Towards a Sustainable Society, edition 52

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Partners Albania Center for Change and Conflict Management QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER



In this number:

-National Conference Social Partners - Time for Action page 1 -Making Labor Market Work for Young People in Albania page 2 -Philanthropy Awards 2013 page 3 -National Competition Essay on Philanthropy -Green Ideas 2014 page 4

-Increased Representation of Women from Rural Areas in the Political and Social Life -Improving the employment situation for women and girls -Towards an Alternative Tourism page 5 -Cities without Corruption-Cities with a Future page 6 -Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs -Study on Local Capacities for Raising Social Enterprises page 7 -Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union -Enhance dialogue and interaction among citizens and European institutions toward social inclusion Page 8 -Participation in International Events -Announcements Page 9-10


National Conference “Social Partners - Time for Action”

Partners Albania organized on December 13 and 16, 2013 the national conference Social Partners - Time for Action. This conference aimed to establish the basis of an official dialogue with the new government for creating an enabling legal and practical environment, towards advancement of civil society as a social partner and an integral part of policy making and decision making processes in the country. The conference was organized by Partners Albania in cooperation with the Council of Ministers and a Task Force with representatives from the sector of civil society organizations, with the support of the Embassy of the United States and the Delegation of European Union to Albania.

The first day of the conference was organized in a World Café format with participation of about 130 representatives of civil society organizations discussing the enabling environment for CSOs and providing recommendations for policy and legal changes. During the discussions in the World Cafe, The conclusion of this debate December 13, 2013 fed into the second day of the conference, with participation of Mr. Niko Peleshi Vice Prime minister, Mr. Alexander Arvizu, US Ambassador in Albania, Mr. Ettore Sequi, Head of EU Delegation in Albania, members of Albanian Parliament and government, representatives of donor community, local and international organizations.

The discussion was focused on the three pillars of enabling environment for civil society: Civil society organizations sector involvement in policy making and decision making, and the state support in this process; Support of civil society organizations sector through an enabling legal framework; Civil society organizations sector as a social partner of state in providing services for citizens and public institutions. The three pillars were discussed in a panel of civil society experts. The three distinguished guests as part of a special panel agreed on the importance of civil society moving forward the EU integration agenda. In his speech, Mr. Niko Peleshi emphasized the government’s recognition for the irreplaceable role that civil society organizations play in strengthening democracy and sustainable development, and expressed the commitment of the Government and all public authorities to involve citizens and civil society organizations in the design and implementation of policies, in building clear mechanisms and procedures that guarantee the participation of citizens in decision-making. Expressing the commitment to make the cooperation between government and civil society sustainable and raise it at a higher level, Mr. Peleshi highlighted that the government will encourage the Parliament to adopt a policy document prepared through an inclusive process with the participation of civil society organizations, which will clearly define the scope of this cooperation. U.S. Ambassador to Albania Mr. Arvizu appreciated the importance of positive signals coming from the government through the expression of willingness to cooperate with citizens. He appealed to make use of these positive changes, and to make possible that the cooperation mechanisms discussed in the conference and those artificial processes in the past become functional, and the government be open to listen to what people have to say. EU Ambassador Mr. Sequi emphasized the particular attention EU pays to civil society believing in the importance of CSOs in promoting transparency and accountability, in the democratization and European integration agenda of the country. He assured that the EU will continue to support the involvement of citizens in policymaking, because when people push their leaders in the right direction, the country grows stronger. Part of the conference was also an Exhibition of the activity and work of about 40 civil society organizations and presentation of green projects.


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The recommendations from the discussion in World Cafe were presented to all stakeholders through a Statement of Civil Society Organizations regarding the institutionalization of the relationship of Government with the sector of civil society organizations, and the advancement of the legal framework on some of the most pressing issues at the moment. The Statement of civil society and the results of the discussion in the world cafe, as well as the recordings of the conference can be found in our website in the following link:

Making the Labor Market Work for Young People in Albania RisiAlbania Project held in Tirana, on 10 December 2013, the launching event of the project “Making the Labor Market Work for Young People in Albania”.

