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Serena Refoua
At Table Serena Refoua
Mixed Media: Watercolor, Ink, Pastel 8" x 8" $300
This mixed media piece was inspired by my travels along the coast of southern Spain. I imagined myself having dinner with a local group of artists, maybe Cubists; a fish on a platter, some wine and bread, and the ocean waves breaking nearby. For a true fantasy moment, Pablo himself might drop by and join our repast.
Central Park, April Serena Refoua
This mixed media piece was created using an intuitive painting method. I have no predetermined subject as I start but, as I make marks and add pigments, the piece begins to create itself. This is titled “Central Park, April” because it reminds me of an early spring day in New York City when people who have been homebound for months venture out along the squiggly park pathways pushing prams, roller skating, or just meandering up and down the little nestled rocks and hills of Central Park.