Love Street Lamp Post 3rd Qtr 2002

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3rom the Editor Baba folks, Many months ago Lynn Wilhite and hris and Anne Barker asked me if I would bring the Love Street Bookstore to Oklahoma for the Fiftieth Anniversary of Baba’s Accident’. Radical idea! I usually just ship books out to the various Sahavas’ held around the country But when Anne had sent me the advertisement to place in the April issue, I thought I would really like to be there myself Ergo—the Bookstore traveled with me! Luckily Jeff Maguire, the Master of Ceremonies, had planned on renting a van to drive out there with Billy Goodrum who was the guest musician. He had room for two small boxes, and Harry Thomas, author of the intriguing Meher Baba and the Chinese Horoscope featured in this issue, was also driving, so he could take a few boxes. The rest traveled in my extra large suitcases. I also took my iBook (laptop computer) thinking I would write three or four pages on the plane back to L A. The LampPost was pretty much put together before I left—a simple thing to drop in a few more pages... By the end ofWednesday evening, after talking with and getting to know Margaret Burleson, daughter of the doctor who attended Baba and His party in Prague after the accident, I could tell this was going to be bigger than three pages, and the Gathering had not even officially opened! By Friday evening, I realized the mity of what we were participating in. People were walking round looking ‘blown away’, stunned, elated, amazed; above all—exceedingly happy that we were actu ally there, experiencing it all. I hope, in this issue of the LampPost, that we will bring to you a certain scent, just a whiff of His perfttme, that we, who were there, gloried in. After you have read it all through, and pondered about the very deep ramifications of this accident that was no accident, you may find yourself wondering, “Well what of Margaret Burleson? She came to this Anniversary she tells you she remembers Him. so what affect has it all had on her?” I do solove a happy ending! Margaret told me that she instinctively knew that meeting Baba was something very great in her life, but just what it was, or what she was supposed to do with this feeling, she didn’t know. She said she felt as though she has been in limbo


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all these years. But now, now she has found her anchor. This Anniversary did it. Margaret told me her younger sister Beth was somewhat confused about the importance oftheir being present at this Gathering, and since she was not able to remember very much, she thought, why would anyone want to meet her? Margaret continued “I would say that while I was expecting something, she had no expectations. But after the Gathering, she was changed. She had a new fire in her. I suspect that this event has done more for her as far as being an awakening than it did for me, for I was already searching and had been for years. I had read some the books about Baba, but I still so many questions and resistance to accepting the “all”. I could intellectually understand most ofit, but Ijust could not be a part of the doctrine 100%. After my experience in Oklahoma in May the love I felt began to overshadow the questions. And as that worked on me I also asked the questions I needed to ask, to you and Leatrice and others. All began to come together and my understanding exploded. But first I had to experience the love.” And love there was aplenty in Oklahoma that weekend! Remembering that Baba has often told us that it is onlyby His Grace thatwelove Him, I feel somewhat akin to Margaret, in that we both knew about Him, but didn’t get to love Him till He was ready for us. Who knows why we had to wait—for me it was 30 years, but for Margaret it was 50! She told us she wants to come to the Los Angeles Sahavas— and we are all so very happy for that. When Harry Thomas—student, scholar, and teacher—agrees to present a program for the Sunday meetings at Meherabode, he doesn’t just throw something together. He starts an in-depth research on the subject, studies it for weeks if not months, and then gives a great presentation on what ever topic he has chosen. Due to an offhand remark from a friend—that Meher Baba was born in the year of the horse, according to ancient Chi nese astrology—Harry decided to delve into that particular subject and came up with all sorts of surprises. His presentation was so well received, we decided it needed a wider audience. We hope you enjoy the profound coincidences (?) Harryfound related to Baba’s Silence in the Chinese astrology charts. If we had put everything in this issue that we had planned on doing—before

the Gathering in Oklahoma happened, we would have been at 83 pages! We try to keep the magazine at a more manageable 44-48 pages. (Overseas postage gets too outra geous at more than that!) So many articles that you had sent to us had to be bumped to the October issue, which is pretty much fill already, so we do apologize if you were lookingfor thatwhich you had submitted and not found it. Patience—all things will come in His time. Meanwhile, settle down to some fascinating reading. In His love and service, Dma

£nm(J2ostCctters From Susan Qünn .receiving and reading the LSLP is one of the highlights of my life—a mega dose of Baba—a long dip in His Ocean. Thank you! FromAnne Byard each time my LampPost comes I need to set aside an hour or more to sit down, get ‘Baba’d’ and usually do a little Baba crying—such a pleasant pastime. Love Street is such an immense contri bution to the Baba world, especially to those of us who are not connected enough to all its happenings. And ‘the Kleiner’ married?! Too much! Enclosed is a check for three new subscriptions for some friends... From Valeria Violati Thank you for sending me your enormously valuable, heartfelt and beautiftil magazine. It certainly continues to help me feel close and connected to Baba, His family and work. Mehera Makeig and Gary Kleiner married?! Baba’s world is fill of surprises isn’t it? From Marc Brutus Due to space constraints I understand the LampPost was unable to include some of the names ofthose who helped Mark Palmer with “The Word”in Chicago. I’d appreciate it ifyou could spare aline or two as I believe Mark would want to thank and acknowledge, among the many, Bob Fredericks, Lisa Nelson, Tricia Alexander, Kyle Morrison and family, Ten Veras, Carol and Myron Kovalevych, and, first last and always, Beloved Avatar Meher Baba the inspiration, and the only one worthy of all our gratitude. . .

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Apublication ofthe Avatar Meher Baba Center ofSoutherrn California


welcome... The LoveStreet £ampJ2osr is dedicated with love to Avatar Meher Baba. Its primary purpose is to contribute to a sense ofcommunity among al/His lovers by providing a p/acefor sharing His remembrance. All the members ofthe Babafamily are invited to contribute to thisfrast of Love. Your stories, photos, art work, poetry letters, articles, and humor are all ac tively solicited. We seek expressions of Baba’s message of Love and Truth.

submissions, subscriptions, donations: £ovn5tred £amp2osr AvatarMeher Baba Center of Southern California 1214 South Van Ness Avenue ..‘-

Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520 323-731-3737 or



for the January issue: April issue: July issue: October issue:

November 8th February 8th May 8th August 8th



Dma Snow Cherie Plumlee, Pris Haffenden, and Thomas Hart Michael Franklin Barbara Roberts Pris Haffenden, HarryThomas, and Dma Snow Pris Haffenden 3616-1/2 5. Centinela Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066-3124 Phone: 310-390-2779 Feel free to call with address corrections or questions. cover: Baba in cast after 1952 accident in Prague, OK.

editor: design and layout: proofreader: research assistant: distribution: mailing list information:

The ,Cov&Strect £ampPosr is published quarterly, in January, April, July, and October. All contents © 1996 Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. All quotations, photos, or books, ofAvatar Meher Baba, © AMBPPCT India


Danielj Sanders




Harry Thomas


Thny Paterniti


Meher Baba




28 Dma Snow, Cherie Plumlee, Mickey Miorandi, andMurshida Weyland Connor


Keith MacGaffey


departments 2 19 20


RaphaelRuddReturns to Baba Audrey Bohan Goes to Baba 26 54 back cover



Don Stevens


Love Street Bookstore: Dma Snow (at the addresses above) 310-837-6419 from 9am to 4pm 310-839-BABA (2222) 24 hour fax



various contributors



credits We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the individuals and organizations that own the copyrights to the Meher Baba pictures we have used throughout this issue to bringjoy and love to the hearts of all LoveStreet LampPost readers. Photos of the Meher Spiritual Center used by kind permission of their Board of Direc tors. All words, images andgraphics in thispublication areproperty of/he copyright holders and/or the contributors. Messages andphotos ofMeher Baba ©Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahinednagai India, and © Lawrence Reitei: Un-

authorizedduplication isprohibitedby law.

What’s P1appening at J44eherctbctd LA ,t:on±j

Th:y &tmmer

Ward Parks, 4th May, 2002 ost years at Meherabad pilgrim season arrives with a flush of green. For just about the time that the Pilgrim Centre opens on June 15th, the monsoon winds blow in from the Arabian Sea, carrying with them the first few heavy rainfalls. In no time the bare brown earth is fringed with grass and weed, and hardy desert frogs are hopping around after nightfall under the neem and banyan trees. But by the closing of pilgrim season in March, it hasn’t rained in five months, and the ground is utterly parched. And as the last lingering pilgrims head for Mumbai and their flights home, Meherabad and Meherazad residents settle in for the long, hot summer. While April-May in Ahmednagar are something of an endurance trial in the best of circumstances, this season, on top of the usual discomfort, we are facing the added hardship ofa severe water shortage. Indeed, the situation this year is genuinely critical. For more than a month now most of the Meherabad wells have been dry Even the most productive wells have been reduced in their output from a gush to a trickle; each morning the percolation ofthe nighttime hours is pumped out in a half—hour or so. And at the same time the municipal supply has become erratic. For even though the Trust has supposedly been allotted 100,000 liters every two days, heavy demand from the drought-stricken district has resulted in our being able to draw only a fraction ofthis total. In view of the emergency, Meherabad residents have adopted austerity measures. All non-essential water uses have been cut out. Bathing is infrequent, and Spartan in style; grey water is being saved and used for flower pots and toilet cleaning. Meanwhile, Bhau and his team ofwater workers are trying to find some new source ofwater from the municipalityc Much hinges on the suc cess of their efforts! For indeed, with the second Young Adults Sahavas and the annual Silence Daygathering only two months off the up-coming pilgrim season will bring with it some real challenges, should the 2002 monsoon fail to arrive on time. Yet while dogs loll about on the verandas with their tongues hanging out, while thirsty


fields bake and the Meherabad volleyball court transforms itself into a dust bowl, ironically, the trees of the district, veterans ofmany harsh summers, are celebrating in a riot ofcolor. This effect is particularly daz zhng at Meherazad, where you would almost think that the trees and bushes these days are competing with each other in a beauty pageant. Mandarin orange blossoms on the high branches ofgulmor trees flame against an azure sky; brilliant yellow flowers of la burnum hang like grapes in large clusters; Indian frangipanis shoot out white and pink blossoms from the ends oftheir odd, stunted stems; vines of bougainviflaea wrap fences and lattices with their petals of fttchsia or white or raspberry; and the few lingering whitish-yellow jasmine flowers suffuse the morning air with their exquisite fragrance. And when the afternoon or early-evening simooms blow in across adjoining fields, their rushing sound in the leaves of the tall pipal trees is like the roaring of the sea. To one like myself not born and bred to this environment, it is strange to witness such a garden of paradise showing off its finery in the middle of such infernal heat! Perhaps the good example of these trees sporting flowers will help inspire some of us humans to keep smiles on our faces, as we gasp our way through a torrid and bone-dry Maharashtrian high summer in the direction of a new pilgrim season and the hope of rain.

cAlel-tera’s Daj Ward Parks, Meherabad ay 20th was Mehera’s Day—the anniversary of that day in 1989 when Mehera Irani, the beloved of the Beloved, passed away. Mehera, the Mandali feel, would not have wanted this day, or her birthday on December 22nd, to become major commemorative events. Nonetheless, over the last thirteen years May 20th has become an occasion for simple remembrances of her matchless love for Beloved Baba; and such was the case again this year. The day began with a morning arti at which many in residence in the Meherabad community sang songs in her honor. Mehera, in what manner do you love Him? sang one. Meher, she’ll be shining when her Baba sings His song! 0 Mehera of Beloved


memory. Some of these songs Mehera herself had heard during her lifetime. And one of them she herself had written: Meher Baba, Lord and Friend, My Beloved to the end.. You are my hear4 my ljfe, my soul You are my all, my only Goal. . .

Mehera was indeed the one who showed to many of us what words like these mean. She had no life at all apart from Him, and her example gave glimpses ofthe heights to which love can transport those who dedicate to Him their all. Soon after the conclusion ofarti, at 8:30 a.m. cars arrived at the Samadhi, bringing Katie, Meheru, and others from Meherazad who knew and had lived with her. Since here in Maharasthra we are still in high summer the sun was bright, and a strong wind was gusting from the west. As in past years, flowers were offered at Baba’s Samadhi and Mehera’s tomb, and the prayers were recited. The event was a short one, lasting perhaps an hour, but sufhised with the fragrance of her memory. And so, with summer ending, another cycle winds to its conclusion, and a new pilgrim season is about to begin. The gen eration ofBaba’s intimate Mandali has now in large part retired from the stage of life; yet their example and memory have become stars in the firmament, giving light and guid ance to those who come after. Among these stars, none shines brighter than Mehera. One who could even approach her love for her Beloved would win an imperishable place in His heart.

7ravel Advisory from the 7.rust ear Baba Lovers, Jai Baba! this is an update to the advisory of 1 June, 2002 from the Trust. As you are probably aware, the extremely volatile political situation between India and Pakistan has slightly de—escalated in the past week and a half It is still tense and the American, British and Australian governments continue to discourage their citizens from travelling to India and Pak istan at this time. However in response to many enquiries, we wish all Baba Lovers to know that the pilgrim accommodations at Meherabad are open, that some Western pilgrims have arrived, and that the Meherabad Young Adults Sahavas is proceeding as scheduled for Baba Lovers from India as well as those from the West who decide to come. The choice whether to come to India at this time remains with each individual as always. Those who do choose to come despite the uncertain political situation are welcome in Baba’s Love.


Pat Sumner, Pilgrim Reservations

Drama cit J4leherctbctd: 7;Iie Coming &ason J. Alan Wagner, Meherabad he development of drama at Mehe rabad has been initiated by Meher Baba Himself under whose direction drama was included in the Trust Deed as the fourth “object.” Since 1990 the pri mary venue for drama at Meherabad has been the theater known as the Music and Arts Demonstration Centre. Activity in this arena ofMeherabad life has been gathering momentum over the years, and the 2002-03 pilgrim season promises to be the best so far. As ofpresent, the schedule of dramatic performance includes the following: , On 11th July Baba lovers from Andhra Pradesh will stage an original play in Telugu. , Between 9th and 18th August Sufism Reoriented will be presenting three original plays and two music and poetry reviews. , In September Nivedita Sharma from Mumbai will present a pro-


duction based upon Mani’s 82 Family Letters. , In October, the Ahmednagar Cen tre has committed to regale us with a production. , In November, the Bombay Centre hold forth with a play. , Though December is still committed for, several parties have expressed interest in coming forward with plays. As usual,January(2003) will feature the Amartithi Educational Gathering with its several days of continuous diverse entertainment in the form of song, dance, drama, film, and lecture.


Baba lover friends and family. , The Meherabad birthday play on February 25th was a dramatic narra tive of the life ofJalaluddin Rumi, by Heather Nadel and myself Over the years it has been a pleasure to witness and take part in the flowering of the drama at Meherabad, which arises in ftilfillment of Meher Baba’s own directive. For this up-coming year the response to our invitation has been more than gratifying, with every month scheduled (or soon to be scheduled) for at least one original play or dramatic rendering. This programme of drama is in addition to our on-going programme of Saturday afternoon musical concerts, which draws upon the talents of musicians, local and visiting, at least twice a month. I encourage all Baba lovers the world over to participate in the celebration ofHis pres ence through the plays performed to express His love for us and our love for Him.

The final major event ofthe pilgrim season is the birthday play on 25th Febmar which draws on the talents of pilgrims and Meherabad-Meherazad residents. Though drama has always played a vital role in the life of Meherabad and Mehe razad, two years ago a new initiative was undertaken to develop and broaden the compass of dramatic production under the auspices of the Trust. At that time this initiative took the form of a drama festival around New Life Day (on October 16th). Well received by all, this festival gave birth to the new idea ofmonthly plays brought to Meherabad by Baba lovers from throughout India and around the world. Over this last year (2001-02) the fruit of this effort included: , In August, a short production of music and dramatic readings by Jamie Newell on the theme ofthe life of Hafiz; , In November, an original drama by the Bombay group on a young man’s search for the true Master; and , In December, Meher Baba’s movie treatment of “This Man Da vid,” rendered into a Marathi version by PrashantAhir and performed by his


rtlte J7i/khernbctd Orphanage 2roject Charlie Gard’ner, Georgia ver the last fewyears a number ofBaba families throughout the world have traveled to various parts of India to meet and bring home the “newest” members of their families: children who have lost their birth parents and are up for adoption. Our family here in Georgia is one of these fortunate families to be re-united with an old, old friend from what we believe to be many many lifetimes. How Baba arranges these


Meherabad as an international spiritual community, populated by a large group of highly motivated, multi-talented souls. This community will probably also have a financial base higher than the average local community With these attributes Mehe rabad would seem to be an ideal center to establish an orphanage. On a recent trip to India, I approached Bhau Kalchuri to get some feedback, and

Left to right: Saroja Stone, Pratima Gard’nei Zoe Witkowski, Rabia Cons

meetings, these re-connections, is limited only by His infinite imagination, and I believe He must take great pleasure in weaving this wonderful karmic tapestry Recently a number of interested Baba lovers have been exploring the dream of es tablishing an orphanage at Meherabad. As many of us are starting to wonder what we might do in our later years, thoughts turn to ‘ Meherabad Will it be a life ofleisure or will there be significant projects for us to become involved in Projects that would enable us to perform some type of viable service. .maybe even a chance at learning some selfless ser vice.” I see the future







to determine the response I might receive from the Trust. Bhauji seemed favourable to the idea. He did not say this would be a project that the Trust would undertake, but one the Trust would encourage ifit was done in a way that would be totally legal, self-supporting and that would be pleasing to Baba. I also visited the BSSK orphanage


in Pune, (where my daughter Pratima lived when she was a baby.) I consulted with the staffand got information on licensing, charters, state and federal laws etc. Since returning to the States inJanuary I have been networking with an ever-growing group of interested Baba lovers. We have contacted a lawyer who is familiar with setting up tax-exempt foundations here in the States, and who is also familiar with the laws of India in establishing a foundation there. Graphic artists have offered their services in setting up a website. Business people have offered their advice. Social workers and medical personal have expressed desires to work in and with the project. Ron Festine in Portland Oregon has started work on a computer program to bring all of these ideas together in a way that will not only make sense but will push this project from just a dream into a reality We are all really excited about it and welcome the ideas and input of all those who feel that they may have something to contribute. Ifit is Baba’s will, this project will fly, but I know from past experience that Baba can and most certainly will use this as a means to help us let go ofourselves and hold more tightly to Him. Ifyou are interested and feel you have something to offer, I can be contacted at, or (706) 546-6492.

(‘I will say what I want to say in veryfew words. I love children and neverfeel more happy than to be among them. I wouldprefer to have time to play with them rather than to have all this garlanding, puja, arti and ceremony; especially because I am an expert in playing marbles. Ages ago, when I woke up, I began to play marbles with the universe. I wouldfeel especially happy fyoupupils one day become masters ofthe art ofDivine Love and torchbearers ofthe Truth that is Baba.”


—LordMeher page 4314

oor 3eeding the 2 in /1hmednagar Pam Topley, Ahmednagar his is an annual event held in the Trust Compound. The pandals were up and the whole compound looked bright, invit ing and very Indian! The smell of cooking pervaded the air with tables and chairs being placed under the shade ofthe U-shaped awnings. Residents and Pilgrims were busy preparing for the onslaught of the many mouths that were being fed that day. And didn’t all participants enjoy it?! Not just for the food—for I am sure none were starving, but for the wonderful atmosphere created. The children especially were a delight to have around—laughing and eating and so pleased to be in such a happy group with each other. Our Chairman’s

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presence made the day even more special as Bhau went round with his family welcoming everyone. The chefs did wonders with the food, and the residents and pilgrims were given the privilege of serving their fellow man as most efficient waiters and waitresses!

The following Saturday, Workers Day was held to honour the Meherabad workers. Pilgrims and Residents turned out to serve all our local helpers and their families who work so hard for us all during the year. Again Bhau was there to make sure everyone had plenty to eat and to chat with as many people as possible. A very fitting end to the Pilgrim year.


LA J44eeting

1/kherctbad 1 at J

June, 2002 ByBalNatu few months had passed where I was not even able to visit the Trust Office for work due to my poor health. But, after hearing that there would be a meeting at Meherabad for the residents and the Meherabad Trustees regarding the communication received from the American, Australian and British consulates, I felt that I should definitely attend the informal gathering. It was a very serious, yet lighthearted get together of those who are strong minded and strong hearted in their trust and love for Baba. As far as I understand, everyone was offered to have his or her own choice in taking the final decision of whether to leave India as per the various countries’ consular warnings (due to the strained relations between Pakistan and India). All agreed to support one another in whatever decision was taken. No one looked worried, instead, they appeared resigned in their hearts to Baba’s will. After the meeting, some friends and I went up the Hill to Beloved Baba’s Samadhi to offer prayers and flowers. It was a hot and dry day, not unlike the other days ofour intense summer. Just then, as iffrom the heavens, rain began to sprinkle on Baba’s dome. Meherabad was as if baptized, or rather Babatized, with soft, cool drops of rain after the dry months. To me, it appeared as a sign of approval from Baba ofwhat had transpired at the meeting. The next day, I learned that one of the residents thought of consulting Hafiz about the present situation and did a faal from Paul Smith’s version Divan ofHafiz. To the person’s surprise, the title ofthe ghazal was “No Choice” (No. 42) When I read it, it touched me so deeply that I thought of sharing it with my friends. Indeed Baba’s ways are most compassionate and mysterious. It is He who is helping us to uphold our trust in Him, and it is He who holds the key. This ghazal of Hafiz, which appealed to my heart, is given below:


2’1o Choice Thi


the type, Wineshop is monkc cellforprayingfor me; Praying at dawn to Winemaker is truepraising,for me. Ifnotfor me the sweet harp ofmorning cup, why worry At dawn my crying song, is the excuse lam usingfor me. Thanks to Godlhavefinished with the king andbeggar: Beggar ofdust ofFriendc door is a king begging,for me. Through Mosque and Wineshop I desire union with You; This idea is my only aim and God is witnessingfor me.

Being Your beggar isfor mefar better than being a king; The true honor andglory is to You submitting,for me. Since the time that I laid myface on Your high doorstep. Above throne ofthe sun therec apiiow waitingfor me. With deaths swordlcouldcut away this tent ofmine; But, to stay by thisfortunate door is remainingfor me. Hafiz, be good mannered andsay this: 7tc all myfault,” Even though in this there is really no choosingfor me.

