Growing Without Schooling 66

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GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING 66 Several lssues ago, tn GWS #61, twenty children and teenagers wrote about whether or not they felt that adults took them serlously, and whether they mlnded age-restrlctlons on certain rights, such as o the rtght to vote. Some minded thls more than others, and some may mlnd more (or less) at another time tn thetr lives than they do now. h What can the young people who do mtnd do with thelr frustraUon? How can they try to get certaln rights for themselves when they have so llttle access to the very mechanisms, poliUcal and social, by which they might work to obtain them? Jan Hunt, in this issue, quotes her son's lnstlnctlve recognlUon of this paradox 'Children can't vote for the rlght to vote.' That belng so, lt seems clear that chtldren need allles ln the adult population, older people who belleveJust as strongly in the need for How can a chlld llke thts one gatn some of the rtglrts hc ctrildren's rights as children themselves do. It's tricky - it wouldn't be now lacks? Childrcn's riglrts arc the subJect of thls approprlate for adults to do all the work on behalf of children's rights, lssue's Focus, pafcs 23-25. any more than it would make sense for whites to be the only ones working on behalf of blacks, or school olllcials the only ones lobbying INSIDE THIS ISSUE: for homeschooling legislatton (lf we can even lrnaâ‚Źllne such a thlngl) NEWS &REPORTS p. 2-3 The impulse for any such struggle has to come from withtn the group ttself. But glven the nature of the present set-up, children may be particularly tn need of allies. As John Holt wrote tn the openlng pages CFIALLENGES & CONCERNS p. 3-a of Escape ITom Childhmd, 'I make myself - uninvited - a spokesman Opentng Our Homes to Communtty Llfe, for chlldren lrn thls matter because they have so few other spokesmen Teachtng Neighbor's Chtldren and are ln so poor a poslUon to speak for themselves.' The wrlters ln this lssue's Focus demonstrate that young people OUESTIONING STAIVDARDIZED TESTS already have adult allles - not enough, perhaps, but several who have p.4-6 already done some serious thinking and writing on the subject of children's rights. Having had more erperience with the way the larger Not a Useful Measure, Strange Answers, societ5r operates, these adults may be ln a better position than the If You Hcue to Test children they are wrlUng about to think about strategy, tactlcs. Thus the discusslon in this issue centers on the quesflon of how we will be WATCHING CHILDREN LEARN most likely to get rights for children, and as such it has implications p.6-7,29-31 for other struggles as well. ' Life at Home, Playing Violin in Nursing Some may be wondering whether 'rights' means the freedom to Home, Worktng on a Shtp, Audiences for do anything at all. Jan Hunt makes the point that a child does not Wdters, Foreign-born Children, necessarlly have the righl to an expensive item in a store. But neither Unconsclous l-eamlng does an adult, she adds, and this ls really what we have to remember. John Holt said he was argutng for the rlght of chlldren 'to do what any BOOKREX/IEXMS p.8-lo adult may legally do.'To whatever extent laws stop adults from dolng "anything at all,' they would stop children, even children with far more rlghts than they now have. It's a matter of allowlng ctrlldren to be real 1989 DIRECTORY& RESOURCE LIST members of their society, subJect like everyone else to the restrictions p. rl-22 of certain laws, but also able, like everyone else, to work to change those laws. FOCUS: CHILDREN'S RIGFITS p.23-25 A central questlon in this issue's discussion is whether attltudes Thoughts from Howard Cohen, Bob must change before rights wtl be granted, or whether the grantlng of Eranklln, Merrltt Cllfton, and Jan Hunt rights will be what forces attitudes to change. Perhaps both of these ldnds of changes must progress simultaneously.As attltudes change, TALKING WTITI YOTING PEOPLE: support for chtldren's rtghts will grow. But rtghts are useful levers - as A DISCUSSION WTTI{ THREE Howard Cohen and Bob Flankltn call them - for making change, for HOMESCHOOLERS p.25-27 demandtng that soclety recognlze a partlcular group. And tn the meantime? Chtldren may have to watt for some klnds of changes, but they shouldn't have to wait for adults to treat them, as HOWADULTS LEARN: ONE E)GERImuch as posstble, as lf they are as worthy of respect (or, as Merritt ENCEWTIH SELF-EDUCATION p. 27 -2a Clifton prefers to think of it, consideration), and as likely to be productlve and capable, as we would consider them if we had already RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS granted them the rights in question. This improves things for children p.29 rlghtnow, and may get us to a point at whtch denying children rights no longer makes sense. Susannah Sheffer o



a d


(AZ wriles:


I feel compelled to tell GWS readers

o between homeh that not all encounters publtc o

schoolers and school olllclals are adversarial. We recently moved to Flagstalf, Arizona from Te:ras. We wer€ lgnorant of the statues here concemlng educatton tn the home, so one of the flrst thtngs we did was to set up an appolntment wtth

the County Superlntendent of Schools, Day Farenga (r) and Jermy Fltzslmmons-Gauger work togethcr at thc postage metcr ln our ofhcc.

OFFICE NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS ISS:I I'm delrghted to tell you that IVe signed a contract wtth Ohio State Unlverslty Press to publish the book collecflon of John Holt's letters, now tltled L{e Worth Hving: *lrcted Letters oJ,Iotn Holt, Flnding the right publlsher for thls book has been a lesson ln perseverance, but I've

learned a lot along the way and am now happy to be able to denote myself to the actual work of ediHng the collection and $/riffng lts introduction. Publication is tentatlve$ scheduled for sprtng of 199O. Bound lnto this lssue ls the complete 1989 Directory and Resource List, the biggest one ever. In the past we've run our lists of helpful c.ertified teachers, school districts, professors, lawyers and psychologtsts along wtth the Directory, but we didn t want to cut lnto this issue's editorlal space too severely, so we'r€ holding those lists until next time. Thls glves you more time to help us fatten up the llst of helpful psychologfsts - readers are telltng us that there's a real need for psychologists who are s5rmpathedc to homeschooling and the attitudes that often go along wtth tt, so please do send ln names for thls llst lf you can (only those who are

delinitely willing to be listed, please). Back ln GWS #62 I olfered to read and comment on the writing ofyoung GWS readers. I am now worldng regularly, through the matl, wtth two young apprentices - Kim Kopel in Mlssourl, whose wriung has been ln recrent lssues of GWS, and Chelsea Chapman ln Alaska. I mendon thts both because I'd ltke to let other young wrlters know that the offer ls stlll open, and because I'd ltke all GWS readers know how successful and rewarding, on both stdes, such apprenttceshlps can be. I thlnk lfs often true that as children get to be, say, 12, they begin looktng espectally hard for teachers and resources beyond the family (this is not to say that ctrtldren don't look for, and IInd, these things atyounger ages too) and lt helps lf we have models of how they can meet thls need. I d llke to hear about how this has worked wtth acflvitres other than wridng, lfany ofyou have such storles, and I'd be happy to tell lnterested people more about my own experlenc€.

Mary Nackard. On the day of our meeungwlth her, both my wife and I were fully prepared to do battle if push came to shove. We were

armed with arguments about the terrtble state of the public school system, homeschooling lesson plans that would dazzle most college professors, and an lmpresslve portfollo of our 8-year-old daughter's accompllshments durlng the past year. Boy, were we dtsappointed when the superlntendent gave us nothing but support, encouragement, and understanding, Mrs. Nackard patiently explatned the state statutes to us and provlded us wlth a copy. She gladly answered all our questlons and seemed genuine! pleased to be ofhelp to us. She gave us the name ofthe principal at our local elementaqr school and encouraged us to use him, and the teachers, as resources. She also mentioned that we could use any of the school's textbooks, and the only charge would be to ask. All in all, we were pleasantJy surprised and greatly pleased with the help and encouragement we recelved. Too bad not all encounters can be as positive and reassurlng as ours was. Sdll, it's nlce to know we've got some good people tn high places. [SS:l It sure ls, and we should make sure to let these people know we appreclate them. Unfortunately, one word of cautlon ts needed here: becausewe can't always know ln advance whether a particular superintendent wlll be suppordve, lt's best to flnd out about a state's laws or reglrlatlons yourself bejore such meetings. Not every superlntendent wtll know, or take the trouble to IInd out, what the law regardtng home education actually says.

LESSONS FROM A COURT CASE The Neu Jersey UNSCHOOLERS NETWORK newsletter ran a story a}rlut tle O'Retltg JonilA, wlro lost a tuancg case this past sprtrlg. 8rl,itor Nancy Plent says tl',rc,t

"ttns case !s rwtewofi)tg rnostly

becantse ff is not typical oJ the legal situat{on ure'rre ben unrkUg roith irr Netu

Jerseg. And It defnitely isn't an t'tdbatlon oJ a tend.,' Notrcy Plent also nnde the Jdowttg comnlents uhlch mag b useJul to otlrcrs:

It was an eye opener to note that several people asked us here, "What KIND

of homeschoolers are the O'Reillys?' By this they mean! do they have a structured or unstmctured program? They seemed to

expect that unstmctured famllies would be the ones to cause problems. I'm not sure that any ldnd of program would have

saflsffed CMton lthe school dtstdct tn quesdonl, but yes, the O'Retllys follow an unstructured ptrtlosophy. We have trted to oolnt out over the years that the unstru-ctured ptrtlosophy itself ls not the problem. The problem is ln how you present your phtlosophy. And in thls, the O'Retllys fell down. Clifton gave out mixed stgnals about their conc.erns, so lt was pretty difllcult to antlcipate what they would stress ln the cpurtrmm. Stnce they satd early tn the court proceedings that they agreed the currlculum was equlvalent, but were turntng thetr concern to other matters, lt rvas quite a surprise to ffnd the prosecutor dwelllng on what lessons had been learned the week before... and the week before that. Ltsa O'Reilly was not prepared for thls llne of quesdonlng and was badly battered by the prosecutor on this polnt. Lesson one for parents: Have detailed notes ready on your currlculum and be prepared at all dmes to explain and defend

it thorougfily.

Yes, wen lf you don't normally MAKE detailed noteg on tt. And if you make NO notes - take a warnlng from the Clifton experlence.

The prosecutor also Jumped on the

fact that the O'Reilly family had given them a daily tlmetable. We have frequently warned against thls, and repeat


now. The case worker came to the door expecting to llnd them engagd ln math or other lessons because thafs what their schedule said. You can promise a certain number of hours to the school, but at all costs you must avoid telling them which hours you intend to work. One of the btg advantages to home educadon ls the possibility of a fledble schedule, suited to the student and each day's needs. Ifyou pronrlse a regular dme each day and they catch you dolng somethlng else, it looks bad for you even ifyou are doing your work at another time. Don't promise


LOCAL NEWS andrfral our Hontesclwling

For oddresses oJstate

organizatlons, see

Resource Ltst fn this [ssue. Thts list ts

updoted perldicallg and, sold. separately Jor $2.

Californla: The State Department

of Educadon recently realtrmed the

legality of home educadon, accordlng to the October/November lssue of the

NOKftIERN CALIFORNTA HOMESCHOOL ASSOCIATION Dr. L.P. Hartzler, of the Department of Educatlon's Altematlve Education Unit, sent NCFIA a letter

which satd ln part, 'Californla State

Deparknent of Education documents..' clearly trdlcate that tt ts condttlondly

legal and approprlate to use the Independent Study strategf for this purpose [of homeschoollngl... We advise all par€nts who contact us about homeschmllng to try to negotlate an Independent Study agreement rather than establlsh and opente a prlvate school tre thetr home, although thls ls a legal opdon for them."


This letter from the DePartment of Educatlon was lrr response to a statement that Dr. Willfam Berck, the Alameda Superlntendent of Schools, had made before the Count5r Board of Educadon. Berck had satd that ten ofthe seventeen superlntendents tn Alameda County are 'adamant that homeschooltng ls not approprlate and not legal.'


Flepresentatlves from ten areas around the state met to dlscuss legislattve plannfng on October l, accordlng to the October lssue of the IgNSAl.lS F\)R ALTERNATTr'E EDUCATION newsletter. The group agreed to have ready both a homeschoollng btll and an amendment to the present compulsory attendance law, and wlll prepar€ them so that'elther (not both) could be used, dependlngon the

legislattve cllmate.'

The blll requlres homeschoolers to

keep dally records, teach 75O hours ayear, and evaluate students yearly (no specillc kind of erraluatlon ls menUoned). The

amendment to the present law requlres the Dtstrlct Attorney seektng to Judge a teacher lncpmpetent to prove lack of formal educaflon and no teachlng experlencc ond no student progress, Malne: In GWS #64 we wrote that homeschoolers attended a Department of EducaUon and Cultural SeMces hearlng to dlscuss proposed revlslons to the rules regarding homeschoollng programs, partlcularly one whlch would have required homeschoolers wtth handtcapped chtldren to follow whatever plan of lnstructlon the Puptl Evaluation Team stlpulated. The September lssue of the Talk Abut Izanhg newsletter now reports that the DECS 'has chosen not to tlgfrten homeschoollng regplattons for families with special ne,eds chlldren.'The new rules say that "a school admtnlstrative unlt' magr, but ls not requtred to, provlde speclal educatlon seMces to "ldendfied exceptlonal students parttctpating ln an approved homeschooltng program.' If the schml decldes not to provtde these seMces to a homeschoollng famtly, the family can't take advantage ofany ofthese servtces unless the chtldren are enrolled ln school. But the famtly tsn't required to

follow the PETs plan of lnstmcUon, either. Ontarlo: The Fall lssue of Child's flay, the newsletter of the CANADIAN


that Chtef Attendance Counselor Jake Rogers's proposals for amendlng the province's homeschooltng poltcy tnclude $vtng school board personnel mandatory acc€ss to one's home for hvlce-yearly lnspecdons, tncludlng observafion of teachtng, revlew of ass€ssments, recordkeeping, and the chlld's work, and questlonlng the chtld about the elfectiveness of the irestrucUon. Homeschooler Wendy Priesnitz comments: 'I have recentlv been asked the questlon: Has the home school communlgr brought [t]rts proposall on ttself by not betng able or wllling to negotlate a self-regrl"tory proc€ss (such as mtdwtrrcs were able to put ln place)? Barncy McCaIIrey, Presldent of the Ontario Federaflon ofTeachtng Parents, has for some years been advocatlng an Advisory Commlttee made up of homeschoolers and Mtntstry people. Maybe there ls still dme

for a formal push tn that direcflon,'


CHALLENGES & CONCERNS OPEMNG OUR HOMES TO COMMUNITY LIFE JuIIe Stiller wrltes Jrom Ftatrce: I'd ltke to respond to Susannah's comments tn CWS #64 l"Thinking About Communt$r'|. We don't need more safe spaces for children to get together. We have them. WeVe always had them. Whatwe need ls to open them. to open our homes as they have not been open for decades. To open them as welcoming, learnlng places for all chtldren, and to other adults as well. Thts would mean putilng ourselves ln the posidon of gtvtrng our tlme and talents as a wag o"f lfe. Televisions would have to be turned off, self-centered tnterests put aslde, as we became more cornmunity-directed. We Just might start t"lkittg to our netgfrbors agaln over fences, eatlng together (breaking bread as friends) agatn, and we mlghtJust be amazed at how enrlching, uplifting, and educadonal a true community life can be. Being here in rural France where communlty tles are strong out of nec-esslt5r - people need each other to suMve - has opened my €yes to what real learning is and who the teachers are. Of course there are schools and schoolteachers here, but the richness of human contact outside of school is vast and lntricate, and the children bene{lt enormously. The people ln these small farm communitles pass on skills, social values, and a deep sense of what it is to be human, because their doors are always open, day or night. I never have to call to set up an appolntment or worry that I'm bothering someone when I stop by to talk. People come flrst. My advice to people who want to homeschool or even to experience llfe more fully ls to glve, give, give. Give of your tlme, your talents. Others rnight Just follow your example, your children surely will, and they will grow up to be great, natural teachers, I think what simple societies like the Yequana Indians can teach us today about learnlng and living ts that everythtng we need tntellectually, phystcally or splritually can be found within a communlt5r, a small, humanscale communi$r where the members are deeply committed to each other because they understand that the rlchness and suMval of the communtty, espectally the future of the chlldren, depends on that commitment. When I read GWS or Mothering these days I am struck by the me-me-me, I-I-I tone ofthe letters and articles. They seem to be saying, 'My lnterests are so dlfferent from others'. My family ls misunderstood by my famtly, my neighbors. Where can I find support, warmth, understanding, etc.?' Homeschooling is not Just something we do alone in our homes. It's a natural, continual way of life that

involves the whole communit5r. I llve ln rural Franc€ and am very diflerent from the people here. I am physically taller, I speak bad French, I am Protestant (not Catholc), I homeschool, I breastfeed long-term (here a woman rarely breastlds longer than three months), but I don't feel dilferent or isolated. I talk to

my netghbors. I Join lnto community Ufe. At the begtnnlng, I gave free En$tsh lessons, f sat wtth my neigfrbors'stck, thetr dying. I babysat. I went to baptismsand widdtngs. I conflnually tnvtted people over to eat. In return I was lent books and lnstruments I couldn't alford to buy. I had babysitters when I needed them (people often postponed thelr own plans ln order to take my kids when I was desperate for a sttter). I was allowed to vlsit monuments normally closed to the public. I was given piles offree yarn and needles so I could leam to knit. I even have a knftthg machlne at my dtsposal tf I want to learn'

In short, learning opportunities


rained down on me simply berause mY door was always open and an intense

cornmunity life exists here. People don't have much, but there ls a lot to learn.

TEACHING NEIGHBOR'S CHILDREN Last Spring Eileen Perkins of Utah wrote: 'My neigfibor's children have been begging to be homeschooled. They play

with my children and are very envious.


this year thelr parents agrecd to let us

have a trial run this summer, because it was durlng vacation. The children are anxious to start sumner school with us and they hope they do well enough to be allowed to contlnue with us in the Fall." We asked Eileen how this experiment had gone, and she wrote:

The lO year old, who does well ln school, came for the novelty of tt all, I think. She enjoyed herself but she seemed to feel a need to be ln competition wlth her I l-year-old brother. She marveled at how llttle dme we spent on spelling, and seemed anxious to work on math. Still it was all rather a game to her. My greatest Joy came from working with her brother. He is a genius, yet not in the c,onventional academic way. He was labeled slow and kept back ln klndergarten. My husband and I thouglt this was a grave mistake. We had seen him fix a stereo while sdll in diapers, He seems to have an incredible knack with anything mechanical or electrical. When he would arrlve in the morning, ld gtve him the math book for the next grade wtth the teacher's edidon. I suggested which pages he might work on, and told him to check hls own work and come to me if there were any problems. He ate up the book. When he got something wrong he would drill hirnself much more than I would ever have demanded. I had said at flrst that we would onlv GROWING WITFIOUTSCHOOLING #66, Vol. I I No.6. ISSN #0745-5305. Published bl-monthly by Holt Associates, 2269 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MAO2la0.$2Olyt. Date of lssue: December I, 198a. Second-class posta3p Pald at Boston. MA. POSTMASTER: Scnd address changes to GWS, 2269 Massachus€tts Avenue,

Cambrtdgc MA 02l4O. ADVEKISERS: Deadllncs are the lSth of oddnumbered months. Contact Patrick Farenga for rates.

A quarterly journal on Waldorf philosophy and

other forms of holistic and spiritual parenting, sctrooling and homeschooling. Nurturing the magical time of childhood. Send $20 (or $5 for a sample) to Nancy Aldrich,

RR2, Box 2675G , Westford, VT have school from lO to noon. He would

stay untll 5:OO and then I'd send him home. He was a delight when we did dramaflcs. Hls slster seemed amazed that he would cooperate tn muslc and drama. I knew he usually trted to get out of those thfuegs ln school, so I was pleased. The btggest reward came when I received a letter from his 26-year-old stster who was teachlng ln Japan. She said she Just had to wrtte because the other sisters in the famtly had written her saying what a change had come over thelr brother. Although he never expressed lt to me, apparently he had nothing but pralse for homeschoolireg. She satd to hear tlrat about him was a mlracle. Sadly, none of thls was really of any interest to tris parents. Th€y ltked it that the children had a place to be during the day, but when I tried to talk about thetr achdevements I seemed to draw a cold attitude, so I stopped trying. There was also one very real obstacle to homeschoollng someone else's child. Whose responsibility was he when school was out? I have four children of my own and it was rather a burden to take along another child when I ran errands in the

afternoon. I wish I had the opporturdty to c.ontlnue teaching hilm. I can only hope that he remembers the exprience when he has his own chlldren. One humorous lncldent occurred when one of the neighborhood boys, who ls 9, came by asktng the boy I was schooling to play. He said he couldn't right then and procecded to explain all the wonders of being taught at home. later the phone rang and it was the 9 year old on the phone saylng he had been told that I taught children and he thought he would enJoy that. He was sure hls mother would approve, and when could he Join. Smiling to myself, I tacdully tried to explatn that six children were enough and I couldn't possibly take on any more.


*pt./OcL 1988:

...Most standardlzed achlerrement test programs promise dlagnostlc informadon that will help teachers and schools meet students'educational needs. The tests, in otherwords, are supposed to lead to lmprovements in teaching and learning. Data gathered from schools suggest

othenvise. Drawing upon a representadve sample of teachers and prtnctpals, Donald Dorr-Bremme and Joan Herman of the Center for the Study of Evaluatlon (CSE) at UCLA conducted a flve-year suwey of test use. In theA 1986 report, they concluded

that school personnel give more wetght to teachers' Judgments than to lnformatlon from mandated extemal tests, uslng test results only 'occaslonally and tdtosyn-

ln planning. Intervtews revealed a number of reasons for this. Teachers believed the tests were not a good measure of what they had taught; they had a better, more specillc idea of students' strengths and weaknesses from their own observatlons and measures. Immediate feedback ts important, but the results from mandated tests came back weeks after students took the tests. Finally, scones were not reported in a way that made them accessible or useful. Such data suggest that standardlzed tests are peripheral to what goes on in classrooms. But critics of tests lind fault for exactly the opposlte reason - they complaln that tests are havlng too great an elfect. Whtle test results may be cratically"

ignored, they malntaln, the antbrlratlcn oftests, especially tests that carry lmportant rewards or sanctlons, leads to curricular declsions that narrow what is taught and learned. ...The dismay that teachers feel when curriculum design and assessment are taken out of their hands is well documented ln a book by Llnda McNeil,

Contadictions oJf Control School

Stnrcture and, *ttrr;rl kwwledge.When classwork conslsts of exerclses that closely resemble test lterns, there ls little of lntrlnslc lnterest for teachers or students. The danger is that teachers may

Introducing the


planning ALL components ofyour home-school program wilh CONFIDENCE

for both the novice and experienced home-school parent ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY 30Gr info-packed pages - $14.95 pp - l5-day return privilege Mountain Meadow Press, P.O. Box 447-83, Kooskia ID 83539 (208)9264526 Visa/tr4astercard FREE brochure for SASE

leave the professlon, or adopt what McNeil

calls'defenslve' teachlng, deltberately

pr€s€nting stmpliffed, fragmented btts of lnformadon to thetr students. ...Both teachlng and learntng would beneftt lf commerclal tests rellected the last serreral decades of research about the ways people prooess, understand, and master new skills and knowledge. Yet whatwe measure and howwe measure it have changed very llttle over tlme. In the area of readtng, for example, research potrts to the acfive role of readers, as they use prlnt clues and aspects of thetr onn prlor knowledge and expertences to'constmct' meantng from a text. While thts strateglc vlew of the readtng proc€ss has begun to lnform cLassroom matedals and lnstrucdonal practlces, standardlzed readtng tests continue to emphaslze the mastery of a serles of





M / aa Ed:ucatlon Week:

Schools must use a range ofassess-

ment tools, not standardized tests alone, to measure students' "authentic' achlevement levels, a new report by the Na$onal Assoclation of Elementary School Principals concludes. It calls on schools to adopt new assessment methods, tncluding problem-solving tests, portfolios, and


While standardlzed tests provlde an ellective means of holding schools more accountable for actrievement levels, the report says, they'usually do not provide information useful for tmProving

indtvidual or school performance.' In

fact, it warns, schools'over-rcliance on

such tests suggests that'many accountaane on the wrong track or headtng ln the wrong dirrectlon.' ...The 65-page report, 'Beyond Standardized Testlng,' - written by Fred M. Newmann, director of the Natlonal Center for Effective Secondary Schools at the Unlversigl of Wisc-onsin at Madlson, and Doug A" fuchibald, asststant researcher for the unlverslty's Center for Policy Research in Educadon - Jolns a gr"o'ittg chorus of crlilclsm of ihe tnfluence of standardlzed tests on curricula and teachlng. Tradittonal forms of assessment, the report argues, tell lftle about the quality of a studenfs ac.compllshments and tend to measure 'trivial and meaningless' types of learntng. ...Copies of the shrdy can be ordered from NAESP hrbltcatlons Sales, l9O4 Associadon Drive, Reston VA 22O91; order

bility trains

number 21O88O8. Indtvidual copies are $7, prepaid: dlscounts are avallable for

multiple orders.

STRANGE ANSWERS Christlrre Wllrde (PN urltes: Thls last sprtng, I gatned an lmportant iresight durlng our annual standard ized tesdng at home. I review my chlldren's tests before sendtng them back GROWING WTTHOI.,N SCHOOLING #66


to be erraluated, and ln the readtng

comprehenslon sectlon of Aaron's test (Aaron was 8 when he took the test) was the followtng: 'In each group of sentences below, put a mark by the sentence whlch tells about somethtng that could happen.' The first group of sentences was:

bus enJoyed lts lunch. letter arrtved yesterday. (C) The tree dectded to take a bath. (A) The

(B) The

Aaron's nesponse vns (A). I was a llttle concemed that he had answered such an easy exerclse wrong. Had he mlsunderstood? The next EFoup r,ead as follows: (A) The soup was greedy. (B) TheJewels dug a hole. (C) The rooster crowed at dawn. Aaron answered (B). I was beginning to getworrled now' What had happened? Why these wrong answers? The next

creadve percepdons. I did explain the intent of that test segment to Aaron afterwards, Ietting hdm know that, Just for test purPoses, \ve somedmes have to save our lmagination for real learnlng. I hated havlng to say that, but I made certain Aaron understood hls answers were better than what was expected for the test, but that the test was not able to account for hls ideas. We were both able to accept that.

IF YOU HAVE TO TEST [SS:l From tlme to time we get a letter

or phone call that


something like

thls: 'l often read tn GWS about families

who have devoted a really long tlme to one proJect or area of study, or not pressured thetr ktds about readlng or math, and I get

senGnces were: (A) The people sold food. (B) The fence went llshing. (C) The blrd caught the brtdge.

Jealous because those o[us who have to face standardized tests at the end of the year don't have that freedom. Do you have

Thls time, Aaron's answer was (C). I was really in a frtght by then. Was my son leamtng dtsabled all thts time and I never knew tt? Was he acflng out hts underlylng dtsgust at taklng thes€ tests, even though he was telltng me he dtdn't mtnd taldng tlem? Was he sulferlng from delusions some deep-seated problem wlth perceiving realtty? What was happentng? As calmly as posslble, I called .Aaron and showed hlm the part of the test I was revlewtng, 'Aaron, these answers are very, uh, lnteresflng. Could you explaln them to me?' I asked nonchalantly. 'How can a


bus enJoy tts lunch?' Aaron looked at me very matter-offactly and satd, "Its gas. The bus would enJoy lts gas for lunch.'Then it hit me. Aaron had focused on the word 'could' ln the dlrecdons, and tn the world of a voraclous reader who ls as lmaglnative as chlldren come, a world that sflll has liatry telss, m6nrt€rs and a little btt of moglc, all ldnds of thtngs corrlcl happen. What 8 year old lsn't stlll hearlng and seeing

stories wlth horses that talk, machlnes wtth btg eyes and smiles, and lamps that €Fant three wlshes? I was relieved, and h"ppy. I ltked Aaron's answers. I asked hlm about the others. "Well, tf Jewels are sharp, they can be used to dig a hole ln the ground, can't they?'was hls explanatlon for the second wrong answer. I was still Pir"led about thls btrd catching a brldge bustness. Aaron ercplalned, uslng hts llngers as a blrd's talons to lllustrate, 'If the btrd was flying, and landed on a part of the brtdge ltke thls," and he made a grabbing moflon wlth hts hand, 'you could say tt caught the brtdge.' By now I was srnlltng. How many dmes had I read Itterary metaphors that would descrlbe a certaln acdon or sc.ene ln Just this

manner? I told Aaron that hts answers were very creatlve. I was more than sadsfled

with them now that I understood them because I felt they evldenced an lma$natlon and perccptlon beyond the superficial viewlng of ttrtngs. Howwer, I knew that when I retumed the test, those answers would be marked wrong by a computer, somewhat lowerlng trls overall readlng score, and no one evaluatlng such a test without knowlng Aaron would ever see what I would say werre thoughtfully GROWING WTTI{OUT SCHOOLING #66

any suggestions for families in this

I suspect, from the calls and letters we've been getting, that other readers share thls concern.We do have a few

suggesdons, though none, ofcourse, will flt for weryone. The llrst ls perhaps so obvious that it's often overlooked: make sure that testfng fs acfuallg requtred Ur Vour state, we get a surprlslng number of calls from people who thtnk they have to test when in fact they don't. This comes up most frequently when the family lives in a state that leaves homeschooling declsions to the local school district. In Massachusetts, for example, families and school districts must agre€ on so,Tle method of evaluation, which may or may not be testlng. It's easy for school ollicials who are so lnclined to tell parents that testlng ls requtred ln that district. lf parents don't know any better, they may well accept thls. But what's actually required is nego-

tiation and mutual agreement between famtly and distrlct, and if a family ts strongly opposed to testlng or strongly ln favor of another method of evaluadon. the famtly should make that known. Thls ts why we prlnt stories that question the value of standardized testing {or show lts flaws) - so that families who oppose testlng can substantiate their position, Of course, the relationship between school district and family may be a delicately balanc.ed one, and the famtly may declde that ltghting the testing lssue is not worth the rtsk of being denied permission to homeschool altogether. Each homeschooler has to gauge this individually, and my only point here is that it's essenttal to know what the law actually does and does not i'equlre, so that you can oppose testlng if it's important enough to you to do so.

