Parts Lookbook #1

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MAXIMALISM Parts Creative Lookbook vol.1

Produced by Parts Creative, Stockholm Sweden All copy and design by Parts Creative Š Parts Creative 2010

“Creativity is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts. From a scientific point of view,the products of creative thought are usually considered to have both originality and appropriateness. An alternative, more everyday conception of creativity is that it is simply the act of making something new� Wikipedia

Preface nnnnnkwhdqwd

“Magic of creation” Some time ago I published a selection of photos on a web community showing people from various of my previous projects. An over exited friend commented that they were an unique collection of pictures and that I had to publish them. I started my career as an artist and ended up doing untraditional marketing and producing concepts for restaurant and life style companies as a freelance consultant under the name Parts Creative. But the essential inspiration for all my projects has always been the same, whether I’ve been painting or producing restaurant conceps; the exiting force of creativity and the world of the imagination, a universe where nothing is impossible and everything is possible. Creativity is the unlimited force of giving birth to new ideas and to see these grow and evolve and step into the daylight of reality, to meet and interact with people has always been my passion and drive. This addiction for change and new challenges has resulted in a countless numbers of funny and interesting ideas and projects. So eventually I listened to my friend and put together this portfolio, a chaotic mix (ignoring every esthetic theory) of pictures of previous and new projects, people, friends and customers, and then some more friends. Well, in the end it is all about people, isn’t it?

Prepare to be dazzled / Patric Andersson aka Parts Creative.


�When you ask executives where they expect to find their most sustainable competitive advantage, what do they answer? Innovation. Because the truth is, innovation lies at the heart of both better design and better business. It magnifies drive inside every organization� Marty Neumeier

Parts Creative “Make things happen” Parts creative is an idea & innovation agency that invents and reinvents business concepts and integrated social platforms for companies that wants to connect and activate their brand with people within the popular culture. People are slowly moving into a new social media market space and companies have to follow. Parts creates, communicates and activates brands by collaborating and engaging with influencer´s and lead users in an integrated real life and virtual environment experience. Parts has, by connecting people with brands, increased business for more than 50 million Euro and attracted more than one million visitors to its on and offline activities.

Parts Creative is specialized in the following services

Communication solutions for fashion, music, media, beverage and entertainment businesses Activities for all lifestyle related businesses with focus on modern gifted people Concepts for cafés, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and other related lifestyle businesses

Leading companies are losing the power to dictate the communications agenda, new rules are required to radically reinvent how they interact and relate to customers. Connected marketing, the collected name for word of mouth, buzz and viral marketing, uses pre-existing social networks with high social networking potential (SNP) to produce increasing brand awareness among the opinionleaders. This method creates superior customer engagement (CE) and provides new guidelines and opportunities for the development of lifestyle brands and businesses.

Communication solutions “Make them want you” Parts communication strategy is not about selling, it is about making friends. Brands are not built, they grow as people start to believe in them. Today’s interactive market space is fundamentally changing how people and brands relate and interact with each other. Today it is less important what the company promises through traditional advertising and more relevant how customers relate and respond to the brand and communicate amongst themselves. Customers and networks talk back and with this new perspective, the brand’s communication strategies have to adopt new a participation principles: listen, entertain, educate and connect, rather than offering business transactions and proposals. Parts produces simple, intelligent relationship marketing solutions for brands to connect and engage with influencer´s that constitute 10% of the population, but that intends to shape the opinions and purchase patterns of the following 90%. It is Parts’s belief that the brand influencer´s not are a part of the market but a part of a consumer centric communication strategy. These modern and independent people only act upon their own beliefs and categorically reject old school advertising. By sharing core values and collaborate with this dynamical group across multiple social platforms, the brand develops business aggregators that will missionary the brand values face to faces, heart to hearts. Parts is specialized at: Connected marketing, social media, viral marketing, community management, virtual events, buzz marketing, social CRM , new PR, new media planning and social media training for companies that need to upgrade their communication profile and to tap into new markets to sustain progress and profit.


New Order By Vladimir Rodjenko DJ: Daniel Savio

Message People™

Solution: The number of people that are participating in conversations across social platforms online worldwide is increasing exponentially. Instead of listening to companies’s value propositions, people are turning to each other for advice. Customers opinions are shaping the brands more than the brands are shaping the market. Social media is NOT about defining your market in a new channel, it’s about earning the trust by listening, learning and participating in a conversation with people within the company’s targeted community. Message People produces comprehensive functional solutions for brands to integrate their marketing strategy with this new social media environment to access the rapidly evolving digital marketplace. Message People also, using consumer centric innovation processes identifies and develops possibilities to involve people in the business and product development by allowing lead users to collaborate and interact directly, understanding that the best ideas can come from anywhere.




Task: Social media marketing agency Objective: To help lifestyle companies tap into the new social media channels Client: Own communication agency Year: Present Art & Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Web:

POP-COM method #3: Action Fashion: Different talented designers with credibility within the targeted group create a t-shirt collection with beautiful illustrations and subtile integrated brand messages. The t-shirts are given away to cool people to wear around town. Like walking billboards, this guerrilla marketing campaign gives designers credibility, the brand gets exposure and hip people get something cool to wear - hat trick idea!

Popcommunication Task: Guerilla marketing/street promotion solution Objective: To reach customer with new innovative branding and marketing solutions Client: Parts Creative’s own communication solution Year: In progress Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative T-shirt design: Lars Hansson/Johan Thuresson/Planet Creative /Parts Creative

We asked ourselves, if you walk around town, where do you look? On billboards with classical advertising or at charismatic people you meet in the street? POP Communication is Parts’s own guerrilla marketing/ street promotion tool. POP COM is the concept of connecting people trough unexpected and unconventional methods measured by creativity, humor and humanity. POP COM are solutions out of the box, identifying new territories and areas to involve customers in creative off guard brand experiences. POP COM makes the streets and official spaces into a scene, a gallery or an interactive platform for the brand to perform and entertain its audience. This is “under the radar” marketing that people want and it creates legitimate reasons for the brand to connect with people within its trusted network.

