Prayer Journal

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12 2011 no.77

Ver.English Life Book Publications

Tree of

Christ Cho, Nam-suk / Changwon Light of Grace Church

I will remain in You because You said, “Remain in me.” I will remember that day because You said, “Bear fruit.” I will make a place in me for the Lord because You said, “Remain in me.” “So that you will not be trampled down, Remain in my love, so that your joy may be complete Ask God anything in my name, for I will give you everything Remain in me so much that the world hates you,” You said. So I will remain in the Lord no matter what kind of persecution I suffer in the world. Though I am weary and in pain, I will run strong. Because I can fall down on my knees to cry out and pray to the Lord I will lay myself down and fill myself with the Lord. And in due time and need, Though weary and in pain, I will bear the weight of the world And run without wavering. Like footprints in the snow, the monthly publication Prayer Journal will be the footprints you leave behind.

For you who may have spent the past year in regret and fear, d e s p a i r a n d d i s c o u ra g e m e n t , I give you this gift of a month filled with hope and anticipation.

To From

in the name of hope

Professor Mina Moon’s Photo Essay Professor Mina Moon has taught at the Seoul National University of Science & Technology for the past 20 years. She has helped develop and nurture the future generation, and in the midst of deep fellowship with God and through her camera lens, she captures people and landscapes, and allows the scent of the Gospel to spread. She is currently an elder at the Sahrang Church (Love Church).

December meditation

The sunlight loses its luster, and the darkness descends. In this age characterized by the appearance of holiness and a denial of the power of holiness, Christ Jesus, who is peace, promises that He will be with me in paradise. With those words, He tore the curtain in the Holy Place in two. I go boldly before the throne of His grace after receiving and enjoying the mercy of the cross. I go boldly before God, with whom fellowship has been restored through the cross.

I thank You, Lord, for calling me as the one who will remain from within this world covered with the forces of darkness. I thank You for giving me the blessing of being a child of God. Help me not to forget the fact that I have been saved from the curses and disasters of living as a slave to Satan, having no choice but to face suffering. Help me to always remember Your love in sending me Your one and only son, Jesus to give me salvation. Just like the people who asked to realize Your plan in the wilderness and before the Red Sea in prayer with thanksgiving, Help me to also kneel before You in thanksgiving before the problems and trials of life, rather than fall into unbelief and resentment. Just as the 7 Remnants in the Bible did not perceive the world as a problem when they saw the plan of God,

Help me to make the confession of Psalm 23:1 that, “The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not be in want.” Help me to restore true thanksgiving and joy so that I may only give praise to You, my Lord God. I give all praise and glory to God who saved me, established the covenant for me, and who has prepared the blessing of the throne of heaven. Starting now for all eternity, may You carry out Your works through me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

ray r e P

of the Remnant

CONTENTS 2011.12 002 004 006 008

Professor Mina Moon’s Photo Essay December meditation Prayer of Remnant / Contents Lifelong Prayer Topic / Itinerary of Answers Joyful Letter / The answer of uniqueness and specialization enjoyed in the field of aviation

010 014

Our Special Story / A letter to bring new hope Field Gospel Message 47 Prayer that allows us to experience the power of God

022 028


How to use the Prayer Journal

Prayer Journal for Answers This Week (12.1~12.3) Dr. Park, Sang-hwe’s Remnant Study Skills / Remnants and the use of their subconscious

030 046 048 064

Prayer Journal for Answers This Week (12.4~12.10) Covenant Prayer Series 67 / The gift God gave Prayer Journal for Answers This Week (12.11~12.17) Prayer School for the Specialist 73 Strength to transform the worldly culture into the culture of the Gospel

066 082 084

Prayer Journal for Answers This Week (12.18~12.24) Remnant Finances Magnifying Glass 5 / The world in the midst of financial peril Prayer Journal for Answers This Week (12.25~12.31)

COVER STORY The path of hope


School Evangelization Message The Book of Malachi that the Parents, Teachers and Remnants must know


School Evangelization Message Summary The Book of Malachi see through the eyes of the Remnants

108 109 110

School Evangelization Message Bible Scriptures Index Subscription Information

COVER Illustration by Lee, Cha-rang

There is strength in the footsteps of the people who wake up at dawn and move busily on their way. They stomp their feet at the bus that just drives coldly by without giving them a second glance. Giving up on catching the bus, I make my way to work with only the pigeons as my companions. The pigeons that always irritated me make me feel saddened as they peck away at the empty path. I try and give the pigeons some food to eat and as soon as they flock towards me, I run away in fright. I suddenly think to myself and wonder with what kind of heart God sees us. Lord! I don’t want to become someone who struggles to just make a meager living for myself. I want to walk the joyous path of hope together with You. 201112 / Prayer Journal


Lifelong Prayer Topics

SUNDAY 11 November S

Prayer Topics for 2011

6 13 20 27

MONDAY 01 January

















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4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

1 8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

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Prenatal/Infant Parent’s Seminar Metropolitan Region Evangelism Training Center Closing Seminar

Prayer Topics for December 11

12 The day


the Prayer Journal comes out



24 Hour Gospel Broadcasting Telephone 1688-1691 Bank account for donations: Kookmin Bank 695001-01-202851





Ceremony of Ringing in the New Year

13 (Tuesday)~15 (Thursday) Asia (Hong Kong) Evangelism Conference/ Remnant Conference


27 Tuesday Conference


Itinerary of Answers WEDNESDAY


Remnant Theological Seminary Closing Seminar


Youngnam Region Evangelism Training Center Closing Seminar







Honam Region Evangelism Training Center Closing Seminar









24 Remnant Day





201112 / Prayer Journal


Joyful Letter

The answer of

uniqueness and specialization enjoyed in the field of 8


I dreamt of becoming a pilot after having an unforgettable experience aboard an airplane in the fourth grade. However, as I entered into middle school, an unsustainable spiritual problem arose within me, and I ended up trying to run away from my problems by studying abroad in the Philippines. As I spent my life in the mission home, my life became completely changed as I received grace from the Word. As I attended school, various meetings took place and I learned that I could engage in aviation studies as a high school student. My vision had rested upon such a paramount peak; thus, I embraced my dreams of becoming a pilot through prayer and preparation. In conclusion, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit I was admitted to an A-ranking university in the field of aviation. The worries of my family, the immense tuition, the skills and fundamentals regarding aviation, and my future after graduation were all conflicting issues that I was burdened with; hence, I laid them all before the Lord and entered inside prayer. As a result, God led me despite my lacking standards, background, and abilities. As I entered through the doors to my school every day, I would pray, “Lord, You have brought me here, so may You take full responsibility over me.” Astonishingly, God had enhanced my health which the doctor analyzed to be inadequate for entering the field of aviation. Concerning the financial aspect, God prepared my family beforehand regardless of our financial issues. In 2003, through the World Remnant Conference, God revealed

the reason as to why I must become a CEO rather than a pilot of an airline, and why I had to achieve success for the sake of world evangelization and the Remnant movement. I, who had given up on my academic studies, embraced the covenantal passion and the vision God has prepared in order to challenge once more. Consequently, I was able to receive the highest marks in my aviation classes. In the midst of praying for my direction after graduation, I received God’s commission for me through His Word. At first, when I embarked on my journey to become a pilot, my fellow seniors scoffed at me claiming, “Even if you graduate, there is no hope in the future,” and told me to quit school. This was due to the fact that I was legally incapable of entering the field of aviation or piloting abroad. However, God continued to guide my by reforming the laws of the aviation administration and immigration policies. I became the first Korean pilot in the Philippines and I was hired by an airline. At a young age of 17, I participated in my first flight, and by age 24 I became the youngest pilot. As God had provided Joseph with a dream which He fulfilled, I am absolutely sure that God will fulfill my vision of becoming a CEO of an airline for the purpose of world evangelization and the Remnant movement. Until now, God has given me unprecedented answers, and I believe He will undoubtedly guide me throughout my entire future. Remnant Moses Shim / Philippines Antioch Church, Southeast Asian Airlines Pilot

201112 / Prayer Journal



Aletter new

to bring


Theme for January

_Crush all pessimistic thoughts and words!

Theme for February

How great would it be if there were a way to forget today’s anger and act as though nothing were wrong and restore happiness the very next day? If there were a medication to help brighten the atmosphere after I’ve made a mistake, I would be joyful even after making mistakes. No matter how much we work upon our hearts to make a good atmosphere, our bad habits only make our present state pessimistic, and form a heart of negation that we cannot hide and the situations that are not within our realm of control. On top of that, the inconsiderate words we speak even cause others to hurt and get sick. Now, a new year dawns upon us once more. Let’s begin the year with hopeful words and happy thoughts, Compliments rather than criticism, words of encouragement rather than words of slander. Share the blessings that you will receive with the monthly Prayer Journal . Even if you make mistakes this year, correct your posture, and live with truthful thoughts and an optimistic heart.

At times, our face breaks out into a smile as we watch the bright-eyed, happy smile of a small child; or we get hungry looking at delicious foods, even though we weren’t hungry at all. Just as our hearts are moved by an unexpected song, our emotions react quickly to the things we see, hear, or feel. Though we may not be aware of it, our highly contagious feelings can make our day good or bad. That is why, when something too good to be true happens unexpectedly, we make the wish that the feeling will not fade. How great would it be if we could always think and act in a simple way? Why don’t we examine whether or not we have the love and joy of Christ Jesus our Savior in our day today, a day where we wish for peace of mind. Perhaps we are living our precious day in resentment. What makes us elated? What makes us thankful? Share what makes you truly happy with the monthly Prayer Journal .

_The things that make us happy

※ Send us your field stories Deadline : Send one A4 typed page by November 25 for January 2012 and December 25 for February 2012 Send to :,, or to Prayer Journal, Kangseo-gu, Deung-chon 3-dong, 700 bunji, 202 ho, Seoul, KOREA 157-033 * Please include your name, address, church, duty in the church, and phone number.


+DOI RI P\ OLIH IRU *RG “I cannot associate with unbelievers.” Seven years ago, this was the first thing my current wife said to me. I started a religious walk of faith without the Gospel to win my wife’s heart. We got married after 3 years of dating, but I was diagnosed with “autoimmune disease” which caused loss of hair all over my body. Thereafter, God became the target of my hatred and I quit attending church. I only thought about treatments for my disease and sought worldly truth. Suddenly, I noticed my wife praying silently, in more pain than me. Even when I resented everything because of the different me, my wife never gave up at any moment and continually prayed with tears to bring me back into God’s embrace. God’s permitted time in discovering me in Christ has come around. The roots of religion were cut off and the Gospel started sprouting. I regained a hold of the Word and restored worship. Even in times of momentary pain and unbelief, I never let go of the Word of God. As soon as I firmly grasped the Word, God answered my prayers according to His time, and those answers soon linked to evangelism. Today, likewise, as I walk to church, breathing in the morning air, gratefulness overwhelms me as I think of God’s amazing plans for the

201112 / Prayer Journal


ďŹ eld. Problems are unending, yet they no longer approach me as trials and are instead connected to prayer, forcing me to believe that the rest of my life cannot be exchanged for any other. Thank you for this special morning! How can I ever repay You for the great grace of saving me in the name of Jesus Christ and calling me Your child? I sincerely thank You for the wife and pastor You have allowed me for my refuge and for your glory. Ordained Deacon Jeon, Chang-su . Antioch Church

5HPQDQW PRGHO ZLWK WKH VDPH KHDUW I am a Sunday school teacher, in charge of the 7th grade girls. My group of students consists of precious Remnants to save the entire world, who never greet elders, and devoted Remnant disciples whom others were afraid to speak to. God prepares new grace every day for our lacking, special group. Through unspoken scars, fears, pains and weaknesses, God allowed us to realize those things as His answers in the ďŹ eld. They continue to transform into the people of God, and they are too precious when they pray.


Following the World Remnant Conference, we laid deep roots of the missions fields in our hearts through the missions and Remnant Summit. The first mission was given to the junior high and high school students through the Word. Their first mission was to evangelize to at least one of their friends by January 1, 2012 and form a 200-word prayer topic for that friend. As a result, 7th graders Chowon, Nari, Eui-jung and Yae-ool completed the given task in 38 days. I earnestly pray for their victory in the field as they continue the work that pleases God within His abundant grace and love. With 10-minute prayer regarding this mission, God provides strength to make challenge throughout the day, and I pray for the others who will embrace the same heart in the Lord. “Lord, bring up these Remnants as the happy, exemplary Remnants who enjoy their status. I pray that the work of the fire and wind of the Holy Spirit, as recorded in Acts 2, will sweep over the church and region.” Senior Deaconess Kang, Soon-lyung . Guhjae Yae-eun Church

O u r

S p e c i a l

S t o r y 201112 / Prayer Journal


Field Gospel Message 47

Prayer that allows us to

experience the power of God “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.”James 5:13~18

William Tyndale, a reformist who pioneered Bible translations, was the first to translate the Latin and Greek versions of the Old and New Testament to English, which allowed for ordinary laypeople to access the Scripture. But he was arrested at the hands of a spy sent by King Henry VIII of England, and was subjected to 2 years in prison before being burnt and martyred at the stake. Before taking his last breath, Tyndale gave the following prayer:

“Lord! Open the eyes of the English king!” Thereafter, James I, one of the subsequent kings of England, allowed for publication a new translation of the Bible that he had ordered himself. The resulting King James Version is still one of the mostly widely used authoritative versions of the Bible in English.

The power is with God, but we need prayer through which we can experience His power. We don’t have power; but God can give 14

it to us. Everyone has their own fears and anxieties. In Elijah’s time, there were great hardships. A corrupt society, a wicked king, and false prophets even drove Elijah to ask for death. At that time, Elijah overcame all his problems through prayer. How can we overcome difficulties? We can overcome them through prayer that allows us to experience the power of God.

1 What kind of prayer is powerful? First, prayer of faith is powerful. We possess faith, but works arise only when we realistically apply this faith. Prayer of faith can heal the diseased,James 5:13~15 and because trials of faith mold patience, we need not doubt but simply ask for everything in faith.James 1:3~8 Jesus told us to “ask in prayer, believe that [we] have received it, and it will be [ours],”Mark 11:24

People who doubt this cannot ultimately receive salvation and cannot receive blessings.

Among the Israelites who fled Egypt, most fell into unbelief and perished in the wilderness. God leads those who believe. To what kind of belief and faith does this refer? It refers to faith in salvation, faith in the Word of God, and the faith in the power of God. We must restore this faith in our lives. People who possess this faith can absolutely experience the power of God. Even as a fugitive, David confessed, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.”Psalm 23:1 He believed that the Lord would be with him even as he walked through the valley of the shadow of death. Ultimately, he was able to overcome all ill circumstances and became a sage king. Jesus praised the faith of the centurion.Matthew 8:5~13 The Roman centurion sought Jesus and pleaded with Him to heal his servant’s disease. Jesus told the centurion that He would heal the servant at his house. However, the centurion gave the confession of faith that he believed that the servant would be healed even at Jesus’ utterance of words. Jesus praised the centurion’s faith: “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. Let it be done just as you believed it would.” The servant was immediately healed. Some people pray fervently out of uncertainty, but in certain perspectives, that may not be faith at all. Even as we continue to attend church, instead of seeking comfort from people, we can only succeed when we have abundant faith in the Word of God. Having strength only when we are acknowledged by somebody else is not proper faith. We must be able to maintain our Christian walks before God, 201112 / Prayer Journal


even though no one else may acknowledge our deeds. Jesus praised the faith of the woman with dacryohemorrhea.Mark 5:25~35 The woman had certain faith that her disease would be healed even if she simply touched Jesus’ clothes, and endured through the crowds to touch the folds of His robes. The source of her disease was immediately healed. As she lay prostrate in fear before Jesus, He told her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” What pleases God is not works; rather, it is faith.Hebrews 11:6 Conversely, what Satan fears the most is not a skillful person; rather, it is a person of faith. Prayer of faith can raise the paralyzed. Therefore, we must abandon everything that goes against faith.

Second, the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.James 5:16 Sin

is the source of all problems, and where Satan remains the most active. Jesus died on the

cross because of mankind’s sins. That is why repenting our sins makes us righteous. Repentance allows us to return from a place of having left God. That is why we can measure someone’s level of faith by measuring the level of their repentance. Job repented because he had not known God. The chief of all filling of the Holy Spirits is being removed of sin. A child of God with salvation is righteous. If a child of God returns to the will of God, amazing works will happen. If we truly hold firmly onto the covenant and pray for the Gospel, works will absolutely arise.

Finally, earnest entreaties are powerful prayer.James 5:17~18 Earnest prayer stems from knowing the purpose of prayer, knowing whom to pray for, and is brimming with assurance. How earnestly did Elijah pray? He climbed the top of Mount Carmel, knelt with his head between his knees and prayed for rain. When he did so, rain began to pour after 3 years and 6 months of drought.

Fourth, though God answers everyone’s prayers, he pays particular attention to the prayers of commissioned workers. God answered William Tyndale’s prayer. The King James Version of the Bible was named after the monarch who ordered the translation. “My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.”James 5:19~20


2 Works arise through even a little bit of realistic application Unbelief makes us unaware of all blessings and power of God. Unbelief always attacks us. What can we do to overcome it? And how can we overcome temptations and indolence?

Because everything is an opportunity to experience the power of God, we need only to pray with faith. We are children of God. When God’s will aligns with our faith, we need to aspire to meet the challenge. If it is not the will of God, we don’t have to do it. Chief among God’s will is the Gospel. God wants us to know the Gospel, to witness the Gospel, and to live in a Gospel-rooted way for the sake of the Gospel.

When a child of God prays, three things happen. The Holy Spirit works, the angels of the Lord are mobilized, and unpredictable miracles will occur. When we pray, we need to prepare three things in our hearts. Before we pray, we cannot stand before God with our own level. We need to trust in the power of God and go before Him with His level. When we pray, we are praying with the God-given promise. After we pray, we need to prepare the vessels of faith. The composer Joseph Haydn was once with friends when one of them asked, “What is the best and quickest way to restore the inner strength that I have depleted?” Several methods were proposed, but when it came time for Haydn to speak, he said, “At my house is a small chapel. When my work exhausts me, I go to that room and pray. There has not been a single time where this method has failed me.” Do you desperately feel the need for God’s power? Then quickly go forth to a place of prayer. The time schedule has arrived to experience prayer that allows us to experience the power of God. Original author: Rev. Ryu, Kwang-su / President of the World Evangelization Evangelism Alliance, Inc. Written by: Rev. Kim, Sung-soo / Immanuel Grace Church

201112 / Prayer Journal


Life of the Tips on using the Prayer Journal

How to use the Prayer Journal

1. Praise and prayer Before meditating, give the ‘Hymn for scheduled worship’ unto God and open your heart. Lay down all of your worries, plans and thoughts before God, and ask for the help of the Holy Spirit with a sincere heart for the wisdom to realize God’s plan and His Word for you at that moment.

2. Reading the Word and meditating deeply As you meditate on today’s Word, the most important thing is to meditate deeply on the specific message that God has given to you through this week’s pulpit message from your church, as well as the daily meditations in order to receive the precise fulfillment of the Word. This process is very important. In order to do this, reflect back on this week’s Sunday pulpit message, deeply imprint the topics of meditation in the daily meditations section of the Prayer Journal in your heart, look up the Scripture reading by yourself, and read carefully. While thinking about the words you read, associate the entire title and the meditation message together and carefully read the Scripture. While reading, it is a good idea to underline the verses that hit your heart or give you realizations. In addition, writing short memos in empty areas is also a good idea. Communicate deeply with God holding on to the Word that has hit your heart and the content of the ‘Forum Topic.’ Ask God questions about why He has given you this message, what His plan is, where His guidance is leading you, and what the direction of your prayer topic should be.