But what if your state does require testing, or ifyou lose on this part ofthe negotiatlons wtth your superintendent? Homeschoolers have often wrltten about the value of retainlng as much control over the tesdng .rs you crur - which test wtll be used, who wlll administer lt and where, and what wtll be done with the results. Several state laws already stlpulate that parents can choose ln these areas, or that parents and school districts must agree.

Inslst that you and your child be at least as well lnformed about what to exPect as teachers and students are in school. Continue to be as fussy after the test is over. Ask to see not only the numerical results but a copy of your chlld's answers and the correct ones. Computer scoring machines don't know whether your child's wrong answer was the result of

Illling in the blank at random or lntelli-

gent thtnldng that the test does not recognlze (as ln Chrlstlne Wilkte's story, above), but you and your child wlll know and you can be stubborn in your insistence that the school lorow too. Request a meetlng with the superintendent in which you go over your child's wrong answers, one by one, and oller possible explanaflons for them. "He does addition all the time in his head, but he d never seen a problem written out thls way." "She told me that she was confused about what you were looking for here.' Etc. The point is to let everyone know that you don't thlnk the test ls the flnal word on how much your child knows - and substantiate that by giving explanations, as above, about howyou do things in your pardcular educadonal program, or how you know your child is used to looking at such things, and so on. Some parents, reading this, may be thinking, 'My school district would never even agree to such a meeting with me, much less sit through It.' Maybe not, though you should be sure to try, politely, before assumlng this. If relations between you and your district are such that you simply can't imagfne such a meeting, write up your follow-up to the test instead, and make sure that the district acknowledges receiving it. Yes, I know that this is a lot of work. But as with submitting proposals about homeschooling in general, vou want to se€m conscienUous and ihorough almost to the point of being a nulsance - after a while, the school people, who hate papenrrork as much as you do, may decide that the whole thing is more trouble than lt's worth, and rnay agree to stop using the tests, or to use them in a different way, or whatever it is that you were hoping for in the first place. Even if nothing else changes, you will have made lt clear that you don't accept the test's verdict unequivocally. I have to keep repeating that only you know your particular situaflon, and you can only take as many of these suggestions as you think make sense. But I'm not maldng them up - these are all practices that actual homeschooling parents have told me about - and what characterizes all of them is a feeling of being active about

the testing requirement, rather than

passively accepting all that it entails. Finally, you do have some leeway in

determining how important the test will actually be in your own family. If you

think about the test at the end of the year,

and then work backward, plannlngyour homeschooling on the basis of what you know the test tests, you might indeed resent the freedom that others seem to have. But what about taking the risk of having the kind of homeschooling you'd really like to have, and then seelng what happens when test dme comes along? Some parents tell us that they are suprised by how well their child scored on the {irst grade math section, for example, 'even


though I thought we hadn't been dotng any math." If this approach makes you uncomfortable (and I don't mean to counsel risk for those who feel they can't or don't want to alford tt), llnd some mtddle ground. Live most oftheyear, perhaps, as you want to, and then spend some time looking over the test and seelng what gaps you may need to llll tn. Each farnily has to balance thls ln lts own way. But I would urge you, even when you'r€ preparlng for the test, to do lt tn the

spirit of 'thls relaflvely stlly thtng we have to do which doesn't have much to do

with what we're really leaming and

doing,' rather than, 'this test which is much more funportant than what weVe been doing all year.'The quesdon, as Humpty Dumpty said about something else, is wtrich of you is to be master. If ifs espe-cially important to you that your children be able to focus for a long time on one lnterest, or that they not distinguish between what they choose to do and what the outslde world thlnks they ought to be doing, put that llrst and accrpt that your homeschoollng may not always be fully reflected in a standardized test. If, on the other hand, you really do care about doing what the ktds tn school are dotng and gettinggood test scores, reco€lnize thatyou may have to adapt your homeschooling to

flt that


Agatn, I don't mean to tmply that it's this simple or clear-cut. Most homeschoolers who have to test se€m to maintain a ldnd of balancr between their own goals and the test's goals. But some parents \prite to us and say that they're frustrated because the tesfs goals seem to be ruling the house, and lt's to these parents that I feel I'm speaktng when I say, then pull back in the other direction a little and remember your own goals as well. It's not easy, which ts why tt's helpful to put this ln perspecdve now and then. We include something about testing in almost every issue of GWS, so those of you who want to think more about this issue can turn to our back issues for further dlscusslon.

QUERIES Here are some questbns thot read,ers

unuldlike otler readers to answer. We wiJlJorusard oll responses to tlvse wFo asked the questbn" and utill prlnt tle ones that seem nost btteresfrng and use;ful to o'll. F}om Jan Hunt (BC):

Our school law ts belng reconsldered, and will probably be revtsed to provide more expllclt recognldon of homeschooltng. As we arre concerned that tesdng may be requtred, I would llke to correspond with homeschoolers who have had success convlnctng legtslators to adopt alternaUve methods of evaluatlon.

l\om MarA


I would really like to hear from high school-aged peoplewho have used correspondence schools for htgh school educatlon. I would also ltke to hear from people of any age about thelr experlences with

educatlonal computer programs for advanced math (beyond slmple operatlons.)

WATCHIN G CHILDREN LEARN LIFE AT HOME Anne Brosnan (NY) writes: I am I I years old, and my Mom has taught us (me and my sister Gaea who ts 9) all our lives. When we ltved ln Mlnnesota (which we did undl I was 6) we had a cabin ln the woods, and for a while when I was a baby we didn't have any electriclt5r or running water. Our neighbors on either side of us were one and a half miles away. When I got bigger there were some homeschmlers from other towns near us who would visit us, but that was mostly all. Then we moved to NewYork. When we lived in Pt. lookout, a very, very little town, we were involved i:n Brownles. Those kids drove me crazy. They would yell and screEun all the time, run around, bang on the pirano, etc. One thing that really annoyed me was when we dtd crafts. All the girls would constantly be asldng the leaders, 'ls thts rfght?'and hold up some stupid thing that we happened to be dotng. I wanted to scream at them, "If tt looks rtght to you, then lfs rightl What does it matter anyway?' But I didn't. My mom was a leader of the Junior Girl Scouts. They were very teenagery, Just a little while ago I suddenly realized, they were nine years old (most of them), the same age as my sister. I was shocked. My sister was not like them a blt. When we moved to Babylon, where we live now, we were doing Brownies too, but for me lt was better sinc.e our troop consisted of about six girls and our meetings were held around the dtning room table at our leader's house, lnstead of in the spacious basement of a church, with around fifteen kids, as ln Pt. Lookout. So lt was quieter and I had more fun. I always thought, though, that Brownie troops should have been called Brownie groups, slnce we never did any real troop-like

things. I met my best friend, Beth, at Brownies. When I first met them, all of my friends said the usual "Aren't you lucky' and "I wish I was you' (l hate that) when Beth told them about me not going to school. only one of them, when we were playing alone, suddenly asked me to spell such and such a word, and what does this and thts mean. I answered her and she seemed satlslied but only later did I realize she asked me that because she thought I didn't know anythtng. That made me mad. As lf a person who didn't go to school didn't learn anythtng, like a person who dtdn't go to the groc.ery store dtdn't eat

anything. I think that's stupid. We have a TV, but we don't watch lt a whole lot, and if we do lfs only around 8:OO PM. Ifwe get aTV Guide, sometimes we mark the shows we want to watch, so we are pretty choosy about it. My mom

onc€ saw a cartoon in a magazlne with two kids sitttng In fmnt of a televlslon set, thelr eyes staring at the screen, and their heads shaped like teacups, hollow and empty. From then on when Gaea and I watched too much television, Mom would say, "Watch out so you don't turn lnto teacup headsl' Anyway, when we're bored we don't turn to televislon, we turn to a book instead. We also go to the library

about once a week and the librarians all know us. For the past three or four years I have trled despenately to leam French. I know the whole French alphabet by heart and a few French words, but that's all. I once was talldng about lt to my Grandma and the next Chrtstmas she gave me a book on how to learn French. I did some of the lessons ln it but then I stopped. Every tlme she comes to visit us she says something like, 'And how is your French coming along?' in a teacher ktnd of tone. I say somethtng Itke, 'Oh, flne, ' or 'Well, I ktnd of stopped doing it.'The way I would want to leam it was from somebody who came from France or from a tape, which, by the way, I Just checked out of the lbrary. It ts going OK, but I still fcrget most of the words. We have a piano thatwe bought in 1986, and Gaea and I both play tt. I started

wlth Mrs. Steuart's Plano Lesson Baks,

and then I stopped as soon as I could read music. I didn't go on ln the book to learn the grand scale, or chords, or anythlng. Then for about a year I saflsfled myself withJust playing songs, songs, songs. This year I taught myself the grand scale so I c-ould use two hands. Whenever I want to learn a hard song or some new thtng I Just teach myself. Whenever I go over to my friend Beth's house her mother is always yelling at her, and her slster yells at her too, but she Just yells back. Someflmes she comes here and we play boand games and she cheats, and if I happen to nodce and then polnt out something in the nrles, tt doesn't help unless I threaten to tell my mom. One tlme I asked herwhy she only cheated when she was playing with me and Gaea, and she sald, 'Well, tt's so easy because you're not my sister who yells at me all the tlme.' Ifs probably that when she's at her house she's watched and yelled at and she gets all tense, but when she's here lt changes completely and she has somebody to boss around. It reminds me of something I read one time about wolf pups. When all the pups have opened their eyes and come out of the den, they start sorting themselves out, playing and fighdng and bidng to flgure out who is to be top wolf. Once they've got that figured out, the higher-ranking ones begin to act superior to the others and someday may become "alpha'or leader ofthe pack. I suppose thafs ktnd of how lt ls tn other familles, and now Beth's slster has the right to boss her around. Who knows? In other familles lt's sometimes clear that the parents are htgher-ranldng than the liids because they can yell at them and tell them to go make thetr beds or whatever.

Butyou shouldn't

be able to boss some-

body aroundJust because you're older than they are. In our liamlly we somedmes have conversations to flgure out who's the boss, but Mom and Dad are equal and so are me and Gaeal

PLAYING WOLIN IN A NURSING HOME Peter krgson (PN urites: I-ast sprtng, my wlfe Susan and I were looktng for some way to bolster our glrls' GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING #66


dtmfntshing lnterest tn vtoltn, and we

wanted to llnd a new opportunlty for them to provtde some soclal servlc.e. Susan came up wtth the ldea of the gtrls playtng thetr vloltn for the resldents of a nearby

nurstng home. Amanda (f 2), Emtly (lO) and Julra (7) had been Sueuld students for a year and a half when thelr lnterest began to wane. Actually, tt uras thelr decllntng lnterest ln lessons that was the problem. We wanted to avold the medtctnal approach to muslc "Here, take ttrls, lfs good for you' - yet at the same tlme we were committed to helptng the chtldren through that dtlllcult pertod, after the llrst year or two, when a lot of ctrlldren drop out of muslc lessons. Assumlng theywere ln a phase, and not at an endpolnt, we wer€ searching for somethlng that would carry them through a challenglng tlme. Ttre glrls had also recently fintshed nearly two years of worklng on a blweekly basls at a home for muldplyhandtcapped chlldren. We were looldng for a new opportuntgr of tlrts ktnd, and tt oc.curred to Susan to address both gods at once and gtve the gtrls a soctally-modvated reason to work on thelr vlolin playlng. She asked them tf they would like to pLay thelr most poltshed pleces at the nurslng home. Their response was a most

profound yes. The flrst step was to ask another farntly with two daughters who were also viollnlsts lf they would llke to form a group. Sarah (9) and Andrea (6) were already frlends of ours, as was thelr mother, who ls an accompllshed muslclan and who had been the ptano accompanlst at Suzukl gSoup lessons ln the past. They all loved the ldea. Searchtng for an audlence was the easlest part of all. The llrst Actlvitles Director Susan called was enthusiastic, assurlng us that whatever the gtrls dtd would be well-recelved. The dlrector also safd that nurslng and redrement homes were always looldng for good entertalnment for thelr residents. For most of them, these e\rents were trrvartably the

hfhlfghts of otherwlse long


would the gtrls be wtlling to work on thelr pieces? The answer was, a lot. How much of thelr motlvauon came from the thought of the upcomlng performance, how much uras the result ofthe group support and the urge to do well ln the compa.ny of one another (I grr.ess thts ls the healthy slde of competltton), and how much came from the gentle qray tn wtrtch the planlst-mother showed them how muslc groups tradtttonally work togethea ts anybody's guess. All I know ls that the flve violinlsts together bullt a terrlffc team, wtth support from the two mottrers but prlmartly out of thelr We wondered, how much

own enerSr. They knov that they were ln charge. They scheduled rehearsals, practlcrcd on thelr own, developed a pro6lram mlx of group and solo plec€s, and ln general conducted themselvesJust as I tmagtne a group of adult muslclans would. Whenever thry had dlsagSeements, or strong oplnions about how a plece should be presented, they talked tt ouL Thelr accnmpanlst, Patty lbplan, let tt be their show and offered her ldeas only when asked.

I produced thelr program on our GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING #66

computer, with Emtly making suggesdons about grpest5rle and layout. Susan helped the glrls wlth dlscusslons about approprtate dress, selectlon of pleces, and many other tntangibles that make succ.essful proJects look polished when they're Ilnally presented. She, too, was careful to keep from steallng the glrls' sense of ownership ofthe proJect, and not to hype It up or make too blg a deal out of what was supposed to be a modest opportuntty. On the afternoon of thelr perf,ormancre, Susan was the emc€e, tntroducing the girls and lntroduclng each song before lt was played. The gtrls were a btg htt wtth the resldents, and the feeling was mutual. The glrls loved how openly the residents expressed thelr appreciatlon and alfection, how they said what was on thelr minds without a hint o[ embarrassment or fear of being overheard. As c:ertain as the acdvitles dlrector had been that the program would be well received, she was surprlsed at the qualtty of the music. I think she thought that the sight of a group of chtldren would be pleasant enough, but the work that the girls had put lnto their performance was evident. I had been concerned that the girls would thtnk, "Oh, we don't need to play well. These people will love us no matter what,'As ls often the case, my concern was unfounded. The girls knew where they were strong and where they had messed up, even if much of the audlence didn't know, or, more ltkely, didn't care. They were honest, and ktnd, ln thelr acknowledgement about thts wtth themselves and with each other. There's no doubt ln my mind that the love that the residents showered on them made such self-critlques easler. But regardless of the audlence's oplnion, they had thelr own standards to live up to, and no amount of unconditlonal approval from others was golng to change that. Thts ls not to say that they are perfecflonists, but that they want to lmprove their play'ng for themselves. This fecling is

ing the programs, and then insisted that they accept the same honorarium given to other peformers ($25-$5o per performance). We parents wet€ concerned that this would undermine the social seMc€ aspect of their playtng, so we have Put the mon€y tnto a kitty untll we all decide how to use lt ln a way that will be conslstent

what was prevlously missing in their practice for lessons.

Since that first performance, the

I think homeschooled children may need our extra help in {lnding access to other lidds' writing. Thts could take the

proJect has grown ln some wonderful ways. The glrls named the group The Pastel Quintet hased on the colors of the dresses they wear) and have played eight

slmple form of helping them begln corresponding with other children, or sharing wridng lnformally among families whenever we visit... We've also found it a help here at our house always to have a good supply of magazines and

times so far. They lost their arnateur status when one of the activlties dlrectors lnsisted on paying for the cost of reprint-

wlth our origtnal


WORKING ON A SHIP Mattdy Maler {MN writes: For flve years my father has been working on the USS Cassin Young (a World War II destnryer), which is docked at Boston Naval Shtpyard. Chtldren weren't allowed to work on the strip. One day when my mom, grandmother, and brother were going to the Flower Show, I didn't want to go wtth them. So my father sald tt would be OK if I went with him to the shipyard. He was gotutg to be painting that day, so he gave me a brush and a bucket of patnt and I Joined ln. After that my father asked me errery Satunday if I wanted to go wtth hirn I always sald yes. Now I go everyweek. I know everybody who works on the ship. One guy, Ted, calls me 'Captain'and

somedmes 'Chief.' Everybody who works on the shlp gets a hat, coat, shoes, and coveralls. Even mel I love going there and I have a lot of fun. On October 8 every year the shlp has a T\rrn-Around Cruise. This year they handed each volunteer an envelope and inside was a piece of paper that said thanks to all the voluntecrs, and they had my name ltsted with thirteen guys. I was the only gsrl and the only ktd.

FINDING AUDIENCES FOR WRITERS Susan Richtnan wrote in the Frlll rlssue oJ Pennsylvania Homeschoolers:

(contlnucd on page 29)

cLo'rLo.rzc; Home Based Education Program Create yottr ()wn ltorrre sclrool (:urriculurrr witlr tlre lrelp oI Clorrlara Sclrool I lorne IJascd {l l:ducation l)rogralrr, the well-balarrcetl 3 lrorne school l)rograrrr offerirrg flexible or standard apl)roacll. Our graduates receive our private sclrool diploma and full transcripts. 1289 Jcwelt

Ann Arbor. illchlsan 48104

(3131 769.4515

Prt Monlgomcry, Ph.D. Dlrcclor



x q




When Mary Van Doren suggested that we sell a microscope in our catalog, I remembered the one that homeschooler Peggy Roberts had described in GWS #51 as inexpensive and sturdy and produced right here in the Boston area. I made an appointment to go visit the company, Learning Things of tulington, and was delighted wirh what I found.

I learned from the president of the company, Richard Onanian, that Leaming Things now produces a model, ttre Ulrascope, that costs even less than their earlier version. When he brought one out to demonstrate, I was a

bit startled for it looked nothing like the ponderous microscopes I remember from my schooling - the compound eyepiece is removable, and so the whole thing fit inside a sandwich bag. He slipped in a prepared slide (see next review), and had me hold the scope up and point it toward a window. For the lowest Ievel of magnification, 30X, you don't use the sliding eyepiece at all - you peer directly into the scope, the the effect feels somewhat like using binoculan. I adjusted the focus wheel and a colorful image of a bit of flower sprang into view. To double and quadruple the magnification (60X and 120X), you snap on the eyepiece and use it either in the extended or collapsed position. These magnifications need more light, so you also snap in the little mirror at the bottom of the scope, and tilt it so that it directs light from a nearby source, say a lamp, towards the center of the scope. I was very impressed with the quality of the images; they certainly were as detailed and sharp as any I can remember from school. Onanian recommends that younger children use the 30X level, because it is easier to adjust the light, and because what they see has more meaning to them - a piece of hair still looks like a hair,just bigger. The 60X and l20X levels are suirable for older children, but the smallest jiggle of the scope can mean the light disappean and one must readjust the mirror. Schools are buying these Ulrascopes by the hundreds, especially elementary and junior high schools, because instead of having one expensive microscope for a room, they can practically afford one per student. The scopes are very rugged and will take a good deal of abuse. Onanian admits that these scopes are not powerful enough for truly serious work, like professional medicine, a college

course, or a high school student with a srong interest in biology. He recommends that homeschool parents start with an UlEascope and see whether their children are interested enough to push it o its limits, rather than spending hundreds of dollars on a serious machine that may just sit in its case, neglected. Along with the Ultrascope we include a plastic hinged slide that was invented by Leaming Things and is also nearly unbreakable. You slip things in this little holder - a bit of fuzz, a grain of salt - in order to view them. We also include a projection mask: if you have a slide projector or similar very strong light source, ttris allows you to cast the image from the microscope onto a wall in a darkened room, for everyone to see at once.



PREPARED MICROSCOPE SLIDES #1182 $r2.OO l-earning Things is also supplying us with these boxes of assorted slides. In order for some plant and animal specimens o yield a very enlightening image, they need to be shaved very thin and sained with dyes. There are books that will tell you how to do this, but meanwhile, these slides, with their bright colors and fascinating patterns, will help your children to see the immediate possibilities of a



AMOS AND BORIS by William Steig #1102 $3.95

THROUGH GRANDPA'S EYES by Deborah Ray #1195 $4.25

THE PHILHARMONIC GETS DRESSED by Karla Kuskin #1178 $3.95 Children often complain, and rightly, that it's hard to leam to read when books for beginning readers are often so mediocre. We're always pleased to discover (or rediscover, since children's classics do frequently prove best) children's literature that really is literature, with a story, a feel for lang 'age, and the absence of a condescending or cutesy tone. Children's book author Madeleine L'Engle (one of the best around) once answered the question, "Why do you write for children?" by saying, "Because I'm not smart enough to know t}te difference between a children's book and an adult's book," and indeed, a good way to judge the quatity of a children's book is to see whether it gives you, the adult, pleasure and a sense that it is worth reading. The three new children's books we've added to our fall catalog pass this test

with flying colors.

2269 Massachusetts


John Holt'e Book and Music Storc

Amos and Boris, the William Steig classic (readers may also be familiar with Sylveste r and the Magic Pebble) is the story of friendship between two very different kinds of creatures, a mouse and a whale. When Amos the mouse is stranded at sea, Boris the whale comes to his rescue, and Amos wonders how he can ever repay his geat friend. I won't give away the story of how tiny Amos is given a chance to use his ingenuity and do just that" but I know that this tale of kindness, sympathy, and quickness of thought will stay with its readers for a long time. Through Grandpa's Eyes,by Patricia Maclachlan, is another story about experiencing things from someone else's perspective. The young nzuftrtor takes us through a day with his blind grandfather, telling us, in gentle and lilting language, how his grandfather teaches him to notice smells, sounds, and the feel of things, thus making the boy's world a richer place: Grandpa and I walk outside, through the front yard and across the field to the river. Grandpa has not been blind forever. He remembers in his mind the gleam of the sun on the river, the Queen Anne's lace in the meadow, and every dahlia in his garden. But he gently takes my elbow as we walk so that I can help show him the path. "I feel a south wind," says Grandpa. I can tell which way the wind is blowing because I see the way the tops of the trees lean. Grandpa tells by the feel of the meadow grasses and by the way his hair blows against his face.

And elsewhere: He tunes our cellos without looking. I play with a music stand and music before me. I know all about sharps and flats. I see them on the music. But Grandpa plays them. They are in his fingers. For a moment I close my eyes and play through Grandpa's eyes. My fingering hand slides up and down the cello neck toward the pegs for flats, toward the bridge for sharps. But with my eyes closed my bow falls from the strings. The Phillarnnnic Gets Dressed,by Karla Kuskin, is a music story without any music - all the action takes place before the orchestra arrives at the concert hall and begins to play. It's impossible to convey, in a short review, what a delightful and whimsical combination tlte author's narrative and Marc Simont's illustrations make, but I can say that this is one of those books which invites children to linger over every page. What child, eager to find out how grown-ups do things, could resist this opening:

It is almost Friday night" Outside, the dark is getting darker and the cold is getting colder. Inside, lights are coming on in houses and apartment buildings. And here and there, uptown and downtown and across the bridges of the city, one hundred and five people are

getting dressed to go to work.

First they get washed. There are ninety-two men and thirteen women. Many take showers. A few take

Cambrid{e, MA O2I4O

baths. Two men and three women run bubblebaths, and one man reads in the tub while the cat watches. One woman sis in the bubbles and sings. Reading this funny and appealing catalog of the musicians' preparations, we don't ask how Karla Kuskin has managed to know the orchestra so intimately. We take her pronouncements on faith, and delight in them. These three children's books are of the highest quality. Enjoy them, all of you in the family, together. Susannah Sheffer


#f 168 $5.8O l70 $1O.OO

12 colors # I

When I first picked up this modeling wax I found it immediately more satisfying than Play-doh or even clay. The wax is so friendly, so comfortable and easy to use, that it seems to invite both precision and flexibility. It's easy to keep at it for hours, to make a stick of green wax into a turtle and then a tree and then a house, without losing any of the quality or resiliency of the wax. It's also easy to refine your work, to add the fine touches that small and inexperienced hands might find too frusnating with another substance. In this way the wax invites skill as well - it encourages us to keep fooling around, to shape something still further, to make the thing in our hands match the image in our heads.

As we said in our fall catalog, the wax becomes pliable in firm until you wann and mold it again. The wax is non-toxic and the vibrant colors won't come off in your hands. It's easy to take along on long trips, or to doctor's waiting rooms, and easy to use at home without a lot of preparation or clean-up. the warmth of your hands, then

-ss THE LEARNABLES T AND STAPES $42 #1L44 French, #l146 Spantsh, or #1148 Other Language: specr$r German, Mandarin Chinese, Russian.


The Learnables is a great system of learning any language

through osmosis, soaking up the language while you listen, letting words sink in and then matching them to the pictures. Our whole family listens to the Spanish tapes at breakfast and before we go to bed at night. After listening to the tapes a couple of times and just looking at the pictures, I started thinking the words before they were said on the tapes. With my children, Nicki and Matt (6 & l),lsuggested they don't repeat the words, just to listen to them and don't look at the book right away. After two weeks they are telling people that they know what "medico" (doctor), "casa" (house), and other words mean, and counting to ten in Spanish. By listening to the word and absorbing tle sound before saying it makes the pronunciation become clearer and clearer in your mind. When you finally do say the word, your own pronunciation is clear. The tapes with Book I teach over 1500 words! I was an exchange student to Sweden in high school and in preparation I took a 6-week college course in Swedish. The

,16r M*"""h"".ttr a

John Holt'e .

course used a book that taught complete sentences that never quite fit my situation. It was an unnatural system that was confusing (babies don't learn complete sentences right away). My Swedish host family spoke no English and so I was forced o just listen and enjoy the language. I found that after 2 months I had picked up enough so I could almost always understand what they were talking about, even though I was very slow at speaking the language. The Learnables uses this natural way of learning and gives you words and phrases to start with that are useful and fun. I highly recommend The Learnables as an enjoyable and smart way to learn a new language.



Music theory is cleverly handled. Almost no standard musical terms are used. For instance, chord lones, passing tones and tensions are referred to as "Notes of Resolution" "Steppingstone Notes" and "Wailing Notes." There is not a bit of standard music nolation throughout the book. Below is a sample of how Mr. Gindick presents his songs for people unfamiliar with reading music (the numbers correspond to numbers over the holes in your harmonica): 4 means on the 4

blow hole.



Well I



by John Gindick #1r 12 $12.95


harmonica. The harmonica is a Hohner C Pocket Pal. The tape is minutes long, combining music for you to play along sixiy with and insFuction from the author; it also provides musical illustrations and verbal synopses of the main concepts of harmonica playing presented in the book. The book fills in the often big gaps the tape leaps over, so they complement each other nicely. On the tape Mr. Gindrick announces what topic he's about to deal with; when you look in the book there is a picture of a cassette on the page where tlre tape starts for each

ordrawon the4 hole.

4@5 s@es4@s@4@ come hom Nabama with my banio my knee 4@5e @es4@s l@ . And l'm going' to louisiana my tot to sae 54@ @ @ @e Oh Susannahl don'tyou cry ma r@ s 6 @ssl@s l@ 4

Country & Blues Harmonica for the Muslcally Hopeless

When I first saw this set at a bookstore near the cash register I thought it was joke. After using it, I think its explanation of basic music theory and instrument technique are among the clearest you will ever find for beginners. From the ritle you might expect a crisp, condescending tone in the author's explanations, but Mr. Gindick offers a kinder, gentler approach for the musically hopeless. His tongue is firmly planted in his cheek when it is not on his harmonica. This set is much more than a marketing gimmick. The combination of a harmonica, [ape, and book make this a clever investment for anyone wishing to learn something about music and especially for people who want to learn how to play the

@ means suck

true love


Fot l'm bound tot l-ouisiana oh my trua low lot to

It's traditional to make O Susannah you first harmonica tuna t,lobody knows why, everybodyiustdoes it.