The figures in the ghazal made me feel how fortunate we are to be at the doorstep of the Beloved. Later, I was reminded of a humorous anecdote that took place between Baba and myself. What follows is this personal story for your amusement: In the early sixties, a great scholar and a spiritually minded person from Pandharpur visited Meher Baba. Baba gave him an audience for ten minutes in which he sang compositions ofTukaram to Baba. He had recently written a thesis on the philosophy of the Perfect Master Dnyaneshwar. While leaving the room he gave that book to Baba as a present. I have always loved the Dnyaneshwari. Dnyaneshwar’s use of Marathi is as graceful and beguiling as his spiritual wisdom is profound. My curiosity was aroused and the thought arose in my mind, “I wonder what he’s written in that book and how he has presented Dnyaneshwar’s gnosis.” Baba, the All Knowing One, read my mind and, as the person left, Baba gestured, “Come here.” As I neared Him, He put His left hand over the title and, flipping it over so I could not see the cover, He gestured with His right hand, “Don’t open it; don’t read it.” And with a smile He handed me the book. I went to my seat and covered the book with a newspaper that was by my side. It was a clear indication from Baba that He knew my thoughts. But my mind was not satisfied, so after a few minutes, I asked, “Baba, what should I do with the book?” Hearing this, Baba’s expression changed, as though He had to answer a very serious question. He waited for a few seconds and gestured, “Ask Me this question next year on this day.” Baba’s answer delighted me and inwardly I felt that Baba had guaranteed that I would survive for at least one more year. The year passed by and I was again with Baba at Guru Prasad waiting for the date and time to remind Baba about my silly question. The book, covered with paper, was by my side, and I was waiting for the exact time to remind Baba about His instructions to me. I wanted to show off how literally I was following Baba’s orders. But this also Baba knew. It so happened that Baba on that day received some lengthy letters from the West, which Eruch was reading. My anxiousness grew as Eruch continued reading, and I thought my plan to express literal obedience to Baba was foiled. In desperation, I raised my hand at the exact time in order to attract Baba’s attention. He looked displeased with me and gestured “Hands down.” When Eruch finished reading the letters, Baba asked me why I had raised my hand. As I felt a bit upset, I said, “Nothing, Baba.” To this Baba gestured, “Come on, speak out.” So, I said, “Baba, last year at this time You asked me to inquire about a certain matter in one year. Now, it has been exactly one year.” An expression of happiness came over Baba’s face, which made me very happy. He nodded His head and gestured, “Oh, that is why.” But Baba did not say anything more; He returned to His work. After a few minutes, I couldn’t contain myself any longer and spoke again, “Baba, You have still not answered my question. What should

I do with the book?” Baba again became very serious, putting His finger to His chin as if this was a very important question indeed, and asked me, “What kind of cover does it have?” “Baba it’s a bit hard, but not too soft,” I answered. Baba smiled and gestured, “Fine, then why don’t you use it as a pillow?” That solved the question, and Baba inwardly guided me not to ask anything more about it. For had I asked, expressing my inquisitiveness as to how many days I should use it, I wonder what would have been His reply. Perhaps I would still be using it as a pillow to this day! As it was, the time limit was not given. I did use the book as a pillow for a few days and then put it away in a safe place. Now, I remember that even before reading Hafiz’s ghazal, Baba had already given me, a fool, a pillow. To each ofHis lovers Baba offers a pillow for them to rest their heads at His doorstep. May the trust and love for Him in all His dear ones grow and blossom, so that we may feel His presence and witness His glory more and more. [and againfrom Bal:]

9?emembrctnce of the Lord 0 BelovedMeher Baba! As I breathe, let my remembrance ofyou be a renewing music, everringing andsinging Yourglory through all the activities ofmy lfè. Let Your holy Name become my very breath, and the soft rhythmic humming ofit, the song ofmy l/è. As Iremember You, may thepure essence ofyour luminous Being touch myfinite se(f May Your touchpuri myfeelings, thoughts and actions, making them worthy ofbeing offered as lovinggjfls at Yourfret. May Your remembrance usher in the harmony ofbody, mind, andheart so that I may live to honor Your wish and toplease You. As I w4’e away thepast, may Ifill thepresent with the sweetness of yourName andcontinue toplay inyourgame with me. Your remembrance is the only remedy, butthisloftenforget. Howevei when Iremember You it is merely in response to Your lovinggrace showered on me. May every moment be a celebration ofYourgloriouspresence andlbe the reczpient ofYour loving guidance. Guide me to listen to Your music with the ears ofmy heart and to witness Your dance with the eyes ofmy heart. Let me listen andwatch Yourdivine sport with deep appreciation, yet unattached to the melodies or the movements. May I remember and be absorbed only in Your Being. May the remembrance ofyourName hetp me to holdontoyou throughout the delights and trials of4ft, ever-guiding me to YourAbode in me. This is myprayer toyou, Oh Lord


7;wo ll/IctjO1A JLroects 3oined Don Stevens, France important projects are in the making. One will give wider access to Baba’s words in India and the other will provide a better base for utihzingfilms thatBaba,Mehera, and Mani mastermindedin the 1960s. These latter are films made principally ofBaba’s daily life at Meherazad as well as of various locales in India which figured prominently in his travels in India, and which He wanted recorded. In the late fifties and sixties under the prodding and even threats of Peggy and Andy Muir in Washington D.C., Don Stevens purchased first an 8mm motion camera and later a hand-me-down 16mm. camera from a petroleum friend. At Meherazad and Meherabad he started to take shots of various occasions and locations. To the surprise of Mani and Mehera, Baba made no objections to the filming.Then both women decided to take advantage ofBaba’s humour and began to work on Baba, asking Him next time Don came with his camera to give demonstrations ofthis and that. Their technique worked, but at the same time Baba had his own additional ideas.The resuitwas that two ifims were shot in 1960 and 1962 thatwere halfscenarios planned by Mehera and Mani,: and half scenarioed by Baba. In theparts plannedin detailbyBaba He asked Don specifically to go and visit various places in India and to fun certain spots that He carefully described. Don filmed these locations. Several were in Satara and nearby Mahabaleshwar where Baba had stayed with the Mandali, and included the places where Baba did important workwith a number ofthe masts who were broughtbackfrom their usual haunts for Baba’s work. There were also particular houses Baba wanted to have photographed, since He said they would be demolished in the nearffiture.Yearslater Eruch explained to Don that the places Baba sent Don to were key spots on Baba’s travels which He had visited repeatedly especially during His mast work. In recent years Don has been urged by a number ofpeople to give the full historyofthe films’ events and scenes, toleave to posterity a first-hand account of these works that Baba had initiated and Mehera and Marii planned and supervised. All three films, with commentaries and music added, are completed now. In two films Don’s comments are lengthy and continue as a kind ofappendix at the end ofthe filming and beyond. The third film is that of Baba’s entombment, which Eruch, Mehera, and Mimi planned and oversaw as it was being shot and assembled. The second project is the translation ofBaba’s principal works where necessary rnto four Indian languages, and the republication of those al ready existing but out ofprint. It is an astonishing fact that thousands of Indian Baba lovers have not yet been able to access Baba’s words except forthosewho knowEnglish.In thelightofwhatBaba has said, namelyto read and absorb the great spiritual charge He has attached to His words, it is a lack which dearly must now be remedied. The three films willbe on sale this autumn. Don has suggested putting all income from the sales ofthe films towards the financing ofthe Indian translation and republication projects. Don met Bhau in London in May and Bhau has fidly agreed to this proposal. 0




7he Eastern 21eritage Sjmposium: i3eads on One String Daniel J. Sanders, Arizona rd, n February 23 2002, the Eastern Laurent continued, “The purpose of the one particular religion would prevent people Heritage Symposium: “Beads on One symposium was to speak about the wisdom, from reaching the heart or truth of their String,” took place at the Cline LibraryAutruth and beauty that is continually flowfaith. “People don’t really need religion to ditorium on the Northern Arizona Universiing from the East. After September l1t1, it feel spiritual harmony,” she said. ty campus in Flagstaff Arizona. A variety of became abundantly clear to me that many Some of the presenters remarked that speakers offered oral and slide presentations, stereotypes about Eastern cultures and faiths they found preparing themselves for the free to the public, on Eastern faiths such as were being perpetuated through ignorance. symposium had a beneficial effect for their Buddhism, Islam, Sufism,Jainism, Vedanta, Also new stereotypes, especially about ter own spiritual process. Haring S. Khalsa, Hinduism, Sikhism, modern mysticism, and rorists and violence, were being fortified. As who talked about Sikhism, said, “The Sikh Meher Baba. a follower ofMeher Baba I knew that only Gurus placed far more importance on livCoincidentally, as the symposium was a very small percentage ofthose in the East ing the teachings, as opposed to preaching in the process of being organized, it was are violent fundamentalists. them. However, the challenge to do this learned that Platt Cline (for whom the “I knew that people who have this knowl presentation propelled me into a much library is named), besides being a founding edge need to speak publicly now, to help deeper meditation into the essence of those father ofthe Flagstaffcommunity was also dispel the darkness of ignorance. Meher teachings. I experienced that as a great a follower ofVedanta. : blessing.” The daylong symposium was And Karl Moeller who spoke organized and co-produced by about Sufism, said, Having Laurent Weichberger, a Flagstaff entered the Sufi world from the resident and follower of Meinside out, from an emotional her Baba for over fifteen years response or connection, it was a Laurent began and ended the real challenge to me to stand back day with his own presentations and, using my intellect as well as in which he gave an overview of my heart, consider how to best world religions and spoke about present the subject. The process :: Meher Baba. of approaching Sufism from the th, Shortly after September 11 outside has paradoxically renewed Laurent was confronted in downmy connection and enthusiasm town Flagstaffby a young man re: On the inside. I am very grateful garding a Meher Baba tee shirt he for that opportunity was wearing The shirt had a color When asked what Sikhism has photo ofBaba, and a quote below to offer people in today’s society the picture that read “When the Harinr replied “Perhais just a One offourteen originals/ides aboutAvatar Meher Baba created word of my love breaks out of my reminder that we are all spiritual by Laurent andpresented at the Eastern Heritage Symposium. silence telling you who I really am, beings inhabiting a physical body, Baba had done this, and He encouraged us then you will know that is the real word you rather than physical beings who happen to to tell others about Him. So, I intended to have always been longing to hear.” have a spirit. A reminder that within our share about Him with the public, and what The man stepped in front of Laurent, heart ofhearts, we are all One. A reminder I had realized through following Him. It blocking his way, and said, “Tell me about that no matter how one may dress, or reminded me ofBaba’s statement, ‘I intend your shirt!” Laurent replied that it was Mewhatever language or name is used to wor bring together all religions and cults like to her Baba, his spiritual master. The man said, ship God, all are praying to the same One beads on one string, and revitalize them for “You had better watch out, even Sikhs are Creator. What matters is that we somehow individual and collective needs.” being shot right now!” remember our divine true nature and know Ani-Tsultim Wangmo was one of three In response, Laurent said, “Ignorance that we share that with all Creation.” speakers on Buddhism. The name of Ani’s prevails, but not forever.” When the man In addition to the presentations on Easthome, “Victory Banner,” was inspired by heard this, he shook Laurent’s hand, and let em faiths, the P.E.A.C.E. project performed Milarepa, the Tibetan saint, who Meher him pass. Laurent later remarked, “I realized an original piece of various scenes and viBaba confirmed was a Perfect Master. Perthen that the ignorance in America regardgnettes, including spoken word and drama, haps reflecting some statements by Baba, ing the East is just staggering. Would I get about violence and stereotypes. Many au Ani expressed her concern that getting shot at by someone because I am following dience members found the intensity of the caught up in all the dogma and ritual of Meher Baba?” performance by the youth group to be very

















powerful and moving. Regarding the symposium, Karl remarked, “I believe the presentations given that day were remarkable in their intent, scope, and effectiveness. And I think it’s a shame that the Eastern Heritage Sympo sium was a one-time event, heard only by the persons that made it to the auditorium that day. I wish that we or others could take this idea ‘on the road’, because in this post-9/11 world, the message of humanity’s ultimate oneness is more important than ever.” Chandi New, who talked about Hin duism, shared a similar sentiment: “I would love to see a weekend format that would offer considerable more time to develop each of our subjects. The day seemed very short indeed.” Laurent said, “We are now in the process of editing the video that we took during that day (using three cameras), so the video will also reach people who were unable to attend in person. Those interested can order the video from our web site at”

7hç9reat Chkftctin Debbie Nordeen, North Carolina n Tuesday, May 21, six of us from Western North Carolina visited Caesar’s head, the beautiftil mountainous overlook in South Carolina, which was at one time a border of the Cherokee Nation. Baba and His mandali stood at this exact spot 50 years ago, on this auspicious day. It was called ‘Caesar’s head’ by the European settlers, but the Cherokees had originally called it the “Chieftain’s head”. There is a monumental profile of a man in the rock bluff The Cherokees regarded it as a holy site where the “Chieftain” watched over his people. Baba’s visit here was one of the last days of sightseeing stops that the Beloved made before shedding His precious blood on American soil in Oklahoma, the same area where the dear native people culminated the ‘trail oftears.’ He looked out upon the same mountains that we looked upon. He walked the same path we’s too awesome for more words. God is so great. We walked to the bluff, which is the


crown of the ‘chieftain’s’ head, then kept silence for 10 minutes. Then as previously agreed we each silently read a copy of this beautiftil prayer written by one ofour group on our behalf, offering it to the Beloved. Baba’s precious presence was so near and dear. The Great Chieftain still guards all people.

Commemoration 1raycr God, The Beloved, We gather here before You in silence on this same sacred spot ofEarth, Exactly 5Oyears later to the day; But our lovefor You knows not time nor place. There is no past, noble or ignoble. There is nofuture, manifest or unman fest. Neither can there beplace, sacred or unsacred. We ask You, Dear Lord, for no special p rivilege, save one. Grant us theprivilege ofcalling You, Beloved. Everlastingly, eternally, obediently Yours, The group, here and now, in Western Carolina. Amen


L,lVkheT 73abct and the Chinese 1oroscope Harry Thomas, Los Angeles

th Birthday, Meher Baba’s 108 before Marc Brutus casually mentioned that Meher Baba was a Horse in the Chinese Astrological system and this was the Year of the Horse. This initiated a quest for information about this particular animal as it related to the menagerie of characters within this ancient divination system. Also, I was slated to perform a song on Baba’s birthday and I thought I’d say a few words about the character of the Horse, feeling it would be a good intro and serve as a source of amusement. Little did I know that Chinese Astrol ogy is far more complex than just quaint descriptions about the twelve animal characters. These varying signs are also referred to as the Earthly Branches. In this practice, there are links to the I Ching, celestial reali ties and numerological patterns. Both solar and lunar cycles are woven into the system and indelible connections exist with the five elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth as well as to colors, tastes and yirilyang orientations. Perhaps paramount to all of these reali ties is the use ofthe 60-Year Cycle in which every animal sign will appear five times in this repeating wheel, with each reoccurrence delivering a different set ofcharacteristics. It was in the application ofthis 60-Year Cycle to certain ofthe events in Meher Baba’s life that I began to discern obvious patterns and indications ofevents that could be labeled as purposeftul revelation. All ofthis will unfold during the course of this article. Before beginning, allow me to state that Meher Baba was born at a time that witnessed the last of the Chinese Dynasties, which began their millennia-long succession in the hoary depths ofhistor In 1644, the Qng Dynasty commenced and rolled onwards until 1911 (some sources cite 1912). Linked to the Emperor, strange that when the Real Emperor ofCreation was born into this great time ofAvataric culmination, the centuries-old practice of the Chinese Dynasty shortly melted into a Republic. On a whimsical note, I would now like to highlight some characteristics of Meher Baba’s Chinese Horoscope. This poetic de scription is excerpted from The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes, “I am the Kaleidoscope


The ftrst of the two-hour segments is 11pm— lam, the Hourofthe Rat. Baba’s two-hour wedge is 3am 5am, which is the Hour of the Tiger; in Chinese tiger is pronounced Hu. Based on the forming ofa triangle on the horoscope circle, every sign is compatible with two others. The Horse is compatible with the dog and the tiger. Venturing outside ofhoroscope parameters, it’s interesting that in Baba’s lifetime, He had many dogs as beloved pets. And, there are photos of Baba reclining upon a tiger skin; one series of images comes from England, the other India. Additionally, Baba did important, future-directed seclusion work in Tiger Valley in the late ‘20’s. Complexity is a waxing feature in this astrological practice. In ChineseAstrology by Man-Ho Kwok(my definitive reference) he cites a plethora ofadditional areas. For starters, one’s Chinese Hour Day and Month of Birth yields individualized information. Besides these, the Chinese Horoscope allows one to factor their Heavenly Stem into the calculations. Ten Heavenly Stems participate in this venerable system and they are the five elements attached to both a yin and yang orientation. Each Lunar Month will have a Heavenly Stem assigned to it. Equipped with the valuable data ofone’s Chinese Birth Hour and Day as well as one’s Lunar Month and the accompanying Heavenly Stem, numerous insightful calculations can be made. Ascertaining your Birth Hour is a simple affair. Provided you know the time of your life’s entr you slot it into one of the twelve hours and there you have it. Gaining knowl edge ofyour Chinese Birth Day and Month, as well as your Heavenly Stem, requires consulting a chart supplying you with this information. And herein lay the challenge for Meher Baba. Man-Ho’s birth charts began in 1924 and the furthest I could time-travel backwards was to 1900. In a quandary, I pondered earnestly. Fortunately, I live in a city that has a well-established Chinatown complete with a library of Chinese-only books. Approaching the Chinese (and Eng lish-speaking librarians), I presented Chinese Astrology and provided the particulars of my —

of the mind. I impart light, color and perpetual motion. I think, I see, I am moved by electric fiuidit Constant only in my incon stancy, I am unshackled by mundane holds, unchecked by sturdy, binding goals. I run unimpeded through virgin paths. My spirit unconquered my soul forever free. I am The Horse.” Every book will list differing characteristics for all of the signs. I’ve selected a few qualities that are indicative of Baba’s sign. The Horse is: lively, cheerful, quick, elegant, helpftil and loyal. Some negative attributes are: impulsive, stubborn, moody, opportu nistic and talks too much and cannot keep secrets. Concerning the succession of the animal signs, the Horse occupies position number seven. Besides this allotted placement on the chart, the Horse is ruled by the seventh moon in the seventh hour. On a curious historical note, 1974 saw the excavation of the terra cotta warriors in Shaanxi, China. There were thousands of these pottery figures, which were accompa nied by a multitude of horses. This great artistic expression occurred during the Ojn Dynastywhose period ofascension was from 221 207 BC. Qjn and Qjng (the Dynasty in place at Baba’s birth), sound phonetically similar. Intriguing, separated by thousands ofyears, an ancient connection to the horse is discerned. Inclining towards greater specificity, one’s Chinese Hour of Birth can loom into consideration. The Chinese divide the day into twelve, two-hour sections each one cor responding to one ofthe twelve animal signs. —

dedicated search. Procuring a bright yellow book, entirely in Chinese, inside were tables that provided the information I sought. They located the year 1894 and transcribed the Lunar Months and Heavenly Stems for that august year. Possessing this data, I acquired the ability to perform all the calculations contained within Man-Ho’s book. For the record, Baba was th Lunar Day ofthe first Lunar born in the 20 Month of 1894 and Chi (which is the earth element) is His Heavenly Stem. The following divination categories reverberate like a list ofwondrous fables or exotic tales: Animal Bone Fortune, Noble Good Fortune Stars, Nine Stars, Yearly Gods and The Twelve Creatures. This last category offers completely different animals from the twelve in the horoscope; whereby Baba’s is The Eagle. Finally, there are the Twelve Career Stars in which Baba charted to The Monk. The description reads: “This is a star ofreflection, meditation or contem plation. You are suited to a creative job that allows you freedom to express your ideas or gives you the independence to travel.” Additionally, there are four Heraldic Creatures that occupy North,West, East and South alignments on the horoscope circle. The Horse occupies the southern position, which corresponds to The Phoenix. Complexity spirals onwards as additional elements are activated into imaginative employ. Earlier the five elements were enumer ated. In Chinese Astrology one of the five elements will be affixed to the animal sign that’s in position for that year. Each sign will receive a different element every 12 years. Using the Horse as an example, there will be a Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth Horse. Fire is the fixed elemental sign for the Horse. In addition to these five elements, there are accompanying colors, tastes and yin/yang orientations. Concerning this final listing, the Horse is always aligned to yang. Meher Baba’s element is wood and the assigned color is green. A slice from this attribute reads: “Friendly, cooperative. the wood element enables him to discipline his mind better and he will be capable of clear and Changes and new systematic thinking. inventions capture his imagination and he will not shrink from trying the unconven— tional.” The final and definitive onion-layer I’ll add to this discussion (although there are many additional ones) is the fascinating reality of the 60-Year Cycle. Given the . .

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previously mentioned construction ofjoining each of the five elements to the twelve animal signs, doing the math, this generates a cycle requiring 60 years for completion. Meher Baba’s designation is the Wooden Horse. In Chinese (according to Man-Ho Kwok) this would be Chia Wi (wu meaning horse). In other systems, their name for horse is Ma. This translation could then be rendered Chia Ma. The color assigned to wood is green, so Meher Baba’s more com plete description is Green Wooden Horse. Besides having an elemental dimension with its accompanying attributes; there exists a descriptive label that is assigned to each of the signs. I will refer to this as a Sign Designation, and the label that hovers above the Green Wooden Horse is: Horse in the Clouds. The other four Sign Designations for this animal character are: Horse in the Hall, Horse in theArmy, Horse on the Way and Horse within the Gate. There are 60 Sign Designations in total, and of these, a scant few are identical. For example, there is an Ox on the Way and an Ox inside the Gate. However no other Sign Designations proclaim their animal to be in the Clouds or in theArmy. In fact, only the horse possesses a martial affiliation, which will assume a startling significance later in the essay. There are also a tiny number of similar Sign Designations among the twelve signs, but the majority are totally unique. Fascination tickled me when contem plating that the Horse and the Ox share two identical Sign Designations; these being Ox and Horse on the Way as well as within the Gate. 1925 was the Year of the Ox and specifically, Meher Baba Became Silent within the Sign Designation of Ox in the Sea. I am compelled to state, there are worded descriptions that accompany each Sign Designation; however I am only providing the label throughout the course ofthis essay. In another instance ofventuring beyond the bounds ofstrict, horoscope applications, recall that Meher Baba utilized two oxen to pull the caravan during a part of the New Ljft. Additionally, a white horse, along with other kinds ofanimals, was delivered to Baba and His Companions at this time. The conjunctive utilization of the 60Year Cycle and the Sign Designations fashioned a hallowed web of synchronic ity that I found not only fascinating, but more profoundly exhibited the quality of revelation. This presented itself as relevant numerical patterns and the precise matching . . .

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of various Sign Designations to aspects of Baba’s historical life. Returning to the 60-Year Cycle, Meher Baba’s number on this Grand Wheel is 31. As previously mentioned, the Sign Designa tion for this year is Horse in the Clouds, which wi]l assume immense importance later in the essay. Focusing on the number 31, Meher Baba is powerfully connected to this num ber. Baba Became Silent at the age of 31. He left for the West in 1931, the same year that Babajan passed away. His search for the Ideal Boy lasted 31 years (from 1927 until 1958) and His Amartithi is celebrated every January 31st. Examining the Grand Wheel, one notices that Position 31 is virtually the midpoint, dividing it into halves. The system and practice of the 60-Year Cycle began in approximately 2637 BC. When Meher Baba was born in 1894, His ingress placed Him within the 76th 60-Year Cycle. This particular Grand Wheel com menced in 1864 and completed its run in 1924. A splendid phenomenon is that a 60Year Cycle always ends (in either January or February) and the next day begins anew, on a year that has number 4 as its last digit; reminiscent ofBaba’s birth year also ending with the number 4. As stated before, itwas in the application ofthe Sign Designations (not exclusively of the Horse but others as well) certain Nu merical Associations and other features of the 60-Year Cycle as they related to Meher Baba, where extraordinary revelations ap peared. The earlier calculations, using Baba’s Birth Hour Day and Month to cast for the pre-written description, belongs purely in the realm ofjaunty charm. Baba transcends all depictions, so amusement accrues from such astrological play. Let the case for Sign Designations being indicators of events and aspects of Meher Baba’s Avatarhood begin. Amusedly, the year 1915 was the Sign Designation of Buddha Rabbit and in that year of young Merwan’s life, having recently received the Kiss ofRealization from Hazrat Babajan, the dazed lad encountered: Sai Baba, Tajuddin Baba and Narajan Maharaj. Also, struck by Upasni Maharaj’s accurately hurled stone, young Merwan began his spiritual tutelage with this Great Soul. Using our imaginative faculties, let’s travel back in time to the year 1936. In Lord Mehe, volume VI and WI, Baba is seen being friendlywith Champa, the white donkey that He’s later shown riding in this series of photos. The top caption from Baba’s glori T7

ous ride upon this humble beast reads: Kalki Avatar and the caption beneath the picture; “In Hindu mythology the next incarnation of Vishnu or the Avatar is called Kalki and he is symbolized by a white horse or riding a white horse. Meher Baba riding Champa at Meherabad, July 1936; this photograph reflects that symbolism of the Kalki Ava tar.’ The day of this blessed event was July th two days before the 1 1 anniversary of Beloved Baba’s Silence. Before we proceed, I will introduce a key feature that I employed in two instances, the first example here the other later. In Chi nese Astrology, going through all the twelve animal signs (or the Earthly Branches) is termed a Great Year. I borrowed this practice and exclusively applied it to every occurrence ofa Year ofthe Horse. A Horse Year would conclude and then institute the succeeding Great Year of the Horse, which would be in effect for 12 years. Naturally, this designation was inaugurated in 1894. For our initial case, we begin in 1930, the first Year ;f the Horse where Baba was functioning as The Avatar. 1930 was the year ofKeng Wu; the ele ment associated with it being Metal. The Sign Designation was Horse in the Hall. 1936, when Baba rode Champa (which is a white jasmine flower), was virtually the midpoint of this Great Year of the Horse. Lily Chung from The Path to Good Fortune states: “Metal, in ancient China, represented all metal tools, such as knives, swords and axes. Metal chops, prunes, trims and conquers. To achieve justice, it prunes and chops troublemakers, keeping everybody in the system in line. It punishes criminals and protects the innocent.” Earlier, I stated that each element has a particular color affixed to it. Recall that Baba’s Birth Sign, Chia Wu, is the Wooden Horse with green being the assigned color. The color associated with Keng Wu, the Metal Horse is White. I checked three dif ferent sources, each ofthem affirming white as belonging to metal. In this Great Year of the Horse, Keng Wu, the White Metal Horse, Meher Baba rode Champa symbolizing, as proclaimed within the pages of Lord Mehe,; He being Kalki — The White Horse Avatar. Two additional examples of this Sign Designation correspondence are as follows. The next appearance of a Horse Year was 1942, and this triggered the ascendancy of Jen Wu, the Water Horse with its associated color ofblack or gray. The Sign Designation

forJen Wu is Horse in theArmy. Scrutinizing the twelve animal signs, the horse exclusively has a militaristic alEiation as horses are used in warfare. Meher Baba was inwardly controlling World War II asJen Wu clicked into its cyclic position. 1966 announced Ping Wu, whose ele ment is fire and the color association is red or orange. Horse on the Way proved to be a fitting Sign Designation for only three years oflife remained in the historical legacy of our Beloved. Baba dropped His body within the Sign Designation of The Lonely Monkey. Three months later, from the vast panorama ofunembodied grandeur Our Lord partici pated in The Last Darshan. By then a New Chinese Year had taken root: Rooster An— nouncing the Dawn. Returning to the 60-Year Cycle, one can appreciate Mehera’s intimate association








with her Beloved White Horse Avatar. In 1906, Ping Wu galloped into its cyclic posi tion. Mehera, whose birth sign is the Ram or Sheep (both names are used), was born the following year. Mehera drifted from our midst in 1989, one year before Keng Wit, the White Metal Horse reappeared. Besides these horoscope connections, Mehera had auspicious ties with horses, es pecially white horses. Taken from Mehera, published by Beloved Books, a wonderful story is narrated that involved Baba’s Beloved as a youth. In her school days, Mehera and a friend approached Babajan with requests at heart. When Mehera’s chance arrived she shyly uttered, “Babajan, I would like a horse.” Babajan replied, “Yes, He will be very beautiful. You will get a horse, and all the world will see Him and love Him.” A few months later, Mehera’s mother gifted her with a stunning, white horse, which she rode and cherished. Adding to this association, in April of 1924, Mehera’s

gorgeous, pure white horse named Sufi, ar rived in Meherabad. Mani likewise had a connection to the Horse as 1918 brought Mou Wu, the Earth Horse whose color is brown or yellow pranc ing into our historical realm. Horse within the Gate is the Sign Designation, so dear Mani, like her God-Brothe; was born under the sign of the Horse. Eruch was Baba’s spokesman and tireless st, worker. His passing away last August 31 placed him within six months ofthis current Year of the Horse, illustrating the special closeness he had with his Beloved Lord. 2002 is basking in the glow ofJen Wu, Horse in the Army, which beautifully ends st• onJanuary 31 Howwonderfiil, both Baba’s Birthday and Amartithi will be within this Year of Equine, an occurrence that doesn’t always happen. This Year ofthe Horse heralds two highly significant anniversaries. th We celebrate both the 50 anniversary of Baba’s Returning to the West, inaugurating the Meher Spiritual Center and afterwards, accompanied by Mehera, Mani and Meheru, with Elizabeth driving, endured, as did those riding with Him, the serious automobile ac cident near the town ofMeeker Oklahoma. They were treated, for 12 days, at a clinic in Prague, about ten miles east of the ac cident site. Are there clues about Babac Silence within the Chinese Horoscope and elsewhere An emphatic point requires enunciation. The Chinese Horoscope, in its cyclic and static construction, doesn’t have the abiity in any way whatsoever, to reveal anything of the workings of the Avatar. Instead, if the gathered details as outlined in this essay are accurate, this results exclusively from the conscious and deliberate embedding of this information into the Chinese Horoscope by Meher Baba for reasons of His specific choosing. Also, assuming Baba did in fact select this ancient system for the dissemination of a particular kind ofinformation, the reasons might be (1) It is one ofthe oldest calendars on the Planet Earth still is use. (2) The 60Year Cycle, by its very construction, would enable the coding of information due to its cyclic nature. (3) Baba often spoke of cycles ( as well as a cycle of cycles), so perhaps, by appreciating the prescribed symmetry on this human-scale Chinese version ofa cycle, an understanding oftheir nature and essence could be grasped. Previously, I stated that Baba was born into the middle of the 76th 60-Year Cycle.

