Annual Report 2011

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2011 Partners-Albania Center for Change and Conflict Management

Dear Colleagues and Friends, The year 2011 marked the 10th anniversary of Partners Albania. It has been a dynamic, challenging, exci�ng and rewarding decade for all of us at Partners Albania, in our collec�ve effort to build a vibrant and professional organiza�on. Like in any big anniversary, we took the �me to look back and do our inventory of efforts and achievements. Recognizing the fact that figures are only a par�al way to talk about success, they at least can serve as indicators to the professional capacity of our staff and the amount of effort they put in program implementa�on, training design and delivery, beneficiaries’ outreach, as well as to the level of trust in Partners Albania and quality of management. The organiza�on represents today an ins�tu�on with a solid management and implementa�on experience with about 50 projects implemented, funded by 14 donors in and outside the country, mul�ple contracts with more than 80 contrac�ng ins�tu�ons, 20 research publica�ons and consultancy experience in the Balkans, SEE and Middle East. In early 2000 when Partners Albania started, NGO capacity building was the biggest need especially for the new emergent service sector and rural groups. In ten years Partners Albania assisted more than 6,000 NGO managers, staff and public officials to build their capaci�es in about 50 topics, by inves�ng in 1,350 training days. We administrated USD1.6 million in more than 100 sub-grants to local NGOs in ini�a�ves focused on social service delivery, monitoring of government ins�tu�ons performance, transparency and an�-corrup�on, promo�on of free and fair elec�ons. We are proud to see all these local organiza�ons and civil society leaders in ci�es and small towns that yesterday were the beneficiaries of our assistance today are our partners in implementa�on of local and regional programs. Special focus in these years was put in building pla�orms for communi�es, civil society organiza�ons, government and business to advance construc�ve change around pressing economic, social and poli�cal developments in the country. Open and inclusive discussion, and experience sharing was promoted through over 30 mul� stakeholders’ forums, local and regional conferences. Pioneering ini�a�ves like the role of private sector and philanthropy in addressing social needs in partnership with non-for-profit sector have already been launched. Most of the ten municipali�es Partners Albania has assisted over the years are today a reliable partner in our joint effort to improve transparency at the local government level and increase public access to services and decision making. Entering into the new decade, Partners Albania is prepared to face new challenges related to financial sustainability of the NGO sector, finding new alterna�ve funding sources, mee�ng the impera�ve need of closer coopera�on with the private sector and an enabling environment that supports it. Best wishes,

Juliana Hoxha Director 3



ARJOLA AGOLLI Director of Programs

15 part �me staff

KLOTILDA TAVANI KOSTA Director of Programs

ELONA KAPEXHIU Communica�on Manager

20 subcontractors 10 implemen�ng partner organiza�ons



ZOICA BARDHI Project Assistant



HIGHLIGHTS OF IMPACT Over 700 par�cipants increased their chances of being successful in undertaking effec�ve Advocacy Campaigns, wri�ng effec�ve project proposals, increasing client sa�sfac�on and running more successful businesses through strengthening their knowledge and skills in topics such as: Advocacy and Lobbing, Local Government Monitoring, Facilita�on of Par�cipatory Processes, TOT, Conflict Management, Project Proposal Wri�ng, Customer Care and Effec�ve Sales etc. Organizing nearly 20 public events insuring the par�cipa�on of all actors, civil society, as well as decision-makers at the local and the central level. These events, a�ended by over 6000 people, enabled open discussion with par�cipa�on of all stakeholders involved, which will increase the chances for the success of the undertaken ini�a�ves.

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1. Photo from the Regional Conference “Development of Philanthropy in Albania”, organized on May 31, 2011. 2. Photo from the training “Customer Care and Effec�ve Sales,” held on December 20-21, 2011 with entrepreneur women. 3. The four awards according to the four categories of the Philanthropy Award. 4. Photo from the “Interna�onal Innova�on Compe��on” conference, September 21-23, 2011.