The goal of the project is to create better employment and income opportunities for young Albanians aged 15-29, though private sector growth and improved job intermediation. The main beneficiaries will be students, young job-seekers and young employees. Businesses, employment institutions, service providers and media will be the main partners in the successful implementation of this initiative. The three main directions of the project will be: working with businesses, headhunters and young people. From a market research conducted earlier by RisiAlbania has resulted that the most promising sectors for youth employment are Agro-processing, Tourism, ICT and possibly Garment & Footwear. These will be the industries where the project will focus the interventions in order to exploit the opportunities they offer for employment of young people. “We believe that we must intervene to improve the private sector’s capacity to absorb and attract labor force, we must strengthen service providers and job-matching agencies, and we must provide fresh, additional skills and abilities among young men and women”, stated the Swiss Ambassador HE. Mr. Alexander Wittwer in his speech at the launching event. Explaining the novelty that brings the methodology of this project by promoting the use of market forces to the benefit of young people and vice versa, Ambassador Wittwer further highlighted that “the employment opportunities exist if we can improve the business climate, strengthen services, and introduce new skills”. Mr. Erjon Veliaj, Minister of Socal Welfare and Youth highlighted in his speech that "Youth employment is the biggest national emergency. We must focus on areas where we can have a perspective and we have to be more creative in what kind of market we will compete". Mr. Veliaj expressed the commitment that the Ministry of Socal Welfare and Youth will be an active part in supporting this project and other initiatives that address youth employment. Ms. Juliana Hoxha, Director of Partners Albania on behalf of the implementing organizations noted: “We believe that enabling employment and income for young women and men in Albania is critical for a sustainable development of the country. Both our organizations have a long working experience in Albania and the region, with a good knowledge of the country’s social-economic context. In this project we bring among others our cooperation experience with public and private stakeholders, and the technical experience in the project’s areas”. “This project is an investment in support of the country’s needs and priorities and this will be achieved only with the cooperation and support of state, private and social stakeholders in coordination with other donors in the country”. For more information you may please visit the project's website



RisiAlbania project is being implemented by a consortium formed by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation and Partners Albania, and funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation Office in Albania.

Philanthropy Awards 2013 In the presence of many guests, colleagues, cooperators and friends, Partners Albania organized on 6 December 2013 the “Philanthropy Awards 2013” Ceremony! This annual event has become already a tradition, to express our gratitude to individuals, families and businesses who contribute to improving the quality of life in our society. Distinguished guests Mr. Erjon Veliaj, Minister of Socal Welfare and Youth, Mr. Haki Abazi, Director of RBF Programs for Western Balkans, Mrs. Vjollca Hoxha, President of TopMedia, media personalities Mrs. Rudina Magjistari and Mr. Rezear Xhaxhiu presented the awards to the winners. More information on the event can be found at our website in the link: Following are the winners of the Philanthropy Award 2013.

Award for Entities Contributing at the National Level


was granted to ABC Foundation with the motivation: For contribution in support of social, economic and environmental development in the country, especially for the substantial assistance to the Roma community through reconstruction of the Transit Emergency Center, as well as support in infrastructure for environmental conservation and tourism development.

Award for Entities Contributing at the Local Level

was granted to Albanian Mobile Communication with the motivation: For contribution in support of vulnerable groups, through reconstruction of the premises of the House of Elders in Fier.

Award for the Individual Contribution

was granted to Mrs. Keti Bazhdari with the motivation: For the special contribution in the field of art and culture in support of young artists and enriching the cultural life in the city of Shkodra, as well as for the continuous support of vulnerable groups.

Special Award - Pioneer of Philanthropy

was granted to Mr. Anastas Avram Lakçe (posthumously) with the motivation: For outstanding contribution to the Albanian language by supporting publications in Albanian, funding the opening of the first school in Korça and supporting the publication of one of the most remarkable works of Albanian literature from Renaissance “ Bagëti e Bujqësi” of Naim Frashëri.

