You come into this world with nothing, you leave with nothing. What's in between is a journey.

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You come into this world with nothing, you leave with nothing. What’s in between is a journey. Category: T. Dench Patel's Blogs By TPatel December 30, 2018 Leave a comment

You’re born into this world where someone is taking care of you most of the time. You come out from the womb and are curious the first time you see the light, a globe, a candlelit, the sound of keys, the face of a soft bear… at first, you might cry but then the soft bear becomes your good friend. It’s so overwhelming during Christmas when you see a ton of lights that you explode almost flying out of your parents’ hands but then they know and keep you steady. You can’t speak but your parents know when you are happy. They learn your language and try as much as possible to understand your non-verbal cues i.e. when you’re hungry, tired, feeling ill or when you need a cuddle. You were provided for in your mum’s womb, you were provided for when you just arrived on earth. Someone already took care of that. What must it feel like for an abandoned child? Think about the world they will be growing up in. You weren’t born straight into gratitude. The blanket to wrap you in, the clothes you wear, the toys you have and the food you eat was already provided. Now currently if you are a teenager and your parents are a bit tired of giving you money. Can you imagine why? Especially if you’re getting more than the basics. As parents, they have to provide and will slowly leave it up to you to take responsibility for your life as you leave the nest. They will support you but not as much, as you take on more responsibilities. The foundation was set. Every teenager’s upbringing at this point could be at different levels i.e. perhaps some had the very basic or some had a better standard of living.


Now what happens in between when you’re born to when you’re a teenager is a journey. The journey continues after that, but you come to a new phase in between like choosing a career, maybe you’re with your true love or still haven’t found him or her yet. Can you imagine the first time you fell in love? Can you imagine the first time you got those new trainers you’ve always wanted? Can you remember the first time you could buy what you really wanted with your first wage? Can you imagine your first kiss? I don’t know about the rest of you, but I placed lots of emphasis on the “first” everything and even better when I earned my “first” everything without owing anybody. Don’t you feel at some point, in your teenage years that you owe your parents because they’re so sick of you asking them for money that they can’t wait for you to start working? So back to the topic, what if you had everything? I mean everything you wanted? At some point you either going to keep doing good or tip over to the downside. The worst is when it gets boring. To feel alive people want to feel needed to feel like you’re needed gives you a purpose. Without a purpose, I’ve heard so many stories and seen many drownings themselves in the ocean of wealth because inside they felt empty. Can you imagine all the wealth around you but not inside you? What you created outside is no comparison to the unhappiness inside. Why you think the most successful people keep empowering others, keep reading books, keep learning new things, involve themselves in charitable projects, make a difference on the planet… I mean I can go on. It makes them feel better about their lives and the way they’re living. You learnt all this along the way i.e. ego, fear, comparison, pride, judgement, failure, success, determination, courage, willpower, intuition, reading, writing, speaking, body language etc. You were not born with it and therefore what you tell yourself and try to change you can. Along the way you can hit reset if you choose, continue on autopilot or stay on the default setting. People get bankrupt a number of times and restart, others are okay being employed by someone and watch their friends take risks and wish they could too. The truth is… After being a traveller for years I have seen the universe, call it god if you may show up for me in the most incredible and unbelievable ways. That is if you trust the journey and accept that you will lose at times in life but it’s up to you to decide if you’re feeling defeated… The journey in between is quite interesting … there is no one way. See how many people write books, have incredible life stories, become incredible entrepreneurs, become who they choose to become in the most unbelievable way. Everyone has a story, and everyone had/has a journey… It comes down to one thing in the end… Did you live it true? Did you take risks? Did you care too little? Should you have cared more? Did you love hard? Did you do your best? What you got in this world was never yours to keep, only temporary, i.e. love, your husband/wife, your money, your anger, your memory… The body withers away…so age like a fine wine even on the inside. It’s the world that remembers you on the outside… The world moves on after you’re gone, 2/3

and everything is passed over to the next person or someone born‌ 9/12/2018 23:29 T. Dench Patel Tweet +1 Share Share


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