Elsa Sylvan, Elle “model of the year 08” for Sthlm Speedway



ggggg Solution:

New Order By Vladimir Rodjenko DJ: Jacob Grandin

Buzz Boys™ Task: Communication solution, buzz, seeding trial campaign Objective: To develop a tool for companies to connect with opinionleaders and make them into loyal brand advocates. Client: Own communication solution Year: In progress Creative direction: Patric Andersson/Parts Creative

It’s all about


Elsa Hosk, Elle “model of the year 08” for Stockholm Speedway

Buzz is big business. Consultancy firm McKinsey & Co estimates that two thirds of the economy is driven by word of mouth. WOM is the method that exploits the connectivity between people as a marketing media to drive business growth. An Interesting purchase pattern is that traditional advertising generates at 15% in positive return, while WOM generates 76%. Award winning ads don’t necessarily mean great sales. Buzz Buys™ is Parts own communication tool. A very exclusive group selected by Parts gets products before any body else. This seeding trial makes opinion leaders into an army of powerful brand evangelists. This is an effective launch accelerator strategy that can enhance sales by 10%-30% and at the same time it generate tremendous amount of goodwill. Buzz Buys enables the company to collaborate with the 10% opinion leaders that intend to shape the opinions and purchases patterns for the following 90%.



ggggg Solution:

Belladonna Trackers Task: Communication concept Objective: To activate fashion brands within the blogosphere using the rebellious motorcycle culture Client: Various afilliate advertisers Year: In progress Art & Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Web:

BDT is a collective of artists, musicians, dancers, party people, thinkers, creative minds, etc. Others would say that they are only the frivolous who initiative frivolity. That’s fine too. BDT would like to think that they serve as an outlet for creative minds dedicated to the preservation of all things important to them. They would also like to think that what they are doing, is the only things they are doing, which is just that: the act of doing. A little bit too general? Maybe. Not specific enough? Sure. But they are no different than you, or anybody else. And just like you and everybody else in the world, rather than trying to define ourselves to a precision, BDT would rather just do things to keep moving, because they would rather be victims of their own charade, than being fools who don’t do anything at all. BDT is not hype, not now, not then, not best, not high, not low, not juicy, not street, not scene, not punk, not rock, not rich, not poor, just Belladonna. Today BDT is Sweden’s biggest MC-lifestyle blog with over 50 000 unique visitors from more than 60 countries and serve as an important link between several companies and their community.

Elsa Hosk, Elle “model of the year 08” for Stockholm Speedway



ggggg Solution: Belladonna is indeterminate. Some would say that

New Order By Vladimir Rodjenko DJ: Kim Kong

Knivsöder ™ Task: Online design store Objective: To explore new technology to make business Client: Own business Year: Present Art & Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative, Nathalie Hedin Web:

Solution: The new digital Eco system creates unlimited global business possibilities. Knivsöder is the concept to exploit sophisticated technology and networking capabilities to connect lifestyle brands with the creative people of Stockholm. The creative resources of the small hip neighborhood Knivsöder (Knife south) in Stockholm will be introduced to a global market at the end of 2010. This long-tail creation of new markets is the future of independent small niched businesses. With cloud computing applications, software as service (SAS), affiliate solutions and social media, small businesses can go to the market with a very limited economical resource. Today Knivsöder is a picture blog serving people with inspiration and ideas. To quote the great thinker and speaker Chris Anderson “give one value away to create a demand for another”.




C o l l e c t i o n

This furniture group was designed and built by Parts Creative for the club concept PST!

Restaurant In





Pantone 375 U C 41 M0 Y 78 K 0


C 20 M 20 Y 20 K 100

Solution: The GI diet is the result of a new health consciousness. Today’s major issues are the global warming as well as weight control programs. Parts Creative’s idea for this new health restaurant was to create a design program with a feeling of nature’s simplicity and freshness. With a short and easy name (that feels a bit like GI), and clean forms and light colors IN is one of the first restaurants in Stockholm within this new trend. Today IN is serving hundreds of low calorie and ecological lunches to health hunting humans, and the idea is to franchise this concept around Sweden.

C 0 M0 Y 0 K 0


Foundary Sans Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz 0123456789 Brödtext

Foundary Sans Normal ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz 0123456789

Mönster/grafiska element




Task: Restaurant interior and brand identity Objective: To produce a health restaurant design and brand identity Client: Alvar Reichwald Year: -07 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Freddes Planet Food Concept: Henrik Ryman Interior design: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative/ P2 Restaurant-service

Magic Spirit Task: Product name and brand identity Objective: To produce a brand identity and communication strategy for the energy drink Magic’s new alco breezer Client: Magic, Mathias Von Gegerfelt Year: -06 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative

Solutions: Magic is the only energy drink made out of natural ingredients. This was Parts’s inspiration when the pitch was developed for Magic’s new alco breezer. Parts’s idea was to capture the spirit when man reconnects with nature. A series of pictures were presented; a man in a boat with a full spinnaker sail against a clear sky, a man on the top of the mountain hill with his hands raised up. The name ”MAGIC SPIRIT” and the payoff “Gets you there” was invented to symbolize the sensation the consumer would experience drinking this new Swedish alco breezer.

1. Magic SPIRIT Blue, – Etikett, krage och kapsyl Variant 1 – Transparant etikett, drycken syns i texten SPIRIT.

2. Magic SPIRIT Red – Etikett, krage och kapsyl Variant 1 – Transparant etikett, drycken syns i texten SPIRIT.

Observera att färgåtergivningen inte överenstämmer med verkligheten eftersom den varierar mellan olika skärmar och skrivare. © 2006 – Lah / Pop Communication. All rights reserved.

YOU! Task: Event, DVD and book production Objective: To create a relationship between lifestyle companies and the creative people in Stockholm Client: Various partners Year: In progress Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Lars Hansson



Solution: YOU´s ambition is to create an interaction between lifestyle businesses and the creative crowd of Sweden. YOU are searching for the work by talented creative people within the fields of design, music, photography and fashion. All contributions should be selected and compilated in a booklet and on a DVD, that will be sold or given away in stores and other places around Sweden. At the same time, the selected work will be exhibited at a yearly creative fair on a hip location in Stockholm. This is a new platform for creative people to show off their work, and a brilliant way for lifestyle companies to interact.

New Order By Vladimir Rodjenko DJ: Basutbudet

Party Pack ™ Task: Communication concept Objective: To coordinate the myriad of flyers and Stockholm’s party info into one package and create a forum for the subcultures of Stockholm’s clubbers Client: Parts Creative’s own communication solution Year: In progress Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Joel Brosjö/Lars Hansson



Solution: London’s flyer culture served as an inspiration for Party Pack. This solution is to distribute small packages filled with flyers with information about different nightlife activities, to trendy shops and cafés around the city. Along with the invitations and flyers, companies are invited to advertise. Party Pack will also create a web community for like-minded party junkies. People will have the possibility to register and get a weekly newsletter with information about the activities. All together, Party Pack is the complete entertainment package of Stockholm’s nightlife. Further plans “Shopping Pack”, “Travel Pack” etc.