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Commission of each tribe Numbers 2:32~34 l So the Israelites did everything the Lord commanded Moses; that is the way they encamped under their standards, and that is the way they set out, each with his clan and family. (34)

ⷙ Hymn ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #321 My Life, My Love I Give to Thee (#351 in previous version)

Even in the seemingly same Christian walk of faith, some people have victory while others fail. Just as God had great plans for the Israelites, He has a precise time schedule for us as well. Our Christian walk of faith is about seeking what God’s time schedule is and we will have victory in our lives when we learn God’s pplan. People of faith who see God’s time schedule must equip themselves with three things when they go out to the field.

1. G Go with the answer The Israelites departed from Egypt because of the answer and covenant of the sacrificial offering and Th brought about the fall of the Jericho Wall when all the tribes divided the land of Canaan according to the covenant and became correctly aware of the answer. God’s children must have with them the answer of ChristJohn 19:30 and go out to the field. Christ is the king who broke the authority of Satan, the priest who took away curses, and the prophet who enabled us to know God correctly and become His children. If our spiritual state is childlike or physical, then we cannot enjoy the answer of Christ. Conflicts arise because we still have yet to find the answer. We can experience the Gospel only when we correctly know the answer and the answer becomes ours. 2. Go with the power of prayer When they took up the Ark of the Covenant and followed the Word, the Israelites received unprecedented answers that were never to be repeated, such as the parting of the Jordan River, the fall of Jericho Wall, and the stopping of the sun and the moon, just as God had promised them. Because going the way we have never been before is what life is about, we must follow after God’s Word and have with us the power of prayer of enjoying Christ and the power of God. 3. Go with the mission God’s children must go out to the field with a mission. As a mission to conquer the land of Canaan, the Israelites divided the land and knew who to fight against. We as God’s children must go with a mission of receiving answers. We must make it a mission to overcome our unbelief at the many times when we must make decisions and choices. It is at this time that we see evidences and stand as witnesses. God’s children receive answers because it is the promise of God.

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic Do you have the answer of rising above conflicts and worries and persevering with hope? This answer is the prayer of changing your life. Restore your best spiritual state with the power of enjoying prayer inside Christ and look for your today’s mission inside today’s Word.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2011.7.31

Evangelist 5. Evangelist’s note

4. One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Through the ‘One Leisurely Cup of Meditation’ corner, you can hear the stories of fellow Christians, as well as inspirational pieces of writing left behind by our forefathers of faith.

The Evangelist’s vangelist’s Note

One Leisurely surely Cup of Medita Meditation

Remnant The 1st RMSRe Music Camp

6. Today’s Word

Music School

You can read the Bible every day and check off that day’s reading. By checking that day’s memory verse, the Word of God can always stay in our hearts.

I had my doubts; after all, how can one week of practiceno matter how lengthy- make an orchestral performance possible? But the Remnants had latent potential that forced me to take back such thoughts. They practiced by parts with their instructors, and as they lived together during the week, began to come together in sound as well, and within several days, they began not only to hear the sounds coming out of their own instruments, but the parts of others as well. The first year of camp, the Remnants performed the piece they practiced during the week in church; the next year, a performance hall was rented to stage a successful recital. Though they began as a hobby, there was such a marked improvement that some of the Remnants chose to major in music in college. This year, a realistic music camp designed for the RLS team that participated in the orchestra and Remnants preparing to major in music will be held for a week at Deokpyeong General Assembly Theological Seminary.GATS It will be a great opportunity for all Remnants planning to pursue music. 1. When: December 26, 2011 (Monday)~ 30th (Friday), 4 nights and 5 days, General Assembly Theological Seminary 2. Qualifications Remnants (4th grade~ senior in high school) who major in music or hope to major in music Class : Vocal, Composing, Piano, String instruments, Woodwinds/Brass instruments, and other orchestral instruments 3. Registration Deadline: December 1, 2011 (Thursday) ~ December 16, 2011 (Friday) ion How to register : (1) Log into the RUTC Broadcasting Station ons homepage, click on the [Praise Missions Administration] Banner (2) Download the attached application file and email to Registration fee : ⳃ350,000 [Woori Bank 1002-542-048942 mp)] Accountholder : Kang, Gyu-chan (Music Camp)] _Praise Missions Adm Administration

7. Today’s prayer

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Take hold of the prayer topics that God has given to you and pray the covenant prayer of entrusting the day to God. Pray to God to grant you faith in order to put into practice that day’s Word and meditation in every meeting and everything that happens. Sometime during the day, take the time to pray and look to God. It is good to write down the names of the people who need your prayers, too. It will be useful in confirming the answers you have received in the future.

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ

8. Today’s evangelism

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ Bible □ Reading l Jr 2~3, Nu 6~7

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ Prayer am □ noon pm □

Confirm the people you will meet with ahead of time and prepare evangelism materials. Even if you don’t share the Gospel today, write the name of the person you wish to share the Gospel with, place the name in your heart, and pray.

Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute e Meditation Are you enjoying joying the t fact that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ?

Write down the content of the Word that you meditated on in the morning that resonated with you, as well as the prayer topics that God has given you for the day. In the morning, write down the important meetings that you have that day, as well as your personal thoughts. When you organize the day’s events and write the evangelist’s diary, record the Word that has been fulfilled, answers to prayer, as well as blessing of meetings. Through that, confirm that God is with you. You can utilize the evangelist’s note appropriate to your personal tastes.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Н Exercise □ □

9. Reading, exercise 201112 / Prayer Journal


3. 1 Minute Meditation Reflect on the ‘1 Minute Meditation’ and make every moment into a meaningful time. Then, your day will overflow with grace.

Even if you can’t read very much, it is beneficial to acquire a habit of even light reading each day. Write a memo in the evangelist’s note if you read an important content in a book. Check your exercise in order to maintain your physical strength and health. 201112 / Prayer Journal


My personal Word for December


201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Commission of each tribe Numbers 2:32~34 l So the Israelites did everything the Lord commanded Moses; that is the way they encamped under their standards, and that is the way they set out, each with his clan and family. (34)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #321 My Life, My Love I Give to Thee (#351 in previous version)

Even in the seemingly same Christian walk of faith, some people have victory while others fail. Just as God had great plans for the Israelites, He has a precise time schedule for us as well. Our Christian walk of faith is about seeking what God’s time schedule is and we will have victory in our lives when we learn God’s plan. People of faith who see God’s time schedule must equip themselves with three things when they go out to the field.

1. Go with the answer The Israelites departed from Egypt because of the answer and covenant of the sacrificial offering and brought about the fall of the Jericho Wall when all the tribes divided the land of Canaan according to the covenant and became correctly aware of the answer. God’s children must have with them the answer of ChristJohn 19:30 and go out to the field. Christ is the king who broke the authority of Satan, the priest who took away curses, and the prophet who enabled us to know God correctly and become His children. If our spiritual state is childlike or physical, then we cannot enjoy the answer of Christ. Conflicts arise because we still have yet to find the answer. We can experience the Gospel only when we correctly know the answer and the answer becomes ours. 2. Go with the power of prayer When they took up the Ark of the Covenant and followed the Word, the Israelites received unprecedented answers that were never to be repeated, such as the parting of the Jordan River, the fall of Jericho Wall, and the stopping of the sun and the moon, just as God had promised them. Because going the way we have never been before is what life is about, we must follow after God’s Word and have with us the power of prayer of enjoying Christ and the power of God. 3. Go with the mission God’s children must go out to the field with a mission. As a mission to conquer the land of Canaan, the Israelites divided the land and knew who to fight against. We as God’s children must go with a mission of receiving answers. We must make it a mission to overcome our unbelief at the many times when we must make decisions and choices. It is at this time that we see evidences and stand as witnesses. God’s children receive answers because it is the promise of God.

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic Do you have the answer of rising above conflicts and worries and persevering with hope? This answer is the prayer of changing your life. Restore your best spiritual state with the power of enjoying prayer inside Christ and look for your today’s mission inside today’s Word.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2011.7.31

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

The 1st RMSRemnant Music Camp

Music School

I had my doubts; after all, how can one week of practiceno matter how lengthy- make an orchestral performance possible? But the Remnants had latent potential that forced me to take back such thoughts. They practiced by parts with their instructors, and as they lived together during the week, began to come together in sound as well, and within several days, they began not only to hear the sounds coming out of their own instruments, but the parts of others as well. The first year of camp, the Remnants performed the piece they practiced during the week in church; the next year, a performance hall was rented to stage a successful recital. Though they began as a hobby, there was such a marked improvement that some of the Remnants chose to major in music in college. This year, a realistic music camp designed for the RLS team that participated in the orchestra and Remnants preparing to major in music will be held for a week at Deokpyeong General Assembly Theological Seminary.GATS It will be a great opportunity for all Remnants planning to pursue music. 1. When: December 26, 2011 (Monday)~ 30th (Friday), 4 nights and 5 days, General Assembly Theological Seminary 2. Qualifications Remnants (4th grade~ senior in high school) who major in music or hope to major in music Class : Vocal, Composing, Piano, String instruments, Woodwinds/Brass instruments, and other orchestral instruments 3. Registration Deadline: December 1, 2011 (Thursday) ~ December 16, 2011 (Friday) How to register : (1) Log into the RUTC Broadcasting Station homepage, click on the [Praise Missions Administration] Banner (2) Download the attached application file and email to Registration fee : ⳃ350,000 [Woori Bank 1002-542-048942 Accountholder : Kang, Gyu-chan (Music Camp)] _Praise Missions Administration

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ Bible □ Reading l Jr 2~3, Nu 6~7

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation Are you enjoying the fact that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ?

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


My current state Philippians 4:8~13 l I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (12~13)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #430 Tis So Sweet to Walk With Jesus (#456 in previous version)

When people face problems or difficulties, they get lost in the darkness without knowing who they are and where they should go. And even though we have received salvation and know the mystery of Jesus Christ, we are still troubled with our present reality. When held in prison, Paul confessed with thanksgiving, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Paul enjoyed the mystery of Christ even when he was in prison. What is our current state?

1. Through Him who gives me strength When we face difficulties and feel powerless, would hang-in-there be an answer? We can overcome our difficulties only when we discover “Where am I?” and gain the power that God gives to us. If we pray, ‘Where am I? Am I enjoying the power that God is giving to me?’ before facing problems, then our eyes to see problems will change. The phrase “Through Him who gives me strength” indicates that power. When God’s children grab hold of God’s Word and pray as they enjoy the power of Christ, they will experience the power of the Triune God. This is the current state for us who received salvation. 2. Inside God’s plan God had a plan when He sent Paul to prison. For Paul who had seen God’s plan, the prison was the place for Rome evangelization and the center for world evangelization. God’s plan was placed inside Paul’s sufferings. When God bestows great blessings, He gift-wraps them with difficulties or problems. However, we only want things that look good on the outside. Every time schedule for God’s children is within God’s plan. If we pray so that we can correctly realize God’s plan, ‘Why did God call me? Why did God let me live here?’ starting now, then there is no need for us to fear because God’s plan is in sight.

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic We must gain the power that God gives to us before we start doing anything. The way to gain the power that God gives to us is prayer. Let us meditate on God’s Word every morning and go deeply into the prayer of enjoying Christ.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 2nd Service / 2011.7.31

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

A day in the life of a public servant in social welfare 07:50 Today I have been chosen to open up the community center! I arrive to work early to begin the day in leisure. 08:45 I put into action the 3SStand up, Smile, Say yes that the community leader emphasized during the last staff meeting! 09:00 I begin my job-I am a Remnantⷃ missionary in the social welfare field! 10:40 Home visit for a disabled client scheduled to appear in court with whom we have lost contact; there was no one home, so I left a note. 11:00 Since I am out of the office anyway, I helped my co-worker Yuwho does community service for disabled students deliver meals. 13:20 Lunchtime! Because I have to be at the office by 1400 hours, we head to a restaurant that serves food quickly. 14:30 I ask public service employees to deliver the flyers announcing new social welfare services. Must also prepare evangelism materials to the public service employees who are switched out quarterly. 16:00 The team leader is out of the office. I receive a lot of phone calls regarding pensions for retirees. I tell myself to take note of everything because this is something I am going to be in charge of someday. 17:30 Stifle a laugh at the youths who, when applying for their IDs, can jot down their parents’ Social Security Numbers more fluently than their own. 18:00 End of the day. Wait for a client who is going to be late. 18:45 Eat Bibimbap and work late into the night. Organize a list of single-parent families up for remuneration. 20:30 Leave work. I organize a list of things to do and go to church for late-night service.

As I end the day, I handed an evangelism tract to a friend working off his compulsory military duties in the public sector. I should pray for him to receive the Gospel. I am nervously expectant of a new member of the family to join us soon. I hear that the government is sponsoring 7,000 social welfare employees until 2014. I pray and continue to aspire to enjoy the mysteries Daniel did in his day.

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ Bible □ Reading l Jr 4~5, Nu 8~9

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

_Remnant Yoo, Hye-rim / Social Welfare Center, Uijeongbu City / Ban-seok church

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation It is more important to do all things according to God’s will rather than to be diligent unconditionally.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Life of enjoying Christ 24 hour Matthew 16:13~20 l Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (16)


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #348 Up, and Fight Against the Devil (#388 in previous version)

People, whoever they may be, have the power and responsibility as to how they use their 24 hours and what they do with them. There may be some who only worry over conflicts, some who only play games, or some who only chase after the things of the world. On the other hand, there may be some who make their hours the time of blessing and growth in Christ. God, however, answers His children 24 hours. As the evidence, He gave us Christ and that Christ took us from 24 hours of curses and failures and moved us to the path of life and hope. Living the life of enjoying Christ 24 hours is living the life of enjoying the Gospel. What is the classiest way to use the 24 hours that we are given today?

1. With what things must we enjoy our 24 hours? The beginning of the mystery of enjoying God’s 24 hours and entering inside His blessings is salvation. The salvation that came upon us when we first believed Christ is the beginning of great changes that are unseen to our eyes. In our 24 hours as God’s children, the forces of darkness and the problems of curses, fate and sins cannot lay a hand on us and we come to hold the status of the Holy Spirit being with us. The blessing of a chosen nation, royal priesthood, and holy nation will overflow in not only our past and present but also future.1 Peter 2:9 In the midst of this our spiritual eyes will open to hear the voice of God through the help of the Holy Spirit and His Word. Therefore, we only need to enjoy 24 hours the authority to which the authority of Satan, who attacks the children of God, submits before and is bound, as well as to use the status of being God’s children. 2. When and how can we enjoy our 24 hours? Everyone has problems and there is no life without problems. However, we feel especially that our own problems seem harder to bear and more troublesome. Even if we just remain in Christ, we will be victorious and Jesus Christ is the solution to all our problems. If we use the authority given to children of God and have with us the power to pray, our problems will no longer pose as problems. The mystery of changing all the incidents and matters that happen in our lives and our eyes to see people is possible only when we are aware of this truth. The true power to wait or take up the challenge as we are aware that God has His plan and time schedule for us can only be seen when we correctly understand the Gospel. Grabbing hold of God’s Word and entering into prayer each moment is 24 hours of enjoying Christ.

Forum Topic Let us meditate so that the current state of our lives, the focus of our living, and the answer of our future become Christ 24 hours.


PK Retreat Lecture 1 / 2011.8.4

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation / Praise Meditation 01

Hymn #348

Up, and Fight Against the Devil ْ Up, and fight against the devil, you whose sins are wash’d away! Bold against the host of evil, come and gather for the fray. See the judgment coming closer, and perdition’s awful Day, The Day is almost here! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! For triumph drawing near! Written by Julia Ward Howe, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, also known as Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord, went through changes in its verses after the hymn was brought to Korea and only its refrain remained the same. It was in fact a marching song at first, but because of its gallant and powerful tempo and melody, it had been sung at revival meetings and as the Union’s marching song during the American Civil War. Furthermore, the Biblical verses were added to the most popular song at the time. Music itself is neither good nor bad, but occasionally, heretic religious groups write words to popular songs and sing them during their meetings. Music is to be offered to God, and who uses it and how it is used are important issues. Those who carry the Gospel in them must restore giving true praises, triumph in the battle against darkness, and conquer the culture of darkness. _Rev. Kwon, Jung-min / Immanuel Gyungin Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ □ Bible Reading l Jr 6~7, Nu 10~11

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation How am I devoting myself to the work of God before Christ?

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


Professor Park, Sang-hwe’s Remnant Studies 36 Dr. Park, Sang-hwe D.M.Sc., Tokyo University, O.H. Psychologist / Visiting professor in the Medical School Department, Tokyo University / President of the VIP Club in Tokyo University / Researcher of the Physical & Mental Health Researching Team at the National Institute of Mental Health, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare / Director of the Gospel Life Alternative Medicine Center (

Remnants and


XVH of

their subconscious

Studying is a battle. Proverbs 24:33 records, “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest,” and continues on in verse 34, “and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man.” It is saying that if the Remnants slack off their studying, then poverty will come like an armed man. Then what prevents poverty from coming like an armed man is a battle with studying. The battle begins with you going to the desk. ‘Should I go or not, should I play more or not, should I take more rest or not.’ After much deliberation even when you sit on your chair to study, a lot of thoughts cross your mind. We call such thoughts consciousness. Let us think about some ways of studying through the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind.


1. The conscious If you consciously tell yourself to study, then it comes from the frontal lobe of your brain. Making a decision within the subconscious whether to study or not comes from the temporal lobe of your brain that is under the influence of the information, knowledge, or memories you have accumulated until now. Your life experience and knowledge you gained from your studies are stored somewhere in the subconscious. In your conscious mind, you think of what you need at the moment from the subconscious. What you are aware of at this moment is what is seen with our eyes and is part of the immense subconscious that lies dormant like a huge iceberg in the ocean. Such subconscious controls your present conscious mind.

2. The subconscious There might have been times when you couldn’t think of the answer to a question no matter how hard you tried but you all of a sudden remembered it while you were taking a rest at home. This is due to the function of the subconscious. The subconscious is unseen to the eyes but is in fact the consciousness that is stored subliminally in the temporal lobe of your brain. The subconscious then is converted to the conscious by way of rest. The best rest for your brain is meditation. Breathing exercisemeditation that we utilize during our daily scheduled prayer is the best method to bring out and use the stored knowledge from our brain’s subconscious. When it comes to studying, rather than studying late at night it is more effective to go to bed early and study early in the morning. The Remnants who utilize well their stored memories in their subconscious will find themselves studying well.

