The Consequences of “Women's Liberation” Pastor David Ministries Revised June 2020 When the Bible says in 1Cor. 11:3 “….. the head of the woman is the man …..” KJV, it is referring to every aspect of life. Before the “women’s liberation” movement in the 1960’s, men were in charge of almost everything that concerned the general public, in the US. Women did, however, supervise children or other women (usually under a man's supervision). Some businesses used to divide the laborers into sections, a woman's section with a female supervisor and a man's section with a male supervisor..... And another male supervisor over everything. For example: in the typical supermarket, every cashier was a woman, with a woman supervisor. Every stock person carrying heavy boxes and reloading the shelves was a man, with a male supervisor. During the 1960's most people referred to the changes in society as: the “women's liberation” movement. Now-a-days, most people prefer to call it the “feminist” movement, because they don't like the sound of the old title. However, the new title “feminist” is really misleading, because it is not the propagation of femininity, but rather, it is the training of women to take on what was previously considered to be the masculine role. (“previously considered” means that people have now gotten accustomed to the “new” roles for men and women, thereby rendering the changes as no longer “new”.) It is the suppression of femininity for women and the disgrace of manliness for men. It trains women to act like men. But amazingly, most men treat it as something “noble” (helping women to advance),....... which it is not. It is freak perversion, turning women into men. If women are not permitted to take on the leadership roles that previously were only given to men, the person responsible is falsely accused as though he is abusing women. However, this is not any more abusive than not permitting uneducated people or children to take on those leadership roles. Women are not the same as men, and should not be treated as men. The word “abusive” must be more clearly defined. If women are prohibited from being leaders of men, it is not abusiveness to women. It is not the least bit harmful for a woman to be denied leadership over men. Is it harmful (abusive) for an uneducated person to be denied leadership positions just because they're uneducated? The uneducated laborers who earn reasonable wages are usually happier in life than the business managers, professional people or politicians. Being a leader is not where happiness comes from. (In fact, many leadership positions, especially in business management, have a certain unpleasantness about them that make everyone not want 1
them, men or women. The only reason those businesses can get anyone to take those positions is that they pay well.) Deep down true happiness is a gift from God that most people have missed out on, usually because they're more in love with money than with God. Please, try to imagine for a moment, the same principles of the “women's liberation” movement being applied to the work place. Try to imagine an “employee's liberation” movement being applied to the work place the same way that the “women's liberation” movement was applied to women, at work, management/professional opportunities, politics and family life. Since, at times, there really does exist some employers who are abusive to their employees, try to imagine new employee labor laws prohibiting bosses from giving orders to employees. Generally speaking, how would most business owners or managers react to such incredible craziness? Doesn't everyone know that this could only produce uncontrollable chaos in the work place, with everyone doing whatever they felt like doing or most of the employees doing nothing at all? What would those bosses say while they were watching their businesses uncontrollably collapse? Obviously, any business owner in such a crazy situation would have a very unpleasant reaction. He might even have a heart attack or a nervous breakdown. But, in most cases he would probably react with hostility. Thus, the transitional period of the “women's liberation” movement during the 60's and 70's had a reputation of hostility, that did not exist before it or after it. In addition, it ought to be noticed that many men, when faced with the present lunatic arrangement now being forced on men in everyday life, (especially family life) similar to this imaginary crazy “employee's liberation” movement, usually react negatively typically by shunning any responsibility or leadership for the modern irrational expectations forced on men. The modern feminist movement forces men into the same lunatic leadership role as a business manager in an “employee's liberation” movement. (An “employee's liberation” movement could never be implemented without causing big fat disasters as a result. Why is this so well understood in business, but it is not understood that the “women's liberation” movement has already caused many big fat disasters?) Managers are required to lead, but in the case of husbands, they are denied the authority to give orders. If a woman is not free to do whatever she wants then the man is labeled as a tyrant as though he is abusing her. He is regarded as a villain if he actually attempts to do any leading, and at the same time treated as being responsible for every problem that exists. No business could function under such lunatic conditions. But, somehow men are expected to take on the responsibility of leadership, yet denied the authority that goes along with the package. How could a business manager be responsible for the chaos caused by out-of-control employees? Consequently, in everyday life, most men abandon this type of lunacy. Then they are accused of being irresponsible, especially in family life. In reality, they're not being “irresponsible”. They are abandoning the lunacy. This type of lunacy ought to be abandoned. It causes mental illness. Now that mental illness and divorce have become an epidemic in the US, how come nobody 2
seems to know why? The psychologists can't even figure out why. It's as simple as understanding the problems an “employee's liberation” movement would cause, yet they can't figure it out. Unfortunately, when children are involved, it appears as though the father is abandoning his children. The children usually don’t know that the government has given the mother the authority to charge outrageous quantities of money they call “child support” to make it look like that if the father doesn’t pay, then he is some sort of irresponsible “dead-beat” who won’t even visit his children. He also has to pay for living quarters for the children to live in two places at the same time, hoping that the children will return to live with him some day. (See article on: Fatherhood) Whereas, the truth is that the children don’t even know that if the father was to visit his children he would end up thrown in prison for not paying the lunatic amount of money they falsely call “child support”. The mere size of the quantity they demand is proof that the true purpose of that money is not for supporting the children. Those government people know that the fortune that they charge, which they know perfectly well that the average men could not possibly pay, is for the purpose of destroying the authority of the men in marriage and families. “Fatherhood” In America has been completely destroyed, all with such an Innocent and guilt misappropriating thing called “child support” or “alimony”. (See article listed below on: Fatherhood) Everybody knows that an “employee's liberation” movement would ruin almost every business in America. It would be a disadvantage to employees equally as much as the “women's liberation” movement has already been a disadvantage to women. An “employee's liberation” movement would cause the worst economic disaster in the history of the world. Yet, now that most marriages, romances and families have been ruined or perverted, nobody seems to know why. Despite the modern higher education of women and the rise of advanced technology, the morality and stability (emotional and psychological) of the American society, especially family life, keeps going down every year,....... and the highly educated women are unable to figure out that it's being caused by the “women's liberation” movement. (This comment is not intended to insult women. It is intended to take note that even highly educated women need loving husbands to guide them and protect them from dangerous errors. The purpose of this comment is to motivate women to overcome the deception,….. and to be winners instead.) Modern education is unable to stop the rise of bad family conditions, drug addiction, alcoholism due to bad family conditions, mental illness and purposeless suicides; all of which, more than anything else, are the product of the “women's liberation” movement. Modern education refuses to admit that “women's liberation” has anything at all to do with those problems, which is why they are completely unable to resolve those problems. If the current trend continues, eventually, it will get worse and worse and worse until it will finally end in disaster,...... definitely. Modern education is completely unable to stop it from happening. Absolutely, it WILL happen!! Disaster is coming!!! The “wo3
men's liberation” movement is a big fat Titanic that MUST sink! Despite the higher education of modern women, they can not perceive how the “women's liberation” movement has already been to their own disadvantage. Modern educated women have been trained (brainwashed) from childhood that if they don't get a university degree and a professional macho job like men do, then they must be some kind of losers or meaningless nobodies. They imagine that by getting a university degree and a professional macho job like men, they will be truly successful and happy! But they're not happy, (even when they have good paying jobs).... and they can't figure out why. Their marriages, romances and family lives are usually rotten and they are never content with their pay. Despite the fact that they're earning more money, they always want more, always more, always more. No quantity is ever enough. Meanwhile, most of the non-educated workers who make reasonable pay are usually happier in life than those educated macho professional women. Making lots of money or having a prestigious professional macho job is not where happiness comes from. Happiness is a gift from God. The truth is that God designed women to be the happiest and most stable mentally, emotionally and spiritually when they have good men for leaders who treat them well, just like how employee's are happiest and most stable when they have good men for leaders who treat them well, with reasonable pay. Likewise, God designed masculinity to naturally take the leadership over femininity, the same way that business management automatically takes the leadership over the workers. It was God who established that: Eph 5:23 “.... the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.” However, in the last 100 years or so, there has been a very large group of people anonymously influencing the entire world to the contrary by pumping negative propaganda into the heads of anyone they can, any way they can. (brainwashing) They do anything they can to promote the switching of gender roles, which in turn, confuses most people's physical desires and thereby increases same gender romances and impairs normal straight romance. It has now become taboo for masculinity to be normal masculinity. Any man who insists on acting manly is automatically labeled a woman abuser. Masculinity has now become deformed and it has been pushed upon the women by the modern “feminism” movement. Women are being brainwashed to act like men and men are being brainwashed to act like women. If any man tries to prohibit women from being men, he is labeled as some kind of villain, ogre and woman abuser. The satanic people inside the government, media, educational system and churches are the ringleaders promoting this modern way of thinking that all started to make significant progress way back around 1920 when many changes were made in US law concerning women. The most publicized change was that women were permitted to vote for the first time in the US. A little further back, even all the universities were exclusively for men. None of the universities even permitted women entrance as students, much less as teachers or 4
administrators. The first few colleges that had women students were exclusively for women (like Radcliffe). Men were not allowed in them and they had much different courses of study than the universities for men. There was no such thing as a female physician, professor, engineer, lawyer, business administrator or politician, etc. (These professions must be considered “macho”, even today they are “macho”. Except possibly for a pediatrician, obstetrician or gynecologist. There may be a few other exception cases, too.) The only women teachers back then were teachers of children or of other women, never teachers in universities over adult male students. Even Harvard didn't have women as students on the same standing as men for many years. Instead, they had a special arrangement with Radcliffe, the all women's university, to be like brother/ sister universities, until about the year 1999. Sometimes, modern men try to convince themselves that they actually like “macho” women, because they know that the “writing is on the wall”. It's on the agenda, and it has to be that way. But, as a result of such irrational thinking, perversion reins. The truth is that this type of man isn't any more attractive to the average macho woman than a macho woman is attractive to the average man. The men try to convince themselves that they like something that they really don’t like, because it’s better to accept and learn to live with the unpleasant side of life, the things that can’t be changed, rather than hating it and being miserable. Women in politics should be thought of in the same category and the same nature as same gender marriages or romances. Gender role reversal causes physical desire confusion in most people, without them ever knowing why. In the Bible, God rained fire down from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah because of this. (Gen. 19) (It should also be noticed that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was not as much for same gender romance as it was for same gender gang rape.) Nevertheless, the punishment for this sin is supposed to be death. Lev. 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” If someone says that God is wrong, they are speaking BLASPHEMY!!! God is the one who makes the rules! Especially what happens to people after they die. Back in the 60's, most of the people who were against the “women's liberation” movement thought that it would cause a considerable increase in “sodomy”, along with many other abnormalities. Rom 1:27 “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet (fitting).” They also had a fear that God would send a horrible punishment as a result of permitting such behavior. According to Louis Crompton, Ph.D. on early American history, referring to this abomination....... “in 1776, in the original 13 colonies was universally subject to the death penalty”. However, later on, the penalty for this 5
crime was reduced to long-term imprisonment. As time went by, little by little, the US government decreased the punishment for this crime to less and less time in prison. Eventually, they completely repealed all the laws against it. The subject of “same gender” romance is not necessarily about the legalization of that type of marriage. It is about the unnatural human reaction to the practice of giving women dominant positions of leadership over men, like bosses at work over men or positions in politics. (From the position of president all the way down to the drivers license clerk who gives men permission to drive.) Gender role reversal alters most people's physical desires. Most people exposed to this abnormality don't know if they are more attracted to the opposite gender, their own gender, both or neither, without ever knowing why. The whole idea of female politicians and female bosses over men goes hand in hand with raising many people's attraction to their own gender, thus increasing the quantity of same gender romances, who eventually start living together as a result. (Whether or not same gender marriages become legalized is a secondary issue. The contamination of same gender romances is already a problem..... And is almost equally as damaging to society.) Female politicians and bosses over men are equally as abnormal and responsible for same gender romantic relationships >>> cause and effect. But really, what is the advantage to women by having them take on the masculine role if they have disastrous family lives or lousy romances? Modern feminism is anti-romantic! (It has a negative effect on normal straight romances) Why can't women figure out that being trained to act like men impairs normal romance? But most importantly, what is the advantage to women by training them to assume the masculine role if they go to hell when they die? Science will never stop death. Heb 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” Why do so many people act like they will never die? The people responsible for starting this movement did it for the purpose of setting a very deceptive trap in order to conquer and manipulate innocent and unsuspecting people. (Especially concerning anti-religious or anti-Christian brainwashing intended to drag as many souls to hell as possible) Brainwashing happens very slowly and gradually, and the average person doesn't even notice the changes, nor associates the consequences of those changes to the real causes. The most important negative consequence for this satanic “feminism” is the condemnation to burn in hell for eternity; spiritual death........ permanent death in the next life, after this life is finished. All of the first universities that permitted women as students on an equal standing as men had a philosophy that was very “humanistic”, “atheistic”, “anti-Christian” and “socialistic”. All this started from the influence of Lenin and Marx satanic propaganda. Regardless of the fact that there are many different groups and variations of this philosophy, the rejection of God and faithful religious customs is always their first priority, 6
unanimously. This movement has been world-wide and it is primarily anti-religious and social...... more than anything else (more than political). Most people call it “communism” or “socialism”. Back in the days when it was first getting started it was considered very bad...... and its primary emphasis was on economic changes, like sharing wealth. (The “sharing wealth” deception was primarily to get the gullible masses of poor people to assist them rise up against the government in the Russian revolution.) Make no mistake, the “feminist” movement (women's liberation) was propagated by atheistic anti-Christian communist satanic philosophy, which has successfully deceived many people into thinking it is something good. It is primarily a social and anti-Christian movement not a political movement, especially in America. Their primary purpose is to inhibit the influence of every religion in every society. Not just get rid of all the religions, but also get rid of the religious influence/customs. For many years, all the countries that adopted an atheistic “communist” type of government were all very bad. The Soviet Union always had patrols around its borders to keep their own citizens from escaping. Right now, North Korea has the same type of patrols around its borders. North Korea even has electrified fences to kill anyone attempting to escape. From WW1 until now, the “communists” have killed more innocent people than the Nazis ever did in the Nazi death camps during WW2. (Watch documentary called: The Soviet Story.) The wars in North Korea and Vietnam, back in the 50's and 60's, didn't just have a lot of killing; they were full of a certain type of psychological attack that left many of the survivors mentally ill for the rest of their lives. In the US, since this satanic social propaganda started, there have never been so many cases of mental illness as a direct result of the deceptive influence of the propaganda of satanic communism,..... and the psychologists can't figure out how to solve it. It has now become more of a social and anti-Christian movement rather than a political movement. (less political, more social, anti-religious, to drag as many souls to eternal hell fire as they can,..... and cause as much mental illness as possible.) Because of the influence that started from Lenin and Marx, almost every modern university, in the US, has adopted an atheistic social “communist” philosophy. They don't call themselves “communists”, but they act like “communists”. They always contradict faithful Christian customs as much as they can by always promoting customs which are the opposite of Christianity. The most notable custom is the propagation of putting women in authority positions over men >>> gender role reversal. Likewise, almost every modern politician, in the US, has adopted an atheistic “communist” philosophy, but they don't call themselves “communists”. Do “wolves in sheep's clothing” openly call themselves “wolves”? If they did, then why would they bother wearing the sheep's clothing? (See article listed below on: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing) Notice – it is possible, in some cases, that those politicians and university leaders are not really “communists” themselves, but they have been trained (brainwashed) by an abundance of communist philosophy (propaganda) to adopt communist habits and to go with the flow. (Especially feminism.) 7
