depicting tourist attractions in the area.

A special importance Partners Albania gave to capacities of local businesses and service agencies to successfully develop and meet tourism demand in the Korça region. Assistance and training was provided to them in this regard on issues of customer care, business plan development and qualitative culinary service in restaurants.

Training session with local businesses and service agencies in Korça

In the joint Fair of the projects implemented under the EU-funded IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program between the FYR of Macedonia and Albania 2007-2013, organized in Tirana on September 23, 2014, Partners Albania had a chance to present the results and achievements of the project “Towards an Alternative Tourism”. The event was addressed by Mrs. Klajda Gjosha, Minister of European Integration of Albania, Mr. Lirim Shabani, Minister of Local Self Government of the Republic of Macedonia, and Mr. Yngve Engstrom, Head of Operations at the EU Delegation to Albania.

The project “Towards an Alternative Tourism” is implemented by Partners Albania and MEDF Foundation, and is financially supported by the European Union and ABC Foundation.


Learning from the ‘Best’?” - A Study Visit on Professional Education and Measures to meet Youth Unemployment”, Germany Ariola Agolli and Klotilda Tavani Kosta, PA Directors of Programs participated in a study visit on youth professional education and measures to meet youth unemployment, organized in Germany from 3-11 October 2014. Youth education and (un) employment are driving political issues in Europe. While several European economies are experiencing even higher rates of youth unemployment, the pools of young qualified workforce in other countries are drying up. The European Union has therefore taken several measures in order to address this issue. At the same time European countries develop their own mix of educational and labour policy – with differing results. Germany has currently the lowest youth unemployment in Europe. During the study visit, the group of 33 participants from 19 countries explored the field of vocational and higher education as well

as the support structures for employability of young people in the federal entities Berlin and Brandenburg. The group met with scientists, employment agencies, mobility advisors for EU financed programs, educational enterprises and NGOs that support physically challenged youngsters and those with fewer opportunities. The study visit was a great opportunity to understand the dual education system in Germany, inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in labor market, integration of youngsters with migrational background in the education and employment system etc. The participants shared respective experiences and assessed how to successfully lobby and advocate to increase employability of young people in their local and European markets.

This visit was hosted by Mostar Friedensprojekt and organized in framework of Erasmus + Programme of EU.

Annual Report 2014

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation


Green Ideas 2014 national competition Partners Albania organized on March 2021, 2014 in Tirana the 3rd Green Ideas National Competition which promotes social inclusion and local economic development through ideas that are environmentally friendly. The novelty of this competition lies on collaboration and creation of a joint seed fund created through private and business donations, local and international philanthropic donors. This year’s competition was supported by Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Tirana Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Albanian Mobile Communications and Credins Bank.

Atlantid Beach Eco Camp an initiative of Tirana Express, consists in development of sustainable tourism in the area of Ishmi.

Recycling Jeans an initiative of the organization People and Ideas, will use cloth bags made of recycled jeans, to replace the plastic bags in the shopping malls and supermarkets. Green Sight, Castle2Castle

an initiative of GO2 organization, will promote tourism and local economic development through bicycle guided Sixteen finalists pitched their ideas in front tours in Shkodra region. of a panel of experts. Three winners will be financially supported and coached by Partners Albania for the first year of implementation.

Regional Competiton Development of Philanthropy in the Western Balkans: Philanthropy for Green Ideas, July 24–27, 2014 , Llogara, Albania. In this regional competition participated 15 winning ideas from the national competitions in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. GO2 “Green Sight, Castle2Castle” was one of the three winners of this year’s regional competition. This regional competition is organized annually by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in cooperation with partner foundations from Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. Partners Albania is the RBF’ partner organization in Albania.

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destinacion turistik urban

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Young Entrepreneurs of Albania In frame of its work to promote the youth employment and entrepreneurship, Partners Albania started in 2014 the initiative “Young Entrepreneurs of Albania”. It supports young students of vocational schools to develop skills and capacities in building competitive enterprises in the market. The participating schools are “Harry Fultz” Institute in Tirana and “Beqir Çela” in Durrës. The two main components of the initiative are Boot camps as part of which these young entrepreneurs are assisted to design sound business ideas and a two phase competition at school and cross schools level. The winners of these competitions will secure seed funding provided by local businesses and benefit from their mentoring in building the start-ups. The project is implemented with the support of Public Affairs Office of the United States Embassy in Tirana and in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth.