There is no time duration assigned to the numbers, but I found that rhythm is effectively handled by the strong, straightahead guitar playing on tie tape or by tapping your foot while playing songs in the book that are not on the tape; the latter tend to be familiar naditional songs such as "Streets of Iaredo," "On Top Of Old Smokey," and "Bill Bailey." The tape is also particularly helpful for understanding the concepts of bending notes, using your hands to alter the sound of the harp, and tonguing. Forms in the back of the book offer more play-along and instruction tapes for Blues, Country, Folk, and Rock songs on the harp. The book is written and printed in a welcoming fashion. Each page is generously illustrated with excellent diagrams and humorous pictures. There isn't a ton of text on its pages, so you are never overwhelmed with information, but the book still manages to present an incredible amount of valuable technical and artistic instruction in 99 light-hearted pages. An inexpensive gem for the closet musician.

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DIRECTORY OF FAMILMS Here is our co|rplet6 1989 Diredory. ll yout entry adv€d n wlft appoar ln GWS f67. attof our cd-oll date (lare Ou? Dhclory b rrda lbt d allsubcribors, but onv d tho6o $dro r6ft lo Oe ,lled. 80 thal other GWS readec, or othd irnere8led p€Sle, rney get In toudr rilh lhom. ll yDu would lko to bo Indud€d, dease terd lhe entry brm or a 3x5 card (one lamlly per card), Pleaso r€n€ntor lhat we can'l coiltol how thb Dlreclory b ussd; lf you rocolr,e unwanl€d mallas a ?suh ol bolng llslod, lurt t6s I oul. Wo p|lnl Olt rrsa,a d ch[d!en, nol {€s. ll w€ mad€ a mbtake s'lren conve.lhg you? drlld's aoe to blnhyear, ploaso lot u8 xnow.


Pbasetell us I

would ralhor har€ tDUf phone nurnbs ard lown lSld it'6,le€d of tDur rnalling addr68. ll a Diieclory llsllng ls lollo$,sd by an (H), iho family b willing to hosl GWS lravele's who rnake advarco arangornonts yq,J

Inwltlng. lf a nanF ln a GWS slqy ls follotved by an abbrgvlalion person b h lhe Dlreclory. We are happy lo toilard mall lo th6e wheo addrcsB afe ml in lho Dirocro.y. Marfi the oubidr d the enr,elope wilh narrddGcriplbn, lssuq and p{6 nunber. il }ou donl rnad( lhg oulslde, wo opon tho onv€lopo, thel you wdf sonFlhlng fo|tardod, and thon haw lo readdro$ lho lofier and u8e out own pootage to fi€il lt. When you send us an addr68 drange foa a subdcriptbn, pleaso remind us lf aro In th6 Dkedory, so w6 can drangs it hore, ioo. 'Du In

parilth66, lhd



AL David & Eabara BRASFIELD. ALABAMA HOME EDUCATORS-TUSCALOOSA AREA, Rt 3 Box 633, Conondale 39153 Phil& Loo @NET. (J6si/8o, Palri# Pery & 83) lHE VOICE. Rl 3 Box 37-8, Tallass€o 36078 Nancy GOODSON, (Wendy/8o, Derek/83. Dyhd86l, Rt 1 gox 16$A, Roctlotd 35136 JarE Laronno HART, (Seth/7g,





Tom & Chdi RIDER, 40O




Or, Oe€lika 36801




Rd, Anchoiago Megan Rogor BENEDICT, (Damorv84, Ganelv84, 2829 Knlk Ave Dr, Anchorage 9517 lGtl& Nando ELLIS (Anikde4) PO Box 277, Kasilof 9{)610 Davit e Annene JANKA (Holly/8s} PO Box lCZ2, U"5ot 9P686 Suzarhe & Don MARKLE (lGthled82, David/86) 34 E S€cond Ct ArEhotaot 90501 Tom & SalV MCGUIRE (8€d(yt5, Rabrr7, C€bertg, Rdd8l) Box 918,





Haines 99827 (H, Jane & Tim PEARIA (Anthony/8l, Vemo.v84, Ca'lin,84 2055 Canpbell Pl, Anchorago 9507 (Hl Ca'olRYAN-AUBE A Bil AUBE (Annld8l, Maggil/&4, Paullne SoarvSs) PO Box 871962, Wasllh 99687 (10




STRONG (Oanlel Gastorv€Ir) 4544 Tratalgar. Jumau 99801 (10 VALLEY T|oMESCHOoLERS NETWORK, SR Box s370A, Wasilta99687 Egor & Ced zDANOVEC (Kinboily/82, Mamy8s) 6855 Counrry Rd, Saldra 99714





PARENTS ASSOC OF CHRISTIAN St, TorFe 85a81 HOME SCH@LS, 6166 W Highland, Pho€nix 85o3:l PHOENIX SPECIAL PROGRAMS,3l32 W Clatendon, Phoonix 85017 Gary & Bea RECTOR (Boo/78, Elllotr/8o) PO Box Lsn & Mary ROTHFIELD (Bscky/ 362, Caw Creok 85i131 SOUTH PULASKI 71) 5040 N Via Condca Tucson 85718 Chatlc CHRISTIAN PARENT EDUCATORS. 565-9479 Julie STANLEY (Br@kd8o, Rayna/84) 16430 N 26th Sl. Phonlx 85032 Cel€Gto & willlarn STEEN (John/'75, Lukd




AZ C€rry ABELA & Sandy STOCK (Deva/8o, Mayd 84) 8149 E 4lh Pl, Tucson 85710 (ll) ALPHA OMEGA PUBLICATONS, PO Box 315i1 Tonp€ 85281 --- THE ARCHES,8987 TanqLb Vorde Rd, PO Bq 60147, Tucson s5751-5147 --- ARTZONA FAMtLtES FOR HOME EDUCATION, 6g E Kilo Df Me3a 8520:l Gone & Mary Kay ARNOLo (Ju[Gbetty69, Mikerrt, Robrtts] 12423 N 65 St, sconsdale 8525,t (10 --- Ted & Diane EEILBY (Er0il82, Atbia/ 83),Stat Rt Bor 10 Slud(io 72578 Charlie & Emily BELL (Jonaharv84. TirDlhy/86) 8761 W lronsrood Dr, P@ria 85345 .-- Tom t Minda BUHR (Nathanft6, BenjantntS, Elizab€th/ 81, Jo6+lv8il, J6sicd86) PO Box 531 Sl David (H) Pat & Rita BURNS (Cheney/8o, DanlolldS4) 3240 S Gillgrwater 0r, Flagsratf 8600r cHRlsTlAN FAMILY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, PO Box 47159, Phoenlx 85068 CHRISTIAN HOME ED(JGATON FELLOI/VSHIP (CHEF) 20 Mornhgslde, Conway 720:12 Tom t Tammy DRAKE (StevenzT. Bradley/7gl 0817A E Llghlnlng Or, TrEon 85708 --- Blll & Nancy FESSENDEN (Blllym, Jenny/8o, Davld/82, KatitS4 5641 W Vogel Are Glondale 8gm GATE SCHOOI, 1 72s N Dare 33. Me3a 85a01 E- Radl€l GAI & John PALMER (Ury82) 3624 N Forgeus,Tucsor857l6 Sendra GOMEZ (JullannatTn 3530 S Popler, Teflpe 85282 Tom & Kenly @ONAN {Rachot/69, EllzabolMtl, Ruthr'z) 6536 C.E. Calle La Paz, Tucson 85715 (H, Karlen & Suzanne HAKE (Kalhlo€n/8l, Tamy&!, Mollssa/&t, Davb,/84) 't017 W Oxford, Tenpe 85283--- HOME SCH@ISUPPLIES, 1125 E Ould(









-- --







-79, Feliz/&4) HCR Bor 324, Elgin 8561 1 (H) ---


WALASEK & Ron HEACOCK (Justinr/T, MorgarvSs) PCt Box 3517, Tucson 85722 (H).-- Glolia WILLIAMS, ARIVrcA COMMUNITY SCHOOL, PO Box 24, Arivaca 85601 .-- Janiso & Randy WOOTEN (Josophl77, Briar/8o, Shidey/83, OanioySs) 6401 E Callo Boatrix. Tucson 85710 --- Debbie YOUNG & Oavid TAFT (Taiowa/81, Drisana/84)2333 E Mallard Cl, Gilberl 85234 (lt)



Mi:ah/84) ALASAMA HOME EDUCATORS, 819 Joryns Or, MontgonFry Ootde HINKLE-UHLIG t Frank UHLIG , (DanioySo, fiily8?), 706 Cary Dt, Atburn 3683O David & Belinda RICHAROSON, {Danleft l, Benlaminr/s, Befianyng, Androv8l, Joshua/84) 3208 Coion St, MdrtgonFry $110


--- Trudi & Ben HOPKINS (Phililr/8, carherlndSo. Nichohr,/8z, Johnny/84) 614 s El Dorado Rd, Ms6a 85202 --- Stwe & Jac*ie JOHNSON (Tobyt8, LsvyA4) 3al2|l3 N 224 Av, Wintnann 8536'l-0696 --- Steve & Joan LAMOURE {Dilld|/?g, Du6tlrv82} Box 4578, New Rlwr Slage ll, Ph@nix 85029 (H) --- Rld( E Bocky LAURITZEN (Jod/7g, BenlamirvSl, R€ina/86) 8719 WChafleston Av, Peoria85345 Sherie & Nom LEE (Henry/63, Russely65) P O Box 3485, Glondale 85301 -.- John & Katrdso MCKELLAR (Antv8l, Mogad83, Jcspil&4, Pauy86) 6612 E Korale€, Tucson 85710 --- Linda NESS (Fored/78, EchdSo, A.isy&4) 809 W Ned Pl, Chandler 8s224 NORTI{ PULASKI CHRISTIAN PARENT EDUCATORS,T5&3786 --- Paul & RsbeccaOLSON (Rach€U 77, Jo6hua/80, Amanda/8'l, Zadrafy/82, Micah/84) THEN (TUCSON HOME EDUCATON NETWORK) TmlAThundetbird Dr, Tu6on 85ng (H) --- O$orah & Rldtatd OWENS (Davldr/s, Russeflrt7, Richr/g, Peler/8l, LyorVS4) 1241 W 10 Draw Pl, Tucson 85749



ASSOC, 1241 1 Satdb Rd, Mabelvale 72103 --- John & Sally AYERS (Phebo/8l) Rl I Box 152, Hindsvillo 2738 --- Tom & Julie O'oAY (Meghannr/g, KalherindSl, Btiigov84) Rt 1 Box 4t7. Clinrql 72031

CA NORTH (zlp. e{ooo & up)


Connie ADAMS Qoyn4,Maggieln, Ryan/8o, Shaun/8o) 747 Broadway Sl, Faltlleld 9a53 (ll) AII/IERICAN HERITAGE CHRISTIAN Margafst ACADEMY, 92Z Celvlne Rd SacranEnto 958r2{l & Midrael ARIGHI (Louis/7g, Willhl|ySz) 6015 Mauritanh Av, C. BAYARo & Lauta POTTER (Winte/81, Oakhnd 94605 Cooper/83, Slory/84 5471 Bony Circle, Livefi|o.e 94550





Ann BOoINE & Psiar BONYHARD (Johnrr4, Karinar/s, Davkt 79) SOUTH VALLEY HOMESCH@LERS ASSN, 128tl0 Jill & Greg EOONE Stewns Cl, San Manin 95046 (H) (CrbtirzS, Pauv80, Curtivs3) PENINSULA HOMESCHOOToon Kelly ERS,2427 Grandby, San Jco 95130 (H)




BRANDEAU (JacquolynftS) 1005 Lakdale Way, Sunnlvalo 94089 John & Botty BRINGHURST (Sarahi8o, Boniamitv 82, Samuey84, Hannah/87) 760 Patt Glon, Mattinez 94553 (Hl Stwo & Pat BRISTOW (Megor/8o, AlandSe AnndBA 4298 Lelgh Av, san Jos€ 95124 Manha BRYSONSOLOMON (Saraht8, Adarn/8s) z7&llth Av, San Francisco (Jo8sert7, CaitlirVSl) 465 94118 Willlam & Susan BURKE William & Susan oiatrpnd St, San Ftancbco 94114 (H) BURKE (Je3se/z, CaltlirvSl) 465 Diarmnd Sl, San F.ancisco 941 14 (H) Oavid BUTLER & Esthet BARUCH (Michaev8l, Midtael & Linda DanieUSsl PO Box 650. Boonvill€ 95415 BUTLER (lanA?, Paung, Olivia/8l, J@U83, JarnodST) PO Richard & Tera CANANT Box 439 Mt Auktum 95656 (BenlamiD€2, Carly/8s) Cetous Ct, Fremonl94539 'l€464 Peggy Ros8 CARKEET (grentrtg, Ttbtad&l) FIC Box 634 G.L. CAVIGLIA & L.B. NELSON Twain Harre 95383












(Adrianner/6, Aaron-Jatn€sag) DONNELSON-DALEHURST SCHOOL GROUP.4s3-7794353 --- CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE. PO Box 445, N San Juan 95960 COMMUNITY EDUCATIoN GAZETTE. PO Box 445. N Sil Juan 95960 --- CONTRA COSTA HOME EDUCATORS,33ts Santa Pauh 0r, Concod 94518 --- John & Jennlf€, CRECHRIOU (Jo6hua/81, Kaltllr/83) 1 8635 Gazollo-Callahan Rd, cazelle $O34 (H) --. J36s I 1-tnne OAHL (Zadlary/80, Courlney/82, Leil/8s) 707-964€4m (Fod Btaggl --- 65n 6 Debra DAIS (Jared/&4) 1200 15$ Sl, Sanla Rosa 954O4 Marvin DARALYN (CrbphrrS, Cory/8l, Bovarv83, Brhnn€/8s),




DAYSTAR SERVICES,13500 Pt Cabrilb Dr, f8, tud DE LA SOUJEOLE & Marlha Mendocino 95460 RUTHERDALE (Raphaeu82, 0o.nlnilud84, Paul-Andtev84 John A Laura 3O5 Brhm,md Dt,Watsonville 95076 (Hl DEITCHMAN (Michae|r/6, B€njanin/7S),763 Splrdrltl Pl, San Sam & Jactie DICKER {Michaou84. Jossi:d J6o 95134







24245 Mountain Charlie Rd, Los Cralod 95030 DTSCOVERY CHBISTIAN SCHOOL, 7 Alabama 0r, Concord 945?1 Colia DURMAN (Breoanrtg) OTHER WISE, 295 Glenn & Wondy EARLEY KarslAw, Rod Blutl 96080 (H, Bill (Androv82) Apt. 13 1699 Ontario 0r, Sunnyvalo 94087 & N C€itEASTW@D (Mldraev8o, FaltUS6) Box S, Redway EVAN€, 977 Ke€lor Av, Beft€ley 9'1708 95560 (H) 871





(coDoral pnishmonl) -- l(athl & Kud EVANS (Manhev8o, Jenniler/8l, Kovirv84, MbhaUST) 548 Spruce, Aplos 5003 --. Tony & Faye EVI'IT (Rachovgz,TalarE:hlSsl 47475 Femald St. Frenpnl 94539 --- FCLA NORTH CA SPICE GROUP, 3812 Holblay Ln, Carmidtasl 966@ -- Scotl & Jan FTEETHAM (Craiyg4, ChdstlndST) 1315 GarparCl, Rohnert


Kathy & Jim FRANDEEN (Blair/e4) 2Ol Pau Etk FREELAND, PO Bq ?97, 1715t Sharon & Davkl FREEMAN Bodoga Ln, Bodega 94922 (Tylor/83, BrelUS6) Bor 157 Truc*6 95734 Caren & Ho*ard FURER (Chtbiino/83) 230 Mitcholl Dr, Bouldd Cresk Pam & Craig GINGOID (Jeroriaht6, Sorond 95006 (H) 78) HOMESCHOOLERS FOR PEACE, PO Box 74, Mi$ines 95345 GRANT-oERooS Family, 8467 Do€ivalo Rd, Mary Davil GRIFFIIH (lGtid84) 6850 Dublin 94568

Pafi 94928

Hana Soquel 95073









Mart & Matgatel Ewing Way. Serarrbnlo 95828 GRISMER (Joseph/82, BsmadondS:!, KaleryS4 1430 Alico Sl Ann & Poter HAIMAN (Aarory82, Joshua/&4) 1090 Millea Av, Berkoloy 94708 (H) === Elizatnh A Midaol HAMILL


(Hanborv8o, Finnogan/@) NoRTHERN qAt-l.FqF.N.l, HOMESCHooLERS ASSOC. 2214 Grant St, Bdl(eloy 94703 --- J€ & Carol HAMILTON (JoeV@) 2079 Vabataiso Avs, Menlo Part 94025 --- Carol & Stanley HASEGAWA (0avid/81, Stsrcrv&4) LITTLE FISH SCHOOL, 868 Yuba St, RbhlrDnd 94805.-. Chris HIBBERT, 1O4A Evandal€ Rd, Mountain Viow 914043 --. Pany HOLMES & Kevln McGOVERN (Shanli/76, Justinr/S, KevirvSl) 3293 Folsom St, San Francbd'41 10 --HOME CENIERED LEARNING, Po Box 2025, san AnsolrD 94960 --- Laura INGRAM & Dl* WIIOMAN (Taylot/86) 12101 Ho6o6hoo Ln, No\rada City 95059 --- Cheryl JUST (Trevor/ 80, Brervg2) 20810 Alrnaden Rd, san Jo6e 95120 --- Dhne KILLOU (Jamau67, Sarnts) 520 Alvarado Ave t204, Davis 95616 Randy & Lynne KNOWLES (AnthonynT, Jonnytg, g Jortnd&4, Arly/86), Slar Rr, Bango,95914 (H) '1u11s KROGER (Travb/83. Mana Rosea4 555 John Muir Dr t615, Matgaret & Edwatd KUCZYNSKI San Francisco 94132 (Justln/82) 2564 Rogk Dr, Davb 95616 Rob€rt & Cappy LARSON (Grotafz3, E'I[r€l7', MaF!n8, Kadn/86)10@ De Lanis LoBARON & Hank Haro St, San Frarrlsco 94107







ALRICH (My''rd77, ShaidrySo, Matsssa/82, Tessany/84) Box 869, Groenvill€ 95917 (H) -- Robe,l & Julio LEROs(Laurer/ 83, Jordana/g7) 144 Pine St, San Anselmo 949@ -- Jill LITTLEWOOD



KAHN (Laura/83, Jotdan/86) Box 790

Colunbia 95i110 (H) --. Mafy LOIBL & Ftank LOMELI (cadelbd82, Yara/83) 2621 Belnpnt Dr, Davb 95616 (H) -J&!b & E\,€ LUBOWE (AtigaiuS4) PO Box 131, Atcata 95521 -.- April & Lee LUSSIER (BrandoryS6) 895 L€Corple Pl, San JGe 95122 .-- MAGIC MEAoOW SCHOOL, PO Box 29, N San Juan 95960 --- Ron t Linda MAHER (Oanielb/7g, Calet/ 83, Sarah/S6) 3761 Ro€ding Rd, Coros 95307 -- lfl6n6y MARTYNA t Bill LELAND (Bryntg, Mil6,/82) 25O HolrEtead Kevin & Molbsa MCOONNELL Trail, Santa Cruz 95060 (H)


(Soan/83, Colll.t8s) 5O1 Mt Vitw Ave 94952

Gretdron McPHERSON (Amandat4, Je6sal/S, Harmony/79' q Pet€r/8/t, MolV/84 PO Bor 381, Kenrvood 9545a -- June Mto MILICH (Kate/82) 1084 River Elutl Dr. Oakdab 95361 (H) .-, Joanno MILLER & Charl€o SIEGEL (Bon€dit8l) 1S7 Bonila Ave, Bork€loy 94709 --- Ob e Pam NEWMAN (AbrahanvSt, sinEon/&4, Jonas/86) SONOMA COUNry HOMESCH@LERS, 1327 Grand Av, Sala Rosa 95401 (H) .-. Bob t Lynda NEWPORT (Charlbag) 150 Foker St Suite G. Santa Cruz 95060 --- Midrael & Moira NOBLES (SarnanhartS, Christophe/8o) YOLO COUNTY HOMESCHooLERS, PO Box 305, Espano 956c7 --- NORTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY HOMESCHOOLERS, 795 Sheralon Paul Kalhloon O'BRIEN Or, Sunnyval€ 94087 LAUGHTON (Safah/82) 7062 Chiah Ln, San Joee 95't29 Diane PAGET & Bill SEEKINS (Jadert8, LaursvSo, Chatlid84) Gina PAISLEY (ElbU83, Erily/ PO Box 223, Phib 95466






Joan & Nicft 86) 18813 Pafi Tro€ Ln, Sonorna 9i476 PASCH (LauretySo) 41 0 Lancasler Way, R€dl,ood Cily 94062 (H) Mafgaet & Juergen PASTORINO (Gustav/8o, Defold Kay PRELL & 8:l) 222 Hatrllton Av, Mountain Vi€w 94043 C€no HAWKRIDGE (Arnyal, Brandon/e4)16 CatrFlbad Cl Kurt Lonl ROSSBACH (Choyn€r82, Ploasant Hill 94523





Kolly/86) 10239 Sunol Way, Sffiamlo 95827 ..- Rmdy a Becky RUPP (JGhua/Sl, Ethd|/8z, Calstt8,4) PO Box 727, La Honda 94020 --- Lynne SARTY t Jon HAFSTROM (Ty'd82)

45o R€drmnd Rd. Eursl€ 95501 --- Frod & Bonnio SETLSTROM (Kevinr/6, Garyag) KEVIN TAWRENCE UNION


SCHOOL, PO Box 282, Wlllon 95693 (H) SIERRA HOMESCHooLERS, PO Bd 74, Midpinog s345 Ann e HyflEn SILVER (l8abolld83, Chadono€6) 562 Brighr St, San Francbco 94132 Bruco & Karen SMffH (Elizab€|il8o, JoAnna/8s) 549 C€nlof Sl. Waisonvllle 9$76 SOUTH VALLEY HOMESCHOOLERS ASSN, Box 961. San Marlln 95046 Bronda STAR & Clint CALTAHAN (ArrplhysuS/t, Aurora/84 321 Canillo Sl, Santa R6a 95401-51 1 1 (H)





-Annar/o) 7162 Via Colina"

Pam & Phil STEARNS (Jcephr/g, San Joso 95139 Gaty & Chofyl STEVENS (Colloon|/s, Ruddtq, 2486 Pebble Bearh Loop, Lafaydlo 94549 (H) Did< & Royce SUMNER (Richardr,4, Lisarr4 PO Box 713, W6t Pdnl 95255 Akl E Kalhedne TANAKA (Lucla/84) 1244 C+uchlno Avo, BurlinganE 94010 Roy & Suo TANIGUCHI (Sally/83) *X)l Florin Rd, SacrarFnro 9582{l (H) Slephen & Cemllle TAYLOR Uanhtrr,6. Kathe.h6t8, Anna/8l, Claitd84) 722 Hudson St, Davls 95616--- Karen TIETJEN (Erbrrg Aurord82, DanbUS5) PO Bor 1027, Mt. Shasta 96067 Karon TURNER (Ranrnanrr6, Dd8dftS) PO Box 942. Gualala 95445 (Hl Bob & Donm UYENO (sreve/8o, Davld/86) 923 Orchld Way, Carlsbad 92m9 Ron & B€v VOTH (Joshr,z, Sara/r5) 1$8 Sorge Aw, San Jos€ 97130 Tod e Karen WADE, GAZELLE PUBLICATIONS, 5580 Stanley Dr, Aubum 95603 Neil WESTREICH & Ronnie SIMON-WESTREICH (Arlev8l, Loah/8s, Shann, 87) 14440 Esleilee Dr, Saratoga 9507! Jane & Bdan WILLIAMS (Katio/8o, AnnldS3) CALIFORNIA HOME ED. CLEARINGHOUSE, PO Box 1014, Dopt. PF, PlacoMlls 966671014 Catle Andtea WILSON (Laura/78, Devirv8l, Linnaea/8:l), PO Box 626, Boonville 95415















(dp. to






BALDWIN PARK CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. 13940 E Morcod, BaHwin Pafi 9176 Maurlco Marllyn BEIDLE (Joshua/




78) PO Box 304, La Quinta 92253 Stephen & Diana BENNET-SAKAMOTO (Avory/8o, Evarv&4, W6ian/88) 561 1 W 79th Srt, LG Angslos 90045 John e S€an BOSTON & Stella O€ARROLL, 9042 Cyn Country Ln, Escondiro 92026 (10 ParFla & Midraol EOSWELL (Shaf6arr6, JordantS, Marinda/8o, CanaaryS3, KaydrodS6) 1/t551 Blow€r6 51, Hanford 9320 Kovln e Judy BRITTON (omien8, MichaevSo, Elizabotu&|, SarahAA PARENTS FOR HOME OEVELOPMENI 18.tgl Roberi8 Rd, Rive]side 9250,1 (H)





G€orgs & Sardra BUCK (Adam/8o, HeidVSz) PO Box 5852, Carrnsl 93921 (H) Torn & Mary BURNETT (Lucasz6, Jacob/8o, Jer6myt8, Charlo8/8s) 8276 Os.wer St, Vontura



oarnell & D€borah BURTLFY (Clsd8o, Yvotts/83, Oma/84, Healhe/86, 1309 Laluancha Way, Ontario 91764 CALIFORNIA COALITION. PALS, PO Bd 92, E6cond6o 92025(H) --- CHRISTIAN CHAPEL SCHOOLS,1920 S Brea cyn cur-oft Rd, walnul91789 --- cHRlsTlAN HoME EDUCATORS OF CALIF, PO Box 28644, Santa Ana Q799 CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS OF LOS ANGELES CO. PO 8ox 1888 Noilak 90651 --- Sharcn CHUNG (Kevin/67, Tanyd69, Alieirzl) 2512 Gf€nwlctr Aw, Sanla Ana 9270+ 6057 --- Je[n 6 yi:lodaCLAUSE (Aarode4)127 N Salina6 St, Sanla Babara 9:1103 Addan & Shkley CRAMER (Konny/ 7n 130 Catldfi 0r. Chrsrpnl 91711 --- Jetf & Jano DUNHAM (Mlcha€n3, Allarrr/4, JoshuatS, MatU81, Tara/83, AutumdSs) 20162 Gib€n D., Canyon Countfy 91351 (H) Jam€s & Elizab€th DYCK (Androrv/83, Lilliar/86) 14291 Rios Canyon Rd f7, El CaFn 92021 (H) --- Ca16y E4g1E 3 MUSCATO (Mindy/82, Unds€y/84) l@ Naco Pl, Hacisnda Hts 91745 (H) --- Matk Bdbata ENGLE (ErbA8, Jasontg) 66 Lynne Ln, Salinas 9307 (10 Stow & Linda EVANS (LorieMtg, Sarah/82, Andrs|y/84) 2467 Loy Lane, Los Angeles 9@41 (Ht --- Srtrye & Abnna FARRAR Fual7g,Z€!etvBll 67S Ascor 0r. Vlsta 92083 --- FCLA SOUIH CA SPICE GROUP, PO Box 912, El To'o ga6g) FCLA SOUTH CA SPICE GROUP. PCI Box 912, El Tolo P630 --- Connie & (Wllb/76, Mar* FERRER Mirdda/82) 6590 Camlno Careta, Carpintorb 93013 --- Roben & Mona FIERRO (Bodir2o, 93004










Nlcky/83) 213{6G9 122 (Loo Angol€s} Gaylo & Jlm GEER (Manhsrv/8o, Jonalharv84) 20810 Circulo B4o, Yotba Llrda 92685 Sandy & Rudy GOSTELUM (Ryan/80, Aaror/82,


Jd6ny/41) 73O Ma| Vlsla Dr, Vlsta 92083 --- H.O.M.E. SCH@LERS, 16607 Osbomo St, S€putueda 91343 Bill& Wildio HAINES-WHALLEY (Annid8l, Chrbtopher/83) 6588


Rd, Golota gtllT (StsphorvSo, Shemrood/84)



Davld & Carol KRAJCAR (Titrpthy/84 5474 Aprbot Lam, Rivorslde 925OG (ll) Terd & Dave LAIN (Andrea/8o, Angela/8s) 486 W Ldoy Aw, Atcdia 91@6 Barbara LAWSON, WINDSONG LIFESCHOOL, 159 S. Main Sl, Pomna 91766 Dale & Agnd LEISTICO (Jatn$rt3, Laurcn€r/7, Susantg) 313 Sdne|Eet Pl, Lofipoc 934$ (H) Ernory & Pal LOCKWOOD (Mollb8d8o, MehnitS3) 15185 Tom & Becky LOWE C Marquono $, Moopafi 9O2t (Abby/82, Megharv8+) 301 Bald Sl, Ojai 93OZ! Julio & David IOYD (Charlir/84, Potd86) 7216 Garnot St, Alla Lorna 91701 (H) Robdl & Chrbllno LYNDS (Tarynt8, Shaw/S) W 1ah SL Paso Robles 93446 Kolina MacflURY & Patrid AMPE (Mogan/S2, ShandSS) 1462 Paul Sl, Slml Valley 93065 G€orgo & Jill MALEO (Jennn4, Sarah/8s, Laura/87) 5675 N 8th St, Fresno 93710 (H) RarDna & Preston MELTZER (Sinpnila/81, Sarah/el) 38459 5 St W Q272, Palrndale S550 Robsl & Janot MENSCHEL (Canber/8o) 1075 Cadsbad Coun, San Diego 921 14 (H) MONTEREY COUNTY HOME LEARNERS, PO Box 4667, Salina8 93912 Ron & Susan MORRISH (JossigBi!, DanieUS6) 3(b0 Kotch Pl, Oxnard 93035 Sharon & Manin NELSON (SaraM/8, Vkginkr/8O) 331 Angels, Carp Pe.tdleton 92055 Tina Bryan NEWTON (4a Mair'84) ?3445 Rhoa 0r, Morono Valley 92387... NORTH IONG BEACH CALVARY CHAPEL, 132 E Arlesia Blvd, Long Beach 9O805.-- Kb & Cssy NULL (Ja6ont3, Michasns, Chrbtopher/8o, Kisa/83) 1 6562 Patricia Lane, Hunlington Beach 92647 Jim & Yolanda O'8R|EN (Jlrnt8, Jasona4l 650 Chapman Ln, Pstalurna 94952 Dan Cannel 93923















RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, 55723 Tanager Rd, Yucca Valloy 92284 Suzanne & Richard ALEJANORE (Nikot7, L€rrg) 8021 Mango Av - 46, Fontana 92336 Bryan & Liza APPER (Mary/81, Moghail84) 4022 N Chery' Av, Fr8sno 93705 (H)


Yolba Linda 92686 --' Lydla JONES (Kevin/8o, DavirSs) 6941 Walbey Dr, San Dirgo 92 1 19 --- Konn€lh & Nast JOSEFOSI(Y (KerV63, Dart65, Johr/66, Chds/69, Fredr/3) SAl.l DIECio HOMESCHooLERS,3581 Mt Adare, San Diego 92111 --- Su3ie KAUFMAN (Jatten Lennq/8z) 6944 Kstef Av Apt 106, Va Nuys 9140$3541 --- Ray t' Victoria KIBLER (Jonafiant7, Joanna/83) 1325 N Coll€ge Ay€, ClatotTDnl 9171 1 --- Pauh lt Jad( KING (Llndy/8o, Joshud83, Robyn/83) 2575 Cononrrcod Citde. El Toto 92630 --- John & G KIRKLAND (Tracy/85. Aloxa/84 225 Cro$roads Bhd *101.