3. The unconscious The unconscious is located below the subconscious and switched to the conscious after much effort. The unconscious is a part situated deep in our consciousness without us knowing and signifies our spiritual state. Since we must fill the storehouse of the subconscious as we study and memorize many things, we should be able to enjoy studying to the extent that we study unconsciously. And as we picture ourselves as the figures who have achieved success, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit at this present moment. It is not that we live the life of the evangelist after achieving success, but we must live the life of the evangelist blessed with 24-hour prayer and study right now. As we wait with this kind of mindset, we will come to see that we will have gained new power regardless of our ability in spite of ourselves. This is the unconscious mind and the power of the Holy Spirit. We must apply this to studying. I pray that the Remnants do not just depend on their consciousness which is visible to the eyes but become the Remnant missionaries who are happy in their studies within their subconscious mind through prayer with deep breathing exercisemeditation and their unconscious mind through the 24-hour filling of the Holy Spirit. 201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Sermon Title : Scripture : Misc :


Today's Bible Reading l Jr 8~9, Nu 12~13 □


201112 / Prayer Journal





✽ ʑࠥᱽ༊ŝ ᯝᱶ Prayer Topics & Schedule ⷅ

/ᵝ SUNᯝ 01㓲 04

/ ᬵ᫵ᯝ MON 01㓲 05

/ ⪵᫵ᯝ TUE 01㓲 06

/ WED ᙹ᫵ᯝ 01㓲 07

THU 01㓲/ ༊᫵ᯝ 08

/ ɩ᫵ᯝ FRI 01㓲 09

/ SAT ☁᫵ᯝ 01㓲 10

✽ ᱥࠥ ʑ⫮ Evangelism Plan ⷅ

•ᱥࠥ ⩥ᰆ ၰ ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ Evangelism field & people to evangelize to

•ᱥࠥ ᯱഭ ᵡእ Preparation of Materials

To d a y ' s Wo r d


24-hour living of carrying out the mission Matthew 28:16~20 l Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (19~20)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #167 Welcome, Happy Morning (#157 in previous version)

Today’s Scripture reading is the last earthly mission that Jesus gave to His disciples. Mission is not something we do and quit whenever we want to, but something we do 24 hours a day. What prevents us from carrying out our mission 24 hours a day is worries. Worries are created within our standards and levels when we deal with our present reality regarding our past and future and success and failure, and without having the spiritual knowledge and knowing the answer, we wander. However, if we find the mission that God has given to us, then worries and problems will become doors and pathways instead. Disciples staked all their lives on this mission and conquered Rome after all.

1. My prayer mission The prayer that the Bible speaks about is different from the prayer that worldly religions speak about. It is grabbing hold of the blessing of salvation that we have received inside God’s Word and always making it ours through prayer. Even now Christians are losing hold of the existence of Satan who causes us to deny God’s Word and to become unaware of the blessing of answers to prayers as well as the works of the Holy Spirit who enables us to understand the Word and guides us. The prayer before all prayers is entrusting our worries to God. Our problems have already been resolved upon the cross. It is important not to be deceived by our present situation and unbelief but to find our own prayer so that we are not fooled. 2. My field mission What kind of time schedule are we in right now? Accordingly, what is the most difficult thing right now? What is important is that God already knows all this. Therefore, He knows what we need to have and has already prepared grace to help us in our time of need. That we have the mission to overcome ourselves in our field and enjoy God’s grace is important. For this mission we can wait, and the ones who know when to take up the challenge are the ones who receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It may seem as if the problems will be resolved with the passage of time, but in fact this very moment in our time schedule is the platform of the greatest answer for us. If we discover today’s mission, whether big or small, to save and conquer the field and follow with prayer, then we will get a taste of the fulfillment of God’s Word. With the work that we do, we will be standing in the place of specialization and uniqueness and furthermore at the summit. As we keep this final mission in mind, saving our field today is mission 24.

Forum Topic Let us confirm our prayer mission and field mission in the Word and enter into deep prayer and faithful living.


PK Retreat Lecture 2 / 2011.8.5

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

A reflection on the film Soul Surfer There was once a girl who considered the ocean her second home and loved to ride the waves. She never once imagined her life without surfing in it. But one day, as she was practicing ahead of an important competition, she suffered a tragic accident. She was attacked by a shark and lost one arm. Even within the abject misery of losing a limb, she confessed, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength,” and continued to train harder. Ultimately, she rose to become the champion of her age division in all of America. The above is a brief synopsis of the film Soul Surfer, and is the true story of Bethany Hamilton. In the film, Bethany’s father is her mental and physical mentor. Having grown up with an abusive alcoholic father, I felt partly uncomfortable and partly envious as I watched the interactions Bethany’s character seemed to enjoy with her father. On the one hand, I even harbored bitter thoughts along the veins of, “Wouldn’t my life have been so different if I had a father like Bethany?” I have always blamed my parents and family circumstances whenever I was faced with a problem. Now, as I enter a most crucial period of my young adulthood, I want to stop my bitterness and pessimism. I want to cast away the scars of the past and begin anew ‘in Him who gives me strength.’ God the Father promised to abide with me. Because it is something that I am now so used to, I often forget the love of Jesus that was so deep that He even died in my stead. My heart grows warm at the thought of God’s love that is not even 1% lacking. _Anonymous

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 10~11, Nu □ 14~15 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation If the Word becomes your standard of thinking, everything becomes a blessing.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


The wisdom that God gives to us 2 Timothy 2:1~7 l Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this. (7)


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #446 I Need Thee Every Hour (#500 in previous version)

We as evangelists need wisdom from God. We can never resolve the fundamental problems of mankind with great knowledge, information or the power of the world. That is why God sent us Christ as the king who broke down the power of Satan, the prophet who opened the way for us to go to God, and the priest who resolved the problems of sins and curses. The ones who realize and enjoy this truth are evangelists. If so, then how can we as evangelists gain the wisdom that God gives to us?

1. Power in Christ Evangelists must be strong in the grace that is in Christ. We cannot buy this grace with money or effort or gain it. We can never find this grace with worldly ways because it can only be found in Christ. God sends faithful servants to witnesses who experience the grace that is in Christ and possess the power that is in Christ. 2. Life in Christ As evangelists, Christ must be the standard for us in our lives. Only then can we live the life that is in Christ. A soldier who follows Christ has no need to worry over many things and an athlete who competes according to the rules only needs to follow the Word that God gives to him. Because the hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops, he will receive the blessing of the evangelist if he lives the life of the evangelist. 3. Wisdom to see disciples Evangelists must have the wisdom to see disciples. God said that He would give us insight into all this if we are strong in the grace that is in Christ and live the life of the evangelist. What for? It is for none other than finding the hidden disciples for world evangelization. That is why God has scattered us as evangelists and we must open our eyes to see the disciples that are hidden. The Bible called such people Remnants and God relays the baton of the covenant through these Remnants. The blessing of the evangelist is within the disciples. ⷃ

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic All people need God’s grace. Let us prepare for our meetings with people as we pray for any disciples around us who would need God’s grace today.


Study of Evangelism Message / 2011.8.6

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

The faith that grows with the Remnants It has already been four years since I have come to know the Gospel. Before that, my life had been uneventful. We were a family of four- with two children and a husband who worked diligently with a dream in mind. But I came to know God after being introduced to the Gospel by someone I knew, and chose to do Bible Study for 1 year with an assistant pastor. However, because my thoughts and will were stubborn, the Word of God was difficult for me to grasp. I went to church on the assumption that we would hear good advice for the kids, and they would tell us things that were pleasant to hear. Though we began our path in such a way, as the next two, three years passed, I was able to see little changes in my family. This year, I applied to be a homestay host for the World Remnant Conference. Although it was not something I necessarily wanted, I decided to do it after my children begged and pleaded. As I saw the four girls in my home grow firmer within the Word over the 3 nights and 4 days, I received grace and realized the importance of the role of a mother and worship. My older child is currently in 7th grade, and as puberty hit, clashed with me on many occasions. I tried to solve the problems with my own thoughts and solutions, which only ended up worsening the situation for us. But the conclusion had already been reached. I realized that I am not the lord of my own life, but that Christ was truly the center of it. I watch my daughter change daily as she attends the academic camp, and I once again hold on to the fact that He is truly the solution to all of my problems. I thank the senior pastor for allowing the Remnants’ natures and habits to change through the academic camp. I wholeheartedly pray for the construction of a new church building which will serve as a temple for the Remnants to enjoy and grow to their hearts’ content. _Choi, Young-jin / Yeonsan Gospel Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 12~13, Nu □ 16~17 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation The greatest devotion in the Gospel is knowing the spiritual facts and going to the field.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


The fundamental healing that changes me Galatians 2:20 l I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #252 What Can Wash Away My Sin (#184 in previous version)

The Bible states that all people are within curses. Curses are sufferings that have started from the state of being separated from God, and signify wandering during one’s lifetime, only to face death. The spiritual state of curses has nothing to do with physical success or failure. The spiritual state of being separated from God is deeply inscribed upon the person who does not know God. Addressing the things that have become inscribed in us without us being aware of it is what fundamental healing entails.

1. The start of fundamental healing Not even the most renowned person in this world can solve the problems of sin, curses, and disasters. People who are separated from God know nothing about Satan’s power and hell, and for this reason, they face failure. This is precisely why God has sent us the Christ. Finding this answer and believing that Christ came for me is the start to fundamental healing. Paul realized about Christ and then made the following confession, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” 2. The grace of the Gospel All people have become separated from God and cannot overcome curses and disasters. However, for the children of God who have been saved in the Gospel, all things are possible by grace. This is the gift of God that He has given by His grace to those who believe in Christ. We cannot know Christ by the academia and knowledge of this world, or even with money. However, it has been freely given to those who believe. Christ completed everything upon the cross, and He gave the Holy Spirit to us as a gift. That is why, when we as children of God enjoy the Gospel and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, nothing is impossible for us. 3. A separate strength that God has given If you want a different strength from the people of the world, you must pray on a regular basis and succeed in prayer. The strength of scheduled prayer leads you to heal the things that are unconsciously inscribed upon you, and even restores your spiritual state. Also, through the continuous prayer within the Holy Spirit, you can discern all things correctly and also prepare in faith for the things that are to come. If you can hold on to prayer even as you face problems, you will come to know the answers that God has given. If you enjoy this blessing of prayer every day, you will stand upon the spiritual summit, and you will be able to challenge towards new answers. ⷃ

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic Changing my nature into a nature of prayer is fundamental healing. Have the scheduled prayer time of restoring and enjoying grace within the Gospel.


Core Training Message / 2011. 8. 6

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Martyrdom for the Gospel movement As I was reading Acts today, my heart was warmed as I read through the martyrdom of Stephen in chapter 7. So I put pen to paper as I pray for the banner of the Gospel to not be discontinued in Nation A. Stephen was martyred as Mark’s upper room was transitioning to the church of Antioch, Paul was martyred in Rome, Calvin was martyred in Europe, others in America, and in Korea, Rev. Chu, Ki-cheol was martyred…. Wherever the Gospel was restored and the line of the Gospel was continued, there were always martyrs who shed their blood for the Gospel. I am certain that the time schedule of the Gospel movement has come to Nation A, and am currently praying for the Gospel movement an the Remnantⷃ movement to continue in this nation. I am also praying to be used as a martyr for the Gospel movement in this country. And I also ask God: What is martyrdom in this age? No matter what, I hope that God will use me to further His desires. To be a martyr would mean becoming a person who is the happiest in continuing the Gospel movement. Even as I write this, I know that He is with me through Immanuel, that He loves me, and am so happy because of Christ. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to focus on Christ in my youth.

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 14~15, Nu □ 18~19 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

_A hidden Remnant in Nation A

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation Through the strength of prayer, you can make your past scars into spiritual platforms.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


The commission of the Levites Numbers 3:1~4 l Those were the names of Aaron’s sons, the anointed priests, who were ordained to serve as priests. (3)


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #325 Living for Jesus (#359 in previous version)

As the times change, science, medicine, and skills become astronomically developed and people seek happiness through what is most comfortable, interesting, fashionable, and entertaining. However, when invisible spiritual problems begin to arise, there is not a single method available to solve them. Those who believe in Jesus Christ, who died upon the cross instead of humanity oppressed by unknown sufferings and diseases, are given the blessings of the Levite. What is the commission of the Levite?

1. Know the reason and gain fundamental strength We must know the reason as to why spiritual problems continue to arise, and gain fundamental strength. In Genesis 3, Satan who deceived Adam and Eve to sin and caused them to become separated from God and fall into spiritual problems continues to exist and even now continues to plow into idolatry and the culture. However, because Jesus Christ, the offspring of the woman, solved the original problem of sin and Satan, those who believe in Him have no need to worry. Knowing the essence of the Gospel and gaining fundamental strength is the mystery all people of Christ must obtain. 2. Change your priorities God commanded the Israelites who were walking though the wilderness to construct a tabernacle signifying Christ. Gaining personal strength and enjoying the blessings of the Levite through worship should be enforced as our primary priority. If my occupation, academics, and business become my first priority, then these things take away the importance of worship and the enjoyment of God. That is a tremendous detriment and a great loss. 3. There is a commission you must bear We must save those dying within spiritual problems. The superpower nations that once moved the world are now oppressed by hardships due to idol worship. Numerous heroes are unable to change their own spiritual state, thus falling into despair and disaster. We who have been called as the Levites, must enjoy the blessings of salvation and save those suffering from spiritual problems. That is our commission. This is the reason why God has called us as His children.

Forum Topic Discover and enjoy the blessings and identity as the Levite daily by seeking the blessings of the Word, prayer, and evangelism through the mystery of 10-minute prayer.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2011.8.7

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation / Reading a Good Book Together 01

With a heart of nervous excitement Sometimes I ask junior program directors. “Do you know the secret to leading your program to success?” I then give them my answer that the secret is “nervous excitement.” “If you have nervous excitement as you develop your program, it will be a hit, but without it, it will be a miss. Think whether you have even a tiny bit of nervous excitement when you make your program. If you don’t have it, that means there is something wrong.” This is not some theory but it is based on my experience. Until now I have produced many different programs, and I’ve always had that nervous excitement to the point that I can’t sit still. And almost 100 percent of the times those programs are well received. That PDs have nervous excitement when they produce their own shows goes to show that they have passion for their work. When you approach your work with passion, then you are bound to come up with good ideas, and when you materialize those ideas into your programs, you look forward to how the audience will react. And naturally throughout the entire process of producing your program and during the show’s broadcast, you feel some strange nervous excitement. This feeling is not limited to people working in broadcasting business. It is a universal fundamental that applies to all people who engage in any type of work. Nervous excitement and passion do not arise from our work but from our life. Enriched life makes our everyday filled with nervous excitement, which in turn gives rise to passion, which in turn gives rise to the fruit of our labor. In this way, life and work move in a cycle. Therefore, to forgo one of the two means to forgo both. We must enrich and diversify our life. Only then can we wait with that nervous excitement in anticipation for what is to come. And passion is formed within living with the heart of nervous excitement. _Song, Chang-eui, Break Free from the Norm, Random House

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 16~17, Nu □ 20~21 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation Acknowledging Jesus Christ as the master of my life is living the life of faith.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Those who belong to Caesar’s household Philippians 4:21~23 l Greet all God’s people in Christ Jesus. The brothers and sisters who are with me send greetings. All God’s people here send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household. (21~22)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #505 Christ for the Whole Wide World (#268 in previous version)

Exactly how great are the blessings for your children and the future generation that you must stake your life on sharing the Gospel? The message that enters a child at a young age remains after time passes. Proverbs 22:6 Paul entered synagogues and lecture halls, sharing the Word to younger generations. As a result, Rome knelt before the Gospel, and the evangelists during the age of Paul served as main figures for Rome evangelization by sharing the Gospel in various fields. Raising your children and the future generation inside the Gospel is what we call the Remnantⷃ movement.

1. Mission of the age The word Remnant signifies those who remain and those who are hidden. In order to save the age, God has secured and hidden His workers with the mystery of Christ. Those that remain and are hidden will be protected by God till the very end until His plan is fulfilled. What is the mission of those that remain and are hidden? God has called us as the summit. Summit refers to the individuals that stand at the highest peak. This signifies that God will place us upon the highest peak and use us. Joseph was once a slave and became the governor, David was a shepherd who became king, Paul persecuted Christians and then became a missionary for world missions, and fragile Peter served as the leader for his people. These are the figures used by God. The Remnant Paul shared the Gospel to those of prestigious status and became a disciple who shared the Gospel. He shared the Gospel that the apostles couldn’t share. This is the mission Remnants have. 2. People who raise Remnants What kind of answers do those who raise Remnants receive? Moses, who taught the Gospel to his children and the future generations received the blessings of God. God mobilized the horses and chariots of fire to the house of Elisha, where pupils were being nurtured. Even now, God mobilizes the horses and chariots of fire to the lay leaders who raise the Remnants. Paul, who staked his life to raise the Remnants and plowed into the synagogues, was used greatly by God.

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic God will use us as His summit. Through the Remnants with the Gospel, draw the picture of the works of God with the eyes of faith


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 2nd Service / 2011.8.7

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Looking back upon the past

I thank this individual for nurturing my capabilities so that I would not be lacking on my share of tasks. I thank this individual for giving me the attitude to remain courageous and lenient in the face of overwhelming problems and consequences. I thank this individual for giving me outbursts of laughter every time I was in a state of anxiety and perplexity. I thank this individual for allowing me to see what is true and essential in order to distinguish reality from fantasy. I thank this individual for teaching me to not become oppressed by the hardships from my fellow neighbors and preventing my emotions from deteriorating. Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

I thank this individual for teaching me to overcome my fear in engaging in new interpersonal relationship by revealing the significance of these meetings in regards to the life movement. As my life progressively nears its end, I thank You, Jesus Christ, for allowing me to write reports of harvests of my great life.

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 18~19, Nu □ 22~23 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

_Elder Yoon, Chang- sook / Asan Immanuel Church

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation When you go deeply into the Word, you will be healed and restored of power.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Evangelism mission to save the region Matthew 28:16~20 l Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (19~20)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #67 O Worship the King All Glorious Above (#31 in previous version)

Many believers say that they don’t know how to evangelize, and that evangelism is difficult. Evangelism is not a special talent, but an absolute answer and mission that those with salvation must enjoy. The people of faith from the Early Church held unto the blessings of salvation and devoted themselves to world evangelization as their mission. God desires to save this region and the world through us. How can you begin your mission to save this region?

1. What you must first do In order to fulfill the mission of evangelism, there is something that must be done first. To bear the mission of evangelizing my region, I must first rearrange my priorities. Set aside the occupation you hold in order to live and eat, and prioritize prayer and evangelism in receiving grace. When I change my priorities before the Lord, the Holy Spirit works and the answers of uniqueness are discovered. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”Matthew 6:33 2. Content of the mission The core of the mission God has given to us is Christ. Christ is the answer to all our life problems. This is the essential content of our evangelism mission. I must enjoy and experience Jesus becoming my Christ daily. If you are an individual with salvation, you are capable of going to all nations and baptizing them in the name of Christ. 3. Evangelism mission I must first save myself in order to bear the mission of evangelism. Because the Holy Spirit resides within me, I must receive strength through the works of the Holy Spirit, follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in saving the field, and enjoy the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit to save the world. I must enjoy this blessing to the extent in which God’s power becomes present in all nations. As you look upon the world and the future, prepare in prayer and raise up the future generation as well as disciples. Studying and working inside the covenant and preparing a platform through which we can receive strength is the greatest evangelism mission.

Forum Topic What are my thoughts regarding evangelism? Meditate upon the fact that receiving grace through the Word, prayer, and evangelism is my first priority and that the answers that are manifested through this come second.


Daejeon Regional Evangelism Conference / 2011.8.9

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation / Praise Meditation 02

Hymn #67

O Worship the King All Glorious Above ْ O worship the King, all glorious above, And gratefully sing His wonderful love; Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise.

