Top 4 fun ideas to arrange school themed wedding

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Top 4 Fun Ideas to Arrange School Themed Wedding

Revive your school memories by arranging a fun and exciting school theme wedding. Nothing would be as fun as going back to the carefree days in school, especially with your batch mates of which many remain your friends for life. As we grow up, most of us always think of going back to school, going back to being small and stress-free. One important occasion when you can re-live those fun days is by arranging a school theme wedding.

You can also invite your school teachers, and see how proud they feel to meet you all grown up, and successful in life. We offer you some amazing ideas that you can incorporate in for school themed wedding. Read more to find out

1. Wedding favors: Return back all the memories of your school life, to your batch mates by giving them a frame of your school class group photo. You can distribute plain papers among the guests asking your school mates and teachers to sign them. You can then frame the paper and send them to your class mates who attended the wedding via courier.

2. Wedding invitation card: Get back to basics by designing a wedding card with a blackboard concept. Let the font of the text be cursive so that it brings out the best of the concept. The RSVP cards can be in the form of an attendance report, where the guests who wish to confirm their presence can fill the blank space with a Present mark. You can also consider scroll wedding invitations card that look like a report cards.

2. Venue decor:  Decorate the wedding venue in the form of a classroom, with a room number mentioned at the door of the hall. Let the seating arrangements be in the form of benches and desks. Give your guests a batch with role number.  Create a gallery of your school photos on the wall, which can be an important part of your wedding décor.  Be sure that your friends will relive and feel nostalgic after seeing the photos.  Click a picture of all the guests, in a similar fashion that class group photos are clicked for the annual magazine.  Distribute slam books among your guests in which they can write testimonials about the couple.

3. Wedding cake: A school themed wedding cake can have toppings in the form of a ruler, eraser, pencil, fountain pen, geometrical tool box, etc. You can also have the color theme of the cake in the color of your school uniform. A pile of books kept on each other can also be a good idea for the theme. Another important aspect where you can incorporate the theme is creating a small dessert counter. It can have cup cakes of school themed toppings, or a chocolate tray display, which will have the above object, shaped colored chocolates.

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