Northern California Baba Center NewsLetter 1994-1995

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2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 24





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Kumar and "Mister God" Amrit Irani is married to MeherBaba's nephew Dora andthey livem India near Meherazad. Amrit spoke to ourgroup in August of 1986, telling thiswonderful story:


So my father was pushed out of that place before 7:00 in the morning.

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"Everybody knows about my father Kumar and his coming to Baba and how he brought us all to Baba. He was a revolutionary or, you could say, freedom fighter. It was a time when the British were in India and India wanted its freedom. My father got in volved in all that and he was taken to prison. He spent quite a lot of time there—almost five years, then he came home and his mother convinced him

to get married. He did, but he still wouldn't give up his activities, so he was taken again, for almost another five years. This story starts when he was in prison the second time.

My father wasn't an atheist, but he was an agnostic. He was angry at God because he saw how much the Indian people were suffering. So now, while he was in prison for so long, he started missing home. He could think of no way to get out, so one evening all of a sudden he said to himself, "OK, Let's try God." There was a window in his room, so he looked'out and said to the sky "Mister God, if you exist, help me to be out of this place by 7:00 tomorrow morn ing. If I'm out of here by 7:00 tomorrow morning, I'll believe there is a God. And if you do get me out, I'll serve out the rest of my sentence in any other way that you want."

He had a feeling that it might happen, so he started packing his things that night. So what happened? In the early morning, way before 7:00, there was a knock on the door and a guard said, "Please, hurry and leave. I got the orders for you to go last night, but I forgot to bring them to you, so please leave now, and hurry so I won't get in trouble!"



He came home to his wife, his moth er and his son, now almost five years

old. They were very poor, but they bought a small piece of cheap land

near Dehra Dun and farmed it.

One day in 1950, he saw a tonga pull up the road, with an odd-looking group of people—Indians, Westerners, and a few Parsis. They were looking for land. Our neighbor's land was for sale, so my father helped them to make the deal. The people were friendly and my father liked them very much. He would work with them to fix the place up. He noticed they kept talking about "Baba"—how He wouldn't like this or that.

Now I'll go back a bit and tell you the story behind their buying this land. Baba had ordered his follow ers in northern India to look for a small piece of land so that He could stay there at the time of Kumba Mela. They took a long time finding the right piece of land, and Baba was very annoyed with

them, so He sent them a telegram saying "I want this land as soon as possible—within a few days. It should be exactly four and a half miles from a certain road. After four and a half miles, turn right

for another half-mile." That was my father's place. The time came for Baba to come. He decided not to

come to the land, but to stop at the railway station. My father asked if he could come too, and they said "Of course. We've been writing to Baba telling Him how you've been helping us." So he went. He saw this beautiful person and knew right away that it was Baba, yet he didn't believe in Him as God. Baba went into the waiting room and asked "Where

is that Kumar who has been helping you all this time?" One of the men called my father in and brought him to Baba.


Baba said " I'm very happy with you. You've helped my people to choose this land and to work on it. My father said "Thank you," and he just kind of stood in the corner and enjoyed looking at Baba. Baba asked one of his helpers from Dehra Dun if anyone had arranged for food. No one had, so Kumar offered to go to his home—a 20-minute motorcycle ride— and bring food. He said he would

bring it within an hour. Baba was happy. My father and mother quickly prepared a rice pilau, and my father brought it back. When he arrived back at the train station, Kumar

noticed that the scene had not changed. Baba was still talking to the same person He had been talking to when Kumar left. It was as if time had stopped. He did notice that there were more people there than before, and he knew his pilau wouldn't feed everybody. Baba encouraged everybody to eat well, and my father was thinking "There won't be enough!" He couldn't understand it, but there was plenty for everyone, and leftover food too!

He brought the leftovers home, and from that time on, his crops grew in abundance. It was as if Baba had sent abundance to our home.

Baba traveled north that day, and then a couple of months later, He came back. On November 12, 1950, I was born, and Baba came at that time. My mother would cook for Baba and bring the food to Him. I was almost a month old, and she hadn't named me yet—she wanted to wait until Baba came to give me a name. He let Mani and Mehera name me Amrit.

By-nowmy father loved Baba, not as God, but as somebody wonderful. Baba asked him "would you like to come to the Kumba Mela with us? He said

"Oh, yes!" Baba said he could bring his family, so I got to be in the New Life with Baba—a short trip, just two hours going and two hours coming. When we'reached there, my mother was worried because the party was to stay in a very small house—

three rooms. Baba stayed in one room, the men in another, and the women in the third. She was

worried that I would cry and bother the others. Just as she was thinking this, Baba came in and gave her two biscuits for me. My mother thought "A monthold baby, eating biscuits? But she put them aside and didn't say anything. Of course, I started crying that night, and my mother found that she couldn't

nurse me. Her milk would not come, probably be cause she was so nervous. So, she put a little warm water on the biscuits and I sucked all night long on those biscuits. That was my first time with Baba. Later, in 1953, Baba came back to Dehra Dun and gave Darshan. I was three years old and I remember Him very clearly. I stood in the queue to see Him,

took the prasad (it was delicious!) and then I went right back in line again. Baba chuckled when I came back a second time, but the third time, he gestured "Enough!" But it wasn't enough for me! The fourth time, He took hold of my face and shook it merrily in front of everybody—I was embarrassed!

Several years later, in 1958, Baba wrote to my father arid asked him iflie waited to stay with Him for one year. Of course he said yes, but Baba had him stay only for a week or two. Then, a few months later, Baba asked him to come for one week. He stayed for a week, but Baba never told him to leave, so the week's stay turned into several months. His beard grew and his clothes were becoming tat tered (he had only packed for one week). Then one day Baba called him and asked "Would you obey me if I ask you? He said "Yes, Baba." "Will you stop writing to your family if I ask you?" "Will you stay with me for longer?" "Yes, Baba." It became a year and a half. There were very few books to read and he never went outside the gates of the ashram. One day, he looked around his room, and he remem bered his promise to "Mister God"—that he would serve out his sentence in any way other than prison. Perhaps this was his way of serving out his sentence.

Kumar began to feel that Baba might be his "Mister God"—the other men believed that He was God.

But Kumar had been having dreams of a beautiful mast-like young man (not Baba) holding his hand and saying "I am your Mister God." Who was the person in his dreams? One day, Baba asked Kumar to go along on a trip. Baba had Kumar sit next to Him, then grabbed his hand and said "Kumar, you never told me how you got out of prison." Kumar told Him the whole story. Baba said "I am your Mister God. Didn't you know?"

Baba was holding his hand exactly as the man did in his dreams, but He didn't look like Him. Baba

smiled and had Eruch get out a photograph of Him in the early days. Baba was the man in his dreams. Kumar had found his Mister God.

MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturdaynights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAYOF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS • Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.

The church is at

the comer of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue InAlbany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore *


Friday, December 2 - Being Close to Baba Meher Baba said "I am nearer to you than you own breath. Remember Me and I am with you and my love will guide you." Come share an evening on the theme of being close to Baba. There will be singing, some structured sharing and some hanging out at the Greenstein's home in El Cerrito. (510) 525-3364.

V Saturday, Dearber 10 - Three IncredibleWeeks

February 2 -4 - Lyn Ott Visits Renowned Baba artist Lyn Ott will be our guest. Lyn met Meher Baba in 1965, and has graced us with wonderful paintings, books and stories about Baba.

Thursday, February 2 - Discourse Meeting Lynn Ott will join the weekly discourse meeting at the Barrie-Anthony home (510) 524-1440.

V& Friday, February 3 * The Purpose Lyn will present a very special paper—his encapsu lated interpretation of Meher Baba's life, His work and His manifestation. Lyn will be joined by George Gerdes, an L.A. Baba-lover and actor/singer who will read and sing his songs for us.

Saturday, February 4 - Pot Luck Dinner A pot luck dinner and gathering for our guest Lyn Ott, at the home of the Talbot's. (510) 376-4325.

Saturday, February 11 * Qutta Night

This evening's film was made in 1954 when the

An informal gathering at the Barrie-Anthony home,

Western men were invited to be with Meher Baba for Three Incredible Weeks!

focused on the Divine Beloved. (510) 524-1440

*&Saturday, December17 * Mehera's Birthday

Saturday, February 18 * Meeting the Qod-Man Ursula Van Buskirk will recount the exciting odyssey

that brought her to the feet of her master, MeherBaba.


An evening of remembrance of Baba's Beloved Mehera, coordinated by Louise Barrie-Anthony.

Saturdays, December 24 & December 31 No meeting on these two nights. Joyous Holidays!

Friday, January 6 - Film Night Two films tonight! Meher Baba starring in The EastWest Gathering, filmed in 1962 and Stay With Meher Baia, filmed by Don Stevens in 1959.

Saturday, January 14»The Feminine Side ofQod The return of a populardiscussion meeting. If youare interested in presenting material and/or helping to

plan thismeeting, callLaura Hogan, (510) 237-9257.

Saturday, January 21*Music for the Beloved An evening of entertainment for fun and fundraising by our talented Bay Area musicians.

V# Saturday, January 28 - Amartiihi Meeting

Wednesday, February 22 - Friday, February 24 Japa to Conclude the Beloved's Centennial Year From 2 PM Wednsday to 3:30 PM Friday, we will

repeat Baba's name or a favorite name of God con tinuously in 101 half-hour sections (passed by phone). To sign up, call Emiko Larson at (510) 526-2309. Chanting sessions will end the Japa on Friday the 24th, which, in India, is the 25th, Baba's birthday.

** Saturday, February 25 - Meher Baba's 101st Birthday The Centennial Plus One for the One and Only.

Join a fun-filled 101st celebration at the Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Avenue at Rincon in Kensington. The program will begin at 2:30 PM with an informal gathering, talk and singing. Irwin Luck's movie Avatar will be shown at 4 PM.

At 7 PM, the Love Street Singers will premiere a

new musical play, Because of Love, by Bill and Raine

In remembrance of Meher Baba's Amartithi, we will

Gannett. A wonderful selection of Baba books and

present the highly acclaimed slide show Images of Love by Meher Baba's artists worldwide.

Fred White at (510) 843-4417.

Monday, January 30 - Amartithi

art will be on sale. For transportation assistance, call

Sunday, February 26 - Children's Birthday Party

Join us beginning at 8:30 PM to share in the silence

Children, come and celebrate Baba's Birthday from

at Meher Baba's tomb, which happens at 10:30 10:45 PM our time. Coordinated by Ron Greenstein.

Dreyfus, 27 Jessen Ct., Kensington. (510) 526-6078.

2PM - 5PM at the home of Robert and Alisa

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc.

President, Karen Talbot • Vice President, JanetWhite • Secretary, Leslie Baer• Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board ofDirectors: Soussan Adham-Rupe • Leslie Baer • Mehera Halllweil • Laura Hogan • Emiko Larson • Karen Talbot • Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor »Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson

Trustwatla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250. Berkeley, CA 94701)


LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito • Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM Aiti and tinging at the Greensteins at (510) 525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877

Annie Stovall is compiling a cook book of recipes from the Mandali and other members of the Baba

community world-wide. This will be a delectable fund-raiser for our group. If you have a favorite

recipe, send it (typed, please) to Annie at 869 Appaloosa Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. If you'd like to help, call her at (510) 938-2126.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call 415-322-0886 or 415-328-6783

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Discourse meeting on the second Monday of each month,

7:30 P.M. Also, occasional Sunday morning gatherings. Call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings '7 to 8:30 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Liam Mullan at (415) 474-5442

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings, 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or

Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please coll (415) 221-8724 to get itinto the next newsletter.