Revitalizing the culture and values of philanthropy in the country, through encouraging public debate in over 10 TV and radio programs, as well as 7 ar�cles in wri�en media, 2 surveys, 2 conferences and organiza�on of the Philanthropy Award 2011. Successfully influencing the local agenda in 5 municipali�es in the country, toward development of civic dialogue, policies to increase ci�zen par�cipa�on, increasing employment opportuni�es, development of tourism, and promo�on of small business. Suppor�ng and contribu�ng to the non-profit sector efforts to reform the legal framework regula�ng its ac�vity, through research, public debate, access to informa�on and representa�on. Influencing the Balkan agenda toward European integra�on. Partners - Albania par�cipated in 13 interna�onal events such as conferences, workshops and mee�ngs within different networks and ini�a�ves in which the Center is ac�vely involved.


Development of Philanthropy in Albania In 2011, Partners Albania undertook an unprecedented ini�a�ve to promote philanthropy in Albania. In condi�ons of limited financial resources, especially in condi�ons of crisis, philanthropy is taking a special importance in addressing local, na�onal, and global needs through coopera�on and coordinated efforts between civil society, the private sector, and state actors. Partners Albania’s commitment to promo�ng philanthropy in Albania intends to open a window on what can serve as a way to build a more ac�ve society and par�cipatory democracy. This effort was supported by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Regional Conference Development of Philanthropy in Albania, May 31, 2011

Close to 60 representa�ves from the business sector, civil society, and the na�onal and interna�onal donor community, discussed challenges to philanthropic development in Albania, and provided recommenda�ons to improvements in the legal framework suppor�ng the philanthropic ac�vity in Albania. Representa�ves from Macedonia, Montenegro, and Kosovo, shared their experiences related to the development of philanthropic ac�vi�es in the respec�ve countries.

“Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy,” is the first survey conducted on philanthropy in Albania. The survey targeted 141 businesses opera�ng in Albania, assessing the level of private sector philanthropic ac�vity, and addressing steps to be taken to both advance and support the successful opera�on of these ac�vi�es. Survey results indicate that 62% of the targeted enterprises perform philanthropic ac�vi�es, although at rela�vely low levels. Businesses conduct philanthropic ac�vity mostly due to a sense of moral obliga�on. However, to extend business philanthropic ac�vity, it is necessary to have laws and policies in place that offer financial incen�ves, including increasing the deductable tax in case of dona�ons, and friendlier procedures regula�ng dona�ons and the repor�ng of this ac�vity.

As part of efforts to promote the development of philanthropy, Partners Albania published “A Historical View of the Development of Philanthropy in Albania.” This study provides a historical view of the development of philanthropy in Albania, from the 19th century to present �mes. The narra�ve focuses on charitable and philanthropic ac�vi�es carried out by Albanians living in the country and abroad, illustrated by facts and archive sources made available to the public for the first �me.


Philanthropy Award 2011

Partners Albania organized, for the very first �me in Albanian history, the “Philanthropy Award 2011.” In the presence of many guests, representa�ves from the business sector, non-for-profit sector, parliament, diploma�c officials, media, and donor ins�tu�ons, Partners announced awards in three categories and presented the special Pioneer of Philanthropy Award.

Award for en��es Contribu�ng at the Na�onal Level was granted to Vodafone Albania:

For high Corporate Social Responsibility towards groups and individuals in need allover Albania, implemented through the Vodafone Founda�on.

Award for Entities Contributing at the Local Level

was granted to Raiffeisen Bank SHA: For the contribu�on given in support of development of educa�on and culture in the city of Shkodra, through reconstruc�on of the concert hall of the High School of Arts “Prenkë Jakova,” support in infrastructure for the Faculty of Economics, University “Luigj Gurakuqi” and other social - educa�onal ac�vi�es.

Award for the Individual Contribu�on was granted to Mr. Asllan Sula:

For the generous assistance provided to groups, families and individuals in need, and support for the preserva�on of culture and folklore in the city of Kruja.

