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Dear friends:

Tortugas Preciosas de Osa, an Amazon Conservation Team® initiative, was started in 2019 with the purpose of contributing to the conservation of sea turtles that nest and occur in the waters of the Osa Peninsula, and to the generation of environmental awareness not only in local communities, but also at a national and international level.


These efforts have in turn generated the creation of the first regional initiative that includes the conservation of sea turtles hand in hand with traditional indigenous knowledge in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia, through the initiative "Ancestral Tides" , which has the mission to continue making a substantial impact on the conservation of these key species for both marine and terrestrial ecosystems, while at the same time impacting our daily lives.

2022 was a record year for Hawksbill turtle nesting, as we were able to record and protect 67 nests of the most threatened sea turtle in the Eastern Pacific, this being the highest number ever recorded for nesting sites in the Pacific of Costa Rica This makes it the most important nesting site on the Pacific coast of the country, as well as the fifth most important nesting place on the entire Pacific coast of the continent.

We face a great challenge ahead: to continue contributing to the conservation of these magnificent species hand in hand with local communities, to achieve not only a improvement in the conditions of sea turtle nesting sites, but also in the livelihoods and the wellbeing of the inhabitants of Osa, while having an impact at the national and international level However, we are confident that together, we will be able to achieve it

We feel deeply grateful to all our friends, colleagues and collaborators for making this possible.

Thank you for conserving the sea turtles of the Osa Peninsula with us!



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