If you are not already receiving the Meherana Messen ger and would like to be on the mailing list, please send your name and address to: Marilyn Buehler, P.O. Box 191606 Sacramento, CA 95818-7606.

Dates for Meherana work parties this winter are as follows: November 5-6, November 19-20, Decem ber 3-4, December 10-11, December 31-January 1

(Happy New Year!). If you plan to come up, please call site manager Chris Pearson at (209) 966-5078 so that he can update you on weather and tools needed, and so he can plan the work accordingly. THE AWAKENER IS HEREI

Meher Baba the Awakener, a 56-minute documentary video on the life and work of Meher Baba, is finally here! It contains interviews with Bhau Kalchuri, the twins, Marguerite Poley and Don Stevens. For infor mation, call Tim Thelen (313) 393 3715.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.



MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704








VOL. 24

nication. This institute was run by Catholic, fathers. There was one father from Scandinavia, and I remember him

Stories from Sam Kerawalla's Life

asking the class whothoughttheywould get through the exams on the first try.

With Baba (Parti)

The exams were conducted by the Gov ernment of India, and were competi

Sam Kerawalla, who grew up ina Baba family inPoona, recounts pivotal events from his ear' ly adulthood, and tells how Baba guided him.

tive. Over 300 students from all over

In India you put in two years of college, after which you can go on for five years of further education in medicine. Baba told me to go in for medicine but, unfortunately, during those two years, I became friend ly with a group of Indian youngsters who came from very rich families. These people didn't study, so I didn't study either and I failed in the deciding year. Baba, at that time, was at Ahmednagar at a place called "Ice Factory Bungalow." He called me there and He said, "Well, what has happened? You have failed." Baba said, "Well, business is not in your destiny, otherwise I myself would have financed you to open up

a toy shop." Whether He was joking, 1don't know, but He appeared very serious. He said to me, "Look, elec tronics is the up and coming line, so you study that." There was a college in Bombay where they had recent ly started courses in electronics. He said, "Go to Bom bay immediately and bring the prospectus of that college back to me." So, in two or three days time I

India appeared for them at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. The first day was receiving Morse code. The next day would be sending coded and plain messages. After that the examiner would simulate a plane, a ship or a base station, and your job would be to keep up a communications stream with him. After that, there

were tests using voice, on radio physics, on commu nication regulations, actual handling of transmitters, re

ceiver^ direction finding antennas and diagnosing and conecting equipment problems. Afterevery test your score was posted, and if you railed that test you were out. Out of 300 students, only four or five would pass, and each of them would have taken the test five or six

This was somewhere in 1947. In 1948 through 1950 1

times before passing. So, when the Father asked who thought theywould get through this ordeal on the first try, I stood up. Why? Because, just about a month before myexams, my fatherwas crushed to death under an Indian Navy truck. My family came from a lower middle class background and we were not well off. I had studied, no denying it, but I had that faith that if God had snatched away one bread earner in the family, now it was His duty to provide the next one. That was the thought in my mind when I stood up and, by His grace, I got through on the first shot. A big fanfare took place, with the fathers shaking my hand and all that, because it was a bit of prestige for the college. I started looking for a job in 1950, barely three years after India's independence. There were only two ship ping companies. One was owned by Indians, and the

completed my courses. At that time wireless telegraphy was the primary means for marine or aircraft commu-

other was British. The story was, "You get six months of sea experience and we'll give you a job." 1 wrote to

came back to Beloved Baba. He was sitting the same as three days back. He said to me, "I normally don't touch a fountain pen except to put my signature on some

important documents, but this once I'm taking this pen," and He marked out three subjects—radio engi neering, radio physics and wireless telegraphy. "Now, you go to that college, enroll yourself and study," He said. "Don't waste your time, pay attention to your studies, get through your exams, and leave the rest to Me."



Dr. Hodiwala, a Baba lover from Aden who went out

of his way to help people, that this is my problem and I don't want paybut just experience, then it would be possible for me to have a job. Dr. Hodiwala wrote back to me that Andre Besse, a friend of his has a company withshipping lines. Besse called up Captain Dwyer, an Irishman who managed the shipping lines, and Dwyer said that there was a British radio operator going home on leave for six months, so immediately arrangements were made, the passport was prepared, and in no time I was on a ship to Aden, with pay! The appointment

Then Baba asked me, "What do you take Me to be?" So, I said "I've accepted you as God," but it was like a parrot saying "You are God." It had made no impres sion on me. My whole family said He was God, so I

would say He was God. But the infinite significance never penetrated. That came much later. So I said to Him, "I am born into a Zoroastrian family, but when I

think of God I think of only You." Babasaid, "Zoroast er and I are one and the same. I'm telling you as God Himself that you'll have children and there'll be no problem with them." Baba said, "Go back to Pune

letter said that I would begin my sea job on 35 pounds

immediately and get your family to make arrangements

sterling a month. In those days, the average salary in England was 10 to 11 pounds and people making 12 to

for the marriage." Just like that, I'm in India for one

14 pounds were considered rich, so, already Baba had seen to the material welfare of the family. When I reached Aden they said that the British maritime union had fought for a raise, and now the rate was 40

Eruch become angry with Baba. Eruch says, "He's hardly 24 and Roshan is 17. Why do you want to put responsibility on such young shoulders?" So Baba says, "OK, I wanted to get you married as soon as possible, but Eruch has come in the way. So, go back to your sea

pounds. So, even before starting to work, 1got a raise. About two months later the company asked if I would like to work on a permanent basis. I needed the job and was quite happy with it. We had all British officers and Arab crew,- and during the entire thirteen years I spent in that company I never came across any British

er who had caste or color prejudices. 1 was accepted as one of them. We would go out to shore and party together. I eventually learned Arabic, but English was the language among the officers. In June of 1954 I completed my first three year con tract and came back to India. Baba was at Satara at that time and I was called there. A small incident

happened, as I saw Him. I said to myself, "Normally, I have always stood for a Captain of a ship. I should stand before the-Lord of the-Universe." So, Baba went

to the dining room, sat on a chair and said, "Sit down." 1 said, "No, I'll stand." Baba looked annoyed, but Eruch was positively angry. Eruch said, "Sit down when He tells you to sit down!" I sat down. He asked me about my sea life. He asked me about getting married and said, "What about Roshan?" Now, Roshan happens to be my first cousin. Roshan's father and my mother are brother and sister. I told Baba that I had

never thought about marrying Roshan..Moreover, in Roshan's family two brothers and one sister had pro gressive dystrophy, a very dangerous disease. I said, "This is what I've heard, that marriages of first cousins are dangerous." At this, Baba became positively angry, and turned to Eruch, "Every time your cousin comes, I start having a headache. He is crazy." Eruch interced ed, saying that I merely expressed my side of the view.

day and I'm to be betrothed.-That was one time I saw

job and when you come again we'll decide on the marriage."

Later in that visit, we were all sitting at Baba's feet. Normally I would sit at His feet with my head down because I was both ashamed and frightened to look at Him because in my heart I knew I was unworthy. I knew He knew. He snapped His fingers, "Do you know Me?" I said, "Of course I know you." "There you are,"

Baba said, turning to his mandali, "spending 30 or 40 years at my feet and you still do not know Me and here

is Sam who comes just yesterday from Pune and he knows Me." They all had a good laugh. - ed note: Sam went back to sea after this meeting with Baba, then returned m1957- Tofind out what happened then, read Pan 2 of this story inthe next edition o/thisnewsletter. UPDATE ON MEHER BABA THE AWAKENER

Tim Thelen is nearing completion of his television documentary Meher Baba the Awakener, to be shown

locally on PBS Channel 54 in the spring of 1994. Over $13,000 has been raised for this project, but an addi tional $5,000 is needed for a final on-line edit. "Bay Area Baba lovers have been very generous in support ing this project, says Tim, "and I want to express my thanks." Dina Franklin will be the narrator, and orig inal music will be provided by Karl Moeller. Anyone contributing $50 or more will receive a one-hour VHS copy of the film. Donations can be sent to: The Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California

10808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025, ATTN: Meher Baba Film Project.

MEETINGS - Meher Baba eventsareheldonSaturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTHunless otherwise indicated below. TIMES-Events start

at 8:00 PMand normallyend by 9:30 PMunless otherwise noted.

LOCATIONS • Eventsare held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin

and Stannage, two blocks east ofSan Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *




Friday, March 4 Meher Baba in Japan Emiko Larson and Mary Weiss host an evening de voted to discovering what happened when The One who moves in mysterious ways visited the Mysterious Orient.

Saturday, April 9 Mandali Memories: Elizabeth Patterson

Elizabeth, one of the most charming of Baba's western mandali, will be remembered by people who knew and loved her.

Saturday, April 16 More of That Old Time Religion Still wondering after all these years: what happens to the religion in which you were raised when you know that Meher Baba is Qod? What do you teach yourchildren? A panel of local Baba lovers will dis cuss these questions.

Saturday, April 23 Baba by the Bay In 1952, MeherBaba visited San Francisco. Hisstay

Saturday, March 12 The Star ofStars * Tonight the writer-producer-director of the uni verse appears on film. Baba said that in the future

people will become God-realized through seeing His image on film. This is the future. Could this be your lucky night?

Saturday, March 19 Meher Baba Information: A personal Perspective on Baba Work * $& Rick Chapman, who met Meher Baba in the '60s, will share stories and observations of his quartercentury of life in His service.

Saturday, March 26 Begin the Beguine, Again, Already Music, music, music—songs in praise ofthe Avatar

andsongs He loved, withmusicians David Miotke, RonGreenstein & Darrell Rupe. Friday, April 1 Son of Divine Humor Christopher Mater hosts an evening's entertain ment, recounting more stories reflecting Baba's

sublime sense ofhumor. A delightful pastime for all of us, His April fools.

willbe recalled by one who waswith Him then.

Saturday, April 30 Muir Beach Dhuni Last time, Baba provided a full moon at justthe right moment. God-willing, Hismagic will againprevail.

Friday, May 6 What is Baba's Family? A forum on a subject of wide-ranging implications, led by Ron Greenstein.

Saturday, May 14 Meher Baba and Money Christopher Maier, authorofthe yet-to-be -published sizzler, HotytoGet Poor Quicks will lead a discussion

ofthe relationship between you, God and money.

Saturday, May 21 Bhau Kalchuri's Talk* $> Bhau, Baba's globe-trotting night-watchman and an inspired extemporaneous speaker, will share love for, and stories about his Master, the God-Man.

Saturday, May 28 Memorial Day Weekend with Bhau in Mariposa Roll up the sleeping bags and gas up the car. It's that time of yearagain:"BhaustockV." This willbe

thefirst big event at Meherana, which should bring Baba's lovers from far and wide.


People who wish to know more about Meher Baba


can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, Calif.

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701


Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President. Mary Weiss • Vice President, Kevin Mossberger • Secretary, TomHart • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board ofDirectors: Ron Greenstein. Tom Hart, Christopher Maier. Scott Maloney, Kevin Mossberger, Mary Weiss Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein. Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: JackMormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

Toward the end ofher life, Filis Frederick wrote a

collection of poems about her relationship with Meher Baba called "Light on Running Water."