Davs & Mario HARTWELL 61$2F7072 (San Diego)

-Ann€i84) 213

Ewlyn & Danny HOFFA (lGlldzr, Mary/8o, Wsllinglon Oi, Oublin 3l@l HOME STUOY ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL. PO Box 10056, Nqrport Bearfi 92658 Linda lNouYE & B|ad LAU (Kaly/84, Emily/84 4514 Hallson St. Torrance 90503 --- Chri8tirF JENSEN & Stewn RICHMAN (Edld65, MarV68, oavHr/g, JarneG/81) 5635 Callo Vbta Alogre,







E Bonnia O'KEEFE (Racheng, KatherindSo, CarollndS4) 1359 Law Sl, San Diego 92109 ... OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL, PO 8ox 5191, Mbslon Hilb 91345 --- PARENTS FOR HOME OEVELOPMENT. 1&48r Rob€rrs Rd. Riwrside 92504 --- Bob & Mary Ann PAUL (gavid/Al, Kdslina/8z) 451 6 Caf her Av, San D ilg o 921?2 --- Bill & Sally PECK (Dav'dn7, SarahnS, Jonalhan/8o, Arry/S3, LaurdSs) 61 9{8ffi82 (Posay) ..- Rid( & vid(i PETERS (Jonalhona6, Ellbtr/g, Aaron/83, ClahdEs) 98a6 Hardon Sl, Pico Rivsra 90660 --PILGRIM CHRISTIAN SCHOOL,3759 E sah $, Malwaod 90270..- PILGRIM SCHOOL.531 N Balna. Po.ts.vill€ 93257 --- lGthy & Torn PLISKA (Paufrg, Nina/8s) 15O1 Hilo Avo, Long B€ach 90S04 (H) --- gs;s16 g Carols PRICE (Christiar/ 761 25751 El Mio Ln, Mission Violo 9269 --- Kafsn RASKINYOUNG & B|IIYOUNG (Jsr6my/S4) 8106 Teosdalo, N Hollywood 9'1605 --- Paula & Jefl REMMEL (Tsnb/82, Chrislopher/ 87) 4872 RoyalGrsons Pl, San Diego 92117 Diana E



Ells€o RUIZ (Jossiah/82) 8890 Whe€ler, Fonlana 9135 SADDLEBACK VALLEY CTR, BOX 91A EI TOIO 92630... SAI\1 DIEGO HOMESCH@1ERS.3581 Mt Adafe Avs. San Di€go 921 1 1 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY HOME-SCHOOLERS, 486 W Leroy Ave, Arcadia 91006 Loube & Ed SCHAEFER (Kristina/83) 2274 Waldo Avs, Siml Vall€y 93065 SCHOOL OF HOME LEARNING. PO Box 92. Escondido 92025 (H) Bill & Ellen SHIPLEY (Bilhlt8€l2sp7 W Tupolo Ridgo 0f, Valench 9'1355 N@ll€ SICKELS & Viclor PABRA (Judezg) 3827 Fsrnr/ood Av, Los Angel€s SO27 SMM EOUCATIONAL SERVICES. Box 1079. Kon & Al€lha SOLTER (NidrohstT, Sunland 91040 Sarah/81) 104 Sl lves Pl, C{leta 931 1 7 Ken & Rha STEEK









(Paun6, Carrnon

& CodynS, Skyo/8o) 27533 Panplico Or, Valsncia 91355 Kay STONER & Richard BOLIN (Beniamirv Ted 7S, Maty Both/8z) 3$O Falcon Av, Long Esach 9SO7 & LindaSUTTON (Ale)d8l) PO Box 953, Sky'orost 92385 SYCAMORE TREE, 2179 Moyer Pl, Costa Mosa 92627 Jonarhan TABOR (La.€ngl 2276 laft€€,ta Rd. El Cajon 92021 Scon & Kathy THILE (Chrbteher/8l, Johd83) PO Box 1875, ldyllwild 92349 Msrodith & Chafles THOMAS (Kelly/8o, Dana/&4, Emlly/SO) 3i1175 Acapulco Or, Dana Polnt 92629 Stove & Lynn THOMPSON (MlciaoyS4) 10710 Esther Ave, Los Angsles 9m64 Erka THOST& Thornas REAPER (Trbtad86, Claronce/87) 3866 Cenld Av, Sanla Barbafa 931 10 Donnb Marty TOUCHSTONE (Lisatl, Lanoor/s, B€c*yng, Sarah/8l, Mary/8s) 851 Ven€zh Aw, Veni€ 9o2gl Ghs & Eric TOWNSENO (Ssan/8o, M€lbsa/










-- Tmy E Milgie VIOLA Jos€pMr8, JaimdSO, Jsny/82) PO Bd --- Jim & Joni WARE (Alison/7g,

85) PO Bor 1085, ldyllwlld 92319

(Judinr/3, Jo6huafr5.

1941, H6p€iia 92345 Me9arv82, BddgeUSG) 6046 Rivenon Av, N Holltwood 91606 Mar & Karsn WEISS (Ellsnr/s, DaMig) 1891 Rlngslod Dr, Sdvang 93463 Peter & Mary WOLK, 76 E Oak St, Ojai 93023-2855 Dave & Hanni WOOLSEY




(Nancyn3) BUCKINGHAM SCHOOL,17800 Hatton St, Res€da 91335 --- Dalo & Catd WU (C.isterV82, Tracy/84,

BoniamidS4 13833 Hayno6 St, Van Nuys 91401

Gary A Sharon ZACHARIAS (Jarodrr6, JofdarvS2) 1968 N Nuh€g St, E8condido 9e026



Nalhaniol & Jano ADAM (Marhn/8o, LilliarvS2) CO Kata BERTHOLF 10168 E Lak6 Pl, Engle$ood 801 1 1 (Melbsa/83, Neviru€s) 3780 CR 129, Hs€porus 81326 (H)




& Loo BOLINGER (Wadert6, Dedingtr/8, Rob€nr/g, Barbara/81, Julh/&4. EvelyrvS6) 32419 Rd 35, Lanw 81052 coLoRAoo HoME EOUCATORS'ASSOC, 1616 17rh St COLORADO HOME SCHOOLING Bor 372, D€rwer 8o2o2 NETWORK, 7490 W Apacb, S€dalla 80135 COLORADO SPRINGS HOME SCHOOLERS, 2906 Madlyn Rd.Cobrado DOUGLAS CO HOMESCHOOLERS, 841Springe 8G09 s267 FORT COLLTNS HOMESCHOOLERS. a9$1209 CaToIGYGER & Brrce BROWN (To?r/82, Shana/8l) 425 N Don Ann HEIMAN (Saratu Whitconb St. Ft Colllns 80521









78, Krbte.frg, Acharyl8:t) 18d! nh Avo, GreolsyS06:l'l (Hl Rbhard & Suzanne HILL (Andyt6, Chit€/8o) 8d) Tahiti Catoline & David HILLIGOSS 0r. Gtand Jundion 81506 (Molt/78, Hannah/8l, Ena/81, Ethan/84) 828 N Monr€, Love land 80537 HOME EDUCATORS RESOURCE EXCHANGE, PO Box 13038, Aurora 80013 HOME, 1015 S. Craybrd St Sulte ?26, Den'rer 89209 Joe & Doe HUBSERT (Andfewns) PO Box 6, Ratnah &832 Jetl & Babara KEELER (Jasonz6, Jotf78, Ky'd81) EAGLE STAR FOUNoATION, 19655 Carpbell Rd, Blad For6l 80909




-.. --. ---

& Linda KONSTANZER (Jennilern4, Je6ser/6, Melbsa/8o' Joe Paul & Pal & JamitEl) 844 6lh St, Las Aniinas 81054 LUGIN (Matv8l . Kara/S4) PO Bor 5291, Wodland Pafi 8O866 Elizab€th & William MERRITT-HICKLING, PO Box 5406, c/ o Stons & Webets Eng, Denvot 8@17 NORTH-ERN PINEwoo0 METRGDENVER GROUP. 45o-03o5 SCHoo1, Rt 2 409, Pins 80479 C.alg & Marilie RIoGLEY (Soar/81, Lanoy/83) 1 180 Ml Pins6 Rd, gouldof 80302 (H)






SOUTH JEFFERSON CO HOMESCHOOLERS, 978.0707 STONEMOOR HILLS SCHOOL,3 Stononbor Dr, Puouo 81oos TELLER CO HOME-SCHOOLTNC ASSN. 687-6722 oave & Hol€ne VAN MANEN (Siotraftg, Sequola/82) 8929 Apehe Dr, Bsulah 81e3 Kurt & Tlghe YOVANOFF (Brennarrg, Maddy/81) NORTHERN COLORAoO HOME SCHOOL ASSOC, 472'l Harbor Virw Ln, Fl Collins 8O5eO






Crane & Laurio ALLEN (ElEabolry82, Carolyn/ CT 85) 1 I W B€acon St, Wosl Hartford 061 1 9 Ellsn Tom BERNSTEIN (Maiat4) 138 Malshall Rd, Guillord 0A€7 Allan & Lob CHURCH (Allad66, Natr/z, Jooialyz, Juliano/8s, Dr. Slephen & Vkxo&t87) 14 Trutrbull St, Meriron 0et50 Rebecca CORWIN (Brooldgl, Hea|v8s) 86 Gre€nwoods Rd, Chds DURNING, EMANUEL HOMENorlolk 06058 (H) Robona & Jay STEAD, pO Box 3SS, S Woodsloct( 0€267 FOSTER (AlyEsa/7S, Jay/7g) 2o17 Norlok Rd, Torrington wame & Pany GATES (Brandon/82) PO gox 54, 06790 Carlton E Susan HOLCOMB Ashlord 06278{054 (H)










HOME 1, Winsled 06098 EDUCATION LEAGUE OF PARENTS (HELP), PO Box 2q3, Abington 06230 Joan & Mark IONNO (Luko/84) A0 Koboy St, New Britain 06051 (H) J€6n JA(OBOSKI & Alan DUBINA (Justinrtg, Aard/83) I t3 Tudrie Rd, N Windhm & Morgan JENKTNS (SataM/g, FdirvS3) 4 Psd( Av, W Haven Vart & Loulou KANE (Cornelkr/82) 13 Fox Run 065161H) John & Kathy LoDONNE (Kyle/8o, Ln S, Nervtown 06470

lhtbqnS,,huytgl) RR





JanindS4) 44 Henry Sl, Manch6tar 06040 (H) --- oavid & Gis€la LICHTGARN (Ciab,lon4) 30 Crescsnt Av, Farmington 06032 --- Fran LITTIN & Chud TAUCK (Moghan/8z, Ty'sr/8s) 35 Minuto Man Hill, wsFoit (H) -.- Dawn Mario LORENO (Aloxande/8l, Johnta/86) 163 Lad Mine Brook Rd, Hatrinlon 06791 --- Joanno MALCARNE, CONNECTEUT HoMESCHOOLERS ORGANIZATION,98 Bafre Rd, De€p Rivei 08117 --- Paul & Laurio MASTROPOLO (Lkt83, Annd86) 224 Bre$ster Rd, Bristol --- Tony & Maty MAZZA (oavidfru, Radl€U8o, Madd&4) 147 Mafin€ St, ThorEslon 06787 -Theresa & Dwight NEEoELS (Thea/82, CoritSs) 131/t


Frank & Cheryl POMERANTZ Cheshire St, Ch€shire 08110 Holly (Sarah/81, Jactb/86) 75 Morgan Rd, Canton 06019 RAWSON & Brlan AHERN (Kait8, Lelt/8s) 667 Chatfoenville g ll6,xsn661 Linda SCHRAYTER Rd, Storrs 06268 (H) (Ornarng, NoaM8z. Le€ld&4) 48 Monurnonl HillRd, Coventry




06238 Dld( & Llnda SCHROTH (Albod8l, Jq|/82, Bdatv Stophsn & Cynthla SEAFS &4) FeIn Ln, Cobalt 06414 (H) (Chrlt&, OIow/83) /t6 Vo|ville Rd, A\on 06001 Jocsph SHAPIRO & llene TRAIGER (Annortg, Ch.a/82, saly/82) 12s Luz SHOSIE & Nod Slonect6t Rd, Ridgolield 6877 (H) VARE (Casddyag) 628 Wiilhrop Av, Now Hawn 06511 (10





H€nid( & Susan STICKNEY (Johnfrg) 63 Spindrift Lane, Guilfofd 0e137 splro & Dalo vosTlTsANos (sasharrS) '107 Helalne Rd, Mandrestq 06O10 Ginger WILSON Paul KRASHEFSKI (Justin/8z, Sabdna/86) 147 Lakeview Dr, Stafiord Spgs 06076 (H)




#66 . 1989 DIRECTORY



OE Edward & Julio ALLEYNE (lhonta/8a!, Ts€ring/ DELAWAFE HOME Taylor Sl, Wlldngton 19801 EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, PO Bor 55, Dot/er 1S03





Paul & Je?e BARKALOIV (Zoal8o, Kay83) 3696 FL Tallulah Rd, Lanlana 3462 &hn & Sendy BJORGEN (J€nna. Kard) 5e40 Le$en S, Ketttone lfis 3a656 Da\re & LE BUELL (Gbrenrto, Sharm*Naorl//3, SadhMtS) 131 Rendy & Mary SE Lake\,lew Dr, Sobrlng 33870 (H) gURNETT (Kathodnd82, Mller/8s) €$ Sl al Av E, PO Box 381, Mclnlosh 3A6e{ Melody & Cat€y COOPER (Aarcd8o, Crary & Le8lle Cry6tay83) 5/107 Sem|mle Av, Tanpa 33604 COTTON (Anatrsafr6. GabrlefT8, Jenneal, KeW82) 1 150 Dm & Kdry CURRY (8od Old Dlxle Flwy, Thusvllb 347$ 81, NalharvS/tl ss|rt LC€ G€nde Ot, Lal(o Wonh 30451 Ldis & Sharon DEPPE (Arrbd/8z, Uandy/8s) 2120 Plalntleld Av, Orango Park 32073 (Hl Jadde e Stanley oOUGLAS (Sarahzs, larv8o, KeeV/86) 9704 Hldd€n Oaks Cr, TarTpa Tom & Maureen ELLISON (AdarvS:|, JssirS6) Rt 33612 5 Bor 316A, Dunn€lbn 3a6$ (10 Bob & Tina FAREWELL (ElizabelU83, Erlc/86) 3$0 Chah Slqanne Dr, Lake Wd€8 Fay FARLFY & John KUHN (HoahortTg) 33853 (lt CALVERT SUPPORT GROUP, 1707 Klng Sl, JaclGonvifle 32204 FLORIDA PARENT-EOUCATORS ASSOC,945 Katon & Richatd Woodrun Rd. Penaacoh 3a51'l-5519 FRAIIKLIN (Adanfn, J6slca/8o, Chrlstophor/8B) 3939 GLENN DISTRIBWinfield Rd, Bomton Seach 33.lil0 (H) GRASSROOTS UTORS, 7251 BasE Hwy, St Cloud 32769 FREE SCHOOL 2,[58 Grassrool8 Way, Tallaha6s€€ 3?S1 Jane & Mlcial GRAVOIS, (Cryslal/8o, Urhlv83, Jo60pil Mike t' Amf, GRIGGS 84 Rl 4 Box 1005, C[ra 32627 (H)


















(Mikorr7, Jd(e/8:l) 355 S Highhnd Av, Gren Cov€ SpgB 32@3 --- Fred & Joan HAMBURG (Ethan/8l) Rt 2 Box 62t, Bushnoll


3:!513 (H) Jamal lt Dlana HUSSEIN (Sarah/8o, Mahrpud 8rt) 1510 BaharE SL Tnusvllb 3a780 (H) Antoine & Lury lGNlZlO (GrahanySo, Dforv/8i|, Clalrd&4) PO Box 294, OdeEsa 33556"tt294 Karen & Kern JACKSON. FLORIOA ASSoc FOR SCH@LS AT HOME, 1000 Devils Dlp, Tallahass€€ Rich & Cindy JACOBSON, HOMESCHOOLERS OF 34308 LEE COUNTY,8,t11 Charler Club & f1206, Ft MeyeE:8907 Gug JOHNSON Elleen KELLY (Mahrrg) 4173 G|osl Acrs Lane. Jad(8mv[b@'J A Gall --Wlliam JORGENSEN (BDnU81,l-anc€/84) 2815 S 27 s\, Fr Pie.ce 31981 Alan & Gra€ JUSTISS (Suzannd8t, Elizab€th/86) PO Bor 1700, Keysrone Helghts 32!656 (Hl Kalhsrins KIGER. PO Bor 533808, Otlendo 348$ Dawn DaW KIMBLE (Ca3oy/82, Salenya{} 650 Nocal6, Tallahass€o 3zx).t (H) Davs e Julle KNEPPER (Davitz6, Courtnoyr/g, Jo€v84) 5226 6th Sl S, Sl. Pete 3!705 Nsnc, MARANYA









(Damnrrs, Darenrf4 11{B NE 1l Plae, Mlarl 3161


Jan & Chirfotte MCCANN (Mbhaey7s, Saratn6,Kat|rng,Polvl 80, Maggld8l, RobldSC, Darkt/84, J6sd84 904-751-5219 (Jad(6dlvills) (H) Wllllam SyMs MGKAY (Doyld7o, Annan1,Zqal7g, Jamo.,/81, Rayrpnd/84) 4700 Town &


Country Bhd, Tanpa 33615


Midrael & Yolanda MCKEE (Mldraofr8, JimmynS) 1 61 SW a) St, Eoca Raton 33486 Kon & Glnny MILLETT (KrbrlndZ4 2260 Unlvdsiry Blvd N 19$ D, Jad$onvlllo 3U 11 --- Ann MORDES (Danletrt3, Crabrioy 78) PO Box 41, Grand Rldge 3a442-0O41 --- MORNING GLORY PRIVAIE SCHOOL. PO Box 20 Fl Whlto 32028 Nancy& Chados MUNIER (VictorldSo) 119 Mitway lshnd, Cleamalet 33515 PENSACOLA CHRIS-TIAN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. Bor 18000, Peneacola 32523 Susan e Davtd PRfCE luiltl72,Feiv?3) 1315l,lth Pl, Velo t""6, 32956 Ruls & Muff RUSSELL (lanzg, Kyl€/83) 990G4 Sweeftd(6 Ln, Odando 32821 Tim & Julie SIMMONS (tand8?, NdhartS4l PO Bor 7085, Lake Cily 32056 Chaleg & Lucy SMITH (ZephinlTl,Ez.al8[.Yanal 82) OPEN OOOR PRIVATE SCHOOL, 710 Scolland Sl, Dunedin 34598 --- C & M STOUDENMIRE (Tiilt83, TBna/ Rogst 84) 14$B Old Hospllal Aroa Pensacola 3a5O&10O1 & Cindi IFUNK (Michaon3, Oadur/8l, Orior/83) Rt 1 Box 1 t0 Sarsuma 3?089 Mr t Mrs Lany WALKER (Jlrlv67, Johiln, W|/[t|l 9215 W@drun Rd, Ponsacola 32514-55'19 Ken & Matlee WESTMAN (ScotuSil) 274? Floal Rd, Lanlana 3462












GA Lou BECKER e Jennb IryEST (Jacob/82) PO Box O47, Robarta 31078 Ciary & Dafleno EETSILL (Manheval, MldraouS4 Redbud Rd, McRae 31055




Mafy Ann & Slanl€y CAUTHEN (Bdryr/s) 260 oonald Lafib Rd, Morehnd 30259 (O Susan a Kud CONOVER (MacAdanwS, Kaled8o, Cedy/83) 3f69 Ghestnul Dr, Doroville 30340 John & Vicll€ FOWLER (M€llssazg, MldraeySo) GEORGIANS 4o7 MlnEa Terrar, Woodslod( 30188 FoR FREEDoM lN EDUCATION,48tB Joy Lane Lilburn @47 (RTU3, Rich & VldlH|CG|NS Jooytq 3Aa Saddlsbad( Mtn Rd, Marlotla 3o(F2 Ewlm & Danny HOFFA (Kdlerrr, Mf. & Mary8o, Annd84) 213 Wollinglon Dt, Dublin 31@1 Ma. Cral HOFFER (Slewlv8z, Darid/83) l28o Pins Rd









Jasm & Joanne AMAS (Jchud84, J$sbd85l


Janot & Br€nt BLACK PO Box 275, lGpaa 967.16 (H, (LauGUS:l) t tA1 Bishop St, Su 124-1 0e, Honolulu 968 1 3 Mafgy & Les CAMPBETL-MARoEF (ArV8O, Khd82, lond85) Sharon 5&4 Kaupakalua Rd, Hajku, Maui 96708 (H) CHUNG (Ksvirv67, Tanya/69, Alicia/7l) Gon Del, Hilo $72G (Mollyi8:l) 7e699F Sru & Suo DOUGLAS 9999 Linda INOUYE & Marnajahoa Hwy, Holualoa 96725 (H) Brad LAU (Katy/84, Emily/8a $32 Pahoa Av, Honolulu 96816






Nancy & Cad JOHNSON (Kathrynt8, Btyni8l, Alq/85) Betsy Paul PO Box ?3, Hawaii Natl Pk 96718 (H, HolanlSl, KOEHLER (Erk/82, Mogad&4, EvartS4 Milllanl96789 LEARNING AT HOME. PO Box 27GG Honaunau 96726-- Gary & Lynne MACK (Skid & Bodhi) PO MAUI HOMESCHOOLERS ASSN, Box 368, lgdaa 96746 Roland & Elds€ ZEITLER c/o Gail Nag6ako 242-8225 (Summd/81, Molo4/85, Rosd88) 553-A Mikiol Pl, Kihsi 96753

t --s76




lD --- Donor'an & Linda BRAMWELL (Erikat6, ChristiantS, Brian/8o, JordarvS2, lsaac & Alerg6) 322 N 3200 E, Roborts 83444 --- Jean & John CIFAIA (Gaiya/8o, Vanny/ 82, Dhnsns) Box 1074, Challis 83226 (H) '-- HOME EDUCA-


TORS OF |OAHO, 3618 Pino Hill Dt, Co€ur d'Al€ne 93814 Mke HUBBELL & Liz CANNoN-HUBBELL (ChrbtophsrtTS, Lorii 81, Kerry/87) Rt 4 Box 617, BonneE Forry 83805 (H) IDAHO HOME EOUCATORS/SOUTHERN IDAHO. 3125 BIAd Toby & Chris RHUE (Jo6hud85, Caitlin/ Hills, Bobo &17@ TEXTBOOKS FOR 87) 290 E 200 N, Soda Sptings 83276 Rid( & Lisa PARENTS, Box 209, Kendrid( 83537 THOMPSON {Johntg, Jarne6JS l, PauU83, Elizabdh/86} 1575



-.. --

Eai| 34m South, Wendell 83355





Ounroody 30350 --- Mad( & Diane JOHNSON (Lindsey/82, Madd&1, Alox/86) 1410 Boxwood Traoe, Acwotth 30101 (H) -- Wade & De€.ra JOHNSTON (Clatb6ar/6, Jay/8il, Steding/ 8s) CHATTAHOOCHEE VALLEY HOMESCH@LERS, Rr 2 Box 920, CatalJla 31804 --- Cathy & Bob MOFRIS (Megann"/, Robr/g, AndrevS4) 211 Enand Dr, oublin 31021 -- Bobby & Manha PENNEBAKER (LelgM/8, S€tlv8z, EtintSn 213 PUl€ ,-(H) St Bamesvillo 30204 Steve e Linda RIGELL (Aind8l, JcU&4) MOUNTAIN HOMESCHOOLERS, Rt l Box 1426, clayron 30525 -.. Mana TURNER (Clyslau8o, Amy/84) 989 Harrbny Rd, Aragon 301O4 --- Glenn & Rondor YOUNG (Wlllhry8l, Aled83) 1420 Shenla Oak Dr, Norcrods 300s



Suzanno ACKERSON (Aarod8l) 203 N


AMERICAN SCHOOL.850 E walnut, Trenton 62293 (H) 966q1"6 15111 (AndrodSo, Arny/84, sah, Chicago 60637 Denis€ & Alsxanderl8s)l,o7 Hulr€o 0r, DoKab 60115 2101 -34 Sl, Rock lsland John BEBRY (ShaunatS. Devon/8l 61201--- To.n & Wenda BERRY (Ouinrv82, CaitlidEs) 2949 Chsi & Paul SJORK (Ttavis/ Wilb{v Rd, Homeryood 60430 79, Forr6u82, Schuyler/83) 235 Haminon Ave, Elgin 60123






Chud( & Nancy BLOSER (S€anr,s, Mildyt8, Tracsy/81, Joyl83, Aaron/8s) 212?2 N 1g'th St, Batdngton 60010 (H) --Bruco & Sharon BOYD (BranduintS, Aurora/g1, Mariah/&4, JarorVSS) 1321 4 St, Mollne 61265 (H) --- Jim & Lgslie BREIT (Emily/7g, DavH/8o, JonatharySl, Kayla/8e, Miciaoy&4, NathaniouS6) BBIGHT WAY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, 418

Shsidan St, R6*lofd


Grog & Linda BRUNET 546 Rsvete Cit, Schaunburg 60193 stovo & Kate CAMP (Rachsy87) 108 N lcva Av, Addbon Mark KAhy CHAMBERS (Maureflrtg, Erily/ 60101 (H) 81, Eller/84, Bda.V87) I t0 Bhd$awt, Aurora 60506 (H) 61 103

(Kirbedy 3, AlisstS4






CHRISTIAN LIBERW rcADEMY, 502 W Euclid Ave, Arlin$on (Jand83) 67 l-lts 600o4 -- Catherine COX & Al FRYDRYK Dog$ood St, Pk Forost 60466 --- Mike t Mily-Ellen DAHLKE Oracit6, Jo6sid&4) 6309 W 93 St, Oak Lawn 60453 --- Tom & Lynno DAVfS (Erint73,Eddbn7, L*lid81) 42835 N Crawlord Rd, Anti@h 600q2.-- Dean & Mary DCARLO (Cory/ 75, AdanvS2) 1862 Cedat Rd, Horn€uood 604a) --- Joarn & Lob DOLL (SaraM8, AntandtSo) 1515 Main St Crele 60417 -.- Lany & Tsry DOWDEN (Michaol//8) RR 13 Box 516, Bbomington 61704 -.. Pault Phyllis ERICKSON (Slopher/ 81, MichaouS3, JoohudS6) 103/t E Jetterson Wheaton 60187 -- Nancy t Manln FAKO (Lba/67, Laurt69, Nancyt2, MargarottT, RoberUE4 337 Ridge, Elmhutst 60126 --- Joff & June FLEMING (JustlntS, JasorvSo) 6 Latch Dt, Olnoy 62450 --- John & sue Foss (Jarodtg, oand83) 4&48 Rt 2, soulh


