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SMACNA and SMART Partnership initiatives
If there is anything we have learned over the past year in the professional and political arenas, it is that working together in partnership for the industry’s greater good is the only way forward.
The Best Practices Market Expansion Task Force (BPMETF) met in September to discuss ongoing initiatives that are meeting the mark and exciting new campaigns for 2025 and beyond. These programs are designed to bring organizations together for a mutual way forward using tangible resources and education.
SMACNA and SMART have collaborated to create and launch the BE4All microsite, a dedicated platform aimed at providing valuable information and resources to SMACNA and SMART members and the broader community. Officially launched in August, be4all.org offers a wealth of resources, including the Rapid Response Protocol, Learning Journeys, and Bias & Belonging Training. Be sure to check it out and bookmark it for ongoing updates.
A continued priority for both SMACNA and SMART has been the promotion of mega projects. In 2024, the BPMETF developed a one-page document and online resources designed to help contractors showcase key information and visuals from ongoing mega projects. Watch for regional mega project information resources coming your way in the next few months, and in the meantime, check out smart-union.org/smartcareers/ smart-smacna-resources for an overview of what these projects are and require.
The Task Force has also identified the residential market and indoor air quality as areas for exploration and development. It is currently working on a best practices guide and supplementary video addressing residential market share, as well as learning materials explaining how to win grants for IAQ projects.
Planning for the 2026 Partners in Progress Conference is underway! The event will be held at the Swan & Dolphin in Orlando, Florida, on February 16-18, 2026, under the theme United Leadership for Sustainable Growth. This conference will cover myriad topics, including leadership and mentorship, workforce development, AI and technology, mega projects, best practices, local partnerships, winning grants, DEI, and worklife balance. Mark your calendar now and watch pinp.org and SMACNA/SMART social media for updates.
Leveraging the success of last year’s conference, local areas are growing their recruitment efforts with BPMETF resources, such as the comprehensive Job Fair Toolkit, which includes branded display materials and regional handouts. Reach out to the BPMETF if you require any additional, customized materials or with suggestions about how to make these materials and initiatives work harder for you.
SMACNA and SMART have also coordinated their outreach and communications schedules to bring timely, paced information to support your organization. Their ongoing social media campaigns—Industrial Athlete and Brand Ambassadors— continue to garner attention and are cross-promoted to target existing and potential new SMART and SMACNA members. Follow @industrialathleteofficial, @smacnanational, or @smartunionworks to learn more and to participate.
Don’t forget the Expertise branding materials—available to any local, JATC, contractor, or chapter—to help demonstrate and signify the expertise advantage to hiring signatory contractors and workforce. The Expertise logo licensing agreement is posted on the Partners in Progress website at pinp.org/need-an-expertise-logo. The site also features customizable ads and promotional materials, free for members. Watch these pages in 2025 for an article on the importance of branding and a history of the Expertise program. In the meantime, visit hvacexpertise.com, asm-expertise.com, and industrialexpertise.com for ready-made information you can embed on your local sites or link with to assist with market expansion.
As these initiatives and others unfold over the next several months, connect with SMART and SMACNA social media channels or watch either organization’s website—or pinp.org for case studies, project spotlights, initiative announcements, and key resources for growing market share, recruitment, and best practices in the sheet metal industry. ▪