3 minute read
If the April version of myself were to tell the January version of myself how life has evolved in the past few months, I don’t think the story would be believable. The world has truly turned upside down from anything anyone envisioned.
However, one of the things that will not change when the new “normal” settles in is that the signatory sheet metal industry is filled with individuals—both labor and management—who are equipped to get the job done right and put people first, even when conditions are suboptimal.
We are leading by example in markets across the country, using creativity and hard work to ensure the safety of our workforce though implementing exposure control plans (page 10), contributing to custom-fit face masks made by volunteers (page 4), setting up temporary hospitals (page 8), producing intubation shields, creating temporary ductwork through windows of COVID-19 patient rooms, quickly converting convention centers into health facilities, manufacturing delivery boxes for installation outside of carryout restaurants, and more. (Follow Partners in Progress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for stories like these.) (There is ongoing need for the aluminum nose pieces used for the millions of face masks being made by volunteers across the United States and Canada. See the ad on the back page of this issue and email editor@pinpmagazine.org to volunteer your services or visit actionnetwork.org/forms/nose-piecerequest-form.)
Some things that will change in the brave new world of the future will be work processes that affect productivity, such as CDC protocols and limitations on the number of people in elevators or using scissor lifts at the same time. Such changes may be to our advantage, and our training standards and certifications will most likely give us a head start. Owners and facility managers are likely to focus more on safety than on the bottom dollar on their projects. We expect the environment to be one that our Expertise—HVAC, Architectural, Industrial, and Green—is particularly well-suited to serve.
Further, SMACNA and SMART are working together through the Best Practices Market Expansion Task Force to ensure that we are ready to take advantage of opportunities in emerging markets—some of them entirely new from two months ago—as well as renewed emphasis on air quality, sustainability and energy efficiency, lean construction, prefab, modularization, and alternate delivery methods.
Follow Partners in Progress, as well as SMART and SMACNA and other jointly-sponsored funds and trusts, for the latest information that can be applied to your local area.
We know that while many of our contractors and craftspersons are busier than ever working under difficult circumstances,
the thousands of individuals who are without work during the quarantines may make us reluctant to think about workforce development. But our past has shown that there is never a time to just “hope” that everything will turn out roses in the future.
Continuing to tell people—especially potential apprentices, their families, parents, counselors, and other gatekeepers— what we do, how we do it, and the benefits and opportunities available within this industry is a vital step in ensuring a healthy future for our industry. (Brand Ambassadors can be especially helpful on social media when they share their journey with others.)
We are moving ahead with our recruiting initiative (the first campaign is #mjmg or “My Job is My Gym”) and expect to soon offer a members-only web portal that allows Locals, contractors, training centers, and chapters to directly purchase customized materials, including posters in English and Spanish, flyers, banner ads, shirts, and even videos and a presentation template. (In the meantime, if you would like print materials customized to your area, complete the SMART/SMACNA Recruiting Info Survey available from pinp.org/resources/recruiting/. For additional assistance, contact editor@pinpmagazine.org or send a query via the Contact Form on pinp.org.)
Our webinar series will continue in the coming months. See the schedule and view previous webinars at pinp.org/resources/ recruiting/. You will need to register for account on the site to view the resources.)
For now, focus on keeping yourself and your family healthy and on demonstrating the strength and resilience of our industry. (Refer to the resources available from SMOHIT at smohit.org for the latest news, information, articles, and other developments related to COVID-19 and other health and safety issues.) ▪
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