RS€cca & Wesley FOX (Jennile?n4,Mafu 61061 75, We6ley/82, JonaharvSs) 3442 Wnhaven Dr, Wat*sgan 60087-1405 Chud( & Mary FRIEDL (Nathan/r6, AdamrTg) Ezra & lhna GOLDMAN 1313 Clovoland. Evanston 6O202 (Yaronzs, Gidorv&4, AUgalyST) 1720 Shagbark Cl, Napstville 60565 Jim & Mary GORECKI (Amy/83, LynttS6) 23 Katen GREENBERG & G€orgs Briar Lane, Gonova 60134 WlttlAMS (Galo/82) | 105 Walkup Carbondal€ 62901 Philb e Pilrich HAHN (AndroM6, JeromiaVz, KathofindS3) Lindsoy & Bob 3426 W 166th St, Mad<ham @426 (H)








HALPERNGIVENS (JGh/82, Elharv84, JohanmM06,



Ot6t & EtlmlitSS) 3O4 North St, East Dund€s 60119 Susan HOLOVATY (Nidtolas/80, MalyGlairdS3) 28W1 85 HOME SWEET SCHOOI, C€naraRd, W Chbago @185 '1919 W Mslro6o, Chbago @657 HOUSE, PO Box 578291, ILLINOIS CHRISTIAN HOME EDUChi:ago 6s57-8291




INTERNATpNAL CATORS, PO Box 261, Zon 60099 lgthy & Bob INSTITUTE, PO Box 9€, Paft Rldgo 6m68 KRUCK (HeHy8o, Kalid83, JulidSS) 347 1 3 S Chlcago Rd, Q[7f, 3 Llnda KYZIVAT (Mkd Wilmington 60481-9731 (H) Robin n,Toiltlw, Katldgs) 531 McKee St, Batavia 60510 & Jim M ILLNER (R€bocca/82, Hlllaty/8s, KoegadS4 1 1 760 W





Joan NETZ BANoT & Rob€rl 195th Sl, Md(ona 60448 OARNER (Whttnsyi82, RoagatSs) l5o5 E Jackson St, Bob & Jullo PEMOLLER (Kyld76, BreU Bbomington 61701 P€ler 80, Ryan/8a, Jererny/&{) N 579 Tipl Ln Elgln 60123 & Th€.sso POL (J*icd81, Stotso.VS3) 9058 S Hlll Ter Ad Davld & Oob SAAFELD, RR 2 207, PalG Hlll6 @465 (H) Rosalie SCHULT4 3755 N Kedzi€, Box 490. G€noa 60135 Stwsr & Lautie SNAER (Jenna/83, Chi:ago 6618 (H)








Ross & Nord84 lfing Washington, Oak Lawn 60453 Candace STADLER (Arnandafrg, AdanySl) 2l W 200 Coronet Rd. Lorbard @148 Janpe & Robin TENNANT (Noah/&4) Llnda & Eric TURNROIH 530 Laurel Wilrndte 60091 (H) (Jonathan/8o, Molly/86) 609 E 61h St, Rodt Falle 61071 Nidrolas VASILOPOULOS & Jan GEBENSTEIN (Elir/g) 916 Oavid & Tfbh WAGLER Grow Sr. OeKalb 601 1 5 (Rocholld76, VanyaftS, B€thany/81, Mafla/83, Poter/84 OS Dana & shawna WHITMAN 467 Erhel 51. winfield 60190 (Co6yn3, Joshuaft6, Marc!s/83) 202 W Gatlisld Av,






Banonville 6l@7.-. '| 546 Rwere Cirdo, Sdraurturg 60193

Gtog & Llnda (Kirt€tly/83, Albsa/84


ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION SOURCES, PO John & Erily ANDREWSCARRICO (Mollyng, J6ssb/8o, Lukd83) 5355 Syd(s O, gloomington 47401 ASSOCIATEo CHRISTIAN GEg & SCHOOLS, PO Box 27t t 5, Indianapolis 46?27 Jane BAILEY (Joc€lyn//s, Jo6huat6, AdroatS) 329 S Cullen

Bor 172, Unionville 47468





Thomas & Marian BEVER (Mafin8, Michael & David/8l) RR 1 Bor 354, Wikin6on 46186 (H) Judi BROWN (Dustint6, Arb€/79, Heather/83) 107 E znd, N St. Ronsselas 47979



Valerle & AbBROWN (Bonts, ArEsla/ Mandr6tsr.16962 78, Nichohs82, CassandtdS6) 23TCB Rlvot Marct Blvd, Ridrard & Shaon CARGIN (Lt\etg,bw Ekhan 46516 Crystal CARTMELL 86) RR 5 Box 128, 1oMa651031 (H) S FdMew, (Skylsr/8, Jerod82, Lakd84, RoGs/86) CENTRAL INDIANA HOME EDUBloomington r17rt0l (H) Mary & CATORS. 7262 Ld(6ide Ot, Indianapolis 46278 Tom COWAN (TJt4, Ndhanln, Josh-Pauu8o, Jakd8z) 1626 Charbne DUDLEY (Robelu82, Francb Rd, Franklin 45'131








Anry84) 5O7 S Indhna St, Greencasll€ 461 35 (Hl ELKHART CO PARENT EDUCATORS, (21982S9897 FCLA lN SPICE GROUP,7262 Lakosido 0r, lndianapolb 46278 Mirada Dr FORT \IVAYNE AREA HOME SCHOOLS, GREATER LAFAYETTE HOME Fort Wayne 46816 Cam & EDUCATORS, 926 N 19th Sl Lday€tts 47904






savilla HUFFMAN (KatrinatS, Bsniaminr/g, PatrbhdSo, Trewa/82) JACKSON CO HOME EDUCATORS,715 W Spring St, Brownstown 4;P22O (H, -- HUNTINGTON CO HOME EDUCATORS, 1 138 Byton St, Huntlngton 4675O.-- Ann & Ahn HUSTER (Angpld85) 123 Rockland 0r, W Lalayotto 47906 (H) --- lNorANA ASSOCIATION OF HOME EDUCATORS, PO Box 50524, Indianapoli8 4625O -- Dana & Al JENKINS (Al€elhud83, Jo6hud84 PO Box 40571, Indhnapolis 46240 (10 --- Fayo JENKINS (Alanr/l, StuanrtS) 4069 W*tovor Dt, Indianapolis 46268 --- Rick & Carol KOEPLIN (Mary/7g, Sally/81, Lauta/83, NaomySs) Rt 3, Elizabelh 471 17 (H) --- p16m g .Josoph LEHR (Patricld8o, Nichohs/8l) RR 1 Box 1 1 1, No,th Salem 46'165 --- Ponny MARSH t John KLYCE (T€d/82, John & Jsfi/&4) 8920 Shelby St, lndianapolb 46227 --- Paul & Martha MGGRAW (Olivor/8s) Turtlo Ctsok Ha|bor, PO Box 70, Florenca 47020 (H) --- MIDNORTH INDIANA HOME SCHOOLERS,926 N lglh St, Lalayons 4790{ --- Davi, & LtElh PORTER (Metedith/8o, ClinUBa Vijd€/8a RR 1 Box 227, Wilkinson 46186 (Hl --- Shtyl & Sl€phen SCHUFF (Emi[or/g, ReuborvSl) do The Hubbafd Sdrool, 8156 Ll€b€r Rd, IndhnapoliE 462@ -- lGte & Jim SMITH (Ullirra Mollyt l, MaggitSil) Rt 2 Box 221, Sholbyvill€ 46176 (H) --- SOUTHERN lNO|ANA SUPPORT GROUP, RR 1 Bq 18:1. PatolG 47666 -- Pauh & John IHATCHER (Awryzg, Mt(a/gl) 7351 Windlree, Bbomington 47401--WABASH VALLEY HOMESCHMLERS ASSOCIATION, RR 53 Bor 260, Tene Haute 47805 --- WE CAN, lNC., 60l Ndl & Su6an WEINTROB Brildyryine Dr, Crshm rt6526


(Eliz&oth/8l, TsddyiS3).1604 North Tillot6on Av, Muncie Tom & Lynn WEISS (Kurttg, Cory/8i1, lGlly/8s)




'l43oo Brorvning Rd, Evansyillo 4z l1 Mlchasl Lslie WESTRUM (Madelind80, Jatrpc/81, Reb€hah/8s, R4hsv84 46580 Zon Free Sdrool. lnc. 1601 Fox Farm Rd, Warsaw


lA Chudia BARBER & Ciarry BUETTNER (Daniou 74, DavidnS, Adam8o, Ell6ab€lh/82) 910 Rider St, lowa City 52246 (H) Jsl6 & Kay EGBERS (Johanned82, Alolarder/ 85) 1463 Zh Aw So, Clinton 52732 Walror & Jan FRANCHER (Sarahr/g, Judhh/81) VERNON STREET gox SCHoo1, PO 1399, Dubucue 52004 IOWA FAttlLlES FOR CHRISTIA I EDUCATION, RR 3 Bor 143, Mbsourl Valley 51555 IC|WA HOME EDUCATORS, 2406 Woodland t4, Ds6 Moins 50312 Arr & Mlldred MOELLERS (Carhyr/z) Rl 2 8ox 191, Fayeno 52142 SyMa & Bon OLSON (Sky/82. G.anms) RR 1 Box 1 14, Pocahontas 5057+ David ROUTH, HOMESCHOOLING MARKETPLACE NEWSLETTER, R 2 Box 1 1, Fonlanelle 50846 Howard & Paldcia ROWE (MatthewL73, Jason/zs, Jeannenertg, Amy/80, GalvirvS4) 319 W dh Sl, Muscatine 52761 Rhh & Donna SCOTT (Emlly/ 7S, ErirSO, Virginla/8z, Kary/8s) RR t, Woodburn 5027$9801 (chang6) Ha\,6y & Mary TERPSTRA (Anna//s, Oavldng) 223 E Sixlh St. Am6 50010












ALPHACHRISTIAN SCH@1, RI 1, Perry 66073 --- Cindy & Davld BRUBAKER (Ryan/76, Jo6M/8, OereUSO) 6501 Od6sa, Wichita 67226 CAIR PARAVEL

--Daiel& Mary Lou

SATELITE SCH@LS,91+?32-9721 GLYNN (Rebsccaft3, Annazs, OulllailZ4 Box 94, Htghhnd 66035 HESSTOII/CANTON HOME EDUCATORS ASSN




& Alice INMAN (Rache[/S, ChAtophertS) 105@ Sagamoro Rd, Loawood 66?6 Tony KAFKA,907 Caldw€ll. Goodland 67735 KANSANS FOR ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION, 19985 Renrcr Rd, Spring Hill 66083--- Ken & Jeanno KASTEN (Konnsthtg, Ro66mry/8t, Michaou84, Andrr/86) 1440 Park Pl, Widrita67203 (H) MANHATTAI.I PARENT EDUCATORS, 9I}537.2585 Chris MAY (oavidts, Rob€l€hn8, Elizaboth/84) 2136 SW Brcoldisld Sl, Too€ka 66614 MUNCIE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, 230 S 65th, Kansas City 661 1 1 Phil & Julie NORRIS (Da/id/83, Abigaiy84, HannaMgT) 733 N 6th, Sterllng 67579 (H) Paula & Kehh WHITE (Zephyrusr/s, Ammno/ 78, Xanrhus/82) Rr 4 Box 70, Pran 67124 (H) W|CHtTA TEACHING PARENTS,316.264-9063 Elain€ & Miko WILLIAMSON (Katit81, Bstony/83, Willwa6) Rr 1 Box 130, Lyons 67554 (H)









gill !, Dlano CAMPBELL (Chrbtq,hetnSl 127 KY Goodrich Av, Lexinglon 40503 (H) David & Marta CLARK (Elna/-/g, BdedictS2. FoneoUS6) Rt I 8ox 199, AlrD 42020 (H) Linda & Uatk CLIFTON (Joshua/tg, Racfiolr7g, Jooy 92) 1406 La Fonlenay O, Louisville 40221 Sl€phon ERWIN & Parrich MITCHEtL-ERW|N (Sref,hsnnz, B€niarntn/ 73, Brendant6, Ryad82, KiorarVSS) Route 1, Box 1 I0, Hazel 42049 Mlchael Ro6alyn FARLEY (Angelatg, Manhov 80, AdanvS6) 4017 Groenfield Ln, Owonsboro 42301 cary








& ohnn FoSTER (Parfid/tl, Pardda/t3, Phiticz, psnnv81, PsamanthdS2) 1 t67 Lono Valley Rd, Carpb€llsvitlo 42718 (H) David & Battnla FRENCH (Lukd81, Rachey83, SaahAT) 313 Maple St, Vinegove 40175 Janet & Dk* FUTRELL (AndrswnS, BrooUSo) 239 Roorr6 Rd, Ridtrnond 40475 MiJ€y & Cindy GREENE (Mindy/8o, Apriys:t) 32 N Wilson Aw, Moreh€ad 49351 --- Sholby & Helen cRlcGS (Ryanrtg, Satah/8q 225 Cornslison Rd, RbhrDnd 40475 Elbo MANOEL & Joe ANTHONY (SaraMg, David/84 615 Headtey Ave, Lexinglon 40508 --- Ruh McCUTCHEN (Deborah/69, Rsbskahtl, Ablgailrr4) KENTUCICY HOME SCHOOLERS, 3310 lllinob Ave, Loubville 4e13 (H) --- Mark & Cathy MORGAN (AndrewnS, Adary8o, cage/8s) Rt 2 Box 2t I, Mt






Olivet 4l0el Bill& Lbbl€ MORLEY (BdByrr,, Robbi€/8o) a522 Gtsontro€ Rd, Lexington /tO5O2 Conny& Bruco OTTWAY (Jos6ba/84, ChasdES) Rt 5 Bor 544, l'i.wlay 42071 Les & Mary PICKRELL (Andrea/8o, Valori*/83, Michao!86) RR 3 8ox 369, Cloar Cr€k Rd, Versaill€s /@3el (Hl ROD & STAFF PUBLISHERS, Crocften 41413 Ghuck & Anne SENSION (JakorB, LarissatT, Paut/81, Jost/82) 30e1, Tuscaloca Ln, Lexington 405@ Many & Joan STOVALL (Jstfer/81, Micfiaou83) 14@ La Fontenay Cr, Loubvilb 4q2?3 Margaret TRISE & Dan GOLOBERG (Noahtg, WittiaryS3) Flt 1 Box 45, Cofurbh42728---Gaty A Carolo UNOERWOOO (Billy/8?) l8l6 Mlller8 Ln, Loubvtlle/rc216 (H) creg & Pat WILLIAMS (Camr/g, Evan/82) Rt t Box 302, Gravel Switch 40328









l-A Spencer & Marllyn BOHREN (Diangot7|, Andlet 79, Cotinna/8a) PO Box 158, Pointe a h Hadre 700€2 Suzan COLEMAN (Bl[y42. Tlmthy/86] 417 Wllos,b|ook Dr. GIs€tm 70056 Jory & Susan OAHLEM (ZacharytS, Jssica/8o, Nathan/81 ) Rt 2 Bor 688A, Many 7149 Loonard & Ellon FONES (Ellzab€th/8l, Emily/8s) 512 Everstte St, Ne|v lberh Dale & Oorolhy HUGHES (Dalerr?, oawn/





73, Bsssfts, JoEhua/T|, Jonnfte?ng, Healhe/&1) Rt I Box 57A, Laks Anhur 70549 --- LOUISIANA CITZENS FOR HOME EDUCATION, 3404 Van Buren, Baksr 70714 --- Sandra E Russell RISSMAN (Tanya23, Vrania|/s, Russell/76, Vona/?g,


Wandra/81, Stefer/&4) 2461 Hwy $8, Thibodaux 70301 Rhonda & Murphy SERIGNET (MJr/8, Ddrickr/g, Rachoy81, Justir/8s) PO Box I 58, Pointo Ah Hacho 7m82 (H) ft3y 3 Tlna WEBB (Amnda/81, TJ/85) 555 Toxa8 Rd, Many 71449




Jani6 & William BRINTON (Mariah/8i, Graod 85) RR I Box 4050, Mt Vomon 04352 Kon & Janstte CHRISTIAN (Grantt8, Llly/8o) Box 9&4, BlrE Hill 04614 Patt BillCREIGHTON (Joo8ica/81, Emma/84) RR I Box 35, Dost lsle 04627 Ronald & Margaret EOMONDSON (Jo6€phfi8, Annatg, Emily/8a 41 Oak Sl, Mocianb Falls 04256 (H) Jason FIELD A o€bble CHRISTO (ZadralylT4) RR;1 Box 2820, Exstof 01435-9758 (Hl Eils€n & Wally CIARROWAY (Kdo/7g) 789 Whlte6 Bridge Rd, Windham 04062 Tim & Ellon KETCHAM (Susanr/s, Janparn,OonatdnTl MAINE HOME STUDY ASSOCIATION, ROl BoI /+27, An8on Maft & Trish KYCIA (Autum.ygi)) PO Bq 55, Chdryliold 04622 E.M. MCLAUCHLAN Craig NELSON (Nicob/el, J6hua/86) RFD I Bor 469, Anson 0491 1 (H) Scon Mafy Belh MORRISON (lsect71,Cd&l77,Leah/8o) RFD 2 t2404, Farmington 04938 Lestor ROZINSKY & Binnoy BRACKETT (Chandr/83, N€\,in/86) RFD 1 Box 1090, Lknorid( 04048 (H) Kon & Becky SAYWARD (Ndhan/8o, Calob/82) RR 1 Box 370-8, Rayrpnd 04071 Dwain Carolyn SIMPSON (Midlal/8o, Jairno/83, Jailetu85, RR 1 Bor 66:1, Bri4lon 04009 Ead & Llnda STEVENS (JamitSO) TALK ABOUT LEARNING,25 BslnEade Rd, Po.thnd 04101 Ed & Carol TOFANI (Jasod8o, Aaron/81) RFD Box 343, Lsbamn O4O27 Valdie VAUGHAN & MidraslHOUSMAN (Gab,ie|/t8, S€an/85) Box 35, Lb€ny 04949 Ron & Many WAGNER (Halh€rt3, AaroM7g, Nicholas82) 3} St, Topsham 01086 Donald & Leah WISMER (Sarahr/g, Asher/82, Akiva/86) PO Box 207, Kents Hill 04349
























MD ALLEGANY HOME LEARNING OUT-REACH, 350 Wslsh Hill, Frostburg 21532 BALTIMORE HOMESCHOOLING CONTACT. 21 1 1 Easlern Ave. Bahimoro 21 231 Rob€rl & Audrey BANKS (Brondantg, Alyssa/81) 579 Sllver Run Vallsy Rd, Wostmin6ter 2l t 57 (H) Hsa15s1 3 Randy BURDIN (Aaror/8o, Christon/84 73420 Brownwell Rd, Ft Meade 20755 Brent & Kathy BUSEY (Erily/8o, Rachel/ 81, Daniou83, Boniamir/8s) 3448 Abantowne Way, Edgewood 21040 CALVERT SCHOOL, 105 Tuscany Rd, Baltinprs 21210 Kathloon CAPCARA John MCINTYRE (John PauU







84, Alid84) 5516 Plymuth Rd, Baltirpre 212'14 --- CHRISTIAN HOME SCHooLS OF WESTERN M0, PO Box 5O4, Curts.hnd 21 5O2 --- Mary & Dan CLARK (Aatont8, Aftvorv


80. Alina/83, Anna/86) 332 Winslow Rd, Oxon Hill 20745 Neil & Linda CRANDALL (Joyt1, Justir/86) 3O8 Pqlar Dr, Lusby 2657 (H) Ann Don DoARMON (8€lld8l, MccamielE4) 241 DillAv, Ff€dorid( 21701 (H) Nancy & Bill DRAZGA (Failh/831 Bor 192, Chesterlown 21620 Teresa EDWARDS, 221 1 E Ba,tirmro St, Ballirprs 21?31 FAM.CENTEREO LEARNING ASSOC OF ANNE ARUNDEL. 85G4496 Harold & Llnda FELKER (Dain83) 1050 Nicodemus Rd, New Windsof 21776 Carol FrTZGERALD &






Wde WRIGHT (Jessorrg, DillodSl)

211 1 Eastorn Av, BaltirEre 21231 Kerry FLETCHER-GARBISCH & Leil GARBISCH (Amaran/87) PO Box 66, Trapp€ 21673 FRE0RICK CO SUPPORTGROUP,6521 MomirEside Ct, Miidlstown 21769 Craig & Ma& GARRIOTT (B€cky/81, Molissa/83, Carolin€/84, Micha6y87) 3549 Grenmounl Avs, Baltirmts 21218 (H) Esther GEIGER Jo€l SNYDER (ErnofidS3) 730 Boundary Av, Silver Spring 20910 Mitchell







& Elizab€th GLASSMAN (Adanl|/6, Ch€ls€a/83, JoshudES) 8534 Br6t Rd, Randalbtown 21 133 (H) Daniol & Sadra


GROVEMAN (Alyciat6, lsrae|rz, JohilnahtS, Judahtg, 0aniel/81, Abfaharv83. Chark/86) 2650 Cory Ter, Wheaton 20902 --- Tom & Marge GUINARD (D€rsld82) 301-721.1 106 (Crotton)


Tom a S16an HILFERTY (Jo6hud/6,

78, lsaiatuSa) 98 Morbm La, Conowingo



HOME EDUCATOR'S COMPUTER USER'S GROUP, 26824 Howard Chapsf Dr, 0amsoJsa0g72-1247 HOME SCHOOL GAZETTE. PO Box 359, gurto|Bvillo 20866 HOME STUOY INSTITUTE,6940 Carroll Avs, Takorna Paft 20912 Veroniqus LALIBERTE (Laratg, Lainsy/81) 2906 Persgoy Dr, Kensington 20895 (H) Arr A Eaoara LUTHOLD (Sonia/






81, Jo6+h/82) I 553 Falrnpunt Rd, Hanpstoad 21074 Tery & Jim MAYOR (Jonny/78, Koviry&4) MONTGOMERY COUNTY SUPPORT GROUP, 26824 Howard Chap€l 0r, Darnascus 20872-1247




Radrsn4, JonathaMto, Manhdil/8o) 1518 Bay'or Av, Rockvillo 20850 --- Oon & Joan NORTHAM (Chti8//6,EtidT?, Jerltoyt


1 15OS Cornwall Rd, Fd€ndshb 20758 (H) PARENTS FOR HOME EDUCATION, 13@0 Bhkrnore St, Boltsvllle 20705 PRINCE GEORGES SUPPORT GROUP, 345.6487 Carol & Michael SMIT}I (Aaron/8o, RaciaeySS) 10005 Old




Annapolb Rd, Ellicon City 21043 .-- Manlred & Jeannie SMITH (Jamior/7, Jossdgl, Darcy/87) MARYLAI.ID HOME EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, 9085 Fhm€pool Way, Colunbia


1 045 Madeleine TODD (Katis/8 1, Claylorv83, Midrelle/86) 2924 Southwat€r Point, Annapolb 21401 R€b€cca Robsn TRUSSELL (Counnoy/g2, W6ton/84, Lindsoy/87) 2106 Fors6l Glen Rd, Silver Sp.lng 20910 Mary Jano & Charleg UTTECH (Erhany/So) 17713 MilbrGt Dr, oemnod 20855 Pat WEBBINK (Androv84) CENTERING INSTITUIE, 6109 Bmad St, Both6da 20816 (H) Lorl YATES & Brad HOPKINS (av8:l, Skylo/8s) Box 150, Witlm 21676 (H)







lrA .-. AEINGTON ACADEMY, 176 Main St. Yanrbuthporl C12675 -- Joe & Mdcy ANIHONY, MASS. HOMESCH@LERS COALITION.21 Fo.est Sl. So Hamilton 01982 --- Eric & Gail BAER (Myle8t9)102 CaD€ntor Sl, Rehoboth 02769 --- Susan & Pord BARNES-BROWN (Diana/ 77) 195 Hay*ard Mill Rd, Concord 01742 --- Ann & Russoll BARR (MichelbT/s, llanelTTl 2. |ledbon Av, Wakefiold 0198O --- Wendy BARUCH (Shan€t4) 1312 roar Boybton St, Bodon q22l 5 -- Chades & Choryl BELLOWS (Jared/78, Jchua/&, Sarah/82, Lizr'84)

E Oxbof, Rd, Sholbum FallE Judy BELUZO (Nicfiohstg, Ashlsy/8l) 20 AdanE sr. wGfiield 01085 --- Ridard & Elizab€lh BENTZ (casey/82, NellitS5) 24 Sal€m Rd, N Blll€rlca 01 862 (Hl --01370




Frank & Jae BERNARDO (Laur$rr8) PO Box 02790... Andrea & Dan BLACHLY (SaraMz8,


AblgaiySo, Bon/83, Emily/8s) 35 Rivq Rd, Manapoison 02739 Lisa BOKEN (Zadaryr/6) R2-5 Longvisw Dr, Orleang @53 Ann€ & Paul BONAPARTE-KROGH (Maryi8:t, lGtidss) Groorpugh Hill, Dslield 01342 Eric & Judy EREWER (Danley8l), Manh#/83) 389 Wilb?aham Rd, Harpden oldb (H) Mary & Judy BRIGHTMAN (Jsba//4, Almda/7S, Abigaiu82) 524 Nonhlield Rd, Lunenburg 01462 Bsmadene Row BROWN (Danialrzg, Sarr82, Corinna/84) 356 South St, Belchtrtown 01007 Charlos & Bony BURGER (SusaryS:l, Charlo6/85, Grsrchsn/87, LiosUSS) PO Box 725, 31 Kirk Sr, Housatonic 01236 (H) D€borah CALoWELL Chostet PENoLETON (John/65, Rob/68, Kard83) 14 Mercall St, Rcllndal€ 02131 (H) Linda CANEPARI & Rlchard PASCALE (Kyld81) Ed Chtk Rd, Coltain 01340 (H) Wayne & Barbara CHUoYK (Carlr/s, Karon/8o, KeithiSal, Kovin/87) F0 Box 1 1 1, Tufts Branch, Medford 021 53 Bdan & Suzanne CLAUSER (Noaht2, Arbfr6, Emrna/81, Jeron|e/84) 137 Old Arnhe6t Rd, Bolchortown 01007 Patrlch CUNNINGHAM (Chrblln€rtl, Hoathsrts) 1080 Washington St, Abington @351 Buffy & Csrgo CUBTIS (Jennb/78, AnEnda/81, B€njafiirvS4. Cyrus/ 84 PO Box 1094, Pocas6el 02559 Patrich DAMARIS (J€68d81, Gabrisl/86) 141 Cster Sl, Caruer q23il0 Shanna DIPAOLA (Marbsa/81) 1m F6d6ral 51, Bebhonorvn 01007 Norah DOOLEY e Rob€rt FAIRCHILD (Sira/83,


















JulktS4) 358 Washington Sl, Canbtugs 02139 -.- Judy EARLE (Erickr/g) 8 Toboy Ln, Andovor 01810 ..- EDUCATORS PUBLISHING SERVICE,75 Mouhon St, Canbridge


02238 Ellon EPSTEIN (lzzyl82) 61 Wavorly St, Bslrnont 02178 Nancy & Micfiasl FIERO (Mikalan6, NathaM78, Marild82, NatirySs) 87 Snoll Avo, Brockton 02402 CIC€ & Mad( FINS (Julb?8, Zadrafyl81) 46 Marcollue Dr, Nowton 02159 Gings FITZSIMMONS & oan GAUGER (Jenny/7g,



14 Concofd Rd, Wate,town 02172 -.- W. FLEMING (Nigol|/6) 399 Slm€ St, Walpole 02081 --- Sandy t Dave FOURNIER (Bsthanyzg, Wily83, Jmalhar/87) &4 Old Bay Rd, Bolchdlown 01007 -- Peter & Eoth FURTH (Salirv82, Koziail8s) 31 Bates Rd, Minon 02196 -.- Adele t oavu GARLICK (ShaynrSs) RFo ,1, Southbddgo 01550 --- Jefi & Ellzab€lh GIDDINGS (Sarahtg, Annid82, PatridvSs) 61 Cross Rd, Wosl Wardram 02576 --- Kathle€n & Richafd CORE (Zadraal) THE KITCHEN SCHOOL GROUP,404 Main Sl, PO Box 96, W Boxford 01885-0O96 --- Stephen & Chrb GRANNIS (J6sbat4, Ro6erwy/82, SaraU84, Joy/87) South Ln t1, Granyillo 01O34 (H) --- psn 6 5r. GRANT (Apriy8l) 24 Trurbull Rd, Nonharpton 0106O --- Crail & Bob GRAY (Soth/ 77, Loah/8o) 71 Gulf Rd, B€ldrerlown 01007 (H) --- Maria GRESOCK & Juds BATTLES (AthelEr/g, Austid8l. LowoluSs) RR 2 Bor 1 I I flG, Shirley 01,t64-9733 --- Carol & John HAHNFELO (Racfiou8o)gl Bluo Hill Tdraca St, Millon O2186 ..- HOMESGHOOLERS OF MASS EDUCATION CLUB.617. 469-3047 d 787-5949 (Bostonl --- q667go & Anne Matb INGLIS (lant7, BrlglttdSo, Lukd82) 58 Bennen St, Brlghlon MA 02135 --- Steven & Joan JOHNSON (Adsn/S, Ryat/82, Evan/8s, Er$€rl84 72 Posp€ct St, Gre€nliold 01301 --David & Shawn KENDRICK (C€lb/69, Anny'73, Evar/o) 40 Btook St, Rehobolh @769 --- Karon KIMBALL (R€bol€h/68, Benjamint3) SOUTH SHORE HOMESCHOOLERS, 163 Hingham St, Roddand C?370 -- KITCHEN SCHOOL GROUP, PO Box 96. W Boxford 01885 --- Gsd & Palrio KONTJE (EliiaMrg, Readortg, Ni6d8il. Marlon/86) Star Rt 138, Chappaquidii( Manha's Vinoyard 02539 (H) --- Calol e oavid KRENTZMAN (Jonnyt8, Nelle8l, Sanv8s, SophitSS)