Previously unpublished, selections from this work are being shared withdifferent Baba groups around the world. These two were sent to us.

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10.00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7AS PM Discourse readingand discussion.. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at 510-524-1440

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to8:30 PM

The original

Arti, and a varied program.

Most-whimsical Comical

Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877

Los QatosfPalo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti,singing, and readings. Please call Cherri Nelson for loca


tion, 415-325-2231

-ical inimitable

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11.00AM Arti, readings, and fellowship.

First-most free'form FUm-jUtm man

Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each' month. Fortimes and locations of these and Sunday morning gather


ings, call Marilyn Buehler at916-925-4451


San Fransisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM Discourse reading anddiscussion. Contact Liam Mullan at 415 474-5442


SanRafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM

firefaU Ofbliss

Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob Mckinney at 415 258-8106

.-'Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings 8 to 9:30 PM


Video first Monday eachmonth. Discourse reading and discussion subsequent Mondays. Please call Helen Riehl 510-935-0167 orGil Shepard at 510-930-8670 for directions


Everyman Is every otherman.

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please call 41S-221S724 to get it into thenext newsletter.

© AvaWT-Me/ier Baba Public Perpetual Charitable Trust.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704

^0065-5004 3i


EL CERRITO. CA; PERMIT NO. 186!i.H{!<!..i.l.ii..<il....i..!ull.ii..<i..J<i




VOL. 24


Between Baba's wedding and the Zo roastrian ceremony, we stayed sepa rate. Our whole courtship was letters between '54 and '57 plus a few months

Stories from Sam

Kerawalla's Xife.

With Baba (Part 2) Sam Kerawalla grew upina Baba family in Pune. Our lastedition featured fiie story of his career as a young sailor. Now he tells how Baba arranged hismarriage to Roshan Satha, carefully attend ingtoeventhe smallest details in their life of service to Him.

In 1957 1 came to Pune to see Baba at Guruprasad. Roshan was there. Next morning, the family got together before Baba. Eruch, his mother and his brother Meherwan were there, I was there with my mother Banumama and my brother Dadi. Roshan's papa wasn't there, but Naosherwan, an uncle of hers and mine was there. Baba said, "It is My wish that Sam and Roshan should marry, but the marriage should not take place because I say so." Then He asked Roshan and me, "Are you happy with the idea

of getting married to each other?" We both said yes. After asking us a second time, to be sure that it was not because He wanted it, Baba said, "Good." He turned to Roshan's uncle and says, "Roshan's father is not here, so you are his proxy. Are you happy?" He said he was. Baba turned to Dadi, my brother, and He said, "The son has lost his father, so you

take the place of his Dad. Are you happy?" Dadi said, "Yes, Baba." Then He called us together, joined our hands in his hands, held us for, I don't know, ten or fifteen seconds, and then He said, "Before God, the marriage is over. Now if you want to have

to talk and court between November


and March. Roshan's wedding trous seau was ready, a little jewelry was done, as I had brought some gold Aden. In February, Baba called us to Meher-

azad because Mehera wanted to see Roshan.

While we were sitting down in Mandali Hall two very important things happened that illustrate the infinite care that God had for us. The rest of the

mandali had gone for lunch, but Baba, Eruch, Banu mama and I were present. Baba was sitting in His chair and Eruch and 1 were sitting at his feet on the matting. In those days there was only matting on the floor. Yet Baba ordered me to bring a chair for Banumama, so she shouldn't sit on the floor. Sud denly, Baba started to gesture. He said "Don't look at this broken down body of mine. I am the Lord of the Universe. There is no shadow of a doubt in this.

Hold onto my damaan." After that was over, He asked me, "Have you thought of going on a honey moon?" Now, I had never been to North India and

I had heard about the Taj Mahal and Qutub Minar. So I said, "I'm going to Delhi to see the Taj Mahal." I was so ignorant, 1 did not know that the Taj Mahal was in Agra, a day's journey from Delhi. Baba smiled and told Eruch, "What a fellow - he travels all around the world and he doesn't even

know that the Taj Mahal is in Agra. He wants to

see Taj Mahal in Delhi." "Since you're going so far north, go to Kashmir also," He said to me. March is not a good time for tourism in Kashmir. This all happened in November of 1957. March 21, It's too cold. We reached Srinagar, and I elected to 1958 was decided as the wedding date, the vernal stay in a hotel rather than on a houseboat, because equinox being an important date for Zoroastrians. It it didn't seem too exciting for me to go back to sea. didn't please Baba that so much time elapsed, but The next day it was bright sunshine and a guide because the old people wanted it He gave in. ,1994 (continued on back page)

a typical Zoroastrian wedding, I want it done very, very quickly."



All who wish to share in the commitment laid

down by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack





Berkeley, CA 94701. OratlrJktaUmr


By now you may have heard the good news that on

People who wish to know more about Meher

April 7th, India's Supreme Court decided to hear the case being put forward against Praveen Organics. A date for the S_upreme_ Court hearing has not yet

Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101.

been scheduled. We'll let you know as soon as we hear any news. In the mean time, we urge you to continue your leter writing campaigns and visits to embassies.

LOCAL MEETINQSr El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at (510) 525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Bnrric or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti, and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings -8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call 415-322-0886 or 415-328-6783


In addition, we have ben requested by the coordina tors in India to remind everyone that all letters

should be courteous and to the point. The coordina tors at Meherazad/Meherabad have learned from Indian officials that some of the leters have been

uncourteous and aggressive. Needless to say, this tactic will do more harm than good. Also, we want to remind you that the efforts in the courts, as well as those to gain "Non-Industrial Zone" status, are not connected to the Trust. These

efforts are being initiated by certain Mandali mem bers and residents of Meherabad and Meherazad.

Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each month. For times and locations of these and Sunday morning

Therefore, please don't make any reference to the Trust in your letters to Indian officials. Again, we'll keep you informed as events unfold. Please spread the word. Thank you for helping in thw crucial effort. If you have any qustions please call Buz and Wendy Connor at (804) 723-6259 or Charles Haynes and Christopher Wilson at (803)

gatherings, call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451


Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - J1:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

San Fransisco - Wednesday Evenings '7 to 8:30 PM

In Meher Baba's Love and Service,

Discourse reading and discussion.

The Friends of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust

Contact Liam Mullan at (415) 474-5442

8470 Brunger Street, Manassas, VA 2211, USA

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM. Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob Mckinney at (415) 258-8106

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings, 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Dis courses.

If your regularly scheduled heal meeting is not listed please call (415) 221-8724 to get it into the next newsletter.


For the benefit of Baba-Lovers/Pilgrims who ask our advice whether to invest in land offered for sale in

the vicinity of Meherabad for a housing project, 1 must make it clear that this is an independent project and neither the Avatar Meher Baba Trust

nor the Mandali are involved in any way in its financial aspects. *"**

MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.

The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San

Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call S10-84S-4339.

* Bookstore # Childcare

If you have goods or services to donate for the auction, please call Karen Talbot at (510) 376-4325.

Tuesday, June 7, 4 PM - Tea with Bhau An almost-farewell tea at the Cons residence in

Berkeley. (510) 841-1777.

Tuesday, June 7, 7:30 PM - Bhau's Farewell Bring dessert to a tea, talk and farewell greeting at the home of the Lowes, 1800 Woodhaven Way, Oakland. (510) 339-9094.

Please note that Bhau's talk, originally scheduled for May 21, will he on Friday, June 3.

Saturday, June 11 - Meher Baba on Film

Saturday, May 21 - Memories of Mehera

Saturday, June 18 * Raine in Concert

Once again, honoring the anniversary of her passing, we remember our Beloved's Beloved. Raine Eastman-

Gannett hosts an evening of reminiscence and cele bration of Mehera.

Friday, May 27 No meeting tonight, as rtteny of us will be heading up to the Meherana Spring Sahavas in Mariposa.

June 2-7 - Bhau visits the Bay Area During this week we once again have the honor of hosting Bhau Kalchuri, one of Meher Baba's manda li, as our guest. The following list of activities with Bhau enriches our summer calendar:

Thursday, June 2, 4:00 PM - Tea with Bhau Come and meet Bhau at his first Bay Area Tea. Bring teatime treats to share to the Greenstein's home, 600 Albemarle Rd., El Cerrito (510) 525-3364.

Thursday, June 2, 7:30 PM 'Evening talk Bhau will speak at the Jamison's home, 6934 Fairview Dr., El Cerrito. (510) 236-7993. Bring afterdinner snacks and desserts.

Friday, June 3, 7:30 PM - Bhau speaks at Albany Methodist Church ^ & Bhau is an inspired and tireless speaker. This will be his principal address in the Bay Area.

Sunday, June 5, 10 AM to Noon - Children's Party with Bhau Bhau will entertain the children with stories and the

children will entertain Bhau at the Talbot's, 721

Crossbrook Dr., Moraga, Ca. (510) 376-4325.

Sunday, June 5, 2:30-7 PM - A Qarden Party for Bhau and Silent Auction An afternoon pot-luck party in the Van Buskirk's garden that will also be a fundraiser for the Meher Baba Center of Northern California. The address is

304 Castle Crest, Walnut Creek, (510) 947-0495.

The Star of Stars once again graces the silver screen. A fundraiser/performance of ghazals by local vocalist Raine Eastman-Gannett. If you wish to read your favorite ghazal, call Raine (510) 649-0433.

Saturday, June 25 - Annual Qeneral Meeting <& This is an important event, as it is our opportunity to be involved in the democratic workings of the Meher Baba Center of Northern California. Next

year's new board members will be elected.

Friday, July 1 No meeting tonight, as many of our group will be at the Sahavas in southern California

Saturday, July 9 - Concert by Raphael Rudd The Berkeley Unitarian Fellowship, 1924 Cedar at Bonita in Berkeley, will be the site for a fundraiser/ concert by visiting pianist Raphael Rudd.

Saturday, July 16 * Meherana Update Bryan Drygas, who is on the board of Meherana, will talk about current and proposed developments.

Saturday, July 23 - A Reminiscence of 1969 From one who was there. Darshan Through Death's Door—a talk by Kathy Wiederhold.

Saturday, July 30 - Meher Baha in Japan Emiko Larsen and Mary Weiss tell us about this stop in the travels of the One who is always everywhere.

There will he no meetings in the month of August, hut two special events are planned: Saturday, August 6 - Canoe Trip! Fun for the whole family on the Russian River! Only $11 per person. For information and reservations, call Karen Dewald at (510) 549-1487.

Wednesday, August 24, 7:30 PM - Jane Brown in Concert at the Albany Methodist Church $ Fresh from Myrtle Beach, Jane will treat us to a special fundraiser/concert.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Mary Weiss • Vice President, Kevin Mossberger • Secretary, Tom Hart • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Ron Greenstein, Tom Hart, Christopher Maier, Scott Maloney, Kevin Mossberger, Mary Weiss Newsletter: Alexandra Cons. Editor • Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman. Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

(continued from page I)

came and took us around the town. Every night, we would go to the hotel dining room, and the same chap would wait on us. Every night he would say, "Oh sir, you're so very lucky." By that time we'd been in Kashmir for over a week. He said to me, "We have never seen such weather at this time of

the year for so long a period. It's unheard of that the weather should be so perfect." Then it dawned on me that orders had come from the Supreme Master that I should visit Kashmir.