Certificate of Appreciation

was awarded to Mrs. Kozara Kati with the motivation: For the outstanding contribution in the protection of human rights, the initiative and support of social causes.


National competition “Essay on Philanthropy”

Partners Albania launched this year the organization of the annual competition of Essay on Philanthropy, aiming to encourage youth to identify and get involved in philanthropic issues. The purpose of this competition is to raise awareness and encourage critical thinking of youngsters, the future professionals, on the development and the impact of philanthropic activity in society. The Essay on Philanthropy competition was organized during June - September 2013 and was open to young people aged 17-22 years. During this period, Partners Albania held meetings with teachers and professors, and organized information sessions with young people in some high schools and universities: Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Journalism, High Schools Ismail Qemali, Petro Nini Luarasi, Andon Zako Çajupi etc., highlighting the values ​​of philanthropy and the importance of youth involvement in this issue.

The winners of this year contest were Andy Thomaj for the category “Best Academic Writing”, Denisa Canameti for the “Best research” and Jonida Gjuzi for the “Essay that best shows the values of philanthropy”. The competition was funded by Rockefeller Brother Fund. Partners Albania will shortly announce the Essay on Philanthropy 2014 competition. Visit our website for more information:

The Green Ideas 2014 national competition Partners Albania has launched the national competition Green Ideas 2014. This is the second year Partners Albania organizes such competition, aiming that civil society organizations, social enterprises and small business ventures in country to be involved in identification, selection, prioritization and to support innovative green ideas. The competition is open for civil society organizations, social enterprises and small business ventures. For all entities that have expressed interest to apply, Partners Albania in collaboration with Credins Bank will organize a one day training session on “How to draft a business plan and marketing”. In addition, PA will organize orientation workshops related to the procedures and application process in: Tirana on February 21, 10.00 hrs. at PA office, in Fier on February 20, at Epoka e Re Youth Center, and in Korça (Partners Albania will announce shortly the details for the orientation workshops in Korça). The deadline for sending applications is 7 March 2014. The selection process will be conducted by a jury of experts from economic, environment, business and justice field. The grant will support green project ideas for no longer than one year and with maximum funding of no more than 1.000.000 ALL. Detailed information on the application criteria, documentation, format etc can be found in our webpage in the following link:



Applications received as part of the competition were evaluated by a panel consisting of professors and journalists. At the conclusion of this process, Partners Albania organized on October 10, 2013 in Tirana the awards ceremony for the winners of the three categories of the Essay on Philanthropy 2013 competition.

Increased representation of women from rural areas in the political and social life Partners Albania organized on September 25th in Tirana the national Conference “Increased representation of women from rural areas in the political and social life”.

Mrs. Ariola Agolli, Director of Programs at Partners Albania presented the activities carried out over 18 months as part of this project, the achievements but also some of the challenges encountered during the implementation. Mr. Ivan Manzano Barragan, Program Manager for Civil society and Human Rights in the EU Delegation in Albania and Mr. Andi Dobrushi, Executive Director of the Open Society Foundation for Albania highlighted the importance of supporting such initiatives that enhance and promote the role and representation of women in decision making structures. Mrs. Nora Malaj, Deputy Chair of Women Forum at Socialist Movement for Integration, Mrs. Jorida Tabaku MP and member of Leadership Forum of Democratic Party, and Mrs. Majlinda Bufi, MP and Deputy Chair of Women Forum at Socialist Party, shared with participants their experience as active women in politics and once again stressed the major role that women play in decision making and development of the country. They expressed the comittment to support the active involvement of women from rural areas in their political forums. During the conference was presented the “Chart for Equal Gender Representation in Decision Making Structures in Rural Areas”, a product of the work of 24 members of Women’s Leader Forum established as part of the project, consisting of women political activists, chair and members of commune councils and commune administrations. Forum members discussed in the conference on the challenges they face in their workplace and in the political forums where adhere, as well as talked about the valuable experience and knowledge they gained participating in coaching and assistance sessions provided by PA. The project “ Increased representation of women from rural areas in social and political life“ was implemented by Partners Albania in partnership with the Albanian Association of Communes of Albania and with the financial support of the European Union and the Open Society Foundation for Albania.

