Passion Islam September2008

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Issue: 06

September 2008

inside this month issue

Warning over Hajj pilgrimage rip-offs

Ministers recruit young Muslims as advisers


Ramadhan is here

Million Dollar Masjid open its doors in Atlanta Read the Magazine Online



Passion Islam

I September 2008

the Passion EID TOGETHER AS ONE So finally it seems that everyone has started Ramadhan at the same time, the Moon has seem to have got us all together and Shaitaan has lost once again in his fight to divide us all, well….. until Eid, hoping and praying that Eid goes the same way as how Ramadhan has come would be a success in the diversity in our religion a form of blessing, the nature of the differences we observe during Ramadhan, which will be a communal festive period. The differences on the celebration of Eid, will it happen that we all do Eid together, lets look at the very simple solution to the problem because of which country’s sighting of the moon, we should follow. The choices are many: the first Muslim country to see the moon, the closest Muslim country to see the moon, the UK’s observation of the moon. Let us start by ruling out any voices of deviance who may suggest visualisation of the moon from other planetary bodies. We live on Earth; it is from Earth that we shall observe the moon. Then it remains to be answered, should we follow the moon of another Muslim country or the moon of the UK? The answer is simple and so elegant, yet it is denied by many people. During the time of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, the Muslim empire had expanded over three continents. When the moon was observed

in Damasacus, the Makkans did not follow. It simply was not possible, and the knowledgeable companions may Allah be pleased with them, did not have a issue with the fact that they would celebrate Eid based on an observation of the Moon in their own locality. Not in a locality a hundred thousand miles away. However times have changed, now we have one “global community” and communication problems do not remain as they did then. So whose moon should we follow now? In Islam we pray Fajr before sunrise. Maghrib prayer is offered at sunset. Every school of faith, every sect in Islam agrees on these approximate timings, give or take a small margin of error. What they all also agree on is that when it says sunrise it means the sunrise in your location. A Muslim living in Japan will not follow the sunrise of Saudi Arabia, a Muslim in the outskirts of Outer Mongolia will not follow the sunrise of Morocco. The whole year round, Muslims follow the Lunar calendar. It is not just during Ramadhan. There are other months, Rajab, Shaban, Shawwal. Once the new moon is seen the new month will begin. Yet only when it comes to Eid, this whole thing becomes an issue. Why do they follow the British moon the whole year round except for two Eid’s and the start of Ramadhan? Batley Moon Sighting committee is something

has been set up in Yorkshire to the extent I believe and what people have said to me this is the way forward and from the outline of the criteria it looks good, the whole principle is to look at moon from the UK if for any reason it can not be seen depending on the seasons then go with the nearest country which can. Please don’t get me wrong I have nothing to do with the Batley moon sighting committee or who is on the board of the committee just reading the criteria documents makes sense, but will others follow this criteria that’s a different story but for all our sakes everyone should. At a time when Muslims need to remain united during one of the most troubling periods in our history we are being ripped apart by these elements. As our brothers and sisters die, we celebrate our Eids in extravagance, and not only that we celebrate them as we fight between each other. Jealousy, resentment, anger, miscommunication is all part of the failure in ourselves, we must work together as one to bring harmony between each other and over come the Shaitaan. This holy month of Ramadhan is the perfect opportunity to do that. Lets be part of the solution, not the problem. Mohammed Imran Lecturer in Muslim studies in London Guest Editor for Passion Islam

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This Magazine contains Ayaat of the Qur’an and Hadith of the Prophet (SAW), please ensure you handle it with respect & care - Sukran

Passion Islam

I September 2008



Muslim wrongly accused of being a terrorist wins £14,000 compensation A Muslim police worker who was “maliciously” reported to the anti-terrorist squad by colleagues after the July 7 bombings has been awarded almost £14,000 compensation.

Mohammed Hussain, 30, was investigated by the Met’s specialist counter-terrorism command after false accusations from coworkers that he was an Islamic extremist. He told an employment tribunal that he was made to feel “isolated and lonely” when colleagues “conspired” against him, especially after the July 7 attacks on London. Mr Hussain, a researcher in the Metropolitan Police’s forensic analysis unit, said he was made to feel like “a pariah”. One colleague, intelligence worker Robert Matthews, claimed that Mr Hussain had said it was “okay to kill American soldiers” shortly after the London terrorist attack which killed 52 innocent people. Another worker, Dassash Alem, alleged that Mr Hussain had boasted he was a fan of Adolf Hitler who had told colleagues “Hitler was brilliant. He should have finished off the Jews”.

They both pursuaded their boss to report Mr Hussain to anti-terror police, who cleared him of any suspicions on two occasions. The tribunal in Watford ruled that Mr Hussain was discriminated against based on his religion as a Muslim over some of the complaints against him and the decision to investigate and suspend him. It said that the Met’s conduct had been “oppressive and high-handed” and awarded Mr Hussain £13,758.55 for injuries to feelings and aggravated damages. The payout is more than that awarded to John and June Taylor, whose daughter Carrie, 24, died in the July 7 blasts. They received £11,000. A number of other claims were rejected and the tribunal’s report said there had been “genuine concerns about the claimant’s behaviour and performance” and “he was not entirely free from blame”. It also found he had sworn at his

managers and made “an inappropriate reference to the killing of American soldiers”. After the award Mr Hussain, from Aylesbury, said: “I’m very happy to have won my case. It was disgusting, the way I was treated by the Met, not just by my colleagues but also by the managers because they knew what was happening but didn’t stop it. I was accused of being a terrorist and I was made to feel like and outsider.” The case comes after Britain’s most senior Asian officer, Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur, lodged a racial discrimination case against his boss, Sir Ian Blair, last week. A Met Commander, Shabhir Hussain, lost his race claim alleging that the Met had promoted others above him four times because of the colour of his skin.

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Passion Islam

I September 2008

Ministers recruit young Muslims as advisers to combat extremism Twenty young Muslims are to become personal advisers to three Cabinet ministers in an attempt by the Government to tackle Islamic extremism. Labour says the group, aged 16 to 25, will keep Communities Secretary Hazel Blears, Culture Secretary Andy Burnham and Schools Secretary Ed Balls in touch with the mood of Muslim youths. Ministers hope that listening to and addressing concerns that affect Muslims could ease tensions in multi-cultural communities and cut the risk of them becoming radicalised by extremists. The Young Muslim Advisory Group, to be launched in October, will also work with Arts Council England and Sport England. The aim is see how cultural and sporting opportunities, such as the use of football tournaments or music gigs, can reduce tensions within different communities. Miss Blears said: ‘Ensuring young Muslims have access to constructive, democratic channels for dealing with concerns is crucial to our efforts to build communities that are resilient to extremist messages.

‘We need to equip young Muslims to take the lead in challenging prejudice and preconceptions both within their own communities and in wider society. ‘The Young Muslim Advisory group is about identifying the next generation of Muslim community leaders and providing a platform to speak out on issues that are important to them.’ Since June, more than 150 applications have been received and over the next few days the prospective advisers, who are all aged between 16 and 25, will take part in discussions and workshops to test their suitability. The Young Muslim Advisory Group aims to give Cabinet ministers a firsthand understanding of the issues that affect young Muslims, including the risk of extremism, employment opportunities and education. It will also try to get young Muslims’ messages across in the media, promote role models and mentoring and ‘build the capacity of young people, in terms of skills, knowledge and confidence, to counter the extremist ideology’. One of the first tasks of the group will

be to organise a national youth conference to discuss the challenges facing young British Muslims over the next few years. The Government has been attempting to engage Britain’s Muslim communities, especially in the wake of the July 7 terror bombings in London which murdered 52 innocent people. Ministers recently announced £12.5million for Muslim communities to fund projects which aim to ‘undermine extremist ideology’. And last month the Government announced plans for state school pupils to be taught Islamic traditions and values in compulsory citizenship lessons. Another measure will see Muslim children being taught citizenship lessons by imams in mosque schools in the hope they will be better equipped to resist violent extremist messages. The Department for Communities and Local Government said the personal advisers would not be paid but would be allowed to claim expenses for any costs they might incur, such as travel or overnight accommodation.

Ramadhan festival to create harmony between communities A nationwide campaign has been launched to create harmony amongst UK’s different cultures and religions by inviting people of all faiths and none to take part in the celebrations of the holy month of Ramadhan. The campaign titled Ramadhan Festival, supported by different mainstream faith groups including the Dutch and Pakistani missions in the UK, urges Muslims to put the fun back in Fundamentalism. Ramadhan Festival is the single largest celebration of it’s kind in Europe and this year takes in Holland, Norway and Britain with events in New York, Islamabad, Cairo, Damascus, Jerusalem and Berlin in the pipeline. The campaign urges Muslims to use the 30 days holy period to reach out to other communities who are either not aware of the rich Islamic culture or have negative perceptions about the Muslims and Islam. Its asking the over 1600 UK mosques, cultural and religious organisations to make it a point to invite people from other faiths and backgrounds to know from close ranks the cultural strength of Islam as demonstrated amply in the holy month of Ramadhan. “Everyone knows that fasting

in Ramadhan is a fundamental of Islam. owever it’s not just about rituals spiritual reflection; it’s about the result - generosity, hospitality, and celebration,” says the Ramadhan Festival. Many Muslim-owned restaurants have been lobbied to run a discounted Iftar menu. Hundreds of arts and cultural events including Iftar parties and Eid melas/ celebrations are being planned across the country and Europe. The festival director Syed Abbas is optimistic about the future of the festival and hopes it will be successful in achieving its desired objectives in the long run. “Our intention is to arrange forty days of tantalizing arts and cultural events in 2008 which will reflect the diversity of British Muslim cultural expression that exists in the UK. Abbas aid he felt the urgent need to introduce the festival to the UK audience in view of the need to raise the standard of dialogue on extremism and community cohesion to a more sophisticated level in order to promote greater mutual understanding and provide a chance for Muslims to shout out a clear message against the violent

extremists from all backgrounds. For the full list of events, visit


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Passion Islam

I September 2008


Warning over Hajj pilgrimage rip-offs The government has warned British Muslims embarking on the Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia this year to be on their guard against scams and rip-offs. Up to 50,000 Britons make the pilgrimage each year, but ministers have become concerned with the growing problem of unscrupulous travel agents cashing in on religious devotion. Hotel and flight deals can cost more than £3,000, and every year hundreds fall victim to a variety of scams: paying for a five-star hotel near the Masjid al-Haram (the mosque that is a focal point of the event), but getting a tiny room far from the centre of Makkah; visas and flight tickets not arriving; and in extreme cases agents disappearing with their money. Consumer affairs minister Gareth Thomas convened a conference of travel

agents, community groups and consumer organisations last month, and told them that the government aimed to ‘help pilgrims avoid booking with rogue travel agents, and to get redress when they fall foul of those who break the law’. The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is planning a poster campaign in community centres and mosques aimed at improving awareness of consumer rights, and stressing the need to check that a tour operator to December’s Hajj holds an Air Travel Organiser’s Licence (Atol), that any company booked with is a member of a trade organisation such as Abta and to keep all documents such as contracts and invoices in case of later problems. One of the groups that flagged up the problem, the Association of British Hujjaj, welcomed the move, saying the ‘vast majority’ of Hajj travel operators were oneman operations and ‘simply opportunists who are looking for monetary gain by taking advantage of the vulnerable’. Last year, it handed a petition signed by 5,000 Hajj travellers to the government.