Sthlm Speedway Task: Lifestyle web magazine Objective: To establish a relationship between the sport speedway and a new target group in Stockholm, using an advertising financed web magazine Client: Parts Creative’s own communication solution Year: -06 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Planet Creative/Joel Brosjö/Lars Hansson, Lah Photography: Peter Orevi



Solution: To be able to introduce the motor-sport speedway to a completely new target group, Parts Creative integrated speedway with fashion, music, party and extreme-sport lifestyle in Stockholm. With a clean and beautiful website, Stockholm Speedway’s crazy mix of stories, pictures and activities increased the awareness and interest for speedway in Stockholm. At the same time it created a communication channel for related lifestyle companies. Today, speedway is the third most visited sport in Sweden.




VIP cardcompetition

Solution: Berns was in the need of a new VIP card and it was Parts’s idea to take every chance to create buzz. Parts had for a long time targeted the designer communities as possible customers to Berns and this was now the challenge. A design competition was organized to produce the new VIP card and an invitation was distributed out to advertising agencies, design bureau and design schools. A jury with famous designers and artists was engaged, but when there was only one day before deadline, only one contribution had arrived. However, on the deadline hour, Berns’s hotel reception was filled hundreds of brilliant contributions. The whole designer community had layed down their daily work to contribute with a visual concept to the contest. This campaign resulted in a relationship with 259 of Sweden’s top designers and one beautiful VIP card, at the only cost of a free meal in Berns’s restaurant.

Winner: Mick Carrasco Drougett



Project: Berns VIP card competition Task: VIP card competition and production Objective: To reinforce Berns’s position within the high credible designer community with a smart communication solution Client: Magnus Berg, Berns Salonger Year: -05 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Contributors: Anna Lundqvist/Lukas Gratte/Mikael Abbhagen/Anne Gustavsson/Gustav Hederström and many many more

New Order By Vladimir Rodjenko DJ: Johanna Beckman

From one week to the other Sweden’s biggest nightclub, Berns, closed its gates in front of thousands of loyal guests . The club had become overheated and the government turned down its license. Since Parts (earlier Pontus och Patric) had provided the guests with VIP cards and Berns was a second home to many people, action was really needed. A business card shaped sticker with the parole “stick with us“ was mailed out to the 5000 big guest-list. “Put this sticker on a card you don’t have any use for” was the following copy, people were smiling and took their useless Berns card out of the garbage can. Soon Parts had redirected the homeless guests to alternative spaces around Stockholm and secured the loyalty of the faithful guests. Every new place that opened up got its own sticker in different colors defining the customer’s credibility and privileges. This was a solution to a situation that could have lead to total catastrophe - losing face in front of the demanding audience. In both positive and negative situations it’s important to produce creative word of mouth movements. Parts always explores the communication possibilities within the project’s unique situation.



Color system

Sofa “Center” design by Parts Creative for Berns lounge, inspired by the Conran logotype .


Live at Berns Task: Pr, music and premium marketing production Objective: To produce a cool marketing product and giveaway for Berns Hotel Client: Berns Hotel, Joakim Olaosson Year: 01-05 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: XLNT media Music coordinator: Anders Johansson Artists: Stockholm Jazzbeat Project/Ellinor Ryhed/ Linda Jennervall/Josefin Nygren/Kristina Gustavsson



Solution: The high profiled Berns Hotel needed a cutting edge product to sell and give away to the guests. Parts Creative’s idea was to come up with a viral ”giveaway” that the prominent guest would bring around the world and at the same time promote the fantastic hotel. Fifteen of the talented Swedish jazz musicians that were performing on the big stage at Berns restaurant were recorded and two live compilation CDs were produced. Later that year one night at a dinner at restaurant Gustavinos in New York, “Live at Berns” were coming out of the speakers.

BERNS summerclub invitation, from the left: Maria Grahn/Per Charles/Quetzala/Emelie Thoren/Gustav Gelin/Dj

Simon/Per Hagman/Pontus Ernfors/ Patric Andersson/Dj La Fluer/Dj Cute


New Order By Vladimir Rodjenko DJ: Rebecca & Fiona

The Plup/Copy tric

The Copy tric: A few months after Berns’s opening, it was known as the biggest restaurant fiasco in the history of Sweden, and Parts got the assignment to change that. Ten of Sweden’s most upcoming entertainment personalities were contracted by Parts to host one night at the beautiful outdoor terrace. A picture was taken with the group gathered together smiling in front of the magnificent facade of Berns. A VIP card was produced, that deliberately was super easy to copy and the limited cards were given away to a very selective group of connectors and opinion leaders. Every night the bouncers noticed an increasing amount of cards showing up at the entrance, they were smiling saying nothing…Stockholm’s hipsters went to the copy machine and Berns got onto the nightlife map.



The Plup: A VIP card is a brilliant carrier of word of mouth and buzz marketing potentials. A hologram sticker was produced and given away to a very restricted amount of influensers and opinion leaders in Stockholm. With this sticker placed on the backside of Berns’s VIP card, they had access to the “holy” VIP room “Le”. Parts spread the rumor that people were spending 500 euro for the sticker on E-bay. Two weeks later Parts overheard the same story from a total stranger at a café down town. The sticker got myth status and were to be known as the “Plup”.

Parts Gallery: “Guardian Angels” Patric Andersson´s angels have left the sky. The question is: will the angels still save us? Maybe. But only if we can save ourselves. Shouldn’t they take us a step closer to a better world, embedded in ideological machinery? It’s too late. Ideologies and traditions have been increasingly speaking with undertones of an existential crisis. Everything is now about survival. This also applies to the angels, embroiled in a tangle of phenomena which induces moral attitude to life and the mass media dictated behavior. Yet it is a promise of freedom angels, but not for everyone and definitely not for those who read books about liberty. They are not free, declares the angels earnest gaze. Goodness remains in the range between the conscious and the subconscious, they say. It would be useless to refer Patric Andersson’s work to the domains intended for conventional art, although the choice of materials (the works are painted with oil on canvas). Here are all of the symbolism mutation, which appears to extremes of mass culture, with an aesthetic code that rather belongs to the goth-culture, motorcycle associations or computer games with the art of killing. The angels are now on earth. Perhaps to accompany us to a Utopia where Christ aptly portrays himself in a suit?