ing to the Orient, Meher Baba, on the eve to perceive a revelation-type pattern, espe Mentally inscribe forcefully, this cyclic sys of the seventh anniversary of Silence Day, cially in our case, relating to the Breaking tern began around 2637 BC. The 76t1 60created a hubbub announcing that He’d ofBaba’s Silence. Year Cycle terminated on February4th, 1924 Break His Silence in the Hollywood Bowl, So, the first step in considering Numeri and the following day grandly proclaimed enlisting radio to carry the event worldcal Associations is determining the precise the beginning ofthe 77 60-Year Cycle. numbers that will hold the coded place of wide. Never before or since had Baba cre A feature ofChinese numeration regards ated such a sustained urgency, promising to signaling significance if a clearly perceived a doubling ofany number as auspicious. 77 qualifies thusly and the singular version of pattern is witnessed. As a primal base of align this ending feat to the full-throttled powers of communication media. operations, the numbers seven and ten will this double, namely seven, has immense The longest unit ofcyclic measurement in be offered as the initial SilenceNumberin this significance regarding Meher Baba. Cit the Chinese Horoscope is an Epoch; which analysis. Not separately but as 7-10, as they ing a lone example, starting with Zoroaster is 60 60-Year Cycles or 3,600 years. The are enjoined in the date of Baba’s Silence. and proceeding to Mohammed, Baba is the th first Epoch ended near the middle ofthe 10 The Indian, British and other calendars seventh Avatar in our cycle of time. 77t Century. Meher Baba began His Silence in list this date as 10-7, so this number order 601925 was the second year ofthe the 17th cycle of Epoch II. The number 17, serves the exact same function. As a simple Year Cycle and was, as previously related, Ox as does 70, contains within itselfthe Silence starter, interestingly, the year of Baba’s Siin the Sea. Examining Baba’s historical life, Number 7-10 as 7 + 10 produces this sum. lence codes for the 7-10 configuration. Baba the vast majority ofHis Work was underth 1984 inaugurated the 78t 60-Year Cycle. Became Silent in the 25t1 year of the 19 taken and completed within the 77th 60-Year This is the cycle we’re presently in and its produces the Contemplate the stupendous fact that Century. Adding 25 together th terminus is the year 2044. In the second year century has the number seven and the 19 within a cyclic system, whose origin cornof this ongoing cycle, 1985, the reappearnumerical value of ten. menced over 4,500 years ago, our Beloved ance of Ox in the Sea sailed into its destined Now let’s return to the double 77’s on Lord was participating and functioning slot. After patiently waiting 60 years, the their opposite sides of the calendar specwithin the 77th such cycle! This reality alone Sign ofBaba’s 1925 Silence rolled back into trum. To reiterate, Baba became Silent in can impress wonderment and awe upon one’s th ofthis year will mark prominence. July 10 the second year of the 77t 60-Year Cycle sensibilities; but the profound significance thi 17 77th year from that same date in 1985. the and this Silence Day will herald the of this reality looms into conscious consid This span of 17 years, numerically, exactly anniversary, a distinction in effect for one eration shortly. mirrors the 17t1t cycle of Epoch II. Earlier, the question was asked whether year. This occurrence alone is astounding, Another intriguing feature is, by circum and the fact of having the doubled seven Meher Baba has purposely woven encoded venting the Grand Wheel and stopping at adds powerfully to the mix. However, withSilence Breaking clues into this time-keepall the Years of the Horse, the 7-10 Silence ing practice and elsewhere. To seriously out the accompanying number ten, the case Number is produced. The first appearance of for embedded coding is stifled. consider such a premise, a series of precise the Horse Keng Wu is position number 5evStarting in 1894, Baba’s birth year, and and multi-layered levels of support for this assigning that year the numerical value of en. The next instance is number 19 (which questioned contention must exhibit themreduces to 10). Chia Wit (Baba’s birth sign) one, as this was the first appearance of the selves. Moving forward in the hypothetical is 31; and proceeding, Ping Wu is number Year ofthe Horse connected to Meher Baba, search, we will resort to our Western Cal43 (7) and Mou Wu is number 55 (10). So, then successively 1906, ‘18, ‘30, ‘42, endar and focus upon the year 1925. On th 10 starting at Keng Wu you have 7—10—31—7 ‘66, ‘78, ‘90 and finally 2002; enumerates ofthat auspicious year our Beloved July 10. The Horse is the only sign that will 10 Years ofthe Horse. Thus, the embedded Lord instituted His Majestic Silence and garner this numerical pattern. coding of 7-10 is found entirely within the henceforth, never uttered another word. Notice that number 31 is the position of Chinese Horoscope with ample support Employing simple addition, tallying the years from 1925 until the present, one ( this anniversary year only in a Year of Meher Baba’s place on the Chinese Horo scope. Additionally, this was our Beloved’s the Horse) from our Western System. acknowledges that this Year of the Horse, nd age at the time He Became Silent. of 1932, Meher Baba and On June 22 2002, will gloriously proclaim on the 10th of th The number 31, as was stated previously, certain men mandali landed in Shanghai, Anniversary ofBaba’s Becom July, the 77 is a highly significant number in relation to China, where they were met by Herbert ing Silent. From two completely different Meher Baba and His Work. Davy and brother Jal. In this particular calendar systems, one Eastern the other This astounding synchronicity of Western, the number 77 appears. However, year China comprised a part of His roundnumbers has emboldened me to humbly the-world tour, where He visited several the number 77 in the Chinese Horoscope th officially trigger the ask: will this Jaly 10 is ftxed for all time, whereas our anniversary Chinese cities and strolled numerous streets, countdown towards the Breaking of Meher mingling with the multitudes. Baba stated year of 77 exists, ephemerally, for one year that His visiting China completed the link Baba’s Silence? only. HasMeherBabaprovidedan actual datefor between the East and the West. The third The number seven certainly figured into t 0 the Breaking ofHis Silence andHis Universal week in June of this year will mark the 7 Meher Baba’s Silence as He entered this inManstation anniversary of this great event. Strangely, scrutable state in July, the seventh month. To initiate this inquiry, let’s return to the even this anniversary year of 70 displays And in this seventh month, He did so on the 10 day in 1925. Utilizing Numerical the aforementioned Silence Number as 7 x year 1954, which in the previous list ofYears of the Horse was italicized and underlined. 10 produces this sum. Associations to determine relevancy, The reason being: this was the reoccurWhat’s equally fascinating is prior to sailnumber 10 must figure into any attempts —


rence of Beloved Baba’s Sign, Chia Wit, the Wooden Horse. Reiterating, the Sign Designation is Horse in the Clouds. In other words, Baba initiated His next personal 60Year Cycle in that year. Let’s begin by recounting the astounding number ofaccomplishments that Meher Baba instituted in this august Year of the Horse. In 1954, Meher Baba declared He was The Avatar by having “Avatar Meher Baba KiJai” hailed publicly, seven times, by those gathered. He continued His amazing rounds of granting Darshan to the multitudes. He issued The Call streamed forth The FinalDeclaration and hosted the Three Incredible Weeks. He discarded His alphabet board on 10-7 (which is a numerical ffip-flop of 7-10) and the completed manuscript of God Speaks was being readied for publica lion. All this in Chia Wit, Horse in the Clouds, Meher Baba’s Chinese Birth Sign. This necessitates the asking of a most significant question when does Chia Wit reappear, or restated, what year marks the bginning of the next Avataric 60-Year Cycle? The answer to this question is 2014. This date oftwelve years hence, heralds the cyclic reappearance of Chia Wit. This upcoming time forcefully provokes the sincere asking of this question will 2014 be the actualyear that Meher Baba Breaks His Silence and .Univercally Manftsts? Remembering Baba’s accomplishments of 1954 serves the function ofpersuasively suggesting that the reappearance of Chia Wit is sufficient evidence to support such a claim. However enticing speculatively, far more convincing evidence, numerical and otherwise, must come to the forefront. First of all, Meher Baba, starting in 1925 was silent for 43½ years. Baba was in th the 44 year of silence upon His passing. Rounding off 44 must be assigned as His number of silence years otherwise you’d negate six months of this feat. Since this was the number ofyears that Beloved Baba observed Silence, the number 44 produces the second and final Silence Number. The first Silence Number, 7-10, is linked to a calendar date, a fixed point in the stream of time. The second SilenceNumber, 44, is connected to the historical life of Meher Baba as it numerically holds the number of years ofBaba’s great feat. All this pondering has conferred an opinioned sensibility upon me, that Baba’s Silence was His principal work. I fhrther believe that all work-phases comprising

His legacy, including the New Ljfi, were aspects of His Silence, which constituted His Supreme, All-inclusive Work At this juncture, I will initiate a calcula tion utilizing the number 44. Establishing the year 1969, Baba’s Amartithi, as the starting point, a count of44 years will be effected. This reckoning delivers us to 2013. the last year before the reappearance of Chia Wit, Horse in the Clouds. Curiously, Mehera also confirms this date. She passed away20 years after Baba dropped His body and was born

‘KalkiAvatar”— Diane Cobb

13 years after Him 2013. Interestingly, on the 60-Year Cycle, Mehera’s position num ber is 44, (Ting Wei, Lonely Ram). Another astounding case of numeration involves utilizing the date of the Baba and Mehera with Champa photos. First recall, that the time of these sacred images was in the year 1936. Next, we’ll reintroduce the celebration number of 77; Baba’s Silence th within the 77 60-Year Cycle and this July oth 1 commemorating the 77t1 Anniversary of this great event. Adding the celebration number of 77 to the year 1936 produces, I would say miraculously, the date 2013. Another invigorating observation is, tak ing our initial SilenceNumber of7-10 (10-7), then doubling it as we recently did with 44, one secures the sum of2014, the actual year of Chia Wit! As incredible as this numeration appears, I believe that the overwhelming and utterly convincing evidence that may lend —

support to affirming that Baba may break His Silence in this upcoming year appears in LordMeher. Firstly, recall that Baba was labeled Kalki, the White Horse Avatar, in this astounding biography ofHis Life. For a magnificent image ofBaba as Kalki, I would refer you to 3B’s painting of Meher Baba as The White Horse Avatar. This exquisite rendering depicts Baba seated upon a gor geously powerful white steed amidst fluffy white clouds with a sword in His left hand and a book (could this be Baba’s Book?) in His right. Before we proceed, allow me to ftirnish a description of Kalki that appears in A ClassicalDictionary ofHindu Mythology and Religions by John Dowson. Page 38 reads: “Kaild or Kalkin,The White Horse. This incarnation ofVishnu is to appear at the end of the Kali or Iron Age, seated on a white horse, with a drawn sword blazing like a comet, for the final destruction of the wicked, the renovation of Creation and the restoration ofpurit” In Hindulore, Kalki is referred to th as the 10 Incarnation of Vishnu. th Savor the fragrance of the 10 Incarna tion of Vishnu. Now recall the previous method of reckoning, where a Horse Year completes and then begins a Great Year of the Horse. This duration persists for twelve years and is pegged exclusively to the life of Meher Baba. With the arrival of 1906, the st 1 Great Year of the Horse, inaugurated at Baba’s Birth, locked itself into place. This year of 2002, precisely concluded another ofthese aggregates and set a course towards molding another one. At the dawning of 2014, the jQ Great Year ofthe Horse will blaze itself into the folds of history and si multaneously launch the earth’s people into destiny’s next chapter. In volume VI and VII of Lord Meher, Baba is identified as the White Horse Avatar in a series of photographic images taken on Meherabad Hill, the place where our Beloved Lord is entombed. Later in this same volume, in the year 1937, a beautiful incident is related that ties in superbly with this theme. Narrating the event: “Hundreds came for Baba’s darshan that evening, among whom was the wife of a prominent judge. Her guru had advised her, ‘Go to Nagpur for the darshan of the Kalanki Avatar!’ When she approached Baba, the woman cried out, ‘Kalanki Avatar! Kalanki Avatar!’Those who saw her were taken aback, wondering if she was a mastani female mast. She threw herself at Baba’s feet and exclaimed, ‘The —

object of my life is ftiliuled today! I have had the darshan ofthe Kalanki Avatar!’ The woman went away in tears, but they were tears ofjoy.” Let us return to volume VI and VII of Lord Meher where the seven-picture, fivepage spread ofBaba and Champa is identi fled as being symbolic ofour Beloved being Kalki, the White Horse Avatar. Mehera is also a vital part of this picture series, being alone and to Baba’s right in two of the im ages. Baba and Mehera on two pictures are joined by other women mandali and some village women. Profoundly, Mehera’s number on the 60Year Cycle is 44 and, combining this fact with her solitary accompaniment to Meher Baba in two of the Kalki photos, leads me to believe that Mehera is divinely linked to the Breaking ofBaba’s Silence and Universal Manifestation. This quote is lifted from the final page of Lord Meher where Baba said, “The days of my Manjflstation are nearing fast and only to Mehera have I mentioned the time ofbreaking my silence.” Soak in and relish these beautiful images of our Beloved in this symbolic role ofThe White Horse Avatar. Grant special attention to Meher Baba gloriously riding Champa (one sees the word Champ[ion]) with His right arm raised waving, which inserting but a whiffofspiritual imagination, one can pic ture Baba brandishing a fiery white sword. After absorbing these precious pictures, I

am now compelled to draw your attention to the page number that initiates this blessed series of images. The page number that inaugurates this thematic series is 2014. Lord Meher was completed by Bhau Kalchuri in Hindi in 1973, and undergoing years of editing, picture-selection and numerous other publishing considerations, in a 20-volume series comprised ofnearly 7,000 pages; has a page number that corresponds exactly with the year when Meher Baba’s Chinese Birth Sign ofChia Wu, Horse in the Clouds, will reappear. Coincidence? Concerning 2014, a splendid and hallowed Centennial will present itself for joyous celebration. Taken from Much Love byT.K. Ramanujam we read; “January 1914 Kissing Merwan’s forehead, Babajan de dared: ‘This is my beloved son who is going to shake the whole world from its root one day and the whole of humanity would be benefited by Him.” January of 2014 will mark the 100 anniversary of young Mer wan being kissed by Babajan, unveiling the unsuspecting lad into His destined Avatarhood, which entailed His world mission to humanity and His inner work for all of Creation. Also, 2014 would be Meher Baba’s completion of two personal 60-Year Cycles upon the Chinese Horoscope. Obviously, this confers an age of 120 which, in Baba’s parlance and world, is a highly significant —

number as it corresponds to the fhll tier of mandali members in His Circle. Returning to the number 44, if one enlists the method of adding numbers to derive a single one through nine digit; the value of eight is obtained. Marvelously, the number eight in Chinese is pronounced BA. Celebrating the first 44 years, 1925 to 1969, we have a resounding BA produced from their consolidated value of eight. Adding 44 additional years miraculously confers another BA. Eighty-eight years of Meher Baba’s Silence shepherds us to the year 2013, and in the Chinese Language, proclaims our Dear Lord’s earthly name. Amazingly, one year before the return of Chia Wu, Horse in the Clouds, BABA will be magnificently written upon the shimmering skies ofEarth. And, as a final act ofstupendous grace: in Chinese as in Persian, the word Baba means Father. So perhaps in the reappearance of Chia Wu, in the year 2014, Our Father riding in from Heaven, will shower His children in glorious light and in that sumptuous visit be hailed as The White Horse Avatar, offering as a splendid gift, the Breaking of His Silence and Universal Manifestation. Only Time and DivineTiming has the capacity to verify or refute this vision. To our Great Lord, Victory unto Thee! Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai!

Mehera andBaba in the Garden Diane Cobb —

J4agiccLl 1 L/1 J

Evening with 73hctu 2<ciichuri

Tony Paterniti, New York evening. We were told Iningthatwaswithnoa wonderfid agenda had been set for the eve-

June, 2002

us all to come forward. I looked around at the various “pictures” of what I assume were passages from the Koran. The gold script on the black background in itself spoke of the unspeakable majesty of the divine, the One (literally, Al-lah).They set up a chair for Bhau and another for Baba’s framed photo. Ziek and I placed the flowers we had brought for the occasion and found a place against the wall, nearby.

crowd began to disperse, we went back into the masjid to participate in the zikr, finding Meher Baba’s intimate disciple, some of our friends already there. Bhau Kaichuri, at Sufi Books last night. It Neither Ziek nor I had ever attended an was described as a “surprise gift” from Baba, Islamic service, and certainly not a zikr. It was added to the schedule at the last minute. wonderftil, something quite unique. When we Someho I had a feeling the gift was only arrived, wejoined a circle, chanting along with beginning— and so it was! certain phrases, which were interspersed with We waited a long time for Bhau and party certain prayers sung or spoken by one of the to show up—and there was a good reason. It “dervishes”. seems that, upon his arrival, the I was familiar with most of Shaika of the Sufi masjid down the phrases we chanted—La IIthe block (which, as it turns lah II allah (there is no God but out, owns Sufi Books), met God), Allah hu Akbar (God is Bhau, fell in love with him im great), Hu Hu Hu (God God mediately, and whisked him off God)—but these were not to the Masjid, where the Sufis mere repetitions. Guided by had gathered for theirThursday the Shaika, they changed in night zikr (devotional prayers, pitch, tempo, feel, rhythm and singing and movement). From breath. Later, we stood in a what I hear, they shared some circle around an inner circle, delightftd chants and Bhau was which repeated certain prayers, going strong. I mostly in English, or sang cer You’d never guess this was tam hauntingly beautiftil solo a man who, over the past two lines. We circled around them, years, has been in surgery so doing various “dance steps” many times (from multiple heart while repeating certain phras bypass to other obstructions), is es or sounds—again, varied profoundly diabetic, and has on in volume, pitch, tempo, feel, Bhau and the group survey the destruction at Ground Zero several occasions seemed to be rhythm and aspiration. on the verge of moving on. Bhau’s entire beBhau’s talk, of course, was perfect. And Sometimes we held hands, at other times ing resonates with Baba’s love, and its impos while it was similar to many other talks I’d we were hand-to-shoulder or hand-to-waist. sible not to get stained by that divine wine in heard from him over the years, it seemed as if At one point, as the music and chanting conthe presence of one so in the presence of the the stories and ideas presented would be par- tinued, each one received a kiss on the hand divine beloved. ticularly relevant to his new friends. Among from the person on theirleft, returned the kiss, Anyway, the Sufis finally let Bhau and other things, he talked about the difference and then passed it on to the person on their company go and he made his way up the between the divine will and divine wish and right—all the while chanting and “dancing” block to the bookstore meeting room, where how, by coming in tune with the divine wish as the outer circle continue to move around we were all waiting. However no sooner had we could come to experience the divine will, the inner circle. Then the inner circle became he lovingly greeted so many old and new which governs everything. small and the outer circle closed in around it, friends, the Shaika came and invited Bhau At the end ofBhau’s taik, the Shailca—who as the chanting continued, with bowing to the and all ofus to join them and give his talk at was clearly in some kind of ecstatic state, right and bowing to the left—some holding the masjid, to bring Baba’s photo, flowers and eyes closed most of the time while listening hands over their hearts, others palm up and all the rest andjust come. We did. to him—expressed the desire for her “der forward, as ifin blessing. The masjid, seemingly a storefront off vishes” to offer a song for “brother Bhau and We had to leave around midnight, as the West Broadway, is a long hail. After leaving his companions.” I particularly enjoyed this zikr moved on to another phase. Interestingly, our shoes in a foyer area separated from the turn ofphrase, since Bhau, in Hindi, actually at this point the men formed a small group in main room, we stepped inside and were soon means “brother”. She passed out Sufi devo front and the women another group behind on a very large Persian carpet, listening to the tional songbooks, and wejoined in with them them. It was the first division by gender dur prayers aireadyin progress. I glanced to myleft in singing one of these lovely chant songs. ing the hour or so we had been participating and saw Bhau kneeling, sometimes bowing as Bhau concluded the evening with one last in the zikr. We found our shoes and drove the prayers were spoken. It is rare to see Baba’s illustrative tale, which everyone enjoyed. home, smiling. Even as I write this, I’m still mandali in such a private moment, and he As we left, the Shaika invited those who smiling. seemed to be the spirit ofprayer personified. wished to, to join them for the zikr, which After a few moments, the Shaika invited was about to begin. As Bhau left and the —

etry Paje J o 2 3rom eep _ < 2 /4ll .}1ttachments

3oolin’ .J1round

Keep awayfrom all attachments, Snap the threads that cling, And open wideyour heart To welcome Meheryour King. He is so infinitely worthy Ofall the loveyou give, Think ofHim in allyou do, Let His message in you live. Meher is the One who loves You, Meher is the One who cares, Hejoins in your laughter And in your sorrow, shares. He is your One true Friend, So many times He has shown, He will neverfailyou, You will never be alone. Although He is the King ofKings, True humility He does teach, He has bathed andfed the lepei Nowhere does His love not reach. Keep awayfrom all attachments, Snap the threads that cling, And open wideyour heart To welcome Meheryour King.

Friends andfamily were shocked to discover that I was having a Love affair! “Cathy!”, they said, 7-low couldyour” ‘[tc so unlike you!” “What will the neighbors say?” “What fyou get caughtfoolin’around?” “Ljfe asyou know it willbe over!” “You’ll lose everythingyouve worked so hard for!” “You must befreakin’ mad!” I agreed. Foolin’ around with the Beloved is a dangerous game! But this kind ofLove Affair is the envy ofkings!

—Cathy Broadley

my time to dance (first impressions of the 73eloved) it is my time to dance with You the dance ofpure devotion dreams oflove lead to surrender when seven realities meet as One my wandering mind and questioning heart are silenced by Your knowing smile are silenced by this certainty that You are who You say You are all new outlook what would Baba do subtle shifts in day to day lfr ft iends andfamily see the changes and areglad when theyfind out why i’ve tapped into something larger than me what a comfort what a celebration to know thejoy ofimprovisation from the instrumentcpoint ofview my newfriendyou give me music One sound One voice One raison d’etre blisfulfioating Graceful Ocean no moreyearning to befree i see You in the sky when i look to the stars i see You in the myths looped through the ages i see You in mysefwhen the illusionfades that You and i are anything but One

—michael raven

—Meheru Irani

lappy 2Io iery 2 LA 7 Dear Baba, though I may look afool I’m not sofoolish as to believe— evenfor a minute— that whenever I think ofYou, feelyou or speak about You, or move closer to You, it has anything to do with me! Iknow itc all Your Doing— not mine. Because only God can know Himsef Which makes me into a kind ofno one and nothing. But when You’re around a very happy no one and nothing! -




3 !Remember EBaba

Lost and alone, Ifound myseiftrying Thfigure out why in my heart I was dying. Could it be that somehow I couldntfeel love? Was my mindplaying tricks? Shouldlgive it a shove? Or was there a chance about which Il heard That somewhere inside I wasfree as a bird? My heart beganpounding, andlstarted tofrel Like I wasnt a worthless, insolent heel. That my nature had not even given a thought— Fm a creature ofGod and am constantly sought! My soul is alive. Fve no reason to doubt And sometime, somewhere, I willfinally get out. Out ofall ofthis misery, dismay, and deftat For Godc hand will one day lfl me to His Holy seat. So, look inside yoursefand know you’re Godc own, And nevei no nevei thinkyou’re ever alone.

You whisper to me today to make sure Jam listening andlstop straining to hear Your words ‘emember” is alllhear ‘Baba, escapes my lzs and I remember not the words because You spoke no word but I remember Your smile as youpeered over my cradle You told my soul such sweet secrets You worked as a hypnotist leaving me believing I was something else untilYou spoke the one wordthat broke my spell andlcriedsweetly, saying, ‘Baba” andYou smiledandsaic4 “Who else?” “

—Margaret James

—Jerry Franklin Tfl

: c 2 t$sings !:Rctphael 2udd Rdums to his i3eloved 3rom Dndia: sure Beloved Baba is happy with the love and caring you took of Raphael, but the real loving and caring was as always in God-Baba’s hands. He, the Compassionate Father, in His Infinite Mercy did what was best for His son Raphael and did not let him suffer more than he needed. What a loss his passing is to the Baba world, in the love for his Beloved that he expressed through his beautiful compositions and the superb rendering ofhis music through piano and harp. In those last days amongst us Beloved Baba was with him every moment of the time. Raphael was like a sensitive plant that could not survive in any harsh condition when Baba took him to Himself. We deeply appreciate the long and devoted friendship of Pete Townshend, Jane Brown and all those close ones who have loved and helped Raphael over the years. I know that we, too, will always remember him and miss him. Much love to you all from your Mehe razaci family.