The worst “wolves” of all are the false leaders inside the churches, who call themselves Christians, but secretly they are satanic spies. (See article listed below on: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing) Make no mistake, the anti-Christian custom of putting women in positions of authority over men, in the modern society, was the result of decades of atheistic anti-Christian communist propaganda. (Which is very deceptively a disadvantage to women.) The poisonous communist philosophy is the most powerful media, anti-religious and educational influence in the world today, especially in America. (less political, more social, more anti-religious and anti-romantic feminism) Even the name itself, “communism”, is a lie. They teach that they will one day make the whole world one great big harmonious “commune”. Everyone will all live together and share all their possessions like one big happy family in peace, love and order. They say that the government, the military and the police will eventually not be necessary, because the human race will have evolved into the highest form of living; a commune, where everyone is equal and happy. (See article listed below on: The Lie of Evolution) (Notice – since this communism has ruin most families in America, the instability of family chaos has produced an extreme rise in young people who usually turn out to be criminal in nature. By destroying marriage and parenthood they have created the oppo-site of their theory of a harmonious peaceful “commune”. There has never been a society with more instability and criminal character than this present society which has been brainwashed by communism.) This is nothing more than a lie intended to fight against Christianity. The communists have never produced a good commune with sharing wealth,...... just tyranny and poverty. It is the communist leaders who get the wealth,....... while they treat the poor schmucks who helped them rise to power with only tyranny, contempt and poverty. Even highly educated women can't figure out that they are duped schmucks for going along with this deception. (This comment is not intended to insult women. It is intended to take note that even highly educated women need loving husbands to guide them and protect them from dangerous errors. The purpose of this comment is to motivate women to overcome the deception,….. and to be winners instead.) The best “commune” that ever existed was due to Christian influence in the New Testament. Act 4:32 “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.” Modern “communism” is a satanic counterfeit of a true Christian commune but with deceptive anti-Christian propaganda intended to defeat Christianity and to drag as many unsuspecting souls to hell as they can. It is a direct attack against the future prophesied outpouring of the Holy Spirit, similar to what happened on the day of Pentecost, along with the accompanying commune mentioned above. (See article listed below on: The New World Order was Prophesied in the Bible) 8
After all, why is it necessary for them to reject God? Why do they prohibit all religions? Why is the denial of God and good Christian customs always their first priority? Why do they lie about a wonderful “commune” where they say everyone will be happy and share wealth, when all they can produce is horrible tyranny, poverty and the leaders hoarding all the riches for themselves? Answer: They are liars from Satan and “wolves in sheep's clothing” who want to ruin family life as much as they can and conquer as many unsuspecting gullible people as they can. Why is their second priority propagating female authority over men? Answer: All male authority over women is faithful Christian custom. It is also normal human nature. God has created human nature so that male leadership over women is the condition that produces the most mental stability and happiness for both women and men. Satan must reject faithful Christianity. Satan has chosen women for leaders (witches) because God has chosen men for leaders. Christian churches with women leaders are really female “wolves in sheep's clothing”, and their sheep's clothing is about as fake (unprofessional) as it can get, because it is very clearly stated in the Bible not to do such things. (There's no room for honest errors,..... only deliberate rebellion.) They love corrupting Christianity. What could possibly be more fun for them? Their “sheep's clothing” is unprofessional because the Bible speaks very clearly and directly against female leadership over men in the church. 1Tim. 2:11,12 “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” 1Cor. 14:34,35 “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” (This does not apply to women teaching other women or children, provided it is done under the supervision of a man.) A good example in the Bible of one of those women religious and political leaders was Queen Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, who had spread the worship of the false god Baal in Israel. The end of that accursed woman would be a very fitting end for all those women pastors in churches corrupting Christianity. (And also female politicians and bosses over men.) The man Jehu had her thrown down out of an upper window of a building. Then he had his chariot horses trample her under their hooves, crushing her bones like what happened to the villain during the Roman chariot race in the film Ben-Hur. Then the dogs came and ate her. She never had a funeral or a burial. 2Ki 9:36, 37 “…...And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servant (prophet) Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: 37 And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field.....” So that, if anyone in those days saw some dog droppings laying on the ground, they might say, “there lies Jezebel”, as though they were looking at her grave and mocking her. Laughing mockery would be even more appropriate!!! Not only that, but her daughter Queen Athaliah was executed almost as appropriately. 2Chr 23:14,21 “Then Jehoiada the priest brought out the captains of hundreds 9
that were set over the host, and said unto them, Have her forth of the ranges: and whoso followeth her, let him be slain with the sword. For the priest said, Slay her not in the house of the LORD. 21 And all the people of the land rejoiced: and the city was quiet, after that they had slain Athaliah with the sword.” Not quite though,...... Jezebel takes the cake. Since the supposed downfall of “communism” (the downfall of the iron curtain and the Soviet Union) many people mistakenly think that this horrible “communism” is dead. However, the communists have learned that they can make much more progress by infiltrating other countries and influencing positions of leadership rather than keeping their own people prisoners and maintaining a bad reputation. (Remember, they are primarily social and anti-religious rather than political.) When they were horrible tyrants, they were showing their true character, without any “sheep's clothing” (no mask). Now that they're concentrating their efforts on infiltration and/or influencing social positions of leadership, (more than they did before) their “sheep's clothing” has to be very professional and deceptive. (See article listed below on: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing) When they were first getting started in Russia, they propagated themselves to the masses of gullible poor people as the “good guys” against the horrible tyranny of the Russian royalty. They had public marches with banners that said things like: “Brotherhood and Freedom”, “Justice, Equality and Bread”. Those marches usually ended by the police shooting down the people or the Czar's cavalry trampling the people. The new communists were using the widespread intensive poverty and abusiveness that existed in those days as a tool to fool the gullible masses of poor people into assisting them rise up and take control of the government. But when they took control of the government after the Russian revolution they were worse tyrants than the previous Russian royalty..... And the poor people were poorer after the revolution than before. People starved to death by the millions while the communist leaders were hoarding the wealth. In 1932 Stalin even sent an army to the Ukraine to forcefully remove all of the food and even take all the seed for the next year’s planting and shoot anyone leaving or bringing food in. The enormous supply of confiscated food was sold outside of Russia to make Stalin and his fellow communist politicians rich. After the hunger took its effect, as they were removing the millions of dead bodies and dumping them into mass graves, occasionally there were a few who were still barely alive, but they were thrown in anyway and buried alive. Hitler was a small mass murderer compared to Stalin. After all this, why was the United States allies with Stalin during WW2? The truth is that the US has had undercover communist politicians for a long time now, who are satanic wolves in sheep's clothing that love to deceive, conquer and kill. (Like Bush's 9-11, see documentary: Loose Change.) Obama’s socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an 10
Illinois state senate seat. According to Cliff Kincaid in Accuracy in the Media, Obama endorsed openly Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders in 2006. Obama was later endorsed by the Communist Party USA in his run for President of the United States. President Obama has openly suggested Marxist ideologies and has surrounded himself with numerous outspoken Marxists. Trump, on the other hand, supposedly had some communist interference computer hacking that supported him during his election. Clinton was leading all the polls ..... and then suddenly Trump won unexpectedly. He has a long history of being good friends with Soviets/Russians, kind of like how the Bush family were long standing friends with the Bin Ladin family. Trump does support “redistribution of wealth”, which has a clear communist origin. (Funny thing, people like Trump are wealthy, but people like him aren't interested in “redistribution” of their wealth, only in “redistribution” of somebody else's wealth.) There has never been a US president so friendly and involved with the communists than Trump. (See 2018 documentary about Trump: “Active Measures”) Make no mistake, no communist government has ever produced a good commune. Having a “government” is itself a denial and exposure of their own false philosophy. The few “communes” that have been somewhat successful through history were more like a “democracy”. It must also be kept in mind that even pure “democracy” is impractical on a large scale. In a large government where hundreds of daily decisions must be made, it would be impossible to have a national citizen's vote every day on every detail. Not forgetting that managing a government also bears many similarities to managing a large business, and most of the common people are very incompetent business managers. The common people managing a large business would produce nothing but chaos. Thus, the need for a more practical government in the form of a republic, with the spirit of “democracy” by the election of representatives who are capable managers. (Also, don't forget that the common people in a real democracy would be very bad at raising a good army for national defense against any enemy. So that the real communists can invade and conquer the schmucks who follow along with their deceptive dupe propaganda.) Even though the “communists” or “socialists” falsely claim to have many of the attributes of “democracy”, there are five main differences between “democracy” and “communism”. (Besides their reputation for brainwashing, torture and murder.) (Remember, the current movement is more social and anti-Christian, less political.) First, “communism” is always atheistic. Their first priority is to remove all religions, religious practices and religious teachings (like promoting feminism and minimizing manly “fatherhood”). A father is a symbolic representation of God. Communists are led by Satan. (Once they get the fathers out of the way, they can brainwash the children any way they want.) (See article listed below on: Fatherhood) They want to drag as many souls to hell as they can. Democracies and republics permit freedom of 11
religion. Second, “communism” removes the automatic authority of men over women because that authority is taught in faithful Christianity. They claim to promote “equality”, but in family life it is very clear that they promote female dominance (satanic witchcraft). Any American who knows how much the laws have been changed heavily in favor of wives against husbands ought to be ashamed of themselves to use the word “equality”. Communists have no interest in “equality”. And they have no interest in protecting women from the supposedly big bad tyranny of all male dominance over women. Most men who are leaders over women are very loving and protective, not abusive. The propaganda that men are always tyrants over women was the lie they used to overcome male leadership. The purpose of these laws is not to prevent men from abusing women, nor to promote equality. The purpose is to destroy marriage completely, in which they have been very successful up until now...... all this has been a disadvantage to women by ruining their marriages, romances and families. But even highly educated women can't figure out this deception. (This comment is not intended to insult women. It is intended to take note that even highly educated women need loving husbands to guide them and protect them from dangerous errors. The purpose of this comment is to motivate women to overcome the deception,….. and to be winners instead.) The communists were the ones who spread the false accusation that male dominance over women was always tyrannical. (This propaganda was very strong during the beginning of the “women's liberation” movement.) The truth is that men have usually been the lovers and protectors of women, not the abusers of women. Most men in those days liked to spoil their wives. Those liars who have been spreading these false accusations are the ones who want to dominate and abuse. The first step to conquer a society is to eliminate the male protectors of the women, which leaves the women insecure and vulnerable. Any man who has been trained to follow female leadership has already been conquered and will be very weak and poor defenders against any adversary. Also, any military that takes its orders from the common people (as in a pure democracy) will be very weak and poor defenders against any adversary. Pure democracy on a large scale is impractical and irrational as a political structure. The idea of democracy as a means to overcome tyrannical dominance sounds good. But, democracy cannot produce quality management. Up until today, when most of the men in America that have been faced with the reality of the extreme legal biases against men and in favor of women, they usually try to sugar-coat it by thinking that it is “noble” to help women. But, in reality, it isn't any more “noble” than how the communists falsely helped the poor Russians to get freedom from the previous tyrannical Russian royalty in the Russian revolution. The poor people were poorer after the revolution than they were before. The main deception back then was that the poor people were supposed to share the wealth of the rich people. But after the revolution, those poor people discovered that the communist leaders were just using the poor people as dupe schmucks to get all the riches for 12
themselves. Communist leaders never share the wealth. Does Trump share his wealth? Female dominance over men is not “noble” at all. It is a disgrace to manliness. Neither is it moral, God says it is blasphemy. (Titus 2:4,5) Those people who started it were not doing it with the intention of making women and men “equal”. That is a lie! Their fight is against God and faithful Christian customs. Women are worse off now than they were before the “women's liberation” movement started,...... and they can't figure out that modern “feminism” is causing it. Marriages have never been as unstable and unhappy as now. In a true “democracy” or “republic”, before the influence of communism, each man was the head and representative of his family and the only one in each family to vote. Permitting women to vote was not started until 1920 in the US, which was the result of the influence of “communist” propaganda (brainwashing) and “communist” politicians in the US, who did not call themselves “communist”. Previously, husbands were the representatives of their families just as Senators are the representatives of their states. It is no more an injustice for men to make decisions for their wives and children than it is for a senator to make decisions for the citizens of his state. Third, “communism” requires (by force) that everyone share all possessions and living space, whereas in true “democracy” sharing possessions and living space is voluntary. The phrase “by force” indicates the absolute necessity of a governmental power in order to enforce communism. In the Soviet Union, after the Russian revolution, people with large houses were forced to share them with other poorer families, without receiving rent. (And most of their household possessions got stolen in the process.) Also, notice that the communist political leaders do not subject themselves to the same regulations as the people they are governing ,.... or rather, as the gullible followers they deceived and conquered. All of the communist political leaders have always lived in luxury and kept the best possessions and living space for themselves. All their talk of “equality” and “brotherhood” is a big fat lie intended to conquer and dominate the unsuspecting gullible masses. Most of the educated people who actively support communism do it because they have hopes that one day they will be one of those rich leaders who dominate the gullible followers. Fourth, “communism” must destroy the family unit. They cannot allow a motherfather-children family unit, because this also was established by God and is taught in correct Christianity. But mostly, once they've ruined families and gain control of the children, then they can raise them any way they want. (brainwashing) Just as everyone is required (by force) to share their possessions and living space, likewise women and men and children must all be shared equally. Marital commitment (husbands and wives) cannot be permitted. They want people to live like dogs that roam the streets. The destruction of marriage, up until now, has been a slow yet very successful process. Their final goal is to eliminate marriage and family completely. They want people to live more like dogs that roam the streets. 13