“Guardian Angel”

“Feel me”

Pontus & Patric

Solution: Parts Creative is one part of the former company Pontus & Patric. P&P started as a pr and event-marketing agency, developing different communication concepts for lifestyle and beverage brands. Soon their superior experience and expertise of the club culture got them contracted full-time. P&P had an unique holistic strategy for their clubs and restaurant projects, from updating the basic business: interior, sound, light and connecting important partners and co-workers. When these things were in place, a smart word of mouth campaign was released embracing the important, exiting people of the city. With a lot of love and a brilliant application form, P&P created a personal guest list consisting 4.000 people of Stockholm’s hippest fashion photographers, artists, musicians, models, stylists, TV- and music producers. P&P kept a tight relationship with the guest through hundreds of events with cutting edge music, design and art for more than seven years. P&P won Dagens Nyheter’s, (the biggest morning paper), prize ”Stockholm heroes” and received an enormous amount of appreciation for their effort in making Stockholm a funnier place.



Task: Pr, entertainment and business consulting Objective: To create creative business and marketing solutions to reach Stockholm’s trend setters Client: Restaurants, nightclubs, liquor agents and various lifestyle companies Year: 99-06 Creative direction: Pontus Ernfors/Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Mika Pollack, King Size Web: www.

Swedish HOUSE MAFIA for B채stis Foto Malou Bergman

Pleasure by Baileys

Irmelin Krekelin

Henrik Halvarsson

Solution: Parts Creative gave ten upcoming Swedish fashion photographers a mission. Every photographer got twelve bottles of Baileys and one week to produce two pictures on the theme ”pleasure”. An exhibition with all the pictures was organized at an uptown gallery. A hip creative crowd of Stockholm party people were invited to the show… soon they were all smiling and sipping ice-cold Baileys drinks. The pictures were published in a beautiful book and distributed around the coolest bars in Stockholm. Baileys got headlines in a daily magazine saying that ”The hip people are now drinking Baileys” and the sales increased with 12% at Systembolaget (government controlled alcohol sales stores).



Task: Pr, event marketing campaign Objective: To increase young people’s awareness of Baileys Client: Baileys, Peter Dimulkas UDV Year: -00 Creative direction: Pontus Ernfors, Patric Andersson/ Parts Creative, Leo Burnett Art direction: Leo Burnett Photographers: Sesse Lind/Peter Gerkhe/Anti Wendel/Irmeli Krekin/Henrik Halvarsson/Erik Broms.

“Diffusion of innovation It is found that people were more likely to adopt, or even consider adopting, if people they know and respect have adopted. Imitation is the strongest influence channel. Therefore, the most effective marketing strategy is to first reach the early adopters, then reinforce the diffusion to each successive level, but not to waste resources on trying to reach any given level before it is ready for it� Everett M. Rogers

Activites “Living the brand” There is nothing more attractive than an active brand, a brand that fly, race, throw parties, arrange art exhibitions and contribute people’s life with happiness and excitement. With face to face activities people are no longer just a passive audience, they become active participants. Communication becomes what it is meant to be, a dialog and an experience. The brand grows from image to identity with the interaction of people. Parts integrates the brand’s activities to a communicative platform. These interactive platforms produces relationship, engagement and brand loyalty far beyond old school marketing and at the same time the business receives important information and response back. Face to face experiences are king of customer collaboration and superior aggregators of word of mouth and buzz potentials. People love to talk and activities create a reason for them to do so. People are tired of empty slogans, they want action, so don’t say it, just do it! In Sweden, Parts has an updated customer register of innovators and creators of public opinion within the fields of fashion, media, music and entertainment. Parts is specialized in customer experience management (CEM): event marketing campaigns, product releases, concerts, club and sport events solutions for following businesses: Lifestyle media, television and magazines. Restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Restaurant related businesses, beverages etc. Fashion, music and game industry.


New Order

Solution: Parts’s assignment and task was to reinvent the concept of SMC and to reinforce the relationship with its lost audience. In the new era of sharing and transparency, Parts realized that if SMC wanted to be a part of the nightclub scene, the nightclub scene had to be a part of SMC. So instead of a top to bottom organized event the strategy was rebuilt the concept by connecting with the Dj´s and entrepreneurs, that for the last years had been taking control over the nightly entertainment scene. The Dj’s were not just contracted to perform but also invited to participate in the development of the concept. The name “New Order” was invented to symbolize this new movement. A Facebook group was created and within one week it had 1500 members, all invited by the 20 Dj´s who were admins for the new SMC. New Order took place at 3 different nightclubs and attracted over a thousand visitors.



Task: Event & social media strategy Objective: Reinvent the SMC concept and reinforce the relationship with the lost target group Client: Anette de Souza, Dj-promotion Year: -09 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Daniel Johansson, Planet Creative Djs: Madde-Karin/ Tooli/ Daniel Savio/ Basutbudet/ Kim Sandgren/ Page Three/ Vincent Bergman/ Rebecca & Fiona/ Johanna Beckman/ Axel Boman/ Lång-Kalle/ Jakob Grandin/ Klubb KAOS/ Testarossa/ Audiofon/ Miss Dilemma/ Pjotr/ Chapel Hill Crew Web: www.

New Order book Task: Photo book publication and art-show Objective: To create a timeless document about the rockstars of our time - the Djs and strengthen SMC´s relationship with this tribe Client: Anette de Souza Dj-promotion Year: -09 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Daniel Johansson, Planet Creative Phography: Vladimir Rodjenko Web:



Solution: Stockholm´s club scene is undergoing a paradigm shift, the scene is no longer changing, it is being replaced. A new era of hungry young visionaries are entering the scene and the new generation of ”digital natives” will forever change the entertainment scene in Stockholm. In the past, diversity and musical quality was filtered through the limited channels of distribution, but the new digital revolution has made ” underground” democratic. This new order was Parts’s inspiration when SMC wanted to pay tribute to this creative movement. Parts selected twenty of the most influential people within this new wave of entrepreneurs, people that had been exploring, and developing the scene into a chaotic mix of joy and happiness. A book was published and released, making a broader audience enlighten of this dynamical exciting time. At the same time SMC developed an invaluable relationship with Stockholm’s most important people.



American artist Steeve Novaks “Art Bank� is the new intelligent investment alternative that combines art with traditional money placement. Each signed dollar has a starting price of 10 $. At you can buy, sell and follow the daily exchange rate. When one buyer pays more than the origin price, it automatically increases the value of all works to that price. The daily rate is regulated by access, demand, the market and Art Banks success in daily press and media

Fancy Task: Club project Objective: To create a hangout for the creative designers and fashion crowd in Stockholm and to promote Redstripe by exploring the strengths and weaknesses of social media marketing Client: Red Stripe Year: -08 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Planet Creative Pr promoter: Felix Backteman



Solution: What is it that makes home parties so special? As soon as you hit the club the spirit is lost. This is what Fancy wanted to change. Fancy was a moving members club for the people in the fashion industry. At Fancy the guest is a part of the concept. The guests are invited to interact with the club, from exhibiting their own creative work to perform on the stage. Every night the guests brought their own favorite music and hijacked the decks as they fell in mood. Instead of being passive observers, Fancy’s guests became active participants, just like at a great home party. This was Parts’s first fully integrated CEM-project (customer experience management) using Facebook and social media as the only communication tool. Fancy got 1000 loyal fans just within a couple of weeks.