Challenges and Opportunities for Employment of Marginalized Groups by Social Enterprises Partners Albania is implementing a research project on social enterprises as a driver for employment of marginalized groups, part of the Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) in Western Balkans. The project focuses on mapping the social enterprise models in Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo and analyze their institutionalization process using the methodology of the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models Project. It will research the role social enterprises play on the local and regional employment market and will develop policy recommendations in the targeted countries. One of the expected results of the project is the establishment of a comprehensive database on social enterprises in the targeted countries.

All the interested parties including research community will have access to the project’ products through a specific website developed to this regard.

The project is implemented by Partners Albania, Reactor - Research in Action, Konekt, Center for Media Activities in Macedonia, and Center for Peace and Tolerance in Kosovo. This initiative is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC in cooperation with Universite de Fribourg.

Annual Report 2014

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation


Social Innovation Europe Social Innovation Europe ( is an online platform promoting the social innovation and bringing together the best social innovations and innovators in Europe. It provides the latest information on European social innovation— a clearinghouse featuring interviews with prominent innovators, case studies of successful ventures, the latest research, and indepth analysis from the leading thinkers in the field. Partners Albania is the Social Innovation Europe partner, assisting the initiative to reach out and promote innovation in the Western Balkans. SIE is coordinated by AEIDL (Belgium) and SIX (UK), in collaboration with the Euclid Network, Nesta, EMES, Young Foundation, Groupe SOS, and Partners Albania. SIE is funded by DG Growth.

Social Innovation Partners Albania as member of Social Innovation Laboratory - SIL (a network of regional social innovators), is an implementing partner of SI-drive project. SI-drive is a four-year research project starting in 2014, aiming at extending knowledge about social innovation by: 1) Integrating theories and research methodologies to advance understanding of SI leading to a comprehensive new paradigm of innovation; 2) Undertaking European and global mapping of SI, thereby addressing different social, economic, cultural, historical and religious contexts in eight major world regions; 3) Ensuring relevance for policy makers and practitioners through in-depth analyses and case studies in seven policy fields, with cross European and world region comparisons, foresight and policy round tables.

One of the biggest undertakings will be two mapping exercises at European and global level. Initial mapping will capture basic information about more than 1,000 actual social innovations from a wide variety of sources worldwide, leading to a typology of Social Innovation and using this to examine the global Social Innovation distribution. Subsequent mapping will use the typology to focus on well documented Social Innovation, leading to the selection of 10 cases each for in-depth analysis in the seven SI-drive Policy Fields. The outcomes of SI-drive will cover a broad range of research dimensions and will contribute to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. SI-drive involves 15 partners from 12 EU Member States and 10 partners from other parts of the world.


“Chartering into the Future”, Euclid Network Conference, 15 January 2014, Strasbourg

“Social Entrepreneurs: Have Your Say!” Conference, 16-17 January 2014, Strasbourg

Juliana Hoxha, PA Director participated in the “Chartering into the Future” conference organized by Euclid network. The conference focused on how civil society and social entrepreneurs can come together to find solutions to relevant issues. Juliana Hoxha led a discussion group on “The magnets to attract people and money”.

This conference organized by the European Commission was attended and followed online by about 4,000 people. It aimed to help strengthen and build the European social economy network to facilitate new initiatives on social innovation.

This conference was a recognized event of the European Commission conference “Social Entrepreneurs: Have Your Say!”.

The conference, as a reflection of the discussion outcomes, adopted a formal declaration.

It pointed out the importance of social enterprises in the economy, the needs and challenges they face, and actions to be taken in supporting their further development. conferences/2014/0116-social-entrepreneurs/docs/ strasbourg-declaration_en.pdf

Social Entrepreneurship Forum, 14 March 2014, Serbia As a follow-up to Strasbourg conference and Declaration, the Social Entrepreneurship Forum for Western Balkans and Turkey met in Belgrade. The Forum discussed the development of social entrepreneurship in the region, the legal and operation environment and main development challenges. In this discussion, Partners Albania, as a member of the Forum was represented by Juliana Hoxha, Director. The Social Entrepreneurship Forum adopted and signed the Declaration of the Western Balkan countries and Turkey for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship. It was addressed to the European Commission, European Parliament, EUDs in the Western Balkan and Turkey and respected governments.