After a five-week honeymoon we came back. Baba was very urgently interested in a child and was

disappointed to learn that Roshan was not preg nant. Again Eruch interceded with Baba to ask why

we should begin a family,so soon, "placing such a burden on young shoulders." Baba said, "Look at your cousin. What worry has he got? It is I who am carrying the worry of the whole universe, the cre ation. He has no worries, so quiet down."

On the 15th of May Baba went to the West. We all went to the airport to see Him off. By that time, I think, Mehera had been conceived, because the moment Baba saw Roshan He burst out smiling. He put His hand on her head, and I felt in my heart of

hearts that it had happened. He gave me His hand, I kissed it and He left for the West.

When I first went to sea as a young man, I never wrote to Baba. One day a letter arrived saying, "What has happened to Sam? Has he forgotten Beloved Baba?" I immediately wrote a letter to Baba and thereafter made a point of sending birthday greetings to Baba every year. In 1969, 1 was working for an Indian shipping company. When we docked in Norway on February 22, I sent my birthday greetings to Baba. Receiving my cable, the mandali realized that I didn't know

that Baba had dropped His body. The shipping office had received their telegram, but sent it as mail to me. When I landed 1 got a cable announc ing Baba's passing. I was absolutely broken up. I spoke to the Captain, art Indian, who said, "You say your master has dropped His body. Nobody will understand in the shipping hierarchy. Let us inform the company that your mother is seriously ill." They made arrangements for a replacement for me after that last run, which took 15 days. I arrived back in India in early March, to help the mandali prepare for the Last Darshan.


May 28-30

Saturday, June 4

Meherana Spring Sahavas in Mariposa

Bhau Roast/Meherana Fundraiser Get out the black tie and tails—this will be a gala

Bhau Kalchuri will be the special guest at this inaugu ral gathering at Meher Baba's newest center. If you have not received a registration flyer for the Meherana Spring Sahavas, call Christie Pearson (209) 966-5078.

evening extravaganza to raise funds for Meherana development. A flier will be mailed soon with all details, or call Mary Hamilton (510) 837-9650.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc. ••••iSi'fl



2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704 '










FALL 1994

VOL. 24

Agnes Baron and

in this pre-World War II era. For instance, she observed open abuse of

Meher Mount

Jews. Once, while shopping in a in Viennese store owned by a Jewish

by Bing, Jenny and Meira Heckman Agnes Baron, Meher Baba's watchdog,

proprietor, she was assailed verbally by Brown Shirt Hitler Youth who

has gone to the'feet of her beloved master. Baba's dear Agni died on July 5, 1994.

Agnes preserved the property known as MeherMount in Ojai California, which Baba placed in her trust, since the early 1950s. She was a very faithful and loving servant who asked nothing for herself and was amply sustained with very limited provisions. Service to her Beloved was most important to her. Agnes left San Francisco California after an early graduation from high school to attend Antioch College in Ohio, a school especially concerned with fresh views and making the world a better place. While there, she developed a relationship with Pro fessor Mohini M. Charter)ee, an Indian man who later referred to Agnes as his spiritual daughter. (Agnes brought Professor Chatterjee to meet Baba in 1956, during His San Francisco visit.) After college, Agnes became a correspondent for the World Press and the Vienna Herald, prominent news agencies in Europe. As she was fluent in nine

languages, she was able to cover a wide range of subjects. One, involving the economic conditions of the Balkan nations, brought her into contact with many top government officials of the 1930s.

Another project took her among the people in the hills of Albania, known to many as bandits. She

travelled along across the open countryside to seek out these people and become acquainted with their customs. A woman travelling alone was greatly per plexing to officials of the region, who could think of her only as a missionary, a prostitute or a spy. While much of what Agnes did during these years was fascinating, many aspects were also distressing

asked her what she was doing buying shoesfrom a Jew. She told them "None of your damn business!"

Ultimately, Agnes went to Portugal to help refugees She was one of a few trying to help in this monu mental, heartbreaking task. Several of the highranking officials she had met in the Balkans in 30s were among the refugees. As the war came closer, she finally had to return to the United States.

Deeply depressed over the appalling treatment of people and lack of compassion she had witnessed, she returned to her native San Francisco. There she

met and worked with Josephine Duveneck, a phi lanthropist who was helping Japanese Americans avoid internment.

Mrs. Duveneck and Agnes's old mentor Professor Chatterjee suggested that Agnes look into Vedanta. Agnes was moved by the new ideas she discovered. She had a very good rapport with the swami in San Francisco, who directed her to an ashram in south ern California where facilities for women were avail

able. Agnes found the swami in Santa Barbara to be hypocritical and told him he was a "fallen yogi." She then moved tb an ashram in Los Angeles, where she tried to continue her writing, but her typing made noise that upset the quiet of the ashram. She was told of another place in La Crescenta where she could possibly live and write without disturbing anyone. The people at the La Crescenta center were disciples of Meher Baba, an Indian master that she did not know, but she decided to

stay. A book called Avatar needed editing and the author, Jean Adriel, asked Agnes to help with the


task. While Agnes felt that many parts of the book were too sentimental for her taste, she was quite impressed by the central subject, Meher Baba. At Baba's suggestion, a group of women from the center decided to find a location further away from the city, so Agnes went along to look for other properties. Back in the hills of Ojai, Agnes asked about a property—seemingly on a whim. No one else was interested at first, and it was not listed for

sale. They got through a fence and found buildings and features that were very appealing. On inquir ing, they found that it was for sale. They purchased the property and Agnes, still uncertain about Meher Baba, moved in with the group. Margaret Craske was the final link for Agnes. She had great respect for Margaret, and it was their discussions about Baba that really touched her. Agnes finally met Baba in 1952 in Myrtle Beach. Meeting Baba in the Lagoon Cabin was a wonderful moment for Agnes. The two were alone together. Baba put her head on His shoulder, and "everything dissolved," as she put it. In a flash, she felt absolute conviction of His divinity. Baba was to have gone to Meher Mount that year, but the auto accident in Prague, Oklahoma prevented His visit. In 1956, Baba did visit Meher Mount. Filis Frederick

recounted in the Awakener, "He loved Meher Mount

and felt happy there. Baba ... said the land was very old and He had been there before." Baba had a

Agnes and Meher Baba at Meher Mount, 1956

relaxed and playful day at Meher Mount, which was a welcome respite during His whirlwind tour. Baba observed that Agnes's nickname "Agni" was the Hindi word for fire, and used that name for her

endearingly. He also called her his "watchdog," perhaps for her tenacity in guarding His- Meher Mount. Agnes held the property with very limited outside support for over forty years. Her living con ditions were spartan and she lived without hot water or good heat for many years. When Meher Mount became involved in webs of

legal and title issues, Baba ordered that the title be placed in Agnes's name and told her that whatever

shethought should be done with the land was alright withJiim. Agnes was very- active in social programs. During the 1960s and 1970s, she was involved in the

War on Poverty and her own drug abuse program. She was on the suicide hotline for many years and founded the Headstart program in her county. Agnes went to India for the first time in 1983. She

particularly enjoyed visiting Baba's dear ones there. Rumor has it that she almost talked Mansari into

coming back with her, but orders are orders. (Baba ordered Mansari never to leave the Samadhi hill.)

On October 16, 1985 the "New Life" began for Agnes. A fire swept over Meher Mount and de

stroyed all of the buildings. Agnes escaped with her beloved pets, but nothing else. She was assisted by the local community and Red Cross and returned to the mountain about a year later.

While she had a tendency to bark a bit and be frank in her discussions, Agni enjoyed visitors very much. Her only concern was serving her Beloved and she wanted all to share in such service. Baba said:

"The only reason why I call upon every individual to work for Me is to make each one share in the Divine Cause."

We will miss her deeply. The property has been deeded to Meher Mount

Corporation, an established nonprofit corpora tion which will sincerely strive to serve her wishes for Meher Mount. *

You can have an active voice in this effort. For

information on how you can become involved with the direction and support of Meher Mount, please call Bing Heckman at (415) 494-6443 or write to:

Meher Mount Corporation, MEHER MOUNT 9902 Sulphur Mountain Road, Ojai, CA 93023

(See Mam's telegram on back page).

MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church Is at

Saturday, October 1 How I Come to Meher Baba An always-popular meeting: Come to hear stories of the Divine Romance. To be held at the Jamison's in El Cerrito, (510) 236-7993.

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San

^# Friday, October 7 Adele Wolkin Reminisces

PabloAvenue In Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany

Adele, one of the fortunate ones to have met Meher

exit from Interstate 80.

Baba, joins us from LA. for an interesting evening of her memories. She will be bringing a film we have

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339.

y Bookstore <b Chlldcare

not seen before of Baba's mandali at amartithi.

* Note: We are experimenting this quarter with having more meetings in homes in the community. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be at the Albany Methodist Church.

* Friday, September 2 The Original Star Meher Baba is truly divine on the screen. Come and view Him in Myrtle Beach, 1958 and in Meher Baba's Call ...

Saturday, September 3 Labor Day Picnic, 2-5 PM Come for an afternoon of shared food and fun at

Live Oak Park in north Berkeley. We'll play Seven Tiles, Gilly Danda or whatever you bring. Live Oak Park is on Shattuck Ave. between Rose and Eunice.

Saturday, September 10, 7:30 PM Meher Baba and Community Come to the El Cerrito home of Harold and Sue

Jamison for a discussion about where our group is going. Call (510) 236-7993 if you need directions.

Friday, September 16 Rummage Sale Preparation 6-8 PM: Your help is needed to set up and price items for Saturday's rummage sale,- Friend's Meeting Hall, corner of Walnut and Vine Streets, Berkeley. 8-10 PM: work and preview sale for workers.

Saturday September 17 Rummage Sale 8-10 AM: More work and preparation 10 AM - 3 PM: Public sale. Come to help sell, to find that one-of-a-kind treasure and to raise funds

for our group's activities.

Saturday, Sept. 17 No meeting tonight because of the Lord Meher Benefit - see back page.

Saturday, September 24, 7:30 PM Qroup SingAlong Bring instruments and Baba music for a singing to the Beloved, at the home of Mary Weiss in San Fran cisco. Call Mary for directions at (415) 221-8724.

Saturday, October 8, 7 PM Qwest Pot-Luck An informal get-together with Adele and fellow Southern Californian Fred Stankus. Fred will show

two programs that he produced for L.A. Cable TV. At the Talbot's in Moraga, (510) 376-4325.

Saturday, October 15, 7:30 PM Meher Baba's New Life Join in a discussion of the New Life, with musical accompaniment by David Miotke.

Saturday, October 22, 7 PM Video Night At the home of Emiko and Roger Larson (510) 526-2309.

Saturday, October 29, 7 PM Children's Halloween Party The church social hall will become a fun-house and

a venue for a children's party and show by our very talented children's group. Come in costume!

*> Friday, "November 4 The Avatar on Film Come along as we re-visit Baba's Andra Tour of 1954 and delight in the beauty and grace of the Beloved in O Parvardigar.

Saturday, Nov 12 Remembering Baba These are fast-moving and stressful times. Come and share ideas and experiences of ways we can remem ber Him and hold on to His damaan. At the home

of Dick Anthony and Louise Barrie, (510) 524-6405.

* Saturday, 'November 19 The One Dream Away Concert, with Cindy Lowe and Friends Song-dreamer Cindy Lowe will entertain us in a fund-raising concert featuring songs from her new album. Befitting the occasion, the church hall will be transformed into a cabaret setting (Black berets optional.)