Sir Robert Grant, the writer of this hymn, is an Indianborn Scottish. A year before being appointed Governor of Bombay, he wrote the verses to the hymn that would contain his faith in God upon reading and being moved by Psalm 104. Sir Robert Grant praised the majesty of God with words such as “king, shield, fortress, the one who is from all eternity, creator, savior and friend.” This hymn is sung at the start of worship service but rarely at other times. It is rewritten using the current language of the Psalm and contains the exact phrases from the Bible. Since the hymn has more of intellectual influence than of sentimental influence, it can be of help to establishing one’s religious view. I find myself spiritually recharged when I sing this hymn during quiet time. _Rev. Kwon, Jung-min / Immanuel Gyungin Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 20~21, Nu □ 24~25 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation If evangelism becomes your true life vision, everything will be answered.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


Covenant Prayer Series 67

The gift gave God Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13

“I cannot understand 24-hour prayer. How can we do 24-hour prayer?” Many Remnants ask questions like this. The extraneous thoughts that come into our minds at all hours of the day make even 5 minutes of prayer difficult, so how could we do 24-hour prayer and grab hold of the Word for 24 hours a day? Prayer is not working, and problems form, so it is a habitual practice for us to fall over a lot.


taste of prayer

One Remnant learned to shoot pool for the first time, and had a ‘taste’ of pocket ball. Starting from then, passing faces looked like pocket balls, and streetlights of the roadside, looked like pool cues. When lying down on the bed, the pool table seemed to unfold from the ceiling, and colorfully-hued pocket balls moved here and there. 24 hours were filled with pocket balls. It is not just the case with pool, though. Two people who begin dating daydream about each other’s faces 24 hours a day. She thinks of her boyfriend even while walking on the sidewalk, and even while in the middle of studying, his girlfriend’s face seems to pop up above his textbook. To think and meditate 24 hours a day about something is not a difficult thing. If it is fun and you like it, it is natural. What is prayer like for you? Is it more fun than pool and do you like it more than the face of your boyfriend or girlfriend? Or is it just cumbersome, causing burden in your heart every time you just think about it?



key of prayer

What is one way to express the life of the evangelist? The life of the evangelist is receiving God’s answers 24 hours a day. In order to answer us 24 hours a day, God has prepared all blessings. However, many Remnants say prayer is burdensome, and with the answers God has prepared placed in front of them, they just timidly shrink away.

Prayer is laying down our thoughts, and looking towards the plan of God. Only through the Word and prayer can we heal our desolate hearts and state of unbelief. However, we often lose hold of the answers that have already come because of the problems before our eyes. Because world evangelization is impossible with our thoughts, if we just meditate upon the Word for at least 5 minutes and change our thoughts to the thoughts of God and pray, we will see what we could not see before,rightfulness see what we must absolutely see,uniqueness and see the work we must do. If we have the key of prayer,absoluteness my life rightfully enters into prayer, and all we have to do is unleash this mystery. That is 24-hour prayer, and the key of the evangelist is precisely the extent to which you enjoy 24-hour blessings. The world is conquered by the forces of darkness, and weak mankind cannot live even one minute or one second without spiritual strength. Christ broke down the forces of darkness and disasters, has cast out Satan, and has already solved all problems on the cross. When we enjoy this blessing, the kingdom of God comes upon that place,Act 1:3 and God gives evidence. God works 24 hours a day,Act 1:8 but what are you grabbing hold of? In the spiritual battle against Satan, let us communicate with God through 24hour prayer and armor ourselves with the Word and faith. When you wear the spiritual full armor of God and tread on the footsteps of the evangelist, victory has already been given to you.

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”Ephesians 6:18 The reason the 7 Remnants were bold in the face of problems was not because they had power. The reason the Early Church became the door for world missions was not because of effort or preparation. It was precisely because they enjoyed the 24-hour answers of God. When these people enjoyed 24-hour prayer, the field of the forces of darkness crumbled, and the door of evangelism opened. Do not push away the blessings of God because it seems burdensome; instead, enter deeply into the Word and enjoy prayer. Starting today, even if you just think that you need to pray, the forces of darkness run away. Your today that starts with prayer is the historic day that the 8th Remnant enjoys. Rev. Ryu, Kwang-su / President of the World Evangelization Evangelism Alliance, Inc. 201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Sermon Title : Scripture : Misc :


Today's Bible Reading l Jr 22~23, Nu 26~27 □


201112 / Prayer Journal





✽ ʑࠥᱽ༊ŝ ᯝᱶ Prayer Topics & Schedule ⷅ

/ SUN ᵝ ᯝ 01㓲 11

/ MON ᬵ᫵ᯝ 01㓲 12

/ TUE ⪵᫵ᯝ 01㓲 13

/ WED ᙹ᫵ᯝ 01㓲 14

/ THU ༊᫵ᯝ 01㓲 15

/ FRI ɩ᫵ᯝ 01㓲 16

/ SAT ☁᫵ᯝ 01㓲 17

✽ ᱥࠥ ʑ⫮ Evangelism Plan ⷅ

•ᱥࠥ ⩥ᰆ ၰ ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ Evangelism field & people to evangelize to

•ᱥࠥ ᯱഭ ᵡእ Preparation of Materials

To d a y ' s Wo r d


The evangelism mission that the individual must have Acts 2:41~47 l They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (42)


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #267 ‘Tis the Promise of God (#201 in previous version)

What would happen if you were to remain within 24-hour prayer? If you can pray for 24 hours concentrating on God and enjoying Christ, all problems will be resolved and the age can be changed. Thinking only about evangelism for 24 hours will allow you to stand as a main figure to save the region and the world, as people are revived and financial problems are naturally restored. The greatest mission God has given us is the enjoyment of prayer, the Word, and evangelism for 24 hours.

1. Three missions First meditate upon the blessing of entering inside 24-hour prayer, Word, and evangelism. Meditation is a method God has given to us in order to deeply enter inside His blessings. During scheduled worship and prayer, experience the grace of God through deep meditation. Organize and confirm your schedule for the enjoyment of the Word, prayer, and evangelism that derives from the Sunday worship. The time to arrange meetings and tasks throughout a week is imperative for the sake of the three missions. At that moment, not just our physical bodies, but our hearts, thoughts, and the spiritual aspect of our being gains immense strength. 2. Personal evangelism mission The answers that come from 24-hour prayer is your personal evangelism mission. Joseph firmly held on to this vision of world evangelization through his dreams. At the age of 80, Moses received his mission on Mount Horeb and received the eternal answer of giving the blood sacrifice. Samuel, who realized his mission, never had a single word fall to the ground. From a young age, David had the heart of an evangelist and the great spirit of the Lord was upon him. Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, Isaiah witnessed the spiritual world, and Timothy was a spiritual soldier, athlete, and farmer who experienced the working of the Holy Spirit. 3. A new beginning If you desire to discover your personal evangelism mission, you must first discover your prayer, Word and evangelism. Confirm the messages provided by the Prayer Journal and begin your day with meditation. Holding on to the title and Scripture reading of today’s Prayer Journal message, begin prayer and enjoy scheduled prayer during the most peaceful time in your schedule. Through deep prayer and meditation, you will enjoy the greatest blessings of God.

Forum Topic Meditate upon how you can enjoy your personal 24-hour Word, prayer, and evangelism. Also, meditate upon the evangelism mission that has been given to you inside of this.


Daejeon Regional Evangelism Conference / 2011.8.9

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Greatest one month

On September, the Medical Missions and R7 Mission Camp were held in the Philippines. Thankfully, I was utilized for both of these camps. During the Medical Missions, I had worked alongside a doctor from Washington and several other nurses as well. My visions is to become a doctor, yet the doors to my future were unwilling to open. Thus, God had given me this opportunity in the midst of my contemplation through this camp. I served as the interpreter during the R7 cosmetics mission camp. Due to a typhoon, I was unable to attend school for three days throughout one week, hence I used this time to serve at this mission camp with my mother. As I listened to the messages, I was able to feel these messages in my heart. On the second day, I interpreted a message at the University of Cordilleras. As we reviewed the Gospel Letter, I received so much grace from the message that Jesus Christ is the beginning and end to everything Today’s pulpit message was “The blessings of a disciple” and as I listened to the message I realized that God had allowed me to enjoy the blessings of an evangelist ahead of time. Therefore, I’m praying that the blessings of the evangelist I received last week can become actualized this week as I enter inside a deeper enjoyment. Although I may be lacking, I thank God who has used me as an interpreter for these special and imperative camps. Also, I offer the greatest glory to our Lord for giving me the blessing of meeting in His perfect plan. _Remnant Hwang, Chan-mi / Philippines Baguio Jesus Mission

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 24~25, Nu □ 28~29 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For


✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation Restore spiritual strength and see the future through the prayer of enjoying Christ.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Necessary direction of the evangelist Zephaniah 2:7 l It will belong to the remnant of the people of Judah; there they will find pasture. In the evening they will lie down in the houses of Ashkelon. The Lord their God will care for them; he will restore their fortunes.

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #31 Praise Him, Praise Him (#46 in previous version)

No matter how hardworking or faithful we are, if we have set the incorrect direction for ourselves, the results will naturally follow. In addition, even if everyone speaks correct words and makes correct choices, if the direction is misaligned, the results will also be skewed. That is why the direction of the evangelist is so important. Evangelists must hold on to the direction that they must take together. If we lose hold of the direction that God has given and hold on to other things, we will fail to receive the correct answers. What is the direction that God speaks about?

1. The mission that God has given What kind of mission must evangelists have? First, we must have the mission of prayer. The Early Church gathered together and began with prayer. This does not simply enforce the act of prayer itself. Because the Early Church gained the answer, they could devote themselves to prayer. Also, we must have the mission of evangelism of sharing the grace that we have received from the Word of God to others. We must take an interest in the people we meet, help them, and share the grace that we have received. In particular, as we look to the overseas fields, we must possess the mission of missions. God’s goal for the Early Church was Macedonia. Lastly, we must have the mission as church lay leaders to save the family. 2. The mission of the evangelist God has hidden disciples in all fields. These people are those who remain and those who are scattered. There are hidden disciples within the family, school, and workplace. However, as we live our lives in this fierce world, we lose hold of the important disciples. God has hidden the disciples who need the Gospel in the field of the evangelist. We must cast off our unbelief and find the disciples. This is the mission of the evangelist. At this time, God will grant us the wisdom to save the world and grant us financial blessings. 3. The direction of the evangelist There is a sure direction for the evangelist. God said that He will raise the Remnants to shine the light and to bring the nations back to Him. He also said that we must go and make disciples of all nations. For this purpose, the Early Church didn’t just simply have a gathering of disciples; they raised up evangelism disciples who had this mission of evangelism and missions. In addition, these evangelism disciples prayed together with one heart and received the answer of Rome evangelization. ⷃ

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic Are you going in the direction that God desires? No matter what you do and where you are, experience a classy victory as you hold on to the mission that has been given to the evangelist.


Study of Evangelism Message / 2011.8.13

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

The dream God has given to me

It has been three years since I got married at the age of 38. Before I got married, I worked at a business place with the vision of becoming a counselor for the youth. However, my oppressive work schedule overwhelmed all of my dreams and intentions. Now, every time I think about it, I realize the truth that God has answered me. As I lived with my family in the city of Sachun, I received lessons from the Department of Education at Sachun and served as a counselor for middle school students every Friday at the school located near my house. Realizing my limitations of my abilities and how oblivious I was regarding the problems of the youth as I counseled various children, I began to fall into despair and discouragement. As a result, although I was of old age I became motivated to further study the youth and the system of their welfare. I enrolled in school and worked rigorously. My body was ill, so I fought my physical self in order to study, and through the support of my husband I was able to graduate in the month of August. The joy I felt when receiving my diploma and certification is inexpressible with words alone. Now I have enrolled in school once more to receive my certificate of becoming a youth instructor. As I attended school, God provided me with the blessing of scholarship to pay for my tuition. Although God has yet to give me the blessing of children, I firmly believe in His perfect plan following the words of Romans chapter 4. I realized that God will bless even people as lacking as myself for the sake of the Remnants. My studies did not pertain to extreme lengths, yet it was a precious time for me to witness the guidance of God and the covenant of the Remnants. I am yet unsure of how God will use my talents, but I will continue to challenge and prepare for the future generation. This is because God undoubtedly answers. _Deaconess Park, Yang-yi / Jinju Sewon Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 26~27, Nu □ 30~31 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation If you understand people, circumstances, and time schedules with the standard of the Gospel, you will see answers.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


My main priority and my secondary priority Psalms 145:1~5 l I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. (1~2)


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #314 More Love to Thee, O Christ (#511 in previous version)

The moment that David became the king, he perceived his role as the king as his secondary priority, and changed his thinking to realize that his first and primary priority was serving God and following His will all his life. How can we become a classy person of faith and change our priorities like David?

1. My main priority God sent the Christ in order to solve all of our problems. Therefore, finding all of our answers through Christ is our first priority. Samuel enjoyed listening to the voice of God as his first priority. He considered his position as the priest as his secondary priority, and took as his greatest joy praying quietly before God and hearing His voice ever since he was young. Elisha didn’t have high regard for his own seat or position; rather, he simply asked for a double portion of the spirit in order to fulfill his role and in turn, was used as a historic prophet. 2. My primary ministry Our primary ministry must become enjoying the blessings of God and then relaying those blessings. King David did not consider his kingly duties his main priority. His first priority was enjoying the mystery of being together with God. The reason why he was able to confess the name of the Lord before King Saul and Goliath was also because he considered giving glory unto God rather than gaining popularity his main objective. The primary ministry that Jesus has commanded us is, “Go and make disciples.” The main ministry that has been given to us is to go to all nations and to the ends of the earth to be disciples of the Gospel. 3. The secondary priority that we must begin with the blessings of God The governorship of Joseph was needed in order to testify of the Gospel before all the world. Moses stood as a leader, but this was the lowest position through which he could serve the people of God. The kingship of David was also of a secondary nature; it was needed in order for David to give glory unto God by constructing the temple. Obadiah served as a royal official, and through his service, he hid 100 prophets so that the flow of the Gospel could continue. Even the workers of Romans 16 considered their job as financial leaders and the task of making money their secondary priority, and took as their main priority the task of taking part in world evangelization. It is God’s blessing for us to realize what it is that we must truly do.

Forum Topic What is my main priority and my primary ministry? Meditate upon this so that the priorities that David set for himself can become yours.


Core Training Message / 2011. 8. 13

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation / Reading a Good Book Together 02

Enjoy your fear and anxiety

Raising a child is not an easy job. Regardless of whether the child is just born and younger than a year of age, going to preschool, in elementary school to start studying, or in middle or high school and rebelling against everything, all children are difficult. It is because raising a child continuously stimulates the fear and anxiety that is inside of us. We will probably feel this fear and anxiety throughout every single new moment we face such as the day we bear the child, the child’s first school day, when the child becomes an adolescent, when the child grows to be an adult and becomes a parent. However, do not be afraid. Fear and anxiety can never destroy a parent. Instead, they will make the parent grow strong and, in turn, make the children grow strong. Just as we all know that a little bit of stress can do you good on your test scores during exam periods, if you get to know the realities of your fear and anxiety and work step-by-step to solve them, you will be able to deeply understand the upbringing of children and discover amazing maternal and paternal powers in you. _Oh, Eun-young, Anxious Mom, Careless Dad, Woongjin Living House

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 28~29, Nu □ 32~33 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation God fulfills the work of evangelism in this age through the evangelists and churches that do the evangelism movement.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


The role of the Levite Numbers 4:46~49 l At the Lord’s command through Moses, each was assigned his work and told what to carry. Thus they were counted, as the Lord commanded Moses. (49)


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #259 Have You Been to Jesus (#193 in previous version)

We have received the blessing of the Levite as children of God. For this reason, we have also been given the right to receive the answers that He gives and to also experience God in worship. All the people of faith who knew this fact and prayed before God received great answers, and they were not afraid in the face of all problems and situations. Are you happy as a child of God? Are you filled with joy when you give worship before God? God speaks to us about the tabernacle and worship through the Bible.

1. Past – we must find what we have lost hold of The majority of people are seized by their past, and as a result, lose hold of the answers of today and the blessings of the future. As a natural consequence of this, they are filled with complaints and resentment, and words of unbelief. They are also seized by the scars of their family and the bad memories of their past, and in this way, they waste their time on needless things. The scars that came as a result of their past when they didn’t have the Gospel approach them even now as a bitter root that prevents their growth, despite the fact that they hear today’s Word. God sent the Christ and completely solved the curses and the problems of the past that we must rightfully face. When we hold on to this covenant, worship, and pray, we can restore the status and authority that we have lost hold of, and enjoy the covenant of the Levite. 2. Today – We must form a prayer system and restore the church The fact that the Israelites are counting the number of people who will participate means that God, the servants of the Lord, and the people of God must connect in worship, the Word, and prayer. The reason why they elected elders and raised up the officers is because through them, the covenant of God needed to be relayed to the people. That is why it is important that we have a prayer system within the church. The key to saving today is devoting myself to prayer with the co-worker who connects with me in prayer. 3. Future – we must relay this to the next generation and the future We must change the spiritual state of the next generation into complete Gospel because they must enter into the world. If they taste the culture of the world without the Gospel, they will fall into it, get seized by the evil spirits, and face mental afflictions. If they realize later on and try to come out from within that, it will be too late, and many times, the next generation lacks the spiritual strength to overcome their problems. We must help our children gain the strength of the Word and prayer, and then make their way into the world. We must raise up the next generation so that they have a taste of prayer that will lead them to look to God and meditate, even when they are alone. Forum Topic Do you believe that the problems of your past, today, and the future have already been solved upon the cross? Then, you can pray the prayer of enjoying this fact in the Gospel 24 hours a day. This is because God answers you 24 hours a day.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2011.8.14

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

The commission to save souls

I can now live at peace for the time schedule God has given to me is abundant However, despite how much I yearn to live in peace There is a commission that has been given to me preventing me from such peace If I was unable to evangelize today, then I simply cannot consume food If there hasn’t been a single soul that has received salvation through me, then sleeping seems like a sin My nature to stumble before those in need of salvation My empty hands that did not prepare any evangelism materials My heart becomes overwhelmed with the pain of remorse due to my lacking, yet I will not give up and pray “Allow me to evangelize” “Allow me to evangelize” “May you undoubtedly save this region” _A disciple that desires to serve as an evangelist in Japan

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 30~31, Nu □ 34~35 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation It is a special gift from God to enjoy the blessings of being a child of God in Christ.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


My personal method of prayer Colossians 1:1~8 l We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people. (3~4)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #412 Far Away in the Depths of My Spirit (#469 in previous version)

What are we doing right now? If we do what God desires, we can receive important answers. The world teaches people to work hard. Because of this, many people fall into the misconception of thinking that we must live our walk of faith with diligence, too, but if we were to do what God desires, we would experience tremendous spiritual blessings. Then, what is it that God desires?

1. The prayer of enjoying the things of God Prayer is enjoying God’s absolute covenant of Christ. Everything is hidden within prayer, and for this reason, we must enjoy the blessings of prayer in the most quiet time. If we cannot make our own quiet time, we cannot stand as the elite. We must make a quiet time within our lives, and discover the prayer of enjoying Christ within that time. If we enjoy this prayer, God will reveal the future to us. We must study and devote ourselves with this strength of prayer. If we enjoy this blessing, even those who lack power will see the works of God. Therefore, enjoying prayer must become our main priority, and we must start all things in prayer. The devotion of all devotions is also prayer. 2. Personal mission Within the prayer of enjoying Christ, we can discover the plan that God has given to me. All 7 Remnants had a personal mission. They did not shake in the face of hardships because they had assurance regarding their personal mission. Even the heroes of faith of the Old Testament who were faced with extreme loneliness and even the disciples of the Early Church who were within great difficulties had a personal mission. ⷃ

3. The mission of going together Each time Paul wrote a letter, he always expressed his pride as a child of God.Colossians 1:1~2 Paul always expressed his thanksgiving to God in prayer for the believers who were carrying out the Gospel movement together with him.Colossians 1:3~4 If we have the prayer that connects all of the believers together, a great Gospel movement will arise. This method is missions and world evangelization. This is the mission that those who are saved must fulfill together.

