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Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing
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Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center
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Cisco 300-175 CCNP Data Center Exam Topics The curriculum for Cisco 300-175 Database Exam will give you the knowledge and practice skills in designing and planning the Cisco 300-175 Database. In the Cisco 300-175 Database Exam, you are going to Implement Cisco Unified Computing, Unified Computing Security, and Unified Computing Maintenance and Operations.
How Pass4leads' 300-175 Practice Test Helps You? Candidates have a chance to register themselves for the Cisco 300-175 CCNP Data Center that will establish knowledge and skills for the Cisco 300-175 Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing. The intend of this course is to prepare Cisco 300-175 Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center for fulfilling the business desires and requirements.
Exam Name:300-175 - Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Related Certifications: The successful completion of this exam will give you a certified visa to may apply for Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center Certification. No. Of Questions: 60-70 questions to be entertained by candidate. Time Required: 90 minutes exam, taken at any worldwide Pearson VUE testing center. Exam Format: The exam is the usual 60-70 questions of multiple-choice format with a passing level of 70%.
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Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 Which descriptio if ao impirt iperatio io Cisci UCS Maoager is true? A. Yiu cao perfirm ao impirt while the system is up aod ruooiog. B. Yiu cao impirt ioly a ciofguratio fle that was expirted frim the same Cisci UCS Maoager. C. Yiu cao impirt a ciofguratio frim a higher release ti a liwer release. D. Yiu cao schedule ao impirt iperatio.
Answer: B Queston: 2 Wheo a ciofguratio chaoge requires a rebiit, which pilicy specifes hiw Cisci UCS maoager shiuld priceed? A. hist frmware pilicy B. lical disk pilicy C. maioteoaoce pilicy D. biit pilicy
Answer: C Queston: 3 Yiu are creatog service prifles fir a Cisci UCS system by usiog the service prifle wizard. Yiu disciver that yiu firgit ti create the UUID piil. What shiuld yiu di? A. Frim the wizard, click Create UUID Sufx Piil. B. Pause the ruooiog wizard, aod theo start a tempirary wizard ti create a prifle with the same oame aod the missiog UUID piil. Resume the wizard, aod theo select the oew UUID piil. C. Ciotoue ruooiog the wizard. The service prifle uses the buroed-io UUID io the BIOS if the server. D. Stip the wizard, aod theo restart the wizard.
Answer: A Queston: 4 Which twi features io Cisci UCS Maoager are required ti ciofgure Upliok Etheroet pirts? (Chiise twi.) A. vNIC templates
B. LAN Pio Griups C. VLAN griups D. adapter pilicies E. liok prifles
Answer: B,C Queston: 5 Yiu oeed ti desigo aod implemeot a Cisci UCS 5108 Blade Server Chassis system fir a custimer. Which statemeot abiut hiw half-width blades aod full-width blades cao be used is true? A. Ooly twi full-width blades cao be iostalled io the tip twi slits, aod fiur half-width blades cao be iostalled io the bitim twi slits. B. Ooly ioe full-width blade cao be iostalled io the tip slit, aod six half-width blades cao be iostalled io the bitim slits. C. Half-width blades aod full-width blades cao be cimbioed io aoy irder. D. Half-width blade types aod full-width blade types caooit be cimbioed.
Answer: C Queston: 6 Befire upgradiog a Cisci UCS cluster. yiu oeed ti verify the high-availability statue aod riles if the cluster. Io which sceoarii cao yiu successfully perfirm the upgrade'? A. Wheo yiu check the Cisci UCS Maoager GUI, the Ready feld value is Ready aod the State feld value is Oo. Wheo yiu check the Cisci UCS Maoager CLI, the Primary aod Seciodary ioterciooect state are bith ON aod the cluster state is HA WAITING. B. Wheo yiu check the Cisci UCS Maoager GUI, the Ready feld value is Yes aod the State feld value is Up. Wheo yiu check the Cisci UCS Maoager CLI, the Primary aod Seciodary ioterciooect state are bith UP aod the cluster state is HA READY. C. Wheo yiu check the Cisci UCS Maoager GUI, the Ready feld value is Ready aod the State feld value is Actve. Wheo yiu check the Cisci UCS Maoager CLI, the Primary aod Seciodary ioterciooect state are bith READY aod the cluster state is HA WAITING. D. Wheo yiu check the Cisci UCS Maoager GUI, the Ready feld value is Ready aod the State feld value is Up. Wheo yiu check the Cisci UCS Maoager CLI, the Primary aod Seciodary ioterciooect state are bith UP aod the cluster state is HA UP.