97 Woodland St. South Natlck 01760 Paula LaPALME (GbsllerrA 35 Watot St, Marborough 0'|752 Aug6line & Bodrice MAOEIROS (Betry-Annt9) 1rt6 ltvlng Sr, Fall Rivor 02723 Tom & Mary MAHER (ScotWO, Mandyns) 30 Park




sr, wakdiold 01880 --- Howard & Mknl MANoEL (Ali2d83, Jdorfly/8s) 18S Cordavillo Fd, Soulhbom 0172 --- Rid & Suo MASON (Grogory/8a NicoldS:|, NatalldSs, Frank/87) PO Carole M ILLER (Adarnr/3) Box 351, Charnon 01 507 (f0 17 Cotlage Sl 13, Saugus 01frb Phll MITCHELL & Allda ROHR (Datota/el) 3,t Gol6mfth St f2, Jamaba Plain (}2130 vlctor & susan Mo,lcA (Anlanefierto, Jfiathan/7z, AndrownT, Ailhonyn8, VlncenvSl, C€lia/8q 51 PhdF Rd, Frarnlngharn 0,|701 Cynthla MONTOYA (Chrlatoph€/84) 121 N Maln St F2, Belcfi€nown 01m7 --- Susan & Oavld (Khantli8l, MUNRO Noailel)lo'tl Federal Sl, Bddredfln 01007 --- Don & Jean MURRAY Oogan02, Tata & Jannai/ 74) 87 FayeBoather 51, Caflfuldgs @138---Judy& Tom MUSCO (LydMr8. T48O) N Fizwlllam Rd, Royabton 01368 --- Connle & Dale NESBARY (NkkU8l, MatU8z) 29 Gorald Rd, Brlghlon @1*t --- Mallnda I{OYES e Don McBRloE (NldroladSs)i8 lvst Dr, E Fdnpdh m$6 (H) Suaar a Ron OSTBERG (Emilyns, Elizabdhr/S, Chrb-topher/81, Mary/ 83) MASS HOME LEARNING ASSOCIATION, PO Box 246 Hawad 01451 Fred & Christlno PARKER (Parnt1, Saaw 73, Vanla/8/t) PO Box 324, Cohasael O2025 --- Nanqt a Jmalhan Pefry (Rarfieu81) 47 Rlce Sl, Marboro 01752 John & Maryann PREVITI (Mero6d6fr4, Jilfft, Zanal83) 388








Wctmlnstor Hill Rd, Fitchburg


Gina PROVOST lJoBhualTl, Joronvlgz, Gai?g) 52 For6l Av Ert, Nati* 01760 Roy Wanda REZAC (Ronalft4, Jeail76, Cathy/8o. Potd/82, Davk /85) 379 Concord Rd Marlboo 0175? Psgoy & David ROBERTS (Emnta/r6) Jew€ll Hill Rd, Ashby 01431 Su8ans ROOLEY (Adtiennafte, A3noadSo) 368 Pro€pocr, Car$rldg€ 02139 Jad( e Maggio SADOWAY (Sobn/tg) Cloailater Natural Foods, Lenor @l'to (H)








Sud & Candy SASTRI (Raky/8et 10 Bicontonnial Or, Lexington 02173 --- Jad( e Llnda SAVELO (Andrsaff4 6 Ehino Marie Clr, Havefiill 018:n --- Jacqueline e Rob€n SEVERINI (MidraelrtS, Christlnrft, AarorvSl) Box 1&{ Hill Rd, Ashliold 01330 (H) Chdstophe. SINACOLA & Nancy LEVAY (Alena/ 83, Jona8/87) PO Box 287, Mandraug 01526 --- oaphno


SLOCOMBE & Nym COOKE Ohalia/87) 2 Stratham Rd, Lorlng|q| 02173 Nanc, & Bradley SMITH (Lila/83) P54B Pdndle Hlll Rd, Southb.Uge 0155O Stanloy E Carie SMITH



David & Reb€cca FLAGEL (BmiamintS, Hanland 48029 oon & Sara Sarah/8o) 236 Chufcfi St, Cooporsvills 49404 Carl& Parn GIESMANN, 1855 Baldwin O, Trenton 4818:l HAUSNER (Stelanie/83, Zachary/87) 8812A N.Verrpnl St wurtsmith AFB 48753 HOME BASEO EOUCATION PRG Keith & GRAM, Cbnlara, 12g9Jel€tt St, Ann Arbo,4910'4 Tresy HONEYCOMBE (Js8sbal8l, Nalhan/&4) 276 Btoad(Both/8l, acre, Chwson 48017 UBa & Ken KANoER Juliot Jacot/8q Adad86) 622 W Maln, Brighton 48'l16 (10 & Lyle KAUFFMAN (Callllr|/S3) 1940 Sy'van SE, Grand RapidE .19506 (Teryrv&4, Ari€U86) 2989 Kon & Nanotte KERN Phillipd, Berkley 48072 Ellen & Paul KOEHLER (Seth/8o,






STEWART (Jeremyr/l, Manhewrf4 5 Fayene Park, Carbddge m139 Nancy WATSON (Emlly/82) 6 Marsron Lane, Soulh Nalicf 01760 Marcia WELD & Donald WHEELER (Old80, Lhnv84) RRIA Box 308A' Sheburne Falb 01 370 (10 lan & Maritn WELLS (Garv83, NaomyS4) 24 MFtlc Av, Mdr6o 02176 U,oR{ESTER AREA HOMESCHOOLING ORGANIZATION, 246 May St P, Wseler 0l6(P Judy WRIGHT & Pranash LAUFER (ollsa/8o, Mah4oy/82, Llina/86) t@5Gurr8 Ph Rd, Nonharplon 01060 Suean Mart YEAGER (Halina/8l, Morgan84) 7 Tud(er St, Apt 73. Popporoll 0146:l Linda








aJERN, Bor 6 19, Oopot Rd, CalaurFt 025,34


f -- Jill & Jim BALL (Brennad80, Androa/81, Nathan16U85, Sleffarv8n 1083 J6w€ll, Mtan 48160 .-. Barbara & Evan BASSETT (Elhanz6, Ednr/g, ElllotuS:l) Rt I Box 252, East Jordan 49727 (H) Doug & Jlll BASTIAN (Heath€rr7s) 913 Helghts Rd, LalG Orton 48035 (H) Emaat & Frac6 BAUER (Androarrs, Wadsrr7, Russ€ll/&1, Abby/87) 150 Chhpdva. Pondac 48053 Miko SENNETT, 1 05 3.d St, Ontonogan 49591330 lrene & Jon BLANCHARD/ PUMPLIN (Natharv82, BenlanlrvSs) 528 Ellzab€lh St, E Lanslng 48823 (H) Mko e Chory'l BOCCIA (Radrerrg, Peld/8o, Andrew/Sa $5 Loxingion, Royal Oak 48073 Frank Thorora BOLIN (Joofro, Pdorr,3, Davitfts, Jacinta/ 7t, Joo?hzg, Mbha6y82, John/81, Louh/86) 29701 27 Milo Rd, New Harsn 48(X8 Fran E lim BURKE (Amym, Ca|v 80, Kathryn/8z) HOMEFOLK Center of CLONLARA HBEP, Rl Box 254 County Llno Rd, Thonpsonylllo 49683 (H)









Kalhleon & Gerad CARMODY (Joshua/8z, NathanleuS4)

13!t2 Dolphln, oelloh 48221 (Hl --- Charlea & Carol-Ann CONBOY (Davidt6, Ericar/S, Joaf/g) 243 W Plne, C€dat


Spdngs 4$19 Dan & Sharon DENK (Rarnona/69, Cann€n/ 71. AllisortSl, Ransor/&4) 1747 Woodwad SE. Grand RaDids 49506.-- Karhy & John DONAHUE (Robinrr4, Edd82, Kalid &l) LEARNING TREE RESOURCE CTR, Box 286 Boundary Rd Rl 1, Houghton 499!1 Kad & Rita EBELING,4595 S@n & Susan EVANS He|ben, Madbon Fl€lghls 48071 (H) (Luke/z. Jec8d79, Margarsv8z, Kalhryn/86) 10755 Hlbnor Rd,








Brsd82, SmueVS4 218 S Gainsbotough, Royal Oak48O67 Ray KRUMM, GOPPER COUNTRY EDUCATION COOP-



LEARNING ERATIVE, PO Box 713, HotJghton 49931 LINoEN EOGE, 12@ Joren SL Ann Atbot 48104 Rod & Lynda SCH@L, 572 Military, Battle Cro€k 4$15 Jatl McCOMBER (Safahl/s) PO Bor 935, E Lansing.18826 & Ray MEYER (Travig83) 450 Sturgom Bay Tr, Lersdng 49755 (H) Debbie MORRIS, Rl 2 Box 463A, Unbn City




E Mr8 CUNNINGHAM (Caleb & Cobyn6) Rt 2 Box 127, Hannbal 63401-9519.-- Ron & Tsrry DELONEY (John/8o, Ja8dt83) 1205 Bhirshire Dr, Balkin 6301 1 --- Lynn & Jotry ENGLE (Lyld8l, Sara/82) PO Box 1 171, 4"1 5556t8 --- Tom EVOLA & Ann€no GERWITZ (Markv84) 6751 Eidtolb€rgsr, sl. Loub 63109 --- FAMILIES FOR HOME EOUCATION, 1525 W Loxlngton, Indep€nd$co 64052 --- AWUst & Donna GRIFFITH (Sarar/s, Mariazg) 245 Charbets Rd Apt 0, S:l Loub 63137 -- Phil & Colloon HENRY (Mollyn7, Gretch€n/ 79, For6U84) SPRINGFIELD AREA HOMESCHOOLERS, Rl I Bd t$t, Fair Grove 65648 (H) --- Ql4encs & Dana HILBURN (Mabnda/rs, JanolldS/t) Ftt 2 Box 410, Oal Gtove 64075 --- Ron & Judy HIRSCH (Jo6U69, Shawrv69, Jaia4)


l6e1 6, 9p161" HCR t5 Bo( 150, Theod6h 65761 (H) HOME HOBART (Rob€ru69) Rt 3, Box 163, Rolla 65401 EDUCATOR SII|GLE PARENT NETWORK, Rt 5 Box 120, Ava M€l & HOME LIFE, Bq 162@, Clay,ton 6:1105 65608 Lfla JENKINS (Lydiarrg, Wyatv8l, Rana/Ul HC 76 Box 27n, Piltsburg 65724 David & Candy KEMPF (Justinr/g, Nancy Lindsay/81) 10O2 Laursl Dr, Joltorson Cily 65101






Thornas & C€cllh NEHL (Manhov8s, Madolynnd Gibde & Cdl€n 88) 5o0l Eastbtook Ct, Utica /t8087 (H) O'GIEBLYN (Meghad82, Micia€y&4, larv87) 187O4 Oob?es, Jim & Anne OLVITT (Angela/81, Lathrup Village 48076 Mu;iel & Rac'|eVS3) 9188 Canby Rd, Leverlng 49755 (H) (Simnt6, John PALKO Zoa/84) /103 Pl€asant Sl, lonh 4g&46

KIEVIT (Tansy8l, Hlhry/83) Rt 1 Box lgM, Jarne6town 65046 Stove KOPEL (Kitnr/4, Bu|t/75, Satt81, Katb/ Jocelyn Suaan IASWELL 84) 5450 Bra6ury Or, St. Louis 63129 (Seann4, Saahr7T, Amy/80) PO Box 224, Mountain View 65548 (H) LlrrLE PINEY ScHOOL, Rl 1 Bor 20, Nsrburg 65550 John & Lob MCKINNEY (Johrv82, Davkt

g,Janel ROELLE (Manr/6, Jasorv7t, Ethan/ (H) -- 96s376 80) 9300 WaRid( Meadows, Gtand Blanc 4&4!198338 -Mi(e & CadSCHUSTER (To.nrl8, Tersd8l, Ardy/83, Manhry/8a rr29 Army Rd, Lsonatd 48038 --- Jack & Maty SHARRY (J6sicar/s, Gabd€U8O) 45310 Bytns Ot, Notthvills 481 67 (H) --- Loron SWENSON & Jo HINSoALE (Robin//g, Jsnifer/82) 2279 H€mlod( Cl, Ann Arbol48108 .-- Don & Karon THOMS (Dawnt7, E.b6r/80) l210 Griggs SE, Grand Rapids 49507 (H) --- Ndalio t Jose VALLE (Elsna/86) 317 North Mub€rry, Marshall 49068 --- Ed & Sharon VanOVEREN (Joshuar/g, KrbtYS2)1231 Covoll NW, Grand RapiG 49504 -'- Stsve & Marcey WALSH (JustidSl, Leah/83) 104@ Ellis Rd. Clarkston 48016

Ellon & Stevo 84, Vot,r'86) RR 1 Box 19, Nonvood 65717 MIcHEL (Mandyt6, PariicktS) 3145 Portis, sl Louis 631 16 (H) David & Sandra MOUNTJOY (fdilhal7', Anp,tyng, Dale & Kalista/8o) Del6, Rt 3 Box 387, Ploasant Hill 64080





(Midfaoya4, Jmilo/66, Matth€v68, Arfinandal7?, R$€f,l5l 71, Js,slc5lTl,Jer€,nFylgo) O Franklln Sl, Rerr€ro @151 --Wendy SPRATTLER,40 S. Meln St, Andov€r 01810 Ruth t Aaron STERLING (Billadn82, Modah/6) 187 Long Phln Rd RFO t3. Arnhepl 010@ Gail & Frank SWEETSER (Frankff/, Vblodd8l, Shawn/8:l) 154 Hlgh 51, N Andover 01845 --- Sharon & Andfoas TORNARITIS (Anthmy e Nicholad84} 8A Potlot Sl, Wobum 018O1 --. Arlells VERWEY & Kd|nelh SEARBY (Markdga 349 Washlngton Av, Notlhanpton 010€0 Suaan WALDSTEIN, 2 Poabody Ton, Apt 709, Carbridgs 02138 Nanct WALSH & Jako




John & Julio ANDERSON (Er'',jng, Elavtgz, Susan BREWER, FAMILIES NURTURING LIFELONG LEARNERS, 2452 Southcrst Av, Mapls,ood 55119 CATHOLIC HOME


Brita/83) Rt 2 Box 62, Rsd Wng 55066



SCHOOL NEWSLETTER, 68S 11th Avo NW New Btighlon 551 12..- Lowoll & Audrey DITTBERNER (For6t/ 1, Sel€na/ lGlhy & Bob 82) Rt 1 , Bor 43, Pat'ks.8 P,aklo 565 l (H) oOLEZAL (Katrinarts, Maryros€rrt, Theresa/s) Rl 1 Bor 381, plggp-y99RHEAD HOMECarTbridge 55008 (H) scH@L ASSOC. 19098th St S, Moorhead 56560 __- Arteno & &ad FORREST (Kelsey/8o, Whitney/83, Dylan/85) 726 5lh Sl SW Roch6ter 55902 Chd6 & Susis FRENCH (Sarah/8o,





8ox 65, Trcy 56175 ... Nancy GRUVER Joe KELLY (Mavi€/8o, Antonia/8o) 1801 E grh St, Dulurh 55812 --Kristin & Bill HENAK (g.ardorv83, Zachary/8s, Elizab€th/87) I 1 770 Runnsl Cif, Eden Prahl€ 55347 (H) --. Midraol & Hariel IRWIN (4ecr'69, Michella/72, Danisy82, Chdslopher/8s) 7136 Cf|estg| Av Nonhlield 55057-931 1 --- LEARNING CPNNECTIONS, ?3130 Pari6 Aw, Scandia 55073 --- LITTLE RED HOME SCHOOL,9669 E l23rd, Hastings 55033 ---

Biar/8s) RR


MINN. ASSoc OF CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS, Box '14326, Minneapolb 55414 MINNESOTA HOME SCHOOL NETWORK,9669 E '123d, Hasling6 55031.-- Paul & Fulh OSMUNDSON (Caleb/82, Anna/85) 6748 Kingston Dr, Eddl Prairi€ 55346 Jerorn€ & Rene PETSCHE (Janetz6, JJtg) Roget & Mdody RAMPONI Rl I Box 149, Famell 56327 Q@hn7, tnnal7g, WillhnvSl, JarnesJS3) AGATE ACADMary & Ed RYAN EMy, Rr 1 Box I 1 S, Mountain lroit 55768





(Jenniforr/T, Edt8, Annd80, John/82, Nidrolas/84, Gwsrvgs) Rhonda & Cad SHULZE 6730 Gabin Blvd. Excebior 55331 (Jonathar/81, Talia/84, Tadr/86) 10400 Lake Ridge 0r, N Mapl€ Grove 55369 Bob Jsan SMITH (SaraM,3, Kdi€/ 75, Daniou77, J6€ph/80) Rt 1 Box 36, Clarks Grow 56016 TEACH. 4350 Lal€land Avo. N R&binsdale 5t422






Laura ELKINS & John ROBBINS (Albritotv84, Steve & Sadra LIVERMAN (1oafl80, Dov/86) PO 8or 157. Wesson 39191 MISSISSIPPI HOME SCHOOLERS ASSOCIATION, Rl4 Box 436, Pass Chrlstlan 3s71 Don & Bed(y POTTS (Mapld


AdeldSS) 612 S 8th St, Oxlord 38655




81, Llnden/83, Ceda/87) 190 Blueblrd Ln, Brandon 39042 (H) --- Dave & Sue TRABUE (Abigaifrg, Jasodgl, JustirVS4) RR 8,3O9 Dodeaux Rd, Gullpon 3950+3143

l|O --- Craly ! Jansl ACKER (Malkr/7, Melbse/80, J6atha;V8/+. Lukd86) Rt 1 Box 131, Ctans 65633 --- Bill & Lo€na CARY (Marandt8l ) Rt 6 Box 1 15, Jeflo.son City 65101 -- Joseph CIANO (Michon2, Chfbtkrant4) Rt 5 Box 630, Ava 65609 --- Gary t Bec*y COLVIN (Jonnir/4, Jessar/6, Julbr,S, Joanna/81) Rt 3 Bq 34, Eminence 65466 (Hl --- Ot






Gwyn PRESTON (Hannahtg, Nahur/81, Elhs/83, JacouSs) 716 Cr€yor Av, 51. Louis 63104 (H) --- RaFh & RG€rnary RISLEY (Bfid86, Lod8/.,Ldal7l l6802 Hatdoo, Eenon 64012 --- Jo€ & Manha SALRIN (Curar/81, Heathet/82) Rl 2 Box 109, Wllorv Springs 65793 --- Terry A Janey SMITH (Seth/7o, Lindseyr/'l, Sataht6) 6 C€ntst Rd, Kirksville 63501 --- ST LOUIS SOUTH COUNTY SUPPORT GROUP, @1 Madbon, Arnold 63010 .-- Gsne e Sandy STARK (Jennifort6, Juli6l82, Timrpthy/8s) 717 Jay-Or, Jstlsson City 6510 1 --- Roy & Bov STROUP (Monicaz6) 7014 Do€.palh Ridge, Twin Rivsrs Esl, High Ridge


Richard & Shirley TAILEY (Stsve/78,

Chri6lidS6) 912 Camrgo Dt, Balh,ln 63011 -- Donnie & Shavna TERRY (8riarvn, Whilnsy/&, Zachaty86) 223 South Rod( Bacon, JotfeBqt City 65101 -- Jim & MarEha WILSON (Chri8toph€,tng, Crtteilg1, 192 Meier 0r, Jellerson Clty 65101





llT Roseanne BLOOM (Erika/69, JoshuazS, Maria/ Both BBOWN David 80) Box 903, Colunbus 59019 (H) (JerornytS, Eleanor/8o, Esthsr/84, Emily/88) 333 College Avo FLATHEAO VALLEY HOMESe 29, Kalispoll 59€01 SCHOOLERS ASSN. 257-5123, 8924052, 755-2036 Kathy Don HARLANo (Ka?VTl, cad,d7g, *@ke/80, 0ad83)







HOMESCHOOLERS PO Box 1440, Thonson Falls 59873 MONTANA HOMEOF MONTANA, Box,l0, Billing6 59101 SCHooLERS ASSOC NEWSLETTER, PO Box 23352 Billings 59102 Susan & Bob RATNER (Jo6hua/76, Shand 79, Mbah/8l, Oena/83, Reb€ccah/86) 4520 Toyon 0r, Billings 59106 Chud( & Emily RINGER (Wilbtnt6, Zsbag, TahmineiS2) Box 75, Joliot 590/11 Harry Sandy DAVIS (Oavir/t3, Debby/7s, NE Dannytg, D€oAnn/8s) Rt 1 Box 90, Btorvnville 68321 Ridr & Dsti EDELMAIER (Satah/7g, latv82) Rt 1 Bor 18, FREMONT AREA SUPPORT GROUP, Cratland 68360 Jadi, a Cande HANSEN (J6hrr6, Kileyr/g) 727-1675 HOME SCHooL 12003 Washington Plaza, O.naha 68137










Mstlh & HEADOUARTERS, PO Box 366, Frsnonl 68025 Par LAMMERS (Jennitor/8|, C€lesld8s, Angola/84 RR 1 8ox Duane & lGthy IANGE, ORD1534 Harrington 68739 (H) BURWELL CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOLS, Rt 3 BOX 73, OTd 68862 IEARN, 241 E Avon Ln, Llncoln 68505 LINCOLN AREA HOME SCHooLERS. 1821 Oak(hls, Lincdn 68506 NEBRASKA CHBISTIAN HOME SCH@L ASSOC, NEBRASKA INDEP. HOME Box 1245, Coturbus 68601 SCHooLERS NETWORK, s10 Lillbridgo Sl, Llncoln 68506 Jarnes & opEN, Tglo Raven Oaks 0r, ornaha 68154 U OF Tara SENNETT (Gint82) 1941 L Sl Lincoln 68510 NEBRASI(A INDEPENDENT SruDY HIGH SCHOOI. Did( Rose Continuing Ed Ctr Rm 269 Lhcoln 6858(}








YONEKURA (Joshr/4, Abiln, T€ssa/8o, DuclS3l Tl41 E Aron Ln Lincoln 685S NV --- Gaty & Jeanne HAHN (T4an3, Amyn413ts3 Ailllle St, Las Vegas 89 102 -- Ruse & Lynn€ HOFFMAN (Albld83, srofarvS6) Po Box I 13, Bakor 8931 1 (H' -- HOME SCHOOTS UNITEONEGAS VALLEY, PO Box 2681 1, Lag Tsrry JENSEN (Cody/81, Calet Bil) Vogas 89126 Roben



208 FbrorEo Ct, Wnnerr|Jc(:r 89445 NH


gsns 4|\|DERSON & Jo€ KOHLER (Adarv81,

Ryar/84) HCR 32 Box 176. K€no 03431 --- J- Juda BATTLES S Mafia GRESOCK (Athensr/g, Auslidgl, Lilelu85) RFD#1 Box 938, JetfeEon 03583 (H) .-- John t Susan BROMM (Johnl76, Kathsrinor/S, E|[abett/87) 3 B6a@n Dr, Merrimack @054 (H) --- Sally & Chdstophor EMBER (Morlyd 80) 28/t Wal6r Sl, K€no 034i11 Karen & Martin FURUHJELM (EllnorS:t, Ellzaboth/87) 38 Muskd Dr, Na6hua 03062 (H) July HORNE & Ralph BLACKINGTON (Cyh6/ 81) 1018 Indigo Hill Rd, SonErswonh 03878 Stephanie HURLEY & Roborl BOLT (Elb8a/8i|, Julh & Krbtir/86) Uppof Sdroolst, New lp6rvici d1071 (H) Mog JOHNSON (Corinner/l, Melbsaz2, B?adA6, Brondan/8ll HOME EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER, PO Box 124. Mont Vetnon @57 (tl) Mictlsllo & Tlm KINSELLA (Ryar/81, AktarVS3) 57 Long Hill Rd, Raynpnd (xnZ Tom & PaigB LUSSIER (Bethany/81, Crabilsy83, Cal6t/86) PO Box 317,






Holdornso 03245





NEWSLETTER, PO Box 97, Cd|tor Tuttmboro03816 NEW HAMPSHIRE HOME EDUCATORS ASSN,9 Mizoras Dr, Nashua 03062 Dalo & Vk d SMITH fzachary Mant|ow/ 77, NathadSl) PO Box 478, W6t Osslpee 03890{478 Clyde WATSON & Denis OEVLIN (Julkurrg, Rc€minua/82) 7 Low Rd, Haruer 03755 (H) Radtol WILLIAMS (Jossica/8a 170 Austin St, PorlsnDuth 03801 Jenniter WRIGHT & Stan MCCUMBER (Vane6sd69, Davld/Ss, Wittb/ 85) Ouaksr City, Chade6town 0366 (10 Mark & Susan YEAGER (Halina/81 , MorgarvS4, Bovsrty/8412 Stwen Way, Lhchtisld C(X)s1










& Dernotri AROUETTE (G.og/S2, Christina/8s) F0 Bor 251,2 Shaw 0r, Klngslon 08528 John & Joan BANGER (Alison & Ellzaboth/8l, Radteu83, lar/ 85) 34 Churdr St, High Bddge 08829 Mary & Ted CAMPBELL (Allison/8:1, Narhan/8s, Trevor/88) 35 Etm Sr, Allendals 07]101 Rob€rt & Babara CRANKSHAW (B6vin/ 82, Bradley/83) 6 Soulh Sunsd Rd, Willingboro 08046 Perry & Gretchen DENNISTON (Lauron6, Sky/8O, Autumn/84) 122 Grcvo Park, Ft Dix 08640 Rons & Ron DETOFSICY (Erint7, Jonah8l, Beniamin/8s) 30 Cedarhill 0r, Si*terville 08081 HOMESCHOOLERS OF SOUTH JERSEY. RI 2 Bumt Hous€ Rd, Vincentown 08088 Penny HUNTER (Bdantg, Jarn6/96) 0.7 Lawronc€ Apts, West Drivo P?incdon @540 Joan JOHNSON Jack KATZFEY (Lars/so) t-B Hlbben Apls, Faculty Rd, Princoton 08640 Barbara LAFFERW (John/64, Sl6/d65, Martto, l<a'l]lyn4, P aumsl '107 Sursy Road, Vorh*s 08043 Sue e Stev€ LEVTTT (Rob€|U83) 29 Claridgo Pl, Colonh 07067 Ruth & Terry MATILSKY (Saratg, Jacot/82, Laura/96) 5 grhrrood Dr, SonFrs€t 08873 Cada MCOERMOTT (Eddiea!, Charlio/ 73, Jamb/7s) 3 Sunbunet Lane, Plscataway 08854 Karen MENoE-FBIDKIS Larry FR|DK|S (Kare/86) 40 Linden Ln,
















Phlnsboro O8536 --- Jad( & Barbara MILLER (Matth€V82, Kelly/86) Bor 3, Woodbine @270 Howard & Ireno MOTT (Misty Roan/fr; Wi*lfioag) t0 Lanb€n Rd, Bhi|srown 07825 --- Jenny& Did< NEPON (Emitr/8, Ad/8r) NEWJERSEY FAMILY SCH@LS ASSN, RD t2 Box 236, Catifon ozB3O Nancy & Malcolm PLENT, UNSCHOOLERS NETWORK, 2 Srilh St, Farmingdah0Tz2T Robon & Margarst REITH (Evslyrv8l, AndrsdBa 23 Wagaraw Blvd, Prcp€d Pk O75Og --. Malcolm & oian€ ROBERTSON (Brycezg, Morgana3) 461-Q Batss Rd, Jac*son 08527 --- Doug & Ma4FCHNORR (Becky/8l, Willy/84) 320 Bonson Pl, Wsstlield 07080 Jane S|SKlN, 20 Knollwood Dr, Llvlngoton 07039 --- Jarn€s Jaqu6lyn SIEVENS (Tir|othy/81, Lba/Ss) 261 Hamilton Btvd, Pbcalaway 08831--- Bill SUOIA & Cindy JONES.SUoIA (Bdannd87) t2 EdgonDro Av. Plaln8bo.o 08536 --- SUSSEX



... t

COUNTY HOME EDUCATION ORGANTZATION. 87ffi178... Christin€ THOMPSON & Charl€s BARRANCO (Chrblopho/83,