Dr Nadim Nayyar, from Liversedge in West Yorkshire, booked last year through a Luton-based firm, Go4 Hajj. His party of nine paid for a luxury package costing £32,000. Just 48 hours before they were due to depart, Nayyar discovered their Saudi Arabian visas had not been obtained by the company. ‘Our Hajj was over. I felt totally devastated,’ he said. ‘The pre-Hajj seminar, where we were supposed to meet other travellers, kept on getting delayed. Then we found that our flights had been altered from scheduled to chartered, changing in Bahrain. Then we found out they couldn’t get the five-star hotels they had promised, and we were being downgraded.’ After learning that their trip was cancelled, Nayyar and 60 other pilgrims who had been let down were told the firm had no assets left to refund them, although he eventually recovered his money through Go4 Hajj’s Atol cover. ‘This is not just a package holiday, but an obligatory religious visit, so people tend to be far too trusting,’ said Nayyar. ‘I think that’s where we fell down.’ - Guardian

UK launches face-scanner trials at Manchester airport

Passion Islam

I September 2008

British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith Tuesday officially launched a trial of facial recognition technology aimed to free Border Agency staff to concentrate on higher risk flights and passengers entering and leaving the UK. The new equipment, being tested at Manchester airport in north west England, automatically scans passport photos and matches them to the biometric records held by the authorities. The trial is being used only on people from the UK and EU who are over 18 and hold a new-style chipped passport, but if successful, the system is expected to be rolled-out at other airports across the country. “The UK has one of the toughest borders in the world and we are determined to ensure it stays that way,” Smith said at the launch, aimed to improve the speed at which travellers pass through border control, while adding to security. She also announced that over 99 percent of foreign nationals from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) will be tracked in and out of Britain by 2010, through targeting of higher risk countries. “These checks make up just one part


of Britain’s triple ring of security, alongside fingerprint visas for three-quarters of the world’s population, and the roll-out of ID cards for foreign nationals locking people to one identity,” the minister said. When the government launched its e-Borders program last year, a target was originally set for 95 percent of all passengers to be counted in and out of the UK by 2010. By prioritizing countries that are believed to pose the greatest risk, the Home Office said that the UK Border Agency can now commit to 99 percent of all foreign national passengers outside of the EEA being monitored in and out of the UK within two years. The £1.2 billion e-Borders system was said to have already screened 50 million passengers travelling to Britain, leading to more than 2,000 arrests, including murderers, drug dealers and sex offenders. The strategy also includes plans for ‘no fly’ lists with passengers flagged up by e-Borders subsequently barred from flying with airlines into the UK. The agency has already barred almost 6,000 people from entering Britain


at juxtaposed controls since the beginning of 2008 and seized pnds 83 million worth of illegal drugs.

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Diabetes UK Annual Subscription only launches Ramadhan awareness message

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Diabetes UK has launched its new Ramadhan calendar, which gives information about fasting and diabetes control at this important time. Diabetes is very much an issue that affects the Muslim community. There are more than 2.2 million people in the UK with diabetes, and people of South Asian origin are up to four times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Ramadhan calendar 2008, We hope that by distributing the calendar through more than 130 mosques across the UK we will help people to manage their condition effectively during Ramadhan, when it can often be a challenge. It is important that the

document is referenced during Ramadan as much as possible, which is why we have included a prayer and fasting timetable. We hope that this will make the document useful for the entire 30 day period. You can either download a copy of the calendar, or you can call Jenne Dixit at Diabetes UK on 020 7424 1110 or e-mail Diabetes UK has a range of information available for the Muslim community about managing diabetes during Ramadan on our website. You can also talk to a Diabetes UK Careline Advisor who can speak a variety of languages by calling 0845 120 2960.

Lawyers regulation body ‘institutionally racist’



Passion Islam

I September 2008

Alipore Hospital Appeal

The body that regulates solicitors in Britain has been discriminating against ethnic minority lawyers and subjecting them to potentially ruinous investigations, an independent report concluded last month. The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) was accused of paying just “lip service” to equality and found to be plagued by a leadership that lacks “competence” on diversity issues. “The organisation has deficiencies which impact adversely on [ethnic minority] solicitors,” said the report,

written by Lord Ouseley, the former head of the Commission for Racial Equality. Ouseley was commissioned by the SRA, into why black and Asian solicitors were more likely to be targeted by the organisation, which is the regulatory arm of the Law Society. It follows years of complaints and discriminatory behaviour. The SRA was left open to the “charge of institutional racism, as its policies, procedures, practices and actions, however unintended, can be seen to have disproportionate

detrimental and discriminatory outcomes for BME [black and minority ethnic] solicitors,” he said. The report found that black and minority ethnic lawyers are “stereotyped” with SRA staff assuming guilt before they start investigating complaints against them. It was more likely to investigate ethnic minority lawyers than white ones, it said.

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Alipore Hospital would like to thank you for your kind support and great donations you have given over the years. Hospital has completed its final phase of extension; add much needed one more floor. Refurbishment works in progress and Insha Allah by the end of next year it should be in fully use This Ramadan, once again we would like to draw your attention that Hospital work goes on 24/7 so does the charity work. We now treat very large number of in and out patent every day. Every single penny you donate goes towards the best treatment Hospital can provide. We would like your continued support for the coming month of Ramadan by remembering the Hospital in your Zakat, Sadqah, Intrest and Lilah donations. Remember we distribute every penny you give us to needy people. Please contact us if you want to donate towards the cost of rooms, equipment, kidney dialysis, medicine, relief works etc we are truly grateful for your kind support, Hospital Support Committee UK



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Passion Islam

I September 2008



UK Muslims condemn Israeli closure of al-Aqsa Foundation

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) condemned Israel’s closure of the al-Aqsa Foundation and seizure of thousands of historic documents which preserve the heritage of the Islamic and Christian sanctuaries in Jerusalem. “We urge the British government to intervene and ensure all the confiscated documents and stolen money are returned immediately to their rightful owners,” Britain’s mainstream Muslim organization said. “We regard the silence of the British government on these developments unhelpful and morally inexcusable,” it said following hundreds of Israeli police and security officers storming the foundation’s

offices in Umm el Fahm last weekend. The closure, ordered by Defence Minister Ehud Barak, came after it accused extremist Israeli settlers in Jerusalem of defiling more than 20 ancient tombstones in the Ma’man Allah cemetery just outside the holy city. “If any one was ever in doubt of Israel’s nefarious intentions this act clearly confirms their long-standing ambition to change the religious character of occupied Jerusalem,” said MCB secretary general Abul Bari. The closure coincided with the 37th anniversary of the Zionist arson attack on Masjid Al Aqsa and linked with Israel’s continued settlement activity in the

Maghariba Quarter of Masjid Al Aqsa and its systematic desecration of Islamic cemeteries in the holy city. Bari said that Muslims were also deeply shocked by reports that certain Israeli rabbis have issued a fatwa calling for the murder of the prominent Palestinian leader Shaykh Raed Salah and plans to launch a rocket attack on Masjid Al Aqsa during Ramadan. MCB, he said, fully supports the calls by Palestinian leaders for an urgent meeting of the OIC and Arab League to discuss the deteriorating situation in Jerusalem. The latest Israeli outrage was a “gross provocation to Muslims everywhere,” he said.

Faith schools in UK unite against renewed smear campaign

A coalition of over 6,000 faith schools in Britain have joined together to rebut a renewed smear campaign claiming that religious schools are discriminatory and a divisive force within society. This latest attack, based on unspecified ‘research’, does a disservice to the huge value that faith schools add to our state education sector and the extent of appreciation that parents and students have for these schools,” they said. The rebuttal was made by representative leaders of Church of England, Catholic, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Hindu state- funded schools in Britain.

It comes after Accord, a new group of humanists, secularists and others chaired by a Jewish rabbi, Jonathan Romain, urged the government to stop state-funded faith schools engaging in what they say is “discrimination.” Unlike previous campaigns, it stopped short of calling for the closure of faithbased schools but for a changes in practices, claiming that segregating children on religious grounds harms community cohesion. But the joint rebuttal said that faith schools, which tend to score better in examinations than secular schools, consistently deliver excellent academic

results, within a caring atmosphere that nurtures the whole student as an individual. “European Human Rights legislation guarantees the rights of parents to schooling compatible with their religious and philosophical beliefs,” it also said. Faith schools make up around a third of the 21,000 in England, the overwhelming majority are Christian and have existed since their foundation. The campaign against religious schools has often been linked to the approval of the first state-funded Muslim schools in the past decade.



Passion Islam

I September 2008

Modernising Muslims sign up as Scottish Ambassadors to Islam Scottish Muslims are planning a radical campaign to play a greater role in the country’s civic life, to change the perceptions of their religion and to promote Scotland as an ideal country for Muslims to live and invest in. Members of the newly formed Scottish Islamic Foundation (SIF) are planning to launch the campaign, which will engage with issues such as the removal of nuclear weapons from Faslane and the environment. Women will also be given a voice within mosques and will be encouraged to form committees to decide policies specific to them. Traditional practices will be adapted to respond to Scottish society, with the intention of demonstrating the contribution Islam can make to the country, and a new mosque, currently being planned by a group of men and women that are mostly under 35, is expected to be built in East Renfrewshire, embodying the current thinking. Hamza Yousaf, director of public affairs at the SIF, said: “We believe that the very nature of Islam adapts across the centuries, but what we are doing is trying to modernise ourselves and remind ourselves of what Islam actually says, reach out to the people of Scotland.” This winter, a tradition called Qurbani, an event that takes place in Ramadan, during which meat is donated and then distributed among the poor, will be reconfigured to benefit Scotland’s most vulnerable groups. In past years, meat has been sent back to Pakistan, the country of origin for the majority of Muslim Scots, but this year the meat will be collected and given to vulnerable people in Scotland, including asylum seekers and the homeless. Representatives of the SIF will also sit on the SNP’s working group on Trident; mosques are being urged to refer to the

Global Day of Action on Poverty during Friday sermons and it is hoped the Islamic voice wil be heard in civil society, as Muslims join in the “big” debates. Yousaf added: “Most of the time Muslims are talking about foreign affairs but what we’re trying to say is that there are challenges here that we can tackle

as Muslims and need to have an Islamic viewpoint on. Our aim is to get people to change the way they are thinking and remind ourselves of the duty we have in this country. The mosque should be the hub of that and the madrasas Islamic teaching seminaries are key.” As well as an ideological contribution, there are plans to contribute to Scotland’s economy. Last week, the SIF met with the head of Al-Jazeera, Wadah Khanfar,

after he spoke at the Edinburgh Television Festival, to discuss how Scotland can be promoted across the Islamic world. They spoke about an Islamic financial expo, due to take part in Scotland early next year, which will be a showcase for opportunities to invest in Scotland. Osama Saeed, chief executive of the SIF, said: “We showed arguably the most influential Arab around the hills and the lochs and he was really impressed. We also met with the deputy first minister and talked about how Scotland could promote itself and how little the Muslim world knows about Scotland.” Khanfar said he would consider making documentaries about Scotland and even mooted the opening of a Scottish bureau. The SIF also raised the possibility that the links made with the Islamic world could enable Scotland to act as an international peace broker, in a similar way to Norway. Saeed added: “This may even be a good opportunity to ease global tensions and we feel a responsibility to help if we can. “ The SIF claim to have the backing of Scottish Muslims. One supporter, Imam Mustaqeem who leads the Masjid al-Ferqan mosque in Glasgow and sits on the Scottish Interfaith Council, said: “I strongly support these Islamic ideas and proposals. It’s great to see efforts to bring the youth to Islam and I cannot see anything wrong, from the perspective of the Islamic scholars, with bringing something new to the fold.” The Scottish government is so firmly behind the SIF’s work, particularly the expo idea, that it has donated £200,000 towards it. A spokeswoman said: “We believe that it is right to celebrate the diversity that exists in Scotland through events like this. In supporting it we will also be able to build links between communities and dispel the myths which undermine community cohesion.”