The removal of the authority of the husband was the first and most important step toward the destruction of marriage and family. Permitting the women to vote was a denial that husbands were the leaders and representatives of their families. Almost all modern women are not nearly as happy as women were before “women's liberation”. Almost all modern women are deceived into thinking that these changes are to their advantage. Despite the modern high level education for women, they are not capable of understanding the deception of the communist “feminism” (women's liberation) brainwashing (propaganda). Modern feminism is kind of like the story of a little hamster who was desperately struggling trying to get out of her cage by opening the door. But she didn't realize that just outside her door was a big dog staring intently at her and licking his chops, just waiting for her to get that door open. The poor little thing didn't know that she was much safer and happier inside the cage than outside. This example is even more applicable to “children's liberation” than it is to “women's liberation”. The removal of the husbands' authority over their wives and the removal of parental authority over their own children are part of the same package. You cannot have the one without the other. The same people who are pushing the one are pushing the other. Women who think they somehow have an advantage by not being under a man's authority must accept, as part of the same package, losing any normal relationship with their own children. These changes are no more to the advantage of women than they are to the advantage of children. The example of the little hamster given above is even more applicable to “children's liberation” than to “women's liberation”. How is it possible that most people can figure out that both “children's liberation” and “employee's liberation” are foolish and destructive, but they can't figure out that “women's liberation” is equally as foolish and destructive? To some degree parental authority has already been minimized. The US government spends an enormous quantity of money on a gigantic agency that spends all of its time butting-in to family matters at the least little report of a neighbor or an acquaintance. That agency claims to be protecting children from abuse, but in reality, by suppressing parental authority to make parents afraid to apply normal discipline to their own children, they have corrupted the family environment so that chaos, craziness and/ or violence multiplies. Undisciplined children get out of control. When correct discipline is suppressed chaos and tension escalate. This chaos in the home makes parents feel more and more under pressure until they're like a volcano ready to explode, and as a result of those explosions, cases of child abuse go up. Also, as part of this pressure, parents live in constant fear that the government might, at any time, come and take their children away. Check the statistics, since those government people started “protecting” children, the cases of violence in homes have gone up. Most parents are afraid to use normal discipline on their own children..... and, as a result, their children are out of control. Many parents live in constant fear that the government may, who knows when, remove their children from their home...... and if they ever want to get their children 14
back they are forced to attend certain lunatic “counseling” sessions. At first glance, those lunatic government “counselors” seem to be people who have never had children before and just don't seem to understand what it's like to manage children. But, in reality, when you realize that they're not interested in fixing any problems, they're interested in ruining everything, then the lunatic “counseling” starts to make sense...... and the parents won't get their children back unless they cooperate with that lunacy. You can see this governmental ruining process especially in the child adoption agencies. In modern times, any couples who want to adopt children have to do it through some sort of foreign agency. As a result of these changes, family life, in the US, is much worse than it was before this movement started. If parents would only apply correct normal discipline with loving self-control and moderation at the beginning of their children's misbehavior, then building up of tension, anger, screaming and violence would not happen. Pro 23:13,14 “Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.” Pro 22:15 “Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” Most parents are afraid to discipline their own children. Likewise, most parents are afraid that the government may come into their home and take away their children. When it happens that this type of discipline seems to not work properly, it is because this discipline must be understood as only one side of a two-sided coin. On the other side must be an example by a quality role-model. Any disciplinarian who is rebellious against their own correct authority figure cannot expect anything but rebellion in the child they are attempting to discipline. The most common case of this phenomenon is when a mother is rebellious against the authority of her husband. This is clear evidence that nature itself dictates that God has ordain the father as the correct authority in a family. When a wife rebels in this manner, she should not expect to get anything but rebellion from her own children. It is a curse from God; she has rebelled against the authority which God has placed over her, so God has given her a child that rebels in the same manner against her. It’s not by chance that America is number one in divorces and also number one in rebellious bratty children. Fifth, “communism” falsely claims to be fighting for the freedom of poor and oppressed people. The communists call it: “revolution” or “class struggle”. Years ago in Russia, the communists were helping the poor oppressed people to fight for their freedom from the tyranny of the rich Russian royalty. Supposedly, the communists were the “good guys”. Communism was something new at that time, and most of those poor people did not understand what it was. But really, the communists were just using the widespread intensive poverty that existed in those days as a tool to fool the gullible followers of poor people into assisting them rise up and take control of the government. At the beginning, communism put a strong emphasis on economic equality, claiming that rich people had an obligation to share their wealth with the poor people. But, in the end it was the communist leaders who got all that wealth, not the masses of poor 15
people. Later on, especially during the 1990's, the economy all over the world had changed. That intensive poverty is not nearly as common now, so it has been necessary for the communists to change their battle tactics. (That is, change their style of deception to conquer the gullible masses.) This is why the Soviet Union was deliberately dissolved. They are now much more a social movement than a political one. Also, by taking control of the government back then they had lost view of their main purpose, which was primarily social, intended to corrupt religious influence and destroy families and marriages,...... and that is done better by infiltration as influence in a social movement in every aspect of social life. (religion, education, entertainment, work environment, etc.) Immediately after the Russian revolution, as soon as the “communists” took control of the government, they were worse tyrants than the previous Russian royalty. But, that type of tyranny doesn't exist in the US....... or does it? Isn't the enforcement of charging enormous and unjustifiable quantities of “child support” or “alimony” tyranny against men? Meanwhile, most men in America go to work and at least one of their bosses is a woman who earns more money than they do. The poor men who are low income couldn't pay both the enormous “child support” and also their own basic necessities even if they wanted to. They are forced to either become street people...... or in order to survive they have to change their jobs, move to a secret address and use mass transit (they are denied renewal of their drivers license (official ID) in government offices where the manager and clerk many times are women, who earn more money than they do) and be labeled as “criminals” or “dead-beats”. Sometimes, those government offices even put pictures of men on a bulletin board and are literally labeled as “criminals” for owing “child support” in a place where the manager, many times, is a woman who earns more money than the men who are denied renewal of their identification. Interestingly, criminals such as murderers, bank robbers, extortioners, kidnappers and rapists never appear on those bulletin boards. This is because the people responsible for taking a man's child(ren) away from him and charging him with pay enormous and unjustifiable quantities of “child support” are the real kidnappers and extortionists. Or, in order to survive, those poor men who are denied their identification might also consider moving to one of the oodles of English speaking countries around the world. But they should get their passport before their “child support” or “alimony” debt surpasses the limit of money owed in order to get one. Canada is the closest to the US, but some Internet research should be done about the laws in the country they want to go to, to make sure they don't fall into the same problem they have now, all over again. They also must check the requirements for getting permanent residence in order to work in the country they want to go to. And to top it all off, if any man refuses to go along with this crazy and malicious system, those government kidnappers and thieves get the mothers to poison the minds 16
of his children by telling them that their father “abandoned” them. Rest assured, this is the number one cause of the destruction of American marriages and families. (This thing motivates women to fight against their husbands.) This thing isn't just tyranny, it's the disgrace of manhood at the hands of their own wives, legalized and falsely painted as something “good” by the government, (brainwashing) in the name of protecting children from starvation. Normally, if a man doesn't act like a gentleman to women he is labeled a tyrant. But, in reality, it is the women who are the tyrants. They treat men worse than any men ever treat women. Women are rude and cruel. They need to be dominated, tamed and trained properly not to be that way. (See article listed below on: Domestic Discipline) Why do communists claim to be freeing people from tyranny when in reality, all they really want to do is fight against God's standards, ruin families and conquer unsuspecting gullible people any possible way they can? (See article listed below on: Fatherhood) Make no mistake; the majority of US politicians are communists!! Obama openly endorsed Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders in 2006. Obama was later endorsed by the Communist Party USA in his run for President of the United States. President Obama has openly suggested Marxist ideologies and has surrounded himself with numerous outspoken Marxists. Trump, on the other hand supports “redistribution of wealth”, which was never heard of before from wealthy people until communism started. And then he keeps all his wealth to himself. That’s exactly what every single communist political leader has always done. The communist leaders always keep all the wealth for themselves while the common people live in poverty. The documentary “Active Measures” makes Trump look very bad. When the “women’s liberation” movement started, some men were against it because they thought it was abnormal. They thought it would cause chaos and many other types of problems. They also thought of it as a leading cause of “sodomy”, which is when men prefer romance with men and women prefer romance with women. Those men who were against it caused the transitional period to be unpleasant and hostile. Today, when older people think back and try to remember what things were like before “women's liberation”, they usually mistakenly remember the unpleasantness of the transitional period during the 60's and 70's rather than the time before it. (They must try to remember back before 1960.) They also remember the deceptive unrealistic propaganda saying that any man who insisted that men should always be the leaders over women was automatically labeled as some sort of oppressive villain. Can anyone remember the offensive names they used to call the men who insisted on always being the leaders of women? Those names included a false connotation that those men were automatically labeled as arrogant and abusive against women, when in truth most men were loving and protective of women. (Most men in those days liked to spoil their wives.) Especially the men who 17
insisted on always being the leaders were loving and protective of women. This accusation against them was false. Those deceptive offensive names were used during the unpleasant transitional period, not before it, nor after it….... and now forgotten. Amazingly, one of the propaganda words that continues in use until today is “womanizer”. Strangely, in the dictionary this word is defined as: “to make effeminate”. The word “effeminate” is most commonly used for feminizing men. However, in respect to women, why should it be considered inappropriate to feminize a woman? But some people take this to the extreme case, and assume it is in reference to mistreating a woman in some way. (They never say it is mistreatment to “feminize” a man, it is only mistreatment when a woman is “feminized”, or “womanized”.) It is assumed that if a woman is really treated as a woman, there must be some sort of abuse involved. It is true that previously women used to be in inferior circumstances just because they were women. But, so were children. Children are still in inferior circumstances, just because they are children. But, that does not automatically imply abusiveness. It is possible for a person to be in an inferior situation, yet not be abused, such as employer/employee. Female leadership over men at home and in church meetings (including classes and activities over men) is prohibited by God. Titus 2:4,5 “That they may teach the young women to be….. keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Eph. 5:22 “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” Church meetings: 1Tim. 2:11,12 “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” 1Cor. 14:34,35 “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” Why is female leadership over men a “shame” (disgrace) to men? Because God himself established that those leadership positions are, by their very nature, MASCULINE! It is a disgrace to manhood for men to be forced under female dominance. (Getting a divorce is better than a man having a dominant wife. God himself is more pleased if a man divorces his wife rather than if he continues in a marriage where the wife is dominant over her husband. See article listed below on: Correct Divorce.) Notice – the female dominance in the work place is not forced by women, it is forced by abnormal men who put women in positions over other men. Those men should be castrated by the men who they forced to accept female dominance, with the word CASTRATED branded on their foreheads, so that everyone will know that they put a woman as a boss over other men. They should also be denied adult status in society, they should not be allowed to own property, vote, have a family or any other thing prohibited for children. However, it is not very realistic that any men in real life would do this kind of justice. It is much more practical for the men to resist the same way that Gandhi resisted 18
the tyrannical British government in India. Which was also put into practice by Martin Luther King in his fight against racial discrimination. Men need to stand up and organize and refuse to accept this discrimination. The men who submitted to “women's liberation” when it first got started were not being “noble”, or being “gentlemen”. Women's liberation is a shame and perversion to manliness, a disadvantage to women (the same as an “employee's liberation” would be a disadvantage to employees, which would cause the worst economic disaster in the history of the world)........ and it is also blasphemy to the Word of God! (Titus 2:4,5) In modern times, the young men who now grow up into adulthood under these conditions usually have difficulty even knowing what “manhood” really is. They also usually don't “grow up” inwardly at all. They usually have a lack of maturity. They act like boys, not men. They are forced to always have a “mommy” figure over them telling them what to do, thereby inhibiting their normal development into manhood. When men go to work and are forced to have a woman for a boss there are definite and clear negative consequences; those men never grow up. Obviously, it can also be safely concluded that any other leadership positions over men are, by very nature, EXTREMELY MASCULINE! (This does not include leadership positions of women over other women or women over children.) Examples: at work (all levels and departments over men), in adult education (universities) or in the government (All levels and departments over men, from the position of president all the way down to the drivers license clerk who gives men permission to drive). This is a true definition of masculinity, by nature itself, which was established by God..... And this used to be the normal way of life in America, before the “women's liberation” movement started. (The age of adulthood is 20, not 18 nor 21. Exo. 30:14, 38:26, Num. 14:29) When women act masculine, by taking leadership positions over men or refusing to accept all male authority, there is an unnatural absence of true femininity, which causes numerous serious abnormal consequences, like corrupt family conditions, especially abnormal physical desires. Normal physical desires do not function normally when women act like men. Many people can't seem to figure out if they're more attracted to the opposite gender, their own gender, both or neither, without ever knowing why. Or, in some cases a woman who acts like a man is attracted to a man who acts like a woman, which is even more perverted then people being attracted to their own gender. Now that the abnormal consequences of “women's liberation” are really here, most people refuse to recognize what caused these conditions. But, even if they refuse to accept the true cause, they cannot hide the fact that the modern epidemic of these abnormal conditions started shortly after the "women's liberation" movement began. The present society in the US brainwashes people from childhood that men and women should always do the same things, thereby minimizing any distinction between masculinity and femininity. This produces a deliberately fabricated artificial and unna19
tural environment. The very essence of the nature of masculinity is that it excels to take the leadership role over femininity the same way that managers in businesses automatically take the leadership over employees. (When women act dominant, everybody knows that they are acting “macho”. Why should there be any confusion over what the nature of masculinity is?) Management must take the leadership over the workers. If it doesn't, the business won't be successful...... And there's nothing selfish or egotistical about that, it's normal and natural. But in modern times normal masculinity has become taboo for men, due to this abnormal brainwashing...... And most people deny the abnormal consequences of doing this thing are due to the real cause. After a while, the abnormal consequences seem normal, people get used to them. People deny that the abnormal consequences of modern feminism are really caused by feminism. Satan has put “feminism” on the agenda, so the people follow along. Even in nature itself, when most species mate, the male usually imposes himself forcibly on the female (rape). (And most of the females like it that way.) Most species could not even reproduce (exist) without this masculine attribute. Of course, among human beings this natural masculine attribute is expected to be kept under control and practiced only in a loving way within “marriage”. Marriage is one of the characteristics of human beings that separate us from animals. The modern mass of propaganda motivating people to live without any self-control in their romance relationships is another aspect of the communist influence, intended to destroy marriage. Husbands should always be in control, in a loving way, of their marital mating activities. Amazingly, those communist people in the government who have set out to ruin marriages have actually made a law which permits wives to deny their husbands their marital duty and labels the husband as a criminal rapist if he insists on his wife performing her marital duty. 1Cor. 7:3-5 “Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. 4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. 5 Defraud ye not one the other......” Those satanic people who are deliberately intent on destroying marriages are always butting-in where they don't belong. This type of corrupt law, and others like it, has to be fought in the legislature. But, most Americans are too comfortable to be bothered with doing anything about this type of corruption, yet their marriages are systematically being destroyed and they can not figure out why,..... Neither will they lift a finger to protest the true cause of the problem.