Ever in the Beloved One’s eternal love, —Meheru and Goher

...It was good that, though Raphael suf fered, he did not know the suffering. What a gift it was for him. It was really tremendous suffering, and it was quite unbearable. But the Beloved helped him and kept him un conscious. Though lifesaving devices were used, he did not become conscious. It is all unfathomable! Nobody could understand why it happened. He had to pass through this suffering, but the Beloved helped him to suffer unconsciously, and it is a gift for him. May Beloved Baba be with him, and make him conscious of His Glory. With all love and Jai Baba In His Love and Service, —Bhau

-, (-1

J4/lichele ‘)3ctcso Los Angeles was married to Raphael for four years. The end ofour marriage did not bring an end to the love and concern I felt for him, his well-being, and his life. We continued to communicate after the marriage ended and, practicing medicine myself I of course took a great interest in his health. I knew his medical history intimately and kept up on what was going on with him around these issues. For whatever reason Baba had, He seemed to keep making me aware of a new, innovative treatment for one health issue he had that was really a threat to his life, especially if he would sustain even a minor trauma. I would see an article in the paper, hear about it on the news or radio, or work with a patient that knew about it. These ‘coincidences’ were happening almost every day for a month and I finally said, “Okay, I think I’m getting the message Baba.” I started researching, speaking with my medical connections, his personal Physi cians, and doing whatever I possibly could to help champion him through the process and get him on the list for this coveted procedure. In fact, I made a call to the Physi cian that is the head ofthe world-renowned


service that offers this treatment on the day of the accident. There was only one more step left and I planned to inform him of the progress the next day, something I regret not having done. When the news came to me that evening, I just couldn’t believe it could be true. I felt such distress when I heard how serious his injuries were. I knew that someone in average health would most likely survive and recover well, I also knew that with the pre-existing medical issue Raphael had that this was ex tremely serious. I researched the trauma team that was caring for him and found that the head of the team is world- renowned, one of the best. I started communicating with anyone I could on the team at the hospital as well as his personal Physicians. Although I could see that he was getting truly excellent care at the SICU where he was admitted, I also know that in a critical care situation, with such a complicated patient, vital information can get buried quickly. I tried to act as a sort ofliaison between his personal Physicians and the trauma team in whatever way I could. I was so deeply touched to see how open and ready everyone was to share information and act upon anything that could possibly help him, to do the very best to give our dear Raphael the best chance he could have, while keeping him really out of pain. Even so, our beloved Raphael did not survive. I am so grateful that Baba allowed me to be in the position that I was in because I got to see, in great detail, the superb care and valiant efforts that were made to save his life. I also am so grateftil to be able to share this information with anyone that reads this article, that is now grieving this loss, hoping it can bring comfort to your heart. Please know that what I witnessed was the most thoughifid, loving, extraordinary care I have seen in my medical career, outside oflndia ofcourse.They never gave up until the end. Bhau said that Raphaelwas most fortunate to go through so much suffering without ex periencing it consciously, and that there were possiblylifetimes ofsanskaras being worked out. I must say that this was my sense ofwhat was happening and these people facilitated that for our loved one. The Memorial Celebration ofRaph’s life

held at Meherabode was truly a celebration, the room was flooded with the most splen did, brilliant light. It seemed to be more than a celebration of his life, it was also a celebration of his return to his Beloved. Raphaelleft his body on the morning of my birthday and there is a story that I would like to share with you, as well as a poem that was inspired by this moment: It was about 8:15am April first and every time my music alarm went off I would hit the snooze button for just a few moments more slumber. One of the times I did that, I didn’t feel like I went to sleep. It was more like I woke up to a different level of consciousness. I saw Raphael standing on something that appeared cloud-like while surrounded by what felt like Infinite Divine Love and Compassion. His arms were outstretched, open and expansive and his head slightly tilted looking upward with a presence of ecstatic joy which he wanted to generously share with humanity. At first, I was not sure that it was him because brilliant light was radiating out from every part of him. For a moment, the light shimmered around his face and I knew then that it was him. I was so happy and excited to see him and said, “It IS you, Raph”!! Then, silently, from a deep part of his being, he said with tremendous joy and bliss, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY.” I knew that he was not only saying this to me. I knew he meant it for himself as well. He left his body at 8:54am. As much as my heart felt broken, itwas also filled withjoybecause the way that I experienced him in that moment, was all that I had ever wished for him and more than I had ever been able to imagine. So here is the poem that came to me which I read at the memorial for our dear Harold Raphael Rudd.

21crald .Raphacl Herald Raphael! Herald Raphael! The Seraphin and Cherubin Are all aflutter They are calling to you Comeplay with us dear brother For they have heard You have come home What is this’ You can’t! You are busy doing what... Healing the ozone Withyour abundantlyfree love.

Hmmm... Is this the act ofa Bodhisatva? Or is this community service The Beloved has ordered Penanceperhapsfor some rafish act Committed here... Or maybe there already One neverknows with you You sweetgenerous rascal Herald Raphael! Herald Raphael’ Can you see our liquidprayers Flowing down our cheeks Wishingyou well on yourjourney home Our heartsJoyous and broken Allat once Oh yes We will missyour clear lake blue eyes Andyour wildly generous ways And howyou would always be spilling the wine eveywhere withyour mischief Andyour music Andyour tender sweetness Yet we know We know The kind ofhomecoming celebration you are having With our old, old, old,friends And with the Friend Our Divine Beloved What more could we wish For the birthday boy Herald Raphael! Herald Raphael! Didyou hear us singing? With liquidprayers Flowing down our cheeks Hearts broken andjoyous all at once Didyou hear us? Singing Happy Birthday To you Beloved Raphael HAPPYBIRTHDAYII!

I am not certain that this was a vision of the state that Raphael was in, or something that my mind reeled out to blunt the pain ofthe loss. I do believe it is, at least, allegory for the way in which Raphael is now with his Beloved Master. So many people at the Memorial talked about how strongly they felt his presence and how they felt flooded with Love and Light. Ifany ofthese stories bring comfort to anyone whose heart is ach

ing from this loss, I will be glad because I know the kind ofache one can feel missing that sweet rascal.

Rob 3indlcty New York his is myfourth and final Raphael Rudd eulogy (you’re really pushing it Raf)! Only kidding. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend his memorial in Los Angeles as well as two intimate gatherings in New York where I was able to express my love for Raphael and share intimate stories. They were very healing experiences for me, as is writing this. I have barely been able to scratch the surface here. However, some things always stand out when I speak of Raphael, mainly his childlike zest for life, his sense of humor and his compassionate, BIG BIG heart. I heard about Meher Baba through Ra phael. I was fresh out ofcollege and scouting new talent for a small independent record company I had started in which I had later made Raphael a partner. I was introduced to him at a hotel in Manhattan through a publicist and instantly knew I wanted to work with him. His music takes me on a journey every time, and his live perfor mances were some of the best I have ever seen from anyone. Raphael never pushed Baba on me, but I sensed that Raphael was a unique soul, a spe cial person, and it was clear that Meher Baba had more than a little to do with this. Raphael lived true to himself and was very free and open. As Jane Brown put it,


Raf was “right in your face.” He was such a dynamic individual—he really got under your skin. I was his personal manager for his music career for a better part ofthe 90’s. To me, his musicwasjust one ofhis many sides. In fact, although I managed his career, music probably took up the least of our time together (and on the phone). I considered myselffirst and foremost his friend, and I know the feeling was mutual because we always let each other know that, for which I feel extremely blessed. We both had the same sense ofhumor. Rafwould call myjokes “far out” because our jokes were just that—way out there! Raphaelloved (and lived) pranks, jokes, and fttn—it was his code. I fell in love with Virginia Rudd, Rapha el’s mom and learned so much about Baba from her before I decided to go to India in 1998. I spent hours on the phone with her in Myrtle Beach. I visited the Baba Center in Myrtle Beach a couple of times while Raf was down there and always stayed at Virginia’s place and was treated like gold by Raphael and his mom. I treasure these memories. In 1996 Rafhad gotten severely injured in Myrtle Beach. In fact it was so bad we thought we were going to lose him. I am so grateful we had several more years together after he recovered, which I look back on now as a gift from God. We’d spend hours together on the phone, often until the early morning. I could call him anytime and he could call me any time, no matter what. The last time he was in NewYorkwe got together and went to see George Carlin at the Bea con Theater (fourth row seats, courtesy of Raphael). The next day we drove to Nutley, NewJersey, and visited his old neighborhood where he grew up and where he lived during the years that we worked together (during those years I lived on Long Island and often traveled to Raf’s apartment). This time it was like he was he was saying his final goodbyes. We even had our dinner at Pal’s Cabin where Rafwas the local celebrity and where his father Harold was the entertainment for manyyears while the Rudd’s lived in Nutley. Whenever we went to Pal’s, dinner was al ways on the house and they rolled out the red carpet. The cast of characters and the circle ofpeople that entered my life after meeting Raphael are incredible. He had so many friends (and admirers) and he made sure that all of them became my friends too. I am so grateftil that I kept in such close touch with Raphael during the last months of his life. While in Los Angeles I always stayed at his apartment. We grew closer

through the years. Raphael even prepared me for his own death. He told me this past January on the phone, quite directly, that he wouldn’t be around much longer and that he had the notion that he would probably die this year. We had such a strong connection that I understood what he was saying and didn’t doubt that it would probably come to pass, as hard as it was to hear. I was fortunate to have gotten Raf on the phone just hours before his accident, even though it was only for a brief moment, and he said he would have to call me back. I feel even closer to Raphael now—I talk to him every day. I feel his strong presence in my life. I look forward to meeting him face to face again somewhere, sometime, somehow. He at least owes me a phone call.

3oe9oldbergcr Los Angeles first met Raphael Rudd around 1974 while we were both attending Nutley High School. Raph was about 16 or 17 at that time. One of my first recollections of Raph was after a music class, when a group was gathered around a piano. Raph had some kind ofjacket on with tails, and when he sat down at the piano and flipped the tails back I thought, “Who is this guy?” Little did we know that this would be a glimpse into the fttture of Raph’s flair for the dramatic. During the late 70’s, while I was living in Maryland, Raph went to England to record those now infamous Townshend recordings. I remember Raph playing those sessions for me. The playing on those songs was emo tional, powerfid, spiritual, and inspired. And once again I thought, “Who is this guy??” It was during the early 80’s that really began what was to be a lasting friendship with Raph as I started subbing in a few of his bands. I was beginning to see how cha meleon-like Raph was as he could easily go from Rock to Classical, to New Wave, to Pop—equally adept at all styles. Later on in the 80’s, Raphael was instru mental in introducing me to Annie Haslam and getting me into her band. And as a re sult, I ended up playing with Annie from 1989 until 2001.Traveling to many ofJapan’s cities with Raph & Annie in the early 90’s was an incredible experience and something I’ll always cherish. Rooming with Raph in those classy but small Japanese hotel rooms was enlightening as well as cramped. It was


tough finding enough room for the two of us—let alone all of Raph’s vitamins! Raph’s playing on this tour was explosive and the crowds responded back with the same energy. He had this unique way of orchestrating his piano solos—slowly building in intensity & rhythm. By the time the solo peaked, his arms, hands and elbows would be flailing all over the place like a rowboat being tossed around a stormy sea—it was quite a sight! Later on Raph’s wicked sense of humor became more apparent to me as he would have me call friends of his with my voice disguised and filtered through a synthesizer. Even Harold [his father] was not immune to one ofthese ridiculous calls. The fact that all ofthese people would have a normal conver sation with a Darth Vader robot voice would keep us in stitches for hours. In the summer of 1997 Raphael and Michele moved from NJ to LA. There was such promise and hope in the air—new beginnings, new projects, a new life—we stayed in touch by phone, email, and occa sional visits from Raph to NJ. During these visits, Raph was giving me pictures and text so I could put together what is now his current website. In the spring of200l, mywifeJan was ac cepted into the American Film Institute and so we moved to Los Angeles. Raph found an apartment for us right in his building—so in August of200l we ventured out west and moved in.The daywe arrived, Raph knocked on our door and gave us both a big embrace. He looked vibrant and glowing—the best we had seen him in years. In October of 2001, we performed as a duo of percussion and piano at Rhino records headquarters in what was to be our last live performance together. When I reflect back on who and what Raphael was, an analogy that comes to mind is that of a magnet, which of course can attract, but at the same time has a side that “repels”. Yes, he could be a pain in the ass at times, but you could not help but love the guy!! Knowing Raph since the 70’s, we shared a lot of music and laughs over the years, and laughed together the last eight months more than ever. How ironic that we decided to move to LA just months before his de parture, but at the same time, I can only feel it was a blessing that we got to spend that time together. It’s different without Raph here and there’s a terrible void. Raphael was a monster ofa musician who played with such abandonment, at times like

a flying trapeze artist performing with no net. He had one of the biggest hearts of anyone I’ve ever known, and a spirit of im measurable depth. He touched everyone that came into his life. Raph’s passion for life and music will always be a great influence and inspiration to me. I feel humbled to have known him, been his friend, played music with him, and to have loved him. He will be with me forever.

Barber, flew across the country just to see George Carlin. .or Sam Kinison. .many times. He would to anything for a friend. .ease their pain. .in any way he could. .he was the most generous person I ever met. ..the most fun. .the most devoted and loving friend I ever had. .Meher Baba and music were his greatest loves. He loved sleeping late...the only thing that could get him up was making it to Meher Baba’s House at the Myrtle Beach Meher Center on Sunday morrnngs. ..he was always late...always on the phone. and was always putting you on the phone with perfect strangers...insisting that all the people in his life bonded. He could call a friend at three in the morning and wonder why they were asleep! He was maduplifting, extremely dening, delightful,

Myrtle Beach aphael Rudd met Meher Baba on May 4, 1958 at the Children’s Party at the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach. Beloved Baba had put his hand on his mother’s head in 1956 in New York City at a dinner, saying that He was putting the soul of Raphael into her body! His mother Virginia and father Harold had met Baba first in 1952. Harold had heard of Baba from Princess Norma Matchabelli. When Ra phael met Baba in 1958, at the age of 2, Baba held the baby’s hands in His for a few moments. For most of his life, he played exquisite music for Baba, much to our delight. I met Raphael in 1977 and our friendship began in music. He wrote many beautiftil melodies to Baba’s words and asked me to sing them. I am still singing them. These are my memories of Raphael: platinum hair down to his shoulders...God touched hands on harp. .piano. .angel de scended from heaven. music to lift the spirit into Baba’s light. That is who I first experienced. He was someone who loved to laugh and make others laugh. .loved to play jokes. .loved pizza. .horror films...Christopher Lee...Laurel and Hardy ...Disneyland...loved the movie “The Devils of Loudon” so much that he shoveled his car out from under 4 feet of snow to drive to New York City from New Jersey just so I could see the movie.. .(it was about a man who loved Christ intensely whilst breaking all the rules of the church). He adored Aaron Copland’s music, and Leonard Bernstein’s, B eethoven, Samuel .


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Los Angeles






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talented. smart and and ofjoy amount He brought a tremendous am life. I into my light and endless humor him again. almost sure I will see In His Love, in absolute gratitude forever to Beloved Baba for allowing me to have such a precious friend..jai Baba!!!!

maniac (mã’në-k’) noun (Lt. maniacus Fr. Gk, maniakos) 1: Madman, lunatic. 2: A person characterized by an inordinate or ungovernable enthusiasm for something. en looking up maniac in the Webster dictionary I was surprised to see Raphael’s picture! I used to tease Raphael that he was a maniac. I imagine his friends called him a lunatic at times as well. After all, he did move to LA, which Bhau lovingly calls the Lunatic Asylum! But what I think most characterized Raphael was his “inor dinate or ungovernable enthusiasm.” What joie d’vive! It was an enthusiasm for Love, for Baba, for an expression oflife in it’s richest and truest sense. It took place so clearly, not only in his music, but also in the free, joyous way in which he lived life. He was truly the divine prankster: Playful and mischievous. One of the lessons that I have learned from Raphael and his close friends is not to take myself so seriously. As Baba said, especially in the New Life, “to remain cheerftil at all times”. Even when he was in great pain, Raphael never lost his sense of humor and his kindhearted generosity I would be hard pressed to think ofsomeone who more closely embodies these truths. He was, as Baba said, “one of the best”. One of the people Raphael admired greatly was Harpo Marx, who inspired him to learn the harp. The Marx brothers would have liked this quote of Baba’s: Ifunderstood, lfr is simply ajest; Ifmisunderstood, life becomes apes1 Once overcome, ljfe is ever at rest Forpilgrims on thepath, lift is a test. When relinquished through love, Ljfe is at itc best.

This reminds me ofRaphael’s father Har old, who I have never met but have seen on video tape and heard on the cassette tapes that Raphael would secretly record. The eternal prankster Raphael had a predilection for teasing people into revealing their peculiarities in their most intense and outrageous forms and secretly tape recording them!

Raphael said about his father during his dad’s memorial service ten years ago that he was, “a Lunatic for Love” He also quoted Filis Frederick as saying, “Harold was the only mast in the west” Part ofbeing a true lover is to be the divine fool, a role reserved for the truly courageous. Baba said to “lose oneselfin Him,” but how can we lose ourself in love (personified) and worry ifwe appear foolish to others? That courageousness re quires a willingness to be consumed, like the mythicaiThorn Bird that thrusts itselffatally upon a long thorn and sings so sweetly in it’s dying moments that all oflife stops to listen. Raphael lived all.aspects ofhis life with that abandon, with that courageousness, which manifested most intensely in his magnificent music, that like the Thorn Bird, enticed all to stop and listen. As our Sufi brothers wrote about his music: “It exudes exuberance; it explodes up from the core of his being in swirling

rhapsodies oftriumph. . .a music whose mes sage reflects the pure joy of existence and the beauty of self-giving love.” I could not think of a better description of the melody of The New Life, which is joy. Raphael’s and Pete Townshend’s CD, the Oceanic Concerts, was released by Rhino Records on nd October 16, 2001: the 52 anniversary of the New Life. From the Song ofthe New Life: “Even if your heart is cut to bits, let a smile be upon your lips.” Oh Raphael, you have gone and left us with all these sane people! Come rescue us from this sanity! Come again soon, Raphael, and make fools ofus all!!



Listen Carefully Can you hear it’ In the still ofthis night Listen You can hear it’ TheAngels They are singing They are Dancing Wildly— And softly Ever so softly In the background There is the sound Ofa Magnftcent Piano Our Beloved Has beckoned His Dear Raphael Home. -

—Shar Wiseman, Virginia




I We all know how Baba said He came to do away with rites, rituals andceremonies. This is an amusing and wonderful example (although not spiritual) ofhow some rituals begin, and how people justfollow along without giving it any thought.] n my family, since ‘forever’, all the women have cut the ends off a ham before baking it. I never questioned it. Figured it had to do with letting the juices flow through the meat. One Christmas, while slicing the ends offjust so, I asked my mom, “Why?” She said, “Hmm, I really don’t know. I think it is supposed to make it taste better. Let’s ask your grandma.” So, we marched over to her mother in the next room, picking up three female cousins and two aunts along the way. We ALL wanted to know. Grandma said, “Well, I’ve always done it that way because my mother always did.” She then turned to my great-grandmother who was sitting next to her and asked, “Why DO we cut the ends off Mom?” My great grandmother looked baffled (she was in her nineties but sharp as a tack). She asked what on earth we were all talking about. When we explained, her face lit up with a bright smile. “Laura!” she said, slapping my grandma on the knee. “You daft girl. My pan was just too darn small!”


/1udrey 73ohan 9 ocs to 73abct er ticket out was stamped Cancer, but in the end she passed peaceftilly in her sleep at approximately five a.m. June 11th. Audrey’s birthday was the eighth of September, but she never disclosed the year. Right to the end she kept that a secret, probably because she looked at least 10-15 years younger than she really was and certainly behaved that way. A polymath, she specialized in Astrological counseling, combining her intuitive senses with her knowledge and deep understanding of Carl Jung and Meher Baba. She was the Archetypal Mother to so many of her clients; she gave us guidance, self knowledge, confidence, and so much more—a deep, abiding friendship. At the Celebration of her Life held in a friend’s beautiftil garden, many ofus joined with Kathy, her only child and her son Larry Kathy’s only child, in telling stories of times with Audrey and how much she meant to all of us. Audrey did a lot of her work with out of State people by phone. A letter was read from one such client who had known and was being counseled by Audrey for 20 years. He told of how much he would miss her and what a wonderfid, very dear friend she had been. They had never met—twenty years!


73w Spiritual Ttnity /1ll Souls Meher Baba has been said that war cannot be considered entirely bad, although it can hardly be considered entirely good either. There are deep-seated reasons for the occurrence ofwar, and when one finds oneself in the middle ofthe holocaust, it is helpful to have a few guiding principles. People should face the circumstances of war with courage and the faith that no sacrifice is too great when the call of duty is clear. In the event of aggressive attack, all must resist it by direct combat if there is no alternative. But as each individual makes such resistance, he must be certain that he is motivated solely by a sense of dut without hatred or bitterness towards the aggressor, who has acted out ofspiritual ignorance. Further he must not be insensitive to the suffering inflicted. On the contrary he must render every possible aid to the victims of war. The fact that a person is a spiritual aspirant does not release him from his duty to the social whole. This may involve some deep soul searching, because spiritual aspirants tend to be indifferent to war on the grounds that most wars are actuated by purely material consid erations. It is a mistake to divorce spirituality from material considerations, for the latter have some spiritual importance. It is not by ignoring human suffering but by handling it with creative love that the gate is opened to life eternal. It is not through callous indifference, but by active and seffless service that one attains the transcendental and illimitable truth that lies at the heart of the illusory universe. Spiritual aspirants are rooted in the conviction of the reality and the eternity of the infinite Soul. It should be easyfor them then to stake life itselfon the performance ofa duty that springs from the claims ofthe spirit. The duty of the spiritually enlighted one is an extension of the duties of the average person and of the spiritual aspirant. He is alive to the truth that all souls are one, and the role he must play in this game of God’s is necessarily determined by the spiritual il lumination he has. He performs his duty in cooperation with the divine will. Being in tune with the infinite truth, he is not only free


from all thoughts ofseffish gain, but also from the backlash ofhate, malice and revenge. War cannot create any real cleavage, even between the people who are fighting against one another. These people seem to be dif ferent from one another because they have different minds and bodies, but when judged from the point ofview of their souls, all dif ferences are not only secondary but simply false. The spiritual unity of all souls remains inviolable in spite of all wars, and from the

inner life must assume the responsibility of driving away unwarranted gloom and de pression and cheering those who are in deep sorrow When crisis is upon one, let one’s thoughts not be for self but for others—for the claims of the divine Self which exists equally in all. War cannot be justified merely because it brings certain spiritual qualities as by-products, for these qualities can also be developed in time ofpeace. It is time now for humanity to develop a spontaneous spirit of love and service, rather than require the stim ulus provided by danger to precipitate unseffish action. All should face the crisis ofwar with patience, fortitude and self-sacrifice, never forgetting that the redemption of a distracted humanity through divine love is much closer than one dreams at’ such a time. —Listen Humnanity by Meher Baba. Narrated and Edited by D.E. Stevens. :


Copyright 1957, Sufism Reoriented, Inc.

.. ‘.

point of view of ultimate reality, no soul is really at war with any other soul. There can be a war between ideologies, which may extend to and involve the minds and even the bodies of the people, but the undivided and indivisible Soul remains One in Its unimpeachable, integral unity All those who must undergo the rigors of war have great need for equanimity. It will be profitable to remember that the soul remains unscathed by the destruction of material things, and death itselfis only a gateway to fttrther life. Therefore those who would play their partwell in the divine game should remain unmoved by bereavement and loss, imparting to others a spirit ofcheerftil resig nation to the divine will. Due to lack ofspiritual insight, sufferings ofwar inevitably embitter many persons, and they need to be helped to recover a sense of the unspoilable sweetness oflife. Those who have been initiated into the eternal values of

Shortly after September 11th Bryant Gumbel, a television newscaster, interviewed Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz. He asked Anne “Why didn’t God stop this, or do something about it?” Anne Graham Lotz replied “For

years we have told God we didn’t want Him

in our schools, we didnt want Him in our government, and we didn’t want Him in our finances, and God was being a perfect gen tieman in doingjust what we asked Him to do. We need to make up our minds—do we want God or do we not want Him? We cannotjust ask Him in when disaster strikes.” Bryant Gumbel was silent.. .There will now be talk of world peace. Spiritually, everything but God is a zero. Therefore, spirituallywar and peace are noth ing. But externally war is the most dreadful thing. Unless war were absolutely necessary for the spiritual upheaval, I would never al low a war to be—never! But it is absolutely “..

necessary for spiritual reasons —LORD MEHER page 2327

by Bhau Kaichuri

LAnnouncements LAnnct Cooper

13aba Radio Show li Kane of Las Vegas tells us that she will be doing a radio show for Baba lovers called “Beloved” which will debut on Aug. 31st noon Pacific time. Baba lovers all over the world can tune in by logging on to: and going to where it says ‘click here to listen’. Youjust need Windows Media Player. The first show will feature an interview with Bhau Kaichuri, and with musician Mischa Rutenberg.

i: aura joode


3ay dllohler ay Mohier, former long time resident of Joshua Tree CA, and Anna Cooper, daughter of Owen Cooper and Cindy Ber nard, ofWalnut Creek CA, happilyjoined in marriage April 2 inWilmington NC. Both bride and groom left California to live near the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach, and now live atWilmington, sixty miles to the north ofMyrtle Beach. Anna is going to college, studying creative writing and sociology, and Jay is finishing up work on his first novel, and re-establishing his sign business parttime. For photos and statements about the marriage from both Anna and Jay, and for photos of the June 23rd reception held at the Briarcliffe Acres beach cabana, you can go to:


a,vou do bqj ,* one4undted pern with ailsuwe4 u*n z4 WLU kgiater than Zomj J1L

5haron J44uir b}lrt Classes his just in from Sharon and Harry Muir. (Sharon painted the superb Meditations in Coloi an art book released last year of her paintings of Meherabad and Meherazad. Harry tells us: j I have Just finished adding j the paintings Shi on did in Meherabad this year to the web site ttp www muirarts com ow most of Baba s folks are chronically short on cash so feel free to $ download any you like Ifyou really want the painting we can work out ‘ 1 installment payments [now that is an offer you cant refuse’] Sharon started teaching a water: color class at Meherabad last year : and plans to resume the classes when she gets back in November. Student skill levels ranged from never-held-a-brush to a recent art school graduate from Bombay and they all seemed to get something out of it. The class is free and even the supplies are furnished so here’s your chance to create a really great painting of Meherabad for the cost of a ticket to India. [These Muirs sure know how to treat you well!]