Saturday, November 26 Spend time in thanksgiving, but no meeting tonight.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Karen Talbot • Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, Leslie Baer• Treasurer. Jack Mormon Board ofDirectors: Soussan Adham-Rupe • Leslie Baer • Mehera Halllweil • Laura Hogan • Emiko Larson • Karen Talbot • Janet White Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250,Berkeley, CA 94701)

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at (510) 525-3364

EI Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7: J5 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440

Fresno • Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti, and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449?0877

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call 415-322-0886 or 415-328.6783

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each month. For times and locations of these and Sunday morning

gatherings, call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings '7 to 8:30 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Liam Mullan at (415) 474-5442



This will be an evening of fun to benefit the publication of Lord Meher. A multiple-course, fam ily-style Italian dinner, raffle and mystery musical entertainment. Come to die party and bring .your friends to the Colombo Club, 5321 Claremont Av

enue, Oakland. Donation is $30 per person. The reservation deadline has been extended to Sept. 7. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839. INDIAN SUPREME COURT UPDATE

At the Indian Supreme Court Hearing on July 11, the Central Pollution Board (a federal body) rec

ommended that Praveen Organics be relocated im mediately. Jai Baba!. However, the lesser body of the Maharashtra Pollution Board requested two more weeks to review the case. That hearing took place on July 26. Stay tuned for further developments.

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings, 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month.

Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or

Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please call (415) 221-8724 tomtit into the next newsletter.

MAN! SAYS GOOD-BYE TO AGNI Our Baroness Agni now resides in the court of her King enjoying His glory and reward of her

long faithful service to Beloved Meher Baba as "Watchdog" on His Mount. Most blessed isAgnes Baron to thus serve the Ancient One and most

blessed is each one who helped her do so. May Meher Mount ever remain Meher's Mount, re

flecting Agnes's love for Beloved Baba and His Love for His Mount hallowed forever with His


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by

Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.

physical presence.


Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jail!I


from All Meherazad family.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704








VOL. 25


Sheela's Memories of

the bus was standing on its nose! I thought, "Now you have to be ready to die." I closed my eyes, and took Baba's name over and over. When 1opened my eyes, the bus was standing again on its

Meher Baba, Part 2 Last quarter we printed some of Sheeh Ferister's reminiscences of her intimate contact and guidance from Baba. Here are- some more gems from her childhood.

wheels. But now the bus driver screamed

"God, electric wire!" and he jumped out the driver's door. There was a live wire

Really, my family is not my dad's. We are Baba's family. 1 never played with my dad as a kid growing up. 1 played with Baba. Baba, for example, taught me about raising kids. Every year I used to write to Baba to ask if I could go on the annual school trip, and every year He used to refuse. I never gave up. When 1 was in eighth standard I wrote as uSual, "1 hope this time You might let me

down on the ground and the driver began running away because he thought he would get electrocuted. The

kids kept yelling at him to come back and help us.They were in tears and very frightened, but the driver re fused, "That wire is a live wire, and 1don't want to die.

I've got my children at home. Who will look after them?" Even the teacher called to him, but he wouldn't

come back. He was thinking more about his children

go," but this timeeven a sweeter letter, thinkingmaybe

than the 50 children on the bus.

1 could make Him melt. Baba wrote back, "I want you

One of the teachers got courage, got down from the bus and helped each child get off. She told one or two of us to go to the local power station and to tell them to turn offthe electricity. It was earlymorning, pitch dark and raining. It turned out that nobody got hurt, but we all had a good fright out of it. By 10 AM, some other person came and moved the bus back from the wire,

to go, Sheela. You come here and 1 will talk with you, and then you can go." 1 was so happy, 1 thought, "Oh Baba, You're so good to me, so merciful." So, 1 went to Meherazad. "I want youto go on the trip," Baba said, "but howare you going?" 1said, "By bus, Baba." He said "OK, but as you enter the bus, you must take My name three times in the mind. Don't forget. If you forget, 1 have to give you suffering. Will you remember?" 1said 1 could do it. He reminded me to take His name with

all my heart, not just like simple repetition. On the morning of the trip, when the bus left, it was about 4 AM. All the kids were queued up, but I was at the head of the queue, because 1 wanted to choose the best seat. Before getting on the bus, I had to close my eyes and say His name. Right away, all the kids behind me started pushing and teasing me, "What's the matter with you? Why are you closing your eyes? Are you scared of the bus?" As a result of my going first, everybody had to wait in line behind me while I did take His name properly. It was so dark, it started raining and the electrical

power was out over part of the route and lights were flickering. All of a sudden, our bus took a lurch, and the front side went down. The back side went up and

and our driver took over.

I wrote to Baba and told Him everything. He wrote

backand said, "1 sent youon that trip because1wanted

to save the fifty children. 1was there with you." 1said, "But Baba, I didn't see You." He said, "How did it

happen that the bus didn't turn over, but instead fell back on its wheels? I did that. I was there. I did it

because you were calling 'Baba, Baba, Baba.'" 1 hadn't told Him that I was calling out His name, because I didn't think to tell Him. He used to tell me, "You make

it difficult for Me with all the questions you ask. 1 see the future, and 1see everywhere.You just see the present.

I did not want you to fall in the ditch. That's why I said 'No' all these years." Sometimes He used to say, "No," and sometimes He even used to say, "No, and don't ask Me again."

One time Babaasked mymother, "Do yougo for moviesT "Yes, Baba" she said, because my mother loved movies.


MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights

except formeetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events' are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San PabloAvenue in Albany(North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call S10-84S-4339. v

Bookstore *

Monday, June 26, 7-30 PM-An evening with Bhau Bhau will talk at the Jamison's, 6934 Fairview Drive, El Cerrito. (510) 236-7993.

Tuesday, June 27, 7:30 PM-A farewell to Bhau A talk at the Lowes' home, 1800 Woodhaven Way, Oakland. (510) 339-9094.

Saturday, July 1 - No meeting tonight The L.A. Sahavas beckons. See you there.


Saturday, June 3, 6:30 PM - Annual Qeneral Meeting Come to participate in the democratic process of the Meher Baba Center of Northern California,

including approving the budget and the officers for next year's board of directors. It is essential that 50% of the -membership attend orsend a proxy, either to the office or with a member who will

attend the AGM. Doors will open at 6 and the meeting will commence promptly at 6:30.

Saturday, June 10 - Film Night The films Avatar and Stay with God will be shown, treating us to Meher Baba's beautiful image and His words.

Saturday, June 17 - How I came to Meher Baba

Another series of episodes in the always inspiring Divine Romance, this one hosted by Fred White.

June 23-27 & July 21-24 - Bhau's visit We will once again be honored by the presence of Bhau Khalchuri, one of Meher Baba's mandali. Events

with Bhauare listed below, but please call the office phone, (510) 845-4339, to ascertain his schedule or changes to it. All the events at people's homes are pot-luck.

Friday, July 7 - The Avatar on Film The popularfilm O Parvardigar and lovely footage of Meher Baba in Myrtle Beach, 1958 are our program tonight.

Monday, July 10 - Silence Day The Greensteins are opening their home, at 600 Albermarle, El Cerrito, from 11 AM until 5 PM for

a day of videos. CaUT5TO)" 525-3364 the day Before for directions.'

Saturday, July 15 - Raine in Concert Local songstress Raine Eastman-Gannett will perform for our Beloved, and for us as well.

Friday, July 21, 7:30 PM - Bhau Returns An evening talk at the home of the Dunns, 3112 Cranwood Court, Pleasanton. (510) 484-5483.

Saturday, July 22 - Bhau Speaks Again V * At the Albany Methodist Church.

Tuesday, July 24, 7:30 PM - A Final Evening with Bhau"

Goodbye again, Bhauji! Come for a farewell talk at Dick and Louise's, 6812 Tahoe Place, El Cerrito. (510) 527-1712.

Saturday, July 29 - Dreams of Meher Baba Have you had dreams of Baba? What have these

dreams meant to you? A meeting coordinated by

Friday, June 23, 4 PM-Tea and talk with Bhau A welcome to Bhau at the Hamilton's, 100 Winestone Court, Danville. (510) 837-9650.

Laura Hogan.

Phone and mailing list update

Saturday, June 24 - Bhau speaks at Albany

If you are not on the list or wish to change your list

Methodist Church * *

ing, please phone the information to (510) 596-8750 and leave a message on extension 777. Please call on

Bhau, our well-loved and tireless speaker, will address the group.

weekends or before 9 AM or after 7 PM. Please indi

Sunday, June 25, 4 PM - Tea with Bhau Bhau will speak at the home of the Talbots, 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. (510) 376-4325.

cate what information youwant publishedon the phone list (phone number only, address and phone, etc.), which is available to MBCNC members or whether

you just want to be on the mailing-rc>t.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Karen Talbot • Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, Leslie Baer• Treasurer, Jack Mormon fioard ofDirectors: Soussan Adham • Leslie Baer• Mehera Halliwell • Laura Hogan • Emiko Larson • Karen Talbot • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

"How many times do you go in a month?" He asked.

She said, "I don't count, Baba, I can not tell you." So Baba said, "You must be going a lot." "Yes, Baba. Whenever the kids have a holiday, whenever Sunday comes and we don't go to Meherazad, maybe 7, 8, 10 times." "That many times?" Baba said. "From today you can go to only two movies a month." She said, "What? Only two movies?" I got involved and said, "What if some months we don't see any movies? Can that go in next month?" You can see my mind, I'm looking for something extra. Baba said, "It might be possible to move some from one month to the next. But you must ask Adi. He will keep track." So Adi used to write the number of times we went in a month. He had a medical

chart for himself, and a movie chart for our family. One time Adi went to Bombay. That time, there was a really good movie., the film was going to go to some other city. 1 said to mother, "That movie is really, really good, and Adi isn't here — what to do?" She said, "We can't go to that movie. You study." "No, mother, we have to see that movie," 1 said. "I've got an idea. I'll write a chit to Adi ( a note), and I'll put it on his desk." She was against it, but in the end she agreed. I wrote a letter to Adi and put it on the desk. We called a tonga. Two or three minutes away from our house, the horse had a fit, the tonga fell over and we fell out of the cart onto the ground. All three of us jumped to safety. None of us got hurt, but we were very frightened, and the horse wouldn't get up. I knew it was I who had caused us to break Baba's order. I ran

all the way home, upset at myself. Mother also accused me of being responsible and was really yelling at me. Then she wrote to Baba. The next day, Adi came back from Bombay and he told us that Baba had called us to Meherazad.