Years ago, it was always included in the wedding vows that the wife must obey her husband. Men should automatically take the lead, in a loving manner, with true and sincere goodness towards their wives. It is not normal that a man goes to work 20
and some abnormal higher male supervisor forces him to have a female boss. (Notice – this thing of female dominance over males at work is not forced by females. It is forced by abnormal men under the influence of satanic communist propaganda, which was established to destroy faithful Christian and normal customs,...... and drag as many souls to hell as they can.) Besides this corruption, there are other perverted men who openly accept female bosses with great delight, as though they love to have a female dominate them. They ought to be publicly ridiculed and punished. Taking delight in this perverted freak behavior marks them as instigators of corruption. (This abnormal behavior must not be permitted to continue another generation. They need to be castrated.) The deceptive satanic communist propaganda, that has been pumped into America for more than a hundred years, which says that, any man who believes that men should automatically assume the leadership role over women is always tyrannical, is no truer than to say that any parent who automatically assumes the leadership role over their own children is always tyrannical. Are bosses at work who automatically assume the leadership role over their employee's always tyrannical? Certainly not! In other countries where employers always pay very little, the workers might think that employers are always tyrannical, but it doesn't have to be that way. (It must also be noted that even in America, wherever there is an abundance of employees available, such as favorite cities where an abundance of immigrants like to come, there is a tendency that many employers are abusive and tyrannical, because the employees are easily replaceable in those places.) Are teachers at school who automatically assume the leadership role over children always tyrannical? Certainly not! But, if it does happen that there exists a teacher who is tyrannical over students, does that mean that the solution to the problem is to make children as the bosses over all their teachers? Certainly not! Likewise, it is incorrect, out of place and abnormal for women to be bosses of men. The truth is that back in the days when it used to be automatically assumed that men take the leadership role over women, most of those men wanted to spoil their wives the same way that most parents like to spoil their children. (Keep in mind that spoiling anyone is not good for them. Proper good training for the improvement of character is what is best for both wives and children.) (See article listed below on: The Virtues of the Spirit) MOST men did not abuse women, in those days. What kind of a sick mind would propagate or even believe such a thing? MOST men loved and protected women. It is the communists who have the reputation for being abusers and tyrants. Most women would love a truly masculine man, if they ever had the opportunity to see one. True masculinity, that automatically takes the lead in a loving manner with true and sincere goodness, makes most women love-sick. When women are exposed to normal men in a normal environment they get very emotional, fickle and irrational. In 21
extreme cases, true masculinity even makes some women so love-sick that they get hysterical to the point of being completely incapable of “professional” work,...... or in some cases even incapable of any work at all. This is one of the reasons why, many years ago, women were not given “professional” positions, nor were they permitted entrance as students on equal standing with men into any of the universities, in the US. Back then, women were also paid less than men for doing the same type of unskilled labor. (See article listed below on: The Role Of Women Throughout History) Nowadays, true masculinity for men is considered taboo...... and most men are afraid to stand up against that taboo propaganda. Men are prohibited from excelling with a healthy competitive spirit to strive to do their best, thereby changing and lowering the normal development of the character of men. Nobody can develop leadership abilities in their own character without practice. No man can become a good leader if he gives away that role to someone else,..... to anyone else, man or woman. There is also a regular tendency among the men who accept women as their bosses to remain childish and immature in character. The very nature of manhood cannot progress until it overcomes the presence of a motherly figure telling him what to do. Female bosses over men is an abnormal custom and causes a stifling in the normal development of men into manhood, especially when that motherly figure (female boss) is sweet and lovable. Nature itself dictates that men cannot develop into manhood with a female authority figure over them. Likewise, when a man is an adult he must also overcome the authority of his own natural mother. A man will never be mature until he refuses to accept his own natural mother's authority over himself. (2Chr 15:16) Most modern men are underdeveloped and they rarely reach their maximum potential. Men are not what they naturally would be in a normal environment. Therefore, it is inappropriate, unreasonable and incorrect to make any comparison of performance between men and women under such abnormal twisted conditions. However, there still remain a few areas of life where these differences are unmistakably impossible to cover up and falsify. Due to the suppression of true manliness, in modern times, there are only very few areas of life that a reasonable comparison of the performance between men and women can be made. In orchestral music, for example, male musicians never reach their maximum potential when they have a woman director. Even among those modern abnormal weirdo perverted men who delight in propagating female bosses over men, they are not capable of producing outstanding music. They can't do it. Please, notice that this is not a comparison of the performance of male musicians vs. female musicians. Nor is this a comparison of the performance of male directors vs. female directors. Nor is this a comparison between male vs. female composers or orchestrators. (Even though composers are almost always men. And orchestrators are never women. But that's not the subject under discussion.) The subject under discussion is the low performance of men whenever they have a female director (boss) as compared to the unmistakably higher performance of men when they have a male director (boss), whatever that work 22
happens to be. (Most orchestras have mostly male musicians with fewer female musicians.) ALL of the best orchestral music has been recorded using male conductors. Male musicians with female conductors don't excel. Their CD's are never top sellers. (Absolute 00.00%) All movie producers who want an orchestra as background music always use male conductors. When people hear orchestral music with a female director, without even knowing who the director is, most people think that music sounds second rate. Test it out! Try playing orchestral music without knowing who the conductor is. Without knowing who is conducting, most people do not like the music with any female conductor in comparison to the top selling male conductors. Is there any musical group in any type of music that has done well with a bossy female leader over men? Never! This is like the old “Pepsi challenge”, back in the 80's. On TV commercials they showed how they gave people two little cups, one with Pepsi and the other with Coke .... and without knowing which was which, most people preferred Pepsi. This forced Coke to change their recipe until they could “win the challenge”. As a result, now we have both regular (new) Coke and Coke Classic (original). They still make the original because some people still demanded the original. Outside of America “Coke classic” is rarely seen. Americans are very picky. This does not mean that all women are always bad directors. Neither does it mean that all men are always good directors. The subject under discussion is the low performance of men whenever they have a female boss at work, whatever that work happens to be. (When male orchestra directors produce bad music, it is due to them permitting the musicians to concentrate too much on the written sheet music in front of them, which produces a dry mechanical unfeeling robot style, which is rarely heard in other types of music where no written music is used at all. Those orchestra directors should require the musicians to memorize the music and play it with no written sheet music in front of them.) It should also be noted that a woman director who stands up front merely keeping time would produce a much different effect on men as compared to a woman director who is constantly giving orders. A woman boss who just lets the men do their work the way they already know how without disturbance will get almost the same quality work as if the boss was a man. This is especially noticeable in female movie directors who just let the male actors do their own thing as compared to female movie directors who are constantly ordering the men around. It’s the bossy women who get the worst results from the men. Real women bosses over men will never “win the challenge”. They can't even “change their recipe” as Coke did to “win the challenge”. However, try putting a woman director over an orchestra of all good female musicians. (Which probably has never been done before.) Now, they would stand an excellent chance of becoming top sellers and sounding very good on the radio as well as background music in movies and could possibly “win the challenge” against male directors who let the musicians concentrate too much on the sheet music. (The musicians should have their eyes on the 23
director, not on the sheet music in front of them. Can you imagine what a public orator would sound like if he was slowly reading a speech word-for-word from a piece of paper, as compared to speaking with a normal conversational style, while keeping his eyes on the audience?) Someone might ask, what about the present advancement in technology? All this advancement doesn’t have something to do with changing the social position of women? No, the advancement in technology is specifically related to the removal of the age old mentality that technological advancement is anti-religious. (See article listed below on: Angels are Aliens, Aliens are Angels) Before this last century, there used to be a very common mentality among many people that advancement in things like technology and other higher intelectual pursuits produced arrogance and vanity. The most well known case of this was the suppression of the illuminati, centuries ago. Technology gets people to trust in themselves instead of trusting in God. After all, no matter how much technology advances, death will still be with us. Trusting in technology produces the same natural human reaction to trust in ourselves as trusting in money. Most rich people are far from God. It was the rich church in Rev. 3 that was called “lukewarm”, and rejected by Jesus Christ. The modern custom of having a “research and development” team in companies is the real cause of technological advancement. The real effect of the modern social change for women is best understood that if it wasn’t for this influence, modern technological advancement would have been noticeably faster. Bossy women have been slowing it down. And what about sports? Why is it so well understood that a men’s professional football team must have a man for a coach? And why are all the high-stress executive jobs in big competitive companies always men? Most modern companies have to invent low-stress executive positions like the director of “human resources” in order to put a woman into an executive spot. High-stress leadership is too heavy for women. Well, what about the British habit of having a woman as prime minister? Answer: that’s a modified position, just like the director of human resources has been modified. They don’t modify it like that for men. The men are bending over backwards in order to falsify the abnormality of having women in such positions. It’s kind of like how when a professional woman gets pregnant. Everybody knows that it is an extreme inconvenience to a company to have a professional person take a leave of absence for several months. But, it has become part of the modern custom for the men to make special extremely difficult arrangements in order to maintain this modern custom. They all know that special inconvenient arrangements have to be made in order to keep women in positions that they don’t belong in. Most of the people in those situations could go on-and-on for hours describing how abnormal and different it is having a woman in one of those positions, yet if any man were to actually protest, he would be an out-cast. Even in daily performance of such profession work, the blatant obviousness of the impracticality of having a woman in a man’s job cannot be denied. Despite the twisted conditions, every man who works with a woman in such a position recognizes how different it is as compared to having a man in the same position. Yet, if a man 24
were to ever say anything against it, then he would be labeled a woman abuser. The modern agenda dictates that any woman who wants to be a man must not be hindered. But, quite to the contrary, it is not the least bit harmful to a woman if she is denied the abnormality of being a man. Under the conditions mentioned previously, a true side by side comparison of performance is impossible to make. Comparing the performance of men at professional work to women at the same professional work cannot be done. What can only be compared, in real life, is the performance of women to the performance of altered, abnormal men. Men are not the same as they normally would be under normal conditions. A man who is forced to accept a woman boss is not a normal man, and his performance can never be the same as it would be under normal conditions. Comparing a woman to a man who is forced to lose is not a real comparison. Another illogical condition for comparison would be a situation where a woman boss is not really bossing anyone around, like a woman movie director who is supposedly directing experienced male actors. In reality, apart from giving the order to start and stop the camera for each scene they are not really telling the actors how to do their job. In that case, the actors are more like independent contractors who already know how to do their job, and do it automatically. This is more comparable to a woman home owner who contracts a construction company to make an alteration to her house. She can request certain results for the project, but she knows perfectly well that in regards to the way they perform their job, it is absolutely understood that she must butt-out. If she was to start getting bossy in the actual construction process, she would do nothing but mess it all up. Those supposed women movie “directors”, who get a good performance, know that they have to let the men do it their own way. If a woman movie “director” was to actually “direct” the men, they would only get negative results. Even among those perverted men who want to promote this type of abnormality, they know perfectly well that they can’t get better results with a woman director. Even though they know it’s incorrect, unnatural, freaky and inferior, they still promote it anyway. (The word “inferior” is not intended to be insulting to women, it simply indicates the obvious low level of productivity of the men whenever they have a woman for a boss. If a woman feels that she is well loved, she wouldn’t feel offended by such things. On the other hand, if a woman does not feel loved, the solution is not to convert her into a man. Women need lots of love, they don’t need to be converted into men,….. problem solved.) Human nature was designed by God. God designed men to need male leaders in order to perform their best. God says: 1Cor. 11:3“….. the head of the woman is the man…..” Women bosses over men should be considered like freaks on display in a freak show, like the Elephant Man was..... right next to the bearded woman. And they should be treated like same gender romances. The male bosses who put those women over other men should be castrated by the men they have disgraced, and have 25
their adult status in society denied. (Including/especially marriage and raising children.) There must not be another generation with this type of deformed behavior. Nowadays, men are expected to be “gentlemen” and let the ladies go first. But, in all other areas of life, everyone understands that there is a big difference between a leader being courteous and respectful (being a gentleman) to subordinates, as compared to a leader giving away his leadership position to a subordinate. It is perfectly possible for male leaders to insist on keeping their leadership position and, at the same time, maintain gentlemanly and courteous treatment to all of their subordinates. Maintaining all male authority over women is not any more abusive than adults always maintaining authority over children, or than employers always maintaining authority over their employees, or teachers always maintaining authority over students, or coaches always maintaining authority over team members. Before “women's liberation”, most men were not abusive to women, despite the abundance of dishonest satanic communist propaganda which has been pumped into the US by anti-Christian people for more than a hundred years now. (On the average, it happens more often that women act more “ungentlemanly” toward men than that men act that way to women. It is the women who are the rude, discourteous ones, when they get in a position of authority.) In many movies about the era when men were always the leaders over women, they typically misrepresent and falsify how things used to be. Most movies are very inaccurate about history. Remember, those movie producers are in the entertainment business. They're not in the historical accuracy business. In addition, most movie producers follow a “communistic” philosophy. They have been a big part, for many years now, of the leadership in the communist overthrow of the old lifestyle. The loss of true accurate historical understanding is primarily due to the satanic communist people who are the leaders in historical education, who have so effectively erased any history that does not conform to the modern “standards” that most people in America don't know what life was like even a hundred years ago in America. Among the few people who decide to start making an honest examination of true history, when they see it for the first time, it doesn't seem real to them. The old American lifestyle seems more like a false fantasy that has no bearing whatsoever on modern reality. The changes are astonishing. It cannot be denied that the force which caused these enormous changes must have been very powerful and enduring for many years now. Women, in modern times, are brainwashed from childhood to pursue what was previously thought to be “masculine” roles in society, without even knowing or caring that those roles used to be considered taboo for women. Then, when they have abnormal problems in their romance or family lives, they can't figure out why. Even highly intelligent women can't figure out why. (This comment is not intended to insult women. It is intended to take note that women need loving husbands to guide them and protect them from dangerous errors. The purpose of this comment is to motivate women to 26
overcome the deception,….. and to be winners instead.) Nowadays, the concept of a “masculine role” exclusively for men is usually taboo for men. Most of those “masculine roles” have been forgotten; in other words, nobody can remember the true difference between masculinity and femininity. However, even though it is possible to train women to become such things as, for example, bodybuilders and develop huge muscles like male bodybuilders, it doesn't mean that it's something that ought to be done. It isn't beneficial, necessary, nor is it normal. Even in modern movies that like to propagate macho acting women, female bodybuilders are not popular. The general public doesn't like looking at them. Even the modern female bodybuilder sport has been discontinued because of lack of popularity. Try to image an American professional football team made up of only women bodybuilders with huge muscles. (Notice that outside of the US, in every other country around the world, the word “football” refers to what Americans call “soccer”. Soccer was invented in England, so the British call it “football” and the rest of the world calls it “football”. Outside the US, almost everyone (except Canada) calls the football that's played in America, “American football”.) Try to image a new professional American football “rule” stating that all of the men's professional football teams have to play against the women bodybuilders and lose at least half the time (like they do in real life when people are applying for any high paying professional or management jobs). After only a few years of losing football games to the women bodybuilders, the men would have no more reason to build up those huge muscles, and most of the men would probably not even want to or care about playing football anymore. Most of them would completely lose all motivation. After only a few more years, the new “rule” that ordered the men to lose to the women bodybuilders would no longer be necessary. The men would no longer have those big muscles, would no longer be motivated to play their best and would LEGITIMATELY lose to the women bodybuilders. The women bodybuilders would REALLY BE the best professional American football players. Also, notice that the men who continue to play and seem to enjoy losing to the women ought to be considered weirdo abnormal freaks, just like those weirdo men who seem to enjoy having women bosses at work or seem to enjoy having their wives dominate them. The women fans, who used to get very emotional over those big strong men, would no longer be romantically interested in them, because those men would not be big and strong anymore. They are weakling men who won't stand up against feminism. It might seem logical that the women fans would probably be more romantically interested in the big muscular women who look more like men than the men do. However, in real life, those women fans normally don't like looking at big female bodybuilders and just lose interest in both genders. Either that or it's probably more common that those women fans would start to get romantically interested in normal-looking non-muscular femininely shaped pretty women. Or,.... if they happen to be one of those women trained to act like a man, then they usually get attracted to a man trained to act like a woman. Opposites attract, you know. 27
But, most importantly, the children who grow up observing this phenomenon would think that this is the way things always are naturally, just like how people do now concerning education and professional jobs. Children would grow up thinking that big muscular female professional American football players who usually beat the men are “normal”. They would think that women are naturally better than men at professional football in the same manner that most people, now-a-days, think that women are at least equal to or better than men in academics, professional jobs and management. It is not any more necessary to train women in authoritative academics than it is to train women to be huge bodybuilder football players. (“authoritative” means any academics in which their diploma would give them the right to exercise authority over men.) It isn't beneficial, necessary, nor is it normal. It causes abnormal problems. Most people can't understand what's causing those problems or how to solve them. Women used to be denied entrance into universities as students. How much less could they have been teachers or administrators over adult male students? Remember, education is not good or bad by itself. It’s how you use it that makes it good or bad. It is neither good nor bad to educate women. But, using education to turn women into men is an abnormal problem. People haven’t learned how to educate women correctly yet. It is good for women to learn good things as well as it is for men to learn good things. But, they have to learn how to apply those good things correctly. Please, notice that this has absolutely nothing to do with whether any particular person is capable of doing the job. In 2Chronicles chapter 26, King Uzziah incorrectly took it upon himself to burn incense in the temple of God. God had selected the priests, the descendants of Aaron, to do that job. It was such an easy job that even a child could have done it correctly. It was nothing more than lighting some incense and spreading the smell around the temple. But the question is not whether a person is capable, but whether a person has been selected by God to do it. 2Chr. 26:16-21 “But when he (Uzziah) was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction: for he transgressed against the Lord his God, and went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense upon the altar of incense. And Azariah the priest went in after him, and with him fourscore priests of the Lord, that were valiant men: And they withstood Uzziah the king, and said unto him, It appertaineth not unto thee, Uzziah, to burn incense unto the Lord, but to the priests the sons of Aaron, that are consecrated to burn incense: go out of the sanctuary; for thou hast trespassed; neither shall it be for thine honour from the Lord God. Then Uzziah was wroth, and had a censer in his hand to burn incense: and while he was wroth with the priests, the leprosy even rose up in his forehead before the priests in the house of the Lord, from beside the incense altar. And Azariah the chief priest, and all the priests, looked upon him, and, behold, he was leprous in his forehead, and they thrust him out from thence; yea, himself hasted also to go out, because the Lord had smitten him. And Uzziah the king was a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt in a several house, being a leper; for he was cut off from 28
the house of the Lord:” KJV
Look! In the manager’s office. It’s a man. It’s a woman. NO. It’s….… SUPER BITCH!!! Louder than a grenade blast. More irritating than a mother dog (bitch) continually barking all day long. Able to crumble the plaster right off a wall with a single roar. Able to reverse the course of a locomotive with a single nag at the engineer. Able to make an entire professional football team run away like cowards with a single growl. Seems like an alien from another planet with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortals, but no. It’s ……… It’s ……. It’s ……... SSSSUUUUPPPPEEEERRRR BBBBIIIITTTTCCCCHHHH!!!! For the sake of those people who are too young to understand what I was just talking about…… The old black and white Superman TV shows, that can be found on places like youtube, used to start off by saying: “Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane,…... it’s Superman. Yes, it’s Superman. Strange visitor from another planet who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers. Bend steal in his bare hands…….”
