Pastoring Today January 2019 Issue

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2019 BE ALL YOU CAN BE IN HIM… By M. Lambert


Grants for Pastors T. Gipson

Photo Credit/Google Photos

Grants for Pastors Campus Ministry Theological Exploration of Vocation is a nationwide initiative to help campus ministries working to support the intellectual and spiritual exploration of vocation with public university students. The campus ministries reflect diverse Christian traditions, and their programs take a variety of approaches, including faithsharing groups, mentoring, internships, and national and international travel experiences, among others. Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE) is a leadership incubator that inspires young people to make a difference in the world through Christian communities. Since its founding in 1954, FTE has promoted resources, events, networks, grants and fellowships to cultivate leaders, pastors and theological educators. FTE provides a forum through which gifted, purposeful students, young adults and partners explore their passion, purpose and call. 4

Grants for Pastors (continued) High School Youth Theology Institutes are designed to help students in high school and college explore how God is calling them to meaningful work, including possible careers in professional ministry. Programs based in colleges, universities, congregations, denominational offices, service agencies and youth ministry organizations identify, ignite and cultivate the gifts of future Christian leaders. NetVUE, the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education, is a nationwide network of more than 220 colleges and universities formed to enrich the intellectual and theological exploration of vocation among undergraduate students. It seeks to examine the role of vocational exploration in a variety of institutional contexts and share knowledge, best practices and reflection on experiences across participating campuses. NetVUE is administered by the Council of Independent Colleges.


The Auxiliaries in Ministry (AIM) Convention, the annual summer convention of the Church of God In Christ, Inc., is geared toward spiritual enrichment, training, education and fellowship. The goal of AIM is effectiveness in ministry. The Convention, a family involvement experience, brings together five auxiliaries of the Church: Music and Youth, Missions and Evangelism and Sunday School, as they share three conventions in one setting. The triad conventions operate simultaneously during the week in day sessions, and unite each evening for a combined session.


VBS 2019 Themes The VBS 2019 themes are here! Explore the most trusted new Vacation Bible School programs for 2019 and learn about each theme. We have overviews, videos, music samples, and special offers on starter kits. Our team is here to walk with you from theme selection to post-VBS followup, with the best tools, products, and advice. Everything VBS...From Start to Finish.

Now Available! The Best Resource For VBS Directors Free VBS 2019 Guide


Learn about and compare every course, see what's inside every kit, get easy-to-use order forms for every theme, plus get exclusive tips you won't find anywhere else...and it's all free! 7

We believe every woman is called to minister. Whether or not you consider yourself a leader, you can impact your struggling neighbor, coworker, or friend. Our vision is for you and every other Christian woman to be equipped to minister within your circle of influence. That's why we've created a website that provides online training and resources! National Women’s Ministries theme for 2019 for women in the Assemblies of God is: “Adored by the God Who Sees Me.” As you step into this journey, you’ll discover God’s love for you and women everywhere. The life He offers is filled with purpose and hope. National Women’s Ministries Day for Assemblies of God churches across the United States is Sunday, February 24, 2019, but churches can recognize the women of their congregation on any day of the year. Let’s talk about vulnerability—POWER OF VULNERABILITY IN YOUR LEADERSHIP a deeply sacred place, but also a necessary venture for all, especially those in ministry. It’s hard, messy, and at times, it hurts. Here are three ways that prove beneficial to you and to the body. Visit to read more… 8



Youth Day App Our updated Youth Day app is available at the AppStore for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch (requires iOS 7.0 or later). With this app, you can stay upto-date with all Youth Day speakers, musicians and performers by following them on Twitter, viewing their websites, and even finding them on Facebook. Youth Day is much more than just a oneday experience and this app will allow you to keep with you what each speaker and musician says long after the day is over, and check out their websites and find out how to put everything they said into action.

YOUTH DAY at the Religious Education Congress 2019: March 21, 2019 Held at the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 West Katella Ave., Anaheim, California (just across from Disneyland)


Vacation Bible School

The Urban Ministries, Inc. (UMI) 2019 Vacation Bible School (VBS) program offers contextualized Christian content that is Bible-based and relevant for preschool, primary, junior, teen and adult students. It is designed to strengthen and prepare students to launch full-blown superhero-like attacks that send the devil running! More now than ever, it is important to truly understand the power of Jesus and how to experience victory. Just like Jesus led the disciples, UMI’s S.T.U. Super Training University with Jesus curriculum will assist in training students of all ages to be more than conquerors—to be superheroes who master the powers of praise, prayer, boldness, truth and justice.


Columbia Union Training Event Sat, Apr 6, 20195:00 PM Sun, Apr 7, 20196:00 PM Are you part of the Columbia Union? This is an event you won't want to miss!