Efiily/86)16o HorEresl Av, Ewing Township 08638 Horvard Diana UMANSIfl (Chad/8l) 167 Winmska Tr, Medford Ld<os 08055 Kristiana E Rob€d VERVOORDT (Joshua/84) 632 Bloonlield St, Hoboksn 0760


ilil ---


80) 3:196 Solaridge, Las Cruces 8800


NY .-- 6s16i g Dana BELCHER (Christopher/86) PENINGTON FRIENDS HOUSE.215 E 1sth St. NewYoik 100q3 --- Sco[ & Kim BROCKLEBANK(f\ietm,ftavbnS,


JodyS0l 2291 Brace Rd, Canandaigua 14425 Claudh & Lany BROSNAN (AnnelTl, Cr€leangl.'l 37 Tho Cf6cent Babylon I 1702 (H) Jody BROWN & Jim SUTLIFF (Coryt78, Casey/8O, JennbrSs) 7815 Running Brook, Clay 13041 Lynda BROWN & Henry BERSANI (Llsa/8l, Al6xande/85) 45Og Walswal€ Rd, Manllus 13104 (H, Linda e Davld BUROHARoT (Amy & Kalho.lne/82) I 1 Stonor Avo, Groai Nack 1 1021 Kalhl€€n BURROWSSMEE & John F. SMEE (Ryary8l) PO Box 52, Woodstock 13122-0052 Don BUSTIN & Malin PRINGLE (Colle/Bl, EladA4) RD 2 Box 1558, Shqburno 13460 (H) CALUMET SCH@1, RO 1 Box 95, Srryrna 13464 Carey Wllredo CHALUISANT (Katia/86) FAMILY WAY, t22t RGedale Aw, Bronx 10472 (H) Edward & Ann CHAMBERS (Evefls, M aen6, J@lm,Lilyl82, Wily88) 379 Kilburn Rd, So Garden Ciry 1 t530 {H) Pord & olane CHODAN (Anneksfr7) RD Box 462 Rorno 13440 65 Shefie CLAWSON (Krbtyr/6, Jacobtg, Mich€ll€/82, ShannorvSs) 3 Koni Dr, Victor 14564 Prbcilla & Hank COLLETTO, COMMON PLACE LAND COOPERATIVE. 421 1 Cuyler Rd, Truxton 13158 (H)... Lathan & CofnsliaCROOM (Jason/S1) NEW ORDER CHRISTIAN HOME EOUCATORS, 105 St Mafis Pl Apt 2, B,odlyn t 1217 Gary Florenca DAVENPORT (Laur'pt72,Tdn3, JdidtTg) 169 Van Ddn Rd, RD 16, lrhea 14850 Jotfrsy DAVIS & Linda JOHNSONDAVIS (Allicia/82, Robin/S6) 20 Fau,n Av, Salarnanca 14Z/9 (H)




















Ro€alb/86) Zts Euclu Aw NE, Albuq|JorqtF 97110 Delmar & Donna GASSNER (Loah/8l, Ssar/Ss) 25734 Darling Av SE, Kirthnd AFB 871 16 --- Laurel & Chuck GLYMPH (Sierra/83, AaforVS6) 3304 Solaridge 51, La8 Cruc6 88001 (Hl Ed NAGEL. NATL ASSOC FOR THE LEGAL SUPPORT



OF ALT SCHLS, SANTA FE COMMUNITY SCHOOL, PO Box 2241, Sanra Fe 87504 NEW MEXCO FAMTLY EOUCATORS, 678 Lbbon Av SE, Rlo Rancho 87124 NEW MEXICO HOME EDUCATORS, PO Box 13383, Abuquerque 87192 NM CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATION, 7417 Santa Fo Ttail NW Abuquereu€ 87120 John & Lod ODHNER (Lukas,/81, Chara/83, Mlcah/85) 4009 Moilgomery NE LOt,




& MarFrio PAGE (Jennilor/84) 10445 Eii€ Rd, Famham 14061 Malcdm & Sylvia PHILLIPS (Jirnrt6, Brhnag, Micah/8s, Jchh/84 RD 3 Box 2334, Now Borlln 13411 (H) lva & Kathy PURDY (Tornarygo, Erend/81, Arlan/83, Talithtgs, Ladllanl87) PO Box 264, Whltney Point 13862 Tom Cindy RASELY (Reb€ocarrg) 31 N 4th St, All€gany 14706 Kathy & Gary RICHARoSON (Sarentha/&4) RO 1 Box 251, Eath 148'!0 Frank Millio RIO.S (Chrbtoph€r/73) 220 Pawns A\€, Maslic 1 1950 Kenny RITTER & Linda HOTZBAUR (Gracd81, Nathanioy8.l, Anna/86) 415 W Bufialo Sl, lhaca 1.1850 ROCHESIER AREA HOMESCHOOLING ASSN,,l01 Pars€lls Av, Rah€oter '14609 Rodnsy e Joanone SAGE (Julit81, J€nny/84) HCI 121A, Olive&Uge 12461 Ed & Karsn SCHADEL (Joshuaz6, Seth/t8, Sadrah/8l, Cabbaa CENTRAL NY HOMESCHOOTERS, Side Hlll Sprlng8, Bocfier Rd, Skanoatelos 13152 (H) David & Colloen SHETLANO (Jeremyr/E, Cabbr/g, Atigaiu8l) 1309 Meado\brod(, Sfacuse 13224 Ridt & T?iciaSTON|TSCH (Jessk 80, Kenny/81, Kevid82, Kristofor/84) BR@KW@D PARK, Rt 9N Box 94, Hague Rd, Ticonderoga 128&l Linda TAGLIAFERRO & Fr€d THORNER (Eric/8l) 2.18-44 fhsb€6 Aw. Linb Nod( 11362-1252 Madoloino TOOD & MidtaBl BARRON (Katld81, Chyton/83, MldtolldS6l 212-27-1 1S (New Yod( City) (H) Maarten E Fadand VAN DUK (Ciond


















80, C€ka/82, Timon/8s) 5 Rivecido Dr, Lake PlaciJ 129146 Susan & Randy WALKER (Jasminolg3) S83 Acs Rd, Hombck 14466 Nancy WALLACE (lshrnaotrtl, Vha//s) 1 1 9 lrying Pl, lthaca 1/t85O Wayne E Peggy WEBB (Lena/83) Rd 2 Box 183, Kingslon 12401 Mr. & Mrs. WEINER (Mona/81, lsaac/83) 341 E 5 St, Nsw Yod( 10@3 WESTERN NY HOME-SCHOOLTNG NETWORK, 85 Atbany Sr, Buftab 142 t3 Wendy & Jellorson WESTWOOD (Addennd8o, Phoebd B5l 53 Mado Av, Frgdonia 14063 Chadono & Michaol WINGER-BEARSK lN (Anni6€r/6, Amliar/g, Martha/&4) 3iXB Eailsy Rd, Hobornb 14469 (Hl








Ooborah & Steve EISENBERG (Nalozg, Jessid81, oaniel/ 83, lm.V87) RO 2 Box 1329 Nonh Sanford Rd, Afion 13730 --- Korry & Al FARAONE (Charlie/7g, Codyl83, Kaitli/86) WESTCHESTER HOMESCHOOTERS ORGANIZATION. 207 Drake Av, Now Rchslls 10805 J6an FAZINO & Srttr KENNEY (Eri./81, lan & Sonla/83) J6sup Rd f3, Florira 10921 Diame FLUCKIGER (Rachen7, Gr€9t9, Laura/81, Jafod/ &4) 2655 Rabbit Run, Holcomb 14469 Mary & Chrbthn FOKINE (Danieu81) 59 Muway Rd, PO Box 1563, Sholtot lsland 1 1964 (H) Dalo & Jeris FRENCH (ReboccafrS, ShantS2) Rl 1 Bor 202b, Crown Point 1298 (H) Richard & Lrcr8tiaGABR|EL (Jos€pht8, AdoldS2) 12 FaiMay Ct, Abany 12208 Paula & Robort GAUS (Tirf7, Mischa/8o, EvdSS) 1 19 Cook Av, JarFstown 14701 Marty & Slevo GOLDFLAM (Laura/82, AndrsdSs) 34 Chsrry St, Laks Pladd 12946 Tina Jim GOLoSTEIN (Sarah/8o, RachoySs) RO 2 Bd 104 A Earlvillo 13332 Linda CroODMAN, PO Box 1274, Chautauqua 1 4722 Pan HEADLEE (Kirb6dyi78, Chrislian/8o) 2 W Main St, Holcodb 1/1469 HGH MEAOOW,60 Gatehouse Rd, New Pallz 12561 Janet HOFFMAN (Jocelyr/82) 44 Bailey Av. PatclFgue 11Tl2---













HOME E0UCATION WORKSHOPS, Honesteading Sch@|, RD 2 GW, Oxford 138a|0 HOME SCHOOL ENCOURAGER,55 Gittord Ave,Poughkeepsi€ 12601 Katharine HOUK & Seth ROCKMULLER (Tahrt69, Bonlamintg, Emily/82) HOME SCHooLERS EXCHANGE. RD l. Box 172E E Chatham 12060 60 (H) P.AT. & Bridg HUNT (Sslin€/81, Mattir/8s} PO 8ox 28, Sheltor lsland Hgrs 1'1965-0@8 Peter & Barbara IRVINE (Ericar/g, Philit81, Nidohs/85) 522 Notringham Rd, Syracuse 13210 Oiotmr & Margo KEYES (LindsaytS, ShattnodSl, Nigsl/83, RacheUS6) 145 Newton St, Sahrnanca 14779 (H) Joft & Alhona KILLMEIER (Kourv82, Kourrni/8s) R02, Box 18, Undilla 13449 Liso Richa.d KNOUSE (Jsnnifer/85, Anhur/87) 666 Wesl End Ave 20R, Nfl York 1m25.-- John Donna KURTZ (Khstor/8o, Jared/g2, Gunlhst/&4, Abrarn/87) RD f1 Box 61, Andorer 14806 (Hl John E Jane LAMPKIN (Jolkt8o, Jemrna/&4) 59 Rr 36, Sullorn 1@O1 Barry & Marlha LASH (Rachey8o, HannavSl) R0 I, Atlred srarion 14803 (H).-- Ted & Marrha LAUX (Jirf3, Mandynn 1853 E Shoro 0r, lthaca 14850 (H) Gordy Mauro€n LEWIS (S€an/81, Erkr'84, No€U84 4179 Sluga Dr, Nwe Windsor 12550 Sirmn & Edna LITTEN (Annafto, Dartt72,Rsb€,nn6, Emlly/8l, PO Botr 48, Atarnont 12009 (Hl LONG ISLAND HOMESCHOOLERS NEWS,884 Wilsn Blvd, c€nrral lstip 1 1722 tovtNc EDUcATtoN AT












Blll & Basy BARTELS (Jesseas) 2095 Pacheco Sl, C-18, Santa Fo 87505 Ellen BECKER (Jess€/78, Lukd 81) PO Box 5851, Santa Fe 875(,2 Vlncsnr & JanE BOOKS (Tasha/8o, Chelsoa/&4) Rt 2 Bd 30&8, Strta Fo 87505 Philb e Mary CAMPBELL (Katdgt, Ber/84,


Abuquerqus 87109 --- Pffila & John RANoALL (Sara/81. Radrel/83, lad87) 419 County Rd 5569, Famington 87.101 --R@KY MOUNTAIN HIGH ACADEMY, PO BOX 418, FIOrA Vbta 87415 --- Louis€ t Al WILLIAMS (Evar/83) 117 Siera Vbta, Los Alamoo 87544 (H) --. Crary & Karon WILLIS (Johrv






HOME-L.E.AH., PO Box 332, Sytacus€ 13205 --- Viviall MARTIN, LONG ISLAND FAMILY EDUCATORS, PO BOX 28(}, sayville 11782{283 --- Dee & Patrich MCCONNELL (Rachadn3, Amyt6) RD 2 Box 1$, Mannsvillo 13661 -Volgh MEHAN E Bryan LEE (Hannat7, UBa/8I) Rt 1 Box 14Am Canton 13617 (H) --- Mary Ellen & crog NEAL (Molb6a/81 , Jessica/84, JonathauS6) PO Box 1 56, New Havon 13121 ... NEWYORK STATE HOME SCHooLERS, RI 1 Box 8. Ghonr '12075 -- Asrrid NILSSEN t MicfiaelSTOLZER (Erid8o, Ali)d84) Wost Main St (Rr 10), Hoban 13788 --- John


NC Jaslyn BUILER E Fsryl MASTERS (Duncary 79, Ltna/g2, MiciaVS6) 717 W znd St, Washinglon 27889 (H) John E Robin CHALK (Jennletg, Mill€r/8l, Mofgary'83, Leslb/87) 3400 P$nington Ln, Winston-Salem 27106 Jane & Bill FLEMER (Emrd&4, NelUST) PO Box 158. Wane 28909 Pauh & Brant HATLEY (Alica Spdng/84) PO Box 173, Barnafdsvill€ 28700 Tom & Barb{a HOWE (Broveu 79, Kira/83, DevorVS6) fOOAWesl B Sl, 8utner275OO-.oeborah JONES & Francb EOGERTON (Caitlir/8o, Zacfiaryl g4) 3Ul2 L€ Rd, Clayton 275120 016. Alan & Phyllb JOYCE-HASHAM (Ag|gu6/S1) Oun Aengus Rt 1, Ben6on 27504 Kon & Jad(i€ KOCH (Adany82, Ashl€d84, Miked py61 3 6116; S5) 814 Nodh Rd, Elizab€lh Cily 27909 (H)









LINDSEY, PBOFILE, Bt 2 Box 7/6, Ellzabeth City 27909 Jeanio & Orlando MORALES (Elend75, Mid80, Emily/84) 18Og Eubanks Rd, Ch?el Hlll 27514 (H) Bob & Llnda MORGAN (Dani€f/3, Jondhan/7s)1908 Wood Dab Tor, Charlons 28203 (H) NORIH CAROLINIANS FOR HOME



EDUCATION, PO Box 5182, E rF lrood Sta, High R 2726a9998 Keiii& Sisfani OSHIMA (Mihdz, Joii/so) PO Bor 35, Edn€yville 287?-0@5 (H) Narcy 3 Stehon POCKLING TON (Alethea/83, Hannai/86) Rt 1 Bor 667, Franklinvillo 27246 (H) SamE Cyd REYNOLOS (Kacoyt4,Cdeyng,tMlvg2:t





5201 Hazsl Ln. Wako Foresl 27587 Su6an & Malcolm SCHAEFFER (Jos*h|78, Francos/Sl, Erily/84) 6521 Highwood Pl, Charlotto 28210 Grog & Lynotto SHAULL (RosV81) 301 Lily Dr, Ksrnorsvillo 27284 Bsth & Randy STEVENSON (MacKenzb/82, Emmie84) 1410 Gre€nnood Cir, yy|1 g 1or; $IAGONER (BraslFV84, Logad Cary 27511 (H) 86) PO Box 443, Orienral 28571 (H)





ND NORTH DMOTA HOME SCH@L ASSOC,1006-3fd St SW. Mandan 595t4

OH.-- John & Judith ALLEE (Michaen2,Nilcytgol. 5055 Brushy Fotk Rd SE, Nelvark 113056 (H) Crayle & Ha.ry AM ICK (Joshua/81, J€sBd86) 5544 Columbh Or, Bodford Hb 44146.-. Richard & P$ny BARKER (&ilU68, Maggi.rt3, Darlr/s, Bsn/z, Jonahr/S) Rt 3, Mlller6burg 44654 Kathy BERRY Mark HELLER (Erin/8l, ShannorvS6) 8o7 Hoidelb€rg, Toledo 43615 (H) Jamss BODE E Candacs M ILLER (Erid81 , MorgarySs) /t39 S Colo Srt, Lima 45805 Carolyn BROERING, HOLY FArrlLY LEARNING CENTER, 2329 Baltitrpre. Cincinnati 45202 Bhk & Babata CHIRDON (Heaths.frc, Joannofro, Iirpthy/8o, Robecca/83, Petor/86) 1557 Wyandone Av, Lakewood r+4107 CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS OF OHIO, PO Box 9083, Canlon 4471 1 CHRIST|AN PARENTS EOUCATTON ASSN, 310 Blusbonn€t Dr, Findlay 4fx940 Mictael & Karcn DICK (Rayrbnd/83, WillianyS6),|480 Walo|bury, Lak6r@d /t4,|07











Fred & Jsnnilor oOOLEY (J6sicd84) 10127 RusgelMlle Winchostor Rd, Wn€fiosler 456e7 (H) -- Rmald t Nancy DORTON (R€beccaft4, O€borahfr6, Oavirfro, SaraU&{, Jmalhon/84 6685 Gbler Rd, Hillsboro 4513i1 DaviJ & Nan





Noah/821 47 S. Maln St, West Oevld FEOOR (Nbholas/8o, Nalhads) I 126 Caslhon Rd, Cloueland l4B 44121 Mafi e Dolly FISHER (Coryr/s, Audrey/81, Slefany/84) .| 170 Tumef Placo, Xonh 45:U5 Kethleen & Peter FOTIS (JonahanfrS, EnilyiSil) 6iS Ovedod( Dt, Cohtrbus.l:}2l4 Baoara & Jcoph GRAHAM (Charleag. Annle/8i, Laufa/8z, Androw/8o) 11P W€bslor Rd, Jefle|lon 44{X7 (}0 HOME SCH@L RESOURCE CIR, l.L4 Gurley Av€, A('on .t4310 Pal Ciaty HUSS (MegE AtbynS, WhltrFy/83) 2399 Covontry Rd, Colutrbu8 43221 Kadn JERNBERG (Jo?ianna2g, JooU 79, MarhUS3) 227 E Bowrnan, $roogt€| 469r (D Luko & oorls KEEFER (BrlanrtS, Dald8o) 1344 Townshlp Rd 523, Ashland ,148t'5 (10 John & Sheila KIPPLEY (Chri8tQher/ 79) 291 1 We'k Rd, Chchnall45211 Mafy & Potor KNIAZ (Beniamin8l. Beddcd8s) 3870 Toilrloy Rd, Shalof Hoights 44122 Clarli, & Pam LEWIN Oaybr/82, KaylarvSil, Oavkt/ 86) 213 N Brorlleb Rd, Kdtrhg 45429 Steve & Sydney MATHIS (gontlsyno, Lauren/8l, Adarn494, Evar/8s) lo(x) Spiingtio|d Pa& Wyomlng 45215 (t0 Woodrow & Vlrglnla McOUITTY, PO Bor 223, Rbley.t5t67 Dan & Wondy MILLER (Derel(T2, Radron4, Klrf/6, Melissa/?S, Justirv8l, Sle\€n/84) 559 HlghnFado*s Vllla0€ Or, Powell4$65 Jlm & Kate NAIIY (Nancyt5, MafynT, Patty/8l) 39170 Skinn* Rd Porarcy /t5769 Jlm & Kato NALLY (Nancyt7s, ERBAUGH






















Maryn7, Pany/Sl) 30170 Sklnnor Rd, Porneroy45769



-NOw' pO

Box 094, Thotrfon 4.{086 G. REGHETTI, 5e7 C€ntor St, E Wanen 44481 Blll RUFFIN, Bor S347, Clmlnnatl 45?36 Jim & Rosalee SCHNECK (Pelorn6, Annikd8l, AbldSS) 231 Mohlcan Av. Orwllle.14567 Karl & R6ort SEGER (Rob€tvgl, Dani6u82, Davku83, Arny/85) 4gl S Rlwr Rd, Walorvillo 43566 Jlm SHAW Louann REBBIN-SHAW (Jone/a1, Maryld84 6038 Indian 81ufi, Dayton 45424 (Hl Gil & Ba|b SHERMAN (Jonnile/83, Coll€€ry8s) 2169 Ma|s Av, Lakerrcod 44107 Kalhy e Johnny VAN STYN (Henry/81) 109 Mulberry, Cinclnnatl45210 Did( & D€bbi€ WESTHEIMER (Crabrley8o, NalhanA3, Hannat/86) 1395 Lake Allun, Balavia 45104 (]0 hn e Carol€ WILSON (Ross/8o,










SrephanidS2, NatalidSs) 27+6 Shady Ridg6 Dr, Colunbus --- oave & Nanct WINTERS (Me9art83, Manhsw/S4) 1(X42 Bridgewood Rd, Penylburg /t355 1



Mart & L|ndaASHTON (Kathrynt4, Hilhryr/o, Counney/8l) Ct7 CherylClrcle, Lafion 735O5 Sue OELCAMP (Marai83, C€dlla/8.[, Rachoy8o) Rt 6 Box 582H, Claremo(e 7lol7 Klm & Suzetle HATFIELD (Colloen/f8, Kathloonr/g) 2921 N.W.20dh, Ed|rfi|d 7flI34 (lll Dennt & Susan LAFFIN (G?eglr8, Bdanrtg, Valorlo/$) 830 BelnDnt Rd, Bartlosvllle 74006 NAT'L COALITPN OF CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS, PO D;aw€r 44O, Jenks 74937 OKCENTRAL HOME SCHOOL SUPPORT GROUP, 14212 Pi#mont Rd, Piod|mnt 73078 --- OKLAHOMA CHRISTIAN HOME EDI,TCATORS ASSN, 2mg Moadorybrodq Ponca Clty 74604 --- Slacy t Cheryl REHAROSON (J$n6,Blnnan8, Noah/8i) 1376 N 76 E Ave, Tubs 7.t1'1 5 Mad( & Mafy ROBERTS (Dob|aft4, DaUdftS, Sl€v€d8l, Karert83, Aladgs, TirnohyiSa Rl 1 Bor I la Teq,nrsoh 79873 --- JarE & E6rher ROSEN (J6huan5, ldrlantTT,Nichdas,/82) 6124 SW Park Ave, Lawton 735S --- Joyco e Ead SPURGIN (€/81) THE FAMILY LEARNING CONNECTION, PO Box 1938, Duranl 74702 OK








ALOHA KIDS ACADEMY,4A|0 SW l82. Abha Arny ARNOLD & Joey MONOELLO (HaNe6U82, Jor€rry/84) 85710 Doavo Rd, Eugene 97l|t)2 David Kim BALDWIN (Jor|alhorvS?, MichelldS4) 34026 Bachobr Fht Rd, OR





Doug 0 Shelh BARTLETT (Mailn8. Jetll -Dr, Salom 97301 -- Msky & Dave BLIZARD (Nldv7g Rr 1 Box 916, Boavodon 97m7 (H) --Sf Helons 97051

gl) 8t47 Ironco

GHRISTIAN LIFE WORKSHOPS,I& SE Kano At,e, cresham 97dn--- Ros6 A Sue CHURCH (Jsromiah84, Emity/86) 15916S AflB Sl, Orogon Cly 97(X5 Bill & Frances CHURCHILL (Robrts) H.C. 60, Bor '1940, Lakari€w 97630 Bob ll Sherl CLEMEN (Tay'orng, B6thany/S1, Lamd84) 90765 Dalowood Dr, Junc,tbn Clty 97148 (H) Albon CLEMENT & Chud( WILLER (Chadona/83, Sasha/86) PO Box 518, Yachars 97498 John Dobbie DOUGHTY (Rachoy 75, Molea/8l) DOI,JGLAS COUNTY HOME SCHOOLERS CONNECTON,405:l Hanna, Rooeburg 97470 (H) Thoma8 & Rotin ELLIOT (J6ser/7, Tmy/8O, Nicholar/86) 1070 Wat€rs Cr€€k Rd, Wildo|vflb 97513 Janie e Andy FAIRCHILD (Robyr'/8l, N€d/83, Emlly/84l R| I Bor 253, Entorpris€ 97828 FCLA OR SPICE GROUP, Cr16 Yank Guldr Rd, Talenl 975/0 L6 & Kathl6.n FRANZ (J63iErr/, Gabd8o, Molly/ 82) 5504 NE SkldnD|e 51, Ponhnd 97218 (H) Ridrard












Suzanne GREEN (Monbeft6) PO Bor 564, Christrnas Valley 97611 (t0 oavld & Madvn HALL (Mk$asu&, Tdssa/82, Perd/85) WHOLE EAR1H FARM SCH@[ 3661 Sdninote Rd NE, Silvonon 97381 Karen & Alhad HARDMAN (Wlly/81,





l/s1y 6 Kyld86) 570 Hamilon Rd, Jac-l(6onville 97530 (H) Debbie HEALY (Andy/8o) Rt 4 Box 333, Shermod 97140 Tom HINKLE & Suo SCOTT (Jo6s€t5, Luk6A8, Jilygl, Annd HOMESCH@IERS OF 86) 2159 L St, Springtiold 97477 Jill LANE COUNTY, 38010 Pengra Rd, Fall Cred( 97438 HUBBARD Bill GRIFFITHS (Evarvgo, MorgarvS6) 245 W zah Stden JOHNSTON & Vic,lotia Aw, Eugpno 92105 (H) HEMPHILL (Ko€lia/81, Moghart84) 1357 E Sl, Spdngfiold Krbtin KOESTER, PO Box 3$, Forssr Gror€ 971n (n 971 18 (IO LANE COUNW LEARNING CONNECTION. 2557 Klncaid, Eugene 92105.-- LEARNING CONNECTION, 6il5 Barbara Dr, Grant6 Pa68 97526 Marilyn LOWE (Atra/ S2) 465 Llncoln, Bandon 97411 Susan MMS & Gary THOGERSON (8ryarv83, Erll(86) 27526 SE Cad St, Gr6ham Molly MORELANo (Ni6olar/8:l) 1911 NE 97080 Tloflpson, Po.tland 97212 Conrad & Rogina MUELLER (Arnandafr/, GorglEO, Hans82, Kirstin/B4, Manlrod/84 1 l2G 15lh 51 NE, Salom 97301 NATIONAL BOOK CO. gl3 SW Pa'k Avo Ponfild 972oU37U NATONAL HOME EDUCATION GU|Lo,515 NE 8th St, Grants Pass 97526 Malin NELSON (Madv8o, Bevsv/8z. Oanny/&4) Brenda 4691 C€dar. Astorh 97103 Conslance NEWMAN & Tod SCHNEIDER (Loon/84, TinDrhy/86) 894 W 4rh Av, Eugene 97402 PARENTS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. PO Box 1/+82, Boavorton 97075 Stan & Marsha PONGRATZ (Annd 81, JosSh/S4) 24700 S Mstzler Pk Rd, Estacada 970?3 Laufa PRITCHARo (Danb|rt4 PORTLANO AREA TRICOUNTY HOMESCHOOLERS, s242 Sloopy Hollorv Rd, W@dbum 97071 Loslio REDPATH (Au9ustrr6, Brcd(oi7g) gvuc€ g 25818 Chsrry Cre€k Rd, Monios 97456 (H)





















W€.rdy REININGER (Erica/8o, Lara Fcd86) PO Box 1358, PhilorEth 97370 (H) Sally SHUMAKA E Jad( PRUITT (Ecfiot8, Jasp€r/81, MarvyS3) 225 Mathor Dr, Port Orlord 97465 Ridrard & Gayh SLATTON (Cord/82, 0ain/85) 4604




SE C€nlor Sl, Ponbnd 972C8-3252 Lyle & Elizaboth STANTEY (Kavina/87) 2575 SW 325th Av, Hilbboro 97123 (H) Rodofi* & Susan STEVENS (Moni€I/6, Ryar/8l) 1771 NW Lynwood Dr, Roseburg 97470 Martln & Carol STITT (Jasort8s) 705 Chostnul St, Eugen€ 97404 Micfiael & Candae SYMAN-DEGLER (lsacz3, Vanessal/o, Lrcienftg, lndkr/82) 109() Brooksile Dr, Eugon€ 97405 THE TEACHING HOME, PO Box 20219. Porlland 9722GO219 Perq & Janot WEIDMAN (Kati€/82, Maty8s, Robbid84 183 W6t Grand. Astorh 97103






(Stacytg, Jessica/82, RehsUSs) 2983 Habsrloin Rd, Gibsonia 150144 --- Nancy & L$ny HAAS (Nidrohs/84 21 S€vsn