Improving the situation of employment for women and girls Since May 2013 Partners Albania is implementing a study on local capacities for raising social enterprises, aiming to improve the unemployment situation for women and girls in Tirana, Durrësi and Elbasani regions. As part of this study, Partners Albania interviewed social enterprises and traditional businesses to measure their potential for employment of vulnerable groups especially women and girls, and capacities of the women and girls to create social enterprises which would improve the employment situation in these regions. The study was also focused on an assessment of the programs offered by the public vocational training centers. Thus, the study aims to assist all relevant institutions such as social enterprises and businesses as employers, and employment offices and vocational training centers which offer services to job seekers, in order to better match the offer with the demand. The study which will be published shortly will also include an illustration of international good practices that can be adopted in the Albanian contest. The initiative is being financially supported by the UNWomen program.

Towards an Alternative Tourism Partners Albania is supporting the diversified economic development by promoting tourism alternatives in Korça through enhanced cross border cooperation with Macedonia. Since June 2013 Partners Albania and MEDF Foundation in Macedonia are implementing the cross border project “Towards an Alternative Tourism”, which focuses Korça district in Albania and the region of Struga, Ohri, Debarca and Vecani in Macedonia. Partners Albania and MEDF are working with local stakeholders: Regional Development Agencies, local government units representatives, tour operators, local media representatives, business associations, etc., to identify the opportunities and particularities that each zone offers to the alternative tourism, and also the challenges this development faces. Partners Albania and MEDF have conducted a study on mapping and selecting local trades for tourism opportunities. This initiative is being implemented in the framework of the Program IPA CBC Albania-Macedonia 2007-2013, with financial support from the European Union.



The conference was attended by Members of the Albanian Parliament, representatives of women’s political forums, Commune leaders and officials, members of Commune Councils, representatives of civil society organizations working on gender issues, and donor’s community in country who discussed the legal and enabling framework, challenges, issues and recommendations for improvements toward a higher representation and participation of women in local decision making structures.

“Cities without corruption- Cities with a future” Partners Albania organized on October 25, 2013 in Tirana the National Conference “Cities without corruption- Cities with a future”. This activity was part of an initiative that Partners Albania implemented in the municipalities of Kuçova, Lezha and Rubiku, using an innovative anti-corruption approach. This approach developed by Ronald MacLean Abaroa, former Mayor of La Paz in Bolivia, is adapted for application in Eastern Europe by FPDL Partners Romania who have also trained and certified PA anticorruption practitioners. As part of this effort, Partners Albania assisted the municipalities to identify activities vulnerable to corruption, and draft Anticorruption Strategies and plans for their implementation. These strategic documents adopted at the respective municipal councils are being implemented by the respective municipalities, aiming to increase transparency and accountability to the public.

The conference was addressed by Mr. Bledi Çuçi, Minister of State for Local Government who emphasized the importance of transparency and fight against corruption as part of the new government agenda in the process of European integration of the country and expressed the government commitment to support these initiatives coming from civil society and aim the fight against corruption. The conference was also addressed by Mr. Erion Shehi, Program Manager, on behalf of the Embassy of the United Kingdom. Mrs. Klotilda Tavani, PA Director of Programs presented the steps of the process, and mechanisms and tools used in the work with the Guiding Coalitions in each of the selected LGUs, a process which was concluded with the drafting of Anticorruption Strategies and Plan of Action for implementing these strategies. The discussions of participants highlighted the importance of replication of this model in other municipalities as a helpful tool for preventing and reducing corruption, increasing transparency and accountability, toward sustainable development at local level. This initiative implemented by Partners Albania was financially supported by the World Bank through FPDL-Partners Romania, and the British Embassy in Tirana.