Special Award - Pioneer of Philanthropy

was granted to Mr. Thoma Turtulli (posthumously): For his outstanding philanthropic ac�vi�es in the field of educa�on, health and culture, among which was the construc�on and reconstruc�on of the library “Thimi Mitko,” construc�on and equipment of the first hospital in Korça, construc�on of the Ar�s�c Lyceum “Te�a Tashko Koço” and construc�on of the industrial school in Korça, from 1921 to 1937. 9

Promo�ng Business Women Enterprises in the Cross-border area Struga-Pogradec

This ini�a�ve aimed to support economic development in the cross-border area of Struga-Pogradec, by improving the economic situa�on of entrepreneur women as well as the rest of the business community. The project was implemented in partnership with the Macedonian Enterprise Development Founda�on (MEDF), and funded by the European Union under the EU Program for IPA cross border between Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 2007-2013.

Trade Fairs in Pogradec and Struga

Nearly 45 women entrepreneurs from the crossborder area were promoted through trade fair ac�vi�es, held in Pogradec and Struga. In addi�on, these ac�vi�es helped to raise the awareness of local government authori�es and promote partnerships between women entrepreneurs and other businesses in the region.

Training Programs

Partners Albania and MEDF organized training programs using an interac�ve methodology on effec�ve sales, customer care, promo�on, and marke�ng prac�ces. 40 women entrepreneurs a�ended these programs, prac�cing sales and marke�ng techniques.

Study Visits

Partners Albania and MEDF published Women

entrepreneurship, best prac�ces from Pogradec and Struga,


an informa�onal brochure promo�ng businesses run by 45 women.

As part of the introduc�on of successful prac�ces from both sides of the border, Partners organized two study visits to 12 businesses in Pogradec and Struga. The visits gave women entrepreneurs, in various fields such as construc�on, trade, and services, the opportunity to share and exchange experiences and to build bridges for future collabora�on between both ci�es.

BERAT The coali�on of civil society

organiza�ons and ci�zens in Berat worked to address issues of tourism development as key opportuni�es to ensure long-term development and prosperity for the ci�zens of Berat. As a result, it was made possible the finaliza�on of the tourism strategy and organiza�on of a conference with Albanian and foreign tour operators, to promote Bera�, its values and to include the city in the tourist guides of these countries.


In the city of , the coali�on chose as a priority to work to increase green space and recrea�onal facili�es for its ci�zens, par�cularly for children. The coali�on labored extensively to raise public awareness on this issue and to gain ci�zens’ support. As a result of their efforts, this issue was included in the priori�es of local governance for the 2011-2014 term. The coali�on con�nues to monitor the progress of these promises.

Strengthening Democra�c Prac�ces of Ac�ve Ci�zen Par�cipa�on in Electoral Processes The project aimed to increase the confidence of ci�zens in their influence and contribu�on toward a democra�c electoral process and par�cipatory governance. Partners Albania assisted civil society organiza�ons and other interest groups in Berat, Elbasan, Korça, and Pogradec in establishing local coali�ons and in iden�fying local priority issues. PA also worked towards increasing their capacity to design and implement advocacy campaigns around the priority issues iden�fied and monitoring of the promises made during the elec�on campaign for addressing these issues. The project was made possible through generous support from the United States Embassy in Tirana and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund.

KORÇA The coali�on of interest

groups in Korca worked towards addressing issues concern the youth. The Coali�on developed and finalized the Youth Strategy, a powerful tool to enable young voices to be heard and to increase youth par�cipa�on in decision-making processes in the Municipality of Korça.

POGRADEC A group of organiza�ons working on social and women issues formed the Coali�on in Support of Families in Need, working to address the issue of employment of head of family women in order to improve the lives of families in need in Pogradec. As a result of the Coali�on’s efforts, 27 head of family women were employed either full�me or part-�me, by the Municipality and private businesses.


Increasing Youth Employment in Labor Market The goal of this project was to reduce unemployment in the region of Vlora, by increasing employment opportuni�es for young people. Partners Albania implemented this project from 2010-2011, in close partnership with the Vlora Youth Center, and with financial support from the Open Society Founda�on for Albania. As part of this project:


youth par�cipants benefited from the 12 training sessions offered by PA, to improve their personal and professional skills in topics related to the prepara�on of CVs, job interview techniques, and teamwork.


young people benefited from services provided by the Informa�on Office for Youth Employment, established at the Vlora Youth Center. Services included providing informa�on and individual assistance in preparing personal CV and employment files.