Parts Creative makes things happen

eativity is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas concepts. From a scientific point of view, the products of creative thought are usually considered to have both originality appropriateness. An alternative, more everyday conception of creativity is that it is simply the act of making something w.�

�Creativity is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or cepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts. From a scientific point of view, the products of creative ught are usually considered to have both originality and appropriateness. An alternative, more everyday conception of crevity is that it is simply the act of making something new.�










Speedway Battle Task: Motor sport marketing event Objective: To invite a new crowd and increase the public flow on Hammarby Speedway’s home races Client: Joonas Kylmakorpi, Hammarby Speedway Year: -06 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Freddes Planet.

Solution: Real life brand experience is often the best foundation for creating customer loyalty and business development. To find a new audience and build the brand “Speedway”, the best thing to do is to do things great…and then even better. Superior performance and innovation magnifies the drive within every project, from the inside and out. This was Parts’s mantra, as the boring and old-fashioned Speedway events needed to be updated and attract a new young Stockholm audience. Umbrella girls, hip Dj’s and freestyle motocross drivers were contacted to perform during the event. A massive beautiful poster campaign covered the city promoting the spectacular show. The event increased the audience flow with 2000 people and made hundreds of Stockholmers experience speedway for the first time in their life.



Vuxna 120:- 12-17 år 40:- Barn upp till 12 år gratis. Info:




New Order By Vladimir Rodjenko DJ: L책ng -Kalle

Privé Task: VIP club event concept Objective: The regular guest at Berns needed to be challenged with a re-discovery event campaign Client: Johan Tangen, Berns Salonger Year: -04 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Mika Pollack



Solution: In every relationship there comes a time when partners starts to take each other for granted and may loose a little interest. Every project has its life circle. This was exactly what Berns regulars felt after years of repeated visits. ”Only when the red light shines”, was Parts Creative saying on the invitation card that was sent out to five thousand hip people in Stockholm. A red lamp was mounted on top of the flagpole on the roof at Berns. Only when the lamp was lit, (randomly without any notice to any guest), the doors opened up to the new club Privé and the VIPs could enter the legendary Red Room (Strindberg’s novel was named after this room). Every night different artists contributed with exhibitions or performances on a special theme like “peep show” and “fart art” (fast art). Berns’s regular guests had to show up every weekend night, in order to be sure not to miss an exclusive Privé party. A limited 300 edgy people in fashionable outfits were selected to enter each night by the transsexual doorman in white leather gloves..


Solution: If you watch a movie, play or concert, it’s the artist and the experience that is the “attraction”. Nightclubs communicate with their guests with cool flyers promoting the Dj and the artist name in focus, even though this information is secondary. It really doesn’t matter who is on stage or what is coming out of the speakers, if the crowd isn’t right. With that in mind, Parts created the first club concept where the guests are the stars, and the meeting between them the whole idea. The word Bästis (Buddy) came up and became the name for this funny concept. A photo studio was built at the entrance of Berns and throughout the Thursday nights, Berns’s VIP guests were given tickets to be photographed in the studio. With inspiration from old idol picture cards, hundreds of ”Bästisar” (Buddy collect cards) were produced and distributed around Stockholm in plastic stands. The cards fulfilled the guest’s dreams of being a star. At the same time they became the greatest ambassadors for the business as they gave away cards of them self to all their friends.



Task: Nightclub buzz marketing concept, graphic and interior design, marketing business and entertainment consulting Objective: To update the Thursday business at Berns and secure the relationship with Stockholm’s fashion crowd Client: Magnus Bergh, Berns Salonger Year: -05 Photography: Malou Bergman Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Planet Creative/Lars Hansson, Lah

Nu Sweden Task: Nightclub concert activity, brochure production, pr, marketing and concert booking Objective: To create a relationship between Berns and the hip fashion and underground music crowd, and to increase business at Berns on Fridays Client: Magnus Bergh / Berns Salonger Year: -04 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Joel Brosjö, Pdl Photography: Stefan Holm Live music: Spånka/ Stockholm Jazzbeat Project/Goran Kaifes/Stockholm Cyclo/ Hundarna från Söder and Book houseboys



Solution: For several years commercial music has been one of Sweden’s biggest exports products. In June 2004, Parts brought up the Swedish avant-garde underground music scene out of the dark basements and up on the big fancy stage at Berns. A beautiful booklet was produced with photos and information about the artists and printed in ten thousand copies to be given away to opinion leaders and connectors around town. On nine Fridays, with big success, these bands performed on the very same stage that had been graced by stars like Edit Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Isaac Hayes, Alicia Keys, White Stripes and Harry Bella Fonte. Future plans are made for taking this concept to New York, Tokyo etc.

Parts Gallery: Vladimir Rodjenko “Breaking rules is the principle of evolution” Parts’s network of artists believes: “good is just good, but great is revolution”. Revolution is an idea that dissolves its own concept and from that creates new shapes and forms. In the border zone between graphical design, photography and art, challenges Parts traditional rules in the search of developing new innovative expressions and ideas. Parts’s artist is an ear to society’s rail way barn, foreseeing future trends and lifestyle phenomena long before it arrives in our illusional world.

Bottom Line A couple of years ago I was searching the Internet for a font I needed for logotype I was working on. I had a vague memory that Björn Borg used it for a lingerie campaign a few years earlier. After hours on Google I came across an angry feministic article about the Björn Borg campaign, trying to sexualize the official room. A very liberating idea…that someone is able to sexualize the official room. Isn’t that what separates southern European countries from Sweden - that people live closer to themselves and their sexuality? A room where men are men and women are women and the difference between them, the energy and force that creates life, love and moves life forward. Haven’t we, on our Nordic latitude, lost our sexual identity and our ability to challenge? We live with a strange double moral, glamorizing violence and TV channels showing successfully hardcore porn for 20 dollars a month, but when Terry Richardsson shoots pictures of sexy women for Sisley or H&M that shows a little or a lot of flesh, a whole society revolutionizes. Are we suddenly a moral race that point out when we cross the line between the private and official room..? So, it is with great pleasure that Parts presents the controversial and ”unswedish” concept, Russian born art photographer Vladimir Rodjenko. His manic fascination for the female crotch is wonderfully refreshing, the place where we put our heads when we seek comfort and at the same it is the target that half of the world’s sexual fantasies lay. Vladimir states that we should have beauty contests for women’s abdomen to homage and celebrate their unique ability to create life. From the darkest primitive to the most cultural up-lit side of us, Vladimir portraits pictures of the human dynamic and dualism with hypnotic repetitive picture suites that moves the thought to French love movies and the Devil in miss Jones, a sort of pornographic picture poetry, the cock meets the brain without shame. Whether Vladimir is a poet or a pornograph is up to you to decide.