Building urban government capacities of Kucova municipality Since June 2013 Partners Albania is assisting working groups established in the municipality of Kuçova, to develop projects in priority areas that the municipality has identified as vulnerable to corruption. During this period, through workshops and group work, PA led the drafting of a specific plan of action in priority areas related to anticorruption efforts. Aiming toward an inclusive action plan that meets the needs of citizens, PA organized focus group meetings with representatives of businesses, civic committees and local NGOs, on their perceptions and level of satisfaction with public services provided by municipality. PA also conducted a citizen satisfaction survey. On December 16-18, 2013, WB Austria Urban Partnership Program which is supporting the PA assistance in the Kucova municipality, organized a regional anticorruption conference with the participation of Local Governments, civil society organization and experts from Albania, BiH, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, countries that are implementing this anticorruption methodology. Representatives of Partners Albania and Kucova Municipality, as part of respective panels with LG representatives and anticorruption practitioners, shared their experience and lessons learned while applying this new methodology and innovative approach to cure and prevent corruption in local government units. In the conference participated also other representatives from Albania, the Albanian Association of Municipalities, Municipality of Tirana, Lezha, Rubiku and from the cabinet of the State Minister for Local Government.



In the conference participated mayors, representatives of embassies accredited in Albania, the donor community in the country and representatives of local and international organizations working on local government and good governance.

Since May 2013 , Partners is working to monitor the development of enabling environment for CSOs in Albania using the Monitoring Matrix, a tool developed by members of the BCSDN Network with the assistance of ECNL. The Matrix aims to define an optimum situation desired for civil society to function and develop effectively and at the same time it aims to set a realistic framework which can be followed and implemented by public authorities. Having in mind that the main challenges lies in implementation, the indicators of the Matrix are defined to monitor the situation on level of legal framework and practical application. Principles, standards and indicators presented in the Matrix are formulated taking into account the current state of development and diversity in the Western Balkans and Turkey. They rely on the internationally guaranteed freedoms and rights the best regulatory practices of the European Union and other European countries. This monitoring tool is used by BCSDN network member organizations from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Turkey, in a joint effort to monitor and analyze the enabling environment for CSOs in country and regional level. The monitoring process in Albania was conducted through interviews with 100 NPO leaders in 8 main cities of Albania, a round table with experts, and desk research. In October 14, 2013 Partners Albania organized a round table to present the preliminary findings of the monitoring matrix on enabling environment for civil society. In the conference participated representatives of public institutions, donors and civil society organizations who discussed the findings and provided recommendations on establishment of an enabling environment for civil society in Albania to function effectively.

During November - December 2013 Partners Albania conducted regional workshops to discuss these findings with NGOs and other local stakeholders, and get further recommendations to be included in the monitoring report. The final monitoring report for Albania will be launched in a round table that will be organized on February 27 2014 in Tirana where will participate representatives of BCSDN network.

Increase Citizen Participation in Policy Making and Implementation Partner organizations of Olof Palme International Center in Albania, active in Tirana, Shkodra , Lezha , Kukësi, Puka, Durrësi, Fieri and Vlora contributed to the monitoring process of the matrix by providing their opinions and experiences. During autumn 2013, through orientation and training workshops, Partners Albania assisted these organizations in identification and implementation of concrete and effective mechanisms to increase citizen participation in local decision making, such as participatory budgeting etc. Partners Albania is committed to work during 2014 to transform the recommendations of Monitoring Report in concrete initiatives at local and national government level, aiming to build a sustainable dialogue between CSOs and state structures.