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youth par�cipants were employed by local private businesses.

edi�ons of an informa�ve bulle�n with news on the labor market and beyond were published during the project cycle in the websites of PA other partners in the project.

The Labor Market Research for Youngsters in Vlora, 2010 with the par�cipa�on of 300 youths and 100 employers, was one of the first ac�vi�es conducted in framework of the project, providing a general overview of the employment situa�on.


Job Fair March 29-30, 2011

The Chairman of Vlora Chamber of Commerce, one of the partner ins�tu�ons in this project, addresses the par�cipants in the Job Fair. The event a�racted over 300 par�cipants, 17 of whom were employed a�er conduc�ng job interviews with par�cipa�ng businesses in the Fair.

Successful Women in Successful Entrepreneurship

Twenty one business women from Tirana, Shkodra, Kukës, FushëArrëz, Pogradec, Vlora and Lushnja, increased their knowledge and developed new skills through two training programs provided by Partners Albania: “Customer care and Effec�ve sales” and “Marke�ng and Promo�on.” These newly acquired skills will help businesswomen increase client sa�sfac�on with their products and services, thus further developing successful business management.

The par�cipants in the training had the opportunity to learn about the possibili�es offered by the Albanian market in terms of loans. This was made possible through individual presenta�ons of all banks and microfinancial ins�tu�ons which can support the enterprises of these women. Over 40% of the par�cipants succeeded to get a loan to expand or ini�ate their businesses. The project, “Successful women in Successful Entrepreneurship,” was financially supported by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Albania.

Since October 2010, Partners Albania, as a local consultant, is working on dra�ing the gender policy and implementa�on plan for the Albanian Tax Administra�on, which is the first public ins�tu�on that has undertaken such an ini�a�ve. The project Gender Equality Policy for Tax Administra�on in Albania is funded by SIDA, in the context of the support for the tax administra�on in Albania. Partners Albania was part of a trainers team who worked to raise the capaci�es of women candidates in the 2011 Local Elec�ons, under the program for strengthening the role of women in governance, funded by OSCE and implemented by the Gender Alliance for Development Center.


Improvement of Fiscal Legal Framework for Non-for-Profit Sector More then a decade a�er the development of a non-profit legal framework, the system s�ll has many shortcomings, par�cularly regarding issues surrounding subjec�vity in legal interpreta�on. According to developments within the last four years, it is es�mated that the legal framework for the sector does not enable its sustainability and affects its stability and normal ac�vity in its rela�ons with the state. One of the main issues arising from the legal framework, however, concerns the fiscal framework for NPOs, which is evasive and therefore, creates room for rampant abuse by tax collectors. Specifically, the most problema�c issue with fiscal legisla�on con�nues to be the Value Added Tax policy. Considering current legisla�on provisions, NPOs have li�le incen�ve to provide paid services, even at a reduced fee. Even a�er 20 years, the NPO sector must con�nue to report to the state as if it were a large enterprise, thus crea�ng major financial and administra�ve obstacles for NPOs. Partners Albania, promo�ng developments to change the legal framework for the non-profit sector in Albania, has undertaken this ini�a�ve to improve the legal framework, focusing mainly on fiscal legisla�on that regulates the ac�vity of the non-for-profit sector in Albania. The Center’s supporter and main partner in this effort was the Open Society Founda�on in Albania. During November-December 2010, Partners Albania developed a series of regional consulta�ve mee�ngs with civil society representa�ves from Shkodra, Gjirokastra, Vlora, Tirana, Elbasan, Korca, and Pogradec, to inform par�cipants about the exis�ng legal framework regula�ng the ac�vity of Albanian NPOs, and to iden�fy problems faced by the sector as a result of the exis�ng legal framework and its implementa�on, brainstorming sugges�ons for poten�al improvements. Partners Albania is part of the joint working group with representa�ves from government and civil society, set up in October 2010, to review and improve the fiscal framework regula�ng the non-profit sector ac�vity in Albania. As part of this effort, on behalf of the non-profit sector, its representa�ves in the working group have aimed at reforming the fiscal framework for the sector that will bring higher sustainability in the sector’s ac�vity. In the workshop “Ensuring an enabling environment for civil society organiza�ons in Albania,” organized in 6-7 December 2011 by People 2 People program (P2P), in coopera�on with the Delega�on of the European Union and the TACSO local office, Partners Albania as part of the working group, presented the sector’s concerns regarding the tax regime and provided specific recommenda�ons for necessary improvements. To assist the non-profit sector, Partners Albania has dra�ed a package, in English and Albanian, consis�ng of all the legal framework that regulates the ac�vity of the non-profit sector. A second package, made available to NPOs, contains all the required repor�ng formats for the relevant state ins�tu�ons, under the legisla�on of 2011. The informa�ve package can be found on the PA website: h�p://�, and the legal framework at: h�p:// In addi�on, you can download a report containing an analysis of the exis�ng legal framework, wri�en by experts at the European Centre for Non-for profit Law (ECNL) and commissioned by OSFA at: h�p://


