Facts on Philanthropic Activity 2017 - Albania

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Facts on Philanthropic Activity

2017 Albania

Š Partners Albania for Change and Development Tirana, Albania 2018

Author: Maris Selamaj

Since 2011 Partners Albania works to promote the development of philanthropy in Albania. Taking into consideration the lack of information in this field, Partners Albania conducted the surveys: 

“Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy, Survey Report” to establish a clearer picture of the scale and the types of social causes supported by the Albanian business community.

“A Historical View of the Development of Philanthropy in Albania”, that addresses this activity, key figures and their philanthropic activity within the country and abroad since the XIX century until today.

“Philanthropic Activity of Enterprises in Albania, Second Survey, 2016” aiming to assess the level and characteristics of philanthropic activity carried out by the business sector in Albania, its development features during 2011 – 2016, as well as development trend in the upcoming years.

To promote and support the development of this old and valuable tradition, Partners Albania annually organizes the “Philanthropy Award” ceremony, expressing appreciation and gratitude to individuals, families and entities that contribute for the improvement of quality of life in our society. Evaluation and stimulation of this activity remains important for the human and economic dimension it carries. Private sector, among other actor’s, plays an important role in supporting initiatives that address the social, economic and environmental problems. In this function, Partners Albania has established a close partnership with the business sector in support of new social enterprises in the field of green industry. Since 2012, Partners Albania organizes the annual competition “Green Ideas” as part of which are supported initiatives that promote social inclusion, integration and employment through the use of local resources and the revival of traditions with a friendly environment approach. The novelty of this competition lies on collaboration and creation of a joint seed fund created through business donations and private philanthropic institutions, local and international in support of new green enterprises. Automatically, the national winning ideas compete at Balkan level in the “Philanthropy for Green Ideas” competition organized from Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

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Methodology This report reflects the philanthropic activity in Albania during 2017 launched in a synthesized way from Partners Albania, based on daily monitoring and monthly reporting.

The applied methodology consisted in data collected through daily media monitoring, including social media and also information resources from the public and nonpublic institutions during the period January – December 2017. Data collection is supported by Catalyst Balkans, an initiative launched in early 2013 to initiate measurement of and create tools for promoting the growth and improved transparency of individual and corporate philanthropic culture in the Western Balkans. Its specific objectives are to gather and disseminate information, news and data about philanthropic giving in the region through the GivingBalkans database. Catalyst is based in Belgrade and covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The daily monitoring is carried out through klipingmap.com platform, a search engine based on keywords.

The report analyses the main sectors and issues supported, nature and value of the donations, geographic coverage and also the nature of donors and beneficiaries. Through this monitoring, Partners Albania aims to increase public awareness on philanthropic activity and to inform all the involved and interested actors about its social value and impact.

Dictionary NPO – Non-Profit Organization

General Public - Groups of people or individuals who were assisted through economic and material aid in cases of natural recovery from disaster, or difficulties of living Poverty Relief– Donations carried out with the aim to mitigate poverty for individuals or families living in economic difficulties or during natural disasters Mass Individual – A small or large group of people Mixed - Donations combined of more than one category / town

Seasonal Giving - Donations made during the holidays season ICT - Information and Communication Technology


The total amount of the donation identified at national level for 2017 is 64,278,086 ALL, where are included these kind of donation natures: cash, goods/materials, services and volunteer work. As in the previous year, monetary donation is ranked first in nature of donations carried out with 76,17% of the total volume of donation, followed by mixed with 13,14%, and goods/materials with 10,69%.

347 cases of donation were identified during 2017, out of which 293 (84%) consisted in cash, 28 (8%) in goods /materials, 10 (3%) in services, 10 (3%) in mixed donation, and 6( 2%) in volunteer work.


December was the month with the highest value of donations during 2017, with a value of 16,887,828 ALL, followed by January with 13,682,073 ALL, and 12,531,981 ALL were donated in the moth of June. Regarding the number of donations , December also leads the ranking list for the highest number of cases in 2017, with 123 cases of donation, followed by June with 39 cases, and November with 28 cases.


Regarding the value of donations, Business sector is ranked first with a value of 23,027,877 ALL, followed by Mixed donors with 22,584,839 ALL, and Mass Individuals with 8,516,134 ALL. The highest donation in 2017 has the value of 8,047,200 ALL and was carried out by Mixed donors as a result of a national campaign; meanwhile the lowest value was identified on September and was carried out by Individual with a value of 110 ALL.

During 2017 were registered 89 Businesses, which donated 47% of the total value of donation, and 89 Individuals who donated 41% of the total value.


41.2% (143) of the total cases of donations went for the Support of Marginalized Groups, followed by Seasonal Giving with 23.1% (80), and Poverty Relief with 11% (38) of the total cases.

The three fields with the highest value of donation for 2017 were Healthcare with a donation value of 24,417,571 ALL, 14,599,060 ALL went in the filed of Poverty Relief, and12,209,206 ALL in the field of Support to Marginalized Groups


The main beneficiaries for 2017 were Children and Youth with 55.07% of the total cases of donations, followed by General Public with 26.96%, and Adults with 16.23%.