DJ Legend

DJ Legend

Task: Nightclub event: Brochure production, pr, marketing and entertainment consulting Objective: To position Berns as a music venue and increase the business on Fridays Client: Magnus Bergh, Berns Salonger Year: -03 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Joel Brosjö Photography: Stefan Holm Djs: Johan Netz/Jonas Lönnå/ Stonebridge/ Cari Lekebusch/ Tony Zoulias/ Krazy/ Micke Elmenbeck and Johnny Boy



Solution: On ten Fridays, Sweden’s most famous Dj’s were contracted to play at Berns’s main dance floor. These legendary Djs brought the club culture to Sweden in the early 80s from London and New York, and without them the club scene would never have been the same. A booklet with stylish photos and interviews was produced and distributed to Berns’s 4.000 people vip guest list. Each Dj got 100 exclusive concert tickets with their name printed on to give away to their friends and partners. On the gig night the Dj’s were invited like stars to a threecourse dinner in the fancy restaurant together with all his friends. After the dinner, guards escorted the Dj into the nightclub, and tables were booked around the Dj-booth for their friends. These nights were enormously appreciated by the Djs, their friends and specially the audience. The guests were showing up, hence Berns established their business on Fridays.

EL Task: Nightclub event concept: graphic profile, pr, marketing and entertainment consulting Objective: To create a high profile activity to increase the slow business at Berns on Thursdays Client: Magnus Bergh, Berns Salonger Year: 02-04 Creative direction: Ibbi Isaacs/Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Joel Brosjö Live Music: Alex from Tokyo/ Amin Tobyn/Billy Nasty/Capoeira Twins/Crystal Waters/Cutlass Supreme/Fanny Pack/Jesper Dahlbäck/Crafty Cuts/Roller Cone/Paul Murphy/Sumo/Transparent Sound/Taxi and many many more…




Parts Creative’s concept was to attract the stars of the club scene, the Dj-producers and dance music artists, and together with them reach the high profile clubbers. For several years these producers had provided Dj’s with amazing hot tunes. Now the idea was to start a live club were these producers would perform on a stage with a full band. The club name “EL”, (also the host club “LE” spelled backwards) which means electricity, got a brilliant logo with two people dancing inspired by printed circuit cards. A trendy club promoter was contacted to face the new crowd and El became an innovative musical Mecca, an enchanted inferno for the hippest clubbers and won reputation all over Europe.

Sommar Task: Club concept and event marketing campaign Objective: To give people in Stockholm a reason to stay in town during the summer, and to get the hipsters to drink Baileys Client: Baileys, Tommy Sandelin, UDV, Year: -01 Creative direction: Pontus Ernfors/ Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Mika Pollack, King Size

Solution: Summer in the city is a big no no for most Stockholm residents. Parts Creative’s goal was to change this. A series of summer parties were organized and every cool Dj in Stockholm was invited to play, six Dj’s a night. At the same time, a new way of drinking Baileys was presented. Instead of drinking it in small liqueur glasses, it was served in a whiskey glass filled with ice, like a ”ready-to-drink” White Russian. These parties were the talk of the town that summer, and will be remembered as the “Baileys parties”. “Sommar” later became a club sequel and a refuge for “alone in town” Stockholmers for six years. Every year Parts located the next generation of upcoming life style personalities and made them hosts of their own weekend night at the summer-club.

Sommar medMonica Task: Club concept and event marketing campaign Objective: To introduce Berns’s summer terrace and promote Gilbeys and “Gin tonic” Client: Gilbeys, Allied domec/Berns Year: 01 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Pontus Ernfors



Solution: “Sommar med Monica” was Parts Creative’s first step in bringing back Berns to its former position as Stockholm’s top nightclub. Glossy postcards of the summer in Stockholm were purchased. With a brilliant printing technique looking like handwritten text, a fictive person called Monica sent out summer greetings to a list of important people in Stockholm. The text was: “Hi! I’m standing here on Berns terrace, sipping on an ice-cold gin tonic, and it’s fantastic! Hope to see you here next week! Love Monica”. These postcards were on everybody’s lips for a few summer months. Stockholm wondered who this mysterious Monica might be that was visiting Berns for the first time in their life.


Solution: Parts Creative’s (earlier Pontus & Patric) idea was to slowly transform the newly renovated 250 empty-seated Conran restaurant into a vibrant nightclub (which according many was considered an impossible task). Parts first step was to update and develop the restaurant’s overall business idea. Each one of the many rooms in this magnificent building got their own identity with a name, music, interior and concept. High profiled bartenders and Dj’s were contracted. The next step was to launch a brilliant entertainment and marketing campaign to establish contact with Stockholm’s hip clubbers. Parts’s idea was to create a utopia, a world within the world, were love and happiness were the law and the guests were the citizens. Berns became a multi musical and cultural inferno, all strategically directed by Parts. Berns went from 3 to 23 million € in turnover over a five year period, without spending one euro on traditional advertising using only alternative creative marketing solutions. At the same time Berns became, with its six bars and six dance floors, one of the hippest and most visited restaurant/nightclub in the history of Stockholm.



Task: Overall business, entertainment and marketing consulting for Sweden’s biggest restaurant Objective: To bring this giant restaurant back to its former position as Stockholm’s #1 nightclub Client: Poker Wallenberg, Grand Hotel Holdings Year: 01-05 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative/Pontus Ernfors/Magnus Bergh Art direction: Joel Brosjö/Mika Pollack/Gasolin/Lars Hansson Architects: Various Live Music: White stripes/Kelis/Isaac Hayes/Gotan Project/ St. Germain/De La Soul/Gang Starr/The Roots/Burning Spear/Alicia Keyes

“Enterprise 2.0 The old-school models of the enterprise were operational and process driven, based on the efficiencies that lead to productivity. The new school is a interactive-based collaborative social model that emphasizes effectiveness and knowledge exchange, which lead to increased productivity�

Paul Greenberg, CRMat the light of speed

Concepts “Knock out ideas” The future is here, new disruptive technology is transforming our reality. A super connected market space is taking form and emerging for change and innovation through our life and business. There is a conventional wisdom that 80% of new concepts and products fail and that a creative idea is up to 4000% more effective than a bad one. So instead of guessing what the market wants, Parts creates a conceptual cutting edge solution that early meets the customer’s needs. Parts engages and catalyzes the market’s creativity, embracing their suggestions, processing information, interact trough the project development and in the end implement the collaboration permanent trough the companies culture to continuously improve itself. This consumer centric open innovation business model regains relevant insight about the market and at the same time it ultimately creates value in the minds of the customer. Parts creates: cutting edge concepts & ideas, solves problems, improves and develops on and off line venues for life style companies that need to invent or reinvent their business to master the new challenges and possibilities in the rapidly evolving interactive business environment.