Partners Albania, Part of Social Innova�on Europe Ini�a�ve Partners Albania is a local partner of Social Innova�on Europe (SIE). As part of this commitment Partners Albania contributes ar�cles on the social, economic, and legal challenges to the development of social innova�on in Albania, sharing analyzes, reports, and strategies on the development of social innova�on policies in Europe, and ac�ng as advisor to SIE work. SIE is run by a consor�um of partners, including Euclid Network and the Danish Technological Ins�tute, and is led by the Social Innova�on Exchange (SIX) at the Young Founda�on. By 2014, Social Innova�on Europe will be the mee�ng place for social innovators across Europe. SIE uses three overlapping approaches to carry out their work, namely: researching and publishing reports that define, analyze, and support the best work in the field, giving recommenda�ons for ac�on; hos�ng the online hub www.socialinnova� offering the latest news on social innova�ons in Europe; and organizing a series of events across Europe to bring social innovators together and to build partnerships between countries and different sectors.

Inclusion of Financial Sector in Support of Non-for-profit Sector Sustainability, the Beginning of a Dialogue As part of its work to increase the private sector involvement and response to societal needs, Partners Albania, in partnership with Euclid Network, is facilita�ng dialogue on the inclusion of the financial sector in support of non-for-profit sector sustainability. The sectors concerns are related to the urgency to have dedicated services for CSOs specifically loans and an overdra� facility as a product to be developed by the banks in support of the need for liquidity, favorable condi�ons for the bank accounts, bank warran�es and development of innova�ve ways of co-financing the non-for-profit ac�vity. Partners Albania will con�nue spreading this ini�a�ve to the en�re banking system opera�ng in Albania.


Strengthening Dialogue Among Stakeholders at the Local and Central Levels to Address the Issues Related to Social and Health Service Provision

Partners Albania, in coopera�on with Ryder Albania Associa�on, organized four regional roundtable discussions, to address the gaps and issues in the legal framework concerning the social and health service sector and its coopera�on with state ins�tu�ons at all levels.

The regional round tables held in Shkodra, Durrës, Vlora, and Tirana were a�ended by nearly 100 representa�ves from the non-profit sector, and local ins�tu�ons working in the delivery of social and health services. The issues iden�fied and the received feedback will serve as the bases of advancing dialogue among civil society organiza�ons and decision-makers at central and local levels, to further strengthen the role of civil society organiza�ons in offering services to the public. The organiza�on of these events was supported by the Czech Development Agency.

Networking in the EU and Benefits for Civil Society in the Western Balkans

Partners Albania, as a member of and in coopera�on with Euclid Network, organized on May 23, 2011 in Tirana, the round table discussion Networking in the EU and Benefits for the Western Balkans. Euclid Network connects 300 members from 31 countries from across Europe for a more innova�ve, professional, and sustainable European civil society. Euclid works to empower the network, through membership and projects, to become the change makers of civil society - challenging the status quo, bringing solu�ons to the table, and fostering collabora�on and peer-learning across boundaries. Euclid Network’s four thema�c program areas are Effec�veness, Influence, Innova�on, and Sustainability. Partners Albania, in its role to strengthen the sector’s capacity, organized this round table to introduce the role of European based networks and how they can be u�lized by the NGO sector in Albania, the importance of partnership and sharing in the EU, reforms, and access to EU funds. 16

