Meher Gazette Volume Seven Number Three Alt

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MEDER GAzETTE " MEHER ASRAMAM ": ( Saidapet, Madras)



A Bi-monthly review devoted to the Propagation of Sri Babaji's Message and of Universal Brotherhood Through Meher League· Vol · VII ]

July to S epte mber 1938

[ No.3

\Vhere is ignoran ce : vVhere sorrow for him who has seen the On e in Many ? - Yajur Veda.












That is real service \ Vhere there is no thought of self a t all. S RI MEHER BAB A•

[ Sri Baba : Born February 25 , 1894 : became Sadguru befor e 1921 . ]




CONTENTS --o-Meher Baba


Sri Baba's where-abouts


Ourselves, Me her Gazette, Me her Baba ..•


The Trumpet call of Meher League


Shri Meher Baba


Gospel of Yoga


Meher Asramam


Meher League


Our Exchange



MEHER GAZETTE A Bi-monthly rev1ew devoted to the Propagation of Sri Babaji's Message and of Universal Brotherhood Through Meher League.

Vol. VII]


July to September 193 8·

MEHER BABA (Journal) (With w hich is int:orPoratcd 'The M che r Gazelle'. ) Wili be Ahmednagar.



Octoher next a s a m on t hly at

Subscription 2 R s . Per anmm z..


E dito r, MEH£R E AB A,

(Jou mal)

Meherabad, Via . Ahm ednagar , (Bombay Presidency.)

Poverty is often a mental di sease.



SRI BABA'S WHEREABOUTS. The Master is now with His Eastern and Western disciples at Ahmednagar (G · I. P. Ry. Bombay Presidency). He visits every day Hi s asramam in Meherabad, which is about six miles from Ahmednagar. The Mad asramam is in a very flourishing condition with about 35 inmates undergoing spiritual treatment.


Touch with a Perfect Master is necessary to understand the Divine Spirit, which is within us· Peace (Santi) is necessary for removing the crust of our lower nature which envelops that spirit, and peace comes only from love. And is not our Master an incarnation of Love? Even the thought of the Master is enough to make us hear that Divine Melody, and through His Grace Peace spreads like the roots falling down from the branches of the banyan tree. In short, in the endless Path Master gives us Peace when we deserve it. Love di vin e, all love excellinr.r, Joy of Heaven , to earth come down. It was cur good fortune to publish in June 1930, under the directions of the Master, the first issue of Meher Gazette as the S ister Journal of Meher Message. Unfortunately the latter ceased to exist under very deplorable circumstancis, and the small Meher Gazette has been faithfully doing its duty in the cause of the dear Master. \Ve then wrote, ''Its purpose is to spread far and wide the Divine idea of Universal brotherhood through 'Meher League' and to a small extent supplement the tremendous spiritual work done by Meher Message. Our religion is the religion of Love. We shall have nothing to do with the pernicious dogmas and injurious traditions of any Organization. We shall ever pray for the spiritual uplift of every being in this world· We shall ever preach against the many social evils, wh ich have brought our Motherland to the present condition. We shall also try to make (Babaji willing) Mother India the spiritual Mother of the World . May B a b<aji bless this movement! Om Tat Sat!! " This small child of the great Master has now a new incarmation· It will be published in the immedi a te presence of Sri Babaji at We must think opulently,



Ahmednagar from October next. At the first meeting held in His 'Jopri' at Meherabad, Ahmednagar, on July 11, 1938, it was decided that the magazine be edited and published by an Editorial Committee, consisting of the following eight members:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8·

Princess Norina Matchabelli. Elizabeth C. Patterson. Abdul Kareem Abdulla. F. H. Dadachaii ji, Dr. S. A. Gani. Estelle Gayley. Adi. K. Irani. C. V· Sampath Aiyangar

The Maga~.ine will henceforth be called "Meher Baba", and will be published as a monthly, at Ahmednagar from October next. We express to our readers our "still small voice of gratitude." The late Bishop Leadbeater said " The pupil of the Master has only one desire and that is to serve". We have resolved to serve· Our humble prayer is that He may use us as chann els through which His Grace may irrigate the world.