My mother was very clear that it was my fault. Baba said, "This time you would have died. I gave this order to save you. If you had fully disobeyed My order, you would have died." Mymother got veryscared and began crying. "Baba, I won't do it again — pleaseforgive me." "This time 1 saved you," He said, "but next time don't do it." It was a bad idea to disobey His orders. Some

times we kept His orders for 10 years, but you didn't know what would happen if you disobeyed them. 1 used to walk to my school. 1 said to my mother,

"Mother, my school is so far away, 1have to walk twice a day, couldn't 1have a cycle? Let'sask Baba." She said "OK" and she said, "Baba, please could we have one cycle for Sheela?" Baba said, "I cannot give you per mission, Rama." "Why not, Baba?" "Just what I said, I can not give you permission." "But Baba, she gets so tired, and all the other kids can do it." Baba said, "I understand that, but if while cycling they lose their

lives in an accident, don't come to me. If you're ready for that, then I'll let you buy one." "No, no, no Baba, I'll let them walk three times a day rather than that," she said. Baba said, "Don't argue with Me. That's why I told you. You tell Me which one you can bear to part with." She got so frightened that she was quite strict with us about no cycling, no matter what. On 30th January 1969 three letters came. The letter

that came early in the morning said, "You can buy a cycle, you are free from My orders, there's no danger now and nothing will happen to you." I got so excited, I wanted to get the first cycle, before my brother. My mother had no money, but she said she would write to my uncle and see if he could give us some. Now, the order had been given 7 or 8 years before, and we had obeyed. Baba remembers everything. We thought we would never be able to ride a cycle, but here comes the removal of the order. That day, 30th January, He took back all the orders, but He said, about all those orders

He had given, "Remember those orders, and think of the spirit of them in the future." The next day was a vety, very bad day. I went to school, I came home walking on the main road, but how 1 went just in the middle of the road I don't know. Trucks were coming and going, one truck swerved and almost hit me. He came so close that part of the truck hit the school books I was carrying and knocked them out of

my arms. My mind was blank, and 1 had no idea where I was going. The truck driver was shouting at me, "You want to commit suicide, why not with someone else's truck — why my truck?" A big crowd gathered around me, maybe 100 people, but how it happened 1 don't really know. 1 was ordinarily most careful walking on the road.

When I came home, my mother was having trouble. Someone had short-changed her and she was running back and forth about that. I saw a servant crying, a

little boy who used to work for Adi. 1 asked the boy what happened. He said, "Baba dropped His body." I said, "Are you crazy, to say something like that?That's why we have given you work?" I got upset with him. "Mother, look, he's so bad, he would say anything." My mother came out and we went to see Adi, so the boy would get a reprimand for lying. Adi was just sitting

there, holding his head in his hands. My mother said, "What happened, Adi, do you have a headache?" He looked at my mother and didn't saya word, but his eyes were really red, so my mother said, "This child said Baba dropped His body. You should call him and scold him." Adi got up, put his head on my mother'sshoulder and started crying. My mother started crying. After five minutes, Adi managed to say, through his tears, "It is

true." My mother said, "1 don't believe it." I said, "No, (continued on page 4)

you guys are crazy. You just cry and say things. I have to go there and see." So, I went out, and there was one truck that was going to Meherazad, soI, mymotherand

my brother jumped in the truck. Adi was so sad, he

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

didn't appear even to notice.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM

William Donkin came to the compound just then, and he said, "Don't go to Meherazad. 1 will take you to Meherabad after I go and get the coffin." "Coffin," 1 said, "what are you talking about?" He said, "Don't

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

worry about that, just come with me, and help me with the work." He didn't want to talk so much, to make me sad. 1 was very close to William, so he didn't want to make me cry. I went there, and he gave an order for the coffin. By the time we finished our work and came to Meherabad, it was around 7 PM. Mehera was crying, Mani was crying. Baba's body was on the stretcher, just looking as though He was asleep. I couldn't believe it. Then I understood why Adi was crying.

Every day after thaH used to go with William Donkin to see if the coffin was ready. William rejected three coffins because they were not made well enough. The foutth one was almost good enough. The fifth one the coffin maker did a good job on — very smooth and nice, no nails.

Life was quite different after that. I was really sad. I felt like an orphan. Nobody was perfect, and nobody could be trusted to guide my life. For example, I was in college. There was a big strike. Should I take part? 1 asked my dad and Adi whether I should join the strike. When Adi asked me how I felt about it, I said

1 felt sympathetic. Then I remembered that Baba had said to me, "If you go to college there will be strife. You should not take part in the strife." So I didn't, in the face of pressure from other students. It was new, the

difficulty with taking decisions. Life was quite different.

Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann

Loew at (707) 778-1195". Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

Discourse meeting on the second Monday of each month, 7:30 PM. Also, occasional Sunday morning • gatherings. Call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451.

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4.00 PM Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106.

Walnut Creek > Monday Evenings -8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every

month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704









VOL. 25

Sheela's Memories of

the bus was standing on its nose! I

thought, "Now you have to be ready to die." I closed my eyes, and took Baba's name over and over. When I opened my eyes, the bus was standing again on its

Meher Baba, Part 2 Last quarter we printed some of §heela Funster's reminiscences of her intimate contact and guidance from Baba. Here art some more gems from her childhood.

wheels. But now the bus driver screamed

"God, electric wire!" and he jumped out the driver's door. There was a live wire

Really, my family is not my dad's. We are Baba's family. I never played with my dad as a kid growing up. I played with Baba. Baba, for example, taught me about raising kids.

Every year I used to write to Baba to ask if 1 could go on the annual school trip, and every year He used to refuse. I never gave up. When 1was in eighth standard 1 wrote as usual, "I hope this time You might let me

down on the groundand the driver began running away because he thought he would get electrocuted. The kidskept yelling at him to come backand help us.They were in tears and very frightened, but the driver re fused, "That wire is a live wire, and I don't want to die. I've got my children at home. Who will look after them?" Even the teacher called to him, but he wouldn't

come back. He was thinking more about his children

go," but this time even a sweeter letter, thinking maybe

than the 50 children on the bus.

1 could make Him melt. Baba wrote back, "I want you

to go, Sheela. You come here and 1 will talk with you, and then you can go." I was so happy, I thought, "Oh Baba, You're so good to me, so merciful." So, 1 went to Meherazad. "I want you to go on the trip," Baba said, "but how are you going?" I said, "By bus, Baba." He said "OK, but as you enter the bus, you must take My name

One of the teachers got courage, got down from the bus and helped each child get off. She told one or two of us to go to the local power station and to tell them to turn off the electricity. It was earlymorning, pitch dark and raining. It turned out that nobody got hurt, but we all had a good fright out of it. By 10 AM, some other person came and moved the bus back from the wire,

three times in the mind. Don't forget. If you forget, I

and our driver took over.

have to give you suffering. Will you remember?" I said

I wrote to Baba and told Him everything. He wrote

I could do it.-He reminded me to take His name with

back and said, "I sent you on that trip because I wanted

all my heart, not just like simple repetition. On the morning of the trip, when the bus left, it was about 4 AM. All the kids were queued up, but I was at the head of the queue, because I wanted to choose the best seat. Before getting on the bus, I had to close my eyes and say His name. Right away, all the kids behind me started pushing and teasing me, "What's the matter with you? Why are you closing yout eyes? Are you scared of the bus?" As a result of my .going first, everybody had to wait in line behind me while I did take His name ptoperly. It was so dark, it started raining and the'electrical power was out over part of the route, and lights were flickering. All of a sudden, our bus took a lurch, and the front side went down. The back side went up and

to save the fifty children. 1was there with you." 1said, "But Baba, I didn't see You." He said, "How did it

happen that the bus didn't turn over, but instead fell back on its wheels? 1 did that. I was there. I did it

because you were calling 'Baba, Baba, Baba.'" I hadn't told Him that I was calling out His name, because I didn't think to tell Him. He used to tell me, "You make

. it difficult for Me with all the questions you ask. I see the future, and 1see everywhere.You just see the present.

I did not want you to fall in the ditch. That's why 1 said 'No' all these years." Sometimes He used to say, "No," and sometimes He even used to say, "No, and don't ask Me again." One time Babaasked my mother, "Do you go formovies?" "Yes, Baba" she said, because my mother loved movies.


MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.

The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany

Monday, June 26, 730 PM-An evening with Bhau Bhau will talk at the Jamison's, 6934 Fairview Drive, El Cerrito. (510) 236-7993.

Tuesday, June 27, 7:30 PM-A farewell to Bhau A talk at the Lowes' home, 1800 Woodhaven Way, Oakland. (510) 339-9094.

exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call S10-84S-4339. *

Bookstore *


Saturday, June 3, 6:30 PM - Annucd Qeneral Meeting Come to participate in the democratic process of the Meher Baba Center of Northern California, including approving the budget and the officers for next year's board of directors. It is essential that 50% of The membership attend or send a proxy, either to the office or with a member who will

attend the AGM. Doors will open at 6 and the meeting.will commence promptly at 6:30.

Saturday, June 10 - Film Night The films Avatar and Stay with God will be shown, treating us to Meher Baba's beautiful image and His words.

Saturday, June 17 - How I came to Meher Baba

Another series of episodes in the always inspiring Divine Romance, this one hosted by Fred White.

June 23-27 & July 21-24 - Bhau's visit We will once again be honored by the presence of Bhau Khalchuri, one ofMeher Baba's mandali. Events

with Bhau are listed below, but please call the office phone, (510) 845-4339, to ascertain his schedule or changes to it. All the events at people's homes are pot-luck.

Saturday, July 1 - No.meeting tonight The L.A. Sahavas beckons. See you there. Friday, July 7 - The Avatar on Film The popular film O Parvardigar and lovely footage of Meher Baba in Myrtle Beach, 1958 are our program tonight.

Monday, July 10 - SilenceDay The Greensteins areopening their home, at 600 Albermarle, El GerrTfo, from 11 AM until 5 PM for a day ofvideo'sl Call (510) 525-3364 the day before ' for directions.


Saturday, July 15 - Raine in Concert Local songstress Raine Eastman-Gannett will perform for our Beloved, and for us as well.

Friday, July 21, 7:30 PM - Bhau Returns An evening talk at the home of the Dunns, 3112 Cranwood Court, Pleasanton. (510) 484-5483.

Saturday, July 22 - Bhau Speaks Again V * At the Albany Methodist Church.

Tuesday, July 24, 7:30 PM - A Final Evening with Bhau

Goodbye again, Bhauji! Come for a farewell talk at Dick and Louise's, 6812 Tahoe Place, El Cerrito. (510) 527-1712. .

Saturday, July 29 - Dreams of Meher Baba Have you had dreams of Baba? What have these

dreams meant to you? A meeting coordinated by

Friday, June 23, 4 PM-Tea and talk with Bhau A welcome to Bhau at the Hamilton's, 100 Winestone Court, Danville. (510) 837-9650.

Laura Hogan. Phone and mailing list update

Saturday, June 24 - Bhau speaks at Albany

If you are not on the list or wish to change your list

Methodist Church ^ *

ing, please phone the information to (510) 596-8750 and leave a message on extension 777. Please call on

Bhau, ourwell-loved and tireless speaker, willaddress the group.

weekends or before 9 AM or after 7 PM. Please indi

Sunday, June 25, 4 PM - Tea with Bhau

cate what information you want published on the phone list (phone number only, address and phone, etc.),

Bhau will speak at the home of the Talbots, 721

which is available to MBCNC members or whether

Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. (510) 376-4325.

you just want to be on the mailing list.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Karen Talbot • Vice President, Janet White• Secretary, Leslie Baer • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Soussan Adham • Leslie Baer • MeheraHalliwell • Laura Hogan • Emiko Larson • Karen Talbot• Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein. Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson

Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

"How many times do you go in a month?" He asked. She said, "I don't count, Baba, I can not tell you." So Baba said, "You must be going a lot." "Yes, Baba. Whenever the kids have a holiday, whenever Sunday comes and we don't go to Meherazad, maybe 7, 8, 10 times.""That many times?" Baba said. "From today you can go to only two movies a month." She said, "What? Only two movies?" I got involved and said, "What if some months we don't see any movies? Can that go in next month?" You can see my mind, I'm looking for something extra. Baba said, "It might be possible to move some from one month to the next. But you must ask Adi. He will keep track." So Adi used to write the number of times we went in a month. He had a medical

chart for himself, and a movie chart for our family. One time Adi went t3-£—^rl>ay. That time, there was a really good movie. Next-day, the film was going to go to some other city. I said to mother, "That movie is really, really good, and Adi isn't here — what to do?" She said, "We can't go to that movie. You study." "No, mother, we have to see that movie," I said. "I've got an idea. I'll write a chit to Adi ( a note), and I'll put it on his desk." She was against it, but in the end she agreed. I wrote a letter to Adi and put it on the desk.