Partners Albania, Partner in Implementa�on of the Albanian Jus�ce Sector Strengthening Project During 2011, Partners Albania, as partner in implementa�on of the USAID funded Albanian Jus�ce Sector Strengthening Project (JuST), conducted two needs assessments addressing the project’s objec�ves to strengthen civil society capacity. JuST Project aims at increasing court transparency, fairness and efficiency; bolstering watchdog and an�corrup�on roles of civil society organiza�ons and media; and strengthening the legal profession and legal educa�on in Albania. Partners Albania conducted an Organiza�onal Capacity Assessment of NGOs working on jus�ce and rule of law in Albania, and the technical skills required when working with courts, influencing legisla�ve changes, and promo�ng public par�cipa�on and access to jus�ce. The second assessment involved two judges associa�ons, addressing internal organiza�onal capaci�es and their associa�on professional role in the jus�ce sector. The assessments’ findings helped in dra�ing the JuST project five-year-plan toward organiza�onal development of the civil society actors working in the jus�ce sector. In addi�on to the assistance provided by JuST, Partners Albania conducted training programs on Advocacy Campaigns, Civil Society Watch-dog Role, and Coali�on Building for a group of NGOs commi�ed to working with the JuST project. The training supported the advancement of the organiza�onal skills of NGOs undertaking effec�ve advocacy campaigns that address judicial and government sector corrup�on.


PARTNERS ALBANIA JOINS SEVERAL INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS On April 7, Partners Albania was accredited as Host, Sending and Coordina�on Organiza�on within the European Voluntary Service within the European Voluntary Service Strand of the European Union’s Youth in Ac�on Program. The objec�ve of the European Voluntary Service (EVS) is to develop solidarity and to promote ac�ve ci�zenship and mutual understanding among young people. The European Voluntary Service (EVS) enables members of the youth, from 16 to 30 years of age, to carry out voluntary service for up to 12 months in another country. EVS fosters solidarity among young people and is a true “learning service.” As a Sending Organiza�on, Partners Albania will have the opportunity to send Albanian youth for voluntary services to a Hos�ng organiza�on in a foreign country, within or outside the EU, for a period of 2-12 months. Partners Albania will prepare the young volunteers to find and contact a Host Organiza�on, establish contacts during the voluntary service, and will support volunteers by helping them reintegrate back into their home communi�es.

In April, Partners Albania became associated with the Department of Public Informa�on of the United Na�ons. This rela�onship cons�tutes Partners Albania’s commitment to dissemina�ng and exchanging informa�on, and to raising public awareness about the purposes and ac�vi�es of the United Na�ons other per�nent global issues. Besides distribu�ng relevant United Na�ons materials and informa�on on United Na�ons conferences, seminars, briefings and other events, representa�ves of associated NGOs are provided annual grounds passes for access to the United Na�ons facili�es and open mee�ngs which they can a�end as observers.

In June, Partners Albania was elected a member of the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), during the network’s General Assembly Mee�ng held in Belgrade, June 9-11. BCSDNs mission is to empower civil society in the Balkans by sharing and developing local prac�ces and concepts, and by strengthening civil society actors.