THE TRUMPET CA._LL OF MEHER LEAGUE· Wake up brothers and sisters. Cast off the errors of ages, and meditate on the sacred Mantram of Universal Brotherhood, and practise it. 2 Be loyal to our Patron Sri Sadguru Meher Baba. 3 Live His Life : Practise and preach social harmony, 4 Work with ab~olnte freedom of conscience, with Sri Babaji as your Guide an.d Master. 5 Be the soldiers of Truth. 6 Work for the spiritual welfare of the world.

SHRI MEHER BABA (By Dr, C· D. Deshmukh, M.A., Ph.D.) What we need for practical guidance is, Teachers who exemplify the perfect life. The synthesis or harmony for which we are striving can only be attained in life. And for this purpose there is nothing like We are all architects.



meeting a Perfect Master, He teaches not by words alone, but by example. He proves the reality of the Ideal not merely by de scribing it but by expressing it. 1J e is therefore a greater source ol inspiration than hundreds of books. Meher Baba,

VI/ e have such a Perfect One in Shri Sadguru

Some of the new visitors of the Master feel that they would find it difficult to follow his mode of communication . Since he entered into Silence, he has been using his alphabetical board on which he spells out what he wishes to convey. But it is surprising how every one feels perfectly at home in his communications. He talks to the soul directly and the words which he uses are, as it were, incidental . \iVhat one longs for most is just to sit in the holy presence of the Master· It is like basking in the sun. From him there continually flow streams of life-giving love. And such is the wonderful magic of his divine presence that as soon as the visitor sits face to face with him, there at once descends upon him a great calm. And even if he bas had only a short interview he is a changed man by the time it comes to an end . This is the main characteristic of the teachin'{ of One who derives has 3nthority from personal realisation. It is not so much the words uttered as the tremendous personality of the speaker, whi ch produces lasting results- The instructions which-Shri Meher Baba gives to the visitor are according to his needs and the general line of hi s development· His teaching excludes nothing and comprehends the whole of life· It is not concerned with sectarian dogmas but with universal Trnth· He imparts not dead formulae but living understanding• Shri Meher Baba gi ves such beautiful love to tho ~ e who a pproach him that they are inevitably drawn to him. Tbe y fee l hound to each Qther by the common hond of love for bim- He is their Ma ste r, Fri e nd and Guide· He brings joy into their Jives and puts them on the Path. And they in their turn love and adore him as Truth- Incarnate· The disciples feel personally drawn to him because his love for them is personal• It is not like a breeze heedless of the needy, giving purely a temperory delight to the passer-by, It is moce like the wings of a bird who sits and sits on the egg, until by the creati ve warmth of the wings, the creature illside grows and ultimately bre,1k s it s prisGn· However, his love is impersonal in the sense that it is not at all sc:ifconscious. Like the spontaneou s perfume of a flower, it is av a ilable to all without distinction·

It is mental penury that makes us poor.



As a result of coming into personal contact with him the aspirant experi ences a quickening of life and the widening of his consciousness, and he gets a glimpse of the eternal values. In his presence one realises what a great gulf separates ordinary human consciousness from a God . realised Being路 And one recognises in him the revelation of .that Truth which really is the object of our search and the destination of our long pilgrimage, and which alone can completely satisfy our inmost aspirations. 'Hitavada'.

