Top Five Trends on a Budget-Friendly Indian Wedding Most families have a tight wedding budget, and managing the same along with the best preparation for the wedding ends up in a battle between dreams and reality. However, we bring you some latest trends that can be the best, yet in a budget friendly manner. It will ensure that you have a fantastic and memorable nuptial. Of course, you will save considerable amount of money that you can use to start your new life.
1. Venue: Community halls come up as the first choice for budget wedding venue. Most of the communities have their own big halls with ample space to conduct big functions. The best part is that they provide it to the member on a very nominal charge. The second favorite option is to conduct wedding in farm house of your friends or relatives. Well, it comes up as the best deal as you just need to pay for the arrangements.
2. Jewelry: Wedding jewelry is heavy, with a lot of kundan, and gem work done on them. However, how many times do you wear the same jewelry after marriage? The answer would be once or twice. So, why spend money on something that will be a part of your locker for the rest of your life? Instead, you can indulge into these two choices. Firstly, keep the wedding jewelry simple, or secondly get the jewelry on rent. The second might not go well with your family, but after all it is your marriage, and why not save some extra bucks and go out on a fun holiday with your husband instead.
3. Wedding Invite: The number of guests in Indian wedding easily touches thousand, if you are buying card that costs 30 INR per piece then also you need to spend 30, 000 Rupees, it’s a big amount if you are tight on budget. The modern couples have found a solution for it; they are opting for budget wedding invitation cards. If they want something more sophisticated then they are seen going for budget scroll wedding invitations card.
5. Photographs & Video: Wedding photos and videos are a treasure for life. Won't it be fun going through them after you have spent some fun years together? Professional photographers charge a bomb, which can be too much for your wedding budget. However, you can consider hiring a newbie for the same. They not only charge less for their work, but are innovative and wanting to bring in something new and trendy in their work.
5. Make-up and hair style: The latest trends in make-up, and hairstyle is to keep it simple and subtle. Most girls go gaudy and heavy when it comes to make-up and hairstyle. However, most brides these days prefer a simple touch-up on their face that makes them look sophisticated and classy. You can also request the hair stylist to come up with a light hairstyle that will ensure you feel comfortable all day long. After all, the wedding rituals are a whole day process and being comfortable is necessary.
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