INFLUENCING THE BALKAN AGENDA TOWARDS EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Partners Albania, as part of the collec�ve effort with other interna�onal organiza�ons, members of different Balkan and European networks where the Center also par�cipates, works to influence the Balkan agenda around issues of transparency, ci�zen par�cipa�on, social innova�on, and sustainability of the civil society sector. Partners Albania, together with CSO representa�ves from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croa�a, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, par�cipated in the Open Forum on CSO Development Effec�veness, organized in Skopje, from February 28 - March 1, by MCIC, BCSDN, Civicus, and Open Forum for Development Effec�veness. Par�cipants discussed CSO challenges, as well as the need to create an enabling environment for CSOs, during periods of conflict and in post-conflict situa�ons. Klo�lda Tavani, Director of Programs at Partners Albania, par�cipated in a mee�ng on Peacebuilding, Statebuilding and Situa�ons of Fragility, held on April 6, at the Hague. The mee�ng was organized by the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), the Global Partnership for the Preven�on of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), and IKV Pax Chris�. Over 100 par�cipants, including representa�ves from EPLO, members of civil society organiza�ons, and officials from EU ins�tu�ons and the Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs, discussed and exchanged ideas on the current status of the EU’s policies on conflict preven�on, peacebuilding, and situa�ons of fragility, and how they will be incorporated and developed within the EEAS. From April 9-13, Juliana Hoxha, Director of Partners Albania, par�cipated in the 11th Assembly of Partners for Democra�c Change Interna�onal, held in Brussels. Partners for Democra�c Change Interna�onal (PDCI) is a network of 19 member centers around the world. Partners Albania also par�cipated in two public events in Brussels, on Roma integra�on issues and the EU posi�on on recent Middle East developments. Arjola Agolli, Director of Programs, represented Partners Albania in the Regional Conference Code of Good Prac�ce for Ci�zen Par�cipa�on in Decision-Making Processes, organized in April 6, 2011 in Podgorica, by CRNVO. Based on the long experience of the Center in this field, as part of the panelists from different countries throughout the region, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia, Serbia, and Croa�a, Arjola Agolli presented some mechanisms for ci�zen par�cipa�on in decision-making at local and na�onal levels in Albania. The conference brought together various perspec�ves and experiences on the coopera�on between CSOs and local and central governments in making laws and developing and implemen�ng public policies. All country representa�ves presented examples of good prac�ces of regional-level, civic par�cipa�on.


As an organiza�on commi�ed to promote philanthropy in Albania, Partners Albania par�cipated in the Second Forum on the Development of Philanthropy in the Western Balkans. This conference, organized by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund on 5-8 of June 2011, was held at the Pocan�co Conference Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, in Tarrytown, New York. The conference sought to facilitate indigenous philanthropic growth in the Western Balkans, building upon the conclusions of the first annual forum in February 2010, which aimed to iden�fy major strengths and challenges in ins�tu�onalizing strategic indigenous philanthropy. The 2011 forum gathered together local founda�ons and civil society, with corporate and governmental representa�ves from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, the European Union, and the United States, to discuss sustaining and accelera�ng the growth of the emerging philanthropic sector. In the context of the efforts to encourage and promote social innova�on, Partners Albania, member of Euclid network, was represented by Juliana Hoxha, Director, in the Interna�onal Social Innova�on Compe��on Conference, organized in Naples, on 21st-23rd September 2011. This innova�ve project launched by Euclid Network, Project Ahead, and the UniCredit Founda�on (the corporate founda�on of one of the two largest Italian banks with branches in 22 European countries) created a compe��on that called on innovators from around the world to bring their innova�ve ideas to tackle one of the six challenges iden�fied in Naples. Challenges ranged from turning a confiscated villa from the mafia into a financially sustainable Social Business, to crea�ng innova�ve new method for recycling tex�les. Euclid chose Naples because that is the city where social innova�on, more than anywhere else, provide solu�ons where tradi�onal remedies have failed. The compe��on, which lasted May through August 2011, had a record number of applica�ons from 37 countries. The seven winners were granted 10,000 Euro each winner as seed funding to transform the idea into a project working in partnership with local partners.

Juliana Hoxha, PA Director and Elona Kapexhiu, Communica�on Manager, par�cipated in the Regional Working Group Mee�ng of the Partners for Democra�c Change Interna�onal Network, organized in Belgrade, from September 5 – 7. The PDCI network is involved in a wide evalua�on process to highlight 20 years of achievements regarding the management and advancement of knowledge within and outside the network, as well as assessing the Centers’ organiza�onal development and their impact on advancing civil society, good governance, and a culture of change and conflict management. This evalua�on process has involved the 19 countries where the PDCI members Centers operate. PDCI members from Albania, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Serbia also partook in a public event organized by Partners Serbia and led by FPLD-Partners Romania, presen�ng an innova�ve approach to reducing public ins�tu�on’s vulnerability to corrup�on, especially of local governments.