Knowledge is understanding that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

I September 2008

I 11

MI5 report challenges views on terrorism in Britain

Passion Islam

MI5 has concluded that there is no easy way to identify those who become involved in terrorism in Britain, according to a classified internal research document on radicalisation seen by the Guardian. The sophisticated analysis, based on hundreds of case studies by the security service, says there is no single pathway to violent extremism. It concludes that it is not possible to draw up a typical profile of the “British terrorist” as most are “demographically unremarkable” and simply reflect the communities in which they live. The “restricted” MI5 report takes apart many of the common stereotypes about those involved in British terrorism. They are mostly British nationals, not illegal immigrants and, far from being Islamist fundamentalists, most are religious novices. Nor, the analysis says, are they “mad and bad”. Those over 30 are just as likely to have a wife and children as to be loners with no ties, the research shows. The security service also plays down the importance of radical extremist clerics, saying their influence in radicalising British terrorists has moved into the background in recent years. The research, carried out by MI5’s behavioural science unit, is based on indepth case studies on “several hundred individuals known to be involved in, or closely associated with, violent extremist activity” ranging from fundraising to planning suicide bombings in Britain. The main findings include: • The majority are British nationals and the remainder, with a few exceptions, are here legally. Around half were born in the UK, with others migrating here later in life. Some of these fled traumatic experiences and oppressive regimes and claimed UK asylum, but more came to Britain to study or for family or economic reasons and became radicalised many years after arriving. • Far from being religious zealots, a


large number of those involved in terrorism do not practise their faith regularly. Many lack religious literacy and could actually be regarded as religious novices. Very few have been brought up in strongly religious households, and there is a higher than average proportion of converts. Some are involved in drug-taking, drinking alcohol and visiting prostitutes. MI5 says there is evidence that a well-established religious identity actually protects against violent radicalisation. • The “mad and bad” theory to explain why people turn to terrorism does not stand up, with no more evidence of mental illness or pathological personality traits found among British terrorists than is found in the general population. • British-based terrorists are as ethnically diverse as the UK Muslim population, with individuals from Pakistani, Middle Eastern and Caucasian backgrounds. MI5 says assumptions cannot be made about suspects based on skin colour, ethnic heritage or nationality. • Most UK terrorists are male, but women also play an important role. Sometimes they are aware of their husbands’, brothers’ or sons’ activities, but do not object or try to stop them. • While the majority are in their early to mid-20s when they become radicalised, a small but not insignificant minority first become involved in violent extremism at over the age of 30. • Far from being lone individuals with no ties, the majority of those over 30 have steady relationships, and most have children. MI5 says this challenges the idea that terrorists are young men driven by sexual frustration and lured to “martyrdom” by the promise of beautiful virgins waiting for them in paradise. It is wrong to assume that someone with a wife and children is less likely to commit acts of terrorism. • Those involved in British terrorism are not unintelligent or gullible, and nor are they more likely to be well-educated;

their educational achievement ranges from total lack of qualifications to degreelevel education. However, they are almost all employed in low-grade jobs. The researchers conclude that the results of their work “challenge many of the stereotypes that are held about who becomes a terrorist and why”. Crucially, the research has revealed that those who become terrorists “are a diverse collection of individuals, fitting no single demographic profile, nor do they all follow a typical pathway to violent extremism”. The security service believes the terrorist groups operating in Britain today are different in many important respects both from Islamist extremist activity in other parts of the world and from historical terrorist movements such as the IRA or the Red Army Faction. The “UK restricted” MI5 “operational briefing note”, circulated within the security services in June, warns that, unless they understand the varied backgrounds of those drawn to terrorism in Britain, the security services will fail to counter their activities in the short term and fail to prevent violent radicalisation continuing in the long term. It also concludes that the research results have important lessons for the government’s programme to tackle the spread of violent extremism, underlining the need for “attractive alternatives” to terrorist involvement but also warning that traditional law enforcement tactics could backfire if handled badly or used against people who are not seen as legitimate targets. The MI5 authors stress that the most pressing current threat is from Islamist extremist groups who justify the use of violence “in defence of Islam”, but that there are also violent extremists involved in non-Islamist movements. They say that they are concerned with those who use violence or actively support the use of violence and not those who simply hold politically extreme views.

Agency warning about drinking Zam Zam water As Muslims observe Ramadan, the Agency is reminding consumers to avoid drinking Zam Zam water of uncertain origin, as it may contain high levels of arsenic. Zam Zam water is sacred to Muslims. Genuine Zam Zam water comes from a specific source in Saudi Arabia and, under Saudi law, cannot legally be exported from that country for commercial sale. Any water on commercial sale that is labelled as Zam Zam in the UK is therefore of uncertain origin.

The possible risksTests carried out on water labelled as Zam Zam water on sale in the UK over the past few years has indicated the presence of arsenic at almost three times the legal limit, which could contribute to increasing people’s risk of cancer. Although, in practice, the occasional drinking of small amounts of water would be a very low risk to health, based on the levels found previously, the Agency is again advising consumers not to drink

any water on sale labelled as Zam Zam water. If consumers find any water on sale that is labelled as Zam Zam, they should contact the local authority enforcement office at their local council so they can take appropriate action.

Passion Islam

I September 2008

Some twenty Christian and Muslim women will meet together in Gothenburg, Sweden, at the beginning of next month, as part of an ongoing practical dialogue and conflict transformation process called ‘Moving towards peace through religion’. Hosted by the Diocese of Gothenburg of the Church of Sweden from 4-7 September 2008, the meeting follows one held last year in Teheran. The initiative is co-organised by the Iranian Institute for Interreligious Dialogue (IID) and the World Council of Churches (WCC). “Christian and Muslim women are peacemakers in many ways, be it at the global level, in society and in the community,” says Rima Barsoum, World Council of Churches’ programme executive for inter-religious dialogue and cooperation. She adds: “This encounter aims to take the existing dialogue between Christian and Muslim women one step further.” Bringing contributions from diverse backgrounds including the arts, media, education and theology, participants will wrestle, in critical solidarity with tradition, with issues pertinent to a just society of women and men. In order to ensure


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Muslim and Christian women work for ‘peace through religion

a constructive role of religion in our societies, the role of women is put up for discussion. The meeting contributes to the Decade to Overcome Violence 2001-2010, a WCC

initiative that promotes peace and nonviolent ways of living together. More information on WCC work on strengthening inter-religious trust and respect:

American Muslim doctors open free community clinic Most of the crowd at last month grand opening of the Crescent Community Clinic appeared to be family members of some 40 primarily Islamic physicians who are donating their professional services to the needy and uninsured in Hernando County in Brooksville. Patients have been trickling in since early June, when the clinic began opening its doors every Saturday. Martina Smith of Nobleton arrived with daughter, Leah, 11, and son, Steven, 8, to learn about the care available. Smith said she has a good job as a network engineer in Kissimmee. Her husband has a job as a concrete worker in the slow construction trades. Neither of the jobs provide health insurance. “We’re not in medical need now,” said Smith, “but you never know when an infection will come. It’s $100 to walk into a walk-in clinic.” She and her children were pleased with what they saw: welcoming professionals, fresh and spotless examination rooms and medical instruments, easy access with plenty of parking in the strip mall at Broad Street and Ponce de Leon Boulevard. The tightknit community of Muslim doctors has long considered opening such a facility to give back to the community that has fostered them. “Charity is one of the five pillars of Islam. It’s an unwritten rule,

we should help others,” said the clinic’s Executive Director Alex Galvan, himself a convert to Islam. A patient’s only qualifications for free medical care are a lack of health insurance and living at the poverty level. “We rely so far on their word,” said Galvan, but the clinic intends to begin financial screening. “We’re not here to be police officers. If they need our help, we’re here for them. We’re diligently doing our best to meet their need.” The clinic is outfitted and staffed by volunteer physicians as a primary care doctor’s office. Specialists also are on hand. Dr. Husan Abuzarad, affiliated with Oak Hill Hospital, is the clinic’s medical chief of staff. The physicians themselves paid for the clinic’s remodeling and equipment and will finance its maintenance. Of his role, pre-med student Galvan, 25, a Brooksville native, said with an engaging smile, “Mostly, I’ll be saying (throughout the community), ‘Give me money.’ Not all the caregivers are Muslim, he pointed out. “We have several doctors from the Florida Cancer Institute,” he said. Not all the requests have been answered positively. “A lot of doctors are afraid of malpractice (suits),” Galvan said. But some generous surprises have been added to the mix. “We’ve had imaging

companies and blood work labs lower their prices for us. Spring Hill MRI, especially, has been a total blessing,” he said. In the clinic’s six weeks of seeing patients — 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each Saturday with appointments and walkins — Galvan said, “You name it; we’ve seen it.” He mentioned sutures sewed, growths removed, biopsies performed and cancers diagnosed. The clinic hopes to expand its days of operation in the near future. “The demand is already there,” Galvan said. Jean Rags, Hernando County director of health and human services, winding up a tour of the facility Saturday, said: “This is great. It will be one of the stopgap measures over the weekend. Hopefully, it will relieve emergency rooms. By being here to have clients get immediate care, we get in on the front end.” Also there Saturday to check out the clinic were Allan and Virginia Male, owners of the Oaks Motel, a short distance east on Broad Street. “We have people who could use it, poor people,” Virginia Male said. Will they refer guests in need of care? “Oh, yes,” she declared. The clinic’s presence has been purposefully low key, highlighting the doctors’ work in the community. “We’re going to let our actions speak louder than words,” Galvan said.

Over three million Umrah visas issued, says Haj Minister

Passion Islam

I September 2008


More than three million Umrah visas have so far been issued during the current year, according to Haj Minister Dr. Fuad Al Farsi. “Of the three million foreign pilgrims who arrived in the holy city of Makkah for performing Umrah during the current Umrah season, 2.8 million have returned to their countries after completing their religious rituals. The remaining 200,000 are either in Makkah or Madinah,” he said adding the number of those who stay illegally has declined to less than 0.5 percent this year.” Dr. Al Farsi, who was speaking to reporters following a tour of the Tawafa organizations in Makkah on Saturday, attributed the huge crowds in the two holy cities to an influx of domestic pilgrims and those coming from GCC countries.

The minister added that the advanced technology in telecommunications would ensure speedy processing of formalities related to Haj, which is in December. “The ministry has taken all necessary steps to employ advanced technology for smooth conduct of pilgrimage. The ministry is linked through a network to the Tawafa organizations and with the help of networking the time required for grouping and other formalities would be cut considerably,” the Haj minister said. Dr. Al Farsi commended the efforts of Interior Minister Prince Naif, who is also the chairman of the Supreme Haj Committee, and Makkah Governor Prince Khaled Al Faisal, who is the chairman of the Central Haj Committee, in overcoming the difficulties faced by Haj officials in

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the preparation for Haj. In his statement, the minister rejected the notion that the demolition of several buildings close to the Haram Mosque has created a shortage of residential facilities. “The number of licenses issued for housing pilgrims shows that the demolition of buildings and hotels for the expansion project has not negatively affected the number of accommodation available to pilgrims,” he said adding that licenses for pilgrim accommodation in Madinah would be issued by the end of September. The minister also visited nongovernmental establishments for pilgrims from Turkey, Europe, America, Australia and Iran. Dr. Al Farsi was briefed on the arrangements made by these establishments to serve pilgrims.