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic If we don’t know the spiritual mystery, our physical worries will only accumulate. Find your own quiet time and meditate on your personal prayer of enjoying Christ.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 2nd Service / 2011. 8. 14

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Hidden days lived

Other people, at times in their life, were pampered one day as much as they pleased at least once, whined, and especially being female, acted with charm to their heart’s content; however, your environment and background that you encountered at those times ultimately did not gently leave you alone. Early on, you knew grumbling and wrath, and you were one who knew the laws of restraint and self-control. Passing phases of your life, not able to move on with your life, God first had me, your friend, discover your other self that was deep within you, as deep as the time that had passed. In the Gospel, the packaging that your environment had made was removed one by one for even you who were so unyielding, I thought you only knew laughter, and I thought you only knew rationale. Watching you play with Remnants and joke back and forth with them, pointlessly, my heart was filled with emotions. I realized deep within my heart that only God can fathom and melt my heart that has frozen solid. My friend, Ji-hae, who has the Gospel and whom I prayed for a long time and received answers about. Like now, let us enjoy the blessing of mission home that God has given us, and let us relay this baton happily to other Remnants. In the remaining year of 2011, let us be happy in the Gospel. _Remnant Kim, Hae-jung / H Nation Remnant Gospel Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 32~33, Nu □ 36, Dt 1 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation When you have a problem, think of the future and plan God has prepared.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Three answers Acts 2:42 l They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #362 Lord, I Hear of Show'rs of Blessing (#481 in previous version)

All people are in thought 24 hours a day, and for this reason, the kinds of thoughts that we have are very important. In addition, what kind of heart we have determines the kind of thoughts that we think. That is why our hearts and our thoughts must come together as one within God’s plan. What kind of heart and thoughts must we have in order to receive true answers from God?

1. Pulpit message as answers No matter where we are, if the pulpit message is not answered, we cannot live the life of the evangelist. In order to maintain your health, you can eat special dishes, but the food that you eat on a normal basis at home is most important. Likewise, if the weekly pulpit message does not approach you as your personal Word, your walk of faith has no choice but to be difficult. We must hear the voice of God from within the pulpit message and enjoy it in our lives. From this moment on, nothing will be a problem. When we share the Word with other people, the Word of God will be fulfilled, we will find the answers to our past problems, and we will see the future. 2. The important works of the church and organization as answers Many people perceive the work within the organization for the sake of the church and the evangelism movement as simply ‘work.’ That is why they lose so many important blessings. If we receive answers through God’s Word, we can see the plan of God in all works. Especially, we must discover God’s plan in the church construction that changes the culture of the region, and the Remnant movement which will save the next generation. The Early Church held on to the plan of God within important works that needed to be done, and even received the answer of changing the politics, economy, and culture of the times. ⷃ

3. The announcements at church as prayer topics and answers The direction of answers in the church comes out during the announcements, and this is the field in which the Word is fulfilled. That is why the pulpit message and announcements at church, as well as all work and events must become our important prayer topic, and in turn, approach us as answers. With this answer in hand, we must gather our strength together for the sake of the evangelism movement. If we truly devote ourselves like the Early Church, we will be able to realistically enjoy the blessings of world evangelization. ⷃ

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic Give 10 minutes of your time to God every day so that you can place the plan of God within your heart and thoughts. During that time, connect the pulpit message, all work, events, and announcements to prayer.


Study of Evangelism Message / 2011.8.20

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation / Praise Meditation 03

Hymn #362

Lord, I Hear of Show’rs of Blessing ْ Lord, I hear of show’rs of blessing Thou art scatt’ring full and free, Show’rs, the thirsty land refreshing; Let Thy blessing fall on me; Even me, Even me, Let Thy blessing fall on me.

The Word of the Bible is applicable to anyone, and all the events recorded in the Bible are the mirrors of our life. The lyricist of this hymn, Elizabeth Codner, 1824~1919, read aloud, “He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth,” from Psalms 72:6 and murmured it to herself. Then, she shouted out, “O, God, send the showers of blessing to me as well! Also, send the showers on the souls that are dry like a mown field!” The lyrics come to the audience as a peaceful image of rain falling to moisten a great land, and the hymn feels as if it penetrates into my barren soul. Also, the quiet but powerful shout of the lyricist in the chorus, “Even me, even me, Let Thy blessing fall on me!” touches the heart of the audience. You will feel the appeal of the song if you imagine the rain.

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 34~35, Dt 2~3 □ □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

_Rev. Kwon, Jung-min / Immanuel Gyungin Church

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation Through deep prayer, you can enjoy true power that transcends your limitations.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


Specialist Prayer School 73

Strength to


the worldly culture into the culture of the Gospel Written by Elder Lee, Kyung-ho Sculptor Former Sculpting Department Minister of Education, Sangmyung University Cheongju One Light Church


After my first artwork got displayed in my elementary school classroom, I decided to do art for the rest of my life. Throughout college and into my young adulthood, I questioned God. “Why are we incapable of changing the worldly culture into Your culture? I thought You could do anything?” There was no answer to this question at church, in missions’ organizations, or even in Christian books. God gave me an accurate answer regarding this approximately ten years later. The wall of the impossible cultural restoration came crashing down, replaced by the enjoyment of joy. The power of the Gospel makes all things possible. People transform, and with the contents of the Gospel, the cultural restoration God desires in Genesis 1:28 is also possible. God led me through the Word and training amidst this conviction. Within the time schedule of the restoration of a Gospel culture, He blessed me with a meeting with a coworker and disciple majoring in the formative arts. The message about the prayer team is being fulfilled in the field through this meeting. Prayer for the descendants always has a place in my heart. That earnestness probably comes from knowing the difficulties that lie ahead of them; it urges me to pray with more sincerity, petition, and thanksgiving before God. He has prepared the Remnants as the main figures for the restoration of the culture in the Gospel for this, and especially to seek the hidden disciples in the most severe field of the arts. Visual arts specialists are the closest to the spiritual realm and can only continue their work with unceasing help from a spiritual being. Hence, their spiritual problems are unavoidably deep. For the higher 1% of artists, their pieces are prayers, and the process of their work is entrance into the spiritual realm. To express the inner realm through spatial, materialistic products, to create and show the hidden realm, takes unending practice and concentration, and it is impossible without deep mental experiences. Therefore, they create their personal masterpieces through various methods including drugs. A Remnant majoring in the arts must possess the power of prayer above all else, and enjoy the uniqueness of forming masterpieces through the enjoyment of the mystery of the filling of the Holy Spirit. Only a Remnant with the Gospel can conquer the field of arts. A Remnant with the Gospel can sustain himself or herself in any and all fields, so as a Remnant with artistic thoughts and talents, you must hold onto God’s desire in prayer and stand as the main figure of cultural reformation. God provides the Word to prepare those whom He has chosen as the main figures, prepares others, and aids them in prayer first. With faith that God will complete the work He began, I believe we must continually pray until the day all cultures kneel before His name.

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Sermon Title : Scripture : Misc :


Today's Bible Reading l Jr 36~37, Dt 4~5 □


201112 / Prayer Journal





✽ ʑࠥᱽ༊ŝ ᯝᱶ Prayer Topics & Schedule ⷅ

/ SUN ᵝ ᯝ 01㓲 18

/ MON ᬵ᫵ᯝ 01㓲 19

/ ⪵᫵ᯝ TUE 01㓲 20

/ WED ᙹ᫵ᯝ 01㓲 21

/ THU ༊᫵ᯝ 01㓲 22

/ FRI ɩ᫵ᯝ 01㓲 23

/ SAT ☁᫵ᯝ 01㓲 24

✽ ᱥࠥ ʑ⫮ Evangelism Plan ⷅ

•ᱥࠥ ⩥ᰆ ၰ ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ Evangelism field & people to evangelize to

•ᱥࠥ ᯱഭ ᵡእ Preparation of Materials

To d a y ' s Wo r d


What a person of God must do Acts 2:42 l They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #90 I’ve Found a Friend (#98 in previous version)

There is nothing that is in vain within true evangelism of testifying the Gospel. For God’s Word is accurate, if you share the Gospel with a pure heart, you will bear fruit. Although great nations like Egypt, Palestine, Babylon, and Rome killed and persecuted evangelists, people of God who truly evangelized left disciples and eventually enjoyed the answer of world evangelization.

1. Answer of the age of exodus Pharaoh thought the Israelites will be quiet if he only seized Moses, but Moses relayed the covenant of the sacrificial offering to the elders of Israel, and through these elders the Word of the covenant was relayed to the entire people and they were able to come together as one in the Word. The commission that elders and believers must hold on to is delivering God’s Word. If you relay the Gospel to other people, great works like the exodus will begin. 2. Answer of coming out of Babylon When Babylon won the war and was capturing Israelites as captives, there were people of the covenant among them. After time passed by, the ones with the covenant were raised as the skilled individuals to surpass Babylon’s skill and culture. What God desires from us is to relay the covenant of the Gospel to the future generations. Through the person of the covenant and his descendants, the works of changing the age and culture will arise. 3. Answer of the age of exiting Rome Judaism and the powerful Rome did not know how powerful the people of the covenant who have the power of the Gospel and mystery of the Word were. They were disciples who were armed with answers by holding on to the covenant of God’s kingdom and world evangelization, sharing grace through apostles’ teachings, and having fellowship of the breaking of bread. Later, skilled Remnants arose and fulfilled the work of world evangelization due to the prayer of the disciples who did the Word movement in the field and through the devotion of the Early Church believers. Rome was evangelized through the Remnants who were raised as important figures in each area. ⷃ

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic It is most important to hold on to the Word, meditate and receive strength, and to relay the covenant to the next generation. This is the start of world evangelization.


Core Training Message / 2011. 8. 20

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

The work God has done

We started a new term, and when we were doing orientations according to major, the professor asked the freshmen what their religions were. Among the freshmen, one Korean replied that he had no religion. Time passed, and that friend did not come out to school for two weeks. I coincidentally met him in the hallway, and as I asked him what was the matter, he was having a very hard time and even his complexion did not look good. At the thought that the time schedule to relay the Gospel had come, I scheduled a dinner with him, but it constantly got delayed. I asked, “God, what is your plan?” Through the pulpit message, God said that He would raise me to the summit. On the day that friend and I set to meet, I grabbed hold of the pulpit message and Word of the Prayer Journal which was ‘Christ who became the fundamental answer,’ and met him. Listening to his hardships and worries as an international student, I was going to give him some words of encouragement as a senior, but I shared the Gospel instead. When I shared the Gospel, God was with me, and had the Word that I needed in that situation come to mind. That friend accepted Jesus Christ in his heart. Upon giving him the Gospel message, prayer text and evangelism tract that was prepared, I shared what he needed to do in the future. On my way home after saving one soul, the pulpit message floated to my mind. ‘I will raise you to the summit.’ God has raised me to the spiritual summit, which is not the summit of the world. God fulfilled the pulpit message, and I saw that fulfillment. It is said that the one God uses is the one who wants to speak about Christ, and the one who speaks about Christ. Even in the future, I pray that I will be used as an evangelism disciple of God and Remnant missionary. _Remnant Moon, Hyung-oh / Philippines Baguio Jesus Mission Church / University of Baguio

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 38~39, Dt 6~7 □ □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation Only by God’s power can you change people.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Experience the Gospel Numbers 5:1~4 l “Command the Israelites to send away from the camp anyone who has an infectious skin disease or a discharge of any kind, or who is ceremonially unclean because of a dead body. Send away male and female alike; send them outside the camp so they will not defile their camp, where I dwell among them.” (2~3)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #436 Lately the Life of Christ (#493 in previous version)

Many people are under the false impression that they will be happy if they live with a good heart and become successful. They strive to possess knowledge, money, and background, but they cannot gain true happiness. Moses who lived in the palace of Egypt, a mighty nation, did not have true happiness. At last, he ran away due to a murder and spent 40 years in the wilderness. While praying in the wilderness, Moses became 80 years old, and he heard the voice of God and enjoyed the work of the exodus. The event that happened after Moses who had no hope experienced the Gospel was the exodus. Experiencing the Gospel is the most important thing in our lives.

1. Live pure and holy lives! Children of God must live in a holy and pure way. Most of the problems and diseases that break out in the world are due to lack of sanitation. In other words, we must get rid of our nature of slavery from the past and our nature of living in the wilderness. Many people seem to have good faith, but they cannot bear even small sufferings and fall into hardship due to their lack of abstinence. Some people live their lives in vain with alcohol or games. We who are blessed by God must live a pure life that is set apart and throw away all that is unclean. 2. Live your life centered on the tabernacle! Even though people live clean and right, they are not free from their fundamental problem and continue to face countless problems. The Bible tells us that there is no one righteous on this earth and that there is Satan in the background. Many people cannot distinguish the Gospel from religions. God told the Israelites who are in the wilderness to build a tabernacle and sprinkle the blood of the lamb. Children of God must live centered on the tabernacle and on Christ to receive true answers. 3. Go forth with the power of the Holy Spirit! As we live our lives, spiritual problems, personal limitations, and the culture of idolatry come to us. We must go to the field with the power of the Holy Spirit that can overcome these things. In order to solve spiritual problems that come even if we live an upright life, God promised to send us Christ. Experiencing this Christ is “experiencing the Gospel.” All you need to do is go into prayer holding on to God’s Word for you today.

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic God is working even now just like He worked on Moses; therefore, experience the power of Christ. Make a to-do list of things you can do to experience this prayer.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2011.8.21

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

The sovereignty of God

Even though I grew up as a Christian, with the excuse that I was busy, I grew further apart from worship little by little after starting my career. However, God remembered me, and changed the place I needed to be at, the time I needed to be there, and the people I met. I used to work at a research institute related to semi-conductors, and then, I was sent to KAIST in Daejeon for a Ph.D. program, and at the research laboratory that I participated in, I met a junior who had the Gospel, and through him, I heard the accurate Gospel. Then, reflecting upon myself, I accepted Jesus in my heart through the correct confession of faith. At the beginning of this year, I was in the middle of planning to go to 1st Level Camp Trainingⷃ. But my son who was not even 100 days suddenly got pneumonia. Naturally, I wanted to give up on 1st Level Camp Training, and nurse my son, so God had my child admitted into an intensive care unit for newborn children that guardians could not stay with. God sent me to a location of grace after I prayed that I would participate in camp training if my son fully recovered. I realized that God’s method was different from my thoughts, and I was thankful to the Lord who guided me according to the plan of God. The time when I stood before for God in that way increased. As my time to look to the Lord increased even in my work that paralleled with my studies, I received even greater blessings. Sunday worship, prenatal/infant worship, Bible study, evangelism institute… . When I just thought about it, I thought I could not handle it, but now, it has become the important time to gain the strength that will enable me to handle my work and studies. I pray that it is not I, who is doing it, but that He would give me strength, and fulfill the life of the evangelist that enjoys Immanuel through me; I also pray to be able to handle the work the Lord gave me as a co-worker who aids the evangelist. _Deacon Park, Dae-jin / World Vision Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 40~41, Dt 8~9 □ □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation When the individual is healed inside of prayer, the church and fields will be revived.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Spiritual armament Colossians 1:9~23 l For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (13~14)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #294 God Gave His Only Begotten Son (#416 in previous version)

For we are children of God who are inside of Christ, we can pray in the name of Christ when we are in a difficult situation. The name of Jesus Christ is a name of authority. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son He loves, we have nothing to worry about.Colossians 1:13 The forces of darkness attack us when we lose hold of the Gospel, worry, shake, fear, or do not enjoy the Gospel and hold on to other things.

1. The reason for and method of spiritual armament For Satan attacks us until the day of the Lord’s second coming, we need to be spiritually armed. First, we must be armed with the Word. The core of the 66 books of the Bible is Jesus Christ and the mystery and power of Christ. Because the ones who are in Christ are bound to have victory, they must be armed with Christ from head to toe.Ephesians 6:10~20 Also, Satan attacks our thinking. That is why God tells us to cast all cares unto the Lord and pray. The Lord guards our heart and thoughts.Philippians 4:6~7 2. Content of spiritual armament The prayer given to know God’s will has amazing power. Also, the prayer given to enjoy God’s Word, covenant of Christ, and work of the Holy Spirit becomes spiritual strength. If you enjoy the mystery of Christ, you will see God’s will and be overflowing with thanksgiving. If you enjoy this blessing, God’s kingdom will come upon you wherever you go and doors of answers will be opened. From then on, you will gain the strength to move all things in Christ. The prayer to enjoy the mystery that is in Christ is spiritual armament. 3. Result of spiritual armament From this point on, everywhere you go will become fields of answers. To Paul, prison was a missions field. Difficulties are opportunities to taste the power of God. The sick have nothing to worry about because they have met the opportunity to realize the filling of the Holy Spirit. When we face hardship, we must look big and far. Interpret today by looking at your entire life.

Forum Topic Spiritual armament is correctly knowing and enjoying Christ. If you learn the correct prayer of enjoying Christ, you will have spiritual victory. Think of each and every word and meditate upon it.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 2nd Service / 2011. 8. 21

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Missions vision

“I pray, my children after me, in world missions would forever be...” When I praise this, I feel my heart filled with emotions and trembling. During last year’s World Missions Convention, Missionary Kim, Dong-gil of Kenya, gave the Word regarding the vision of the Gospel in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia minor, saying, “Africa, Middle East, Asia minor evangelization are easy. This is because it is not I who is doing it, but God who is the main figure of the covenant.” With a voice filled with assurance, he spoke with strength, and with a heart of thanksgiving, I, too, embraced the evangelization of Africa, the Middle East and Asia Minor as my vision. Afterwards, every time I opened my eyes in the morning and prayed for the missions field, my heart trembled and I was truly happy. I gave thanks to God who guided me to a church that has matched direction to only evangelism and missions, and sharing the correct Gospel, evangelism movement, consuming passion of the evangelist towards the age, and the covenant of missions to my descendents, I pray that we can become a family that enjoys the blessing of missions. Northern Kenya is controlled by Muslims. It is in a state where for the 13th year, famine is severe because of droughts, and persecution towards Christians is severe. I pray that it would become a missions field in which the business people and church lay leaders who have received the answers of the uniqueness of Gospel finances are established and the disciples who have the mystery of the true Gospel and true life are established and raised up. “God enable me to be the pride of the evangelist and missionary until the day that I have breath, be the platform for the future descendents, and be a co-worker of prayer, like Aaron and Hur.” _Senior Deaconess Park, Sun-wook / Yewon Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 42~43, Dt 10~11 □ □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation The evangelist must have the thoughts God gives and realize the plan God has given.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Mission of the evangelism disciple Acts 1:14 l They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #539 Go, Carry Thy Burden to Jesus (#483 in previous version)

It is a blessing of blessings to have an evangelism disciple near you to share your heart for evangelism. However, we are losing hold of this blessing due to conflicts. In order to solve interpersonal relationships or problems due to the spiritual state of losing hold of the Gospel, it is important to overcome the conflict first. Moreover, your attitude towards that conflict is the color of your faith, the size of your vessel, and your prayer. Remember that the conflict was given to you from God. It is the plan of God that will make you into the vessel that can hold blessings. There is something you need to experience in order to renew yourself before a conflict comes.