Partners Albania is ac�vely involved in ini�a�ves aiming to develop youth capaci�es and integra�on. In this context, Partners Albania represented by Kostandina Keru�, Project Manager, par�cipated in the interna�onal conference European Values for the Future of Southeastern European Countries, which took place in Macedonia, in September 1-5. The conference, organized by Youth Alliance of Krusevo, Friedrich Ebert S��ung Founda�on - office Skopje, and Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, was a�ended by nearly 55 ac�ve youth from Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croa�a, Greece, Germany, Kosovo, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey. Par�cipants discussed common problems concerning young people, good prac�ces on mul�cultural EU models, Balkan coopera�on for EU integra�on, and future ideas and follow up plans to establish a higher level of dialogue between youth and decision-makers. The par�cipants also prepared the “Youth Appeal for Ac�on,” a document containing three proposals on how to enhance future youth employment opportuni�es. On November 22th, Juliana Hoxha par�cipated in and moderated the policy workshop, Civil Society Lost in Transla�on? Donor Strategies and Prac�ces in Support of Civil Society Development in the Balkans, organized in Brussels by BCSDN, in coopera�on with the German Marshall Fund (GMF) office in Brussels. The workshop presented research findings of a study, conducted by BCSDN in coopera�on with the University of London, on strategies and prac�ces by donors working in the Balkans, including the European Commission. The study also recommended further steps for more effec�ve support of civil society in the region. Following the presenta�on of the results of this study, three panels addressed ques�ons related to building sustainable civil socie�es, the role of private European founda�ons, and how to achieve a balance between external support for civil society and autonomy. Speakers included representa�ves from the European Commission and from Balkan civil society organiza�ons.

In the spirit of sharing regional and Balkans experiences in the field of transparency and governance, Klo�lda Tavani par�cipated in Transparency and Good Governance at Local Level, a regional conference organized by the Center for Democra�c Transi�ons (CDT), in Podgorica, Montenegro on November 25th. The Conference, which was the final event of POTEZ – Project on Responsible, Transparent and Efficient Communi�es – gathered experts from Montenegro and the rest of the region on the establishment of good governance at local levels. During the conference, the municipali�es of Kotor, Danilovgrad, and Herceg Novi, were awarded best-ranked municipali�es, according to research conducted earlier as part of this project. Par�cipants also debated on beneficial and challenging prac�ces to increase good governance, at both the local and regional levels.


Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy Survey Report

The publica�on can be downloaded from PA website www. under the Publica�ons / Surveys menu.

PUBLICATIONS IN 2011 A Historical View of the Development of Philanthropy in Albania Copies of the publica�on are available in Albanian and English at the Partners Albania office.

Women Entrepreneurs, Successful Prac�ces from Pogradec and Struga is a informa�onal

Partners Albania experience in 2011 The publica�on can be downloaded from the PA website www. under the Publica�ons menu.


Final Report

This publica�on is the final report of the survey on the monitoring of NLC, conducted by Partners Albania during 2010. The publica�on is also available online at PA website www. under the Publica�ons /Surveys menu.

Informa�ve Bulle�n 3

brochure in three languages (Albanian, Macedonian, and English), which promotes the entrepreneurship of 45 women from Pogradec and Struga. The brochure can be downloaded electronically from PA website in www.partnersalbania. org, under the Publica�ons menu.

Advocacy and Local Elec�ons

Monitoring the Performance of the Na�onal Licensing Center

This bulle�n was issued within the framework of the youth employment project in Vlora and was also published on the PA website.

Toward a Sustainable Society, Quarterly Newsle�er This newsle�er contains updated informa�on on PA ac�vi�es and is distributed electronically to more then 1200 organiza�ons and other na�onal and interna�onal ins�tu�ons. During 2011, PA published 3 edi�ons of the newsle�er (available at www. under the Publica�ons/Quarterly Newsle�er menu).

Ac�vi�es Report 2010 highlights Center efforts at the na�onal and interna�onal level, main results, and achievements of PA work during 2010.



Partners Albania, Center for Change and Conict Management

Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, P. 16/1, Shk.1, Ap.9, Po Box 2418/1,Tirana, Albania. Tel. 04 2254881 Fax: 04 2254883

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