Republik World fotball cup



“Bar of the year”price, magazine City


Solution: When a numbers of entrepreneurs had failed to build a profitable business in the spectacular restaurant space on Tulegatan, the mission came to Parts Creative to change this trend. The concept was to combine a traditional cozy atmosphere with a modern avant-garde arty feeling to create intimacy in this large, sterile space. The walls were covered with red medallion wallpaper and the entire carpentry was painted in dull black. The tables were covered with white linen and decorated with a brass candlestick that was given to the restaurant by a guests at the premier party. To contrast the traditional interior, avant-garde artists were invited to custom-make exhibitions (that often had provocative sexual themes) to interact with the restaurant’s concept. A trendy graphic identity, food menus and a logotype with a gothic form, were produced. Later, Parts created a unique outdoor extensive restaurant area with their own design furniture and wall-pieces framing the open space, inspired by the walls inside. A competent staff was recruited and only six month later it got top review in all magazines and rewarded as “best bar in town” at the yearly prize ceremony held by one of Sweden’s biggest daily newspapers.



Task: Restaurant concept with interior design, graphical identity, pr, business and entertainment consulting Objective: To create a turnaround strategy for one of the greatest restaurant addresses in Stockholm Client: Anders Björklund Year: 06-08 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Lars Hansson, Lah/ Johan Thuresson, Zebra Apa Interior design: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Exhibitors: Vladimir Rodjenko/John Ismael/Steve Novak


Solution: Restaurant concepts are a complex variation of important details integrated into a clear visual idea and product. When these essential details interact and meet the guest or customer, it creates ambiance; positive environmental energy. It is the level of this energy that defines a successful project and Parts never looses target on that fact. Parts Creative gave the gold ornamented upper class venue “Kharma” a heavy transformation. To create a radical change, the walls were painted in dull grey, the two different bars were painted in a clear glossy color to contrast the walls. A minimalistic furniture set was designed and built. The walls were cleaned up to make space for exhibitions by young photographers and designers. To give the guests a chance to express themselves with their own words and drawings, a big blackboard covering the hole wall was placed at the entrance. Inspired by the local bars of New York, a pool table was put in one of the rooms. The nightclub was built in five days and hosted by some of the greatest Dj’s in Stockholm.



Task: Nightclub concept with interior design, graphical identity, pr and marketing Objective: Within a minimum of time and an ultra slim budget, create a concept that would help one of Stockholm’s most established entertainment addresses to regain public flow Client: Stephen Ferber, Kharma Group Year: -05 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Lars Hansson, Lah Interior design: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative

Parts know people

Pete´s nb

Task: Nightclub concept with interior design, graphical identity, pr, business and entertainment consulting Objective: To create business on one of Stockholm’s most known club addresses with a new nightclub concept Client: Catenacci, Café Opera Year: -06 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Lars Hansson, Lah Interior design: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative



Solution: Stockholm’s hip people needed a new watering hole after Sweden’s biggest nightclub Berns had closed its gates. To contrast with the hard nightclub climate Parts Creative’s idea was to create a nightclub with a feeling of a cozy livingroom. On the first floor a bar was built with walls and furniture in warm colors with classic disco lights. Upstairs a bedroom was furnished with a giant bed, an open fireplace and walls covered with framed pictures of Parts VIP guests. Stockholm’s most established club promoter, ”Pete”, was contracted to secure the relationship with the old-time clubbers. The music went back to organic vocal club music. At Christmas time the guests where helping each other decorating the Christmas tree at the dance floor and only two weeks later, daily press was saluting saying: “this was the best bar for ages”.


Solution: LE was Parts second big step in the mission of transforming the restaurant Berns into a vibrant entertainment palace. The idea was to open a VIP nightclub in the 5.000 square meter big restaurant. Le is one of Parts integrated restaurants make-over Concept. First a graphical platform with a business name was created. Then Parts’s interior design was put into production, followed by the entertainment, pr and communication strategy. High profiled bartenders were contracted from Berns’s biggest competitors and an extremely cutting edge music profile was set up. A graphic identity and interior design inspired by the geometrical forms of Lego was taking shape, with the club’s name ”LE” which means “smile” in Swedish. That was exactly what the crowd did. For several years this was the place to be. Only the bold and beautiful were lucky to get through the ultra strict door policy and this club was the beginning of Berns’s huge success that later resulted in more than 2000 visitors every night.



Task: Nightclub concept with interior design, graphical identity, pr and entertainment consulting Objective: To develop a concept that would position Berns as Stockholm’s night venue #1 Client: Magnus Bergh, Berns Salonger Year: 01-05 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Art direction: Marrakech/Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Interior design: Johan Israelsson/Jacob Af Klintberg/Patric Andersson, Parts Creative

New Order By Vladimir Rodjenko DJ: Kaos

Bubbla Task: Nightclub concept with interior design, graphical identity, business and entertainment consulting Objective: The gigantic restaurant Monte Carlo went bankrupt and Parts was contracted by a lawyer company to open up and run a nightclub in this space until a new commercial operator were found Client: Fylgia, Lawyer Company Year: -01 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative/Pontus Ernfors Art direction: Mika Pollack, King size

Dos logos

Solution: The name Bubbla (bubble) were invented to symbolize the most volatile club in Stockholm’s history. At any time the club could close. The communication tactic was to create a nightclub phenomena that nobody could miss to experience. With an enormous response from sponsors and partners, a nightclub was built in three weeks. Together with the Swedish tobacco company Blend, “Black Room” was design to promote their new product Blend Black. The whole room was painted black with only a few TV-monitors showing old sex information videos. With three different dance floors, art exhibitions and concerts, it became the media’s favorite club to talk about over the few months it lasted. On the opening night, police had to redirect the traffic outside the entrance because of the enormous crowd. Later, the press wrote that the worst things that happened in the past month were the increasing taxi prices and that the bubble had bursted…



Dos logos

Dos logos

Formbar Task: Bar, exhibition concept with interior design, graphical identity, pr and entertainment consulting Objective: To create a relationship between the brand Ballantine and Stockholm’s design and art crowd and to update the Chiaro night-club with a cutting edge bar Client: Ballantines, Allied Domec/ Tomas Perra, Restaurant Chiaro Year: 98-99 Creative direction: Patric Andersson/Ibrahim Isaacs Art direction: Mika Pollack, King Size/Joel Brosjö Interior design: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative/Ibrahim Isaacs Exhibitors: Claesson, Koivisto, Rune/Paula Cerda/Erik Broms /Sesse Lind/Sweden Graphics/Stefan Holm/Mika Pollack, King size.