Sheikh Al Sudais to continue leading prayers at Haram Mosque Saudi Arabia’s Shoura Council Chairman Sheikh Saleh bin Homaid, who is also an imam of the Haram Mosque, said that Abdul Rahman Al Sudais was still continuing in his position as one of the imams of the Haram Mosque. He was denying website postings that said Sheikh Al Sudais had been dismissed from his position. “Sudais, who

is on his annual vacation, will return to Makkah and lead prayers on the first day of Ramadan,” Sheikh Bin Homaid told Arab News. Following the imam’s absence for around two months from prayers at the Haram Mosque, several websites recently said AlSudais had been dismissed by Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz Alu Al Sheikh.

There is nothing called Islamic terrorism, says India’s foreign minister Stating that no religion supports terrorism, India’s Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee asserted that he did not believe that there was anything called Islamic terrorism. “Terrorism believes in nothing but hatred and destruction,” Mukherjee said while delivering a lecture on Swami Vivekananda’s contribution to India’s freedom struggle at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture here. He said the acts of the terrorists were not just against any person

or society, but against the basic tenets of humanism. Mukherjee said that the concept of nationalism was propagated first in India by Swami Vivekananda. “You cannot ignore religion but the question is how one uses it, whether to bring people together or divide them,” he said adding that Gandhiji’s daily prayer meetings had a role in bringing together the people of the country for the freedom struggle against the British rule.




Passion Islam

Million Dollar Masjid open its doors in Atlanta

Al-Farooq Masjid, Atlanta’s largest mosque, opened its doors on 14th Street Northwest last month, proudly showing off to invited guests the $10 million edifice with it 65-foot-high dome over the main prayer hall. “It’s with a sense of humbleness and gratitude toward God Almighty that he has allowed us to see the completion of this mosque,” said Khalid Siddiq, a Cobb County resident and longtime leader in Atlanta’s Muslim community. “The community has been trying to build this mosque for the last 10 years.” Members excitedly took guests from other faiths on tours of Al-Farooq Masjid, pointing out the carved travertine stone

details and the intricate, geometric, handpainted designs on the dome and walls. The guests were suitably impressed. The Rev. Jimmy Allen of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship went on an interfaith trip to the Mideast with Siddiq several years ago, and he said Sunday that he was glad to celebrate the opening of the mosque with his friend. “I told him I was glad that it’s already paid for, and that I would like to have his list of donors,” Allen quipped. Siddiq said the money came from the Atlanta community and friends. None came from foreign governments. John Hardy Jones of Atlanta said, “I think all of us that are not Muslim need

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to know more about the faith. I think this is very beneficial.” The Muslim community has grown quickly in metro Atlanta in the past 25 years. mBilal Mahmud is a Christian who converted to Islam in 1973. Three years later, he came to Atlanta from Washington to help establish a mosque with five or six local men. There were few Muslims in the area at the time, he said. In about 1978, the men began making plans for the mosque. “But the plans were nothing like this,” Mahmud said, looking around Sunday at the impressive structure. Siddiq said, “There were times we thought we would never be finished in our lifetime.” The community started services in 1980, meeting in an older building on the 14th Street property when that part of town was run-down. The original building’s old prayer hall was razed to make way for the new mosque. Several members said they were glad to be part of the revitalization of the area it is bounded by Atlantic Station on the north and Georgia Tech on the south and they thought the typical Islamic architecture brought a bit of sparkle to the neighborhood. The influx of immigrants to metro Atlanta included many Muslims, which helped local congregations including that of Al-Farooq Masjid grow. There are now about three dozen mosques scattered from Gwinnett County to Clayton County.

195 Palestinians die in Israeli jails since 1967

Gaza – Shaaban 16 1429/ August 17, 2008 – The number of Palestinians, who died in Israeli jails since 1967 reached 195, according to a report released by the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners Affairs. In the past years, Israeli Prisons Department formed a special force armed with batons, tear gases and other tools of torture including dogs to exercise various types of torture to oppress Palestinian prisoners, reported Jordan’s news agency Petra quoting the report as saying. According to the report, the use of excessive and lethal force by the Israeli department against Palestinian prisoners has been a systematic policy since 1967. It has been further escalated and became more dangerous since August 16, 1988, it said.

Quran graduation ceremony held

The Governor of Saudi Arabia’s southern Asir region Prince Faisal bin Khaled patronized last month in honoring ceremony of the 32nd batch of students memorizing the Holy Quran and students of intensive course of revising memorization of Quran. The function was organized by the Charitable Society of the Holy Quran Memorization in Asir Region. In his speech, the Society’s President Sheikh Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al Hedeithi commended the efforts made by the Saudi government under the leadership of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz and Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz in the service of the Holy Quran in the Kingdom and abroad. During the ceremony, Prince Faisal bin Khaled handed over certificates and cash prizes to the students.

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Cologne approves new mosque

Cologne’s city council has voted to allow construction of what will be one of Germany’s largest mosques, a plan that has drawn protests from residents and Cologne’s Roman Catholic archbishop. The “yes” vote by most of the city’s political parties clears

the way for the Ditib TurkishIslamic umbrella group to build a new house of worship _ complete with two 55-metertall (177-feet-tall) minarets _ in the city’s Ehrenfeld district. Ditib leader Sardi Arslan said construction of the mosque would begin immediately, and

he expressed hope that it would facilitate communication between Muslims and nonMuslims. We are building for all citizens of Cologne, not just for the Muslims,” Arslan said in a statement. For the past 20 years, Ditib has used a converted warehouse as a house of worship, which now will be torn down to make way for the new building, which it hopes to finish by 2010. Cologne’s conservative mayor, Fritz Schramma, had championed the project, arguing that it was necessary for the city’s approximately 120,000 Muslims to have a proper house of worship. It will take some time, but someday the mosque will be integrated into Cologne’s cultural heritage,” Schramma said in a statement.

However, the project prompted a rash of disputes among Cologne city leaders and inhabitants, many of whom were bitterly opposed to the mosque, which has been designed by local German architect Paul Boehm. Cologne has such a prominent Catholic heritage that it has been dubbed the “Rome of the north” _ and the project stirred deep passions, with archbishop Joachim Meisner expressing concerns. Following the protests, Ditib announced in January that the Islamic center surrounding the complex would be smaller than originally planned. - AP

Dubai launch crackdown on corruption

The government of Dubai reiterated its commitment to zero tolerance of corruption in the public and private sectors. The move comes in the context of burgeoning investigations into corporate activities involving alleged bribery and corruption. “The Dubai Government follows a transparent and clear policy on such issues,” a statement issued by the Media Office for Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, said. “There are strict directives to have zero tolerance towards all aspects of corruption, bribing and taking advantage of official positions,” the statement issued on behalf of Dubai’s Public Prosecutor, said. The government statement comes after a series of corruption investigations was launched by the Dubai Public Prosecution in recent months into alleged cases of bribery, front running and insider deals in real estate transactions and corporate kickbacks. Corporate CEOs, economists and

analysts have welcomed the government’s efforts to weed out corruption. “The clear policy and actions of the Dubai Government to fight corruption will enhance people’s confidence in Dubai as a global investment destination,” Ahmad Humaid Al Tayer, Chairman of Emirates NBD, the largest Gulf bank in terms of assets, told Gulf News in a interview. “In the domestic markets too, it will enhance the confidence level of small investors.” Several senior corporate executives are currently under investigation. “The results of the ongoing investigations will be made public once they are complete,” the Public Prosecutor said. Commenting on the recent questioning of employees of listed and public establishments on suspicion of exploiting their positions to make illegal profits, the Public Prosecutor said the government will continue to take a strict stance against all aspects of corruption, and will take legal action against violators. “We welcome the government move and it will send a clear message to all

stakeholders in the economy and the markets,” Eisa Kazim, Director General of Dubai Financial Market, said. Nasser Bin Hassan Previously Dubai has charged 14 government officials for graft and embezzlement. Among those arrested then was Lieutenat Colonel Eissa Saif Eissa Al Ali, then the head of the passports section at Dubai International Airport. The latest crackdown began with a government audit of some real estate and financial transactions by Dubai Islamic Bank and its subsidiaries last November. Following the investigations, Zack Shahin, a former chief executive officer of Deyaar, a real estate company belonging to DIB group, and three others were arrested earlier this year for allegedly embezzling funds. Their case is still before the courts. In another case relating to the financial deals of DIB in Turkey and Pakistan, a former employee of DIB and later JPMorgan’s senior country officer for the UAE, Omair Mooraj, was detained by Dubai police.



Passion Islam

The Life & works of Imam Bukhari (RA)

Who is not aware of Hadhrat Imam Bukhari (R.A) and his kitaab ‘Saheehul- Bukhari’? However in this present day, the majority of Muslims use his kitaab to refer to whenever in need of a supporting reference for their actions or deeds without the knowledge of the life of the great author. Kitaabe-Bukhari has been given the status of being the most authenticated book after the Holy Qur’an. But why? Although all aspects of Imam Bukhari’s life and great works cannot be covered in any book; this concise booklet aims to cover in general the life of Imam Bukhari (R.A) and as to how he compiled his kitaab so one may discover as to why it has been said that The dua that is made after completing Bukhari is accepted. May the Almighty Allah shower His blessings upon such a great personality

who has been the source of guidance for many through compiling such a kitaab. And may He also accept our humble effort. Ameen. Background The famous and respected Muhaddith, Imam Bukhari’s (R.A) genealogy is as follows: Mohammed Ibn Ismail Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mugheera Ibn Bardizbah. His father Ismail was a well-known and famous Muhaddith in his time and had been blessed with the chance of being in the company of Imam Malik, Hammad Ibn Zaid and also Abdullah Ibn Mubarak (R.A.). Imam Bukhari (R.A) was born on the blessed day of Friday 13 Shawwaal 194 (A.H). He had lost the use of his eyes in the early stages of his childhood. However, due to the pious and lengthy prayers of his mother his eyesight was returned miraculously. The news had reached his

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mother through a dream in which Hadhrat Ibrahim (A.S) had appeared and said, “Due to your bountiful and sacred prayers Allah Ta’alaa has returned the eyesight of your son.” The dream was proven to be true in the morning. Ismail the father of Imam Bukhari (R.A) had died in Imam Bukhari’s childhood, leaving him in the care of his mother where he was nourished with love and care. At the age of sixteen after having memorized the compiled books of Imam Waki and Abdullah Ibn Mubarak, he performed Haj with his elder brother and mother. After the completion of Haj Imam Bukhari remained in Makkah for a further two years and upon reaching the age of eighteen headed for Medinah, and spent his nights next to the grave of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam compiling the books of ‘Qadhaayas-Sahaabah WatTaabi’een’ and ‘Taareekhul-Kabeer’ with the moonlight as a means of lighting. Imam Bukhari (R.A) traveled a great deal in order to expand his knowledge. He made two trips to Syria and Egypt and stayed six years in Arabia. He also happened to return to Kufa, Baghdad and Basra four times and at times remained there for a period of five years. Also at Haj season he used to return to Makkah. Teachers Imam Bukhari ( R.A) first started listening and learning ahaadeeth in 205 A.H., and after profiting from the Ulamaa of his town he started his travels in 210 A.H. There are a great number of teachers from whom Imam Bukhari (R.A) actually gained his much respected knowledge. It has been known to be said by Imam Bukhari (R.. A) himself that, “I have written ahaadeeth from 1080 different people all of whom were scholars.” However, he profited most from Ishaq Ibn Rahway and Ali Ibn Madeeni (R.A). Imam Bukhari (R.A) has narrated ahaadeeth from Ulamaa of five different categories. He has also narrated ahaadeeth from his students believing in the fact that no person shall be titled a scholar of ahaadeeth until he has narrated from his elders, youngsters and contemporaries. Students Imam Bukhari (R.A) also had a vast amount of students. It has been stated that approximately 9 000 people were privileged to sit in his lessons where he taught his Kitab ‘Sahih-Ul-Bukhari’. There were travelers amongst these from all corners of the world in order to join these pious sittings and to be honoured with a glimpse of the knowledge that he held and which never failed to astonish anybody. Memory Imam Bukhari’s (R.A) memory was considered to be inhuman, for as soon as the praying of a hadith would finish Imam Bukhari (R.A) would repeat it orally. It has been known that in his childhood he had memorized 2 000 ahaadeeth.