The main channels of donation are Social Institutions with 171 of the cases (49%), 76 (22%) of the donations went directly to the Individual or Family, meanwhile 57 (16%) were carried out through NPO.

As the previous year, the majority of donors were from the city of Tirana, with 79.8%, followed by donors at National level with 5.5%. Diaspora is always present when it comes to support campaigns or cases that need urgent help in Albania. For example, the case of Nuredin Sadikaj, an Albania that lives in Milano, Italy. He used to work in Albania as a doctor at “Et'hem Kapllanaj” Hospital, and now he is working as a doctor in Milano. With the help of White Cross Milano, he managed to donate an ambulance (vehicle) with all the equipment needed to the “Et'hem Kapllanaj” Hospital. Also the case of the Albanian from Diaspora that donated 20,000 USD to Tonin Zefi’s family for the reconstruction of their house in Lezha that was falling apart. Even with regard to beneficiaries, the city of Tirana is ranked first with 75.5% of the donations, followed by the city of Durrës and Shkodra with 3.2%.


The number of donations for 2017 has increased by 24% in comparison to 2016. The monitoring has shown that donors continue to prefer the direct donation to beneficiaries and for 2017 the number of direct donation is 233 (67.15%), followed by Call for donation / campaign with 82 (23.63%), and 32 (9.22%) through Events.

"I Believe in Miracles" was a charity concert organized at the Migjeni Theater that brought together musicians of the city of Shkodra. This initiative aimed at raising awareness about children with autism, society should not only accept children with autism, but to help them with continuous assistance. Meanwhile in the streets of Shkodra was organized an awareness March for Autism , a disorder that in the recent years has been wide spread in Albania. All the income from the concert are used for the support of children with autism.

During 2017, Food Bank Albania raised about 7 tons of food through clients who shopped during their supermarket food campaign all over the country. The food, which equates to over 20,000 meals, was locally distributed to people in need through partnering NGOs in select communities where they serve. This great project, one of several projects Food Bank Albania runs, brings solidarity between the business community of supermarkets, NGOs, and the general population who donated - all fighting for the same cause against poverty.


During April and May, Partners Albania organized the Solidarity Festival. The Festival consisted in several activities such as hiking, “Solidarity against Hunger” campaign, fundraising campaign for children in need called “Make a child happy”, Solidarity with Elderly people, Solidarity Talk and Solidarity Exhibition aiming to promote good examples of solidarity across generations.

The purpose of hiking was solidarity with ourselves, nature and the people around. Solidarity against Hunger was a joint campaign with Food Bank Albania, where young volunteers managed to collect 400 kg of food products donated by citizens in a supermarket chain in Tirana in only two days. On the other hand, Partners Albania undertook a campaign for one month called “Make a child happy”, asking for books, toys and clothes for children in need. The donations collected by the citizens were delivered to the children of SOS village and Day Care center “Standing together”. Solidarity with Elderly was another activity, in which businesses were mobilized to provide necessary products and materials for the Elderly House in Tirana. Young volunteers, employees of the companies involved visited the Elderly House. They brought them flowers, gifts and spend time with elders, bringing to them moments of joy and happiness. Solidarity talk and Solidarity exhibition was another activity, organized by Partners Albania in the framework of Solidarity Festival. Solidarity talk consisted in a great discussion, which involved youngsters, panelists from media, civil society sector, business and state institutions, who shared their perspectives on solidarity. The discussion was followed by the “Solidarity Exhibition“, featuring the contribution of civil society organizations and civic initiatives in support of vulnerable groups, victims of crises or natural disasters, and other solidarity campaigns.


As always Media continues to be the main tool for the promotion of awareness campaigns and donations carried out. Facebook and TV Shows such as Fiks Fare, STOP Show, Club TV, etc. continue to play an important role for organizing campaigns and fundraising events, promoting and spreading the word on cases that need help, especially in cases where individuals or families had economic difficulties, were living in terrible conditions or their house was falling apart. During 2017 were identified 610 articles published in social and written media. Media that have published the largest number of articles on philanthropy or on cases of donation during 2017 have been : Shqiptarja.com (55), Albeu.com (44), Balkanweb (39), Oranews.tv (35) and KohaJone.com (31).


Comparison between

2016 - 2017

Although the value of the donation for 2016 was higher than 2017, the number of donations for 2017 has increased by 24%. For 2017 main field of donation was Support to Marginalized Groups (143), differently from 2016 where the highest number of donations went for Poverty Relief (264).


For 2016 main donors were individuals (267), differently from 2017 where the highest number of donations were carried out by business (89). December was the month with the highest value of donations for 2017, with a value of 16,887,828 ALL, meanwhile for 2016 the month with highest donation was August with 52, 107, 200 ALL


Financial Support by:

Rruga Sulejman Delvina, N.18, H.8, Ap. 12, Njësia Bashkiake 5, Kodi Postar 1022, Tiranë, Shqipëri, Kutia Postare (PO Box) 2418/1 Tel./Fax 04 2254881 Email: partners@partnersalbania.org http://www.partnersalbania.org

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