We called a tonga. Two or three minutes away from our house, the horse had a fit, the tonga fell over and we fell out of the cart onto the ground. All three of us jumped to safety. None of us got hurt, but we were very frightened, and the horse wouldn't get up. I knew it was I who had caused us to break Baba's order. I ran

all the way home, upset at myself. Mother also accused me of being responsible and was really yelling at me. Then she wrote to Baba. The next day, Adi came back

from Bombay and he told us that Baba had called us to Meherazad.

My mother was very clear that it was my fault. Baba said, "This time you would have died. I gave this order to save you. If you had fully disobeyed My ,order, you

would have died." My mother got very scared and began crying. "Baba, 1 won't do it again — please forgive me." "This time I saved you," He said, "but next time don't do it." It was a bad idea to disobey His orders. Some

times we kept His orders for 10 years, but you didn't know what would happen if you disobeyed them. I used to walk to my school. I said to my mother, "Mother, my school is so far away, I have to walk twice a day, couldn't I have a cycle? Let's ask Baba." She said "OK" and she said, "Baba, please could we have one cycle for Shecla?" Baba said, "I cannot give you per mission, Rama." "Why not, Baba?" "Just what I said, I can not give you permission." "But Baba, she gets so tired, and all the other kids can do it." Baba said, "I understand that, but if while cycling they lose their

lives in an accident, don't come to me. If you're ready for that, then I'll let you buy one." "No, no, no Baba, I'll let them walk three times a day rather than that," she said. Baba said, "Don't argue with Me. That's why I told you. You tell Me which one you can bear to part with." She got so frightened that she was quite strict with us about no cycling, no matter what. On 30th January 1969 three letters came. The letter that came early in the morning said, "You can buy a

cycle, you are free from My orders, there's no danger now and nothing will happen to you." I got so excited, 1 wanted to get the first cycle, before my brother. My mother had no money, but she said she would write to my uncle and see if he could give us some. Now, the order had been given 7 or 8 years before, and we had obeyed. Baba remembers everything. We thought we would never be able to ride a cycle, but here comes the removal of the order. That day, 30th January, He took back all the orders, but He said, about all those orders

He had given, "Remember those orders, and think of the spirit of them in the future." The next day was a very, very bad day. 1went to school, I came home walking on the main road, but how I went just in the middle of the road I don't know. Trucks were coming and going, one truck swerved and almost hit me. He came so close that part of the truck hit the school books I was carrying and knocked them out of my arms. My mind was blank, and I had no idea where I was going. The truck driver was shouting at me, "You want to commit suicide, why not with someone else's truck — why my truck?" A big crowd gathered around me, maybe 100 people, but how it happened I don't really know. 1 was ordinarily most careful walking on the road.

When I came home, my mother was having trouble. Someonehad short-changed her and she was running back and forth about that. I saw a servant crying, a little boy who used to work for Adi. I asked the boy what happened. He said, "Baba dropped His body." I said, "Are you crazy, to say something like that? That's why we have given you work?" I got upset with him. "Mother, look, he's so bad, he would say anything." My mother came out and we went to see Adi, so the boy would get a reprimand for lying. Adi was just sitting there, holding his head in his hands. My mother said, "What happened, Adi, do you have a headache?" He looked at my mother and didn't say a word, but his eyes were really red, so my mother said, "This child said Baba dropped His body. You should call him and scold him." Adi got up, put his head on my mother's shoulder and started crying. My mother started crying. After five minutes, Adi managed to say, through his tears, "It is true." My mother said, "I don't believe it." I said, "No, (continued on page 4)

you guys are crazy. You just cry and say things. I have to go there and see."So, I went out, and there was one truckthat was goingto Meherazad, so I, mymother and my brother jumped in the truck. Adi was so sad, he didn't appear even to notice.

William Donkin came to the compound just then, and

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10.00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

he said, "Don't go to Meherazad. I will take you to Meherabad after I go and get the coffin." "Coffin," I said, "what are you talking about?" He said, "Don't

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

worry about that, justcome with me, and helpmewith

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM

the work." He didn't want to talk so much, to make

me sad. I was very close to William, so he didn't want to make me cry. I went there, and he gave an order for the coffin. By the time we finished our work and came to Meherabad, it was around 7 PM. Mehera was crying, Mani was crying. Baba's body was on the stretcher, just

looking as though He wasasleep. 1 couldn't believe it. Then 1 understood why Adi was crying.

Every day after that-I used to go with William Donkin

Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM - Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195.'

Sacramento - SuruJay^Mornmp-11:00 AM Discourse meeting* on trw second Monday of each month, 7:30 PM. Also, occasional Sunday morning gatherings. Call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451.

to see if the coffin was ready. William rejected three

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM

coffins because they were not made well enough. The fourth one was almost good enough. The fifth one the coffin maker did a good job on — very smooth and

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons -4:00 PM

nice, no nails.

Life was quite different after that. I was really sad. I felt like an orphan. Nobody was perfect, and nobody could be trusted to guide my life. For example, I was in college. There was a big strike. Should 1 take part? I asked my dad and Adi whether I should join the strike. When Adi asked me how I felt about it, 1 said

I felt sympathetic. Then I remembered that Baba had said to me, "If yougo to college there will be strife. You should not take part in the strife." So 1didn't, in the face of pressure from other students. It was new, the difficulty with takingdecisions. Life was quite different.

Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724. Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every

month. Subsequent lyidndays will be devoted to

study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.


2131 Univjb^ity JtyejueWpom 235 BerkeleyJealifornia 947(91






VOL. 25

FALL 1995

The Story of Amrit and Dara's Wedding

later! We had to take the train that very night. We reached Ahmednagar in the evening, about 6:30. At the gate to Me herazad, my father went towatd the men's

Shortly before He dropped His body in

side and I went to the ladies' side. There

1 saw Mehera and the ladies all dressed up

January, 1969, Meher Baba arranged the marriage of his nephew Dora Irani to Amrit, the daughter of the revolutionary Kumar of "Mister God" fame. She was given her name

to greet me the way the Hindus and Parsis do with a beautiful platter of sweets and flowers and a little present. It was really quite touching that they gave me this beautiful welcome. But then Mehera said, "I'm so sorry you came late— Baba won't be able to see you until tomorrow morn

by Mehera and Mani, and grew up in afamily devoted to Baba. She told this delightful story to our group when she visited in 1986.

ing." I was so disappointed. I teally wanted to see Baba,

I was 17 and one day I came back from school, and saw on my table a beautiful big envelope. It was so beautiful and shiny there, and I thought, "No wonder, it's from Meher Baba." I quickly Opened it and several

3, and I so wanted to see Him right away. I was very

photographs fell on the ground. I looked down—they

me there all by myself holding the platter. A couple of

weren't Baba's photographs, and I thought to myself, "Hmm . . . quite good-looking." Then I looked at the letter from Baba. He said, "Read this letter carefully.

Don't take this as my order. I am just asking you.

Would you like to marry my nephew? Remember, I am just asking you, this isn't an order."

Our tricky Baba - He asked so sweetly. Then He told me everything about Dara .. . Where he was born and grew up, his education, about his eyesight—he had an eye disease and would probably become blind . . . everything. He didn't leave out anything. And so, I said to myself, "Yes, Baba." Now, Baba also said that my whole family should agree to the marriage. When he read the letter, My father was so scared that 1 wouldn't agree—that I'd say, "Of course not, I'm not going to marry him. He lives in England. And he's not Hindu." My father looked at my face with a big question mark. Then 1 said, "Yes, I'll marry him!" He gave me a big hug. He was so happy! Of course, my mother was in teats—her little babyonly 17, getting married! We sent a telegram to Baba and He wrote back imme diately, saying He would like to see us just two days

my beautiful companion. I hadn't seen Him since 1 was

disappointed, but then all of a sudden we heard a clap. And all six of them ran to see what He wanted, leaving

minutes later, Mehera came out with a big smile, say

ing, "You can see Baba just for a few minutes." I was so happy—1 hadn't seen Him for 14 years! I went into His room, and He was on His bed with His back to me. He tried to turn around to see me, but He

couldn't. I thought to myself, "This isn't my Meher Baba, it's somebody else—an old man sitting on the bed; a sick old man who can't even turn around." I was so disappointed 1started weeping. I didn't even say Jai Baba. I just stood there. I didn't know what else to do. 1 was missing my childhood friend, my beautiful Baba with the long hair and the flowing sadra. 1 wanted to leave the room.

Hewas smiling but the glow wasn't there. He looked only like a sick old man. Then He raised His arms up, and I went to Him for an embrace, and that embrace wasn't from a sick old man. It was a healthy, strong person giving

me an embrace. He put my head on His shoulder for a long time. I don't know how to say how beautiful it was. Of course, He knew what I'd been thinking, and He said, "Are you happynow?" I said "Yes Baba, very much Baba." He said "You must be very tired. You go and rest now. I'll see you tomorrow morning.'


MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights

except formeetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

.startat 8:00 PMand normally end by 9:30 PMunless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore *


Friday, October 6 - Film Night. Baba's 1954 Andhra tour and His 1958 U.S. visit.

Saturday October 14 - Meherana Fall Sahavas Weekend with Katie Irani - no meeting

Saturday October 21 - Poetry Night at Dreyfuss's 27Jessen Court, Kensington. (510) 526-6078. Bring favorites to share. Original poetry most welcome.

Saturday, October 28 - Halloween Party

Friday, Sept. 1 - Film Night Meher Baba's Call and The Ancient One.

Monday, Sept. 4 - Labor Day Picnic - 12 - 6 PM An afternoon of fun at Arlington Park. From Hwy 80, take the Albany Exit and go up the hill on -Marin ta-the circle. Take Arlington Avenue-north about 2-1/4 miles. The park is on the right. Pot luck. Bring meat or veggies to barbecue. Also bring Frisbees, Whiffle balls. . . Seven Tiles anyone?

Saturday, September 9 - Full Moon Dhuni at Muir Beach We'll start at 3 PM with a hike—meet at the en

trance to Muir Woods. Then we proceed to Muir Beach for a potluck supper, then dhuni on the beach. Join the group at any time. Take the Hwy. 1 Exit off 101 North; then follow signs to Muir Woods.

Saturday, September 16 - Indian Dinner at the Mehta's - Fund-Raising Festivities - 7:30 PM Raj and Dee will host an evening of feasting, games and quawwalis to replenish our coffers. Baba Trivia

and raffle for prizes $15 per person. 34471 Shenan

doah Place, Fremont. RSVP no later than Septem ber 8 (510) 790-7188. Adults only, please, and bring your own beverages. (See flier for details).