The main point of all of this is that, if the man doesn’t take the lead, the woman takes it automatically. There is no middle ground. The modern myth that a husband and wife can share the leadership equally is an absurd, irrational and a low intelligence propaganda lie that has actually managed to deceived many people who, by modern standards, are smart. It’s as dumb as electing two equal presidents. By denying the God ordained male leadership, you get super bitch women. This phenomenon is so disgraceful to manhood that it cannot even be recognized for what it really is. The old racial discrimination against blacks was much easier to recognize, face and overcome than this. Most modern men cannot even confess what it really is, much less face it and overcome it. It’s so much easier to call it something else and sweep it under the rug. But, when men do this they increase the problem. The super bitches get stronger when men run away from them like cowards.
Some people might say: “why should a man be afraid of a little competition from 29
a woman?” This isn't competition; it is forced failure. The men are ordered to lose, not by women, but by other abnormal men above them who are taking orders from Satan. When applied to marriage, it causes absolute failure and/or perversion. If this was applied to business, it would be considered an “employee's liberation” movement. It would cause the biggest economic disaster in the history of the world. After all, why should business management be afraid of a little competition from employees? Why is it that people are capable of figuring out that a little competition from employees would ruin a business, but they can't figure out that the competition from the “women's liberation” movement has already caused many big fat disasters, especially in regard to normal romance and marriage? It is the number one cause of the modern super high divorce rate. Strange, but most of the time very successful women usually have horrible romances. Their romances tend to be especially bad when they are rich and famous. The song “You light up my life” was a good example. They even made a movie about that one. The rich and famous singer had to say goodbye to all romance in order to make that song. (So,…. who was the person who lights up her life? Nobody. Yet, she sang that song with such emotion. You would have thought that she had someone really special.) There have been several films about this theme. (examples: Notting Hill, Funny Girl) Even if a successful woman is not rich and famous, she still seems to have difficulty finding normal romance. If she does find a man who learns to live with her success, she is rarely happy with that type of man. She usually perceives him as a wimpy loser. And if she’s really lucky and finds a man equally as successful as herself, then they always have one of those “independent” marriages, that ends up being no better than two “independent” roommates living together, which normally ends in divorce. Notice how in most (probably all) of the universities in the US, the testing system has been deliberately designed to favor the mental characteristics of women. Strange,.... most men recognize that something is weird about those tests, but they don't really know why they're weird. None of the women, on the other hand, notice anything at all. In fact, most women think those tests use a good method of testing. No woman ever notices the abnormality of those tests. They have a perfect score: absolute zero. Not even one woman has figured out that the testing system has been artificially altered to help them get better grades. Women always get better scores on those tests than men do. How many times is a man awarded valedictorian?........ Especially in high school, how many male valedictorians are there in the entire United States? In the last 50 years, probably none. In high school the grading system is extremely biased in favor of girls. However, in high school it is not due to an altered testing system, it's mostly due to personal grading favoritism by the teachers, especially in ambiguous classes like 30
“English”, “Art”, “Music” and “Physical Education”, which are easily graded at the whims and favoritism of the teacher. Sometimes, when a teacher is grading a composition in English class they don’t even read it if it is written by their favorite girl student; she gets an A automatically. Whereas, a boy would get a B on a composition of the same quality. But, at universities they literally twist the testing system to favor female mentality. At universities they want to help women pass the classes as much as they can. They also want to make it look like women are smarter than men. But, it’s a possibility that since those tests seem somewhat irrational, illogical and irrelevant, maybe the cause of the difference is due to them being completely made by women. Either that or maybe they were made by men who wanted to help women excel as much as possible. (Keep in mind that this type of testing system may not exist in other countries. But, it is very popular in the US.) I’ll bet that those tests were made by men. This whole communist satanic “women’s liberation” thing is being supported mostly by men, without which it could not work. But somehow even very intelligent women are not capable of figuring out that those tests seem irrational, illogical and irrelevant to men. So, the women get better test scores than the men do. Yet, they can’t figure out how all this has led to disaster. (This comment is not intended to insult women. It is intended to take note that women need loving husbands to guide them and protect them from dangerous errors. The purpose of this comment is to motivate women to overcome the deception,….. and to be winners instead.) Dangerous, like the big dog mentioned above, licking his chops, just waiting for that little hamster to get out of her cage. How is it that even very intelligent women can't see the big dog? This demonstrates why God ordained that women, even highly intelligent women, need to be under the supervision and protection of men who love them. That is, normal men who are not trying to convert women into men. Women who were educated in universities have been trained to have bodybuilder brains. Yet they are still incapable of understanding that this is all to their disadvantage. Notice that the first sin in the Garden of Eden was the pursuit of “knowledge”. The serpent deceived Eve by telling her that the real reason why God prohibited the forbidden fruit was: “....that in the day ye (y’all) eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Gen. 3:5 The name of the tree was: Gen 2:17 “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” What is going on in modern times that passes for high level education and professionalism for women is really very far to the extreme freakish, perverted, weird and deformed. (It is not necessarily harmful as long as those women do not exercise authority over the men.) Modern education for women is equally as peculiar, unnatural and unnecessary as an American football team of women bodybuilders who play against the men. Any normal man ought to be turned off by it. But instead, many men try to convince themselves that they like it this way. This is because those men know that, regardless of how abnormal this phenomenon is,….. 31
it's on the agenda,….... Satan’s agenda, so there's nothing they can do to stop it. And so, it's better to just accept it and learn to live with it, rather than being miserable. The phrase “on the agenda” means that it has been ordered by the big boss who almost everyone knuckles under to. Everybody knows who's calling the shots. (Everybody except for children and a few innocent/naive adults, like Forrest Gump.) It is, in no way, shape or form abusive to women to prohibit them from having positions of authority over men. Furthermore, most women will be much happier not being in those positions, even if they have to earn less money. (provided their pay is reasonable) They will also begin to experience superior romance. Men will start acting like men again. Women will start to get love-sick again over men who act like real men. As a part of the same package of feminism, most modern professional women have also been trained to minimize the respect for “motherhood”. Especially during the unpleasant transitional period, in the 60's and 70's, motherhood was treated as something of lesser importance. It was a common theme in movies and TV shows to have a young female character that showed an intensive dislike to motherhood, as though it was something repulsive. Most little girls grow up with a natural desire to play with dolls, especially baby dolls; they like pretending to be a mommy. It’s truly amazing how an influence that seems so small and insignificant could have such a tremendous affect on society. The result has been a massive unstable culture in which young people who have had insufficient “motherly” love frequently turn to drugs, alcoholism, crime, mental illness or purposeless suicide. Everything in life always has something about it that is unpleasant. The propaganda deceivers don’t have to even worry about convincing anyone to take the bait; the victims will fill in that blank themselves. It’s kind of like dangling a carrot in front of a horse on a cart in order to get the horse to move. All the propagandists have to do is to get the women to believe that it’s better to be a man instead of a woman,….. and violà, the victims will invent their own excuses to follow the deception. They’re as good as a fish in a barrel. Even highly educated women can't figure out that they have been brainwashed into thinking that if they were normal “mothers”, they would be unhappy. Then, like gullible fish on a hook, they follow the deceptive brainwashing and become men. (No insult intended, the purpose of this comment is to motivate women to overcome the effects of the brainwashing.….. and to be winners instead. The real intent of those bad people who have been deceiving them must be accepted; the “big dog” must be recognized and dealt with properly. How come the women can't see the big dog?) And they can't figure out that they would have been much happier as mothers than as being converted into men. Even now-a-days, most parents think that if they're going to do the best for their daughters, they have to get them to go to college. Somehow they think it would be inferior/bad for them if they were mothers/housewives instead. It has never been seen before, in the history of the US that most of the large 32
companies regularly require everyone in the company to take a drug test, even the administrators. The divorce rate is much higher than it was before “women's liberation” started. Most women are less happy in life, especially family life and romance, than they were before “women's liberation”. Most people refuse to believe that “women's liberation” has anything to do with these abnormal problems, but the truth is that it is “cause and effect”. But, even the people who deny it is “cause and effect” cannot deny that the abnormal problems started shortly after the “women's liberation” movement started. The timing factor cannot be denied. Deep down, most professional women are not as happy in life as the nonprofessional women doing common labor jobs. (Provided their pay is reasonable.) Most modern professional women would trade their jobs for a quality relationship with a truly good man. But, despite their higher education, they can't figure out that they can't have both. It is not possible to be “independent” and “united” at the same time. Modern “independent” professional couples are not really “couples”. They're more like “independent” friends who live together,...... like roommates. “Unity” and “independence” are opposites of each other, but despite their higher education, they can't figure out that they can't be “united” and “independent” at the same time. (Can you imagine living in the “Independent” States of America? What would it be like? Would the states start fighting with each other like the typical American husband and wife do?) It is also not possible to have a good romance when both the woman and the man are acting masculine. It is even more abnormal when the woman acts masculine and the man acts feminine. The “women's liberation” movement has already been a disadvantage to women equally as much as an “employee's liberation” movement would be a disadvantage to employees, which would cause the worst economic disaster in the history of the world. Normal romance has been impaired by modern feminism. Why can't people figure out that the “women's liberation” movement causes problems? People are very much capable of figuring out that an “employee's liberation” movement would cause problems. Wives are supposed to be primarily: Titus 2:5 “.... keepers at home, ….”, which means that they should first be “housewives” and “mothers”. Years ago, many men who married a working woman would order the wife to stop working and be exclusively a housewife. (This was especially practiced after the US government eliminated the laws of “coverture”.) (See “coverture” in article listed below: The Role Of Women Throughout History.) (See article listed below on: Marriage Misunderstandings Explained.) However, if housewives happen to have a little extra time, there's no harm if they work part-time on the side. (Prov. 31:10-31) The only women that should be working full-time are women with no children. (That is, when the husband doesn’t have enough income to support the family. This means that wives should not work full-time just for the sake of having lots of extra money.) Divorced mothers have no authority from God to take the children away from their fathers. (See article listed below on: Fatherhood) 33
And when the government butts-in and forces the fathers to give up the children to the mothers, the result is always bad. And, rest assured, the mothers can't figure out why they have such a bad time of it. Sometimes, it even goes so far that the mother gets on the phone and asks the separated father how to fix the problems. How about that!?! She can’t figure out that it was her leaving her husband that caused the problem in the first place. There are numerous other problem situations in life that women commonly find themselves in (such as what was mentioned above: bad family conditions, divorce, no normal romance, drug addiction, alcoholism due to bad family conditions, mental illness and purposeless suicides), but somehow women are not capable of perceiving that many of those problem situations are a direct result of the “women's liberation” movement. How is it possible that people can understand that an “employee's liberation” movement would cause a big fat disaster, but they can't understand that the “women's liberation” movement has already caused many big fat disasters? God created women to feel the happiest, most secure, loved and protected when they live within God's will of all male supervision. Most professional women who are such things as doctors, lawyers, business administrators or politicians would be much happier in life and feel much more fulfilled if they were mothers and housewives instead. “Mother-hood” is the highest value a woman can be, as a valuable asset to society. The satanic communists want to get the mothers out of the way so that they can raise the children any way they want. (Brainwashing. Remember the hamster and big dog mentioned above. Women can't see the big dog. They need a good man to see it for them.) The enormous quantity of out-of-control and emotionally unstable children and adolescents is the consequence of most mothers putting more importance on their high-paying careers than spending the necessary time needed to be real mothers to their own children. By spending a lot of time at work they have indirectly informed their own children that having a prestigious macho profession and/or making lots of money is more important to them than their own children. Or, maybe it could be stated much simpler: love of money. 1Tim. 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil…..” (It should probably be mentioned that the high quantity of out-of-control and emotionally unstable children and adolescents is much more a problem in the US, as compared to most other countries.) This is part of the propaganda (brainwashing) that has been teaching everyone that “motherhood” is kind of like the insult of being a “nurse” instead of being a doctor or like the insult of being a “secretary” instead of being a business manager. (All of that deceptive propaganda is doing a lot of insulting.) Now-a-days there is a shortage of nurses and most people refuse to even use the word “secretary” any more. They call it: “administrative assistant”. Yet, the work is the same as before. The work they do is equally as important and necessary as it was before they changed its label. And why did they change its label? Is it really necessary to say it? Do you really have to be told? 34
Of course this is the result of all that mass of satanic communist propaganda that brainwashes women to think that if they had a lowly job like a secretary, nurse or, God forbid, the horrible state of being a housewife, they would be some kind of insignificant nobody who is not competent enough to do anything of real value. All that satanic communist propaganda (brainwashing) has disrespected “motherhood” and taught women that if they don't rise above womanhood and become men then they're existence is insignificant. They are saying that “motherhood” is meaningless and inferior! Ooooooh,…. that word “inferior”, now that’s a powerful word. That word gets women motivated to rise above being a woman. It gets them to become men. The result has been a whole generation of unstable children and adolescents who have had insufficient motherly love, that usually end up getting into trouble or having some other type of abnormal problem due to an insecure lack of motherly love. Regardless of the obvious sick-mindedness of this propaganda many highly educated women are following it anyway. The fact of the matter is that “motherhood” is more important than a woman getting a prestigious high-paying professional macho job. The supposedly intelligent women in those macho jobs are the ones who have been deceived. They are the true losers and they can't figure out why. Despite their higher intelligence and education, they can't figure out why they're unhappy losers. (No insult is intended. The purpose of this comment is to motivate women to overcome the deception,….. and to be winners instead.) Those “macho” women will also never know true romance with a man who acts like a real man because those women have been brainwashed to act like the man in whatever relationship they have. Modern “feminism” teaches women to act like men. Modern “feminism” has impaired normal romance between women and men, yet intelligent educated professional women can't figure it out. It seems real easy to understand that a woman who acts like a man should not expect to have a normal romance with a normal man at the same time. How come they can't figure it out? (No insult is intended. The purpose of this comment is to motivate women to overcome the deception,….. and to be winners instead.) There have never existed so many people trained in psychology and Christian education, who are supposed to be able to solve the present epidemic of problems of mental and emotional instability, yet these problems get worse and worse every year (due to the fact that they refuse to acknowledge that modern feminism is the main cause of those problems)..... And those quack psychologists and Christian leaders, many times, are having those same types of problems themselves. It doesn't take very much understanding to see that if this trend doesn't stop progressing in the direction it's going, eventually the entire social system will collapse, either on its own, like a ship with a hole in its hull, continuously filling with water,.... or with some unexpected problem, like the Titanic's iceberg. (Which should not have been unexpected.) What kind of a person would not notice their own ship continually filling 35