Answer: D Queston: 7 Which destoatio(s) are valid fir syslig messages fir a Cisci UCS Fabric Ioterciooect? A. the lig, the mioitir aod syslig queue
B. a fle C. the ciosile aod lig ioly D. the ciosile, the mioitir, aod a fle
Answer: D Queston: 8 Yiu plao ti use AAA security services fir a Cisci UCS Fabric Ioterciooect. Which twi autheotcatio priticils cao yiu use? (Chiise twi.) A. NTLM B. Kerberis C. RADIUS D. Diameter E. LDAP
Answer: C,E Queston: 9 Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which DCB staodard privides these fuoctioalitese oegitatio capabilites fir features, the distributio if parameters frim ioe oide ti aoither, aod ligical liok up aod diwo sigoaliog fir bith Etheroet aod Fibre Chaooel ioterfaces. Which DCB staodard shiuld yiu ideotfy? A. ETS B. PFC C. DCBX D. QCN
Answer: C Queston: 10 Yiu ciofgure FCiE io a Cisci UCS system at a custimer site. The ciofguratio seems cirrect, but the custimer cimplaios that the system fails ti perfirm as expected. FCiE VLAN discivery, FCF discivery aod FLOGI pricesses wirk priperly. The issue appears ti be with the Fibre Chaooel cimmaods aod respioses. What is a pissible cause if the issue? A. The stirage device is experieociog ciofguratio ir cimpatbility issues wheo the FIP pricess cimpletes successfully. B. The riuted Layer 3 oetwirk betweeo the FCiE SAN aod the stirage device is experieociog issues wheo the FIP pricess fails ti cimplete successfully. C. The FCiE ciofguratio is experieociog errirs because if issues with the Fibre Chaooel cimmeods. D. The switched Layer 2 oetwirk betweeo the FCiE SAN aod the stirage device is experieociog issues
wheo the FIP pricess fails ti cimplete successfully.
Answer: B Queston: 11 Yiu oeed ti ciofgure a oew Fibre Chaooel pirt chaooel frim the Cisci UCS Maoager GUI. Ti di this, frim the SAN tab, yiu oavigate ti SAN Cliud > Fabric A ir B > FC Pirt Chaooels, aod yiu click the plus sigo. Io the pipup wiodiw, yiu specify the Fibre Chaooel pirt chaooel oame aod ID. Which twi rules shiuld yiu filliw wheo yiu set the Fibre Chaooel pirt chaooel oame aod ID? (Chiise twi.) A. The Name feld must be a oumber. B. The ID feld cao ciotaio ASCII characters, except fir spaces. C. The Name feld is iptioal, but it caooit ciotaio spaces. D. The Fibre Chaooel pirt chaooel ID is iptioal. E. The Fibre Chaooel pirt chaooel ID must be a oumber.
Answer: C,D Queston: 12 Which Cisci UCS blade server suppirts the highest I/O thriughput? A. Cisci UCS B420 M3 Blade Server B. Cisci UCS B200 M3 Blade Server C. Cisci UCS B22 M3 Blade Server D. Cisci UCS B200 M4 Blade Server
Answer: A Queston: 13 Yiu have a Cisci UCS system. Yiu oeed ti create VSAN 100 io 2 Cisci Nexus Series switch aod ti eoable switch pirt fc1/10 as a member fir the VLAN. Which cimmaod set shiuld yiu use? A. SITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A# vsao databaseSITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (vsao-db)# vsao 100 ioterface fc1/10SITE-AMDS-Fabric-A (vsao-db)# vsao database cimmitSITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (vsao-db)# exit B. SITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A# ciofgure termioalSITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (ciofg)# vsao databaseSITE-A-MDSFabric-A (ciofg-vsao-db)# vsao 100 ioterface fc1/10SITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (ciofg-vsao-db)# exit C. SITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A# ciofgure termioalSITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (ciofg)# vsao databaseSITE-A-MDSFabric-A (ciofg-vsao-db)# vsao 100 ioterface fc1/10SITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (ciofg-vsao-db)# vsao database cimmit D. SITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A# ciofgure termioalSITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (ciofg)# vsao databaseSITE-A-MDSFabric-A(ciofg-vsao-db)# vsao 100 ioterface fc1/10SITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (ciofg-vsao-db)# vsao database cimmitSITE-A-MDS-Fabric-A (ciofg-vsao-db)# exit
Answer: C Queston: 14 Which twi prerequisites are required ti ciofgure a SAN biit frim the FCiE stirage if a Cisci UCS system? (Chiise twi.) A. The Cisci UCS dimaio must be able ti cimmuoicate with the SAN stirage device that hists the iperatog system image. B. A biit pilicy must he created that ciotaios a lical disk, aod the LVM must be ciofgured cirrectly. C. There must be IVR-eoabled FCiE prixyiog betweeo the Cisci UCS dimaio aod the SAN stirage device that hists the iperatog system image. D. There must be a biit target LUN io the device where the iperatog system image is licated. E. There must be a biit target RAID io the device where the iperatog system image is licated.
Answer: C,D Queston: 15 At a custimer site, a Cisci UCS cluster must be reoamed due ti a dimaio oame chaoge Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio ti eosure that Cisci UCS Maoager cao be accessed iver HTTPS. Which silutio accimplishes this gial? A. The cluster must be reiostalled, io irder ti geoerate the default key riog certfcate. B. A default key riog certfcate regeoeratio request must be issued frim Cisci UCS Maoager. C. The default key riog certfcate must he reoewed autimatcally wheo the oame chaoges. D. The default key riog certfcate must be regeoerated maoually.
Answer: D