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There is one spectacular incident which took place in Baghdad when Imam Bukhari (R.A) took up temporary residence there. The people having heard of his many accomplishments, and the attributes which were issued to him, decided to test him so as to make him prove himself to them. In order to do that they chose one hundred different ahaadeeth and changing the testimonials and the text of the ahaadeeth they were then recited by ten people to Imam Bukhari (R.A). There was a crowd of gathered people from within and outside the city to witness the outcome of such a test. When the ahaadeeth were recited Imam Bukhari (R.A) replied to all in one manner, “Not to my knowledge.” However, after the completion of all the ahaadeeth Imam Bukhari (R.A) repeated each text and testimonial which had been changed followed by the correct text and testimonial, such was the memory of Imam Bukhari (R.A). Abstinence His abstinence was also an attribute which was incomparable and undauntless. He had been left a considerable amount of wealth by his father however, due to his generosity he spent it all in the path of Allah so that at the end he had been left with no money forcing him to spend his day on one or two almonds. He never took advantage from the generosity of any king or ruler, although many occasions arose. Once he fell ill and when his urine was tested, the results showed that he had not consumed curry for a long time. Upon questioning he said, “I have not consumed curry for the last forty years. Special Attributes Imam Bukhari (RA) had one very special attribute which was to put everyone’s happiness before his own. One incident which proves this is when Imam Bukahri’s (RA) slave-girl was entering the room in which Imam Bukhari was seated however, approaching the door she stumbled; causing Imam Bukhari to warn, “Be careful as to where you are walking.’’ The slavegirl replied haughtily “How shall I walk when there is no place?’’ Upon hearing this Imam Bukhari threw up his hands and cheered,” I have now given you the freedom to walk where you wish as of now you are freed.” Someone later questioned Imam Bukhari if he had reacted out of anger, however, he replied “No, I have just pleased myself with my conduct.’’ Imam Bukhari always took notice of all things little which could help him earn the happiness of Allah Ta’ala. There is one such incident where there was a gathering. A man from within the crowd found a feather within his beard which he threw on the floor. Imam Bukhari followed the mans action and looking around to make sure no-one was looking and then bent in order to pick it up and placed it in his pocket. After leaving the mosque he


threw it away aware of the fact that he had just done something in order to help keep the mosque clean. Imam Bukhari (R.A) states himself that, “From the time of learning the prohibitions of backbiting till now, I have refrained from such an act.” There is also one incident when Imam Bukhari (R.A) was involved in Zohar prayers. After completing his salaah he started to pray his Nafl. On finishing this he turned towards his companions and lifting the bottom of his shirt said, “Is there anything inside this?” Suddenly a wasp fell out leaving 17 places which were swelling due to the violent stings of the wasp. One companion asked why the salaah was not discontinued. He replied, “I felt a certain pleasure from my salaah which I was reluctant to let go of.” Steadfastness The Governor of Bukhara made a special request for Imam Bukhari (R.A) to make daily visits to his home in order to teach his children. Imam Bukhari (R.A) declined stating that, “I give greater respect to knowledge rather than to people, for it is they who are in need of the knowledge and it is they who should seek it.” Upon hearing this the Governor was further annoyed by Imam Bukhari’s (R.A) answer and made a second request that Imam Bukhari (R.A) make a special arrangement to teach his children alone without anyone else being present which was also refused by Imam Bukhari (R.A). The Governor was infuriated by the second refusal and ordered Imam Bukhari (R.A) out of Bukhara. The people of Samarqand hearing of this quickly issued an invitation to Imam Bukhari (R.A) to come to their town. However, there was also a difference of opinion within the people of Samarqand which forced Imam Bukhari (R.A) to turn towards Khartang. Death It was here that he spent the month of Ramadaan and in the month of Shawwaal headed towards Samarqand, where death found him whilst he was traveling. Imam Bukhari died in the month of Shawwaal 256 A.H., at the age of 62. (To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.) Writings There are a number of books compiled by Imam Bukhari (R.A) however, Bukhari Shareef has gained great esteem and a high status in the learning and praying of ahaadeeth. A specific date has not been known as to when he had started the writing of Bukhari Shareef, however, we do know that after he had finished he had shown the manuscript to his teachers Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (R.A) for approval who died in 241 A.H, along with Ibnul-Madeeni who died in 234 A.H, and lastly Ibn Maeen who passed away in 233 A.H. It has also been recorded that it took the noble writer a period of 16 years to gather the ahaadeeth and to write Bukhari Shareef which sets the date back

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to 217 A.H, as the year in which he started the compilation; Imam Bukhari (R.A) being merely 23 years of age. Before Imam Bukhari (R.A) had started to collect ahaadeeth there had actually been quite a few published books of ahaadeeth in which Imam Bukhari (R.A) found ahaadeeth of both weak and strong testimonials, which gave him the idea to compile such a kitaab containing ahaadeeth of only strong testimonials. Ishaaq Ibn Rahway (R.A) agreed to this idea which strengthened Imam Bukhari’s (R.A) decision. Imam Bukhari (R.A) states, “There was once a time during one of our sessions when my teacher Ishaaq Ibn Rahway remarked it would be appreciated if someone could collect ahaadeeth which held strong and reliable testimonials and write them in the form of a kitaab.” This inspired Imam Bukhari (R.A) which was later strengthened by a dream in which Imam Bukhari (R.A) was positioned in front of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam with a fan in one hand to aid him in ridding the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam of all flies which would rest upon him. Upon waking, Imam Bukhari (R.A) visited several interpreters for an appropriate interpretation. They all answered that it meant he would in future cleanse the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam of all lies spoken by the people through narrating misunderstood ahaadeeth. This gave Imam Bukhari (R.A) great comfort and strength once he started the writing of his kitab Al-Jame-ul-Sahih. The complete name of the kitaab is ‘Al-Jame-ul-Sahihal-Musnad-min-ahaadeethe-Rasulillah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam-wa-sunanihiwa-Ayyaamihi,’ which means a collected version of ahaadeeth in the form of a kitaab which relates to us the sayings, actions and the life of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Imam Bukhari (R.A) had taken great care in writing the ahaadeeth and choosing those which met the standards and conditions which he set to find ahaadeeth with only strong testimonials which included only reliable and trustworthy testifiers. He spent 16 years in writing the kitaab, altering it a total of three times. Allaamah Ayni (R.A.) reports of Ibn Tahir’s remark that Imam Bukhari had written Sahih-ul-Bukhari in his hometown Bukhara. Ibn Bujair however, relates that he had started his compiling in Makkah, and some have reported of seeing him in Basra. There is still another differing remark made by others who comment on seeing him in Madinah to write his kitaab. However, we find Imam Bukhari (R.A) relating himself that he wrote Sahih-ulBukhari in Masjid-e-Haraam. Before he actually placed a hadith in his compilation he used to perform ghusl and prayed to Allah through two rakah nafl prayers asking for guidance. Imam Bukhari ( R.A) worked such that only



after being completely satisfied with the hadith in question did he give it a place in his kitaab. Due to this great care which was taken, the people were heard to say that the ahaadeeth which Imam Bukhari (R.A) has narrated have been so carefully phrased and with such precision that it is felt Imam Bukhari (R.A) had heard the ahaadeeth directly through the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Abu Zaid Marwazi reports that I was once asleep in between the ‘Black stone’ and ‘Maqaam-e-Ibrahim’ when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam appeared in my dream he stated, “O Abu Zaid! For how long shall you teach Imam Shafi’s (R.A) kitaab ? When shall you start the teaching of my kitaab ?” I questioned, “O Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam! Which kitaab is yours?” He replied, “Mohammed Ibn Ismail’s AlJame-ul-Sahih.” Hafiz Ibn Hajar (R.A) reports that Imam Bukhari (R.A) has kept it of utmost importance to only narrate ahaadeeth of a strong testimonial which can be proven by the name of the kitaab. However, along with this Imam Bukhari (R.A) also made an effort to explain all points which are difficult to understand, which is the reason why he has given a plentiful host of meanings for

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one sentence which may include a word that is in reality difficult to understand. Imam Bukhari (R.A) has included within his kitaab the art of narrating ahaadeeth which have been divided into eight different chapters. These chapters contain subjects which have been sub-titled and are famous for the ingenious way in which they have been phrased. Conditions Imam Bukhari (R.A) has imposed conditions which all narrators and testifiers must meet before the hadith can be selected. One condition requires that all testifiers must have a strong memory. There are also restrictions made upon this condition : 1. All the Muhadditheen who possess great knowledge of ahaadeeth must agree upon the testifiers’ in question ability to learn and memorize, along with his reporting techniques. 2. The testimonial must be complete without any missing testifiers. 3. If there are two different narrators of a hadith related to them by a Sahaabi then the hadith shall be given a high stage in rank. However, if only one narrator can be found and the testimonial proves to be a strong one then this shall be accepted without any doubts.

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Allaamah Nawawi (R.A) relates that all scholars in Islam have agreed that Sahih-ul-Bukhari has earnestly gained the reward of being the most authentic after the Holy Qur’an. Sahih-ul-Bukhari consists of 7 275 ahaadeeth including those ahaadeeth which have been repeated. However, should the repeated ahaadeeth be excluded then the total number of ahaadeeth will be 4,000. Hafiz Ibn Hajar counted the ahaadeeth and concluded that there was 7 397 where the ahaadeeth have been passed down from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam directly and with the narrations of Sahabah or Tabi’een etc.; procuring a total of 9 407 ahaadeeth in all. Although after excluding the repetitions he found 2 353 narrations of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and 160 sayings of the respected Sahabah totaling to 2 513 narrations in all. A Distinctive Honour Bukhari Shareef has been set apart from other compilations, gaining a distinctive honour due to the following reasons : 1. Whilst Imam Bukhari (R.A) was engaged in the writing of Bukhari Shareef, if the need arose to stop work for a period of time, then he would continue his work only after writing ‘Bismillah’ which is the reason why ‘ Bismillah’ has been found to be written in between in many places. 2. At the end of all chapters Imam Bukhari (R.A) has concluded by use of a word within the sentence so as to give one a point to ponder upon and hopefully so that one becomes more aware of the primary objective of life. e.g. after the first chapter he has included a word which brings one to think of their short life in this world and of their death. His intention is that one reads Kitaabe-Bukhari with death in mind. 3. Imam Bukhari (R.A) has paid great attention towards the beginning and ending his kitaab with an appropriate hadith. For the first hadith narrated within the kitaab is based upon intention which gives one the opportunity to be sincere with himself as to what he intends to gain from studying the words of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam which have been narrated throughout the kitaab. Also the last chapter which Imam Bukhari (R.A) has chosen to end his kitaab with is ‘Kitaab-ul-Tauheed’ which gives one a whole host of words which may be said in order to praise the oneness of Allah; for it is this which is believed to be the sole aid for all humans when they shall find themselves in the unbearable position of being reckoned for their sins on the Day of Judgment. Hadhrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (R.A) has summed up the above in these words,” Imam Bukhari (R.A) has commenced his kitaab with the hadeeth ‘ Innamal Aamaal....’ and concluded it with ‘Kalimataan. Darul-Uloom - Bury