Solution: Parts Creative developed this bar-concept on assignment by Ballantines as an ironical answer to the never changing music and fashion industry. Parts Creative’s ambition with the concept Formbar (means formable) was to be the first totally changeable bar in the world. Formbar was built with walls made by 250 exchangeable pieces. Swedish photographers, designers and artists were contacted to use the wall pieces for different weekly exhibitions. Along with the exhibitions Ballantines strengthened their position with the innovators of Stockholm. This twisted concept was hosted by the coolest designers, Dj’s and artists and attracted party people from all over of Stockholm.

Sex, drugs & jazz..


Stockholm Jazz Beat Project´s first album out now on Itunes, Co-produced by Parts Creative

Jazzroom Task: Bar concept with interior design, graphical identity, marketing and entertainment consulting Objective: Produce a cutting edge bar for the giant nightclub Sturecompaniet to attract hip people of Stockholm Client: Lennart Karlsson/ Baldakinen Year: -99 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative/Ricard Gustavsson Art direction: Marcel Struwer Interior design: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative Live: Nuthouse/Esbjörn Svensson Trio/Goran Kaifes Quartet



Solution: The jazz sound was blooming in Europe, artists were picking up and sampling the traditional jazz sounds. Parts’s idea was to give the mega night-club Sturecompagniet and Stockholm an alternative bar for people who wanted something more out of their night experiences. A bar and a stage were built. Young artists searching for the new jazzy sound were invited to play. Flyers and posters inspired by old blue note records were spread around town. From day one this was the best selling bar at Sturecompagniet, out of four different bars and dance floors. It became the hippest Stockholm hangout for several years to come. For the first time in forty years, people were dancing to Charlie Parker tunes until three o’clock in the morning.

OneHappyCloud Task: Restaurant concept Objective: To create a SwedishJapanese crossover restaurant concept Client: Masau Mochizuki Year: -97 Creative direction: Patric Andersson, Parts Creative/Johan Berg Art direction: Sweden Graphics Architects: Claesson/Koivisto/Rune Architects



Solution: Parts Creative’s idea was to create an international restaurant with a cutting edge interior design and food concept. Synergies and inspiration were found in the similarities between Swedish and Japanese clean minimalistic estetics´s and culture. With the idea to integrate the two food cultures (plain Swedish food/ Izakaya), a Japanese and a Swedish chef were employed to share experiences and put together a unique Swedish/Japanese crossover menu, with dishes like miso chicken with Swedish lingo berries. The young and newly graduated designer-trio Claesson/ Koivisto/ Rune was contacted. Thanks to their minimalistic interior design, CKR got their first big contract together with the brilliant design bureau “Sweden graphics”. Parts’s concept “One Happy Cloud” is until this day one of the most published restaurant concepts in design books and magazines all around the world.

“No! art is not done to decorate appartements, it´s a war and a weapon against the enemy. And the enemy is everything that threatens the freedom of the imagination” Pablo Picasso

Art Works “The bigger picture” If you put two straight lines across you get one of the simplest, most beautiful and powerful symbol in modern history - a cross. People live and die for it. This is the impact a visual symbol can have on us, if we believe in it! For Parts, visual expression is an extension of the core business value that is integrated trough the hole brand identity development process. If it’s done right the “bigger picture” transcends the brand’s values beyond physical colors and form. Parts creates a creative conceptual graphical idea and then develops these ideas with the best art directors in the business. Parts produces: Design-solutions for web and print, logotypes, posters, flyers, for lifestyle brands in the need of a beautiful and effective visual identity.


Summer invitation Berns

Stationary Republik

Premier invitation Le, Berns

Carrier for Vip card, Berns

Application form, Pontus & Patric



Drag/Fred.20/Berns Drag/Fred.20/Berns


Ett, tv책 & tre/Fred.06/Berns

“Don’t speak in messages. Instead, spark conversations based on the unique requirements of each market segment and people within them. And please, don’t spin. We all hate when politicians do it. If you find yourself constistantly selling or spinning instead of evangelizing, you might be in the wrong place in your career.” Brian Solis, Putting the public back in public relations.

Press & publications “Do the trick” Brands are not sold, they are bought. Parts Creative believes that it is more effective to earn attention by producing interesting activities than buying advertising space in magazines the traditional way. For the same resources you put into an advertising campaign you can multiply the result with an innovative pr and event marketing activity. Parts works with storytelling, creating objects of conversations that attracts traditional as well as new social media, using all the available tools on the market. Parts has a unique “pull model” for delivering information that creates desire and demand. Parts’s projects have been documented in all major Swedish magazines and in several well known international design magazines and books.


This voucher entitles you to a free meeting with Parts Creative Name:




Contact Patric Andersson Kristinehovsgatan 13 117 29 Stockholm/ SWEDEN

+47 06797169



Ps. All of Parts Gallery artists are a result of my imaginary mind. Tnx for reading// P

This is not portfolio nor a presentation, it’s just a collection of stories and pictures covering 15 years of blood, sweat and fame. Parts Creative (which stands for Patric Arts & Partners) has for a decade and a half, connected lifestyle brands with people by collaborating within different social platforms. We live in a revolutionary time when the way of communication will change more within the next five years than it has done for the past 50. This fact is Parts mission to master while navigating through new markets places equipped with a creative mind. The communication paradigm demands for a totally new sets of skills, from brand managers to community manager and from pr-agents to social media experts, this consumer-centric perspective is Parts’s main business idea while now connecting the past with the future. With a deep passion for creativity, innovation and how this radically change our lives, Parts has produced hundreds of activities attracting hundred thousands of excited people. Have a gleam into the world of Parts Creative.

“Parts is the Gps for the new markets” - Eero Koivisto, designer ”The revolution needs a guide” - Poker Wallenberg, Investor “Excelent !!”- Viggo Cavling, Resumé “A brilliant and fascinating portfoolio”- Peter Swartling AAlso avaliable as a presentation at

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