with water? A drunkard? What kind of a person would go full speed at night in an ocean full of icebergs and not expect that they might hit one? A lunatic? A mentally ill person? Obviously, in the fields of psychology and Christian education, all American universities and colleges are hopelessly incompetent quacks and are hereby disqualified from giving diplomas in these fields of study. How is it possible these people can understand that an “employee's liberation” movement would cause a big fat disaster, but they can't understand that the “women's liberation” movement has already caused many big fat disasters? The modern taboo to speak against feminism has overthrown their thinking process. It should also be noted that if the psychologists really did start healing people from their mental and emotional illnesses, those psychologists would start losing much of their income. Without a doubt, they’re making a lot of money off the people who come to them for help. Why should they heal them and turn away income? But, maybe that's not fair. Satan has put feminism on the agenda..... And people are just doing what they're told...... following Satan,...... all the way to hell. Why do they call doctors who don't know what they're talking about “quacks”? When a bunch of ducks walk together, each duck is waddling back and forth with its head held high as though he is very important. The “self-important” waddling itself is very comical. As they waddle along with an air of “self-importance”, each duck tries to quack louder than all of the other ducks so that what he says will sound more important than any of the other ducks. But, none of the ducks are ever listening to what any of the other ducks are saying. Each duck wants to be heard above all the others. The quacking sound itself that the ducks make is very comical. It would be a good idea if the people in the artificial duck call business (like Duck Dynasty) could make a musical duck call, like a clarinet, a real musical instrument, properly tuned so that it could produce real music with the comical sound of an artificial duck call. Laughter, if it is applied correctly, can have very significant healing properties; it's very therapeutic. (People in low spirits don't heal as well as people in high spirits.) (Technically speaking: The American Journal of Medicine has found that laughter... “increases secretion of catecholamines and endorphins... which in turn increases oxygenation of the blood, relaxes the arteries... speeds up the heart, decreases blood pressure... which has a positive effect on all cardiovascular and respiratory ailments... as well as overall increasing the immune system response.”) Those “quack” doctors would get a lot better results if they played a musical duck call for their patients...... of course, they'll have to be sure to play it very loud so that everyone will think they really know what they are quacking about. They could also teach their patients how to play quack songs, too. The song “pop goes the weasel” would be particularly therapeutic. The third stooge Curly turned into superman when he heard that song. (See Curly on youtube, search for: The Three Stooges 002 Punch Drunks In Color) Or, to quote the great philosopher, Moe, the first of the stooges: “in 36
music there’s strength”. One time I actually met a Chinese man named “Quack”. He was studying at a university for his doctorate degree in computerized artificial intelligence. How about that!?! A real Dr. Quack! An expert in fake intelligence. Notice how, (exclusively in the last few decades) in movies and TV shows, it has become popular to show women with attractive femininely formed bodies fighting like men or doing macho activities like men, but without those unfeminine huge bodybuilder muscles necessary to do the job. Somehow, many people don't (like to see)/(tolerate seeing) women with those bodybuilder muscles, yet at the same time they enjoy watching a woman acting macho, but with a well-shaped pretty feminine body. Even more amazing is how most men don't like to talk about it in conversation (they don't even want to admit that it exists), but they seem to feel comfortable watching women acting super macho in movies; even watching a woman beating up a man. Years ago, movie producers knew that a sure way to get everyone to laugh was to show a woman bossing around a man. Well, they can't use that to make anyone laugh any more..... And men don't even want to admit that this disgrace exists. They don't even want to talk about it. Especially they don't want to talk about the shameful manner that the women do it. Yet, they seem to enjoy sitting and watching it in a movie. Amazing,....... many men watch it, but in conversation they won't admit that they watch it, much less admit that they enjoy watching it. It's a disgrace to manhood, but they don't seem to care, nor understand the mental corruption it causes. They can't figure out the consequences of such mental contamination. People seem to like to watch the false fantasy of women being equally as strong as men (or stronger) but without the unattractive huge macho muscles necessary to do the job. This false deceptive fantasy is a contamination to a normal human mind. (This isn't just deceptive fantasy; it's perverted and weird converting women into men and men into women. Why is it so popular? Why don't people turn that junk off? Why don't people boycott the products advertised on those shows?) It is equally as much a misrepresentation of femininity as the false image they show of men always being tyrants before “women's liberation”. (The truth is that it is the modern bossy women who are the disgraceful tyrants over men. See article listed below on: Fatherhood) These are irrational perversions and everyone who wants to have a normal mind should avoid both deceptions. Why can't people understand the crazy consequences of letting their minds absorb that trash? This unrealistic deceit of the true nature of femininity is a form of mental illness that causes people to have real mental illness. Mental illness doesn't just happen by itself. Something causes it to happen..... And the US seems to be loaded with more of it than any other country. Sad to say, many foreigners immigrate to the US seeking economic prosperity, but they don't realize that they have to be “Americanized” and become mentally ill reverse gender sex perverts in the process. (And don't forget about 37
the problems they will be having with their kids; problems they wouldn't be having if they hadn't come to America.) Before they come, they don't know that most Americans have already become mentally ill reverse gender sex perverts. The women are being trained to act like men and the men are being trained to act like women. The presence of women on TV or in movies who take on any masculine role confuses most people's physical desires. Many of the people who watch that kind of stuff can't seem to decide if they're more attracted to their own gender or the opposite gender or both or neither,.... without ever knowing why. In like manner, it equally confuses most people's physical desires when women are taught in universities to have bodybuilder brains, compete with men for high-paying professional jobs and are given positions of authority over men at work or as politicians in the government. (From the position of President all the way down to the drivers license clerk who gives men permission to drive.) Most of the people who have abnormal physical desires don't know why they have those desires. What good is it if the human race obtains enormous advancements in science, medicine and technology, if they cannot overcome death? Why do so many people live as though they will never die? Why do people live as though they will never face God's judgment after death for their rebellious actions now? Matt 16:26 “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Heb 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” (see article listed below on: Salvation) In its day, the Titanic was the latest in technological advancement..... Yet it sank. Some of the people at that time said things like: it's “the unsinkable ship” and/or “God himself could not sink this ship”. BLASPHEMY! Likewise, every society that blasphemes God with things like “women's liberation” will sink. (See article listed below on: The New World Order was Prophesied in the Bible) Sad to say, most people won't change their bad conduct until their Titanic hits an iceberg. It would have been a waste of time to try to get them not to board the Titanic in the first place. Try to imagine someone standing on the dock as the people were boarding the Titanic, warning people not to get on. Would anybody have listened? Probably not. Sooner or later, every blasphemous Titanic must sink!!! The writing is on the wall! (Please read Daniel chapter 5, which is the origin of the phrase: “the writing is on the wall”.) Don't forget, that the first sin that was ever committed in human history was a pursuit of “knowledge”. God had forbidden Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of “the knowledge of good and evil”. Gen 2:17 “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” If they had not eaten of that tree, sickness, accidents, old age and death would not exist. We would all be living for eternity in paradise right now. Knowledge and education are neither good nor bad in and of themselves. Knowledge and education can be used for good or they can also be used for bad. God 38
makes the rules. If someone uses knowledge and education in a manner contrary to God's Word, then they are definitely using knowledge and education for bad. If women are given positions of leadership over men or if they are neglecting motherhood because of their education, then that education is definitely immoral and anti-Christian. When they do that, they are either disregarding God or saying that God is wrong. This is blasphemy! Notice that both Adam and Eve sinned equally, but Eve was deceived and Adam was not. Adam ate the forbidden fruit for a different reason than Eve did. 1Tim. 2:14 “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” This is the primary reason why God placed the husband as the leader of his wife. The nature of women is that they are more easily deceived by Satan than men are; they can’t see the big dog. The male leadership role was intended by God to protect women, especially from satanic deception. The “women's liberation” movement destroys that male authority and protection. Many years ago, there was a custom that the women were obligated to either wear a veil over their heads or use long hair as a constant symbolic reminder of the authority of their husbands over them and as a constant reminder to be submissive and obedient to their husbands. 1Cor 11:10 “for this cause ought the woman to have a sign of authority on her head....” The husband is supposed to be both a loving leader and a protector of his wife. It used to even be included in the wedding vows that the wife was to “obey” her husband. There is a big difference between “intelligence” and “education”, as compared to true “wisdom”. “Intelligence” is limited to only the few people who have high capacity brains. It is also important to recognize that “intelligence” can be used for either good or bad. It is also important to recognize that “intelligence” is always accompanied with some sort of weakness that causes it to fail under certain conditions; every superman has to have his kryptonite. 1Co 1:27 “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” 1Co 1:20 “…….. hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” There are some people who maintain the idea that “intelligence” and “education” are, by nature always something “good”, kind of like how most Americans think that the president is always “good”. The idea that it was president Bush who knocked down the twin towers could never enter their minds. Remember, the first sin in the Garden of Eden was the pursuit of “knowledge”. The serpent deceived Eve by telling her that the real reason why God prohibited the forbidden fruit was: “....that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Gen. 3:5 The name of the tree was: Gen 2:17 “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” 39
But, true “wisdom” is not limited to people with high capacity brains and is always applied for the true best benefit of people, both in this life and in the next life. Therefore, “wisdom” must also, by very nature, include a true and clear perception of God's salvation and purpose for this life and the next life. Proverbs 3:13-18 “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.” Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth (rebukes) not; and it shall be given him.” A very important system used by those satanic people to propagate the modern queer mentality of masculine acting women is the mass media (TV and movies), which seems to be even more influential at corrupting young people than the educational system. But, the worst satanic ringleaders of all are the corrupt church leaders, who claim to be faithful Christians, but refuse to teach and/or put into practice what the Word of God truly says. Christianity is supposed to have the answers, but modern Christianity does not. Most modern churches have satanic “wolves in sheep's clothing” for leaders. Mat 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Also: Act 20:29) (See article listed below on: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing) The Bible really does have the answers, but nobody seems to care. All of the churches are under Satan's spell. They're unable to break away from the corrupt twisted Bible interpretation of the satanic spy leaders. (See article listed below on: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing) The few church leaders who are not satanic spies don't seem to perceive what's going on in their own churches and have turned lukewarm in the faith. Despite the fact that they are not satanic spies, they were usually trained by satanic spies and are not capable of recognizing the presence or the corrupt twisted Bible interpretation of the satanic spies who are among them. Even though they are not satanic spies, they are equally as disqualified from being church leaders as the satanic spies are. (See article listed below on: The Lukewarm Church) Back in the 60's, many of the people who were against the “women's liberation” movement also thought that it would cause a considerable increase in “sodomy”, along with many other abnormalities. Lev. 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to 40
death; their blood shall be upon them.” They also had a fear that God would send a horrible punishment as a result of permitting such behavior. According to Louis Crompton, Ph.D. on early American history, referring to this abomination....... “in 1776, in the original 13 colonies was universally subject to the death penalty”. However, later on, the penalty for this crime was reduced to long-term imprisonment. As time went by, little by little, the US government decreased the punishment for this crime to less and less time in prison. Eventually, they completely repealed all the laws against it. Now, speaking against this conduct is considered “politically incorrect”. After the “women's liberation” movement got going, the quantity of cases in the US of “sodomy” increased enormously. Rest assured, these two things are directly related to each other >>> cause and effect. But now-a-days, few people in the US even seem to care anything at all about whether this behavior is right or wrong. Most people do not know that when the US first started, many of the laws regarding criminal behavior were based on citations directly out of the Holy Bible. The US books of law themselves had Bible quotations and references written in them. Lawyers were required to have a very good knowledge of the Bible in order to become lawyers. At that time, the Holy Bible was considered the primary authority on determining true morality and acceptable legal conduct. But eventually, all of those references to the Holy Bible were removed from the official US law books. Most of the biggest changes away from the Holy Bible, like permitting women to vote (along with many other changes), were made in 1920, shortly before the Great Depression and the dust bowl. >>> Cause and effect? Certainly!!! (See article listed below on: The Suffering Of The Great Depression) The “dust bowl”, in essence was God commanding nature itself to vomit the people out of the land because of their corruption. Lev 18:28 “That the land spue (vomit) not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued (vomited) out the nations that were before you.” (They called the dust storms “black blizzards” because they blotted out the sun so completely that it seemed like night time in the middle of the day. On Sunday April 14, 1935, the worst storm of all struck, across the entire US, which people called, “Black Sunday”. (See article listed below on: The Suffering Of The Great Depression) Internet search: dust bowl images) Remember, the storms hit at the same time as the economic crash right after the US government changed many laws away from the Bible, >>> cause and effect? Certainly!!! When America was young, they used to call this sin “the crime against nature”, “sodomy” or “buggery”. Both the words “sodomy” and “buggery” originally come from places or groups of people in past history who were noted for this type of abnormal behavior. It was not referred to by the more specific names in common use today. Most of the people back then were afraid even to mention it by a specific name. They thought the name itself was poison...... And they were right. The Bible never calls it by any of those specific names either. (Except incorrectly in some of the modern bad translations.) Eph. 5:12 “For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.” Eph. 5:3 “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetous41
ness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;”. Faithful Christians shouldn't use those words; those words are poison. Even in the book of the Song of Solomon, where physical affection between a husband and his wife is spoken of positively and blessed by God, the physical intimate details are expressed by using lots of indirect symbolism in order to describe the best recipe for the maximum marital physical experience. Even though marital affection was invented by God and blessed by God, it was considered inappropriate to talk about those things openly and directly; how much less “the crime against nature”? It should be added here that any person who regularly commits the “crime against nature”, either for real in the flesh or in the lust of the mind, can always repent and turn to God and find complete forgiveness and salvation through faith in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. (Mat. 5:27,28 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. In this passage only lusting after women is mentioned, but obviously a man lusting after another man would equally be considered as the intentions of his heart.) God loves everyone and doesn't want anyone to perish. Rom. 1:26,27 “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly (improper, shameful), and receiving in themselves that recompence (reward) of their error which was meet (fitting).” (Notice how a specific name for this sin was never mentioned in the Bible)(Also Lev. 20:13) John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” God is very loving and forgiving, but He also insists on repentance. Mar. 1:15 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye (y'all), and believe the gospel.” Luke 15:7 “.... joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” KJV (Also read Luke 7:36-50) Nobody is guaranteed of tomorrow. (See article listed below on: Salvation) In practice, the solution to overcome the problem of abnormal physical desires such as the “crime against nature” is to reverse the “women's liberation” movement. The “women's liberation” movement teaches women to act like men, which causes an unnatural absence of true femininity, which in turn causes abnormal physical desires. The word “sodomy” or “sodomite” comes from the name of the city “Sodom”, in the land of Israel that was known for this type of abnormal behavior. In Gen. 18:20 19:28 it says that God rained fire down from heaven and destroyed the city of Sodom and all the area around it, including the city of Gomorrah. Abraham even refused to 42