9reg 2<illmctster n May the 8th Laura Goode, the lady responsible for the beautiful Baba calendar hanging on your wall, plighted her troth to Greg Kilimaster (Scottish for Master ofthe Kiln). In a fit of”lovemadness” she wrote us the following piece: We met when I took his flimmaking class in college in Tennessee. I won’t tell you what went on during our brief affair but it was magical and mysterious and it wasn’t until 20 years later that we realized how deep and meaningful it all was. We reconnected via an internet email search 6 years ago. The doors of “lovemadness” opened our hearts and changed life as we knew it. I’m serious! I moved to San Rafael for greater work op portunity and to be closer to Greg in 1999 and we moved in together a year and a half later. After two years ofliving with teenag ers, Greg finally just went completely mad (with love or lack of brain function from living with my boys) and asked me “Why don’t we get married tomorrow?” I couldn’t think ofreason why not tomono so we did. We had contemplated marriage ceremonies of all types and in many parts of the world over two years. The “surprise’S wedding was fin, romantic and very very sweet. I can’t imagine a better way to get married. I love this lovemadness! You can see the lovemad couple at:


Eternal EI3eloved on Dndictn t7}





ue to the excellent efforts of Kishore Mistry, the Secretary of the Avatar Meher Baba Bombay Centre in Mumbai, the Baba video Eternal Beloved was shown on AASTHA TV Channel on May 1st. This telecast can reach 156 countries covering four continents. It beamed out to Asia, the Middle East, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Europe. Reminds me ofthe wonderfid little book Beamsfrom Meher Baba. No doubt just the right people He intended to, saw it.


2slationwide eetings 4 .JI/1eIicr ‘13aba cYl he following is information about the various Baba groups around the coun try and a few from overseas. Having received many requests for just such information, I thought it would be helpftil to include it in every issue. Ifyour local data is not included please send it to me and should things change from the published details, please let me know that before the next issu&s deadline. —Dma.

Hawaii Meredith Moon, Ph.D. Phone: 808-573-1188 or 808-572-6556 Fax: 808-573-1189 email: drmoon@upcountrvnet 1940 Olinda Rd. P0 Box 1269 (mail) Makawao, Maui, HI 96768 USA

Arizona We have a small group of 10 to 12 Baba folks here and our meeting schedule is in flux right now. We are always glad to connect with others and I can be contacted for information: Contact Dennis O’Keefe 1925 E. Linda Vista Dr. Flagstaff AZ 86004-1742 928-556-9276 or Laurent Weichberger Cell: 928-600-1820 No regular meetings Write Laurent Weichberger 7 E. Aspen Avenue, #11 FlagstafI AZ 86001

Montana Andy Shott 336 Connell Missoula, MT 59801 406-549-5949

Massachusetts Meher Baba Information Center Boston, Contact: Michael Siegell at 617-864-3997 or Linda Porelle at

Texas Chris &Anne Barker 3101 Skyline Drive Nacogdoches, TX 75965 936-560-2631

Colorado Meetings Sunday evenings at 7pm at vanous homes in the Denver-Metro area. Contact: Barbara A. Roberts 3475 Moore Count Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-5543 ( suburb of Denver) 303-238-4649 ( also the contact person for Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Arizona).

Delaware (Philadelphia PA and surrounding tn-state area) Bi-weekly meetings on Saturdays at pm. 4 Contact Frank Bloise 431 W. Garden Rd. Vineland, NJ 08360 tel: 856-696-4374

Mexico Rafael VUlafañe home, dialed from US: 0115255 5295 0512 cell, dialed from US: 0115255 5502 7225 email is best as I travel a lot: We have meetings about every month, in Mexico City at 7pm. No particular day, people on the list are contacted prior to the meeting. email addresses are preferred. I am also found in Cancun or Acapulco at times, so email me if you will be in those areas.

NewYork For information on meetings, contact our website: htnp:// or phone our info line, 212-971-1050, for weekly updates. Contact: Angela and George Chen 124 Pondfield Road West, Bronxville, NY 10708

Israel Michal Sivan 46 Hebnon Rd. Jerusalem 93513 email: Tel/fax: 0-2-6715835

Maine Group meets once a month on the third Sunday. We take turns hosting the gathering. It’s always at 1pm with potluck ftrst and then meeting. Contact: Connie and Doug Leavitt P0. Box 125 Spruce Head, ME 04859 207-594-0909 work 207-594-1968 evenings and weekends email: We also hold regular Discourse meeting on the first Sundayofeach monthfrom 6 to 7:30 Daniel and Carolyn Montague’s house in Owls Head. Please contact Noreen O’Brien RO.Box42 Rockland, ME 04841 207-594-2280 on or Ken Lux, P0 Box 1096, Auburn, ME 04211. 207-786-4300.

North Carolina Winnie Barrett, 22 Chunns View Drive, Asheville, NC 28805 also Peter and Debbie Nordeen, 5 Fern Street, Asheville, NC 28803

Northern California, Berkeley Write for information about meeting times and places: 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, CA 94704-1029 510-845 4339, (office phone number) or Ben Leet, 510-351 8259

Southern California, Los Angeles Meetings every Sunday at 3pm held in our Center “Mehenabode:” 1214 5 Van Ness Ave Los Angeles, CA 90019 323-731-3737 [just East of the intersection of Arling th Street] Center Website: ton and 12


oth Jlnniversctry of /lvcttar JlJ/Ielier E13aba’s 1952 ç.%utomobile Collision in ¶lrague, Oklahoma Dma Snow, Cherie Plumlee, Mickey Miorandi, and Murshida Weyland Connor May 23-26, 2002 nd May 22


I boarded the plane in Dallas (enroute from Los Angeles) I saw Leatrice John— son a guest speaker at the Anniversary, and further down the plane, Liam Mullen, having flown in from New Mexico and San Francisco respectively. On arrival at the Oklahoma City airport the three of us were most happy to see a sparkling 50 ‘ white minivan with th Anniversary’ on the side window, one of many provided by the organizers of the ‘Oklahoma Gathering’ to shuttle the hundred or so guests from the airport out to the sites. It was an hour and a half drive to St Francis in the Woods where we met for dinner that night. The first thing I noticed when I left the van was the air. A comedian once said when on an out oftown gig “I doth trust any air I can’t see!” Obviously he lived in Los Angeles. As do I, so when we took in the beautiful sur roundings, the lush green grass, countless trees, and a big lake with a noisily splashing fountain, I breathed deeply: warm, sweet air, with moisture in to relieve the dryness that LA air puts on your skin. Beautiftul! The official opening ceremonies were not until the next day; only about eight ofus had flown in on Wednesday. It was wonderful sitting around the table getting to know Margaret Burleson, daughter of the doctor whom Baba had chosen to attend to Him ‘chosen’ in that he was the only doctor at the Prague Municipal Hospital at the time of the accident, having built the Clinic two years before. Margaret, who was 10 in 1952, vividly remembers hearing the ambulance siren wailing, and running from her room to her favorite spot by the wall at the end of the garden to watch the ambulance unloading at the emergency room entrance, the Clinic being right next door. She tells us she was surprised to see two stretchers being carried out, as usually there


ing time with her and getting our questions answered. Baba had indeed made quite an impression on her, and she and her seven-year-old sis ter Beth had a marvelous time playing with Mani, who often used to come next door to their house to spend time with them. (Mani was particularly fascinated with the automatic washing machine!) Her motherJulia used to send a Christmas card to Mani until her, (Julia’s) passing in ‘93. Margaret said she was always so excited when she saw that another letter from Mani had arrived. When asked to describe Mani, Margaret responded : “Oh, she was magical!” Anne Barker had conceived the idea of a 50th Anniversary celebration almost two years ago. Eventually she and her husband Chris combined forces with Lynn Wilhite of Oklahoma City to plan the Gathering. It has taken an enormous amount of time and effort (not to mention money!) on their part to bring it to fruition. A very generous donation from Sufism Reoriented and also Meher Fund was one of the ways in which they were able to bring it all about. [Meher Fund Inc. is supported by donations from Baba lovers, and over the past 16 years has helped with diverse projects including medical, archival, film, video and audio, translation and publi cation of books by and about Meher Baba, and assistance with gatherings devoted to Meher Baba, such as the Oklahoma Gath ering.] Pat Dickson, Anne’s mother, did Trojan work registering over 100 people on Wednesday and Thursday as they poured in from around the country and then making sure that everybody had everything they needed. A great many States were represented, with the California contingent being the largest at 17. Although the four days included a


Meher Baba after the accident, 1952

was only one per accident. The two carried Baba and Mehera. Then followed the hearse, the only other vehicle available to transport all the wounded. In it was Elizabeth, Meheru and Mani. Elizabeth and Mehera were so badly wounded the doctors (specialists were called in from Oklahoma City shortly after) did not expect them to live. Meheru, a teenager at the time, damaged her wrists and ankles. Much to Mani’s distress, Baba spared her from any great suffering, as she had only abrasions. She told Him she wanted to share in His and Mehera’s suffering. But I jump ahead of my self. After dinner we all sat around plying Margaret with questions: Did she remember Baba? Did He make an impression on her? Did she get to spend any time with Him? Did she get to know Mani? And what was her father really like? We had heard so much about what an amazing man he was let’s hear it from his eldest daughter. Well we soon found out that Margaret was a veritable fount of knowledge and memories! It was truly a great delight spend—





tremendous number ofhappenings over a very large area, (the various sites were a few miles apart), I have to say it was the best-organized gathering I have ever attended! No detail was too small to be considered, such as hand lotion in all the ladies bathrooms, shampoo and nice washing soaps. We had been asked to bring our own sheets and a towel, but there were some for whom this was not possible, such as myself whose two suitcases were Ml ofgoodies from the Love Street Bookstore. For those of us, Anne had seen to it that there were big bags offresh linen, piflows and towels. Baba’s love abounded in all that they did. rd, at The program started Thursday the 23 pm. 3 Bhau had sent us a message to reath This 50th Anniversary is the reminder of Beloved Baba’s suffering for humanity. Baba had said, ‘America needs My blood, and I had to shed My blood there.” He said this in the 1930s, and after 1936, He did not go to America again until 1952. In the early 1950’s Baba had already completed His Manon ash (“MindAnnihilation”) work, and He was leading the Free Life. After Manonash, there were three phases: the Free Life, the Complicated Free Life, and the Fiery Free Life. After the Free Life, Baba went to America in order tolead the Complicated Free Life. Free Life, but Complicated. And what was the complication?’ He met with an accident, and He took upon Himselfthe burden ofhumanit Amer ica was the center for taking the burden. After this accident, Baba went back to India. He was not able to walk at the time, and Dr. Donkin made a cast for Baba’s leg. After 1952, He held public programs for the first time in many years. He visited different places all over India: the north, the south, central India and Maharashtra. This was His FieryFree Life. Fiery—but Free—Life. In this phase, He was burning the load of sanskaras in the fire of His Love. Wherever He went, 30,000, 50,000, 60,000 people would come for His darshan. Before starting the darshan program, He would wash the feet of seven poor people, bow down to them and give them a present.Then He would start giving darshan. And what was His darshan?

He would hand over one banana to each person. But the whole atmosphere would be surcharged with His bliss, and people would not leave the place of darshan. They would stand there for hours together. Only when Baba left would they leave. This was the re sult ofHis Complicated Free Life, which He was leading in America, and burnt the burden during His Fiery Free Life. We should never forget that the Beloved came down in human form to work for the Universe. Though He has dropped His body, He is still infinitely active, because He has to manifest universally. America is really fortunate because it became the center of His

Baba washing thefret ofthepooi 195Oc

Universal Woric Then, of course, India is where He took birth and started His mission of Universal Work. He was leading all these phases of His UniversalWork. One ofthe phases He led in America, through that accident. Afterwards, He met another accident in India. Therefore, America is very fortunate, because that is where He was living the Complicated Free Life and met with an accident to take up the burden. America will realize this fact when He manifests universally. Therefore, we, His lovers, should always remember Him and realize how He was suf fering for humanit and still He will be suf fering until His Universal Manifestation. Previously He was suffering physically, mentally and spiritually. But after dropping His body, He is suffering mentally and spintually. Therefore, let us help Him by obeying His Wish, and making our life the medium of

His remembrance. In this way, we will make our Beloved pleased. He will give much more than we expect from Him. He will give us that real gift, which will make us free from all bondages. With all love and Jai Babas to all the children of the Beloved who gather together to remember the day of His accident, when, in America, He took upon the burden of humanity Meheru also hadsent hergreetings: To Beloved Baba’s dear ones gathered here today in commemoration ofthe accident that occurred in Prague, Oklahoma on May 24, 1952. This accident that happened was no accident, but a planned eventby the Avatar ofthe Age to shed His precious blood for the world on the continent ofAmer ica, and with Him were some of his close women Mandali. Even at the time of extreme pain and suffering, His Silence’ was unbroken and He showed what true love can be when He thought not of Himself but of His beloved Mehera first. That He allowed Mehera, the one dosest to Him, to participate in this event and thus intensify many fold His own suffering, shows how much He has done and has kept on doing and giving to the world throughout His physical life here. He has shown His lovers in diverse ways how infinite is this love that flows from Him, who is Love Personified. Let us hold ever dear in our hearts this love He has showered on us and accept with equanimity the difficulties we may face in our lives as gifts from Him -just asking ofBeloved Baba that He keeps His Divine Nazar on us all. What greater blessings can we ask? Avatar Meher Baba là Jai with love from one and all of your Meherazad family, Mehem. As the ice breaker, our Master of Cere monies, Jeff Maguire, entertained us with a game of (Non)-Tnivial Pursuit (a la Meher Baba) inwhichwe ascended up the planes with every correct answer, with the East Coasters pitted against the West Coasters. Lynne Wil hite then told us what to expect over the next three days and gave us a little history lesson of Oklahoma with some interesting ideas thrown in. She told us about the infamous


Trail ofTears: The Cherokee Trail of Tears, 1838-1839, was part of: the forced relocation of Native American Indians from their ancestral homelands in the south and east of the United States to lands set aside in Oklahoma. On May 23, 1838, the Cherokee roundup began. In October, 1838, the Trail of Tears began for most Cherokees as 15,665 were forced to march under blizzard conditions in the winter; many young children and old people froze to death, or starved, or died ofheatstroke during the summer. The first survivors of this brutal march arrived injanuary 1839 and the last group a few months later. More than 5,400 had died on the journey. Meher Baba’s route in May, 1952, after He left His Center in Myrtle Beach, follows or closely ?arallels the middle route ofthe Trail ofTears. Tahlequah is a bit north east of Prague. There are now 39 Indian Nations in Oklahoma, several of which we passed on our journey from the Saint Francis ofthe Woods retreat site east of Guthrie to Meeker and Prague on Highway 62. Lynn said it had occurred to her that Baba chose Oklahoma for the place on which to shed His blood on American soil not only because it was in the dead center of the United States, but possibly for added reasons known only to Him. There was the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 that took 168 lives; a terrible tornado a few years later that also struck in Oklahoma City [normally not in the ‘tornado alley’] that wiped out 47 businesses and de stroyed 10,500 homes killing 44 and woundling 748. And then there was the ifim Oklahoma that had two Baba lovers in it [Margaret Craske’s dancers Tex Hightower and Bunty Kelly] that is currently enjoying a revival on Broadway. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Chalkup yet another tragedy to Oklahoma I only heard about this when I was back in Los Angeles. Sunday morning as we were performingArti at the Gathering, a huge barge smashed into the pylons of an Interstate 40 bridge over the Arkansas river in Oklahoma, sending a dozen or more cars, traveling at 70 —




absolutely fascinating story of Mehera and Baba’s life together. It is notyetprinted —we are hoping it will be available by year’s end but David had asked Ed Flanagan to read us the chapters detailing the events of Baba’s automobile collision. It has always been referred to as “Baba’s accident,” but in acmality it was not an accident. It was an event that Baba had planned in great detail, to our knowledge, atleast 20 years before.Just one ofthe hints that He had given was in the little flower He handed to Elizabeth Patterson, 20 years to the day before the collision, teffing her to keep it, and mark well the date on which He gave it to her. She didn’t come across this flower, which she had pressed in the pages of her bible, till many years after the accident. She realized then it was His way ofletting her know it was all His will, and she was in no way to blame for the accident, even though she had been driv ing the vehicle. Ed gave us three 35-40 mmute readings over the course of the Gathering. Unfortunately I have had to edit it down to the next six pages, but I’m sure you’ll find your appetite whetted to read the entire Divine Romance when you see what amazing detail there is here how careftilly David has recorded every word and nuance ofthe Mandali’s conversations. —

Baba with Murshida Duce and Charmian.

miles an hour, over the edge and into the swiftly flowing river 62 feet below. Fourteen people were killed. One ofthe rescuers attrib uted his ability to save people to “a Higher Power.” The downed bridge will cause the re-routing of thousands of travelers onto nearby Highway 64 Baba’s highway for many months to come. Hmmm... In the Bookstore report of the April LampPost, I had told you about the book that was 15 years in the making, —

Mehera-Mehei The Divine Romance.

David Fenster is the author and he has put together the years of interviews with Mehera and the other women Mandali into one incredibly detailed, Meherjee, Ni/u, Sarosh andAdi in Myrtle Beach, 1952

her ‘Do you have your insurance papers?’ Elizabeth told Baba that she kept them in Youpon Dunes. Baba insisted she stop on the way and collect them. Nine persons trayeled with Baba in two cars. In the first, driven by Elizabeth, were Baba, Mehera, Mani, and Meheru; in the second, a sta tion wagon driven by Sarosh, were Kitty, . Rano, Goher, and ‘ ‘ : Delia. .;. : As they drove . through the hills of • Tennessee, at one point they saw written in enormous let. . . . ters on a hill: JESUS CHRIST IS COM ‘, Miui:chida Try Duct’, iWaiii, C/,armian aizd Gohei; Mehera, Baba, Meheru. Justfouryears befon the accident, Thiba had assembled the cast of ING. “Here was Baba players in India. sitting in the car with us,” Mani noted ironically, “driving past that c.Avatctr’s sign. After a few miles, another sign read: IS HERE. For us it was a secret we JESUS 4 L/ knew He was here!” Mehera too remembered, Excerpts from: “It was so lovely to be in the car with Baba Mehera-Meher: A Divine Romance and see that sign.” Before setting out each © 2000 David Fenster eher Baba left Meher Center in Myrtle day, Baba warned Sarosh repeatedly to keep Beach on Tuesday, 20 May 1952, up with Elizabeth’s ca; to follow closely, but around 2 p.m. Most ofthe men Mandali —Adi this was not easy to do. In Chattanooga, Sr., Meherjee, Nilu, Gustadji, and Don had Sarosh lost sight of Baba’s car again. When left the previous day, with instructions to drive he at last found them, Baba declared, “I will straight to California and prepare for Baba’s never forgive you ifit happens again.” Those arrival. Baba’s original plan was to spend nine traveling with Baba noticed that He had been days driving across America, reaching another out ofsorts since theyleft Myrtle Beach. “The Baba center Meher Mount in Ojai, Cali— purpose in leaving Myrtle Beach was to have fornia on 29 May. According to Mehera, it a nice drive across America,” said Meheru, was Ivy Duce who suggested to Baba, “Why “to see the countr the Grand Canyon, and not come to California and the girls can see so on. Instead, we noticed that Baba’s mood a bit more of America.” Mehera especially was irritable. He would get out of mood very easily over little things that He would usually wanted to see the Grand Canyon. have forgiven quickly. We would say amongst Fills came to the Guest House to say good‘It is so unlike Baba. He would usu ourselves, bye. “Baba and the group were getting ready pass.’ A few days before the mistakes ally let for the journey,” Filis recalled. “Baba seemed particularly annoyed with He got accident, completely different that day.The weather too was tension in the atmo There something. was different wild and stormy. I had never Baba had been so we realized Later, sphere. seen Baba look that way. He’d always been like what was to happen, He knew upset because Krishna, happy andloving. Now His eyes were most of all, but, own injury for His only not strange and His hair was flying. I was com to Mehera.” happen to ofwhat was because ing out of the Guest House, when I spotted Beach, Baba had Myrtle leaving Since Baba. On the alphabet board, He told me to car, the second in ride Dr. Goher made call Elizabeth and when she came, Baba asked while Mehera, Mani, and Meheru rode with •






73lood on mericctn .Soil



him. “I used to feel so sad,” she confessed. “I wondered, ‘Why does Baba make me sit in another car?’ Baba, I don’t want to be in that car. Why don’t you let me sit with you in your car? ‘No, no,’ He said, ‘you should sit in the other car.’ Later, I realized I had to be there to look after them. I shouldn’t be involved in the accident.” On the misty Saturdaymorning of24 May, Baba was in a serious mood before starting at 5:45 a.m. He again warned Sarosh to stay close, but once theyleft, He kept telling Eliz abeth to drive faster. Normally, Elizabeth was a slow cautious driver; this time, Baba insisted that she go faster. “But Baba, I am hitting 90,” she said at one point. “Go faster,” He replied. After taking a zigzag route through Okmulgee, they passed through the town of Prague, barreling westward across the roffing countryside. It had rained the night before, and the road was slick. At 10:15 a.m., eight miles outside of town, Elizabeth saw a car coming towards them on the wrong side of the road. As she described it: “Suddenly, I saw a car coming at me, at a very high speed. It swerved from its right side of the road in front ofmy car for no reason that I could see. I put on my brakes with all force and gave the other car as much room as possible, and kept my car as far to the right-hand side of the road as I could without going into the ditch. My car was hit very badly on the left front by the other car.”The other driver later reported: “I was going east in a 1952 Mercury sedan, when I saw a mail truck stopped in front of me. I slowed down, but when doing this, my brake froze on one side, which gave the car the tendency to turn left. In doing so, I made a U-turn across the highway and offthe road. Then the Nash came at a pretty good speed and hit me in the rear.” When the two cars coffided, the other car spun around out ofcontrol, while Elizabeth’s Nash came to a dead halt, its front end smashed beyond repair.