Fasting of the Spider

Passion Islam

I September 2008

There are many types of spiders in the world. Spiders have eight legs, mandibles converted into poison fangs, two feelers, and a large unsegmented abdomen bearing several spinnerets that produce the silk used to make nests, cocoons, or webs for trapping insects. Spiders have six or eight eyes on the back of the cephalothorax, the upper part of their


body. There is a Surah in the Noble Qur’an called “Al-Ankabout”, meaning “The Spider”. There Allah says: “The likeness of those who choose other patrons than Allah is as the likeness of the spider when she taketh unto herself a house, and lo! The frailest of all houses is the spider’s house, if they but knew.” [Al-Ankabout 41] Spiders played a great role in hiding the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companion Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) when they were in the Cave of Thawr on the way to Al-Madinah during the course of the Hijrah (the Prophet(saw)’s emmigration from Makkah to Madinah). Spiders spun a great web across the entrance of the cave, and this misled the polytheists who were seeking Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companion. They thought that the spiders had spun their web years before Prophet Muhammad

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(peace and blessings be upon him) was born. Spiders fast during the period of laying eggs and incubating them. At that time they do not have any sort of food. Female spiders spin nests and coccoons and lay their eggs. Then they remain there all the time to protect the eggs till the young emerge. The length of incubating varies from one species of spider to another. But in all cases, this term is spent without any food, which makes the spiders very weak. From specific glands the spiders release some liquids that are necessary for feeding the young, who are not able to seek their food by themselves until they grow up. So they take these juices until they are able to hunt their food from the surrounding environment. At that time mother spiders break their fast and return back to their normal life. This is another demonstration of Allah’s Power manifest in His creatures. Chance has nothing to do with such demonstrations of Allah’s Might. Rather it is the ultimate truth of creation.

Taraweeh: 20 Rakah without Payment



Allah Taa’la has blessed the Muslims with a very sacred and blessed month in which all rewards are multiplied, the reward for a nafl (optional) act becomes equivalent to a compulsory act (fardh) and the reward for a compulsory act is multiplied 70 times. In this month the gates of heaven are opened, the punishment of hell is ceased and heaven is at its best. Besides all these blessings, the month of Ramadhan has been blessed with the act of Tarahweeh Salaah. Roots of Tarahweeh It is narrated by Muslim on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Prophet said, “Whoever stands in Ramadhan with Imaan and hope of reward, all his past sins will be forgiven.” (Muslim, pg 259) The Prophet has stated here that ‘whoever stands in Ramadhan’, this refers to standing Tarahweeh. The commentators have said this is because the Prophet of Allah has specified ‘standing’ with the month of Ramadhan. So it is apparent that it is NOT referring to Tahajjud but Tarahweeh. Hazrat Aisha Radhiallaho Anha narrates in a Hadith that the Prophet said, “Your act was not hidden from me but I feared that Tarahweeh will become compulsory on you and you will not be able to complete it, then the Prophet passed away.” (Bukhari pg 269, Chapter: The benefit of standing in Ramadhan, Muslim, pg 259, Abu Dawood, pg 202, Chapter: Inspiring to stand in the month of Ramadhan; Tarahweeh. The Prophet did not go to pray Tarahweeh with the people because of the fear that Tarahweeh will become compulsory and he only prayed for three nights in Ramadhan.

Passion Islam

It is written in Muatta Malik on the authority of Abdur Rahman ibn Abdulnil Qari that he said: I came out with Umar ibn Khatab in Ramadhan towards the Masjid, people were scattered everywhere. A man was praying alone and another man was praying alone and a group of people praying in another corner. Then Hazrat Umar said, “I swear by Allah, that I intend to gather these people under one Imam and that is better, thus I gathered them to pray behind Ubay ibn Kaab. (Muatta Malik, pg 40) How many Rak’ats? The precepts of the Holy Prophet has been misunderstood by many regarding how many rak’ats should be prayed. It is mentioned in Musanif ibn Abi Shayba, Tabraani and Baihaqi on the authority of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet used to pray 20 Rak’ats in Ramadhan besides witr. (Vol 2, pg 153) Further evidence that the Prophet’s 20 rak’ats is proven by a narration narrated by Imam Malik (Allah’s blessings upon him). In the time of Hazrat Umar the people used to pray 23 rak’ats (pg 130) and this was by the order of Hazrat Umar , the second Khalifah of the Prophet , regarding whom the Prophet said if there were to be a Prophet after me, it would be Umar . The Prophet also said that he was the Mulham of this Ummah (command revealed upon). There is no space for objection here saying this is not a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed because the Prophet has himself said, “Hold on firmly to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Khulafah Rashideen.” - (Ibn Majah, Abu Dawood) Verily Umar gathered the people to pray behind Ubay ibn Kaab and Tameem Dari in Ramadhan. (Vol 5, 73, 75, 76)

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It is narrated by Ibn Mas’ood Radhiallaho Anhu that the Prophet said: “Whatever the Muslims find good, this is good with Allah.” (Musnad Ahmed, pg 379, Vol 1) It is narrated by the great Imam Abu Yusuf Rahmatullahi Alayhi that he asked Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alayhi about Tarahweeh and what Umar did. He replied that Tarahweeh is an emphasised Sunnah and Hazrat Umar did not say himself nor did he initiate it, nor did he order for it, but for a foundation he had from the time of the Prophet . Umar u carried out this way and gathered the people to pray behind Ubay ibn Kaab thus they prayed Tarahweeh and amongst the Jamaat (congregation) were Uthmaan , Ali , Ibn Mas’ood , Abbas and his son, Talha , Zubair , Muaz and many more companions amongst the Muhajireen and Ansar. None from amongst them objected, but they helped him and agreed to it and also ordered it. (Al-Iktiyaar, pg 75) It is narrated by Ibn Abbas that the Prophet used to pray 20 Rak’ats without congregation and three witr in Ramadhan. (Baihaqi, Vol 2, Pg 698) In this Hadith again, there is further proof that the Prophet prayed 20 Rak’ats. The Hadith narrated by Hazrat Aisha which states that the Prophet did not pray more than 11 Rak’ats in Ramadhan and outside is brought under the chapter ‘standing in Ramadhan’ by Imam Bukhari Rahmatullahi Alayhi. This Hadith does not contradict the reading of 20 Rak’ats Tarahweeh but in reference to Tahajjud. This Hadith has been bought by Imam Muslim Rahmatullahi Alayhi and Imam Bukhari Rahmatullahi Alayhi under the chapter of witr and Tahajjud. In a Hadith it is mentioned that the Prophet used to pray four Rak’ats together and what is

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to be said about its beauty. Tarahweeh is not prayed in four four rak’ats but in two rak’ats. This is why this Hadith is not about Tarahweeh but Tahajjud. The portion of the Hadith narrated by Aisha is: “The Prophet of Allah used to pray four rak’ats, and don’t ask about the grace and length of his Salaah, then again he would pray four rak’ats, and do not ask about the grace and length of his Salaah, then he would read three (witr) rak’ats.” In this Hadith, it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet prayed four rak’ats then again four rak’ats and the Prophet would not pray Tarahweeh four Rak’ats at a time. So this is why the Hadith is referring to Tahajjud and not Tarahweeh. Saying of the Imams regarding Tarahweeh Imam Nawawi says that the four Imams, Imam Malik, Imam Shafee, Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Ahmed ibn Hambal have all agreed that ‘standing in Ramadhan’ refers to Tarahweeh. Allamah Abu Waleed Basi says that this Salaah is specific with Ramadhan otherwise why has it been associated with Ramadhan. Imam Saraksaree says that besides the Shiah, nobody has denied that Tarahweeh is an emphasised Sunnah. No imam has said that there is less than 20 rak’ats, but Imam Malik and the


people of Madinah would pray 36 rak’ats because the people of Makkah would do a Tawaaf after every four rak’ats and to compensate for this Imam Malik and the people of Madinah would pray 36 rak’ats. Hazrat Sheikh Mohammed Zakaria has said that there is the consensus of the Ulama on the fact that Tarahweeh is 20 rak’ats. Allamah Ayni says that the agreement of 20 rak’ats between the three Khalifah’s and companions of the Prophet is proof of it being authentic. Abu Nuaim says that the Prophet said: “After me, there will be new things and the best new thing will be what Hazrat Umar creates.” This was a prophecy by the Prophet regarding Umar’s decision about Tarahweeh. Muhammed ibn Ismail Al-Ansari says that sometimes a Hadith is weak but because of the number of people agreeing to it and common practice, it is no longer weak. For example, the repayment of debt before making a will. If we were to accept that these Hadith are not authentic then because of the consensus of the Ulama and common practice, we cannot go against the Hadith. Questions and Answers regarding Tarahweeh Question : Are you allowed to take money for leading the Tarahweeh prayer? Answer : It is not permissible to take

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money for leading Tarahweeh. In the Qur’an, Allah Taa’la states: “Do not sell the verses of Allah for a small value.” (Surah Baqarah, Verse 41) Regarding this matter, the Prophet of Allah has said: “Whoever prays the Qur’an so he can take money from the people, on the Day of Judgement, he will be resurrected in such a state that his face will not have any flesh and only bones.” (Baihaqi) Hazrat Moulana Rashid Ahmed Gangohi Rahmatullahi Alayhi says: “You cannot take money for the Qur’an prayed in Tarahweeh or listened in Tarahweeh, this act is HARAM and because this act is haram, then he should pray from the last ten Surah’s (himself instead of paying someone else).” ( Fatwa Rasheediya, pg 392) Moulana Mufti Shafi Saheb says: “The fixing if money for Tarahweeh whether it is fixed from before or whether it is out of common practice in both circumstances is prohibited.” (Imdaday Muftiyeen) Hazrat Moulana Masiullah Khan Saheb says that if a hafiz takes money and makes someone listen to the Qur’an, then a person should not listen but pray the last ten Surah’s himself. This listening of the Qur’an is like selling the Qur’an and this is Haram. A similar Fatwa has also been given by Mufti Mahmood (Fatwa Mahmoodia, pg 32, Vol 1 and Vol 2, pg 163)