touch any object from Sodom. (Gen. 14:22,23) In the same manner that people shouldn't use specific names for that type of sin, it is also a good idea not to even touch any object from that type of sin, as though it was contagious. The sickness of AIDS didn't just happen by chance; it is a curse from God. In the 1960's, many people also thought that a “women's liberation” movement would cause a considerable increase in divorces (declarations of separation) and unhappy MCTs (Modern Corrupt Twosomes, which are corrupt “marriages” that shouldn't even be called “marriages”. See article listed below on: Marriage Misunderstandings Explained). Since the 1960’s there has indeed been a considerable increase in unhappy/crazy MCTs, a considerable increase in divorces (declarations of separation) and a considerable increase in the “crime against nature”. But despite the fact that the “women's liberation” movement happened at the same time that these extreme changes in the US culture started, most people in modern times refuse to believe there is any link between them or that there is any reason why they should even be concerned about it. The “women’s liberation” movement was not only blasphemy against God’s Word, but it was also against nature itself. (Titus 2:4,5) IT IS ABNORMAL!!! It causes unhappy MCTs and it is a disadvantage to women equally as much as an “employee's liberation” movement would be a disadvantage to employees. (Which would cause the worst economic disaster in the history of the world.) After the “women’s liberation” movement was in full swing most women were less happy than before, that is, before the unpleasant crazy hostile transitional period. (Before 1960) When women act like men, it does not produce happiness. God alone has the true recipe for happiness. If you obey the Lord Jesus Christ as a wife should obey her husband, the Spirit of God will give you deep down true happiness, even if your outward circumstances are unpleasant. You can also be assured that your happiness will continue into the next life as well. Jesus said: Mat. 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” According to nature, masculinity is automatically attracted to femininity and femininity to masculinity. But, if a society is trained (brainwashed) from childhood to accept a false understanding of the true nature of femininity and masculinity, then the natural attraction would be reduced. It would not be reduced to zero, however, except in extreme cases. It also affects different people to different degrees. Any leadership role over men at home, in church meetings, at work, in adult education or in all levels and departments of the government is, by very nature, EXTREMELY MASCULINE!!! The people who prefer their own gender ordinarily don't do it because they consider their own gender more physically attractive than the opposite gender. They usually do it because the character of the opposite gender does not appeal to them. 43
However, many people in this modern environment tend to have physical desires for both genders, while a few people have no physical desire for either gender. Most people do not even notice the absence of femininity, which is caused by modern “feminism”, which teaches women to act like men. This “feminism” is the suppression of femininity for women and the suppression of masculinity for men. When a normal man desires femininity, but can't find it or even seem to recognize it, some of those normal men will turn to the most likely alternatives available, without ever knowing why. The “crime against nature” between men and children is caused by the unnatural absence of true femininity, which is caused by the “feminist” training of women to act like men. This is another abnormality that has risen considerably ever since the “women's liberation” movement started >>> cause and effect. The men who commit such things are usually thought of as being abnormal and criminal. But really, most of them would probably have been normal men if they were living in an uncorrupted society that had women who acted feminine instead of masculine. In some extreme cases, the absence of femininity might even drive some men to violence or kidnapping, resulting in things like serial killers who primarily attack women or abduct children. Notice, how many times the authorities handling such cases are very macho acting women; >>> cause and effect. It’s hard to find such extreme hypocrisy any place else. “Authority” itself is macho. God has selected the man to be the leader, the “authority”. Freak behavior produces more freak behavior. How come people can’t seem to figure it out? This is one of the results of converting women into men,….. modern feminism. In the days when the “crime against nature” was punished by death or imprisonment, in the US, many people thought if that type of behavior was permitted, it would cause a horrible punishment to come upon them from God, similar to how God rained fire down from heaven and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen. 18:20 - 19:28) During the "Great Depression" and the “dust bowl” in the 1930's, many people in the US thought that they were indeed experiencing a judgment from God for the wicked conduct of the people during the 1920's..... the roaring twenties. (See article listed below on: The Suffering Of The Great Depression) (Internet search: dust bowl images) What caused the "Great Depression" and the “dust bowl”? Only nine years before the economic crash in 1929, the US government changed many of the laws regarding how women were treated, due to the influence of an abundance of satanic communist propaganda (brainwashing), many of those laws were changed away from the proper teachings of the Bible. The year 1920 was probably the biggest legal step away from the Bible and toward satanic communism in the history of America; the beginning of feminism. It was claimed that those changes were supposed to make men and women more equal and reduce abusiveness. But in reality, those laws were extremely in favor of women, especially wives against husbands. The people who made those laws were not interested in “equality”, they were interested in the destruction of male authority and 44
eventually the total destruction of the family and marriage. They wanted to completely eliminate marriage and family altogether. So far, they have made a lot of progress. Those laws motivate wives to fight against their husbands. Those laws have been very effective at ruining marriages and families. This was the first "women's liberation" movement. Some people call it the first “wave” of “feminism”, mostly consisting in legal changes. However, it has nothing to do with promoting femininity. It is the promotion of training women to act like men. In reality, it is the suppression of femininity and the perversion and disgrace of manliness. The most publicized legal change was that women were given the right to vote for the first time. (See article listed below on: The Role of Women Throughout History) Those legal alterations caused an immediate change in the general mentality among most of the people. Liberal attitudes like “do whatever you want” and “it’s fun to forget about the old morals” were all of the sudden widespread. You see, it is a package deal. If people disregard one of God's rules, then they might as well disregard all of them. They might as well go hog-wild. They want to see if they can get God to react, even if they have to die to see it. In Num. 16:28-41 God caused the ground itself to open up and swallow the rebellious leaders who were against Moses, sending them alive directly down to hell. But the next day: Num 16:41 “But on the morrow all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron, saying, Ye have killed the people of the LORD.” It seems as though the previous spectacle was so amazing that the people were willing to even spit in God's face to see if they could get Him to do it again. They were willing to risk their own lives just to see an “instant replay”. The rise of excessive greed was another big change along with the new widespread liberal attitudes. Many people started to gamble large amounts of money in an unstable stock market. The “love of money” more than the love of God and decadent liberal “do whatever you want” lifestyle replaced the old good moral standards. It was called: “the roaring twenties”. It was a strange era of economic prosperity, liberal morality and many unusual problems, all at the same time. Economic prosperity is one of Satan's most effective tools at getting people to forget about God, especially in the lukewarm church. Immediately after the stock market crash in 1929 the “dust bowl” started, which was when the land itself, especially in the mid-west, refused to produce food. It also got unusually windy, with extremely strong sandstorms. Much of that farmland started to have sand dunes, like in a desert. (Internet search: dust bowl images) Unusual desert sandstorms started to happen regularly, sometimes every day, in places that had never experienced that kind of thing before. Many farmers had to leave their farmland and look for work elsewhere. There was a shortage of food. Many thousands of people starved to death. God caused nature itself to react and reject the sinful conduct of the people..... And everyone knew it. God caused the land itself to vomit the people out. Lev. 18:27,28 “for all these abominations have the men of the land done, that were before you, and the land is defiled; that the land vomit not you 45
out also, when ye defile it, as it vomited out the nation that was before you.” (See article listed below on: The Suffering Of The Great Depression) But, since there had only been nine years of corruption, many people still remembered the old good moral standards. Consequently, despite the fact that the government refused to repeal the numerous corrupt anti-Christian legal changes for women, there was a massive movement to put women back into their traditional role in society and prevent women from obtaining positions of authority over men. The progress of the first “women's liberation” movement had been almost completely stopped, despite the efforts of the satanic communists to keep it moving. Most historians refuse to account for the cause of this “valley” in the movement of feminism. They just point out the “waves” of movement without mentioning any reason for the existence of a “valley”. No further progress was made until the 60's. How could this be possible? Such an extreme change in the entire society could not have taken place without a tremendous conviction in the conscience of almost everyone that “women’s liberation” was wrong! They all understood why the Great Depression came. WOMEN'S LIBERATION IS SINFUL!!! IT IS SATANIC!!! The leaders of the satanic religion are women; commonly known as “witches”. Why? Satan has chosen women for leaders because God has chosen men for leaders. (See article listed below on: What About Deborah?) In Christian churches with women leaders, those women leaders are really female “wolves in sheep's clothing”. (Remember Jezebel) They are liars who love corrupting the church. The “women's liberation” movement claims to promote equality, but that is not true. It may be moderately “equal” in the work place, as far as opportunity for higher macho positions for women, but in marriage and family life it is extremely biased against men. However, in businesses that advertise to be “equal opportunity employer”, all, or almost all of the macho leadership positions are held by women. They imagine that “equal opportunity” really means to adjust the previous male domination by pushing female domination. So, in reality it isn’t “equal opportunity”, it is “up with women” and “down with men”, “up with women” and “down with men”. After the economic crash in 1929, special safeguards on the banking and stock market industry were established by the US government to protect the economy, so that the same economic disaster would not occur in the future. Unfortunately, starting in the 1980's, those special safeguards for the economy have been in the process of slow and gradual removal by the US government. All of the modern “recessions” since 1980 were the result of the removal of those special safeguards, especially the recession in 2009. (See documentary: Inside Job) This is a very important factor concerning a future, and probably soon, economic disaster worse than the "Great Depression". In the 1960’s, the second “women’s liberation” movement was started (or second “wave” of feminism), after most people had forgotten about the horrible consequences 46
of the first one. But this time, special safeguards were used in order to “counterbalance” the negative effects and make it last longer. The word “counter-balance” means that if someone does something very bad, they know that God will usually let them slide-by if they do something very good to compensate for it. (Dan. 4:27) Indirectly, the artificial implementation of those highly unusual “counter-balances” is a public confession that the people who are doing them really do know the “women’s liberation” movement would normally provoke a horrible reaction from God. The “do whatever you want” liberal thinkers are (secretly) the most aware of the absolute necessity for those out-of-the-way unusual outstandingly good “counter-balances”. (The word “unusual” implies a comparison with normal human conduct throughout history. Nonetheless, those “unusual” counter-balances have now become “usual” in modern times, since the “women's liberation” movement started. People are now accustomed to them and consider them to be usual and normal.) In politics, the liberals are so famous for their remarkably good “counterbalances”, that many people think liberalism automatically includes extraordinary goodness….... Which it doesn't. The liberals know that the “counter-balances” are absolutely required to keep them from experiencing the wrath (extreme anger) of God for their anti-Christian immoral conduct. However, their good “counter-balances” only help in part. The consequences of mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism due to unhappy family environment, unhappy MCT's, divorces (separations), abnormal physical desires, abnormal same gender romances and purposeless suicides as a direct result of the “women's liberation” movement cannot be avoided by doing these “counter-balances”. The “counter-balances” only serve to keep God from taking action. Some of the “counter-balances” are: Common laborers in the US have been receiving good wages since the 1960’s. In the 90's, President Clinton himself was seen preparing a large dinner for street people. Many charitable organizations have received a lot of support. Racism, which used to be the law in the US, is now at a minimum. On TV and in movies they show many ways of helping needy people or helping social misfits that were never publicized or even thought of before. Politicians enact laws to help the poor common people rather than just supporting the rich. This is extremely extraordinarily good behavior which has never been seen on such a large scale in the history of the world. It is very much contrary to the usual and common behavior of people throughout all history. Many people have been deceived into thinking that liberalism automatically includes extraordinary goodness. But, it doesn’t. All this seems too good to be true. The good vs. bad balance of justice is being over-loaded with an enormous weight on both sides. There’s extreme corruption on one side and extreme goodness on the other side. Will the balance itself break 47
some day? Will the liberals ever stop doing these good counter-balances some day? What would happen if they stopped their good counter-balances? This new modern liberal life-style is usually thought of as being something better, “progressive”, as compared to the old way, which is thought of as being “primitive”. Funny, that’s the same way of thinking that the Nazi propaganda was pushing about their new way of life, back in WW2. And what exactly does the word “liberal” mean? It has the idea of being “liberated”, kind of like the “liberation” of the slaves. Well, in this case, it is liberation from the old moral standards which were due to the influence of the Bible. “Liberalism” is basically anti-religious, or anti-Christian; it is the very essence of modern communism, which is satanic. Most people who vote “liberal” usually do it without having any idea about what the word “liberal” really means, or the consequences of it. They usually think only about the reputation of the liberals for helping the poor common people, as opposed to the old-fashioned conservatives who have a reputation of siding with the rich and forgetting the poor. However, this good reputation of the liberals was not always the case. Back in the 1920’s, when they were just starting this movement, they were pushing their liberalism without any regard for goodness. This produced the crash of 1929. So, it was necessary for them to tack-on this extra goodness which also produced the effect of attracting a lot more people who had no idea that the modern liberal movement was nothing but sugar-coated communism with a good-guy mask in order to deceive the unsuspecting gullible masses. The old standards were established by God from the Bible for admittance into the kingdom of heaven in the next life. This life is temporary, the next life is permanent. This life is only a test for God to decide what to do with each person in the next life. Well, modern liberated women don’t care about the next life. They say, “Screw the next life”. They say, “Forget God”. They got what they want right here and now, in this life. (It cannot be denied that this movement is very anti-religious. It is equally as satanic as Nazism was back in WW2.) And why is it even accepted openly among the liberals the name “left”, as though they openly know that their movement is somehow sinister, and they themselves accept a name like “left” admittedly and willingly. That’s almost as bad as the liberal Democrats, in US politics, who openly accept a donkey (ass) as their official party symbol. They know that there is something wrong with it, but they accept it anyway. Ever since Bush's 9-11, terrorism has been going slowly up and up...... or, many times, it's not so much terrorism itself that has been rising, but the thought of terrorism (and war) that is constantly shown in the news, on TV and in movies. This is “psychological terrorism”. Before Bush's 9-11 many people in the US had a general mentality that somehow America was immune from being attacked like that....... and the idea that the US government itself could be responsible for such an attack, like Bush's 9-11, would never have even been imagined at that time. (See documentary: Loose Change) How is it possible that the US government itself could be responsible for 48
