Pastoring Today

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4 Recommended Christian Websites For Men BY DON IBBITSON

Christian men need help to navigate the jungle that they face. There is lots of wrong help and advice out there that they can fall prey to. I want to recommend 4 excellent websites, with free resources, that can truly help men become all God has called them to be as leaders, husbands and fathers. Facebook and our website analytics confirm what we already know in the Center: even when men need help, it’s usually their wives, girlfriends or mothers who do the research for them! If you are a woman reading this article, I want to encourage you to be creative in getting this information in front of your man of interest! He may need additional help or counsel, but these sites offer a reasonable place to start. 1. Faith/Personal Discipleship – Andrew Wommack Ministries.

3. Husband – Love & Respect Ministries

2. Father – Focus on the Family

4. Grace – Joseph Prince



Who are the Deborahs in your midst? Gifted and godly people are all around us, but sometimes they remain invisible and untapped. Who are the women in your congregation who are called to lead? In the book of Judges, God raised up Deborah to lead the people as a trusted judge, prophet, and military leader. Through Project Deborah we seek to move the Covenant to a place where we recognize, mentor, and celebrate called and gifted women in our midst. Will you stand with these women to disciple them and lift them up in ministry? We invite you to: Disciple… the women in your congregation. Establish and maintain a mentoring program. Encourage and affirm giftedness wherever you see it. Teach about women who have served God courageously. Demonstrate… that God has called and gifted women to serve in all facets of ministry. Teach a class or preach a sermon on the calling and gifting of women. Advocate for women by using a version of the Bible that has inclusive language. Speak out against gender discrimination. Direct… women into opportunities to lead. Regularly provide opportunities for women to serve in pastoral roles such as preaching, teaching, leading, and serving communion.


PASTORSLIFE.COM Where Sharing Life Restores We’ve been interviewing pastors… Why? We want church leaders to realize they’re not alone in the unique struggles they face. Watch interviews from those willing to share their struggles with worry, criticism, disillusionment, comparison, grief, burnout and more. The good news is these stories don’t end there. Be encouraged as you discover how your peers found hope, joy and restoration in the midst of their trials. Watch a few and let us know if you have a story to share.




Get full access to a variety of resources covering a spectrum of topics and practices, along with some tips and tricks to better equip, train, and provide ideas for today's church and ministry leaders. You will get access on how to better minister to your communities, exclusive features from today's leading Christian thought leaders, and more. "The Absolute Most Powerful Way to Cast Vision in Your Church" "4 Things Your Worship Service Needs to Better Help People Know God" "An Unspiritual* Reason Why Your Church Might Not Grow This Year" "4 Myths About the Non-Believers Coming to Your Church" Pastor Tools and Resources | Guidance for your Ministry


President L.K. Floyd

Black Empowerment Symposium “Community & Church”

The Missionary Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Washington, DC & Vicinity led by President L.K. Floyd “Black Empowerment Symposium” was truly a bridge for community and church. There were several business and community leaders that shared with the symposium, employers were there and more than 100 people were hired. One of the highlights for the event was a Q&A Session with the President of the National Black Chamber of Commerce Mr. Harry Alford. The Symposium concluded with an Inspirational Message by Dr. K.R. Shannon, Pastor of the Grace Baptist Church, Waterbury, CT & Regional Vice President of The New England State Baptist Convention. Rev. Dr. William Bennet Chair of the Economic Development Committee, served as Chair along with Rev. Leslie Taylor.



CHILDREN ARE PEOPLE TOO: when we welcome children in church, we acknowledge that they are important humans in the present, not just the future. WHEN WE WELCOME CHILDREN: we are making their families feel welcome too. CHILDREN LEARN BY PARTICIPATING: by participating we expose them to experiencing God in community with us. CHILDREN CAN HANDLE SERMONS: when we involve kids in church, we expose them to deep, important ideas, and God’s word. IT MAKES SERVICES BETTER: when we plan for children to be involved, we plan better, richer services. CHILDREN HAVE LOTS TO OFFER: When you welcome children, they are able to contribute their time and skills. IT MAKES US STRONGER: when we welcome children in church, we strengthen relationships across generations. Lastly, when we welcome children in church, we demonstrate how welcome everyone is.


Subscribe today is dedicated to serving women’s ministry leaders with women’s Bible studies and teaching content to help build effective ministries for women. This website includes Bible study and articles from women’s ministry leaders like Jill Briscoe, Devi Titus, Stasi Eldredge, & Nicole Unice.

Churches of Christ

STUDY THE BIBLE THROUGH OUR BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES An excellent resource for individual study of the Holy Scriptures "What shall we do?" And Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, every one whom the Lord our God calls to him." Acts 2:37-39 A Call for New Testament Christianity Bible Roadmap Series Truth for the World World Bible School 22


Bible-in-Life Sunday School - David C Cook COOK CURRICULUMSUNDAY SCHOOL When the Bible is in your life, God's Word transforms your heart and mind! David C Cook's most widely used curriculum, Bible-in-Life, focuses on four basic goals (connect, teach, apply, and motivate) to communicate the gospel with life-changing clarity to students of all ages. Motivate lifelong learners, from toddlers to adults toward life biblical application that changes lives. Classroom format for 2 year-olds to adults. Uses NIV Bible translation; Adult Comprehensive Bible Study contains parallel KJV & NIV.


DWELL awakens kids’ imaginations to the ongoing story of God that starts in the pages of Scripture and continues in our lives today. Kids, young teens, and their leaders grow in faith as they explore each story and retell it together. With DWELL, kids do more than hear a story. They experience it. ​ ​ hat's unique about DWELL: W Children’s ministry and Sunday school curriculum for preschool through middle school (grade 8) written from a Reformed, God-centered perspective story symbols and take-home pieces appeal to different learning styles materials are undated and offer flexibility​

About DWELL ​DWELL approaches the whole Bible in a new way. Find out about the storybased lesson structure, easy-to-use leader resources, creative family support pieces, and more. Scope & Sequence DWELL is intentionally crafted as an ongoing journey in God’s story. Explore the way the DWELL is structured to deepen and expand over the ten years from preschool through grade 8.



PASTORING MULTIPLE LOCATIONS IBAOC The effect on the emotional, physical, and spiritual life of a multi-location pastor is not insignificant. Even though during their formation some Pastor’s were introduced to the idea of “Emerging Models of Church,” there is insufficient time to implement this paradigm. Factors causing considerable stress include helping parishioners with the pain of losing their own pastor. Pastors are reminded not to take criticism and judgments personally. The elevated stress that comes about as a result of pastoring multiple locations also includes less time for socializing with other pastors and even family members. In addition, finding time to take an annual vacation. Some pastors admit to a “Messiah complex” of not asking for help: “It’s too much trouble to find a pastor substitute so I don’t take time off.” Building trust with other pastors is challenging in itself, notwithstanding when it’s compounded by a previous pastor who was longstanding or “problematic,” the report notes. One of the major findings from the interviews is that more preparation needs to be accomplished in order for priests to be prepared for the overwhelming responsibilities of pastoring multiple parishes. This is a two-way street in that not only does the pastor need to be equipped with the skills for the increased responsibilities, but also the parishioners involved in the multiple pastoring scheme. Some suggestions: • Form “learning groups” for pastors of multiple church locations to act as mentors for new pastors. • Facilitate social gatherings for pastors involved in multiple church location ministry. • And have a network of pastors on staff available to help you and other 37 pastors of multiple church locations.

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