1 minute read

Counselor's Corner: How Not to Stop When Life Gets Rough

by Stephanie Reck

Life can be hard sometimes, and there are those times that life can throw us devastating blows. I know how easy it is to want to quit and pull the covers over my head when life gets rough-I have done this more than I would have liked to. There were times in my life that I got hit so hard by a difficult circumstance that I just stopped-stopped caring, stopped taking care of myself, stopped being productive, stopped enjoying life. I can say from doing this, it does not help but makes any discouragement or depression you may feel worse.

Sulking in self-pity never makes anything better, but we feel that somehow feeling sorry for ourselves makes us feel better. There is a time and a place to deal with painful emotions and circumstances, but then there is a time to move forward.

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