doing such a thing, like Bush's 9-11, to US citizens? Answer: ask Bush. Maybe the US is still immune from attacks from the outside, after all. Bush's 9-11 was an attack from the inside, not an attack from the outside. Terrorism and war are part of the curse that goes along with rebelling against God's rules. This “curse” cannot be separated from the “women's liberation” blasphemy. Unfortunately, extremely bad things, like terrorism and war, have to happen before most people will turn away from the corruption of the “women's liberation” antiChristian immoral blasphemous way of life. The “women's liberation” movement is a big fat Titanic that absolutely will sink! The writing is on the wall!!! (please read Daniel chapter 5, which is the origin of the phrase: “The writing is on the wall”) America will fall!!! IT MUST HAPPEN!!! When “women's liberation” was first getting started, many men went along with it because they always “go with the flow” and they didn't like to “rock the boat”. But, now that everyone is so accustomed to it, few people really even give it much thought. And the old life-style has been completely forgotten. In most cases, men have really been deceived (brainwashed) into thinking that the custom of having female bosses and politicians over men is “moral”, “normal”, “noble” and the “gentlemanly” thing to do. What does being a “gentleman” or being “noble” have to do with giving away the role of leadership to a subordinate? Nothing!! It is not “moral”, God says it is blasphemy!!! (Titus 2:4,5) It is not noble! It shows a “go with the flow” weakness, immaturity and childishness! Why do they call it something that it is not? It is abnormal, and a disgrace to manliness. Why don't they face the truth of what it really is and that it is being propagated by liars who will one day take off their deceptive masks? (Remember the hamster and big dog mentioned above. Why can’t women see the big dog?) When personal problems arise as the direct consequences of this rebellion against God, those people who go around calling this rebellion “gentlemanly” and “noble” won't have the slightest clue as to what is causing their terrible problems. God makes the rules! When people go against God's rules, they will sooner or later have terrible problems. But especially, they will have the problem of facing God's judgment in the next life. The “women’s liberation” movement causes unhappy MCTs and is a disadvantage to women equally as much as an “employee's liberation” movement would be a disadvantage to employees, which would indeed cause the worst economic disaster in the history of the world. Everyone who refuses to obey God's rules will, without a doubt, die someday and face God's judgment. Why do so many people live as though they will never die? (See article listed below on: Salvation) Heb. 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” Rev 21:7-8 “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, 49
and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” The real-life changes that took place during the “women's liberation” movement started due to an abundance of false teaching (satanic communist propaganda = brainwashing) that the position of women, in the previous culture, being inferior to the position of the men, was labeled as automatically abusive and oppressive to women. They wanted everyone to be equal in position. But, the real “abusiveness” and “oppression” were not really due to the differences in position, but rather the super low pay that laborers used to make in those days. (The women usually earned less than the men when they did the same type of unskilled work.) If they really wanted to stop the “oppression” all that was necessary was to pay all the laborers a reasonable amount of money. The people who started this false teaching were not really concerned about stopping “oppression”, they were interested in the anti-Christian overthrow of the automatic male leadership over women. It was a movement against true Christianity and normal human nature. The day is coming when those “wolves in sheep's clothing” who started the “women's liberation” movement are going to take off their deceptive masks and show what their true character really is: “abusive” and “oppressive”. It has already been “abusive” and “oppressive” against men. (See article listed below on: Fatherhood) In Russia, it has not only been “abusive” and “oppressive”, they have also murdered more innocent people than the Nazis did in WW2. Hitler was a small mass murderer as compared to Stalin. (See documentary: The Soviet Story) The “women's liberation” movement is a deceptive lie and a disadvantage to women. It has ruined their marriages and family life the same way that an “employee's liberation” movement would be a disadvantage to employees and ruin almost every business in America. An “employee's liberation” movement would cause an economic crash worse than the Great Depression. Yet women can't figure out that the “women's liberation” movement has already ruined their marriages, romances and family lives. There is an aspect in life in which every human being should be treated as equals; in respect of person and common courtesy. But, “absolute equality” cannot be applied to the leadership position. How is it that so many people can't seem to understand that “absolute equality” in position is absurd and impossible?! In regard to leadership positions in every human organization, including the family, all human beings are not and cannot be equal. The positions that people hold in society could not possibly be equal. All human organizations, including the family, must have leadership! Even the human body itself has a “head”! Should the other parts of the human body be considered “abused”, “disrespected” and “oppressed” because they are not 50
the “head”? Certainly not! What if the entire human body was just one great big “head”? How could it walk? How could it physically handle things with no hands? How could it function normally? …. It couldn't! It couldn't even feed itself. Each part of the human body was intended for a specific function. Likewise, women and men were each created by God with a specific function in society and in family life. When people confuse those normal roles they get problems that will never be resolved until they change it back by giving women and men their correct roles. If there was an “employee's liberation” movement which put employees as bosses in businesses, it would cause many problems because those employees don't belong there any more than a foot belongs on the end of an arm. A foot belongs on the end of a leg, not arm. Regardless of the fact that the foot has to be on the bottom, in the lowest position, that's what it was made for, and that's how it will function best, it does not function properly as a hand. If the type of “absolute equality” that is commonly applied in marriages was applied to the work place in businesses between management and employees, almost every business in the US would collapse. It would cause the biggest economic disaster in the history of the world. How is it possible that the employees could be the leaders and decision makers “equally” as much as the management? Most common laborers are incompetent managers. The laborers do not belong as managers; likewise, women do not belong as bosses of men. Or,..... how could a business survive if all the employees were doing whatever they wanted? How could a marriage survive if the wife was doing whatever she wanted? ….. It couldn't! Is there anyone who would suggest having two equal presidents of the US or two equal CEO's in a company? …... How absurd!!! How is it possible that such a ludicrous departure from rational thinking could be so well accepted concerning marriage in modern society? This type of “absolute equality” would produce conflict, chaos and stalemates! Now that “conflict”, “deadlocks” (stalemates) and “chaos” are a regular part of most marriages and families in America, nobody seems to know why. How is it that people can't understand that it is irrational for wives to expect to be equal decision makers as their husbands. But, now that it has already had enough time to take its full swing, the truth is that most marriages in America have the wife dominating her husband. (Which is witchcraft and blasphemy.) There is no middle ground, it’s one way or the other. This “absolute equality” is an irrational myth. The “women’s liberation” movement was a disadvantage to women equally as much as an “employee's liberation” movement would be a disadvantage to employees and also equally as much as a “children's liberation” movement would be a disadvantage to children. Remember the hamster and big dog mentioned above. The leadership position is, by nature, a superior position than the follower position. Superior positions and inferior positions are a fact of life that cannot be avoided. Bosses at work are in a more superior position than the workers' positions. But, does that imply the automatic abusiveness of bosses to workers? …. Certainly not! (In other countries where employers always pay workers very little, the workers 51
might think that bosses are always abusive and oppressive,..... but it doesn't need to be that way.) Parents are in a more superior position than their children, but does that imply the automatic abusiveness of parents to children?..…. Certainly not! Most parents like to spoil their children. (This does not imply that spoiling children is good for them. Children need to be taught quality character traits.) The old custom of men always being in superior positions to women is not automatically abusive! Quite to the contrary, most men liked to spoil their wives back in those days. And most women love it when men are strong, loving and good leaders. Most women love it when a man is in the leadership position and treats them in a kind and courteous manner. Is it more romantic for a woman to buy her own flowers or for a man to buy flowers for her? Before “women's liberation”, the real abusiveness was not concerning the position, but rather the extremely low pay that all the laborers used to make back in those days. The female laborers usually made even less money than the male laborers when they did the same type of unskilled work. (Remember, women used to get pregnant much more often back then.) Many times the laborers were also divided into sections, that is, a woman's section with a female supervisor and a man's section with a male supervisor. In modern times, laborers are paid a reasonable wage in the US, and also in many other countries. The distinction of work positions is now no longer a thing concerning abusive low pay, but rather, the question of whether or not someone can make an abundance of money, have a well respected profession or rise to a higher social class (and become snobs). In fact, it is very common in the US, nowadays, that beginning level managers are earning less money than the people they are supervising. Generally speaking, who's happier in life?...... the miserable people in high positions or the people in low positions who receive reasonable pay? Is it not true that there are many unhappy business managers and politicians, who make lots of money? Is it not true that there are many happy common laborers who receive reasonable wages? Most of the managers, business owners and politicians are always trying to get into higher positions and make more money. They're usually not content with what they have. They always want more, always more, always more. Sad to say, those people who think they have “made it” to what they thought would make them the happiest are usually the least happy people of all. Many times they are downright miserable. Sometimes they even express hostile resentment towards the laborers who seem to be happier than they are. True happiness is a gift from God. Obedience to God is what produces real happiness, not abundance of money or social prestige (becoming snobs). (Prov. 30:7-9) Php. 3:8 “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,” Mat 16:26 “For what is a man profited, 52
if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mat 6:19-21 “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Mat 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Gal 5:22,23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” (See article listed below on: The Virtues of the Spirit) The present day modern social system, especially in regard to family and marriage, is, by its very nature, corrupt and was deliberately designed by satanic people to ruin marriage and family life. In fact, it is so perverted that the entire social system will collapse all by itself due to its own corruption, like how the Titanic sank when it hit an iceberg. But, what form will the iceberg take in order to bring down the witchcraft of “women's liberation”? Maybe it will be like the trumpets for the large walls around the city of Jericho. God had ordered the nation of Israel to attack and destroy the city of Jericho, because of its corruption. God had told them beforehand that when they sound the trumpets, the walls would fall down all by themselves. Joshua 6:20 “So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.” In those days the city walls were their protection against attacking armies. Can you imagine how many of them pooped their pants when they saw their own walls fall down like that, and then watched a millionman army attack them, rushing straight into the city? What is the best thing we could compare it to? How about the economic crash of 1929? That economic situation was arranged in an unstable manner,…… hence, it fell. This thing (women’s liberation) can’t be compared to a normal stable type building constructed in an earthquake zone which stands unharmed in any other place, but it can’t handle the typical vibrations of a normal earthquake. This thing is more comparable to an unstable building constructed by an unskilled engineer in a non-earthquake zone, which even a good wind could knock over. (This sounds like the engineer who made my 2004 Toshiba laptop. The screen hinges were made so unstable that they broke, then the screen couldn’t stand up correctly. It didn’t fall off, but I had to always put something behind it to hold the screen up. That engineer was probably a beginner, who didn’t know what he was doing.) And, this thing (women’s liberation) is NOT comparable to the champion gladiator Goliath, who fell. Goliath was not unstable. Goliath was a true champion gladiator. 53
But, he blasphemed God,…... so God sent the child David to knock him down. (1Sam 17) So,….. is “women’s liberation” a stable arrangement, which requires a good force to knock it down? Or, is it an unstable arrangement, that will easily fall when a little wind passes by? The truth is that “women’s liberation” is so unstable that, all this time, has had to be artificially supported so that it wouldn’t fall. It’s just like my old 2004 Toshiba laptop that the screen couldn’t stand up without some sort of external support to hold it up. It’s kind of like in the comedy movie where a man was standing around, leaning up against a wall. Then, a policeman came along and asked him, “what do you think you’re doing, holding up the building?” But after the man nodded, yes, then the policeman pulled him away from the building,…... and then the building fell down. It is the men who have to constantly and intentionally keep it from falling. Yet, the very nature of “women’s liberation” is a disgrace to manhood. Without regular male support, “women’s liberation” cannot stand! Those men are accustomed to sugar-coating it by calling it something that it is not. They always have to fool themselves into thinking that they’re doing something good for women. It’s a reverse catch-22. The whole thing is a super disgrace to manhood. So, most men don’t want to admit that it really is what it really is. Since there’s nothing they can do to stop it, they end up supporting it by calling it something that it really isn’t. (They say it is “noble” to help women excel.) In the end, the whole thing is being maintained by men who refuse to admit that it’s a disgrace to manhood. Can you imagine, during the anti-racist movement of the 60’s, when the black people were protesting racial discrimination. What if they sugar-coated the discrimination like how men do now, calling it something noble or gentlemanly by letting the ladies go first? Like how the blacks had to sit in the back of the public buses. (….and many other similar injustices.) This isn’t the same thing as a man being a gentleman by letting the ladies go first. This is forced suppression by ordering the men to submit to female domination, which is witchcraft. This whole thing is Satanic. Everyone who follows Satan will burn in hell for eternity. In family life, the men have no say at all in control over their own children, in America. The mother can leave her husband and take the children and then charge the man with paying gigantic amounts of money for what is incorrectly called “childsupport”. Whereas in reality, the enormous quantity of money they call, “child-support”, is actually a combination of “child-support” and alimony. The purpose of that money is to break male leadership. In most states “alimony” has been discontinued due to its obvious injustice to men, especially when a man goes to work and has a woman for a boss. How far does injustice have to go before men will stand up and protest? New unions could be formed. Men don’t have to work with a woman boss if they formed their own union. In some cases this “alimony” motivates some men to avoid registering their marriage at all. By never being officially “married” they will never have to go through the injustice of paying “alimony” to a wife who deserves punishment, not reward for bad 54
behavior. Those unjust laws are actually promoting fornication. If a man ever attempts to take the lead, he is automatically labeled a tyrant for not giving the women perfect liberty. Yet, when things go wrong, women blame the man for not managing the situation correctly. They can figure out that when things go wrong the fault is with the manager, but at the same time they deny men the opportunity to be the manager, yet they blame the men for not fixing whatever problem they have. To this type of sick female thinking very problem under the sun is the man’s fault. This is clearly mental illness. CRAZINESS!!! This thing is so disgraceful to manhood that almost every man cannot admit that what is going on is really what is going on. So, they end up sweeping it under the rug by calling it something else. They call it something noble like being “a gentleman”, they’re treating women well. Whereas in reality, this is the same type of discrimination that was used against the black people for many years. Inasmuch that women feel at liberty to mistreat the men in such a manner, they don’t deserve the good gentlemanly treatment that men usually give them. They deserve punishment, not gentlemanly treatment from the men. Many years ago it was common knowledge that women ought to receive discipline from men. (See article listed below on: Domestic Discipline) Can you imagine the black people sugar-coating this type of discrimination in this way by calling it something good? Nothing would have ever changed. We would still be living with those conditions today. It is time for men to stand up and act like men. Ladies! Keep in mind that these men have been trained from early childhood to back down like cowards in this manner. Maybe this is the type of men that need a little extra help. But, if after receiving kind and gentle motivational advice they still persist in this irrational denial, perhaps women should treat this type of man as though they have a sign stuck to their back, which they cannot see, that says, “kick me” with an arrow pointing down to their rear end. (Be creative ladies. There are many ways of doing this type of thing.) The “women's liberation” movement is not only irrational and crazy, it is cursed of God. This thing is blasphemy against the Word of God. It is a big fat Titanic!..... And rest assured, that baby’s going down! The writing is on the wall!!! (Daniel 5) God will soon be making some serious changes. (See article on: The New World Order was Prophesied in the Bible) Sad to say, most people just won't change their sinful ways until their Titanic hits an iceberg. Most of the people on the Titanic never made it to the lifeboats. Jesus Christ is the eternal lifeboat for everyone who asks, both in this life and in the next life. There is no shortage of seats on his lifeboat. Getting on the lifeboat is how many people will turn to God! Then, many people will obey God, love God, and accept Jesus Christ as their savior. (See article listed below on: Salvation)
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OTHER ARTICLES at: – look at bottom. BEST: All on Google Drive – The Holy Scriptures The Lie of Evolution What About Deborah Fatherhood The Role Of Women Throughout History The Consequences of Using Incorrect Terminology Domestic Discipline The Lukewarm Church 56 Correct Divorce Baptism The Consequences of “Women's Liberation” The New World Order was Prophesied in the Bible Self-Love and Self-Esteem Angels are Aliens, Aliens are Angels Wolves In Sheep's Clothing Slavery The Virtues of the Spirit The Babylonian and Egyptian Captivity The Suffering Of The Great Depression Salvation Marriage Misunderstandings Explained
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