The monitoring report is part of the activities of the “Balkan Civil Society Acquis-Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs” project funded by the EU and the Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD). The round table and the research work are supported by Olof Palme International Centre in Albania, through funding of Swedish Government, in framework of the project Increase Citizen Participation in Policy Making and Implementation. Visit the link in Partners Albania website for more information on these projects:



Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs

Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union Partners Albania is one of the partner organizations from 13 European countries which are implementing the project “Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union”. JoiEU comprises of a series of transnational debates mobilizing citizen participation and the use of innovative communications and advocacy strategies and tools culminating in joint policy initiatives for greater citizen participation in the decision-making process in the EU. JoiEU is a transnational platform for debate involving but reaching beyond the existing institutional and non-governmental structures. Civil society resource centers in all of the participant countries cooperate in the preparation and organization of transnational debates on common EU issues, reaching to civil society organizations and citizens through webinars and the active use of innovative social media and citizen communication tools.

The participating organizations in the project are: • Partners Albania, Center for Change and Conflict Management, Albania • European Citizen Action Service AISBL, Belgium • Cenzura Plus, Croatia • NGO Support Centre, Cyprus •, o.p.s., Czech Republic • GlobalCitizen, Denmark • Avatud Eesti Fond / Open Estonia Foundation, Estonia • Cittadinanzattiva Onlus, Italy • Atria: Institute on gender equality and women’s history, Netherlands • Asociația Națională a Birourilor de Consiliere pentru Cetățeni, Romania • Center for Development of Non-Profit Sector, Serbia • Plataforma de ONG de Accion Social, Spain • ProInfoFoundation, Bulgaria (leading partner) The project is funded by the European Union through the Europe for Citizens Programme. All updates on the debates calendar and other information regarding the project can be found in:

Enhance dialogue and interaction among citizens and European institutions toward social inclusion Partners Albania is one of the partner organizations from seven countries that are part of the IGA (Inter Gea Ação) project. IGA Project contributes to a more inclusive Europe, stimulating dialogue and interaction between citizens and European institutions, in order to find efficient and sustainable solutions for various forms of social exclusion.

During 5-6 December 2013, it was organized in Porto, Portugal a meeting among all project partners, to discuss the plan of activities and coordination efforts for a successful implementation of the initiative.

IGA is a good example of the existing cooperation between higher education institutions and nongovernmental organizations from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Albania, Poland, Austria and Cyprus. The project, working directly with professionals and people from different European countries in a situation of social exclusion, either due to their condition of poverty, long-term unemployment, psychosocial disability or pensions, will contribute to the social integration of these citizens, making them aware of their rights, sharing of knowledge and good practices of intervention in this area, their ability to start small businesses, the development of attitudes and skills related to social entrepreneurship and community awareness on the issue of inclusion.

For more information, pay a visit to project webpage php



The project was officially launched in an event organized in Sofia from October 17th – 19th, 2013, where Partners Albania was represented by Blerina Guga, Project Manager.

INTERNATIONAL EVENTS Brainstorming with the EC on IPA CSF Support

PDCI Network Annual Meeting Juliana Hoxha, PA Director and Ariola Agolli, Director of Programs joined other members of PDCI on the networks’ annual meeting in Kosovo, on October 1921, 2013. During these three days the Centers discussed on different issues regarding the network, initiatives of individual centers and joint programs. PDCI organizes bi-annual Directors’ Meetings at which member Centers provide updates on their activities, identify joint challenges and opportunities, and brainstorm regional initiatives.

Grantmakers East Forum, Belgrade 16-18 October

Juliana Hoxha, PA director participated in the 18th Grantmakers East Forum, hosted in Belgrade on 16-18 October, 2013 by TRAG Foundation and the SEE Indigenous Grantmakers Network (SIGN). Grantmakers East Forum is the annual gathering of private foundations supporting civil society work in the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and Russia. Transparency was the theme of this year gathering. Participants discussed about the pros and cons of transparency in all types of institutions, from governments to foundations and businesses, and how transparency affects the work of private grantmakers both globally and within GEF regions. More information about the event can be found on the GEF website