Passion Islam

I September 2008

The month of the Qur’an

Ramadan has a special relationship with the Qur’an, of course: “The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Qur’an was sent down, a guidance for mankind, clear proofs for the guidance, the Criterion; so whoever amongst you witnesses this month, let him fast it.” (Surah al-Baqarah 2:185) The word ‘so’ (fa) in this ayah leads to the following paraphrase of one aspect of its meaning: “Fast this month because it is the one in which the Qur’an was sent down”. Ibn ‘Abbas narrates “that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam – may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was the most generous person, and he would be at his most generous in Ramadan because Jibril would come to him every night and he would rehearse the Qur’an with him.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Eng. trans. 6/486) This hadith contains recommendation of the following: * Studying the Qur’an in Ramadan; * Coming together for this purpose; *Checking (one’s memory/knowledge of) the Qur’an with someone who has preserved it better; * Increasing recitation of the Qur’an in Ramadan; * That the night time is the best time to recite, when other preoccupations

decrease and it is easier to concentrate, as in Surah al-Muzzammil 73:6. Further, Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated from her father (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), who told her that Jibril would rehearse the Qur’an with him (in Ramadan) once every year, and he did so twice in the year of his death. (Bukhari 6/485) After mentioning the above aspects of the Sunnah, Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali talks about the situation of the Salaf (the early Muslims) during Ramadan: “... Some of the Salaf would complete reciting the whole Qur’an during the night prayer of Ramadan every three days, others every seven days e.g. Qataadah, others in 10 days e.g. Abu Rajaa’ alAtardi. “The Salaf would recite Qur’an in Ramadan in Prayer as well as outside it. “Al-Aswad would finish the Qur’an every two nights in Ramadan; Ibrahim an-Nakh’I would do likewise in the last 10 nights specifically, and every three nights during the rest of the month. “Qataadah would regularly finish the Qur’an in seven days, but in three days during Ramadan, when he would study the Qur’an especially, and every night

during its last 10 days. “Al-Zuhri would say when Ramadan began, ‘It is recitation of the Qur’an and feeding of people.’ When Ramadan began, Imam Malik would cease narrating Hadith and sitting with the people of knowledge, and stick to reciting the Qur’an from its pages, while Sufyan al-Thawri would leave other acts of worship and stick to reciting the Qur’an. ‘Aishah would recite from the pages of the Qur’an at the beginning of the day in Ramadan (i.e. after dawn), until when the sun had risen, she would sleep. “Zayd al-Yaami would bring copies of the Qur’an when Ramadan began and gather his companions around him. ...” Ibn Rajab later continues, “The forbiddance of completing recitation of the Qur’an in less than three days applies to this being made a regular practice, but as for favoured times such as Ramadan, especially the nights in which Laylat alQadr is sought, or favoured places such as Makkah for the visitor, it is recommended to increase reciting the Qur’an to avail the time and place. This is the view of Ahmad, Ishaq and other Imams, and the practice of others indicates this too.” The purpose here is not to discuss whether or not the latter view is correct or

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not, since that is purely academic for most of us, as we do not get anywhere near reciting the whole Qur’an in three days! However, the practice of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), his Companions, and those who followed their path, should be clear enough. As a further example, Al-Bukhari (3/79) quotes from the noble Companion Zaid bin Thabit who answered the question, “How much time was there between the pre-dawn meal and the Dawn Prayer?” by saying, “Enough time to recite fifty ayat”; since the practice of the Arabs was to measure time in terms of everyday actions, this shows that the Sahabah were pre-occupied with the Qur’an, especially in Ramadan. Compare all this with our sad state, when we talk so much about establishing Islam, implementing the Qur’an, etc. and yet have such little contact with it, maybe not completing its recitation ever at all since childhood, or perhaps never! Hence we become imbalanced in our understanding of Islam, because there are ayat which we rarely or never hear or think about; we repeat only certain selected ayat over and over again; we lost the context of the verses, the overall flow, argument and balance of the Qur’an, all of which is beautiful and miraculous. ecause of this ignorance we go astray

from the Straight Path, split up into sects, lose the blessings of Allah... “We took a covenant from those who said: we are Christians, but they forgot part of the message with which they had been reminded, so we ingrained amongst them enmity and hatred until the Day of Judgment...” (Surah al-Ma’idah 5:14) In Sahih Al-Bukhari (6/521), there is an amazing piece of advice from the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace): “Recite the Qur’an as long as your hearts agree on it; if you disagree about it, stop reciting it (for the time being)” – studying the Qur’an should bring people together! In Surah al-Mu’minoon (23:53), there is mention of the people before us (in whose footsteps we would follow), who broke up their Deen into sects (zuburan), each party rejoicing in what it had. “One understanding of this, from the word zuburan meaning literally ‘books’, is that each sect left the Book of Allah, and concentrated solely on the books of its own sect, so “they split their Deen up into books”! The most twisted, ridiculous, shallow ideas, innovations and superstitions are propagated amongst Muslims when they are away from the Qur’an, because any little knowledge of the Qur’an would be enough to dispel them.

Hence, O slave of Allah, leave aside secondary books and concentrate on studying the Blessed Book of Allah in the Blessed Month (use a good translation/ commentary if needed), for it is the source of all Knowledge in other books, and keep away from wasting time, especially in futile discussions and arguments which lead nowhere, for that is a sure sign of being misguided, as the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “Whenever a people went astray after they had been on guidance, they were given to argumentation (jadl).” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah – Sahih al-Jami’ al-Saghir, No. 5633) Finally, remember that the Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) will complain to Allah on the Day of Judgment that his people neglected the Qur’an (Surah al-Furqan 25:30). Neglect of the Qur’an is of different levels, as Ibn al-Qayyim writes: Not reciting or listening to it; Not studying and understanding it; Not conveying its message; Not judging by it in personal and communal matters, at all levels of society; Not believing in it. All Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. By Abu Dharr, based on Ibn Rajab’s Lata’if al-Ma’arif

Allah has ordained many actions and acts of worship upon mankind in the Holy Quraan. Some of these ordained actions are merely physical or verbal practises. For example: Salaah, Zikr (remembrance of Allah) etc from which the practiser or worshiper himself gains benefit, but Allah in his infinite mercy, blessed mankind with a unique and remarkable institution and a major pillar of Islam, Zakaah. Zakaah is not merely a divine tax, a form of charity, or simply an expression of mercy to the poor, but Zakaah is rather a combination of all these and much more. Zakaah is not worship, in which one burdens himself, in deducting a percentage of ones property, but Zakaah is a spiritual investment which will benefit man in this world and the hereafter. Zakaah is not a voluntary contribution or a mere act of charity, in which man gives up part of his property for someone or some cause, rather Zakaah is a duty ordained by Allah upon Muslims. The word Zakaah not only includes charity, kindness, divine tax, voluntary contribution etc, it also with these spiritual

and moral motives. No word can be found in the English language that could fulfil the rights of the Arabic word, Zakaah. Many benefits of giving Zakaah have been mentioned in the various verses of the Holy Quran and our beloved Prophet Muhammad has mentioned numerous benefits in Ahadeeth. Some of these benefits are mentioned in brief below: • Zakaah purifies the property of people. • Zakaah purifies the heart from selfishness and greed for wealth. • Zakaah minimizes the suffering of the poor and needy members of society. • By giving Zakaah, one can gain the pleasure of Allah. • Zakaah increases wealth and protects from loss. • Zakaah acts as a means of forgiveness of Allah. • Zakaah saves one from calamities. • Zakaah acts as a shield form the fire of hell. • Zakaah causes an increase of barakah in wealth. • Zakaah saves one from fear and grief.

If we were to take a glance at the world today, we would find that poverty is on the rise, especially in Muslim countries. One of the major reasons for this increase of poverty is that many Muslims are not giving Zakaah. This is why it is important that we stay punctual in giving Zakaah and voluntary charity. Zakaah is the key to ending world poverty and each one of us will be asked on the Day of Judgement regarding their Zakaah. May Allah give us all the ability to understand the importance of Zakaah and may Allah give us the ability to give Zakaah in the right way.

Pleasures of giving Zakaah



Passion Islam

I September 2008

Muslims in

Belgium In the second half of this century, postwar decolonization and most of all the massive immigration of labourers from the Mediterranean countries once again turned Islam into a Western European reality. In these closing years of the century Islam in South-Eastern Europe is more than ever cornered into a defensive position. In the core countries, however, of the European Union Muslims are counted in the millions (actually, they are estimated at nine or ten million, i.e. roughly the same number as in Eastern Europe), and Islam is engaged in a process of institutionalization in the midst of secularized societies. Christianity, actually, in Western societies is more and more receding to the countryside, whereas Islam is manifesting itself as an urban phenomenon: Muslims as well as their mosques are concentrated in the towns and the symbolic attributes of Islamic faith and culture are becoming more and more conspicuous in this urban environment. As a consequence, more than ever before Europe is becoming a space were Islamic, Christian, Jewish and secular traditions come together “to fight, support and fertilize each other”. When we would accept the thesis of Huntington, this would mean that the “battle line” between the West and Islam is no longer located between the continents or between different parts of the European continent, but is actually running through our very towns and societies in Western Europe itself. Are we heading then, after a phase of international “clashes” (Iran, the Gulf War…), for a kind of “civil war” in Western society itself? And the “Muslims” in our societies: i.e. the Turks, the Moroccans and the others, naturalized or not, are they correctly imagined, as rightwing extremist parties would have it, as “the enemies from within”? And are they, thus, eventually to be driven out again -

just like once the Moriscos in Spain, at the beginning of the 17th century? There is no denying that there are indeed signs that would superficially seem to confirm such a bellicose reading. E.g. the riots and confrontations between Muslim youngsters and the police which on a more or less regular base break out in our towns. Just a few days ago, for example, this was the case in the (small) Flemish town of Lokeren; it made the Catholic Mayor of Lokeren declare a regime of “zero tolerance”. Or, taking a still more conspicuous example: the “iron wall” that was built in Anderlecht (Brussels), dividing (i.e. protecting) the “white” part of the town from its poorer, “Muslim” part (the socalled Kuregem district). Already, a new racism is legitimizing this progressive polarization between the so-called autochthonous population and the so-called immigrants, not only in Belgium but in other European countries as well. This new racism, which is actually accompanying the construction of the European unity, can be identified as antiMuslimism. While it is being constructed along the selfsame lines as the antiSemitism in the Thirties, this new European racism is based on the ethnicization of cultural, i.e. religious differences between “Europeans” and “Muslims”. It operates by identifying “Turk” and “Muslim”, “Moroccan” and “Muslim”, and generally “immigrant” and “Muslim”. As Fred Halliday formulates it,”it involves not so much hostility to Islam as a religion (...) but hostility to Muslims, to communities of peoples whose sole or main religion is Islam and whose Islamic character, real or invented, forms one of the objects of prejudice”. Feeding on this anti-Muslimism and fuelling it at the same time, right-wing extremist parties are exploiting the situation, in Belgium as well as in other countries of the E.U., in

order to destabilize democracy and to win popular votes. Nevertheless, there are also more positive signs that could point into another direction, viz. that of a democratic society willing to really assume its cultural and ethnic pluralism. This implies of course that there be put an end to all discrimination against Muslims, and also that Muslim inhabitants, especially youngsters, get the chance to contribute to the social developments of their country. The number of Muslim inhabitants in Belgium - i.e. of people either having an immigrant Muslim background and/or considering themselves Muslim (converts included) - is fast growing. Of course, actual figures are necessarily inaccurate, for (a) the criterion of nationality is becoming less and less relevant as people originating from Muslim countries progressively acquire Belgian nationality; the definition of Muslim identity has inevitably many nuances, going from strictly practising believers to laics and agnostics. In the early Nineties, the total number of people in Belgium with a Muslim cultural background was estimated at 285.000 - i.e. more than 2,5% of the total population. At this moment, the number is going beyond the 350.000. Approximately a third of the total number is of Turkish origin. Roughly 50% of this Turkish population is living in Flanders, 25% is living in Brussels and another 25% in Wallony. Concurrently with this demographic growth, there has been a proliferation of mosques and Islamic prayer-halls. Most of them have been founded on mono-ethnical, i.e. national, and monodenominational grounds, and almost all of them are expressive of a “masculine Islam”. In these final years of the 20th century, Belgium counts some 290 places of Islamic worship: slightly more than