The impact was tremendous: It threw Baba andMehera out ofthe car, andpinnedElizabeth behind the steering wheel. Mani had been resting in the back seat. She remembered: ‘1was leaning back. Meheru andMehera couldsee the car coming towards us. They said, Raba, Baba, oh, its coming!’ I thought to myself ‘Tsk, tsk. Lookat them. Baba’s right in the car. Nothing will happen.’ I was dozing and had both my legs up on the

seat when the accident occurred. I got severe “I came on Mehera first,” Meheru conprofuselyfrom His mouth. His whiplash.To this day, I sometimes suffer pains tinued. “She was bleeding profusely from a arm and leg were also bleeding. I from it. When I came to, I saw Elizabeth deep wound on her forehead, caused by the had a hanky and was wiping the slumped over in the front and thought she impact with the dooi as she was flung out. blood. Goher was rushing back was dead. I still remember that beautiflil little She was crying out in pain, saying how much andforth between Baba and hat Elizabeth had on, with a veil in the front it was hurting her. It was unbearable pain, she Mani was in shock.” Mehera. it was fill ofblood, everything was bloody said. Even today I can still hear her cries of at the time. I found myselfalone in the back pain ringing in my ears. I called to Mani to Goher recalled: “I went straight to Baba seat. Baba and Mehera were not there.” come and be with Mehera. Trembling like a as soon as I arrived. Baba was just lying Elizabeth’s car had landed there. It looked superficially between two ditches that bor as ifnothing had happened to dered the driveway to a farmHim. When I first saw Him, house, where StanleyJ. Moucka he had a serious expression and his family lived. Baba was on His face, a far-away flung out ofthe right front door, look. I thought nothing had and Mehera from the right happened to Him; He was backseat door. Mr. Moucka sprawled on the ground, but rushed out with blankets to I thought it was from being cover the injured. He stopped thrown out of the car. Then I a passing car, whose passengers saw He was bleeding through were a couple on their way to the nose. Baba pointed to His the Prague Clinic to have a leg, so I felt and saw that it baby. They promised to sumwas a fracture. His arm too mon an ambulance to the scene. was fractured. When the ‘I remember before Sarosh’s car ambulance people came, I came,” Mani continued “being warned them about it. They on my knees by Baba and Mehad to put a splint on it and hera. My dress was covered with lift Him by the other leg. “We mud and blood.” Meheru was at were also concerned about Delia, Mehera, andBaba in Myrtle Beachjust weeks before the accident. first rendered unconscious, but Mehera, who was semi-conthen quickly regained consciousness. “My last leaf I went to Baba, who was lying face down scious. What was to be done about the men memorybefore the impactwas Mehera calling in the damp mud. I tried to lift His head, but who were to lift Mehera? We asked Baba, out, ‘Baba, Baba,’ continuously” she said. “I put myhands would not function. I sat in the mud ‘What about Mehera? She has to be lifted my hands in front of my face. I was knocked with my knee bent towards Baba, andwith ef into the ambulance and then the doctors unconscious against the front seat.” The im fort raised His head and placed His forehead are going to touch her.’ Baba said, ‘It is all pact ofthe accident caused Elizabeth’s glasses on my knee, so that He could breathe. I sat right. I am there.’” to fly off hitting Meheru in the face; the lens there like this till help arrived.” The police arrived. When the stretcher The three occupants ofthe other car were was brought, Baba pointed to Mehera, to shattered and cut her face, leaving scars that did not heal for some time. The facial injuries uninjured! help her first. Baba did not say anything in After 15 minutes, Sarosh’s car arrived the ambulance, but His expression was grim. were minor compared to the deep gash on Meheru’s forehead, above the corner of her with Delia, Kitt Rano, and Goher. Both He was still bleeding. Rano mopped up the left eye, where fine glass from one lens was of Meheru’s eyes were bruised black and blood and tried to staunch its flow as best she lodged. One ofMeheru’s hands was fractured blue, due to the impact against the top edge could. Mehera’s forehead too was bleeding, slightly; her other wrist sustained a cut, and of the front seat; her neck received a bad and she had vomited a bit of blood. the bone of that arm was cracked, as well. whiplash injury and her legs and feet had The victims were wheeled into “But I didn’t have time to think about what deep cuts and bruises. Rano leapt out: “All I the hospital, and Dr. Ned thinking was was, ‘Where is Baba?’ wasn’t I was wrong with me,” Meheru stated. worrying about anyone else. I couldn’t find Burleson, thephysician who “Shaken with the shock and Baba anywhere. I rushed up to the car and hadfounded the Prague Clinic, trembling, I managed with found Elizabeth wedged against the steercommented afterwards, “I had effort to get out ofthe car. I ing wheel. She was saying, ‘Please, someone, never in my life seen so much immediately went to Baba and help the gentleman. Would somebody please blood and mud.” take care of the gentleman?’ Then I found Mehera, who were much worse At the hospital, Mehera and Elizabeth someone had lifted Him and brought Him off both lying on the ground, were taken directly to the operating up onto the ofthe side embankment and put near the car, by the side of the theater. Elizabeth’s hand was paralyzed, a blanket Him. on road. Baba’c leg and arm were as the nerve in her arm was pinched. Dr. Baba was trying to gesture ractured, His nose was broken, Burleson was eager to free the nerve so that that His hands and legs were His tongue cut. Mehera was no permanent damage would be done. In hurt. Blood was gushing moaning in pain. addition, Elizabeth had broken both arms, . . .


her collarbone, and eleven ribs. Dr. Burleson recounted: “The ambulance brought the victims of the accident into the hospital about 11:00 a.m. May 24th. As usual, I began attending the first one that was brought in, which happened to be Mrs. Patterson. By the time I had determined the major extent ofher injuries, theybrought in Mehera Irani, who was irrational from her head injury She had the most critical injury of all. I remember while I was cleaning and picking the particles of glass out of Meheru’s frontal bone, Dr. Irani began urging me to come and see about Baba. of course, I had no idea who ‘Baba’ was and barely heard her because of the concentration on what I was doing. We had been compelled to give Meheru 15 grams of pentothal [general anesthetic] in order to keep her quiet while we attended to her; and I wanted to get through with that job before the anesthetic wore off so that I would not have to give her any more.” Goher explained: I was mostly concerned

gentleman. The bleeding must be stopped.’ I couldn’t do anything, because how could I interfere? But I asked him, ‘Can I plug the nose?’ In the end, he agreed to let me do it. I put gauze packing in Baba’s nose to stop the bleeding. Baba was lying there all the while, uncomplaining. Very quiet, never saying whether it was paining. He pointed out what had been hurt so we could know. He would say, ‘Go and see that Mehera is getting proper attention.’ So I was there with Mehera also while Dr. Burleson was

All the houses were shut. This wasn’t like India where life proceeds, always outside. The first house I approached, the man peered through the screen door and then slammed the door shut. I said, ‘Now, what shall I do? I must have this cup of something hot!’ It was a matter oflife and death to me at that moment. I went to two more doors. I said, ‘Baba, whichever you want.’ I knocked again. A woman opened this time just a few inches but when she looked me in the eyes, she opened the door. She didn’t have any coffee in the house, but gave directions where I could buy a cup of coffee, and she even gave me a nickel to buy it with. I walked there. —


Ifrit all alone in the great big world. I ordered the coffee. Doing all these things alone was a new experiencefor me. The coffre tasted so good. Life surged into me after having that cup of coffee!

“I went back to the room. After a while, Sarosh came and said, ‘Come on, we have Mani andMehera in Myrtle Beachjust weeks before the accideni to go!’ I said, ‘No, Sarosh, first about Baba and Mehera. I told I want some money.’ ‘Which one?’ He put talked to Dr. Burleson. I was under the stitching up the scar. About Mehera, I of some coins in his hand, and I chose the nickimpression that this waslike avillage hospital. him, ‘The injury is deep into the base I didn’t know if the doctor was capable of the skull, not just on the surface. We must el. I went back to the helpful woman, but anything. I explained to him who Baba was. call in a specialist, a neurosurgeon, to check she refused to take it. Finally, I said, ‘Please ‘Doctor, this man is our Master,’ I said, ‘our her condition.’ He agreed and sent for one accept it as a souvenir from an Indian girl spiritual leader. We are His followers, and at from Oklahoma City [Dr. Harry Wilkins]. who came to your house for a cup of coffee,’ any cost you must save His life.’ “I wanted Meanwhile, he put Baba’s leg into plaster. and the woman took the coin.” About the accident Baba later dictated: to know if he could set fractures. Could he He gave Baba an anesthesia to set the leg. do it? He began telling me that he did major I was very strong during the crisis . . . up “The personal disaster, for some years foreoperations. He called me into his office. I until the whole thing in the hospital.” At told by me, at last happened while crosswas trying to find out how he was going one point Goher totally broke down. Mani ing the American continent causing me to handle all these cases. ‘It’s not possible arrived at the clinic, covered with mud and much mental and physical suffering. It was for you to handle all these cases,’ I said. blood and had to shake her by the shoulders necessary that it should happen in America. ‘Why don’t you inform some consultants.’ to get her to stop crying. “This is not the God willed it so.” Baba went on to state that He said, ‘Nearby, in Oklahoma Cit there time to cry,” she scolded. “Things have to this was according to a plan He had put forth is a large hospital. If need be, we will call be done. You have so much to do.” But in a previous circular, which said that until them. But before that, let’s see how much I Mani herself was not immune to feelings 10 July, weakness would dominate strength can handle myself’ Dr. Burleson was doing ofdespair. “After Baba, Mehera, and all were and bindings would dominate freedom in everything he could, first to Mehera and attended to,” she continued, “Mrs. Burleson the Complicated Free Life. From 10 July, then Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Baba continued brought some warm water and washed my strength would dominate weakness and freeto bleed from the nose. I didn’t mind the feet and dress. I was taken with Delia to a dom would dominate bindings in his Full fracture not being set, but the bleeding was small room at a motel. Delia went to sleep Free Life. From 15 November, both strength going on and on. He was bleeding so much in another room. I broke down and cried and weakness, freedom and bindings would through the nose and swallowing so much and cried. Then I was all right. Then I knew be consumed in the fire of Divine Love of of it. Rano kept mopping it up. I went back again there were things to do, work to do the Fiery Free Life. The outcome of this to Burleson, who was busy in the theater. I . . . but I was feeling so weak. I needed a hot cryptic message remained to be seen. Most significantly, Baba had allowed his kept telling him, ‘You have to attend to the drink. I went outside to find a cup of coffee. :





treasured beloved, Mehera, to share in His suffering. “Baba did not spare Mehera the physical sufferings she went through on the two occasions she accompanied him to the West,” Meheru emphasized. Baba was always so careful to shield Mehera from any sort of mental or physical suffering yet on both her trips to the West, she suffered terribly. As Bhau has explained, Meher Baba’s primary work as the Avatar is the destruc tion of His circle’s sanskaras individually, and humanity’s collectively; to facilitate the progress of the spiritual evolution of creation. Mehera and the other women’s sufferings are emblematic of the amount of work that Meher Baba was required to do to wipe out the massive accumulation of ‘Western’ sanskaras. Baba had said that women would do His work in the West, and this was part of it. It is also possible that the three pas sengers in the car that struck Baba’s represented different aspects of maya: The driver was an amputee taking prescription painkillers; his fiancée, an alcoholic, was in and out ofmental institutions; her mother, a devout Christian, turned to God for spiritual sustenance. Hence, through this accidentcrucifrcion, Meher Baba confronted all three types of suffering physical, mental, and spiritual and took them on Himself for the sake of humanityc Ivy Duce, her daughter Charmian, and Margaret Craske arrived in Prague on the 25th. Charmian was given the duty of taking the soiled clothes to a laundromat. “There was so much blood,” she recailed. For days, Mehera remained in critical condition, deeply sedated, and then semiconscious. Baba sent Goher to Mehera’s room repeatedly to see whether Mehera had regained consciousness. He instructed Sarosh that if Mehera were to die, Sarosh should make arrangements to have her body cremated, and to take her ashes back to Meherabad for burial. “Goher was all the time coming and telling Baba about Mehera,” said Adi Sr. “Mehera’s condition was hopeless. Every doctor was pessimistic about her chances. Baba was so much concerned about Mehera. When Goher talked to Baba about her, we were not to be present. There was to be no talk about Mehera in front of us. No thought, no sight, no topic about her in our presence. “Though Baba was so badly injured, with facial bruises and fractures of the left arm [upper humerus] and leftieg [both the tibia and fibula], it was Mehera He thought of —

asking that she be attended to first. Baba was so concerned for her, and each day asked af ter her progress in the hospital.” A few days after she had regained consciousness, she was able to walk to His room to see Him. Onjune first, a few days after Mehera had come to His room, Baba sent her this mes sage: “This is the greatest of my sufferings, and it is the last; and since you as my beloved had to bear half the share, it has made me feel very proud and happy. This separation from you makes me feel very restless, and I keep on thinking ofyour sufferings but in three or four days time we will meet, and all will be well then, and we will recover soon. You will have all your desires fulfilled, and I will make you very happy. I will tell you everything after we meet. In the meantime, during these three-four days, you must let Goher clean and treat your eyes. —

“We haveyet very long to live and enjoy real happiness; therefore, you must not worry, think, orfeel nervous. Baba is withyou always and thinks ofyou every second ofthe day. You must not worry,just be relaxed, and rest.” Margaret said “It would have worried Mehera terribly to know the ftill extent of Baba’s injuries, and she was too iii to worry. So we never spoke to her then about Baba’s injuries. Later on, Mehera asked about Baba. It was good she didn’t see him at the time of the accident, as His arm was broken and His face was in a state.” Kitty concurred: “Baba hid his suffering from Mehera, as she would have suffered more had she been fully conscious and seen him lying there suffering. Mehera was not able to see for about ten days. We kept teffing her that Baba was going to be all right, that He was getting better. Mehera never insisted on seeing Baba; with Baba, one never insisted on anything.” The extent to which Baba shielded Mehera was not apparent even to the other women Mandali until years later. For many years, the women never discussed the accident, as they knew it would upset Mehera. One day, Mani happened to be describing to Mehera what a shock it was for her to see Mehera and Baba lying on the ground in pools of blood. “But that’s not what happened,” Mehera asserted, and she related this experience: “I was not sleeping at the time of the accident [like Mani]; I was not nodding off. I always liked to look out at the scenery But that time,

what happened I doiñ know. I did not see the accident happen. The only thing I knew was that I saw a vision. We were in the car. Baba was in the front seat, and our car bumped into another car. There was a big, very forceful jolt. I saw Baba in the front seat turn quickly around and ask me, Are you hurt, Mehera, are you hurt?’ I put my hand on my forehead to hide the injury and said, ‘No, Baba, not much,’ because I did not want Baba to worry Twice Baba asked me if I was hurt. I kept saying that I hadn’t been hurt much, so that He would not worrv “So I saw Baba sitting in the front seat and that I am hurt. When I regained consciousness, I had no idea that Baba was hurt. But I remembered the vision. I was unconscious and did not know anything about how the accident happened. It was Baba’s grace that I was unconscious and did not see Him lying in blood. How it happened, I did not see. That was Baba’s grace.” Mani, too, then realized that Baba, in His compassion, had veiled Mehera from further suffering. Meheru, likewise, was amazed by Mehera’s account: Meheru had witnessed the terrible pain Mehera had been in immediately after the accident, yet Mehera had no memory ofit now. But even so, when she became aware of it, Mehera felt deeply Baba’s suffering. Later, she elaborated: “Baba went through this suffering, inconvenience, and discomfort. Many people have accidents and go through them, but this is different. Baba was taking on the suffering for others. Plus, to bear the pain while on silence! One would like to moan and groan, to say, ‘My leg hurts, I feel uncomfortable,’ to let others know. But Baba’s lips were always tight so that not a sound should escape. Baba did not let a word escape from His lips. Not one sound, not one word did He speak. What control, even in such pain! Yet Baba observed His silence and didiñbreak it. Ifmaya came in the way, His work always came first even more than His health. So much love Baba had. So what must He have done for each one of us? That is why we are here [as His lovers]. That is why we feel love for Baba, because He has loved each one very dearly. Even those who do not follow Him, to them also Baba has given a push. But more, especially, to us who have so much connection. Baba has said even our near and dear ones will benefit from our connection. So great is Baba’s grace.” “It was very sad,” Mehera concluded. “Baba couldn’t talk, now he couldn’t walk. He suffered. Baba was the Ancient One. God, who came on this earth, walked on this earth and blessed it and yet He willed His leg to be hurt in the car accident. We were so eager —


to go to California. Several times Baba told Elizabeth to go faster faster, until she was going 90 miles per hour. Baba knew we must be at that spot at the exact time. Even that sort of sacrifice He made. The body suffers. It is physical, human. Avatars don’t use their powers not to suffer; they feel every bit of pain. Baba saidjesus felt every pain a normal body would feel on the cross. Baba always referred to Jesus as being brave, of having the cour age to withstand a difficult advent, the hard times he was born in.” Meher Baba’s advent was proving no less. Elizabeth too had had a “vision” at the moment of impact: In hers, she described feeling Baba actually “pulling her” back into her body, so that she would not die then.

Baba spent 12 days at the Prague Clinic. Dr. Goher and the Mandali were impressed by the concerned care of Dr. Burleson, 48, and his wife, Julia, 47. ‘4midst the chaos oftreating so many patients,” Mani recalled, “Dr. Burleson was absolutely calm when we arrived. It was as if in this Avataric drama, Dr. Burleson and his Clinic were there in Prague only to administer to Baba and to Mehera, as if Burleson had built this tiny clinic two years earlierjust for Baba.” Dr. Burleson himselfsaid: “After Baba began to feel better, about the fourth day, I was surprised at His obviously genuine interest in me and my family, and He rather embarrassed me at times because of His compliments. I was not prepared for all of the compliments and courtesy and the good manners of ev eryone in the part but especially Baba. He made me feel like I was the greatest doctor on earth. Sarosh Irani also embarrassed me with his compliments. My wife told me that if I were around them much longer I would get a big head.” The Burlesons’ daughter, Margaret, later narrated how her parents happened to be living in Prague: Ned Burleson was born in Wortham, Texas, and the family moved to Norman, Oklahoma, when Burleson was 12 or 13. They had just enough money to buy lumber for a floor and canvas to make a tent. His father got ajob as thejanitor of Norman High School and worked there until he died. The familylaughed when Ned told them that

About Meher Baba’s arrival in their midst, Margaret related: “When the accident happened, Daddy came home and told us that a bunch of Indians had been hurt in a car wreck. I was disappointed to learn that they weren’t American Indians. (I loved Indians and wanted to be one!) But I was also a bit fascinated to learn theywere from India. For a ten-year-old girl in Prague, Oklahoma, India was another world, and ‘real Indians’ were quite mysterious. I remember Sarosh and some of the others, but mostly I remember Mani. She was beautiftil. I thought she was about the nicest lady I had ever met. It seemed to me that Mani was at our house quite a lot. I wanted her there all the time. No one knewwhat to think about Baba. With so many people around, I knew He was very Di: Ned Burleson special. One day, my seven-year-old sister, he was going to become a doctor since they Beth, and I were taken into Baba’s room. He had no moneyfor higher education. Ned then had His alphabet board. I remember standing put himselfthrough medical school, doing all just to His right while someone told us what sorts ofoddjobs. In 1927, he marriedjulia, a He was saying. I don’t remember what He native of Lindsay, Oklahoma. After medical said, but I will never forget how He looked at school, the couple moved to Borger, Texas, me. Even now, I remember ‘drowning’ in His where they worked during the Depression. huge eyes and feeling like something extraor “This was during the Dust Bowl days. I think dinarywas happening. I felt itwas very special they were there about six months. Mother that Beth and I were allowed to see Him. I couldn’t stand the wind and dirt, no flow- wanted to see Him again, but didn’t know ers or grass. She and Daddy came back to how to ask. I was so curious; mainly, I wanted Oklahoma City and began to look for a nice to ask Him why He wouldn’t talk to me, why small town to He used that begin again strange board if lives their He didn’t have medi and to. My parents cal practice.” never talked ulia Burleson Baba about J continues the very much after story: “At one everyone left. As of the medical a child, I wanted supply shops, to know about we were told Him. After this there was an event in our opening in lives, my father I Prague. The went to church Margaret and Beth Burleson 1952 local doctor every Sunday had died that summer. One morning, we and faithfully supported it financially. He drove to Prague and looked it over. Though began to read every night Mstor geology, small, it was relatively clean. So we moved to the life of Christ, medicine so much inPrague. There was a small clinic there with formation. It was almost a ritual. I think he the doctor’s family living at the back. When had a real spiritual awakening. I am sure he he died, the widow wanted Ned to run the never connected any ofthis to Baba. I have to hospital, but he built his own.” Margaret believe that Baba had touched him in a way Burleson concluded: “Daddy was the most Daddy would never consciously know. One generous person I have ever known. While has to be fairly well secure able to think, his family was always well cared for, most of explore, and believe independently to be his earnings were put back into the hospital able to contemplate embracing the idea of to support it. Daddy gave so many people free Meher Baba being the Avatar God, as medical care. He took all kinds ofproduce as Christ is God. For a man such as my father, payment. He was a very special man.” Baba was so foreign, so unfathomable, and :;







I’m sure even threatening although maybe not consciously.” [At one of her talks, Margaret read us the letter that her father had sent to Baba.] When the time came to leave, the plan originally was for Baba, Mehera, Elizabeth, and two attendants to flyfrom Oklahoma City to Myrtle Beach; but, according to Elizabeth, because of fog and inclement weather over Tennessee, they decided instead to return to Myrtle Beach by cars and ambulances, driving the entire way. A man from Thompson Ambulances in Oklahoma City drove, along with the nurse in Elizabeth’s ambulance. J ulia Burleson referred to Mehera always as “the lady.” She asked to be kept informed about her condition when Mani returned to India. Mani asked what reactions Mehera was likely to suffer from the concussion. “At the very least she will get severe headaches,” she was told. This was worrisome. Mehera was not accustomed to being ill, and whenever Mehera was sick, she never bore it well. The —



miracle was that after the accident, when Mehera recovered, she never suffered from headaches. Dr. Burleson’s wife wrote later to ask whether Mehera was having headaches from her injuries. Mani wrote back: “It isn’t Mehera who gets headaches but me! It was re ally Baba protecting hei” Mani concluded. he organizers had seen to it that we were continually entertained with a great va riety of wonderful guest speakers Leatrice J ohnston (Jean and Darwin Shaw’s daughter), Charmian Duce Knowles (Murshida Duce’s daughter), Margaret and Beth Burleson, Esfandiar Vesali, (one ofthe Prem Ashram boys who, besides Aloba, is the only one extant I believe) formerly oflran now residing in Los Angeles, Vishnu Hade, Vice Consul ofthe Indian Embassy in Houston and long time Baba lover, and Philip Lutgendorfwho, 30 years ago, went in search ofthe accident site. Billy Goo drum from Los Angeles and Elaine Cox from NewJersey supplied the music. During Billy’s


Friday night session he was joined by three sit in musicians, Keith Gunn on bass, John Gunn on bongos, and our host, Chris Barker on drums. Chris had hitherto kept his profes sorial demeanor as he circulated amongst us making sure we were all well behaved. (You know how Baba lovers can get, when carried away by thejoy ofit all!) But when the music gets to Chris, he becomes a wild man! He was a master ofhis djembe- an African version of the conga drum. With rousing numbers like Gate chello, Billy soon had most everybody on their feet dancing for our Lord. To everyone’s surprise and delightMurshida Weyland Conner was a guest speaker. She gave a very interesting talk, broadening our knowledge, not just of the actual facts of the event, but the esoteric meaning behind it all. Excerpts from her talk are following. The Librarian from St Francis of the Woods, one of the places in which the attendees were billeted, was so enthralled by Murshida’s talk that she then asked to buy .




Jlakher EI3abds Work in Americct: The Okkilwma .Acczdent


is a pleasure to talk this evening about Baba’s Prague accident, a story that will one day be told and retold, a favorite from the life of the great Kalki Avatar Tonight, we have the privilege of exploring together some meanings that can be assigned to Meher Baba s Oldahoma accident In order to do this, we will begin by taking a large canvas—one about the size of Creation’—and fill in a fewbroad brush strokes We will first delineate, in bold outhne, the major thrust of Meher Baba s work in this advent Then we will go on to fill in important background about Baba s specific work with America When we have completed this design, we will 4inish by painting on our canvas the coloitL noisnant details ofthe I Oklahoma tent At this porn we shouldbe abIstep back and appreqate * the passion of the accident depicted on our canvas, in its broadest meanings So let us begin In the early 1930 s, Meher Baba began to make explicit to His followers the nature and scope ofHis major work during this advent Before departing on His second Furney to Europe and America in 1932,Hearniounced to HisMandali




During thisperiod ofmy Avatarhood, Ihave to cleanse the world completely This overhauling will last a thousand years ‘


1 932

dictated at this time Babawrote, I intend bringing about a great spiritual revival m, the near future utilizing the tremendous amount of energy possessed by America for this urose From these statements we infer that Baba had singled out America to play a key role in the majorwork ofHis advent—t work of giving a general spiritual push t mankind nericag the outstan candite for this role, since Baba co 4 lay hot1 ofthe unique qualities possessed by America to catalyze His universal transformation



What is your mission” the reporter ked “To bring about a spiritual regenratton of mankind—of all, the East and the W&t” Baba spelled out on His alphabet board In an interview with the LosAngeles Tzmei that same year, Baba specified more precisely how this would be achieved, alluding to the special role America was to play do you hope to accomplish in the j lthough it would therefore be wrong United States the reporter queried ..tkO say that America was uniquely n i. i arepe suited to aid Babas Universal Worki’ because of its realized spiritual qualities, 2lgeneralawakening which will ‘y. 7 7 7 it would be correct to say that Baba was 7 7 affect tne wiioie of manina drawn to America because of its great In that same year Baba repeated this key potential for spirituality Indeed, Baba idea to an Italian journalist The spiritual &sclosed m an interview at Myrtle Beach renewal that you ask about is not very far in 1952 ‘America is destined lead the off and I am going to bring it about in the world spintually (italics added) Inthe near future utilizing the tremendous amount course of His advent Baba did not make of misapplied energy possessed by Americafor tiianyrecorded statements about America this purpose He also reiterated this critical er those that Baba did make were idea once again in a general message that and consistent in their repetition /‘

ofthree key ideas describing attributes of Eecame indignant and cried out Certainly He felt that elements ofthe culture were not by radio’ Baba spelled out to Meredith currently misdirected, as we know, He felt America uefiul for Babas wo4 it had singular underlying potential He on His alphabet board, Why not mastery mak?ruil 1 thiea exemplfl€s often praised these qualities ofAmencans settled more challenged Later Baba mas— the that aizdpower Baba recognized As He pulled out of the harbor aboard maand spirituality ns about presuppositio resources atena1 tery and utihzationfm ship that would carry Him back toa the His silence break to proposing by terialism time that e at achieved by Amerit&iltur after a month long stay at Harmo India the for the symbol Bowl, in Hollywood the globe on the was unparalleled anywhere in 193 1, Baba played thee Hudson, on industry film American glamorous exciting, could that for good and had great potential record, Feed Mybeep ‘ Paul Robeson that power and ofaffluence culture the and benefit all mankind g the touching sincerity Rememberin Baba For Hollywood’ around formed had in not opFor Baba, matter and spintare n lovers He newAmerica and griefofthe material the of s mastery ear then, America abundantlycl this position Baba makes Once back wept He behind, left had to but utilized be to rejected, not was world discard not does when He says that He Ghandi Mahatma told Baba in India, goals spiritual s Baba further materialism rather, and hate materialism spiritual intense an had Americans that enerØiln tiemendous America has to 2 means a valuable should be considered achieve spiritual ends Materiahsm and several statements made to reporters and longing, whichHeharacterized as spirituality must go hand in hand He in public messages issued during His 1932 unique among the Western countries On several occasions, beginning back’ says When the balance of head and heart tour of the West Baba emphasized this the early days of training with the i in to of intending variously spoke idea He meld to possible it is is maintained, then women in India, Baba was ex- , Western misapof amount tremendous the utilize of attainments spiritual the highest inner this point America—America plicit on for His America by energy possessed plied evnature and science the East with art, my blood’ Following the demand will the ofredirecting spiritalreviv, universal at peak its West, eryday life in the realistic He spelled out this idea accident 1952 curis that America of energy in flood achievement of material and ipeliectual board ftom His hospital His alphabet on of ends d. spiritual toward renrpisapphe fundamental no Baba repeate’is and then once again to Duce Ivy to bed channels creative and into spiritual divertmg spirit and matter opposition ljkn in the garden ofthe Ferry Frederick Filis is that ofAmerica energy ‘tremendous the respect forthe His Baba actZ out where He went af York, in New home etc misdirected, when materiality potential of American Baba dictated to recuperate terwards between correlation the clarified Baba own beHis in goals, yoked to spiritual blood for a after My been has America people by a produced ofenergy amount the Starrs retreat havior In 1931, atMeredith ‘ By this dramatic statement long tim& spiritual for potential their and nation or , Thomas in East Challacombe England, Baba meant that America longed for the Watson, an American seeker was intro- advancement sacrament ofthe Christ, the comminghng and scientist was a duced to Baba Watson ue to thatshallaccr benefits The of Is blood with their own substance, As Bell Graham reolleague ofAlexander countries and nations dJftrent to quicken the spiritual fires that theiroil, in which the telephone, the inventorof spiritual the about Ibring and refresh all of American renew when would technology the early3s cutting-edge within deep from life be largely will upheaval businesses and linking AmeJ&n homes up these ideas about Baba summed Graham of amount across the country, Alexander determined by the statement this in America and scientific Bell epitomized American energy each onepossesses Tbf i L technical orowess It was Watson, who ever energy—riow greater tf)e In America, the spiritual invention his collaborated with Bell on is intense That is why misapphed or misdirected—the hunger r s ‘ 1115 nrst rormai wno extenctect toaDa response andstayed therefor a greater the Iwent invitation to come to America In anef1 , month There is everything fusion ofgoodwill, Watson said, Amenca And America had a superabunee of there materially There is is the country for a great spiritual worker energy ! there are brarns,herj wealth, behalf On like you You must go there Baba also specifiedwhat He meant13rmrs— my extend of the American people, I is heart In other worth, there drrecd energy Misdirectedenergy referred4,, heartiest invitation to you to come to thenergythatfiieled destructive patterns ofhfI is sufficientpreparedness lUmted States wlucl$roduce fear, greed, lust and anger forspirtlffrowth and Shortly after Babas arrival in the U S and result in moral and spiritual decay The i i ueveiovmen in 192, an -imerican journalist queried eiiergy then fueling the purposes ofthe lower Here it is helpful to clarify what Baba Baba about the breaking of His silence selfin America B*a intended to yoke to His when He spoke of spiritualizing pictured volhad For seven years, since 1925, Baba n higher pu4ioses of love, unity and the Did He envision leading America reporter untartly maintained silence The brotherhood ofmankind to retreat into ashrams or Americans asked When you breakyour silence how 3 America has a deep inner longingfor centers in the deserts or meditation will you do it Choosing another major the Truth On several occasions, Baba He intend for numbers Did mountains symbol of American technology and called attention to the remarkable qualities leave society to become to ofAmericans power He suggested By radio Mer- of the heart exhibited in the American or dervishes, as in fakirs mendicants, and edith Starr, Baba s English disciple temperament and character, supported by Eastern the leader ofa meditation retreatrn England, its egalitanan, melting pot culture Though






