View on #Philanthropy, quarterly bulletin, no.1, October 2017

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Viewon#Philanthropy QUARTERLY BULLETIN, NO.1, OCTOBER2017

In this issue: the newest charity website -Philanthropy Award 2017 page 1 -Quick facts on philanthropy activity in Albania July— September 2017 page 2—3

Hiljana Biba is a very talented 17 years old girl who has become one of the most inspiring philanthropists in Albania.

-Young Photographer donates the incomes from the book sells for the children with Down syndrome -Scout girls donate for the community -Elderly invest for a better community page 4—5

She had art exhibitions and her short movies “What Made Me” and “Target” were shown in cinemas. The whole revenue from ticket sales was donated for people in need. And this is not where her charitable efforts stop.

-TUNGJATJETA! Latest fundraising campaign for children with disabilities page 6

Hiljana, together with her friends, has launched an online charity called Smiles Hope, to help homeless people and people in need.

-World Giving Index 2017, latest leading report on world giving page 7

At Smiles Hope you cannot donate money, only goods: clothes, shoes, water and food, and you have the opportunity to directly participate in their activities. Source:

Partners Albania, as part of its mission to support the non for profit sector in Albania and to strengthen the crosssectorial cooperation, works on developing philanthropy in the country. For the third consecutive year, Partners Albania is conducting the monitoring of philanthropic activity through the media, including social media, and information resources from the public and non-public institutions. The monitoring process is conducted on daily bases and the findings present the supported causes, the nature and value of donations, geographic coverage and the donor’s nature. They are presented as monthly short summary reports that aim to help on the understanding and identification of this activity. Data collection is supported by Catalyst. This bulletin presents infodata on the monitoring of this activity, as well as featured cases of donations and support, in Albania and region.

Philanthropy Awards 2017 ! The Philanthropy Awards is an annual event Partners Albania organizes since 2011, to express our gratitude to individuals and business companies who contribute to improving the quality of life in our society.

Philanthropy Award this year will be held on December 1st and the categories for nominations are:   

Award for Business Entities Contributing at the National Level Award for Business Entities Contributing at the Local Level Award for the Individual Contribution

For more information click the link:

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Quick Facts on Philanthropic Activity

Ch&Y—Children and Youth Mass Individual – A small or large group of people Mixed - Donations combined of more than one category / town. Specific Geography—Specific Geography Area Seasonal Giving - Donations made during the holidays season SME - Small and Medium Enterprises

NPO – Non-Profit Organization General Public - Groups of people or individuals who where assisted through economic and material aid in cases of natural recovery from disaster, or difficulties of living Poverty Relief – Donations carried out with the aim to mitigate poverty for individuals or families living in economical difficulties or during natural disasters ___ 3

TIRANA by Aldei Lleshi Adlei Lleshi is a 23 years old student from Tirana, who aspires to become an artist and photography is his passion. With the support of the Albanian College Tirana, he published his first photobook. The book contains his photographs from last 12 months - photographs of Tirana’s sights and people. Adlei has put his talent into a good cause and donated all revenues from sales to the Down Syndrome Foundation in Tirana. Burimi:

An Example of Inspiration for Everyone Thanas Dhespo is a 90 years old veteran and has suffered 16 years of political imprisonment during the Albanian communist regime. Thanas together with his wife, Nice, decided to do some good in the community. Part of the compensation he received for the years in prison, Mr. Dhespo invested in the reconstruction of the stairs and premises of the building.

The Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj paid him a visit and awarded him with Tirana's Medal of Gratitude. “This is the Medal that the City of Tirana gives to its honored citizens. It was my wish to award you personally and thank you on behalf of the whole city. It is true that you have helped your neighborhood, but this gesture inspires every citizen of Tirana”, said Mr. Veliaj. Mayor Veliaj expressed that such actions, apart from improving the quality of life in the community, also serve as an inspiration for everyone who, despite difficulties and challenges that life brings, can always contribute and make the city better place for all.


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Scout Girls Tradition Comes to Albania On September 8th, a group of girl scouts held a biscuit fair in Fier, first of its kind in Albania. The initiative was supported by Epoka e Re Association which will finance a girl camp intended to empower young women and increase their participation in various extracurricular activities. During the fair, girls sold the biscuits they made themselves, with the help of their parents, and the initiative for bringing the girl scout tradition to Albania came a year and a half ago, from the US Embassy. This type of fundraising events is only a part of their plans, which include outdoor activities, field trips, exploring science and creative workshops. It also comes as a much needed answer to the issue of there not being many activities for girls in the town, but the campaign will also spread to other towns in Albania like Kucova, RrĂŤshen, Berat, Shkodra, and Puka. The best part of this event is that the girls will get to decide what to do with the money they collected: currently, there are two ideas - planting a tree in the park of city of Fier, and the other one is buying food supplies for the Home for elderly people in Fier. Whatever they decide, the project is sure to become a good way of teaching them how to work in groups, make new friends and think about philanthropy.


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Tirana International Airport (TIA) and Balfin Group are supporting and contributing towards the Tungjatjeta Social Programme run by the international organization World Vision to help children with special needs in the remote villages of Librazhd.

Currently, there are 70,000 disabled children between the ages of 2 and 17 all over the country, 92% of them do not receive the basic services they need. Tungjatjeta is a social program dedicated to children with disabilities who live in the deepest areas of the country. Lack of infrastructure but also economic difficulties has made these children excluded from specialized services. Tungjatjeta starts in Librazhd, where 470 children with disabilities are counted. Through this social program, the specialized team will travel towards deeper areas of Librazhd, where children will receive the necessary services in their apartments. Everybody can join the Social Programme Tungjatjeta and donate three Euros per month to help children ease their illness through the website or can donate at: Raiffeisen Bank NumĂŤr Llogarie/Account Number: 00 3088 0359 IBAN: AL60 2021 1013 0000 0000 3088 0359 SWIFT: SGSBALTX KartĂŤ Debiti/Krediti Debit/Credit Card


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World Giving Index 2017 The CAF World Giving Index is a leading study on global generosity. WGI provides a picture of charitable behaviour around the world. The CAF World Giving Index measures the average percentage of people in each country who donate money, volunteer or help a stranger. The latest report presents data collected during 2016 from 139 countries around the world.

In 2017 index, Albania is ranked in 95th place in regard of generosity and donation. With 44% of scores, we are ranked in 96th place for helping a stranger, in regards of money donation we are ranked at 62nd place (28%), and in 118th place (10%) in engaging in volunteer work. For more information about the state of philanthropy in Albania and worldwide click the link: World Giving Index 2017

Partners Albania for Change and Development Rruga Sulejman Delvina, N.18, H.8, Ap. 12, Njësia Bashkiake 5, Kodi Postar 1022, Tiranë, Shqipëri, Kutia Postare 2418/1 Tel. Faks: 04 2254881 Email: ___ 7

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