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Cyndi Bemel
Dreaming In The Woods Cyndi Bemel
Photograph 12" x 8.5" $500
“Dreaming in the Woods” is a collage of a soft ethereal ambiance within a valley of clouds and trees growing stronger and stronger physically and spiritually until their time has been reached. It is printed on handmade paper with the essence of a kakajiku – a Japanese scroll.
Llibreria Cyndi Bemel
Photograph 11" x 16" $500
“Llibreria” is a collage of the power of books, reading, and writing as it takes us to exciting places and helps the understanding of others’ perspectives, even when we don’t understand the printed words and the pages are out of order.
Rialto Cyndi Bemel
Photograph 11.5" x 17.5" $500
The black and white sign taps into a deeper vision of what we take for granted, a fresh visual interpretation of the Rialto theater that will never be seen in such a state ever again. “Rialto” captures the subtleties and an impression of the ever-changing environment that reflects the tremendous vitality of South Pasadena.