** Saturday, September 23 - Circle Dancing with Herman Loew and Tui The Albany MethodisrChurch Social Hall"will be

awhirl with dancers and music tonight. Dance to The Seven blames ofGod and The Beloved God Prayer. Tui Wilchinsky, a friend of Herman and Betty Lowman, joyously leads Dances of Universal Peace and Herman is always up for a good time! Come!

Saturday, September 30 - Rummage Sale Friends Meeting House, Walnut and Vine Streets,

Berkeley. This annual event is the single most suc cessful fund-raiser we do. Donate your goods and volunteer for a 3-hourshift, either pricing on Friday night or selling on Saturday. Call Emiko Larson, (510) 526-2309 or Cliff Mauzey (510) 372-6169.

Come in costume for an evening of masquerade and spooks. To help with refreshments or decorations, call Janet White (510) 843-4417.

^# Friday, "November 3 - Comedy Night The Best of Bobby Manonash and Ed McMaya. Two hours of those wacky guys distilled from hours of prime L.A. Sahavas vtdeorArftandiraiser: $5 gets" you a seat and all the popcorn you can eat.

*M& Saturday, November 11 - The Wine of Meher An intoxicating evening of song for the Beloved with our own Ron, Darrell and Dave.

Saturday, November 18 - Welcome to My World Bring your ideas for helping new people feel at ease at our gatherings. Roger and Emiko Larson's home, 510 Evelyn St. Albany. (510) 526-2309.

Saturday, ^November 25 - Thanksgiving at Herman and Jeanette Loew's - 3 PM

An afternoon in the Petaluma countryside. Come, give thanks to the One who blesses us with bounty. Pot luck supper. Come at 3 PM, eat at 4 PM. Loews will provide the turkey; Call Herman or Jeanette

to RSVP and get directions. (707) 778-1195. Space is limited, so call early. Bring musical instruments!

Friday, December 1 - Film Night East-West Gathering and Avatar, the Australian film.

V* Saturday December 9 - Yule Toddy & Bazaar An evening of music, poetry, chai and handmade wonderments for sale. O Come All Ye Artisans, Writers and Musicians, and participate in.the tom

foolery. Santa will come to visit the young and young-at-heart, so come early (7 PM). Call Emiko Larson if you have items to sell. (510) 526-2309.

* Saturday, December 16 - Remembering Mehera Take time from the holiday rush to remember the Beloved's Beloved. We'll see a video, listen to music, read poetry and share favorite Mehera stories. Coordinated by Betty Lowman. (415) 323-1900.

Saturdays December 23 and 30 - no meetings

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Betty Lowman • Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, SteveJacobs • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board ofDirectors: Alisa Dreyfuss • Steve Jacobs • Emiko Larson • Betty Lowman • Cliff Mauzey • Dee Mehta • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn. Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

I didn't want to leave the room. I felt that leaving His

won't get this or that in England." And her friends

threshold would be like going out into the wotld. But

would feed me too. They all wanted to celebrate the

of course I did. When I went out, the ladies were full


of questions about my family: "How's your mother? Your grandmother? Are the roses we planted still there?

On December 10th, two weeks before the wedding, we were called to Meherabad. We went to Baba, and He said, "Hmm, have you put on a little more weight?" What could I say? Funny thing, immediately after I

How about the old servant? . . ."

Next morning, I saw Baba. with a bib around His neck, eatingHis porridge, looking like a beautiful baby. Mehera was behind Him combing His hair into a tiny little pony tail, coaxing Him to eat just a little more. It was such a sight to enjoy.

Then at 10:30 there was a meeting at Mandali Hall with Sarosh and Villoo and Adi and others to talk

about the wedding. Now Baba looked like a business man, sitting in His chair: "How many guests? What can we spend? Sarosh, you always spend too much, Villoo is right. . ." and on and on. Nobody asked me anything. I was just happy to sit in a corner and look at Baba's feet. Dara was nowhere on the scene. He was

still in London. He had been told that he was going

marry Amrit. At least I was asked. He was only told. Sitting there in front of Baba, the thought came to me to say the three prayers. What better time than right in front of Baba? So, in my mind, I said all the prayers. I couldn't fold my hands or look at Him, but the moment I was finished, Baba made the perfection sign just for an instant. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so happy! I wasn't quite sure of myself, so later 1 asked Goher, "Did you see Baba do that?" She said, "Oh yes, just for a second." I was so glad 1had taken the opportunity. I was so lucky. 1got to stay at Meherazad for six weeks that time. We had beautiful days. I'd sit quietly in Baba'sroom. I was so spoiled, I'd sneak and watch Him sleep because I loved to hear His snoring. It was soft, like a cat, very musical, very soft. I'll always remember

arrived, I came down with a flu. I was so sick! I ate

almost nothing for two weeks. 1 couldn't see anyone, not even Dara, who was told to stay away from his sick, going-to-be-wife. Our engagement was announced on Mehera's birthday, December 22. 1 still had a 103degree temperature! I went into Mehera's room and she helped me dress, then I went to see Baba in my new sari, looking pale and thin. He smiled and said, "How beautiful you look! Very nice sari!" Then, I went to Mehera's porch for our engagement party. Babacame out first, then Dara. That was myfirst glimpse of Dara. All I remember was a huge nose! Baba had us exchange rings, then we garlanded Baba and had Mehera's birthday cake with the guests and then I went sttaight back to my room and went to bed! The 23rd was our wedding day. My temperature was still high. Villoo wanted to postpone the wedding, but Baba said no. He would often say, "There's very little time" and we used to wonder what He meant. No one

wanted to believe that He would drop His body so soon.

Eruch officiated at the wedding, telling the story of

how sweet it was.

how Baba arranged our marriage. We exchanged rings, we both had champagne, then Baba called me to His right and Dara to His left, and the three of us held the knife to cut the wedding cake. And so we weremarried. Then, of course, I had to move with Dara to Villo Villa. The next morning, I created such a fuss. I wanted to go back to Meherabad to see Baba. A message was sent

Baba would always tease me, He'd say, "What are you going to say to Dara when you first see him?" One day when Arnavaz and I were going into Bombay to do my

Dara's birthday, so Sarosh suggested that we both go, and maybe Dara could get Baba's darshan.

wedding shopping, Baba said, "Are you going to buy yourself a wedding sari? What color will you buy?" I had thought maybe red with gold brocade, since that's the Hindu custom. But then, I remembered that Parsis wear white. 1said, "I don't know, Baba." He said "Hmm.


"And one more thing," Baba said. "You're a little fat." (at that time, I was pretty big) so for these three months before the wedding, try to reduce a little. "Not that you're really fat, but Dara is very thin, and you don't want to look too big next to him." I said, "OK, Baba," but I didn't take it too seriously. When I went home, my mother wanted to feed me! She'd say, "Oh, you

to Him and He said I could come. December 24 was

When we got there, the watchman said only 1 could come inside, since the message only mentioned me. I went in and said, "Baba, 1 don't want to go back with Dara, I want to stay with you." He said, "It's all right,

you can stay here if you want to. But where is Dara? Whydon't you call him?" So Dara was called, and Baba had a little birthday gift for him. Then Baba had all the ladies came, my mother too, and He said, "Do you love each other?" What to say? Of course we said yes. Baba said, "Then, kiss each other. 1 want you to be

happy, live a normal married life. You'll be going to England. . ." "But Baba, when am I coming back?" I said. He said, "Come back after one son. No, after two (continued on page 4)




VOL. 26

WINTER 1996 •

Tex Hightower Meets

It*" ^ e

know anything about that kind of love. I don't know that there is preparation for /|,*W ^jgSjTff S-' wi!\ s~that kind of love, but I certainly didn't Meher Baba \T 1 have it, and I can't tell you what kind of love that is, because it is such an entity Tex Hightower, a dancer who met Meher Baba i / \ p unto itself, that there's nothing you can say through Margaret Craske, spoke toourgroup in •n to desctibe it. Words just don't touch that. the spring of1990. .. This excerptfromhis talk, Twenty-five years later, I understood some edited considerably tofitinthis newsletter, begins thing that 1 realized at that moment, that had gone into just ashe was tomeet Baba, in 1952. my subconscious for 25 years, when I was looking into Baba's eyes. I had the full realization that absolutely ev I had this tension of guilt or anxiety ... I just wasn't sure. erything in the world is exactly the way it ought to be. 1 didn't think 1 loved Him at all, I didn't think I had any It is exactly what it should be. I mean, I don't retain that feeling for Him at all, and I felt, "What the hell am I doing feeling, but I had it, and it was in my subconscious for 25 here? What's going to happen?" I did have a feeling that years, and then it came out as clear as a bell. I'll never it was very important, that you shouldn't be flippant or forget it. He absolutely bowled me over, and then He said, insincere about it. The tension built up. _3fiH|

Ha rfwHteijH



"I'm happy." He was happy. That knocked me over.

Then we had gone through all the business of not getting there on time (our plane had, been delayed in a severe

storm), but Baba left a message that saidHe'd see us at 7:30 the next morning. 1 watched three women go in to see Baba, people that 1 knew very well, and they came out in absolute shambles after seeing Baba. So when Delia came

to get me, to take me to Baba, I tripped over the pebbles in the path. When we turned up that little path to go to the Lagoon Cabin, Isaw something whitebehind the screen door, which was like a scrim, a theatrical scrim. I dropped

my eyes. It was almost a physical impossibility for me to lift my head, and I sort of stumbled up the steps. I knew that Baba was standing there. 1could have seen His feet, but I made sure that I didn't. Eventually I did lift my eyes to

Baba, and when I did, He opened His arms. A strange thing happened. It was not a psychic experience, do not misun derstand. It was like a physical sensation, as if I were in some kind of case, like a mummy case, and it cracked. It started cracking right up the middle and down the back, and it fell away, and when it fell away, I could step forward and I looked into Baba's eyes. I never had and never will see anything that beautiful. Indescribably beautiful. His eyes were... I have some perception of infinity, very small, but it's only because of Baba's eyes. Baba's eyes went on

'forever. They were a beautiful brown. I stepped into His arms, and He embraced me. That's the only thing of im portance that ever happened in my life, or ever will. I was overwhelmed with the love that He gave. 1 didn't

When I met Baba, as Miss Craske put it, He knocked me right off myperch. I had to get back, I was deep in rehears al, but I was just absolutely overwhelmed by Baba and I couldn't think of anything but Baba. 1was making a bum

job of rehearsals. I would write His name all day long. So I said to Miss Craske, "What am I going to do?" She said,

"Why don't you make Him something?" So I thought, "What shall I make Him? What great gift of the world am

I going to make Him?" I mean, I'm not Faberge. So I decided, well, I'll make Him a coat. I made Him a very beautiful white wool flannel coat. I thought about Baba all the time I wasmaking that coat. I'd come from rehears al at night, and I'd make that silly coat. 1 had no idea if I'd ever be able to give it to Him. Then He had the accident, and we were given another chance to see Him,

in Ivy Duce's apartment, on a terrible hot day. And that's the second time I saw Him. I was all piped up. I had been on cloud nine for those two months, which isn't entirely

pleasant, by the way, except it's good enough that you don't want to get off. So I was prepared to go up higher. I walked into the room, and there was this man in a cast.

His complexion was gray, He was obviously in pain, and He looked ill. I won't say He looked just like a man, but He did look like God the first time I saw Him. I went

crashing to the basement when I saw Him like that and He was rather impersonal to me that time. He took my hand, pressed it very, very hard against His chest, but He


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