Discover Your Passion in 39 Questions or Less | PPM

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We live in a busy world, and sometimes we forget that passion and purpose are more important than promotions and PR. Use this free workbook to guide you towards re­igniting, re­discovering, or re­designing what you’re passionate about in life – both personally and professionally. If you’ve lost that sense of passion about your work, career, school, or personal life; then these questions will serve you well. These questions are meant to serve as a form of guided discovery towards the feelings, drives, and emotions that inspire you to do those things you love most about your life, your talents, and your skills ­­ and to utilize these unique gifts in a way that enables you to make an impact and an income doing what you love.

Let’s begin with a quick note about the power of questions In order to change anything in your life, you must be willing to ask yourself the right questions. Questions control your focus. In fact, the first part of the word “question”, implies that you go on a journey for answers: QUEST­ion. So go on your quest. Ask yourself some questions. And while you’re doing it, make them empowering questions rather than dis­empowering questions. Instead of asking the types of dis­empowering questions that most people ask, such as: •

“Why does this always happen to me?”

“How come I can’t ever catch a lucky break and get the roles I audition for?”

“Why is everyone else so much better than I am at playing ping pong?”

• pounds!?!”

“I can’t lose any weight, for goodness sake, what do I have to do to lose 20

Try asking yourself some empowering questions that shatter your limiting beliefs and get you in a peak state of mind... Such as:

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“What can I do differently next time in order to come back stronger than ever?” “What have I learned from this audition that I can utilize to sharpen my skills and better my chances of getting the next role that I audition for? ● “How do I learn from people who are awesome at ping pong in order to become just as (or even better) than they are? ● “How can I get into the best physical shape of my life and enjoy the process while I’m doing it?” Empowering questions move you forward rather than backwards. They help you achieve the greatness that you desire, and get you closer to achieving what you want. Here are some more examples: ● ● ●

What am I truly Passionate about doing? (with your life, career, relationships, etc.) What must I do in order to achieve the level of fulfillment that I desire in my life? Which areas of my life must I change and make progress within in order to achieve the level of satisfaction that I know I deserve and desire?

Your Quest Begins Now Start here: There’s only one person on this planet that can find your passion ­ and that’s you. Use these questions as a guide to help you dig deep and uncover the passion you’ve already got inside. These are the questions that can help you determine your quality of life from this day forward. So take your time. Turn off your phone. Turn off your e­mail. Turn off any distractions whatsoever. Now go somewhere quiet and dedicate as long as you need to complete these questions. Really sit down and reflect. For some people it will take 2 hours, and for others it will take 4. Part of living with passion is to find joy in as many things as you can, so enjoy this process and have fun with it! As with everything in life, you get what you put in, so why not put your whole heart into it? Go crush it!

1. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? 2. What topic or subject are you the go­to person for? 3. What gives you happiness and excitement in your life? 4. When was the last time you were in a state of flow, during which you lost track of time, and you just couldn’t stop doing something? What was it that you were doing? 5. What’s your favorite section in the bookstore? 6. How do your friends, family, or coworkers finish the following sentences when they’re talking about you? (choose one and fill in the blank) “You should be a _______”

“You should get into _______”

7. Which five websites do you visit most often? 8. What’s THE BIGGEST obstacle keeping you from living your passion? 9. What do you think you could be amongst the best in the world at doing? 10.

When was the last time you lost sleep over an exciting idea?


What topic could you write 50 different blog posts about?


What are your favorite magazines, or publications? What’s the

common theme amongst them? 13.

What are you naturally talented at doing?


When was the last time you put your whole heart into something

and delivered more than anyone expected of you? What was it? Why did you work so hard? 15.

If you had to choose one thing that you’d do for free for the rest of

your life, what would it be?


What if you won the lottery tomorrow and you were set for life

(financially). Fast­forward three months later. What would you be doing? Where would you be living? Who would you be surrounded by? Why? 17.

If you could bring 10 people that inspire you to an island with you

and spend one day with each of them, who would they be and why would you take them? 18.

What gives you ultimate pleasure?

19. Imagine that you’re 80 years old, sitting in your rocking chair

reflecting back on your life. What do you want to look back on? What memories do you want to smile about?

CONGRATS ON MAKING IT THIS FAR! Come on over to Passion Press Daily and grab the rest of this free workbook and tons of other tools that will help you start your dream career or begin your journey as a Passion-Preneur!




­­­ Dean Bocari Editor in Chief, Passion Press Magazine Office: 855­909­3326 Join The Revolution: The PASSION PRESS



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