1. Experience the Gospel If you know and believe Jesus Christ, you receive salvation. However, God desires for us to transcend the level of simply knowing the Gospel and to experience Jesus Christ through our lives and in spirit. The place in which you can experience this most quickly is the evangelism field. Peter who confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, was praised the most by Jesus, but he denied Jesus three times and ran away. Nevertheless, Peter was able to stand as a true evangelism disciple, because he met the resurrected Jesus and experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit. If you do not experience the Gospel, then you cannot overcome conflicts even though you have already received the Gospel. 2. Experience the mission A person who has experienced the Gospel comes to know what his mission from God is. If your values and the main and secondary priorities change in the Gospel, you can realize the reason for your calling and your commission. Having this mission is a very important part of living your life of faith. God gave missions about the kingdom of God and filling of the Holy Spirit to disciples who realized that Jesus is the Christ,Acts 1:1~8 and the Holy Spirit came upon Mark’s upper room as they waited with prayer holding on to the Word, disciples gathered, and they were used as evangelism disciples who changed the field. If you have the renewal to overcome conflicts and the continuous prayer of holding on to the Word and your mission, then you will enjoy the blessings of God in your life like the disciples of the Early Church.

Forum Topic What is the conflict that we must overcome in order to go into the blessing of the evangelism disciple? Meditate on what we must renew and what the mission is for the circumstance that we are in as an evangelism disciple.


Evangelism Disciple Message / 2011.8.23

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation / Reading a Good Book Together 03

To raise a family of faith

Jonathan Edwards heard from his father from a young age that a person who respects and loves God must love and serve his neighbor, and he received a field education about piety and devotion. Edwards, who grew up as a honest and trustworthy young man, married Sarah Pierrepont on July 28, 1727, lived together for 30 years and had eleven children. He especially loved his wife and did whatever she desired by setting aside all else, and there is a famous story about Edwards and his wife praying for an hour together. He did almost everything with his wife, and their children also had great interest in spirituality and faith. As a result, his pious descendants grew to be influential in the American society and formed a family line of honor. In addition, Princeton University raised the “Jonathan Edwards Research Center” that studies Edwards’s family. The results of actual research of the Edwards showed 1,400 descendants of Edwards, and among them there are 14 college presidents,or deans more than 100 pastors,theologians, missionaries more than 100 lawyers and judges, more than 60 doctors, more than 70 writers and journalists, 65 professors, 3 senators, 3 governors, 1 vice president, and 25 high ranking officials in the military. Also, they all followed after the teaching to “Love God and love your neighbor,” were diligent in public service, and put that love into action. _Chun, Kwang, I Love the Bible, Life Book

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 44~45, Dt 12~13 □ □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation When you arm yourself in the field with the prayer of knowing God’s plan, all of the places you go to will become the missions field of answers.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Strength of prayer to enjoy Christ Zephaniah 2:7 l It will belong to the remnant of the house of Judah; there they will find pasture. In the evening they will lie down in the houses of Ashkelon. The Lord their God will care for them; he will restore their fortunes.

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #313 Jesus, My King (#352 in previous version)

The core of the Bible is that all people need Christ. It is a fact that Jesus is the Christ and that the Christ becomes our Christ when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Realizing and understanding this fact is not something that is easy. That is why the Bible expresses Christ as a mystery of God. Understanding the Gospel and enjoying it in our lives beyond simply realizing it is what taking part in God’s mystery is. How can this true strength and God’s power that only children of God can enjoy become ours?

1. Find 10 minutes of happiness every day You only need to hold on to the Word and pray for 10 minutes out of 24 hours. This is not just a matter of the amount of time, but it is the actual resolution and challenge toward prayer that matters. Anyone can pray for 10 minutes, but continuing it is the problem. Therefore, make not just any 10 minutes but 10 minutes during which you can be happy inside the Gospel. Just like Jesus and Paul who sought a place to pray in order to have this time of prayer, find the happiness that comes from prayer that you enjoy in the Gospel. 2. Restore the earnestness of scheduled prayer If you taste 10 minutes of this every day, your heart will grow earnest and your spiritual eyes will open when you experience an answer. From then on, your day will be centered on prayer times. If you realistically experience the Holy Spirit working inside of you right now and come to know Satan who is attacking you even now, you will become truthful and earnest. What takes place before these spiritual facts is scheduled prayer. The meaning of scheduled prayer is also not in its length of time but the earnestness of your heart and will. If this is connected to the earnestness of looking at the field, then you will go into the mystery of 24-hour prayer, and you will enjoy 24 hours of changing the future the more you know how desperate the field is. 3. Challenge toward the nature of the Gospel If you continue the happy mystery of prayer in the Gospel, enjoying prayer will become your nature. And if it becomes your nature, you will have true peace. You will gain the true strength that the world cannot give or explain. Until it becomes your nature, you may realize but will seek happiness in something else. Therefore, you need to challenge and continue to challenge so that your nature will change to that of the Gospel.

Forum Topic Resolve and challenge to continue earnest prayer in the Gospel every day for 10 minutes.


Remnant Day Message / 2011.8.27

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Thank you, God!

I didn’t quite know what earnest prayer or true prayer was. God has already prepared everything for me in the Gospel and saved me, but I, like a povertystricken person, always prayed the prayer that did not fit with God. Jesus said, “I overcame the world. Whoever believes in me has overcome the world. You can overcome the world only with faith.” Without such faith in me, no matter how much I struggle and achieve success, it will be but a Tower of Babel that will one day crumble. Satan hinders us so that we will not look to God, but God, by His grace, opened my eyes of faith to look at my heart and mind in order that I may not consider piety as an ingredient for gain and that I may not fall into religious living by taking pride in the visible Tower of Babel. Being confident of the fact that the solution to all our lives is in Jesus Christ, I meditate on the Word of God all the time. I am enjoying the hope that God, who saved me and made me a light of Christ, will fulfill His will with which He will embroider the steps of my life. God shines the light of grace on my life’s footsteps so that I may not turn aside to the right or to the left but look to Christ alone and be guided by the Holy Spirit. He enables me to turn countless pains and sufferings of the past into the platform for the future and to step forward in the world in search of those who will share the treasure that is found in Christ. I pray to God for the souls in the name of Jesus Christ who is my shepherd. Today I give thanks to God for His grace and am putting a jigsaw puzzle of my life together to fit into God’s heart.

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 46~47, Dt 14~15 □ □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

_Senior Deaconess Cho, Shin-ja / Washington Carmel Church

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation When you pray for the evangelism movement and missions movement to rise through your specialty, you will receive answers of uniqueness.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Nazirite Numbers 6:1~8 l “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of separation to the Lord as a Nazirite, he must abstain from wine and other fermented drink and must not drink vinegar made from wine or from other fermented drink. He must not drink grape juice or eat grapes or raisins” (2~3)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #295 Sweeter As the Years Go By (#417 in previous version)

The three feasts the Lord had the Israelites observe in the wilderness were blessings that contained important spiritual truths. It is the Passover by which they applied the blood of the young ram and escaped from disasters, the Pentecost that explains the invisible Holy Spirit who is with and guiding those who believe in God, and the Feast of the Ingathering that explains that we are living on earth with the background of heaven, which is the hometown for people of the Lord. Although we have the complete Gospel, Satan deceives us. He works without rest and plants the weeds of unbelief to make us deceived because of our environment, crumble in front of problems, and fall into worries and despair when we hit our limits. However, God has set us apart, called us, and promised to be with us, and has given us the power to solve the spiritual problems on the face of the earth.

1. We must possess the strength that is set apart. In Hebrew, the word, ‘Nazirite,’ means ‘set apart.’ The one who has been saved by the cross and blood of Christ has been set apart from original sin, Satan, hell and disasters. God is with us who have been saved through the Holy Spirit, and we are the ones who have the background of the kingdom of heaven. When we enjoy this blessing, we receive true power that the world or people cannot give us. Just like God sent His angels in advance and protected the Israelites who went down the path of the wilderness, when we live a life set apart and centered on Christ, God will bless us so we can triumph. 2. We must save the world with spiritual strength. After Christ resurrected and ascended, all children of God received the blessing of the Nazirite. If the Nazirite who has been set apart receives spiritual strength, they will receive the blessing to save their family line, church and age. If we believe that God has set me apart, called me, given me spiritual strength, and done His work so that I can save the age, the works arise. Because of the one person, Samuel, who believed in this fact, the field changed and the age came to life. We, who received the blessing of the Nazirite, must not be deceived by the sounds of unbelief in our midst. God is guiding us with a sure plan.

Forum Topic God has set us apart and called us as the Nazirite who will save the age. Discover if you have the strength that is set apart and spiritual strength, evaluate the areas in which you have lost hold of them, and try starting anew with meditative prayer.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2011.8.28

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Letter sent out to a new hope

“Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold.”Proverbs 8:10 There were times in the past when my reality was filled with darkness and nothing seemed like the answer in my life. Even in the Gospel and the Word of Jesus Christ, I was in pain everyday as if answers would never come to me. However, the life of the evangelist that I began as an application of my little faith is molding me into the image of Christ. I once chased after greed, desire, fame, and anger, but as God rebuked me, I gained a new understanding and hope after being trained as a new creation. I came to understand Acts 19:21, “I must visit Rome also,” and renewed my eyes and vision of seeing the world. Taken hold of by Christ, I want to be led by God’s plan so that I can devote my life to evangelism and missions alone. I would like to tell the world that I, too, have the challenge and the faith to receive answers just as Moses did during the Exodus and the parting of the Red Sea. I believe that there is nothing that I cannot bear when Matthew 16:16 is fulfilled in the entire world. The small application of my faith, once regarded as little, has become a new hope.

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 Bible Reading l Jr 48~49, Dt 16~17 □ □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

_Park, Soon-jung

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation When you hold onto the prayer topic on which you stake your life, God will give you a representative answer.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


Remnant Financial Magnifying Glass 5

The world

in the midst of financial peril

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”Philippians 1:6

Financial Planning Team


The world is currently in the middle of a complicated financial crisis, which will only continue to worsen. Even professionals in the financial field cannot comprehend and understand the deluge of products and investment techniques that continue to bombard us. However, finances have become like oxygen and indelibly a part of our everyday lives; as a result, even those who profess to have no interest in the field are indirectly exposed to the complicated financial environment. Recently, the voices clamoring for the reform of capitalism in its current form have grown more vocal as Occupy Wall Street, the protest movement against the financial industry that began in New York City, spread across the world. Furthermore, the instability of the world markets continue to worsen with the debt crisis of America, the European Union, and other developed nations. In Korea, the negative aspects of the greedy financial system and the harm inflicted on the masses by predicaments of the savings banks and corruption of investment companies are being broadcasted daily on major media outlets. Even in the midst of such reality, the fact remains that the Remnants have to understand how they can understand finances as a tool for their lives, how to manage and use the material blessings God has allowed, and what Remnants with a commission for the investment field must prepare, and once out in the field, how they can transcend the Freemason and New Age movement for the sake of the Gospel.

You are invited to the finance camp for the Remnants. For the purposes of helping the Remnants understand the aforementioned issues, the Finance Planning Team has begun publishing monthly columns in the Prayer Journal to explain the fundamental nature of today’s economy and re-interpreting it with the perspective of the Gospel. But it is difficult to explain the realistic nature of finances and investment on paper. Finance Camp, which will take place on January 13, 2012, will allow Remnants to experience the financial field in diverse ways as well as to meet with professionals in the field. We pray to meet many Remnants who have the proper understanding of the Gospel as well as the skills necessary in the field 201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Sermon Title : Scripture : Misc :


Today's Bible Reading l Jr 50~51, Dt 18~19 □


201112 / Prayer Journal





✽ ʑࠥᱽ༊ŝ ᯝᱶ Prayer Topics & Schedule ⷅ

/ SUN ᵝ ᯝ 01㓲 25

/ MON ᬵ᫵ᯝ 01㓲 26

/ TUE ⪵᫵ᯝ 01㓲 27

/ ᙹ᫵ᯝ WED 01㓲 28

/ THU ༊᫵ᯝ 01㓲 29

/ ɩ᫵ᯝ FRI 01㓲 30

/ SAT ☁᫵ᯝ 01㓲 31

✽ ᱥࠥ ʑ⫮ Evangelism Plan ⷅ

•ᱥࠥ ⩥ᰆ ၰ ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ Evangelism field & people to evangelize to

•ᱥࠥ ᯱഭ ᵡእ Preparation of Materials

To d a y ' s Wo r d


For the sake of the church Colossians 1:24~29 l Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness. (24~25)


ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #412 Wonderful Peace (#469 in previous version)

Children of God must rise to the summit. Although limitations come if you try to do it by your strength, it will work if you follow the work of the Holy Spirit who is working inside you in power. Starting now, just try having 10 minutes of joyful time in the Gospel every day. Also, connect everything in the field to prayer. When doing this prayer, one day, prayer becomes a part of your nature, and you end up standing on the summit.

1. You will discover yourself. The eyes to see yourself will open. We are children of God who have been saved, and we come to realize that we are people who have received such a great grace. At this time, no matter what problem comes, we will not shake. Also, the answers of our past start to come to us. Thanksgiving constantly comes out. The works of today are all answers, and through today, we can see our future. In addition, we end up finding and enjoying today’s evangelism, today’s prayer and today’s Word given to us. 2. We will change the world. If we rise to the summit with the strength of prayer, we can heal the world. The representative models are the 7 Remnants in the Bible. These people did not try to change the world, but God raised them to a seat where they could change the world. People who had the strength of prayer in the covenant during the age of captivity changed the world. It is okay even though it is difficult. God changed the world through the Early Church and the minority who had the strength of prayer in the Gospel. These works will arise in the future through the Remnants who have the Gospel. ⷃ

3. We will come to enjoy the blessing of the church. The eyes with which people who have risen to the summit see are different, and the answers they receive at church are different. Suffering and laboring for the sake of the church is the greatest joy. Colossians 1:24 Doing the work of the Lord becomes the fulfillment of God’s Word, and the Word of God comes upon me.Colossians 1:25 We see the mystery of God that has been kept hidden for ages and generations through the works that arise in the church.Colossians 1:26 Although there is nothing perfect on the earth, when we receive the Word of God, we enjoy perfect blessings.Colossians 1:28

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic We must find and enjoy the strength of prayer that concentrates upon God for 10 minutes a day. We must not lose hold of the most joyful time in the Gospel. Today, I must make this Gospel precisely my own.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 2nd Service / 2011.8.28

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

He works through me?

I go to work, barely making it to the bus on time. After listening to praise songs and reading the Prayer Journal in my bus seat, I begin the quiet time of praying on my own. Kuri YMCA is my first field after college graduation. Out of many people, God chose me and put me in this place. I meet with low-income teenagers in the City of Kuri and help them find their talent and potential so that they can determine their career path and plan their future. They are the kids who desperately need caring eyes and love more than average kids. I believe that the place where I am right now is none other than the field of evangelism. Most kids are wandering because of their uncertain future and are discouraged by their difficult family circumstances and scars they have received from family discord. This one time I was talking with a girl who ran away from home because of her father’s domestic violence and we just embraced each other and wept. I was hurting in my heart for her, thinking that things would have been different if she had only heard the Gospel before. It was then that I realized the plan of God who sent me to this place full of kids in need of hearing the Gospel. I, too, had times of wandering and pain during junior and senior high school. That is why I can all the more understand their minds. I think that God allowed me to go through such periods so that I can relate to their surroundings and circumstances more deeply in my heart. Although I have yet to look inside the minds of the kids and I expect that it will be a long and arduous journey, I plan to meet and live with them along with giving them continued attention and love. I think about how much God will be pleased with the work that I am doing today. Thank You, God, for shining the light of the Gospel in this place.

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ Bible Reading l Jr 52, Lm 1, Dt 20~21 □

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism

_Remnant Kim, Min-hye / Kuri YMCA Department of Education and


Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation In the midst of blame, conflict, and suffering, find the greatest answer.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


One who relays the mission Philippians 1:1~6 l I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (3~5)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #524 Come to the Savior, Make No Delay (#313 in previous version)

The greatest blessing God has given me is the blessing of salvation. Thankful for the blessing of salvation and enjoying the Word God has given, when I enjoy that grace in my field and meetings, God gives me factual answers of the evangelism movement. For the sake of continuing the works of the evangelism movement, I must absolutely relay an important mission to other people. This is because God has called us as the ones to relay the mission and as the evangelists of the age.

1. The mission for my sake Because the majority of people do not stand before God, but stand before people, they lose hold of important answers. The greatest answer and most needed mission is having a center of your heart before God and opening your spiritual eyes. The greatest method to not shake because of your personal nature and to stand before God is 24-hour prayer. When you gain that nature of prayer that does not shake no matter what situation is before you, God answers you with the blessing of uniqueness. This is a mission for myself. 2. The mission of a sense of identity Discovering the time schedule of God and my sense of identity is the great mystery to receiving answers. First, the church lay leaders must become the ones who relay the covenant to the church and field, and also the entire world. Also, Remnants must remember that God has called you to the summit and that you will receive the greatest answers as the ones remaining in this age, the ones hidden for the sake of the future, and the ones scattered for the sake of the entire world. For the sake of saving all fields, church workers must know that they have been called as the evangelists who enjoy today’s Word, today’s prayer and today’s evangelism 24 hours a day, and make the challenge of faith. ⷃ

3. Training mission For the sake of continuing the true evangelism movement, before evangelism, we must first see the answers God will give in the field through prayer. When all believers become one in the covenant, the amazing works of God arise. When the disciples in all the fields become one in Christ, the power of God’s Word appears and the door of answers opens. The training for the sake of this is very important. When we enjoy and relay the covenant of the evangelism movement that God desires, God will fulfill the answer of world evangelization. ⷃ

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic As the evangelist who will relay the important mission given to me, meditate upon the works of God that will arise today, and try making a challenge of faith.


Evangelism Training Center Opening Seminar / 2011.8.30

The Evangelist’s Note

Meditation of the Word for a Happy Life 33

Good habits produce success

Growing up in the rural countryside, I was just a kid who liked to play and had the habit of smiling. Then I came to know the Gospel and developed a good habit of reading books. Frankly, I was starting my walk of faith a bit late, so out of curiosity as to how other people received God’s blessing, I enjoyed meeting with individuals such as Hudson Taylor, Jonathan Edwards, and C. T. Studd at Christian bookstore. Like those individuals I wanted to be used by God. Meetings with such people during my high school were all done through books. Pascal records in his book Pensées, “Habit is a second nature and it destroys the first.” People behave according to their habits. Habits build character and repeated habits change the course of one’s life. That is why it is of utmost importance to develop good habits when we are young. Because everything will be hardened when we grow old, it will not be easy to change our lives. Therefore, we must train ourselves to develop good habits for our future. Once you start drinking, smoking, and using drugs, it will become your habit and addiction and you will have a hard time freeing yourself from such things. We often meet with people who ruin their lives because of one bad habit. The worse the habit is, the more excited you feel and the more you feel the urge to do it. There are many good habits that will lead our life to success. It may not amount to much but living a regular schedule with regular habits in our life is very beneficial to our health. In addition, healthy hobbies and pastimes are necessary for enriching our lives. We must not slack off pursuing truth. Even if we read stories of great individuals and try to mimic their lives, our thoughts and behaviors will be changed quite a lot. Above all, a good habit is the habit of enjoying the Gospel. If so, then our lives will be the lives of bearing the fruit of the Gospel. “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of”2 Timothy 3:14 _Rev. Oh, Seung-ju / Gwangju Yeil Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ □ Bible Reading l Lm 2~3, Dt 22~23

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation Am I holding onto God’s Word, finding things to put into practice, and challenging myself?

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


What must I do? Acts 1:8 l But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #310 I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Grace (#410 in previous version)

So many people are faced with physical and mental suffering and are facing death each day. In addition, the world has no countermeasure against the culture of darkness and is slowly crumbling. God has called us as evangelists to save the world, and says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.” God gives evidence to the evangelist. With what kind of evidence must we save the world?