oppose hno1ogica1 living, the greae misdirected materiality of American cities andtitutions ofhigher1earnatiiife that Baba had promised to transform to fosterturn to natural lwing on the This Mercury automobile, named for the lancP Swb!ideas may spring readily to god of commerce, communication, science, mind, as these are the familiar outward rational intellect, cleverness and wit, carried forms oflife that developed in the East to three passengers The young 24-year-old house the unfolding of forceful internal driver an amputee who lost His leg in the spiritual processes war in Korea, was named Joseph Anthony But Baba had in mind a very different Palmieri Palmieri is Italian for pilgnms template for the elaboration ofspiritual With Him on His pilgrimage were a young consciousness in the West According woman, Billy Perry and her mother, Mrs to Baba, the conditions of life in the Jane Hansen West—with its material mastery and The young man, Palmieri, was evidently power its emphasis on intellect, science already married and had a child, but ped and technology, its tremendous energy, as the husband of the young woman%e and its internal qualities oftemperament young woman, Billy, a nurse s aid who met and character, were such that when gal- Tony Palmieri in the veterans rehabilitation vanized and redirected by Baba’s spark, hospital, was riding in Tony’s Mercury, they would allow for the unfolding of newly refurbished to accommodate Tony s advanced levels of spiritual conscious- handicap, to pick up her young son from ness from within, right in theframework a previous marriage The son was in the ofeveryday 4fè as it is In other words, custody of the father who had abandoned Baba intended$o establish a brand new Billy According to the mother, Billy and pattern for tr4 spirituality in America Tony had shown her a marriage license that had nr before been seen in the that had been forged The story goes on world As Baba pictured this one could from here, to include more abandonment, live in the world and yet be not ofit, and Billy s eventual mental and alcoholic deteat the same time, be in harmony with rioration, and recurrent hospitalization in a everyone and everything, one could mental hospital attend to all worldly duties and affairs, Despite all, the mother, Mrs Hansen, and yeteel completely detached from was a follower of Jesus As the Mercury all theibsu1ts, one could see the swerved across the road into the lane of the same divinity in art and science, and oncoming Nash, the mother silently placed experience the highest consciousness her arm around her daughter s shoulders, and indivisible bliss in everyday life to protect her from the blow of the coltOf course, spiritual development may sion. And at the. scene ofthe accident, Mi be nourished by temporary retreats into Hansen exited from the car and went over solitude and contemplation however, for to Mehera to daub her bloodied face with this new strain of spirituality that Baba a moistened handkerchief Mehera uttered, was developing, the individual generally scarcely audible, God bless you’ And so in attends to all duties and material affairs, this car, we have all of the ills of American and yet feels mentally detached from the material culture gone astray, along with its world inwardly centered in God central quality oicompassion and longing Meher Baba s astonishing agenda Baba and His companions were taken to for spirituality in the West would not the Prague Clinic, where they were cared ftr require a retreat from life or adoption of by the physician, Dr Ned Burleson Much e patterns that depart from the general has already been written about the sensiociety, instead this new spirituality was tivity, intelligence and depth ofcharacter of to unfold within the outer material and his remarkable doctor Suffice it to say that intellectual shell provided by the culture, DWurleson s kmss and generosity were yoking it, of course, to Babas purposes match1 only by thaofthe townspeople Meher Baba pictured that the highest tizens of Prague had never heard 16 The levels of spiritual advancement could of Meher Baba They referred to Him and inform the external forms of life of His party as the Accident Nonetheless, American culture as it is they collectively enacted that central heart What of the car approaching from quality of the American temperament that the West This vehicle seemed to carry Baba had singled out andprized As Charmall ofthe problems ofthe Machine Age, ian Knowles went about town on errands to to



help Baba s party back at the hospital, all her needs were generously supplied by the townspeople—so soon as they learned that Charmian was from the Accident The owner of a grocery store gave Charmian her last two boxes of berries that she had set aside for herself—once she got a hint that Charmian wantedsoftP berries for the people at the Acciden? When Charmian mentioned to a local restaurant owner her disappointment that she couldnt obtain flowers for the Accident , because Prague had no florist shop theoyner opened His own garde4 to her Charmian brought back armloa4ls of magnolias to Mehera s hospital room You won’t be surprised to learn that magnolia blossoms were among Mehera s favorite flowers When Charmian left off mounds of bloodied laundry at the laundromat to soak, the ladies of the town washed, dried and neatly folded all of the laundry—for the people at the Accident This was especially touching to Charmian, as the laundromat was only equipped with tubs and wash machines with old-fashioned hand wringers Had the citizens of Prague known that Gc incarnate was in their midst, 4ey c not have expressed their love more ciously and fitlly Tliès.r deeds of kindness and service are a testimony to the Truth of Baba s statements about the essential qualities of the heart characterizing the American people The townspeople and the staff of the Prague Clinic enacted these qualities to perfection’ Having filled in a sketch of the Okia homa accident we are now in a to step back and survey the entire we have been painting We note thai early in His advent, Baba announeec that the major thrust of this advent was to give a spiritual boost to all of mankind Spirituality would thereby be stimulated and awakened all over the globe and mankind as a whole would increasingly begin to live God s central principles of love, brotherhood and unity. Tb gradual transformation Baba called The’ New Humanity To bring this about, Baba wished to utilize some key potentials of the, American continent that were uniquely suited to catalyze this worldwide advance These qualities included Ameri$ tre mendous energy its material maery and power, and Americajnging for



God and qualities of the heart Though Baba began hinting at His ftiture workwith America in the late 20 s, He began to actively set the stage for this sweeping global transformation in the 1930’s. First, He laid a cable joining East and West by traveling from India, through Europe and America to China. Then in the 30’s and 40’s, He began to contact and train the Western members of His circle. This work completed, in 1949 He began to create a foundation for His universal program in the highest inner realms of Creation, the Divine Mind, by living out the relevant patterns through His own life and physical body. This He did through the phases of work called the New Life, the Manonash, and the Tri-partite Free life Then in 1952, during this last phase Baba made a carefully planned trip to America On this visit, He created forceful new institutions that would serve a vehicles for His work in America in the future He created an ambitious blueprintfor the development











of the Universal Spiritual Center at Myrtle Beach. He also outlined a charter for the first American school of mysticism, Sufism Reoriented, and inaugurated the first authentic spiritual lineage, through Sufism, on American soil. In addition, He made plans to publish His major book, God Speaks, in America. The time was now ripe for the preceding work to be anchored in the drama of the Oklahoma accident. We will quickly review the significance of the Prague accident It galvanized Babas universal work to give a general spiritual boost to mankind the work that would eventuate in the New Humanity The accident was key. As Baba, through the accident, brought the whole scope of His work in the New Life and Manonash to America anchoring it in the West, He was also able thereby to lay hold of the unique potentials of America, to carry through the promised general spin tual transformation that would affect the entire globe—all of mankind Through the accident, America was boosted and through America, the whole world A favorite American anthem sung

some books about Meher Baba; her interest heavy storm. We were thinking “yes we know that rain is Baba’s blessing on an event, but had been awakened. it was not going to be veryjolly standing in Cherie: th 24 the pouring rain at the site!” Just as it had Friday, May done 50 years ago, it had rained heavily the was We rose with the dawn, as breakfast night before. The ground was damp. for a daywas served at 6:15.The forecast that At 7:15 we gathered together to caravan to Prague. We arrived in Meeker a short distance from Prague at 9:00 to pick up our police escort. All cars and vans drove with their headlights on, and with

by school children for generations poignantly echoes some of the major themes we havejust touched on regarding Baba’s work with America. It even seems to prophesy the grace of the Oklahoma accident, with its profound yet simple meanings (Stanza I ofAmerzca the Beau— tycul rendered in modern English )

21 on’ bctrntiful are your spacious skies LAnd your vast, amber waves ofgrain’ low majestic are your 2 •


purple mountains 7ow&ng above your frmtful plains!

.u1merica! ..%merica! J4/1ayod shed 2lis grace on you. çJlnd crown all of youroods —with i3rotherhood! r7:rom sea to slnmnq sea another police car bringing up the rear, we slowly drove to the site. As we approached it, all chatter in the vans ceased, and with heightened anticipation we strained for a glimpse of the site. We arrived, and thanks to a prior anrangement, we were able to park our cars on the property of the house opposite. Over 100 pilgrims gathered together on the edge ofthe road in front ofthe Moucka family home where the collision occurred on this date at 10:15 am in 1952. Exactly at 10:


Arti andprayers at the accident site.

15 Murshida read the following prayer:


LAtay we all, each day, join our lives Ein the radiance of the sun that bathes your 7•o your living principles of beautiful earth L ove, unity, brotherhood and 7ruth, Dn the fullness of springtime 7he golden principles of your 2’Iew ...Age, iere in the heartland ofAmerim 2 __/4nd grow together in love and harmony —4nd in the radiance of the sun within the sun L ike the fragrant flowers and herbs growing on within the sun the hillsides. 7hat lights the inner worlds, .Jlmid the beauty ofyour precious earth, We join you today in joy and thanksgiving, Where you walk Singing your praise like the birds. There would we also walk! Dn the silence of our hearts, 7he path you make for us, We welcome your presence among us, 7here we would joyfully follow! ,..ulnd bask in the fresh streams of love you 13eloved EI3aba accept ourjoyous prayer! have released here i3eloved i3aba, accept our song of praise! That nurture our growth EI3eloved EBaba, accept our welling thanks! Like the lavender, lace and daisies of the fields. i3eloved J3aba, fifty years ago, you let your precious body be broken .J1nd gave the life force of your blood on this spot So that all ofus —America and J44ankind, J44ight grow in spiritual maturity _/4nd move a step closer to you So that we might live your 2Iew Life. We wholeheartedly pray that each day We may realize more and more of your 21ew 2tumanity, )3our priceless gift to America and to the world.

Then Arti was performed and as the songs continued, people began to go up to the spot where Meher Baba had spilled His blood. There was a heart shaped memorial garland and a basket of flowers for the pilgrims to take and place where they wished. Some put them on the garland, others sprinkled them on the grass. I looked around at all the different pilgrims, each lost in their own thoughts and feelings. It seemed so amazing to be there at that time and that place singing songs to God, taking His darshan by the side of the road while trucks roared past and a police escort waited down the road aways in case anything untoward should happen. My feelings vacil lated between moments of deep sadness and feelings ofjoyftil thanks to the Avatar of the Age for His incredible compassion and love for us that He would commit Himselfand His close ones to so much suffering for our sake.

Mickey added: It was very moving to me and everyone in attendance. Lots of us were moved to tears many times throughout the program. We had a police car on each side ofthe highway with their red lights going, as many, many cars and trucks traveled down the highwaypastus as we went thru our prayers and songs and worship services. I couldnt help but wonder what the locals, the travelers and the officers ofthe law thought ofus and what we were doing, espe cially when they observed us one at a time bow down and place our foreheads on the ground in front of the flowers, offering our love and praise to Beloved Baba. But I also noticed that for myself anyway, all ego was gone in the moment of complete surrender to my Lord, and I could have cared less what anybody thought ofme or the group. My heart was so filled with Love for Beloved Baba and my fellow Baba Lovers! I cannot express it in words, only that I was so happy and fill of bliss. I wish everyone reading this could have been there that day, at this site, to have experienced the love and fellowship that I felt. My words cannot do justice to what I saw heard and felt. I know I will never forget it, or be the same again.

Murshida Weyland Connerplacesfiowers on Babac Weath. /1t)


around the auditorium. The Kolache Royalty At 11 we head- then passed out Kolache pastries to all of us. ed offto the Prague Theyare similar to Danish rolls with raspberry First Methodist apple or pnine filling. Church for lunch. Margaret and Beth Burleson took their Margaret Burle places on stage and told about the events af son, whose family ter the accident that they remembered from had attended that stories their father told them when they were church, had ar children, and also about their meeting Baba in I ranged it for us. His hospital room. Margaret mentioned His She told us eyes and how struck she was by them. She also that after Baba told stories of the times they had with Mani. Oklahoma, Dr. She read us the letter her father wrote to Baba left :: Burleson became afterHe returned to India. Ithas been published ! a fervent church- in other books before but never, [to the best of goer. our knowledge] until now in its entirety on the Pratima Gard’ner spells Meher Baba with sand were following page. There from Meher Center opposite the crash site. several curious but Margaret also told us that Baba had infriendlylocals there who had structed Sarosh to send them the gift of a read in the Prague Times- magnificent leopard skin. Margaret wanted it Herald the day before, the to hang in her bedroom doorway, butJulia had following notice: “Memorial other ideas, making it into hats, handbags and Pilgrimage. A caravan of 80 other things. followers of Master Meher Mickey addc: Baba will be in Prague Fri Little did they know or understand at that day, May 24, observing the time the significance this accident, and ofmeet50th anniversary of his auto ing Baba, would later have on their lives. accident west ofPrague. The Beth then read the original letter that Baba group wifl be at the Prague had Mani send to them after He returned to Hospital, Historical Museum India, thanking them and the townspeople of and Prague Library to make Praguefortheirhospitalityand help throughout presentations,” so everyone their stay. was expecting us. When Margaret read us the letter her father There had been a Kolache had written to Baba, it was quite obvious that festival in town a week or so Dr. Burleson was a highly educated and well before we arrived, and so read man, and that the meeting with Baba had the Kolache Queen, Junior profoundly touched him and affected his life. The 2002 crowned Kolache Royal Family come to entertain us. Queen, Prince and Princess Margaret recounted the story ofhow years attended us. They were later she was in Myrtle Beach, talking about Ed Flanagan wrote, and sang, the following dressed in beautiftil traditional Czech festival howbeautiflil itwas to some local people there. costumes.Theytaughtus an old dance that they hymn to the tune ofAmazing Grace: They told her that the most beautiftul land of had been doing for years as part long the 3owa 2’Icition’s olden trail 4 . of the festivities. ill clay drenched red with tears, They called it the on a road by an old Oklahoma farm “Chicken dance”. of course, after you sited jo:tr precious blood for me. we learned it, .So brave and light-hearted you lall there we dubbed it the transfixed itt glory so bright, “Mischievous Chicken”. time out over cross you gazed as when on the I could LAnd fixed that precious gaze on me. imagine dear EI3eloved J4leher 3 can hardlB see Baba laughing thrit teas of wonder and joy, as we clucked, our flapped brave land ofthe to feel what you’ve done in this wiggled wings, 7:o make the whole world free. our tail feathers Margaret shows us whatc left ofthe leopard skin Baba asked Sarosh to send the strutted and

From Cherie:


















Burlesons. Julia made many hats, bags and other thingsfrom it.




Dear Baba and Disciples j\, wife and I thank you more than we can express, for your y 1 wonderMpresent. It is beautiful and we shall keep it always : .:: and remember you every time we see it. From you and your party we have seen a demonstration of most of the teachings of Christ. Many Americans preach these things but we have never observed so close an application of them The profound devotion to you which is demonstrated by all of your party convinces us that you deserve all of it Such devotion :1 cannot be forced, it can only be obtained by love; and to have that demonstrated affection from so many wonderftil people is almost unbelievable Your group has created what we sometimes call in the abstract, a Master Mind This has been created through the bringing together or blending in a spirit ofperfect harmony many able minds This combination can accomplish almost anything within reason as long as all of the minds are in harmony and rkmg for the same objective It will disintegrate and all evideofits former existence will disappear the moment the harmony is broken The merging ofiAdividual minds in a MASTER MIND serves as a J stimulañtto the individual minds. Hence the sum total is unlike anything else on earth and can surmount any reasonable or prob able obstacle We are not accustomed to dealing with people who appreciate :i. our efforts as you do and the manifestation of that appreciation leaves us very humble, with the feeling that we do not deserve it, because we realize our limitations and faults Therefore, instead of efforts being classed as WORK they have seemed to be plea-




Margaret and Beth reading theirfatherc letter to Baba.

sure We are certain that time will correct all of your present physical difficulties. One ofmy sustaining SAYINGS is, Time is a MASTERWORKER that heals the wounds of temporary defeat, and equalizes the inequalities and rights the wrongs of the world. There is nothing ‘impossible’ with time. After you have all returned to your native India, and have resumed your chief aim, I wish you would have Sarosh write to : me, letting me know how each ofyou has progressed In other words I would like to hear from you and know ifmy prognosis was correct







God bless you all Ned Burleson, M D a:

: .:

hundreds of acres, with a beautiftil beach front, was given away by a local eccentric woman to some Indian Guru called Baba. She immediately knew that this had to be her “Meher Baba”, so she went and visited the Center.






Cherie continues: After lunch we split up into two groups. Halfofus went to the Prague Museum and the other halfwentwith Margaret to the Hospital, where she gave us the grand tour. We saw the room that Baba was in for the duration of His

Emergency entrance ofthe Prague Clinic where Baba and the women Mandali were brought.

stay and the room that Mehera occupied, both ofwhich are now hospital administrative offices. In the waiting room ofthe old part ofthe hospital there is a corner dedicated to Baba. His photograph (standing holding the little lamb), alongwith a briefparagraph about Him

The Emeigency room where Baba was taken and kept thefirst day.

was to help America and all mankind ad— vance spiritually. It represented a turning point in Baba’s work to create a New Hu manit characterized not by competition, greed, warfare and lust, but rather by brotherhood, co-op eration, creativity and unfettered love. “Like many criti cal moments in the evolution of human Margaret in Babac hospital room, now one ofthe administration offices. consciousness, the Prague accident un is on top ofabookshelfthat houses GodSpeaks, folded silently and invisibly to all but just a the Discourses and the LordMehervolumes. After the tour we found that coffee, chosen few. No newspaper articles or television tea, and cookies had been provided for us news reports took notice ofthe event,just Bein a meeting room in the hospital. What a loved Baba and His entourage of nine cornsweet and thoughtfiil touch by the hospital panions, mostly women—from India, Europe administration staff! We kept hearing from and the United States—carried the story as a eyewitness accounts in 1952 how very warm, stirring impression in their living cells. Baba friendly and helpful the citizens ofPrague had had foretold many years prior to the accident been to “the people from the accident” well, that ‘America has been after my blood for a we found nothing had changed. They were long time!” By this He meant that America still that way. Next stop was the museum. It was packed with everything from old WWII uniforms to vintage buttons from the 19th and early 20th centuries. What an amazing assortment of paraphernalia. In the main room, next to the cabinet devoted to Dr. Burle son, was a large photo of a happily smiling Baba. Next to it was a brief write up about Meher Baba and the accident. Murshida Conner read this dedication: “Today a handfid of us are privi leged to gather in honor of a signal event of our age, Meher Baba’s ac cident in Prague, Oklahoma, on May 24, 1952. This accident was a key event in Baba’s major work—to give a spiritual boost to all mankind; and a key event determining the future of America—as a spiritual world leader. For those of us who have responded internally to Baba’s silent message of love, the accident was ‘no accident’! Indeed, in the mysterious ways of the great world teachers who walk the earth in each age, the accident symbolized the fruition ofwork that Meher Baba had long planned that

longed for the sacrament of the Christ, the co-mingling ofHis bloodwith their substance, or soil, to quicken the spiritual fires that would renew and refresh all of American life from deep within. Still, when the time came, only these close companions, a few others who joined Baba soon after the accident, and the remarkable townspeople ofPrague and staffof the Prague Clinic, were present to mark this golden moment. “Nonetheless, as with other such silent, golden moments in the history of human consciousness—in centuries before the Cornmon Era, in a village, beneath a Bodhi tree in northeast India; 33 years AD on Mt. Calvary on the outskirts ofJerusalern; or six hundred years later, in a cave on Mt. Hira, just outside Mecca: on May 24, 1952, in the fullness of springtime, along a rural stretch of highway in the heartland of America, all life was forever changed. For those ofus who have been captured in Baba’s net oflove, this day signals to us the moment when the Creator released a fresh dispensation of divine radiant energ to infuse and meld with the precious Earth, moving America and all of the world a step closer to Him. “And so in joy and delight we celebrate today the 50th anniversary of this Divine event—an event engraved in brilliant gold for all time in the inner linings of life that govern the destiny ofAnierica and of the world. Jai Baba!” We returned to our cars and headed back to Camp for the evening program the talk by Murshida, more from Margaret and Beth and then Billy Goodnim to set us all a-dancing with his captivating songs. —

The Prague Museum where Babacphoto wasplaced commemorating the anniversary ofthe accident. Di Burlesoniportrait is top right.

Saturday, May25 Arti at 7:00, breakfast at 8:00 and then Philip Lutgendorf talked about meeting Dr. Burleson and the Mouckas in the early ‘70’s, 18 years after the accident. This was a wonderful talk! He had driven to Oklahoma with Dot Pierpont and Chris to find the accident site, and by a curious string of events theyfound theirway there. Philip’s description oftheirvisit to Dr. Bur leson was very moving. Dr. Burle son not only remembered Baba, but also remembered Him with a deep fondness. I cant help but believe that he knew that Baba was an extraordinary human being.

Mickey remembers Philip telling them of the diner they walked into when they entered the town. He told ofthe friendlywaitress that waited on them. Philip asked her ifthe Prague Clinic was still in operation, and she said “Of course, it was only a few blocks away from the diner.” He asked ifDr. Burleson was still active in its operation, and did she know him. She laughed and said “Ofcourse he is still working there, even at his advanced age, and everybody knows Dr. Burleson!” So after finishing their meal, theywent on to find the Clinic. Once entering the clinic, they encountered the nurse. They asked her ifshe remembered the accident that had happened on the roadside close by in 1952 and she said of course she did. She remembered very clearly that day and the people from ‘the accident’, as the townspeople called them at that time. They asked her if she knew the location of the accident site. She did, as she was one who arrived with the ambulance to help the injured. They asked if she could show them exactlywhere it happened. Even though itwas 20 years later she remembered, but could not neglect her duties that morning at the clinic and was sorry that she could not take them. They then asked Wit would be possible to talk to Dr. Burleson, and she again said “Of course,” and led them to his office. He was getting ready to make his morning rounds, but took the time to talk with them. When theyaskedofBaba,Philip said Dr. Burleson was quiet for a moment, as ifrefiecting on his memories ofBaba and His Mandali, and then opened up and told them ofthe accident, and how bad it really was, especially for Mehera, and how he didn’t really expect Mehera to live, because ofthe extent ofher skull fractures. He told ofthe respect he felt for Baba and His companions; “They were sure wonderful people.” They talked a short while longer but Dr. Burleson finally had to end the conversation and go make his morning rounds and take care ofhis patients. They again encountered the nurse and she gave directions and mileage to the accident site outside of Meeker, some eight miles away. They kept coming up over a hill, only to find out it was not the right hill They would then go farther down the road, continuing their search for the ex act spot. It was hard to locate. At their third stop, when they were wondering if they were even close, a car pulled up L.:. behind them and out came the nurse.

She had managed to slip away for a moment to make sure they found it. So she did end up helping them and showed them the exact spot where it had happened, and introduced them to Mrs. Moucka, who lived in the adjacent house. Philip said that despite their being strang ers, and looking like hippies with their long hair, andbeing tired and bedraggled from their road trip, Mrs. Moucka was friendly to them as they asked her ifshe remembered the accident that happened out in front ofher house back in 1952. Gradually recaffing it, she explained that it occurred a little after 10 in the morning, when the mail truck had just pulled to drop off the mail. They heard the crash. The resulting scene was so terrible that she could not bring herself to leave the house, but she noted that her husband had gone out and taken blankets to the injured people. She sent Philip and his friends to talk to Mr. Moucka out by the barn. They went around to the back, and there was Mr. Moucka standing with pitchfork in hand working on feeding some hay to his animals. He was veryfriendly, and told ofhow he too remembered it as a terrible accident. He had been the one to come outside and try and help them, covering Baba and Mehera with blankets to keep them warm until the ambulance arrived to transport them to the clinic in Prague. He especially remembered “the man who everyone was calling ‘Grandpa”



(“Baba” means this in Czech), and identified Baba’s photo in Philip’s wallet. He showed them where Elizabeth’s car had come to rest, and asked how Baba was now. They said that He had passed on the previous year, then added, “But He’s still here.” Farmer Moucka responded with an emphatic “Yup!”