Preach the Word By J. Piper

[Pastor], my message to you is very simple in 2019 and it’s very precarious. It is 2 Timothy 4:2, "Preach the Word." I call it precarious, because there is a constant temptation to do other things in the place of this. There ARE other things to do in the ministry, as these letters to Timothy show. And we must do them to be found faithful. But none of them is treated as solemnly and forcefully as this one simple exhortation from the apostle: "Preach the Word." Five Things That Intensify the Command "I solemnly charge you"; "in the presence of God"; "and of Christ Jesus" (both the Father and the Son have a great concern in this matter); "who is to judge the living and the dead" (the stakes are raised to life and death, and beyond life and death to final judgment—this is why what we are doing here is more important than the installation of a mayor or governor. [A pastor] is called on to deal in more than life and death—the eternal judgment of Christ and what becomes of this congregation not just in your earthly state, but much more in the eternal state); and by his appearing and his kingdom—that is, "I solemnly charge you . . . by the appearing and the kingdom of Christ." That is a remarkable reinforcement of the charge. It must mean that the ministry of preaching has a lot to do with what happens at the appearing of Christ in glory. At that appearing you, [pastor], will be called to account. Were you faithful to this charge? And at that time the congregation will be judged: how did you respond? Were you like the people in verses 3–4? Some "will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths." That's what the appearing of Christ and his kingdom will reveal. 13

Preach the Word continued‌

So I say the command is precarious. Paul realizes that there are many distractions and many obstacles and many temptations to make this seem less important than it is. So he leads into his command with the five introductory intensifiers. And then says, "PREACH THE WORD." So that is my message to you. "Preach the Word." To unfold the command we will ask first, what the "Word" is and second what it means to "preach" it. So the command of the Lord is, Preach the Word. Keep your head on (exposition) and keep your heart alive (exultation). Handle the precious living Word of God accurately. And come to this pulpit week after week and do expository exultation. Don't out-exult the Word. And don't under-exult the Word. There is enough glory in the Word that you need add nothing artificial. Just eat it until your heart is deeply and truly satisfied and then serve the same banquet for your people. Martin Luther was one of the great preachers of all time. He explained the need for preaching like this:


Preach the Word continued‌ Because heresies threatened the living apostolic message, it had to be recorded in a book to protect it from falsification. Preaching reverses this process of conservation again, allowing the Scriptures of the past to become the tidings of the present . . . The Gospel has been committed to lifeless paper; fresh words can transform it into glad tidings again. Scripture turned into glad tidings—that is what happens in expository exultation. [Pastor], if the Lord wills, there are many years in front of you and many trials. You will be tempted in many ways to give up preaching. Satan will lie to you that it is not a great thing. Or that you could devote yourself to something more significant. But when that happens, go back to 2 Timothy 4:1–2 and listen to the apostle. "I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word." Then you will rise up and say with Martin Luther, "If I could today become king or emperor, I would not give up my office as preacher."


THE PRINCETON FORUM ON YOUTH MINISTRY THE PRINCETON FORUM ON YOUTH MINISTRY APRIL 23-26, 2019 This event is for Christian leaders who minister with young people. At the Forum we bridge the church and emerging ministries with the academy. We believe that youth ministry and theology belong to each other. We think that lives and communities are transformed when theological reflection meets practical application. Join us this year to explore our theme – Movement: Mission, Body, and Justice. ABOUT THE INSTITUTE FOR YOUTH MINISTRY (IYM) The IYM was founded in 1995 by the Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean, and is housed at Princeton Theological Seminary. The IYM creates programs and events that inform leaders who transform the world. Our rich network of ministers, faculty, and thought leaders is featured in our various events, Certificate in Youth and Theology program, and digital content.

We would love to hear more about how your ministry might grow through a connection to the IYM.



Hey There! My name is Martika and I’m so happy you decided to stop in at my blog! Coffee Time With Him is a Christian Lifestyle blog where you will find almost anything and everything that deals with life issues. I’m a firm believer in Jesus Christ and I enjoy reading my Bible to find inspiration. In this blog, you will find posts about the hardships Christians face and how to overcome them. Many of the posts are personal experiences of mine that I like to share because I know I’m not the only one going through it. Also on Coffee Time With Him, there will be more posts on other topics such as relationships, blogging, lifestyles such as food & drink, travel, organization, and much more. So a little about me. I’m a young new wife, who has been married for a year and a half. I’ve met my husband in college at the age of 19. He too is a Christ-believer. Our relationship with Christ has been so wonderful and meaningful that I feel I’ve known him my whole life. When I first met him, at that time I wasn’t interested in dating anyone. A friend of ours had introduced us and right away she said: “You two are going to get married”. I thought she was crazy but, 4 years later we said our “I do’s”. WWW.COFFEETIMEWITHHIM.COM





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