1. The answer that we must first possess Most people don’t realize the important of the fundamentals, basics, and foundation, and are only interested in the big things. Evangelists must first have the correct answer with respect to the fundamentals, basics, and foundation before asking what it is that they must do. Also, they must have the answer regarding the question, “Who am I?” and they must have the answer regarding where they must place their priorities because they are children of God. 2. The answers that we will surely receive There is something that evangelists must absolutely do as they hold on to the correct direction. First, church lay leaders must make the preparations to go forward with all the believers for the evangelism movement. Also, the Remnants must receive the blessings that the 7 Remnants in the Bible realistically received, and stand as witnesses. For this, Remnant Day must become a field for Remnants to discover themselves and to also share internships with specialists. Lastly, pastors must have the happiness of enjoying today’s Word, today’s prayer, and today’s evangelism. Within that, they must receive the answers and stand as evangelists. ⷃ

3. The answer that must be relayed Evangelists must absolutely express and relay these answers. If we enjoy the evidence of God’s grace and relay it in the field, God will give us the answer of being with us. In addition, when these answers are continued, we will also be able to see the answers of the future. In order to enjoy the true blessings of the evangelism movement, we must apply this and relay our personal answers before God.

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic You have been called as an evangelist. Find and enjoy the answers that God will give you and try relaying this answer realistically.


Study of Evangelism Message / 2011.9.3

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

The renewed hope of the evangelist I am a child of God in my 25th year of my marriage and a pastor’s wife with 30 years of living my life of faith. Although I have the Gospel, I was able to live through the hard times with the thought, “Nothing may be working out, but nothing is not working out, either.” Although I lived my family life and life of faith through God’s calling like Abraham with sure answers, guidance, and work of God, I fell down from time to time due to discouragement and hardship. There were many times when I lived with a depressed look and was powerless with my arms hanging low, and I was often careless about the soul that I evangelized to. During evangelism camps, I was even jealous of a dog, thinking that it is luckiest to be a dog. There were many times when I debated whether or not to give an evangelism tract and failed to hand it to a successful person, when I went to the field to share the Gospel and had to conclude my day without being able to save even one soul…. There were many times of conflict. However, there was a point in time when I began to understand the Word, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you,” and now the past 25 years of my life comes to me as thanksgiving and grace. The Word for which the Lord promised to answer swiftly has become my Word, and I have realized that the work of saving souls is what the Lord rejoices in the most. My only prayer topic is my identity as a blessing, and a source of blessings. Can you feel the renewed hope of the evangelist? _Pastor’s wife Kang, Jeong-il / Jinhae Immanuel Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ □ Bible Reading l Lm 4~5, Dt 24~25

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation The problem that I have now is the opportunity for renewal and blessings.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


Hidden disciples Revelations 7:1~12 l After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” (9~10)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #36 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (#36 in previous version)

The Book of Revelations is often misquoted by other organizations that call themselves Christians. These groups bring confusion to many people by offering incorrect interpretations of its message and instill fear in people through threats. There is no need for us to fear because these organizations do not have the power to evangelize and instead forcefully interpret the Bible. Evangelism is not something that everyone can do. However, among those who are saved, anyone can evangelize, pray, and enjoy the Gospel. No disasters, famine, curses, or wars can fell the child of God. Our commission is finding the disciples who will save this age by holding on to the Word of God.

1. Those who are hidden God has hidden the thirsting souls, prepared workers, and hidden disciples in the field, and for this reason, evangelism has no choice but to take place. Those who connect with God will meet the people whom He has hidden. All the people called by Jesus and the believers of the Early Church were disciples who were hidden for the sake of the Gospel and evangelism. Simply put, the message of Revelations is this: because there are so many people prepared to receive salvation, do not worry or fear, and instead, take up your commission of evangelism and go towards the hidden disciples in the field. 2. What we must absolutely do If we discover the hidden blessings, we will gain the commission to carry out the evangelism movement and save the next generation. Our true commission is finding the hidden disciples in the church and the field and testifying to them of God’s will and desire. Our prayer topic is testifying this accurate Gospel to the next generation and continuing the evangelism movement. It is imperative for us to rise to the spiritual summit of prayer in order to find the hidden blessings and hidden meetings in the field. At this time, we will stand as leaders of the evangelism movement to save the age and the future generations by standing as specialists of each field, just like the Romans 16 workers. 3. Lifelong mission When we open our eyes to the Word, prayer, and evangelism, and when the church lay leaders and next generation come together as one in the covenant, the evangelism movement to save the age will begin. The fact that the Early Church believers followed the apostles’ teachings, broke bread, had fellowship, and prayed together signifies that this covenant was relayed to all people, and that prayer was also relayed. ⷃ

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic Do you have a precious meeting through which you can share the Word, prayer, and evangelism? May you form the prayer team in order to begin the prayer for world evangelization, the evangelism movement, and the Remnant movement.


Core Training Message / 2011. 9. 3

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Netherlands, the West that the Korean peninsula first met A constitutional monarchy ruled by Queen Beatrix, the Netherlands is known for windmills, tulips, and soccer with Amsterdam as the capital. Around B.C. 50, Christianity took place due to Roman rule, and in 1588, the Netherlands became independent as a republic. In the 7th century, it became the largest port in the world by raising cooperative private enterprises.VOC At the time, J.J. Weltvree who was the first person to visit the Korean peninsula was naturalized as a Korean citizen and fought in the war with Manchuria in 1636 as a Korean soldier. Hendrick Hamel who was shipwrecked on Jeju Island in 1653 also was a Christian from the Netherlands who went back to his country and published Hamel’s Journal and Coree Korea to introduce Korea. Also, the country produced the painter Rembrandt van Rijn, philosopher Desiderius Erasmus, and Baruch Spinoza, and it has become a Protestant country due to religious reformers Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli. However, due to continuous warfare resulting from the lack of interest in missions, they yielded their commercial supremacy to England and were swept away in the French Revolution to meet a phase of decline, the end of the republic, and the birth of the kingdom of the Netherlands. 28.3% of Christians in the Netherlands are Protestant, and others include Roman Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim. Although the country is known to be open to changes as the first European nation to allow legal gay marriage, the number of marijuana addicts is increasing, and the number of Muslims is growing rapidly. According to the monthly Uitdaging, 64% of the readers answered to a survey that they have experienced an anti-Christian atmosphere, which allows us to guess the spiritual state of the Netherlands. Although there are no missionaries in the Netherlands, God is opening doors due to the prayers of an international student Remnantⷃ. Let’s pray so that the Netherlands will be able to do the evangelism movement of Europe by becoming evangelized first. _World Missions Administration

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ □ Bible Reading l Ez 1~2, Dt 26~27

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation When those who have the Gospel gather to pray, God gives the answer that can change the age.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


What God desires Numbers 7:1~9 l When Moses finished setting up the tabernacle, he anointed it and consecrated it and all its furnishings. He also anointed and consecrated the altar and all its utensils. Then the leaders of Israel, the heads of families who were the tribal leaders in charge of those who were counted, made offerings. (1~2)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #266 O Now I See the Cleansing Wave (#200 in previous version)

God commanded the Israelites who had come out from Egypt that they must worship centered on the tabernacle and give offerings by tribes as they were walking through the wilderness. When we realize that the solution to the tabernacle is Jesus Christ and discard our unbelief, true answers will begin. God has an important plan within spiritual problems, suffering, and illnesses. God desires to give us blessings, grace, and peace, and this is the true plan of God.

1. We must utilize the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. The reason why Jesus came to the earth and died upon the cross is so that He could solve the spiritual problems that mankind could not solve, and to destroy the works of the devil.1 John 3:8 However, we still remain within the nature of slavery, the nature of the wilderness, and the nature of unbelief. When we pray in the name of Jesus Christ who is the answer to life, we can get rid of this nature, break down the authority of darkness, and have victory. We just need to restore worship and utilize the authority of the name of Jesus Christ in all the fields of our lives. 2. We must relay the power of Christ. We must relay spiritual blessings and strength to all people. The command that God gives to make the tabernacle and give meaningful sacrifices means to save other people. Many people commit suicide or commit crimes. It is not just because their lives are hard or because they are faced with a crisis; it is because of hidden spiritual problems. Intellectuals and even theologians may not understand, but the forces of darkness surely exist. We have the covenant and wherever we go, the forces of darkness will crumble down and the power of Christ will be revealed. The greatest devotion is relaying this blessing and strength to other people. 3. We must experience the power of praying together. In order to know what the greatest devotion is, we must know the spiritual facts. When we who know the spiritual mystery pray together, the authority of darkness will crumble down and the works of God will arise in the field. The Passover and the crossing of the Jordan River by following the Ark of the Covenant show us evidence of this. When all believers enter into the power of prayer and the blessing of answers within Christ, the church of God will be firmly established.

For a more detailed explanation, look to page 109.

Forum Topic We are easily deceived by our reality, circumstances, and plight. Pray so that this may be the most blessed time in which your powerlessness breaks down, your thoughts are changed, and you can experience the power of Christ.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2011.9.4

The Evangelist’s Note

One Leisurely Cup of Meditation

Why you must study world history I did not know at first the reason to study world history. However, I came to the thought that I must know world history as a Remnantⷃ leader to save the world. I have heard through the Word that churches in Europe are being turned into bars and the Muslim culture is penetrating the world culture. From hearing these things I have come to know about other countries and thought that I want to save them. The world is now in the midst of the culture of darkness. I think this field of the world was created by the history of the past. Before the Remnant evangelism movement began in the 21st century, the history was conquered by darkness and the Gospel was not relayed correctly. However, it is now the age of the Remnants. World history will change because of us. The history that was filled with the culture of darkness will be changed into the history of the Gospel through the evangelism movement of the Remnants. That is why Remnants must prepare a platform for the evangelism movement by studying world history. This is my reason for studying world history. _Remnant Shin, Da-hae / Remnant Leader School

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ □ Bible Reading l Ez 3~4, Dt 28~29

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation We must relay the Gospel to the people around us, one by one, to leave behind our legacy of faith.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal


To d a y ' s Wo r d


The blessings that are in Christ Colossians 2:1~5 l My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (2~3)

ⷙ Hymn for scheduled worship Korean/English Hymnal #366 Open My Eyes, that I May See (#485 in previous version)

As we live our walk of faith, we must discover the fact that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.Colossians 2:3 If we cannot realize this fact, we will be deceived by Satan. Satan makes us lose sight of what is valuable, and stake our lives on things that have no value. In addition, he leads us to have an incorrect perception of the Word of God. God saved us and led us into Christ, and He desires for us to fully enjoy the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that are hidden in Christ.

1. The time schedule of God will absolutely come. God has hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in the Gospel, and He is protecting and has hidden those who are saved. It looked as though the people of God were being sent as slaves, but within that, the conquest of Egypt lay hidden. Joseph’s imprisonment was the surest method to raise Joseph as the leader of Egypt. It looked as though the Early Church was faced with hardship, and that Paul was in prison, and that there were no answers for 250 years, but this was all a misunderstanding. We are hidden within God’s plan of the Gospel. If we know this and pray, we will see the time schedule of God. 2. All blessings are hidden within Christ. God desires to give the greatest blessings to His children. That is why He contained all things within Christ, and has hidden it so that the world cannot take it away. The mystery of the Christ is hidden within the offspring of the woman, the ark of salvation, Canaan land flowing with milk and honey, the man of Bethlehem, son of a carpenter, and the event of the cross. The works will arise when the children of God hold on to this covenant. 3. The blessings in Christ When can we see this blessing? We must first realize and believe that Jesus is the Christ. Then, when the saved children of God open their eyes to the prayer of enjoying Christ, they will taste the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that are hidden within Christ.

Forum Topic All treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ. Deeply meditate on this and apply it to yourself, your environment, and problems. At this time, you will gain the strength from God.


Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 2nd Service / 2011. 9. 4

The Evangelist’s Note

Meditation of the Word for a Happy Life 34

You will be happy when you entrust it to God There is something I realize whenever I hear the story of the woodpecker. When the woodpecker was pecking on a tree, a lightning struck the tree and the tree broke into pieces. The woodpecker flew to his friends and told them, “I did not know my beak was that powerful.” The one who works is God. Therefore, if you desire to be used by God, then you must not depend on yourself. If you realize this fact, you will be able to enjoy peace as you live. The fact that we desire to be used by God itself is a gift from the Holy Spirit. The world must realize that the wage of sin is death. However, God has given us eternal life through Christ. Do you understand? I myself did not understand this truth until I went through a difficult time in my life. Many people live their lives without knowing or understanding how to receive salvation. Nevertheless, God said, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”John 3:3 At a conference, I remember seeing a student who listened to the Word very well. So, I called the student after the conference was over, and, to my surprise, he had not accepted Jesus. I explained the Gospel and asked if he would like to accept, and he replied, “I would love to, but I can’t.” I eventually found out that he was a child of a shaman. But I did not give up and continuously prayed for him. Of course, he accepted Jesus that year and came to the conference. I have seen many people of faith until now. Among them, I have never seen one person who regrets having accepted Jesus in his heart. Open your heart to God. If you receive God as your master, you will not regret it. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”Matthew 11:28 _Rev. Oh, Seung-ju / Gwangju Yeil Church

Today’s Word ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ัᥡ ⷅ

НᖒĞ ᯞʑ ⵭ ษ 1:1, ₞ 1:1 □ □ Bible Reading l Ez 5~6, Dt 30~31

НᖒĞ ᦵᘂ □ Verse □ Today’s Memory

Today’s Prayer ✽ ᪅۹᮹ ʑࠥ ⷅ

Нᱶ᜽ʑࠥ ⵭ ᦥ⋉ ᱶ᪅ ᱡ֢ □□ Scheduled Prayer □ □ am □ noon pm □ Нʑࠥ‫ݡ‬ᔢᯱ People To Pray For

✽ ᪅۹᮹ ᱥࠥ Today’s Evangelism ⷅ

Нᯱഭᵡእ of Preparation □Materials □ Нอ ԉ Meeting

Minute Meditation We must not follow our physical thoughts, but stand firmly in faith and restore thanksgiving.

Н᪅۹᮹ ࠦᕽ ᪅۹᮹ ᬕ࠺ НReading □ Н □ Н Exercise □ □

201112 / Prayer Journal
























































































1 The Book of Malachi that the Parents and Teacher must Know Lec. 1 Knowing God’s Love is Everything to the Walk of Faith Lec. 2 What the Priest must Know Lec. 3 Know about Offering Lec. 4 The Lord has Set His Day

2 The Book of Malachi that the Remnant must Know Lec. 1 Knowing God’s Love is Everything to the Walk of Faith Lec. 2 Know the Work of the Priest in order to be Victorious in Worship Lec. 3 Know about Offering in order to Receive financial blessings and Triumph in the Future Lec. 4 The Lord has Set His Day









December School Evangelization Message

201112 / Prayer Journal


School Evangelization Message

The Book of


seen through the eyes of the Remnants

The Book of Malachi is the last of the twelve minor Prophetic Books, located at the very end of the Old Testament. The author of the book is revealed at the beginning of the chapter, but the author’s position as a prophet is not clearly stated. Some scholars claim the appellation Malachi is simply a noun used in place of its Hebrew meaning, “my messenger,” as described in Malachi 3:1. However, the messenger presented in Malachi 3:1 refers to the servant of the Lord who will appear in the future, making any relation to the author of the book of Malachi difficult, and little is known of the actual author. The Persian-era term for governorpehâ in Malachi 1:8 makes it evident that Malachi was written in the Persian period, the temple was rebuilt during that time, and the impression of loss was prevalent amongst Israelites. Those who repatriated, following the decree of Cyrus, believed God would empower them as they rebuilt the temple. On the contrary, they remained powerlessly subjected to Persian rule, which led to the disappointment and corruption of the Israelites. It was at this time that the Book of Malachi was recorded. Many scholars believe this to be around 475~450 BCE. Moral corruption during this period was similar to the age of Nehemiah, with marriage to the Gentiles,Malachi 2:11~15 not offering tithe,Malachi 3:8~10 and no observation of the Sabbath,Malachi 2:8~9; 4:4 among many more.

Centered on the covenant, Malachi commands three messages of the covenant of the Levites, the covenant of the ancestors, and the marriage covenant.Malachi 2:8~16


Regarding the Levite covenant, the priests disregarded their duties before God. In regard to the priests,Malachi 1:6~2:9 the curses for their sins are brought upon them with the contents of their blessings as recorded in Numbers 6:22~27. Likewise, the covenant of marriage was brought up in reference to the Israelites worshiping idols and marrying daughters of foreign gods

God reveals six things to the Israelites and foretells their return from the incorrect path. (1) The Israelites are oblivious of God’s love for them.Malachi 1:2~5 (2) God deserves due respect as our Father and master, but the Israelites showed contempt with blemished sacrifices.Malachi 1:6~2:9 (3) God is Israel’s one Father and Creator, yet Judah desecrates the sanctuary and marries women who worship a foreign god.Malachi 2:10~16 (4) God is a god of justice, but the Israelites have wearied the Lord with their words and their actions of injustice.Malachi 2:17~3:5 (5) God is unchanging, and we must quit stealing from God.Malachi 3:6~12 (6) God is faithful, but you disobeyed, claiming it is futile to serve God.Malachi 3:13~4:3

God speaks of the Israelites’ return to the Word, presents them the future, and gives them new hope. designated day, God promised to burn the wicked in a furnace and heal those who revere him.Malachi 4:1~3 And He speaks of sending Elijah before the dreadful day comes.Malachi 3:1~5; 4:5~6 These prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament through the ministry of John the Baptist.Mark 1:2~3 God Himself proved that John the Baptist was the servant who completed the prophecy of Elijah.Matthew 11:7~15, Luke 7:18~35 Hence, because the last day described in Malachi was fulfilled through Jesus Christ, and the prophesied prophet Elijah prepared the way, scholars claim that Jesus is indirectly the Lord God.

Do the works of God not arise in your life? Are you blind to God’s answers, and does your heart not pound before God’s works? If yes, there is a grave issue in your covenantal relationship with God. As a servant of the Lord or a Remnant, if you can reflect before the covenant of world evangelization, change the aspects that need reformation, repent when needed, and start over with a new faith, Jesus Christ will begin to work. The faithful God will fulfill His covenant. The problem lies in us, while God is perfect. Disobeying God’s Word with a loss of His Word and covenant are the biggest issues. Meditate on the book of Malachi and enjoy the grace of a new beginning as you examine yourself honestly before God. _Rev. Koo, Seung-hoe, Ph.D. program in Old Testament Hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary Ⲽ We thank Rev. Koo, Seung-hoe who has organized the mystery of the covenant contained in the Old Testament books of Genesis to Malachi in an interesting way.

201112 / Prayer Journal



The Book of Malachi that the Parents and Teacher must Know

Knowing God’s Love is Everything to the Walk of Faith Malachi 1:1~5 “I have loved you,” says the LORD. “But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ “Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” declares the LORD. “Yet I have loved Jacob” (2)

1. God’s love is the love that saves humankind. (1) God gave the blessing to conquer and rule to humankind who He created in His own image.Ge 1:27~28 (2) He gave the Gospel to humankind who sinned.Ge 3:15 (3) He gave the way out for humankind who fell.Ge 6:14 (4) He prepared the blessing of the Messiah, the Christ and opened the door of salvation.Is 7:14, Mt 16:16

2. God gave His warning to Israel through Malachi. (1) The Israelites rejected God’s love. ⴘ They rejected God’s love like Esau.Mal 1:2~3 ⴙ They received the Lord’s wrath like the Edomites.Mal 1:4~5

(2) He spoke of the sins of the people and the priests’ sins. ⴘ The Israelites showed contempt for the Lord’s name yet asked, “How have we shown contempt for your name?”Mal 1:6 ⴙ The Israelites offered defiled food on the altar yet asked, “How have we defiled you?”Mal 1:7~8

(3) “My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets.”Mal 1:11~18

3. It was because they lost hold of three things. (1) They lost hold of the blessings that they had already received. ⴘ They lost hold of Genesis 3:15, the mystery of the offspring of the woman. ⴙ They lost hold of Exodus 3:18, the mystery of the blood sacrifice. ⴚ They lost hold of Isaiah 7:14, the mystery of Immanuel.