Click here to read the Declaration development_of_SE_in_the_region_W.Balkan_and_Turkey.pdf

Annual Report 2014


Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility

Philanthropy Awards 2014! It marked the fourth year of this national competition which brings to the public attention and celebrates the champions in the philanthropic activity in Albania. As in the previous years, the awards were given out in a gala ceremony attended by a large number of guests from Albanian government, representatives of the diplomatic bodies accredited to Albania, business sector, civil society organizations, donor institutions and media.

Award for Business Entities Contributing at the National Level was granted to CREDINS Bank with the motivation: “For the continuous support in the fields of health, education, arts and culture, in particular for the significant assistance given for the reconstruction of hospitals, construction of chemical laboratories and the equipment with medical laboratories of the regional hospitals of Durrës, Shkodra, Vlora and the Central Military University hospital”. Award for Business Entities Contributing at the Local Level was granted to Alb-Star company represented by Mr. Sadik Ismailaj with the motivation: “For contribution in support of community in Fieri region, through investment in the infrastructure of several institutions and public areas in Fieri and Patosi, and support to people in need by providing financial aid and employment opportunities”. Award for the Individual Contribution was granted to Mr. Emiliano Lule with the motivation: “For special contribution in building technological infrastructure for visually impaired people enabling their access to information and education, toward social inclusion and integration”.

Special Award - Pioneer of Philanthropy was granted to Mr. Tef Pogu (posthumously) with the motivation: “For outstanding contribution given during 1920 - 1944 in support of individuals and groups in economic difficulty in the city of Shkodra, particularly for his contribution to the field of economic development and education, through the opening of factories, soup kitchen for poor people, support for primary school “Stigmantine Sisters” and “Filip Shiroka” school, etc.” Certificate of Appreciation was granted to Mrs. Claudia Janiszewski, president and founder of Organization for the Support of Albania’s Abandoned Babies (OSAAB) with the motivation: “For the invaluable contribution and the continuous support for newborn babies abandoned at the maternity hospitals in Tirana and districts, offering a warm and suitable environment for their wellbeing during the first months of life”.

Transparent and Accountable Governance


Enhancing the Transparency and Accountability in Public Electronic Procurement at Local Level The pilot initiative undertaken by Partners Albania during 2012 - 2013 in three municipalities to monitor the implementation of public procurement law was extended in four new municipalities during 2014. The monitoring looks in particular to two main elements such as transparency of the process and satisfaction of economic operators with procurement procedures. On 6 February 2014, Partners Albania launched the continuation of the initiative in the Municipality of Berati, Fieri, Himara and Saranda, with participation of mayors, municipal staff, NGOs and donors working in and supporting local government in Albania. The event was addressed by the Minister of Local Government, Mr. Bledi Çuçi and Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands H.E. Martin de la Bey, who stressed the importance and contribution such initiative provide for a transparent and good local governance. The roundtable discussion was followed by a ceremony where joint cooperation agreements were signed between mayors participating in the initiative and Mrs. Juliana Hoxha on behalf of Partners Albania.

During 2014, Partners Albania issued bimonthly monitoring reports on procurement bids and awards published by Public Procurement Agency and municipalities of Berati, Fieri, Himara and Saranda. The purpose of this monitoring was to assess the alignment of the procurement procedures followed by the respective institutions and identify technical, legal and implementation issues. Partners Albania brought into this monitoring the voice of the economic operators as an added value to the assessment of the procurement practice.

This initiative is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, under the MATRA program for civil society.

Annual Report 2014


Transparent and Accountable Governance

Consultative Forums on the Administrative Territorial Reform 2014 marked the launching of one of the most important reforms in the country, the Administrative Territorial Reform. In the framework of facilitating input in the new administrative division, Partners Albania conducted 12 consultative forums with representatives of local organizations, businesses, Universities, professional schools, local media, youngsters and active citizens. The forums took place in 4 southern qarks of Albania, respectively in the cities of Fieri, Saranda, Lushnja, Vlora, Ballshi, Himara, Berati, Kuçova, Skrapari, Tepelena, Gjirokastra and Përmeti, and were attended by 650 participants. These activities were part of a series of 36 consultative meetings with civil society in the 12 qarks of the country, in framework of the project for the Support of Territorial and Administrative Reform – STAR, supported by the international donors community in Albania (UNDP, USAID, Swiss Cooperation Office in Albania, Embassy of Sweden).