Regional workshop on State funding for CSOs

In frame of Partners Albania efforts to measure the enabling environment for the civil society development in Albania, Kostandina Keruti, Project Manager of Partners Albania participated in a regional workshop on State funding for CSOs, organized by BCSDN in cooperation with the European Center for Non-for-profit Law (ECNL) and its member EHO on 13 - 14 November 2013 in Novi Sad, Serbia as part the EU and BTD funded “Balkan Civil Society Acquis” project. The workshop attended by 38 representatives of CSOs and relevant state institutions from 13 countries, aimed at mapping existing frameworks for state financing in the Balkan countries, to exchange experiences and share good practices at European level. The workshop discussed several issues such as: the lack of strategies for support and cooperation with CSOs, lack of developed mechanisms for support for social dialogue and inclusive practices, lack of funds and mechanisms for co-financing, lack of nonfinancial support, and still insufficient transparency in state funding. The results of the discussion will be used to educate government officials and advocate for legal changes. Click here for the workshop report finalll.pdf



Juliana Hoxha, PA director participated in a workshop organized at the EESC in Brussels on the 25th of September 2013, where BCSDN network together with its members and partners discussed concerns regarding future IPA CSF support with DG Enlargement. The discussion focused especially on further ways to support capacity-building of CSOs, grant-making, support to grass-root & citizens’ initiatives, and networks as the cornerstones for the new support to be launched with IPA II as of January, 2014. A more detailed information on what was discussed at the workshop can be read in BCSDN’s workshop report. Sept_Brussels_for_dessimination.docx

Study visit of Albanian, Kosovar and Serbian NGOs to Croatia Together with about 20 representatives of civil society organizations from Albania, Kosovo and Serbia, Ariola Agolli, Director of Programs of Partners Albania participated in a study visit in Croatia on 17-21 November 2013. The activity was organized by Olof Palme International Center aiming to provide participants with sucessful experiences and good practices of mechanisms for CSO and civic participation in policymaking, and models for cooperation between state and civil society. Participants met with several Croatian NGOs, the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs and the Foundation for Support to Civil Society who shared their experiences and challenges in cooperation and partnership building.

Juliana Hoxha, PA director participated in the EMI Congress: Fostering Civil Society in the Candidate and Potential Candidate countries, organized in Montenegro on 21-23 November 2013. The aim of the conference was to promote dialogue between civil society and public institutions in the EU candidate and potential candidate countries, and to contribute to enhanced regional co-operation of the civil society.

NEWS Partners Albania invites all Albanian organizations to become part of the THE ALBANIAN CROWD, an interactive platform aiming to provide an open public domain for civil society sector organizations. Since several years Partners Albania has been working to create, publish and continuously update information on the sector of civil society organizations. Through this interactive platform, civil society organizations will be able to : • SHARE with the public information on their location, scope of work, areas of activity , beneficiaries, services they offer and projects they are working on; • INFORM about activities, events and programs attracting audience, volunteers and supporters; • NETWORK with other organizations part of this platform and beyond; • PARTICIPATE in online surveys and monitoring related to the enabling environment for the development of the civil society organizations in Albania. Beside the civil society sector, this platform will serve the institutions and individuals from the public sector, the business community, media etc. who will find in it dynamic and comprehensive information on civil society organizations and their activities. To become part of the platform, please complete the online registration form at this link: aplikimi/


European Movement International Congress

This project is supported by the U.S. Embassy in Tirana.

Partners Albania is an Albanian NPO committed to advancing civil society and a culture of change and conflict management in Albania. Partners Albania is a member of the Partners for Democratic Change International, a network of Centers in 20 countries, which provide conflict resolution training and services to the civic, NPO, municipal and national government, and business sectors in their countries and worldwide. PDCI website address is:

PARTNERS ALBANIA, CENTER FOR CHANGE AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Address: Rruga Sulejman Delvina, N.18, H.8, Ap. 12, Njësia Bashkiake 5, Kodi Postar 1022, Tiranë, Shqipëri, PO BOX 2418/1, Tel: +355 4 2254881 Fax: 2254883 Email: Http:// Follow us on



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