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I September 2008

a third of them, are “Turkish”. Of the Turkish mosques more than two thirds are presided over, or at least controlled by the Directorate of Religious Affairs of the Turkish government (Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı), while some 25 of them are controlled by the so-called fundamentalist Millî Görüş. Taken together with the Arabic mosques (the larger number of which is of Moroccan affiliation), all this has resulted in an infrastructure of Belgian mosques “with a density that is almost comparable with that of the countries of origin”. Whatever the precise figures may be, it is undeniable that Islam has become “a widely embraced, collective reality in the midst of Belgian society”. Quantitatively, moreover, it represents the second largest religious denomination of the country; or to put it otherwise: Islam is the largest minority religion in Belgium, far outnumbering Protestants, Jews, e.a. he settlement of a large Muslim population in Belgium being an irreversible social phenomenon, the major question that had (and has) to be faced by a society that considers itself to be democratic and pluralist, is the one concerning the social place and space on the cultural scene that one is willing to concede to these cultural and ethnic minorities. Will one actually allow these new segments of one’s population to maintain - be it in interaction with their European secular environment - their collective cultural and religious identity? At last, this would be in accordance with the basic human rights that are upheld by the Belgian Constitution and by the international treaties that Belgium has signed. Or will one demand, out of irrational fear for the future survival of the secular state (if not of “the West”), that Muslims accept a kind of privatization or secularization of Islam - something that, for the great majority of them at least, would be tantamount to demanding that they abandon their religion? Clearly, the fact that Turkey constitutionally presents itself as a secular state, is of little practical relevance to Turkish people living in Belgium, the great mass of them having emigrated from the rural regions of Turkey. There is no denying that, from the perspective of basic human rights, the Belgian state made a good start when in 1974 (19th July) - i.e. almost a quarter of a century ago, already - it passed a law granting Islamic worship the same status as that accorded to religions historically established in the country: Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism. The immediate and most spectacular effect of this official recognition was the introduction (since 1975-76) of the teaching of Islam in public schools, on the same basis as the other religions. At present, there are about 700 Muslim teachers giving Islamic instruction in both primary and secondary schools, their (modest) salaries being paid by the Belgian state. The persisting deficiencies in their pecuniary and professional status are imputed to the absence of a representative body for the whole Belgian Muslim community. This representative body is required by the law, and should at least for matters concerning the so-called temporalities function as an analogue of the “head of cult” of the


Catholic community. The law of 1974 also allowed for financial provisions to be made for the costs of the infrastructure (the construction and maintenance of places of worship) and the “personnel” of the cult (e.g. the salaries and pensions of the Imams). The importance of these religious “engagements” by the Belgian state - which is officially a secular state based on the principle of separation between “church” and “state” - is measured when one considers that in this way the Belgian Catholic Church is annually receiving a total provision of no less than about 10 billion Belgian Francs. This sum is paid, of course, by the Belgian taxpayer - that is by non-Catholics, e.g. by Muslims, as well... As for Islamic worship, this kind of advantageous treatment, although provided for by the law of 1974, has still not yet been put into effect. So, for a quarter of a century, Muslim inhabitants have financially contributed to a system they themselves have been excluded from. The reason for this unhappy state of affairs is officially the same one as that for the deficiencies in the status of the Islamic teachers: viz. that it requires the identification of a Muslim authority, an issue which until this moment, for a lot of reasons, had remained unresolved. This financial discrimination against Belgian Muslims was accompanied, all these years, by violations against the basic rights of religious freedom which in principle are guaranteed by the Belgian Constitution. E.g. the right to be buried according to your philosophical or religious faith: generally, Muslims in Belgium as yet did not have the possibility of burying their beloved ones in the cemetery of their own place of residence. The same goes for religious rights at school, in prison, in hospital: e.g. the right to eat food that is prepared according to your religious prescriptions; the right of safeguarding yourself against violations of your physical integrity - e.g. by wearing a head-scarf and modest dress; the right to celebrate your religious feasts, etc. These infringements must be taken together with the usually negative coverage of Islam by the press and the other media; the regular conflicts in schools (e.g. around the scarf

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- “the war of the veils”, as it was called in France); the systematic stigmatizing of Islamic values and symbols as being obstacles for a smoothly integration of Muslim immigrants; and, of course, the many forms of “daily racism” being perpetrated by officials, for example by members of the police force, etc. Put together, all these facts contribute to make the relationship between the majority and the Muslim minority a disturbed one. It goes without saying that this situation puts a heavy pressure on the peaceful coexistence between the different communities, and as a consequence on the democratic and pluralist future of Belgian society as well. A few months ago, actually, a report was published presenting the results of a research project conducted at the German university of Bielefeld. It concerns the attitudes among German youths of Turkish origin between 15 and 21 years of age. The results are alarming. These youngsters, according to the director of the project, Prof.Dr.Wilhelm Heitmeyer, are becoming more and more “fundamentalist”, i.e. they are more and more prone to use violence on religious grounds, because they are experiencing difficulties while trying to integrate into society. The reason, though, for the disturbing findings is nót religion, i.e. Islam: it is rather European society itself which, according to Prof. Heitmeyer, is thwarting that process of integration. Not only Turkish youngsters in Germany, indeed, are confronted with this problem, but Muslim immigrants in all the countries of Europe. These youngsters should be full members of our society, but in reality they are constantly feeling expelled and rejected. It should be clear by now that the refusal of Western secular society to allow immigrants from Muslim countries, especially the youngsters of the second and third generation, to express their Muslim identity - e.g. by refusing Muslim girls and young women the right to wear a head-scarf at school is one of the reasons why the relationship between non-Muslim majority and Muslim minority is worsening.



Blackburn becomes first Premier league team to install prayer facilities

Blackburn Rovers in northwest England have become the first Premiership football club to install a prayer room where supporters can worship in an effort to boost their match attendence. “We live in a diverse society and need to accommodate the needs of people from all walks of life,” Blackburn’s managing director Tim Finn said. The decision was also welcomed by British Muslims, who make up more than 20 per cent of the town’s total population of some 100,000, according to the Sun newspaper. “It’s a fantastic gesture. I am sure it will encourage more Muslims to attend,” Salim Mulla, senior vice chairman

of Lancashire Council of Mosques, was quoted saying. It was also warmly greeted by Christians. “It is crucial inter- faith projects like this are allowed to succeed,” said Dean Christopher Armstrong, of Blackburn Cathedral. The sound-proofed match day facility was said to contain prayer mats and religious texts. Supporters who sit in other sections of Ewood Park stadium will be also be able to access the room with escort by stewards. Blackburn Rovers, one of England’s oldest football club, was established in 1875. Last season, the team finished 7th in the Premiership, and is the only side outside the ‘Big Four’ to have won the league back

in 1995. But their matches are among the least attended in the Premier League for the size of their 31,367 stadium, averaging less than 24,000 last season. Justice Minister and former foreign secretary Jack Straw is among Blackburn’s most famous and avid supporters.

British Muslims congratulate Team GB on Olympic success

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has felicitated team GB on its outstanding performance in the Beijing Olympics and urged the British Muslims to take active part in London 2012 Games. “The Muslim Council of Britain pays full tribute to all the British athletes for their spectacular performance and achievements during the 2008 Beijing Olympics,” the MCB Secretary-General Dr.Abdul Bari said in a statement. The British squad finished fourth on the medals list with a haul of 19 gold medals, its best performance in over 100 years of Olympics movement. “Our focus is now towards London to carry the Olympic flag. London won the games on the basis of youth and regeneration and I hope that this will not be forgotten in the lead up to 2012.” Dr Bari said. “I am sure that London

2012 will not only put on a spectacular display of British talent, traditions and values, but also leave a lasting legacy to all Londoners, the whole country and indeed the world”. He said the 2012 Games will be a wonderful opportunity for the rest of the country to celebrate British talent and inspire others. Commenting on the Beijing Olympics, Mujibul Islam, chairman of MCB’s Youth Committee said “the performance of British athletes over the past two weeks has simply been phenomenal. Beijing has illustrated to all of us that extra investment in sports eventually pays dividends. The MCB who played a significant role in campaigning for London to host the 2012 games back in 2005, hoped that all young people, including young British Muslims, will fully

participate in London 2012, not only in the sports, but also through volunteering in the myriad of supporting activities that will take place. The MCB also called upon the Muslim community to join victory parade which the Mayor of London Boris Johnson is hosting through Central London on October 16 to celebrate Team GB’s unprecedented medals haul.

Passion Islam

I September 2008

Manchester City becomes second Arab owned club in the Premier League

Manchester City became the second Arab-owned football club in the Premier League following its takeover by Abu Dhabi United Group Investment and Development (ADUG). ADUG claimed it completed the takeover of the north-west English club from controversial Thai owner Thaksin Shinawatra who is fleeing an arrest warrant while on bail over corruption charges in his home country. The deal gave it “all management rights” over Manchester City, while the former Thai prime minister would become honorary president of the club “without any administrative responsibilities,” it said. The takeover comes after Egyptian businessman Mohammed al-Fayed became the first Arab owner when he bought London’s oldest professional club, Fulham back in 1997. The PL has no restrictions on club ownership, with eight of the 20 clubs in foreign hands, although any director can be automatically disqualified if they are convicted of a listed offense. Currently, three clubs are under American control, Manchester United, Liverpool and Aston Villa, followed by two under Russian ownership, Chelsea and Portsmouth. Apart from Manchester City and Fulham, the other club in foreign hands is West Ham, owned by an Icelandic consortium headed by Eggert Magnusson.

Passion Islam

I September 2008


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Passion Islam

I September 2008

Ramadhan 2008 in Gujarat, Surat


text emails

This photo was taken after taraweeh prayers Sent in By Imran Syed

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Amazing but true A girl went to her friends house and she ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn’t afraid because it was a small COMMUNITY and she lived only a few blocks away As she walked along under the bike trail Amina asked ALLAH to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to recite a dua, asking for ALLAHS protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by

this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking ALLAH for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked AMINA for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. Amina was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, ‘Because she wasn’t alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her.’

EXCELLENT DUA O Allah, on this day make my fasts the fasts of those who fast (sincerely), and my standing up in prayer of those who stand up in prayer (obediently) , awaken me in it from the sleep of the heedless, and forgive me my sins, O God of the worlds. and forgive me, O one who forgives the sinners

Passion Islam

I September 2008


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emailbox comments Dear Editor, Wishing u 1 month of ramadan, 4 weeks of barkat, 30 days of forgiveness, 720 hours of guidance, 43200 minutes of purification, 2592000 secs of Nuur! Sent by Shaista

Mangi, roshan Sitara Daikha, aap Ki Khairiat Ki Dua Mangi, May Almight Allah Bless You With His blessing In The Holy Month Of Ramadan Sent by Mehzabin

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said : “When Ramadhaan comes the doors of Jannah are opened, the doors of hell are locked and the Shayateen are chained.” (Bukhari) Sent by Jane

He Is The One God; the Creater, The Initiate, The Designer. to Him Belong The Most Beautiful Names… he Is The Almighty, Most Wise.

Ramadan Ka Chand Daikha, rozay Ki Dua

Wishing You A Blessed Ramadan..! Sent by Mohsin

I have been getting your magazine emailed through to me for the past few months and to be honest I am not interested in Islam and you may have received an email from me in stating, stop sending your magazine through to me, just a few weeks ago I was involved in a situation and had difficulty in making my mind up, I directed myself to your website in hope of a solution and started reading some of your featured articles which you have and started to deeply get connected to them, I have found many answers in your magazine and equally allot more questions, I request that you put me back on your mailing list and I sincerely apologies for judging the magazine before I read it, I see the magazine has one purpose and one purpose only and that is Dawah. I hope and pray that you forgive me for my childish behaviour and I pray that the magazine goes from strength to strength. Salam Hanif - Dewsbury Now its even easy to contact us, see our contact us form on our website

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