(2) They lost hold of the blessings that they were to receive. ⴘ They lost hold of the Genesis 12:1~3, the principal source of blessings. ⴙ They lost hold of Isaiah 60:1~22, the blessing of light.

(3) They lost hold of the 24-hour true joy for today.


02 What the Priest Must Know Malachi 2:1~9 “My covenant was with him, a covenant of life and peace, and I gave them to him; this called for reverence and he revered me and stood in awe of my name. True instruction was in his mouth and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many from sin. (5~6)

1. There is something the priest must do. (1) He must do the work of offering the blood sacrifice.Ge 8:20, Ex 3:18 (2) He has the authority to lead worship, give blessings, and pass judgment.Dt 21:5 (3) There was a blessing that the priests of the Old Testament had to tell all the people. Christ fulfilled this work.1Pe 2:9, Ro 12:1, Col 4:8, 12

2. What is the message given to priests through Malachi? (1) The command and reproach given to the priest. ⴘ If you do not listen and set your heart to honor my name, you will be cursed.Mal 2:2 ⴙ “I will smear on your faces the dung from your festival sacrifices, and you will be carried off with it.”Mal 2:3

(2) He established the eternal covenant of the Levites. ⴘ He established a covenant of life and peace.Mal 2:5 ⴙ There will be true instruction, peace, uprightness to turn many from sin.Mal 2:6 ⴚ The lips of the priest ought to preserve knowledge, and people should seek instruction from his mouth.Mal 2:7 ⴛ If you show partiality, then you will be despised and humiliated before all the people.Mal 2:9

3. As a result, the people of Judah had no choice but to commit lies. (1) They committed the greatest lie of profaning the covenant.Mal 2:10 (2) Jerusalem committed a detestable thing.Mal 2:11 (3) They married women who worshiped foreign gods.Mal 2:11

201112 / Prayer Journal



The Book of Malachi that the Parents and Teacher must Know

Know about Offering Malachi 3:1~10 “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. (8~10)

1. What is offering? (1) The burnt offering and sin offering are blood offerings that are connected with salvation.Ex 3:18, Passover (2) The grain offering signifies the thanksgiving offering.Ac 2:1, Pentecost

2. God sent His messenger and gave His Word to the Israelites who lost hold of worship. (1) I will send my messenger, the messenger of the covenant will come to the temple. Mal 3:1 (2) No one will be able to stand when he appears.Mal 3:2 (3) Bring offerings in righteousness before the Lord.Mal 3:3 (4) He spoke of the offerings which are acceptable to God.Mal 3:4

3. He gave an important warning regarding offering and tithe. (1) They are God’s, they belong to God.Mal 3:8 (2) Those who rob God will be cursed.Mal 3:9 (3) God said to test Him in this.Mal 3:10~12

4. Those who fear the Lord will have the principal source of blessings. (1) They will be spared from God’s wrath.Mal 3:17 (2) His name will be recorded in the scroll of remembrance.Mal 3:16 (3) God will make the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.Mal 3:18


04 The Lord has Set His Day Malachi 4:1~6 “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” (4~6)

1. Absolutely know about the day of the Lord and its blessing. (1) Israel’s feasts are the Sabbath day,Ge 2:2 monthly offerings,Nu 28:11~15 the feast of Trumpets,Lev 23:24~25 the three festivals,Ex 23:11~16 the feast of Purim,Es 9:21~29 and the feast of Dedication.Jn 10:22 (2) The three important festivals among these are Passover, Pentecost, and Ingathering. (3) Every week, they kept the Sabbath day holy.Sunday Worship

2. The Lord said the day that will burn like a furnace is coming.Mal 4:1 (1) All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble that will be set on fire.Mal 4:1 (2) He spoke to those who revere His name.Mal 4:2 ⴘ The sun of righteousness will rise with healings in its rays. ⴙ They will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.

(3) On the day when the Lord acts, the wicked will be like ashes under the soles of His feet.Mal 4:3

3. Thus says the Lord Almighty (1) He is the Lord Almighty.Mal 4:1, 3 (2) He is the Lord who speaks.Mal 4:3 (3) He is the Lord who fulfills.Mal 4:4~6

201112 / Prayer Journal


School Evangelization Message Bible Scriptures

Malachi LEC. 1 Malachi 1:1~5 1 An oracle: The word of the LORD to Israel through Malachi. 2 “I have loved you,” says the LORD. “But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ “Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” the LORD says. “Yet I have loved Jacob, 3 but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.” 4 Edom may say, “Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins.” But this is what the LORD Almighty says: “They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Wicked Land, a people always under the wrath of the LORD. 5 You will see it with your own eyes and say, ‘Great is the LORD -even beyond the borders of Israel!’

LEC. 2 Malachi 2:1~9 1 “And now this admonition is for you, O priests. 2 If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name,” says the LORD Almighty, “I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not set your heart to honor me. 3 “Because of you I will rebuke your descendants ; I will spread on your faces the offal from your festival sacrifices, and you will be carried off with it. 4 And you will know that I have sent you this admonition so that my covenant with Levi may continue,” says the LORD Almighty. 5 “My covenant was with him, a covenant of life and peace, and I gave them to him; this called for reverence and he revered me and stood in awe of my name. 6 True instruction was in his mouth and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many from sin. 7 “For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction--because he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty. 8 But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have violated the covenant with Levi,” says the LORD Almighty. 9 “So I have caused you to be despised and humiliated before all the people, because you have not followed my ways but have shown partiality in matters of the law.”

LEC. 3 Malachi 3:1~10 1 “See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the LORD Almighty. 2 But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. 3 He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the LORD will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness, 4 and the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to the LORD, as in days gone by, as in former years. 5 “So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me,” says the LORD Almighty. 6 “I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. 7 Ever since the time of your forefathers you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD Almighty. “But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’ 8 “Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How do we rob you?’ “In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse-the whole nation of youbecause you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

LEC. 4 Malachi 4:1~6 1 “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the LORD Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. 3 Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things,” says the LORD Almighty. 4 “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. 5 “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”



Index-Explanation of Terms

Remnant The Bible gives to us the all-encompassing, central term of the covenant “Remnant”stump, whose meaning includes “the future generations,” “those left behind” to take responsibility for the future of the age and the nation and the “scattered ones.” When God’s people, the Israelites, faced fearsome disaster and destruction due to their sin and idol worship, God remembered the promise He made to their ancestors and left behind people of the covenant. It was through these very people that were “left behind” that Israel was brought to restoration, and this is the Remnant ideology that flows throughout the Bible, subsequently leading all the way to Christ. In this present day which is covered in idols, religion, and the culture of darkness, God will raise up the Remnants, who have the Gospel, as the watchmen of the 21st century, and restore this age. As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land. Isaiah 6:13

RUTC The Remnant Unity Training CenterRUTC is a Gospel and evangelism-centered training center that is strategically focused on raising the Remnants who will save this world and this age through Oneness.

OMCOneness Mission Club It is the economic unity of successful business-persons with the Gospel, who have gathered to put Acts 2:42 into practice. It is the group that will form specialized systems according to specific business types to support the specialists and finances of the RUTC, and through business development and charity provide for Remnant scholarships, the planting and raising of overseas missions, and encourage business enterprises that will reform the culture.

1st Level Camp Training This is a training that helps individuals enjoy the mystery of Christ that the Early Church members who gathered at Mark’s upper room enjoyed. It trains us to enjoy this blessing in our own fields. This can become a turning point in one’s life, leading individuals to find the true answer and conclusion of life in Christ, followed by the enjoyment of this true answer. Through this training, ministry workers who have answers regarding the life movement and Word movement will arise. The main content of this training consists of the Gospel message, testimony of witnesses, training to see the evangelism field, and a workshop for the realistic evangelism movement.

Team Camp Training This is the training that helps committed workers who have experienced fruits of evangelism as expressed in the Bible through Darakbang, to now experience the works of team ministry that the committed workers of Antioch Church and Apostle Paul enjoyed. It is focused on enjoying the blessing of meetings through interpersonal relationships in one’s field, finding a place to open the Word movement, and is a training ground to help find and raise disciples.Acts 11:25~26

Mission Home Mission Home is a place where Darakbang workers, team ministry workers as well as workers found in the field gather together and receive healing and help one another so that they can live the lives of disciples. People come to confirm the fulfillment of God’s Word and the answers to prayer as well as to experience evangelism that naturally takes place.

RUTC Broadcasting Station 24-hour Gospel-centered Internet broadcasting station

201112 / Prayer Journal


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ⰒPublisher Joo, Suk YunⰒEditorial Committee Choe, Su Geun; Hwang, Kwang Ju; Nah, Kwang Su ⰒEditor in-chief Park, Gyung DoⰒ Editor Park, Hye Won; Kim, Hyong Mi; Bae, Jung Ok; Yeon, Hye Won ⰒMeditation Remnant Ministry Meditation Team ⰒTranslators this issue Yoonjin Jun, Kaitlyn Lim, Eunice Cho, Sharon Kim, Jenny Paek, Benjamin Shin ⰒTranslation Editors Missionary Esther Chang, Sora Han ⰒDesign Bae, Yoo Jeen; Do, Ju Yeong; Lee, Sun Young ⰒPhotography Moon, Mina ⰒIllustrator Lee, Cha Lang ⰒPublication Date 11.14. 2012, Volume 77 ⰒPublication Location South Korea, Seoul-si, Gangseou-gu, Deungchon-3dong, 700 bunji, 2nd floor ⰒMain Phone Number 82-2-3662-3881ⰒMain Fax 82-2-3662-7149 ⰒHomepage (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, and French: The Prayer Journal messages are available in 6 languages) ⰒEmail, ⰒPrice 3.50 Testimonies, essays, cartoons, letters, poems, etc. We await your stories of the field. Through the support of your prayers, Life Book Publications sponsors the distribution of Prayer Journal in military bases, orphanages, and nursing homes.


Remnant Social Welfare Corporation RMC International Medical Corporation



2011 Tanzania Medical Missions –Part1

The medical workers’ union, which started off small, is now outgrowing the form of a little ten year-old child, and anticipating the answers of ten years. Reflecting on last year’s answers through Tanzania Medical Missions, I prepared for another trip to Tanzania in 2011. Amidst preparations, unexpected good news was brought to me. The Remnant Social Welfare Corporation decided to join our short-term overseas medical mission trip. Moreover, the construction plans for the Tanzania English Kindergarten would be more grounded through the Remnant Social Welfare Corps, gaining more public trust. Throughout the past five years of short-term overseas medical missions, we have consistently witnessed God’s missions, answers, and blessings. In 2007, in the Philippines, there were answers of saving the elite, missionaries, church, and Remnant field. In 2008, in Kyrgyzstan, we managed to meet with the government officers to create a protection system for the native missionary and church, while in India, in 2009, we experienced God’s guidance and the power of prayer in a field of intense spiritual warfare. Lastly, in 2010, we enjoyed the model answers of medical missions in Tanzania. This year, with lighter hearts and stronger conviction, we returned to Africa’s land of promise, Tanzania. The team consisted of ten doctors, one pharmacist, five nurses, a few Remnants of various ages, sixteen families, one RUTC Broadcasting PD, and Reverend Oh, Chun-rok. With a departing flight from Incheon Airport on the night of September 10, 2011 at 9 pm, we arrived in Tanzania the following day at 3 pm.9 pm, Korean time TSA seemed to be more on our backs than before. I was momentarily nervous. ‘These tools and medicines need to get past security’ – continuous prayer automatically took place. There was a bit of a tussle with a few people who hid medicines in their bags, but Missionary Lee, Kwang-jin was waiting outside with a well-to-do smile on his face, which helped calm my nerves. Airport Security started searching our bags and asked us to take our belongings out. We presented the invitation and medical warrant granted to us via the director of the Tanzania Ilala General Hospital, to which Security let us through. The third time in the land, breathing the same air as the Tanzanians was no longer strange. I embraced the dark faces in heart and body. 201112 / Prayer Journal



One - Treatments at Ilala General Hospital

Nobody seemed to have gotten a good night’s sleep. With the covenant of God for the promised land in Tanzania, we headed to the Ilala General Hospital. With a warm welcome from the director and hospital affiliates, we teamed up with the native doctors by department, and started treatments. Evangelism tracts in hand, we walked around in pairs thinking, ‘Who is the disciple God has prepared in this hospital?’ and ‘Help us find the hidden ones, the remaining ones, the Remnants!’ The dental office had four chairs for patients, set up with tools for extraction as well as consultation. A Roman Catholic who came in for consultation accepted the Gospel and continually enjoys the answer of meeting with Missionary Hong, Sung-dahn. Dental hygienist Shin, Yoon-duk, veteran of the dental group, shared the Gospel to a Tanzanian hygienist who was working with us, and he asked for more handbooks to share with his dental assistants. They also meet with Missionary Hong and participate in evangelism as passionate Christians. We ended the day with an invitation from Dr. Bingi, the dental representative, who wanted to spend more time with us. The following day went smoothly, and we would like to extend our gratitude to the Tanzanian dental team for sanitizing our tools for us.

Elder Lee, Jae-gyo, pharmacist from Daegu Hana Church, led evangelism camps for the hospital employees and patients, sharing materials of the Gospel and playing videos in the native language that he had saved onto his cell phone in advance. Beyond that, we enjoyed the blessing of meetings that God had prepared in all departments – internal, obstetrics, pediatrics, orthopedics, physiatrists, surgical, etc. While the medical team was at Ilala General Hospital, the Remnants participated in school lectures and activities at the Remnant School for Tanzanian natives. The Remnants were a bit taken aback by the Tanzanian children’s meanness towards them, possibly because of their young age, which consisted of throwing sand and spitting at the Remnants.



Two - Treating the Masai

Unlike last year, when all we did was introduce ourselves to the Masai people, we set up tents for the medical camp this year. Last night, the first group made needed accommodations, while the latter group arrived early morning with medical equipment and medicines. We put up six treatment areas in tents and cool wooden dugouts. Hundreds had already gathered in the tents to listen to the Gospel shared by the native disciples and pastor. Young children were accepting Jesus Christ, being born again as children of God. It is a shame that I cannot verbally express the feeling that overwhelmed me when witnessing the scene of people of one color sharing the Gospel to those of another color, in a random African forest. There was even one epileptic who accepted Christ on bended knees and burned the amulet he wore around his neck. The Masai, known for their traditional African lifestyles, fell on their knees before the Gospel, with their long staffs and sabers around their waists. Not just one or two people, but hundreds bowed before God the Father, and we rejoiced in union with them becoming our brothers.

The treatments were rushed to a close at around 4:30 pm this day, in the case of possible accidents or conflicts erupting. However, due to the late start from the dental team and pharmaceutical treatments, only the Remnants and other teams went to the base camp first. The other members were finally able to leave the town at 6 pm. The roads leading back to the base camp were narrow and busy with large trucks and buses. Rush hour was reaching its peak and our driver hurried to avoid the traffic. Approximately one hour into the drive, near Dar es Salaam, our bus driver suddenly hit the brakes and I felt a huge crash. (*To be continued in the January 2012 issue)

201112 / Prayer Journal


E v a n g e l i s m Gospel Letter 2,000won This book accurately diagnoses the spiritual state that individuals have and the problems that they face. It is a message for acceptance and continuous nurturing. It is a compilation of the basic message intended for individuals to receive the solution to their agony and suffering.

New Life, New Living 2,000won This book is intended for unbelievers and new believers, and deals with topics from the basics of the walk of faith, including acceptance, to the spiritual identity of the believer who is in Christ; evidence; prayer; the importance of worship; as well as spiritual, emotional, lifestyle, and family healing. It helps believers live a new walk of faith, and especially helps new believers who have recently registered in the church to correctly root down in the Gospel.

Field Gospel Message 4,000won This is the ďŹ eld message that present believers can gain from for the purpose of the proclamation of the Gospel. It helps you check the walk of faith (meaning of salvation and the blessing of Gospel proclamation) that you can live in the academic field, factories, colleges, offices, as a group, individually, and in the region.

Genesis 5,000won In this book, Christ is explained through the 4 important events, 4 blessings, and 4 individuals in the Book of Genesis, and through this explanation, the most basic message in the Bible is laid out by which we can see the problems of life, the solution, and the blessings that we have received.

B o o k l e t s A Joyful Gift 3,000won An evangelism booklet that is intended as a gift that explains the existence of God, the problems of mankind and its solution, as well as the blessings of the children of God.

Ten Meetings for the Soul 2,000won An evangelism booklet that is intended as a gift that easily explains the Gospel in essay format; for unbelievers or new believers who have newly received the Gospel.

The Choice that Changes Destiny 3,000won An evangelism booklet that is intended as a gift that explains the Gospel in a simple way, using real-life examples of people who are suffering because of their destiny.

Joyful Letter 500won Evangelism pocket-sized booklet that explains the core of the Gospel in an easy and accurate way.

Inquiries Life Book Publications Tel. 82-2-3662-3881 Fax. 82-2-3662-7149


REMNANT w h o remained Though we think that there is nothing we can do because we are not great in any way, The confession of those who remained, the Remnant, who appear as though they have nothing but actually have everything!

CD 10,000won Tape 4,000won The 7th Remnant album containing the heart of the evangelist has been produced. You can purchase the sheet music on with your points. World Evangelization Evangelism Alliance, INC. South Korea, Seoul-si, Gangseou-gu, Deungchon-2dong, 534-3, Seongyo B/D Tel. 82-2-3662-7661(ext. 1) Fax. 82-2-3662-7149

Life Book Publications – New Publication

Escape from

Lifeless Religious Living God’s powerful Gospel message for everyone living in this age


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Lifeless Religious Living 作者Н柳光洙

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God’s powerful Gospel message for everyone living in this age

Kwang Su Ryu Life Publications

Ver. Korean

神最强有力的福音信息, 送给一切生活在这个时代的人



Ver. English

Ver. Japanese

Ver. Chinese

“Have you found the answer to that frustrating question that lingers in your heart?”

The religious book that gained great popularity, “Escape from Lifeless Religious Living,” has now been published in English, Japanese, and Chinese.

We give this gift to those people who are exhausted by meaningless religious living.

Inquiries Life Book Publications Tel. 82-2-3662-3881 Fax. 82-2-3662-7149

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all at once I want to evangelize to a fellow coworker. What material should I give to him? – Seoul, Seocho-gu, Young adult Kim -

I want to give an evangelism material to a friend who is studying abroad in Taiwan. He wanted to know if there was a material in Taiwanese. – Busan, Youngdo-gu, College student Seo -

I am a believer who immigrated to Spain five years ago. Is there a way to receive the Word every week? - Madrid, Spain, Deacon Park -

It is hard for me to receive a book or a message CD via mail. Can I see or download evangelism materials online at a website? – Country “B”, Hwang -

Is there a way to read the monthly Prayer Journal online? I wish there was a way to watch School Evangelization Messages online. – Baguio, Philippines, Lee -

I heard that there was a way to check your life of the evangelist. Where can I do that? - Kwangju, Seo-gu, High school student Jang -

I received the Remnant 7th album as a gift. Is there sheet music for these songs for sale? I want to purchase sheet music. - Daegu, Dalseo-gu, Deacon Oh -


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