Om GOSPEL OF YOGA . (By H. H. Sri Swami Sivananda, "Ananda Kutir", Rikhilwsh.) (Himalyas) \iVorldly life is chaotic and fragmentary. - It is full of noise, troubles, unrest, agitation and tribulations. A worldly man is a spiritual bankrupt, though he may be a very wealthy and extremely intelligent man, though he may hold a very high position, rank or status in Society. Spiritual wealth is the real ine xhaustible wealth. Spiritual knowledge A fully- blown is the real knowledge. Spiritual life is the real life路 Yogi is the real Emperor of the whole world. The cause for suffering is the desire "to live and enjoy" the sensual objects of this world路 The cause for desire is ignorance. If the root cause for ignorance is annihilated in its entirety by attaining the knowl edge of the self, all desire s and the clinging to life, all sufferings will cease for ever. A selfish man is unrighteou s. Attachment and sense of separateness are present in him to a remarkable degree. He cannot develop those qualities which Yoga needs. A des ire to become a Yogi and to learn Yoga can only arise in a man who is. free from selfishness, who is ri ght eous, and who has religious disposition. Selfishness constricts the heart and forces a man to do injury to others and get hold of the property of others by foul means. It is selfishness that prompts a man to do sinful acts. Yoga is a perfect practical system of self-culture. You can attain harmonious development of your body, mind and soul by the practise of Yoga. It is an exact science. You can acquire absolute control over the whole nature by its practice. It helps the student to attain ethical perfection, perfect concentration of the mind and to unfold various psychic powers. It teaches applied psychology. It helps the practi路 Don't complain and say "I am a failure".



tioner to enter into consciou!l communion" with the Lordlthrough Samadhi and to attain Kaivalya {independence) eventually. Yoga is turning away of the senses from the objective universe and. the concentration of the mind within. Yoga is eternal life in the soul or spirit. Yoga transmutes a man into Divinity. Yoga brings a message of hope to the forlorn, joy to the depressed, strength to the weak and kilo~ledge to the ignorant. Your spiritual growth is guaged by the e,xtent of your victory over external circumstances and environments, troubles and difficultiEs, adverse conditions and antagonistic influences. A yogi or a sage always keeps a balanced mind in all conditions of life and at every moment. Yoga aims in controlling the mind and its modifications. The practice of Yoga disentangles the individual soul from the phenomenal world o~ sense objects. The individual soul becomes identical with the supreme soul. This union is the goal of human existence. The Western philosophers, Plato, Emerson, Schopehauer, Spinoza, Descartes, Prof. Max Muller and Paul Duessen have eulogised the study of the science of Yoga very higly. It is only the uncultured man who runs after Siddhis or psychic powers. Siddhis have no spiritual value. Worldly people are enamoured of persons who exhibit Siddhis and run after them with curiosity. They are under the wrong impression that those who exhibit Siddhis are only The siddhis have no proper place in the real saints. This is wrong. spiritual life. You will have to shun then ruthlessly even they manifest during the course of concentration and meditation. They are bound to Then only you can advance come. You should not mind them a bit. in the spiritual path. They are nothing when compared with the Supreme imperishable wealth of the knowledge of the self that will lead you to the goal of life, the attainment of Supreme Joy, unalloyed Bliss and eternal life. Santi; Om Santi: Santi;

MEHER ASRAMAM Saidapet, (Madras) 1 Members of Meher League may assemble here and spend some time in meditation. 2 Earnest spiritual aspirants may go there and spend some time in that quiet place under the tree planted by the Master. 3 At present the offices of 'Saidapet Rate Payers' Association', 'Municipal Congress Party' and 'Saidapet Civic Association', are _located here路 路路 Thoughts are magnets, 路


MEHER LEAGUE When His Holiness Sri Sadguru Meher Babaji graced Saidapet with His Presence the following resolutions, among others, were passed in His immediate prasencei. That a League called "Meher League" be formed with the object of promoting Universal Brotherhood. ii. That all persons, who are aged 15 and above might become members of the League. iii. That the only condition for becoming a member is that he or she should undertake in writing to promote U r.i versa! Brotherhood in thought, word and deed . iv. That the League should spread the me s ~age of our Divine Lord Me her Babaji viz, Universal Brotherhood• His Holiness Sri Meher Babaji i<> the patron of the League. President: C. V. Sampath Iyengar, Vice-Pre sident: Vadivelu Mudaliar, Treasurer: C. V. Sampath Iyengar, Secretaries : V. T. Lakshmi, M.A. L.T., M. R. A. s. K. S· Srinivasan· [N . B ·-Those who wish to join Meher League may apply to.c. V· Sampath Aiyangar, 27· Brahmin street, Saidapet, (Madras)- India• [N· B ·-Ail members are requested to inform the Editor of their change of address, if any• Ed.)


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