Facilitation of Public Input in Country Partnership Framework of the World Bank Group in Albania Partners Albania facilitated a series of regional consultations of the World Bank Group with local stakeholders, to collect their proposals on priority areas of growth acceleration in Albania. These meetings are part of the preparation process of the next Country Partnership Framework of the World Bank Group to support Albania’s growth and development. The Country Partnership Framework will define the World Bank Group’s future four to five year assistance for Albania. The consultations took place in Shkodra, Vlora, Korça and Berati, with participation of representatives from civil society, businesses etc.

Building Local Capacities for Urban Governance Partners Albania as an implementing partner in the Urban Partnership Program of the World Bank Institute in Austria was represented by Ariola Agolli, PA Director of Programs at the closing conference of this program in Vienna. As an anticorruption practitioner she provided an overview of Partners Albania perspective on the implementation of such interventions at local government level. One of the panelists was Mr. Bardhyl Gjyzeli, Mayor of Kuçova, who brought his experience in undertaking diagnostic interventions to treat and prevent corruption at local government. Kucova municipality has been assisted in this process and the design of anticorruption strategy and action plan by Partners Albania under the initiative Cities without corruption-Cities with a future.

Mr.Gjyzeli in his speach at the Mayors Symposium:Transformational Leadership in South - East Europe, February 2014, Vienna

New publications


Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development, Country Report for Albania 2014. This second report discusses the country performance as per indicators established in the Matrix and changes that took place during 2014. Click here to download the report for Albania: Click here for the regional report:

The Policy Paper on Social Procurement in Albania presents an analysis of the current legislation in place and implementation practice of public procurement, providing policy recommendations for regulation of social procurement in Albania. The paper also provides recommendations to ensure that social contracting is not only possible but can be a leading practice with regard to the provision and financing of social services in Albania. Download the Paper here: procurement_in_Albania_2014.pdf The study Towards an Alternative Tourism provides the map of tourism products and services with higher potential for tourism development in Korça Qark. It highlights businesses development trends and provides recommendations for long-term sustainable development of alternative tourism in this area. The study was conducted in framework of the project “Towards an alternative tourism”, supported by the European Union and ABC Foundation. Download the Study here: Towards_an_alternative_tourism.pdf

Go Out In Nature, Go Into Adventure! is a brochure that echo the beauty and touristic attractions of the regions of Pogradeci and Korça in Albania and Ohrid, Struga, Vevcani and Debarca in Macedonia. The brochure was produced in framework of the project Towards an Alternative Tourism, supported by the European Union and the ABC Foundation. Visit this link to read the Brochure: eja_ne_natyre_perjeto_aventuren.pdf Korça and Pogradeci, 4 Seasons on an Alternative Tourism is a brochure depicting the tourist attractions of Korça and Pogradeci region, offering information on cultural, natural and culinary heritage, hospitality services in the area etc. The brochure was produced in framework of the project Towards an Alternative Tourism, supported by the European Union and the ABC Foundation. Visit this link to read the Brochure: Promovimi_i_turizmit_alternativ_Qarku_Korce.pdf Annual Report 2014



Partners Albania is committed to maintain a high standard of transparency and dialogue with its supporters and beneficiaries. These are the main channels we use to inform about activities and discuss the impact of our work. Toward a Sustainable Society is a quarterly newsletter which is distributed electronically and is accessible via PA website.

Annual Report which provides an overview of our work, supporters and beneficiaries. report_2013

Partners Albania in Media Focus Green Ideas competition in electronic and printed media

Coverage of Partners Albania work in philanthropy development

Partners Albania multistakeholders consultative processes on territorial reform



Annual Report 2014

Rruga Sulejman Delvina, N.18, H.8, Ap. 12, Njësia Bashkiake 5, Kodi Postar 1022, Tiranë, Shqipëri, Kutia Postare (PO Box) 2418/1, Tel. 00355 4 2254881 Fax: 00355 4 2254883 Visit the online platform of the Albanian NGOs and social enterprises

The Albanian Crowd

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