Mickey continues on with his thoughts on Efandiar Vesalic talk: It was my great pleasure to hear this man, and to see the love and bliss that so filled his eyes and being. I loved the sparkle and twinkling in his eyes each time he thought ofBeloved Baba. I was told that in the past his moving stories ranged from childhood days in the Prem Ashram to visits with Meher Baba at Meherazad. However, this was not to be the case today. He seemed as though he was not interested in retelling the same stories that he had told so many times in the past. His main message for today was just to try hard to always remember Beloved Baba in our hearts, and remember His love for us, and to always try hard to return that love to Baba. A pretty simple but important message for us I would say. He was asked by some members of the audience how we should do that, and about meditation. He, thru his interpreter, told us to try not to complicate these things with our minds, but to simply remember Baba in our hearts, and think of Him always. Cherie: On the evening program Elaine Cox sang two incredibly beautiftul ancient Zoroastrian prayers accompanied by a local Indian tabla player. Charmian told us some wonderful stories of her travels with Baba, quite apart from everything He had her do here in Oklahoma. She told us the wonderfid story about when she first met Baba with her mother Murshida Duce in India. Someone asked her how long it took her to become a Baba lover after she met Baba for the first time. “Ten .:? minutes” she replied. .




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Efandiar 1sali and Farshid Narniranian

Mickey continues: Charmian and her mother were called to Oklahoma the day after the crash to help Baba and the members of His party Charmian has such a great sense of humor, and it was wonderful to listen to the stories of her life with our Beloved. She talked alot about the accident, the graveness of the injuries

sustained by Mehera and the continuing recovery of Baba and the women in the days that followed. I had no idea how bad their injuries reallywere until I heard all the stories at this Gathering. It was wonderful to be in the presence of these people who actuallylived with and helped Beloved Baba. I could have listened to them talk all night long. Charmian is a very funny lady, and a pleasure to listen to. She told a lot of amusing Baba stories and of the pranks He would pull on her and the others with His wonderfid sense ofhumor. I loved her very much, and feel so fortunate to have been able to listen to her.

Dma: LeatriceJohnston was on the program for two talks. She not only came armed with quotes pertinent to the accident in 1952, but also shared her love for Baba a love that seems to emanate from her at all times. I must admit I have a problem with Leatrice. I am exceedingly jealous of her! We were both 17 when we met Baba; Leatrice had the good fortune to fall in love with Him right away. My response was ‘yes, He’s God, so ok.’ He allowed me to swim around in Maya for 30 years before He gave me His Grace and allowed me to love Him. Now I’m happily diving deep in His Ocean, but I know I will never capture that sweet gentle essence that Leatrice exudes. Barb Richstad was overheard asking one of her friends, “Wow did Leatrice’s talkblowyou —

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awaylast night?” Her friend answered, “Oh yes indeed!” Maybe that’s because Leatrice always seems to shoot straight from the heart. She has a unique ability to make one feel what it was like to be right there in Baba’s presence. If you ever get a chance to hear her speak don’t miss it! One ofthe stories she told us was that while Baba was recuperating at Ivy Duce’s apartment following the accident, He told Jeanne Shaw [ Leatrice’s mother] to make sure that each person who entered read a large poster with the following quote on it: “I am equally ap proachable to one and all, big and small, to saints who rise and sinners who fall, :.: through all the various Paths upon is heard the Divine Call. I am which i approachable alike to the saint whom I :: adore and to the sinner, whom I am for, and equallythrough Sufism, Vedantism, : Christianity Zoroastrianism and Buddhism, and other isms of every kind, and also directly through no ism at all.” [This quote appears on page 3872 of Lord Mehei] From Beams-page 32: “The Avatar does not take upon Himself the karma of the world, nor does He become bound by it. But He takes upon himselfthe suffering of the world which is the result of its karma. His suffering for the world is vicarious. It does not entail entanglement with the karma ofthe world. But humanity finds its redemption from its karma through —








Leatrice Shaw Johnson

Mickey sums up his experience at the Gathering: It was truly a wonderful time. I met a lot of really nice people who are now like family to me. It was sad to have to leave, but I will never forget this time I had. I felt so blessed to have been there.




His vicarious sufferings, e.g. illnesses, humiliation, accidents and the like. In His own way the Avatar unfailingly fulfills His incarnation by giving a spiritual push to His age.” Leatrice also quoted Eruch who was told by Baba on Feb 5, 1959: “Baba got His physical bones broken so as to break the backbone ofthe material aspect ofthe machine [meaning machine age], keeping intact its spiritual aspect.” Baba’s message to Elizabeth “This disaster has been Baba’s cross and you all took parts in it and Baba is happy and proud that Mehera took as great a part as Baba did in it.” Also, from Lord Meher page 3838: This is a poem from Bhau: “It was as if a knife had impaled the heart of the world, as the Living Christ was bleeding helplessly on that road. 0 America! You thirsted for His blood, now quench your thirst! But remember to remind future generations that along with His blood He also brought and left here the divine trea sure. It is a silent message for America given in pain. Blood is shed only for those who continue to remember God and who expe rience the divine love for the Living Christ. The Christ’s sufferingwill be those souls’ pain, which will always keep them with God. The blood of Christ is a sign of His love for the world. America is His, and by His suffering for it, He gave His love, so that America may keep its head bowed to the living God.”

Dma: On our last night we had the Dhuni and what a magical night it was. Under beautiftil Oklahoma skies the fire was lit. We all sat around singing and taking turns to bow down before the ftre and with a prayer to the Beloved, throw in thatwhich we most desired to rid ourselves of(symbolized by a little stick). During the entire evening I could not take my eyes off the sky Rain had been forecast every day, but none eventuated after the first night, (when more than a few got dripped on in their cabins!) But the sky on that Dhuni nightwas black, stars twinldinglike I never see in Los Angeles, with great puffy dark clouds scudding across the sky Every now and then there would be a break and we could see the —



full moon putting in a brief appearance and then quickly vanishing again. Throughout it a1l, over and above our singing, a lone mocking bird sang. It was incredibly beautifhl. I don’t think there was a soul there that night that wasn’t captivated by the glory of it all. What a magnificent ending to the most moving, meaningful Sahavas I have ever ex perienced. Amazing as it may sound (I know I am weird), that weekend meant more to me than the time I met Baba.

Silent 2?eunion Charles Haynes Christopher Wilson

itty, who took care ofNorina in the last years of her life, once related a moving encounter that took place when Baba was recuperating from His injuries suffered in the 1952 accident. Baba visited Duke University Hospital to be examined by a doctor and have His cast removed. Norma was hospitalized there at the same time. Her physician, believing that the excitement might aggravate her condition, advised that she not be told ofBaba’s presence I/rOte

¶raflue rojed 11

Carolyn Ball, Arizona aba showered Hislove on the gathering ofBabalovers from EastWest, North and South at the Accident Site in Prague, Oklahoma on May 24, 2002. There was a definite sense that Baba had planned this Sahavas as a very special occasion. Among those in attendance, there was a group who felt particularly drawn to initiating the purchase of the properties associated with the accident. Peter Rippa, who has championed this direction for many years, set up a display with books of collected stories, photographs and a sign-up sheet for those who might like to be involved in what he called “The Prague Project.” Between the spectacular events of the weekend, an ad hoc committee was formed and met to discuss how to proceed. It was generally agreed that since Joe Bender has already contacted and discussed sale of the actual property at the accident site, and because the owners indicated no interest in seffing as long as the woman who lived there at the timeofthe accident [Mrs.Mouckaj is still alive, then the subject ofthat purchase would be tabled for the time being.




at Duke. The doctor realized how difficult it would be for Norma to know of the painful details of the automobile accident and the extent of Baba’s injuries. One day Norma was being pushed through the hospital in a wheel-chair when suddenly and unexpectedly she came face to face with Baba, also in a wheelchair. Kitty recalled that they both sat, looking at each other without speaking, once again having a silent reunion. Norma’s Gift © EliNor Publications 1997

The Dnception of it CAll Anne Barker, Texas eher Baba works in mysterious ways, at least it seems that way to we mere mortals. I have always found it interesting that Meher Baba had a car wreck in a remote rural area ofOkiahoma. A couple ofyears ago I started asking who was planning some sort ofcommemoration ofthe accident. Everyone I asked seemed to be busy, uninterested or against the concept. Baba placed the idea in my head and would not leave me alone about


However, a visit from those setting up the Sahavas had brought to light that the property across the street might be for sale. Itwas noted that since Rt 62 is being graduallywidened. if we owned the property, we might be able to prevail upon the state to pave a portion ofthat property and leave the actual site opposite it untouched. A representative was chosen by the group to initiate that contact and negotiations are now underway.

it. Joe Bender suggested I call Lynn Wilhite and see if she was interested in planning a program. She was. We thought only a few people from the south central area ofthe U.S. would attend. From the beginning Meher Baba planned and coordinated everything. This included findinglocations to have the Gathering in the remote area of Oklahoma a story in itself Over and over I was amazed by Baba’s meth ods ofbringing the right people at the right time into the preparations. I would be feeling frustrated about progress ofplans, and Meher Baba would have someone e-mail me with news that theywere coming to the Gathering and felt a strong inner call to attend. So many times this happened that I realized that no matter how painful the process, Meher Baba was coordinating every step. Baba brought together a garden of His loved ones, so many devoted souls from all over the country and the world. I want to thank everyone who felt His call and re sponded to it. —

Tfyou would like more information or a map to the site, please contact Peter Rippa at 601-355-8959. Ifyou knowofanyone going that way, please prevail upon them not to enter the properties or disturb the occupants so that this work can go forth without it becoming bothersome to those special and very spiritual souls who, unbeknownst to them, have been caring for Sacred Ground all of these years.

:::. .



This houseflir sale is on a 10 acre lot directly opposite the crash site (including the machine aveyard).



.......... .



Dii 2rauc RIght thKkche Royal Court taught us the (Mischievous) Chicken Dance. Center left: on the walk through town we read Praguec tribute to their local hero, fim Thorpe, a NativeAmerican who won the Olympic medal in decathlon andpentathlon events. The Historian (‘center) toldus thatJim played Major League Baseball, Professional Football and was voted worldc greatest male athlete in thefirst hafofthe 20th century. Center right: Margaret with her father in 1962. Bottom left and right: Margaret takes usfor a walk through her old neighborhood and we take photographs ofher outside her ole/family home where the Burlesons lived in the ‘50c.

. .:::


Old and 24ew 3rwnds

. ::




Indigo! From left:Judy RYbertson,


Our oldest and dearest Friena

Efandiar sali

Susan Lutgendoifand Ed Flanagan

Craig, Prescott and Cherie Plumlee

. ..



Fivm lfi. Michaellvey, Carey Youngblood andPhili White.

Fivnt: Mary and Charmian Knowles and Erik Gomez; back. Barbara and George Snow

Our Photographers A heai z/èlt thanks to thosefi iends who sha ed thez photos so that we mayfill this ai tide with wondeiful visual accounts ofthis incredible weekend. Hats offto:Mithaellvey, Steve Spraitze; Beth McWhirtei; andDina. Thefoiowingphotos are courtesy ofCharnüan Knowles pg 4 Baba with Muishida Duce and ha7rnian pg 5 Baba with Eastern and Westei n Disciples in India 1948 pg 6 Baba with Delia andMeheia in Myi tle Beach andpg 7 Mani andMeheia in Myi tie Beach “S




_fln Shed behind Gate (since removed) v Barn >Q D





D< White Shed Garage

J< Brick Farm House



Field with Trees







lay nurecI hi th t ti i i u

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Other side of the road: Ditch or ravine with grass and bushes and trees


cJ< Old


The accident site: j hetwen 8 ‘- and ‘ I nuics from Irigut Itte right, and 3 m1c s from Meeker ot.... the left. nfl

<To Oklahoma City (Between 45 to 50 ml. from Oklahoma City from the West)


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I flw 1st name •of the original vho Ied at th ddr u<s Mou,ka


Baba and Mandall




Emergency Entrance used by

Dr. Burlesons House

HIstoric& Museum


st1iou nte .


Landmarks ubjco c1iangç,.

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Prague Municipal Hospital



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To Arkansas>


(Approximately 120 ml. from Arkansas from the East)




!.Recollections of an Encounter with J 14e1’ter Bctbct 1 by Keith MacGaffey

Introduction by Fills Frederick.


nother way ofBaba’s working on a fe for the sake ofthe many, was His asking for a special boy to take care ofHim during the weeks He was to be in New York. It had to be a boy between the ages of 16 and 18, who was not a Baba lover, and who was strong enough to wheel Him around. I took two boys from my home in Harlem, a Puerto Rican boy and his Irish buddy. Peto had played in my house, he had looked at Baba’s picture and said “That’s God, isn’t it?” Baba fingered the cross on Peto’s chest. “It’s a blessed medal,” Peto murmured. Baba nodded. It certainly was now! But Baba said both boys were too frail. I called my cousin Keith MacGaffey, in Schenectady. I said, “Keith, would you like to help take care of a sick man?” Baba said the boywas to be paid a modest fee. “But I’m painting the house for dad,” he said. My heart sank. Tomorrow was Baba’s deadline. “But He’s so sick He has a broken leg and arm.” “Airight,” said Keith, “But you have to leave at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow with Darwin Shaw!” Yet Keith did come and he fitted in perfectly. He could even read Baba’s alphabet board. Baba had asked him the first morning on thejob: “Willyou obey me?” “Yes” “Even if I ask you to do something bad?” “Yes,” said Keith. He wrote all this to my aunt, a strict Anglican. Upset, she decided she had to see whom Keith was working for so the whole family piled into the car, and drove down to Scarsdale, and met Baba. Of course, all objections vanished. Keith was also very good at adapting to the extraordinary requests of Baba, including not “seeing” Mehera and the Eastern women Mandali, who even after the accident were still partly in seclusion as they had been for so many years. This led to amusing experiences at the Bronx Zoo. I think thTs trip was planned by Charmy, but she broke her sandal and had to limp far behind, so we had no guide and got lost several times. Also it was a showery day and Baba’s two casts could not be allowed to get wet. So we had to rush Baba under cover—peanut stand or tree or whatever—as soon as rain fell. Plus Keith, who was wheeling Baba most ofthe time also had to duck whenever Mehera, Mani and Mehru came into view. It was like a scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream one group disappeared behind the trees and another appeared! From “Memories of ‘52” by Fills Frederick, The Awakener Magazine,Vol. XIV NO. 2, 1972, . 18 p -


should be appreciated at the outset that these recollections are being written almost 50 years after the fact, and many of the details are lost to obscurity I had just completed my freshman year at Colgate University located in rural Hamilton in New York State. I hadjust turned 18. Freshman year in collage is an eye opener for almost everybody, and I was no exception. Even though I had not at the time committed to a career in medicine, I had committed to the pre-med curriculum while I made up my mind. All students were also required to take Core Curriculum of introductory courses, no matter what their major. These included an introduction to the physical sciences, philosophy and religion, and the political and social sciences. The course in physical sciences gave me an appreciation of the rigors of the sci entific method as a vehicle for arriving at “the facts” or the truth of reality. The introduction to philosophy and religion was intended


not to impart a particular body of beliefs, but an understanding of how those beliefs were arrived at and their likely relative merits. In the summer of 1952, my parents received a call from my father’s cousin Phyllis (Fiis as she liked to spell it) Frederick, who was living in New York City at the time, requesting to borrow me for a couple ofweeks to help take care ofMeher Baba (which means Compassionate Father), who was visiting New York and had been th, badly injured in an auto accident on May 24 sustaining fractures of the left arm and leg and his nose. He was therefore confined- to a wheelchair, and needed help getting in and out of the car that 7th took him from Scarsdale, where he was staying, to West 6 street in Manhattan where he held interviews for crowds of people who came from all over the world to see The Awakener. As I assume most ofyou know, the man known as Meher Baba had been born Merwan Sherierji Irani into an Iranian family living in Poona, India. For many years he had been recognized as one of the world’s great spiritual leaders. I knew that my cousin Fiis had been for a long time one of his most devoted followers. For about 25 years he had been under a vow of silence, and communicated verbally by pointing at letters on an alphabet board. I assumed that this represented some act of severe penance for some unknown sin or shortcoming, because it was of such long duration and seemed to represent a major handicap in communication. I soon realized however that he was able to reach people deeply without any words at all, just with a gesture or a touch, or with a glance from his penetrating dark eyes. At the interviews he would dispense darshan or blessing, which took the form of a grape, and I was surprised to observe that people who had come for many miles received the satisfaction they were looking for. Filis and the Shaw family, who brought me by car from Sche nectady and were also devotees and very kind and gentle people, were all very self-effacing, as was his hostess Ivy Duce and many other seeminglyvery important people, including the movie producer Gabriel Pascal. Even Baba’s younger sister Mani, who must have been about 40 and whom I thought was very pretty, seemed to fade into the background most of the time. On one occasion, and prob ably after I had been reading one of the books Baba had written called God Speaks which Fiis had given me, I asked him to tell me what God-Realization was all about. He must have sensed my skepticism, naively and profound lack ofawareness ofthe important things in life, albeit with my newly found college sophistication. His response has been recorded in the biography of Baba by Bhau Kalchuri. “It is like a headache. Until you have had one yourself you cannot understand what it is like.” On another occasion, Baba asked me what I wanted to be. I indicated I had not committed myself He asked ‘A doctor?” I had been considering teaching, the law, music and medicine. Eventually I became a practicing internist. It is difficult or impossible to describe the effect Meher Baba had on people, except from the fact that people would virtually leave their entire lives to follow him all over the world. He seemed almost indescribably gentle, almost passive, but his presence was mesmerizing to many. When he looked at you, you felt that he instantly understood your whole being at a single glance, whereas I was having all I could do to begin to comprehend the scope and significance of his message and his presence. For the moment I

know that the impression created by those two weeks in July 1952 was ofa charismatic presence, and a being that the world sorely needed and needs to take to their hearts and their lives. Meher Baba pronounced that he came not to teach any new truths but to awaken all people to the realization of the God within and around them. As a physician, I know that this understanding has meant a lot to me in my development as a professional and a person.

Picnic Diane Cobb —

7havejoined my heart to Thee. All that exists art Thou. 0 Lord, Beloved ofmy heart, Thou art the home ofall. Where indeed is the heart in which Thou dost not dwell?” —Jafar

Detailfrorn New Lfi Mural Diane Cobb —


Step Dnside the

£oveStreet 73ookstore

Baba folks, Note the photo—a portion of our new ookstore. But there is so much more to go in it. Next issue we can show you the whole room—all 1200 sq. feet of it! The really exciting news for this month is about the truly beautiful book Because of Love by Rano Gayley. See the back page for details. This just in from Danny Ladinsky the number one selling poet in America (ergo the world): “I have just returned some 400 galley pages to Penguin on the anthology Love Poemsfrom God. Penguin now has the book in their catalogue and probably is

Jai -


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already selling it, but it won’t actually hit the shelves until October. The Gift will be three years old in August and it is now outselling The Essential Rumi which is one of the top selling poetry books of this last century; and according to Amazon, of late, all three of my Hafiz books are outselling The Essential Rumi. What a miracle Baba did with all this—He used the idiot (me) very well.” “In the anthology, Love Poems from Goc4 I have used writings from Rumi, St. Francis, St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa ofAvila, Catherine of Siena, Mira, Rabia, Hafiz, Tukaram, Kabir, Meister Eckhart and St. Thomas of Aquinas. I worked with several translators to get this book finished, but as we say in the Preface most ofall contained in the book is basically my avant-garde portrait ofthese great souls; in short my renderings.” We—the Love Street Bookstore, will be stocking this eagerly awaited book as soon as it is off the presses. You may check our website to track it: But what we can enjoy of Danny’s right now is the very beautiful CD and audio tape he has just released: Hafiz, the Scent ofLight. “Offered here in the manner that Hafiz composed them, spoken or sung spontaneously amid companions and inspired music, more than 30 of these exquisite love songs shimmer with a nu ance, depth and passion rarely captured in previous translations. The ghazals are read by Nataraja Kallio with music composed and performed by Stevin McNamara.” [from the jacket.] —

There is a wonderful selection of ex otic instruments playing throughout. I definitely give it ‘two thumbs up’! Tape $12 CD $14 Another CD hot offthe presses and sure to be a great seller is the eagerly awaited recording of the wonderful daaft playing and singing of Au Haghayegh. Heather Nadel wrote about this in our last issue, [Drums of Celebration, page 18.] The three Persians captivated everybody with their singing and drumming during the Amartithi festival. Every night in the PC Dining room people would be up and danc mg to their music. It is a new sound for our Western ears and hard to sit in your chair


whilst it is pulsing through your veins. Au, the lead singer, recorded this CD while still at Meherabad. Meheru said that Mi’s playing of the Daaft reminded her ofBaba’s hands playing the drum. It is a CD you will not want to take off your player, but will hit the “continuous replay” button! But first you

votional albums made in the early 1970’s (Happy Birthday, and With Love) by Pete Townshend and friends. A bonus recording of O’Parvardigar, recorded by Pete Townshend in India, is also included. Guests on the recordings include Ronnie Lane, Billy Nicholls and Peter Hope-Evans. Price: C15.00 All profits from the sale of this release will go to the Meher Baba Trust in India and towards MEFA, the European Meher Baba Film Archive which looks after and restores much of the available footage of Meher Baba. Throughout the magazine we have placed some of the exquisite paintings by Diane Cobb (or as Baba named her 3B, Baba’s Beautiful Baby). Photographic fttll color reproductions of these paintings have been mounted on top quality stock to make beautiftil greeting cards. They have been so perfectly crafted that the price at which we sell them, $3.50, is probably less than the cost of production. Some of them measure as much as 5 x 8 inches. Call me seffish, but I couldn’t bear to part with a single one of them! These, dear friends, are frameable art. However should you receive one in the mail, be assured that the person who sent it to you loves you very much! —

must buy it—$15 for “Lightning, Roses and Fire.” While browsing at the Vedanta Society Bookstore I saw a nice little book of the Upanishads. I had always heard so much about it, and thought you may like to read it. You can find out more about the Upanishads at upanishads/index.htm The Upanishads are part of the Vedas, and secular scholars will answer that these ancient texts were composed over several centuries by many different poets, priests, and philosophers. Tradition, however, teaches that the Vedas were received as revelation to the ancient rishis (seers) of



India. In other words, the Vedas are eternal divine knowledge, not produced by human authors but merely discovered by them—or seen by the seers. Here is what Swami Shivananda said about them [the story of his meeting Baba is told in the last volume of Lord Meher]: “Some Western scholars have ftxed the age of the Upanishads as circa 600 B C. They regard all ofthem as belonging to the pre-Buddhistic period. This is a sad mistake indeed. The Upanishads are the knowledge portion ofthe Vedas.They are eternal. They came out of the mouth of Hiranyagarbha [Universal Mind] or Brahman. How can one fix the date of the Upanishads? They existed even before the creation of this world.” This is a paperback book, $10 Knowing how popular Pete Townshend and his 0 Parvardigar prayer is to so many Baba lovers, I am publishing the following as a public service announcement. We cannot sell these CDs in the LSBS, you need to buy them on line at http:// “O’Parvardigar” This CD contains three versions of the Universal Prayer recorded by Pete Townshend. The versions are Pete’s studio version, the live version recorded in India and a German language version that Pete recorded specifically for the opening of a European Baba Centre, which has never been officially released. Price: C6.00 “Jai Baba” This double CD is released as a result of the success of the limited edition Ava tar box set, which is no longer available. It contains all the music from the three de

In Baba’s love and service, Dma



‘4 t

“Come, comeforyou will neverfind A Friend like Him, Where indeed is a Beloved Like God in all the world?” —Rumi

PLLl3LlSRERS BLOWOUT SALE! he beautiful, hard cover, i i 7 page 8 x 1 1 hich art book by Ratio ayley titled Because of Love was orlgIrtaliy released at $40. We had been selling It For $35, but i-tow we have a LLttLted rtun’tber in stock at the Incredible price of $20! hi 1935 vteher l3aba wrote to Rato telling her I-fe wLshed her to go on with her art work, despite her own feelIrtg that It had little to do with Uvinga spiritual lLfe.”i wantyou to” Re saId,”For It keepsyou always thmnkingof your Beloved, and Is oiie of the noblest expressions of love. With the depth of feelIngaiid Loveyou have for i-ne,you will


do as I tell you” was I-Us contiruaal response. The last section shows, full page, 27 excpaisite head studies in pencil she did of l3aba; approximately half the total nwttber she produced front 1969-1982. Also shown are the first charcoal portraits she drew in 1937. Ifyon don’talready own this book, it is a definite must to add to yotr library. if you do have it, then you need one to give as a gift to a friend. if you have an artist friend who is not yet

a i3aba lover, this would be a beautifully subtle way to introduce then’t to our Beloved!

bring out son’tething that is marvelous, being the expression of Love Divine Ranojoineci l3aba’s Ashrant in 1937, and stayed till she passed on in . . . “


The first 61 pages ofthe book are the uiitIrnate details of her life with i3aba. First falling it love with Rim itt EiglancL aiid then the rigors of daily life in the Ashran’t. The ttext 20 pages detail the Tet Circles Chart l3aba had her draw. She contitiually asked “Why l3aba?” wheii Re would tell her to put a horse here, a plane there, etc. “Doi’t’t ask questioiis;just







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