Springs Rd, Radnor 19087 --- Molly HALL & Elhatl REINHARD (Esthe/81, Cordolla/83) T40Cdharine St, Philadebhia 19147 (H) --- Lie6€bne HEIL, 2005 Colurbia Awnus, Apt l, Swissval€ 15218 --- ThorEs t Pauh HEIMSACH 1167 W Wkos-Bare 51, Easton Dav€ & Jan HINKLEY (MatthedSl) RD 5 Box 36, HOME EDUCATORS OF PA R0 2 Box MontrcGo 18801 334A. Mun8on 16€60 Jar6 & Nancy HUHTA 17Zt Clg'Fns Mill Rd, Harleysville 19438.- David & Kim JEFFERY (Nalhan & JordaftrrS, AdarwT, Bly,th€/8o, Annd8s) 229 Olln A\€, Girard 16417 Ron e Babata JOCKERS (Aaront8, David/8l, Jondharvg4, Saral-/86) PO Box 376, John & Lob I<AACHER (Johrt6s, Reeders 18352 (10 Pany Ja,rp/7o, MidtaeUSs) 2436 N Llne Sl, Colmat 18915 & Jefi KAPLAN (Sarall7g, Andts€1811?24 Foxcroft Rd, Broornall 1$o8 (H) Judith & Vermn KLINESTIVER (Audra/66, Tracv67, ArBeld69 Bailey/8o) 330 Main Sl, Tidiouto 16351 Hannah & N. Zwi LEITER (Rutv8l) 300 Madison Av, Scranton 185O3 Sharon E Lloyd LEREW (Jonnilorz8. Oory/So, Annir'82) Rd f2, Dillsburg 17019 (H) Laven€ & Janie LEVINE (Gabd€ller/o, Mathowr,2, SamoeyS2) BNAI OHR,716 Grsonloal Dr, Monto€ville 15146 Kim & Ed LUTZ (Dana82, Brinany/8s, AhrorVSS) 24O Municbal RD ,1, Pb€rsville 18947 Dani€l & Mary Jean McDONOUGH (Jo6€pV84, Grotchd/86) 1888 Bren Lano, Sallsburg 15681 oiana MOSKAL (MidraoySo, Slacoy/82) 12420 Frankstorvn Rd, Pinsburgh 15235 Tom Madalene MURPHY (EmiYta Chrblhnr/6, Chrs/7g) 8el Church Rd, Hatlield 19440 (H) Mady NABHOLZ A Jodi PENDER (Jamie?g, Chrblopher/8o, Aprive4, Jos€ph/86) RD 3 Box 860,

{Jdlrcyng, Ettr.alsS, Jamo6/85) 18042





















SCH@LS, RD I Box 378. Glenrpofe 19343



John & Kalhy O'DONNELL (Davit/8s) 429 S Pin St Carlble 17013 Ann€ & William OBRIEN (Johntg, Catherin€r/83, Sylvi:vs7) 1342 Monk Rd Gladwyno 1$35 PARENT EoUCATORS FIak & OF PENN. 3334 Dbslon Sl. Philadebhia 19149 Meredith PARENTE (OanloySo, JGopl/82, Estherl8s) 25 S Braddod( Av, Pinsburgh 15n1-917 Andy & Lynnsno PETERSON (Drewn1, Glennd8o, S€th/83, Emrna/86) Grow PITTSBURGH URBAN City Colloge, Grove City 16127 Charlono & CHBISTIAN COAL. SCHOOL, 412-322-8324 Creorgp RADMAN (Eri)r?g, KevirvSl) RD 3 Wavsrly Rd. oalon 1&414 Deniso RAUCH (Hansr7s, RadrevTl,EticWSO,









Karsn & Jotry ADAMS (Sarah/8:!, Emily/86) 61 1 For6t Rd, Wayne 19087 Randy E Pany AVIS (J66se/8O, Lukd82, Enily/8s) 527 S 3fd Sl, Minorsvillo 17954 Rid BARKER & Patrl SCHAEDER (oanleu86) 839 Daby.Paoli Rd, Bryn Mawy 19010 Chrb & Jan BARLOW (Manherv/7S, Du6tlrv80) RD 2 Box 391, Muncy 17756 Ronald & Diana BASEMAN (Olivhr/8, Delia/8z, Gabri€U86) 1003 A6or$,@d Df, Gib6onla 15044 Pslsr BERGSON & Susan SHILCOCK (Arnandaz6, EmilyAS, Julkv8l, Nbhohs/84) OPEN CONNECTIONS,312 Btyn Maw Av, Bryn Mawt 19010 Jottn & Linda BINOE (Molbsar/6, Krlstenr/g) 1347 Turnor Sl, Allontown 18102 Vi*i BRATTINI & Alex FEoORAK (Michasv8z, Chri6topher/85) 132 Stockton Rd, Bryn Mawr 19010 Stsvs.l e Carol BUSH (Healhera3, Randalns, Manhenr/6) 1521 Pennsylvania Av, Paoll 19301 Susan & Rob€n CAMPBELL (Marynz, J&174,lsahh/81) 424 Haverford Av, Narbsnh 19072 Do€ CARLAN (Stsver/o, Glenn/73) 3]56 E Blvd f5, Bethlohem 19017 Robort Suzanne CHIASSON (Alerandrl/83, Nlcholas/84, Edwa'dlSTl 139 Ronald Rd, Aston '19014 Jo€ & Loraine CLARK (Carolyd62, Rainezz) 345 S Old Middletown Rd, Media 19063 (H) --.Linda CUqRX a Mitch GRAHAM (Jsssica/8o, Dhr/82, Melanb/85) 555 Soxh Av, Medh 19063 Marion & Jeflrey COHEN (Marielld69, Arint3, Brstr/g, Devir/8s) 2203 Spruco Sl, Phihdslphia 191C8 Fullis & Bob CONROY (Merodith/80, Fiond83, Silas/85) RD 5 Box 286, Smoky Cornors, Wllhtrlsporl 17701 (H) PA

















Nancy & Bob CONROY (Pdrickr/g, B$iamirv84) 6001 Green Pord Rd, Easton 18042 Gary & Losli€ COTTON (Analyssa/ 76, CrabrienS, Jonna/81, lGtydS?) 317 W Wayns St, Butlet 16001 Eric & Debbye COUGHENOUR (Briant7. Togarv Ann & Chrb 80, Dy'ar/84) RD l, Fonellon 1@34 (H) DAVIS (Calida/83, Jordan/86) RD 1 Box 241, New Park 17352 (H) Jstl & Harrbn Dlller (Adard8o, MidrasySl) 590 E King






St, Charborsburo 17201 Hafold & Jan€l DUNNDAVENPORT (Margaret/r9, Kald82) RD 2 Box 19, Montro6e 18801 Glenn & Ureula EBLING (Stephanb/81, David/&?, Ahren/8q Mogan/87) 282A Dogsood Ln. FlD rt. Chstof Fred E Lesli€ FEHLING (Saal8o, Manhsv Spring6 1s425 Linda & Ed 8:l) R0 t5 Box 246, Wayn6burg 15370 FINLEY (Jolsn€r/g, CollendSl, Totral€d84) 783 N Wendy FLANDERS Hdondauqua Dr, Balh 1801.1-C487 (Emlly/8s) PO Box 78S, Reading 19603 Chadone FREED (Bant8, Nalalir/g) RD 2 Box 1SA, Enmaus 18049 Rich







GIORoANO & Ceil GLACKIN (JessicatT, lar/81) 2626 Bonnatfon St, Philadebhia 19t42 --. Jay & Sue GRANT

#ffi - 1989 DIRECTORY

AbigaiuS3, Anne Elizab€th/&4) 316 Atlantic Ave, Red Lion 17356 Ethan REINHARo E Molly HAtl (Esthsr/8l, Susan Cordeli€t83) 740 Calharine St, PhihdoFhia I 9147 E Ho,vard RICHMAN (Jsss€fr,, Jacotr/8o, Molly/8:!, Hannaly 87) PENNSYLVANIA HOMESCH@LERS, R0 2 Box 117 Kinanning 16201 Randall & Chire ROSENBAUM (Jan€,





81, Hannah/8!t, John/8s) 263 Her St, Harisburg 17102 Lorraine Eric SCHEIMREIF (Shaun/So, Ksir/86) 519 Mahoning St, Milton 17847 R. Vernon Suzanno SCHULTZ (Manh€M6, S16phanirzg, Jersica/81, NalharyS3) RD 1, Bor 1615, Fehon 17c?2 Oebl SHUMAN (DawnITr, Milg6r/8, Zacharyl82) 226 E Ciorgas Ln, PhiladoFhia 191 19 Eugsne & Mary Jo SNYDER (lcnny/8a Timnry/8s) 111 Honsysuckls Or, Bmbburg 16827 (H) L€ & Donna STEWART (Billy/8o, Sarah/81, J6hut&4, John/87) r734 Mill Bd, Hilltown 18944 Lois Clitf SUNFLOWER (Bsrn/r8, Ph€b€r/g, Burl€igh/Bl, Noah/84) 2371 W Best Rd, Bdh 18014 (H) 9671y 3 Sharon TRAVER (John Calvin/74 8:15 Gto€n Valley 0r, Philadsphia 19128 (H) Jos€ne & Mad( WARFEL (Jacobt8, LaurtE3) RD 1 Box 385, Henryvillo 18332 Msrily WILLIAMS & Bidard SUMMERS (AbrahamA2) 230 S 21 St. Philadsbhia 19103













R 1g1ie E .Jt6. ANDREWS (Paul/83, Elizaberh/86) 542 Plainlleld Pk, Groeno 02827 (H) 11q6p16 g 6"r"n LABREOUE (Norrnand/80) 21 Oxlord Avs, Woonsodd 02895



Jim & Eils€n NANCE (Jodarv8l, RobU&4) 82 Trod 0r, Middlelon n 02840 (H) PARENT EDUCATORS OF Rl, PO RHOOE ISLANDERS FOR Box 546, Covontry @916 CTNSTITUTIONAL E0UCATION,46 E C'€orga Sl Pro\rijsncs 02906 Baoara & Mko SIMPSON (l6aacrt4, Abigsins, David/8l, Mikid83) ?2 Cdurbh Ct, Mkldletown 02840 (H) Jsaf rey Evslyn WELLER (Krblat4, Scotf/7, AtrA€r/8l '|49






Vkrory Hwy, Exetet 02822

SC... CAROLINA FAMILY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, Paul & Oall GERMEROTH Rt 2 Box 17, St Stephen 29479 (Li6aft6, Johnrrs) 29ag Brookridge Dr, Rock Hill 29730 Wayno & Bod(y HENRITZE (RadroySo) 41 Indigo Hall, Creotgslown 29440 (H)



-- Jm

BOC€S & Jay SCHLAGEL (Jacou86) Rt 1 SD Box 146A' Coluntia 5743 Suo Van RADOSTI (Adriila/ 86) 1706 S. Prairio, Sioux Falb 57105 SOUTH DAKOTA HOME SCH@L ASSN. Rl 2 Box 45. C'anetson 57030





Tom e Maur€n ADAMS (Hoalher/86) 724 Groymont Dr, Nashville 37217 Roben & Mary ALLEN (Sumrnsr/ 79, Lee/82, Sheby/8s) 604 Glenpark Dr, Nashvllle 37217 Jud & Carolyn BARRY (Sarv8!!, Emily/86, 2245 Brucs St, Kingsport 37664 Wlliarn & Judith BEALL (Luciuel/8, For6U81) Rt 1, Oosolltwn 37057 Llnda BERRYMAN (Jo8€plv81, Su8arv84, Mad@l 2846 Pqrbroke, Menphis 38128 (H) Jlm & Sue COFFER (Cianetu84, Sadie Jd86, AbV84 Zto Aba| Dt, Nashvillo 37221 (10 Joyce oICKER-







-Aaro]V8:|, Juslin/86] Rt 5 Box

MAN lt An SIEWART (Jo€[er|g, 219 Sp€€s Rd, Cllnlon 37'16 Dave & Suzy DODD (Mikd 72, E'lnns', Anrf n9, Lovy83) HOMESCHOOLING FAMILIES, 116 Richards Dr, Olivs Springs 37840 Manuel & Susan FELICIANO (Annazg, DolendSz) 5e2 Douglas Ln, Cllnlon 377'f 6 Karen Jery HARRIS (Ttetm, Jar{3n4 Graybar Ln, Nashvlllo 37215 HOME EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF TENN (HEAT), 36r/ Rldrbrlil Cl, NaEhvillo 3721 1 Salah Giog HOYLE (Ay8hd8:!, BeniamirtSS) 3019 E 5th Ave, Krpxvillo 37914 (H, Ndalie L9VASSEUR John BARTMESS (Elizabolhng, JulidEs) TENNESSEE VALLEY ACADEMY, 6001 Glenmary Rd, Knoxvllle 37919 (H)












Rbhard & Mary MACHANOFF (Kaliotlg,Zacha.ylS2, Erdly/e4l 4Og Vall€y Dr, Oll\€' Sp?ings 37&40 --- Kalhedne MCALPINE (Nalhanie]rrg) 3701 8€nham Ave, Nashville 37215 Katen & Paul MORAN (SataMg. C€rgia & Li8d82, Eflna/8s) 918 Anderson Sl Edslol 37@O (H) Qqurtn€lt scoTT & Parrida STREET (Cela/8r. Conno,l83, Aarcn/86) RR 4 Bor 27SK-a Ashland Cty 37015 Golald e Linda STIGALL (Audreytg, Mindy/8z) 7tg N Kingston Avo, Rodovood 3785.t Shannon STONEY (Wily8o) Rl 10 Bq 668, Cook€vill€ 38501 (Hl






TX AMERICAN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. PO Box 1776, Coll€yvillo 70034 Bob & Shell€y ASHCROFT (Adanv 76, CaratE, Rchelle/8o, RJ/S3, CravldS6) 8418 Oak Posl, San Antonio 78251-423 Charl6 E llana P. BARTON (Talya/ 72, NonnSl 502,1 Thundof Rd, Dalhs 75244 EASIC Mary a EOUCATION, PO Box 010589 D/FW Ailpon 75261 Bob BELL (Davtdts, Molbsezg) 2 King Or, Corpus Christi (H) (Kelya6, 78419 Carctn E Charles BLACKNALL Charle€/83, EveretuEs)16215 La A\renida, Houslon Z062 (Hl Chad6 & Ma0afol BLOUNT (Aatotrl72,K^hrynn4, Slephenr'6) Rt 1 Box 212-R, Dale 78516 (H) Konnan J'tith BOWDEN (Konnan JrZ8, Nol(onUSO, CarnilldS2, Joshua/











Cl€'yelandTl3eT Mlke Tlna BRODERICK (Coryng, ManhodS4) Rt.t Box 476, Malble Falls 78654 Pal & Rita BURNS (Choney/8o. Oaniell€r/84) 6 S$, Rd Randobh AFB,78148 GHRlSTlAt,l HOME ED OF SAN ANTONIO, 12170 Nsw Subhur Spg8 Rd, Adklns 78101 Gforia & Jim coTNEY (Johnn5, Jeym, lGrie/83) 1030 MayberyCt, Lowbvillo 95067(H) CREATIVE LEARNING MAGAZINE, PO Bor 37568, San Anlonlo 78217{568 Al & Chdsline CRISPIN (Abort/84. Alo)d86) 3816 26th, Lubbock 79410 Neil& Taunta DANOUE (Huntef-W6l/r/, E kaW6U85) HOMESCHOOLING DATA BASES, PO Bor 832, Bofivillo 77418 Robe]l & Martha DEGNER (Sarahrt, Luksrtg, Jacob€z, AbigaiySo) 25@ Burning Treo. Iwing 75062 vidi DENNIS (Matth6wn9, Andrcv84) 10800 crook vkrw Or. Au8lin 78748-206 EL PASO HOME SCHOOLERS FAMILY HOME ASSN, Slar Route Box 87. Anthony 79841 EDUCATORS OF OALLAS, PO Box 2805€4, Dallas 75228 Bob & Joen FLECK (J6sicafr7, Todd/8o) PO Box 1 1, Colleyville 7@34{01 t (t0 Ho:rry e Cathy COSSAGE (Sarahr,s, Chrblophern8, Rfled81, Anlhony83) 5010 Slag€coadr. Garland 75O43 Karen & Davit HENDLEY (Han6,/8t, Lenora/84) Rr 4 Box 131, Rusk (H) Rii( & Bunnio HERMANN (NatashazS, Kathsinertg) 610 Wl6hlre Pl, Colpus Chtbll 7841 t (l{) Jad( Gail HOGAN (JGhuarrs, Luke/7S) Rl4 Bor 7O4, Herphifl 75948 David Ca'ol KENT (Robeit6, SusannahrtT, Achafyl8o, CladdS2) 929 E 50th, Auslin 78751 Gordye Maureon LEWIS (Soarv8l, Erid84) 172-8 Arllllory Loop Fl. Sam. Houston 78234 LIVING HERITAGE ACADEMY, PO Box 1438, Lowbvillo 75067 &1) Rt 3 Box 270G,























Nanct LOrZER (Jonalhanrz, BenlamidSz) 2973 Lavila Mary Beth & Midael Ln, FarnE|s BralEh 752?4 MACKSEY (Afhndz, Aloxandra/8l) 6544 Butterlield c|, Phno 75@il --- Jard e Cratd MCCULLY (Shator/os) Rl 2 8ox 7C, Tonoll 75160 Jim e Lha MCGINNESS (John8l, JanE€/85, WllliamA4 5(|18 Rodslarl 51, Houslon 77096 --- Margarct MCLAIN (JohnnidS3) Fll I Box 386, Dawson 70639 --- Judy & Lary MGSTILLAN (Reb€ccaz2. Healherr,s) 13813 Parksile W@ds, San Anlonio 7824$l8tt William & Jtrdith MEEKER (Giacom & MagnolazT, tugdd8z, Th6rsd86) Rl 2 Bd 287, Fairvir 37062 Mike & Lba METCALF (Judlth/ 78, J68ica/80) 1801 Oo$v@d Tf, Cot8icana 75110 METER SCHOOLS, FO Box 427, Ro3haron 7?58{l --- Jim & Chde MORGAN (Jch/8o, Nemusa Za.iary/8q a15 Thisllouood Dr. Auslin 78745 --- Chud( & Suzanm MORTENSEN (Slewanzo, Reaganrrs, Garrdt e Ashlsy/80,






AndrovSl) Box 272, SkkJrmto 78389 (H) --- Rick & Kffia MURRAY (Bredontz, Zrrlratyna, Chobea/tg, Courhoy/88)


3600 Fountain Tsrr, Amarillo 79106 Sharon & Manln NELSON (SaraM/8, Vlrginia/8o) 4150 WodgnDnl Clrcle S, Forth Wonh 70133 --- Jeanle E Tim OLIVER (Corina,82) PO


Bor 1629. Wirberley 78676

Bob & B€cky PETERSMA

(Deahnla6, Tre\ort7, Tanirha/8o, 0alzhd84) 2216 Shdalon Dr, Carrollton 75007


Jean & Ed RODRIGUEZ (TlnplhynS,


Tangle|,ood Dr, Corfl?Frce 75428 (Hl --- Dave & Julia ROSSEN (Slevet7, Kevin/t8, Lbd 8l, Briarvel) 2220 Via Dol Norle, Canolllon 75@6 Stwe & B*edy RUSSO (GunnarnT, Pa.xtott8l, Btody/8s) Rl4 Box Paul & Shatl SALZMAN (Pog0yr/s, 212. Foreslon 76041 ScotVZ4 1328 Eamatd, Btownsvillo 78520 (H) Ed & Shirfey SCHRIBER (Candi:d69, Ridard/7o, Jennlletna, Klnb€rlyt6, Meagar/8:|, Eflily/8s) 7CB S 1slh Sl Copporas Cove 765?2 --- Car€fle A Tornas SIMMONS (Aden8, Laurcy 82, Huntor/8s) Rt 1 Box 62-A Aledo 76008 SOUTHEAST TEXAS HOMESCHOOL ASSOCIATION, PO 80!(36, Tontal //37s --- SUMMIT CHRlSTlAl.l ACADEMY, 13789 Nool Rd, Suite lm, Dallas 752110 --- TEXAS HOME EDUCATORS BenlamldSl, Lydla/8s)






NEWSLETTER. PO Box 835105 Ridrardson,7508a1 TEXAS HOME SCHOOL COALITION, PO Box 1237, Oullman 7578i! Ctaig & D$bie VERWERS (Pautl8z, Sl€phed8s) Bill & Suzanne 3044 Ter Blvd. Ft Wonh 76116 WILLISFORD (Mafit8, Amy/80, R€bekah/8s) 5710 Dsby Ln, goalrFnt 7776 (Hr Rayrmnd & GailwlNTER (Sarnaaru





80, Adak/84, TaggadSs) 1 536 Cofio€ Sl, Parpa 7965 Tom A Mid|elle WOODRUFF (Jordar/81, Mbahu83, GracdS6) Box 1060. Shalbwater 79363



2770 S t(no W, Pefry 843@ --- BRIGHAM YOUNG U-DEPT OF INDEPENDENT STUDY, 206 Harmn Continulng Ed Bldg, Prow 94602 --- Steve & Linda BUTLER (Jessica/8l, Radreu 8il) 105 South 300 Easl, Pleasanl Grovo 84c16?... Jsry 0'ASTO & Dorb NESSE (hrv&4, Colia/86)158o N Hnry 69, Btigham City &4302 (H) --- 1em g y\/onne DoVRIES (Justiry 80, Jessica/82, Mary/84) 448 Willow Avs, San Lake Cily 84107 FCLA UTAH SPICE GROUP. 1 510 W 5O0 N, Pro\o 84601 MOUNT VERNON ACADEMY,184 Vino Sl, Munay 84107


... .-

TENOER TUTOR, 2770 S 1m0 W, Pefry &4302


VT ACIoISON CO HOME SCHOOLERS. PO Box 7. NarEy ALDRICH & Mol BUSS lJaso,nn7, Charfone 05445 Sarah/8o, Elbhds4) CHILoHOOD - THE WALDORF PERSPECTIVE, Rl 2 Box 2675, W€sdod 05494 Merin CLIFTON, Bor 129, Ricfto;d 05476 Jane DWINELL e Sky YARDLEY (Dana/84 RO 1 Box 37, hasburg 05&15 ---Jacqio & Larry LAMB (Alexandor/90) Eoaver Pond Rd, Walsbury Ctt 056Z7 Maft e Coll€€n LARIVIERE (Chdslophsr/8z, J6sica/85) PO Box 55, Lyrdon Ctr 05850 Jacqio Larty LAUNB (Alexandor/80) R0 1 gox 25, Watetbury Or 506z








IEARNING AT HOME, RO 1 Box 303. Watowille 0549 MT CARMEL ACADEMY, RD 1 Box 1737, Waterville 05492 --- P€tor & Dhn€ NAZARENKO (Danpnm) PO Box 95, N Fenbhrg 0973 (H) --- B4!616 E Kannoth NYE (Jerernyr/s, CamerantS) RFo 4 Box 1418. Enosburg Falb 05450 --- Adam Shsrry PARKE (Gale.V8l. Brianntg4) May g;an" g lrwin POST (Ndharv Pond Rd, Barton 058a2 (H) Nancy & 82, Brian/84) Rt 2 Box 4474 Bsthel 0503a (n Maft POTVIN (Daniens, Jo6ser/8, Rond80, MacouSa Box 878 Rottllard Rd, Starlotd 05352 --r Miclg RICHMOND & William OLESON (JoshuazT, Elijah/Sl, Ab€U85) PO Box 340, Bristol05443 --- Ginny e Davit SCHWINGEL (Lau.ofr7, KatitSo, Ro9s./83) RFD f2 Box 2898, St Albans 05178 (H) --- Patti t Grsg SMITH (Jsnnilld77, Elng, Ashleigh/81, Avery 84, Tindhy e Shasaieh/86) PO Box Z Chadons 05445 Sy'viat Ed SMITH (Lindsey/84, NathanieyS6) RFD 1. Mantfield 05658 --- Deb E Fred STIEGLITZ-SHELL (Maorl/, Sara/7g, Emilya2, Eva/84) R0 3 Bor 2554. St Abans 05478 (H) --- 6s135 g Linda STIGALL (Audreytg, Mindy,8z) 47 N Uain St, Windsor 05089 Zella VAN OEN BERG t Gary ROoES (Dorianndd). Alerands/84) RR 2 Box 296, Chadone 05.145 --- VERMONT HOMESCHOOLERS ASSOC, PO Bor Katrlna YURENKA, RR1 1002, Middlotorvn Spgs 05757 Box 95. Plainfisld 05667









VA Ad€l€ & Dale ABRAHAMSE (Gussit?8) 714 Albe Barkslrom Btuce LodJst Av, Charbnosvl.llo?29Ol (GuBr/3, Annd8o) 2 TyndalCt, Williarmburg 23185




Michaol& coflene BARRY-REC (Wllio/83, Cry3tay86] Box Tom t Ann EROWN (Toddr's, 1a4,Lexinglon 24450 Mod8r/8) Bor 452, Lottsburg 22551 (H) --- Rtrs8 & Regha CALLAHAN (Genoazg, RyatVSo) 2501 S Hayos Sl, Ar$nglon



CHRISTIAN LIGHT PUBLICATIONS, PO Bor I 126, CLEARINGHOUSE OF ED Hanborburg 2280.|-1126 KC & Rick CHOCE. 1611 N lGnt St fg)s, Atllnglon 22209 22202

DIGKMAN (Autumn/Zr.



Jad(tg, lantg, ArdcoilS2, Cat&182,

221 15 (10 DaviJ e Maty FREED (Mlchaotrts, Aarory6S) 1825 W6l Graco Sl, Rlchmnd (Ana/78, (H) Jessd 23220 Suzanne & John FRIEDRICHS 80, Ita/82) Rt 3 Box 201, Lerlngton 2,145O.-- 166q g Dan (Danilolss, 44l l Colonial Danid67, Susad69, Anitaftz) GIESY Gtegory & Nancl GILLES (Jonalhant6, Dr, Norfolk 23508 Narhanrlg, BrandorySs) 1 1 a0 Cranbrod(, La Oahon 2212'l

Sbnd&4) Rt 1 Box 66D, Ma|8hall






Dan Dsboah HARVEY (Ehynd83) 13e! Borouglbr idge Rd, Ridrtrbnd Latty Loo HETHCOX (Rob€ccd8o, Laura/8z, Hannah/8q An6iy84 Rt 2 Box 419, (10 HOME EDUCATORS ASSOC OF Warrenton 22186 HOME VlRGlNlA, PO Bor 1810, Front Royal2263G1810 SCHOOL LEGAL DEFENSE ASSOCIATON, PO Bor 950, Groal Falls 22066 Tha Patdd( HUGHEY€OMMERS (Edr/80, Noah/8s) Rl 1 Bor 50, Lovtngston 22949 (H) Barbara & Fank JOLLY (Claid83, Skmn/84 PO Bd 33, Wahington 22747 Nid & Gwen JONES (Adany8e, Kevin€s, ChdelindS6) Ors 2z0C MCoEG, Ouantlco 22134 Andrea & Karl KELLER (Pelrd83, ThandSs) Rt I Box gA, Llndon 22642 Korln E March KOLB (Jonnifo/77, RadeU 79, AarduS3) RD 1 Box 420 Spilnghill, Callaway 24067-9618 Mail & Tamml MALTBY (Jo6€ph/83, Julhn/851 128 N NAT'L INSTITUTE FOR Madbon Sl, Staunton 24401













CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATION, RI3 Box 543, Rustbu'g 24948 --- John & Jenniler NE\rrcOMg (ElbabdM/8, Rob€rl/ 81, Willianr'S4) 905 EIbn Dr, Bhdsburg 24060 (H) Lorinda & Ls NICHOLS (Colin/€2, Ellioue4) Rt 3 Box 126F,







ERSLEARN, S15 Falrrmnt 51, Falls Church U042 --- OAK MEADOW SCHOOL, PO Box 71a Bhd(oburg 24060 --- Bufly & Fr€d OSTLUND (lanrr8, Seth/8o, Maureoil8z, lsaarr'84) PO


Box 324, Sing€rs Glen 22850 Llnda OZIER. NORTH VA HoMESCHooIERS NEWSLETTER, 2519 Bud(elotr Dr. Falls Church 22046 Klm & L6lie PAYNE (Hobnrr6, Loorrg, Jean Anne/3l, Sarw8f) S026 Banb Part( Dr, Spol6ylvanh 22553 (H) Linda & Dale PEESIES (Katerrr, ByrorVSO, Elizabeth/83) 2218 oannDuth Dr, AloxandtiamT Ridrafd & Lba PowERs (Pdry/8o, Krbrin/83, Manhew/84 Rr





Bor 121-A-8, MadisonZ2727 --- Elloen RAIZEN (Phillirr/3) 2233 Ch6letlown Dr. Vionna 221S (H) --- Richatd & Nancl REAVES (Ja8orv8:1, JasmindS6) Rl 1 Bor O49, Purcellville HanE, g Harridte ROSENBLATT (Joshua/80.

nl a ---

Oaw t Jeanne ROSS Spring/83) PO Bor 32, Hood 2223 (Becca/8o, Sard&4) 1 1723 Nonh Shote Dr, Reston 2209 Billt Le€ SCHARF (Martid72, Ltl(errg, LynrVS4 2832 Young SETON SCH@L HOME STUDY, Ono Dr, Oakton 22124 BeBy Mke SKELTON Kidd Ln, Frcnt Royal 226:IFSM (Kirt€ily/84) 5020 HQkins Rd, Ridrnpnd 23234 David SLEZM & Denlse ZITO (Markr/8, SuzanndSl, Jo€l/84) Rl 1 (t0 Kb & Lenl SORENSEN Bor t85, Fre€ Union 22940 (Kie.ld60. Nidrola6/69, Wintorr/S, Biorn/&) Rl 2 Box.l88A, Crozdt?2982-aMarlan & Roy SPITZER (VkChlarTt, Lauloy 79, ErennaiSt, Glenil83, GreteUS5) HOMESCHOOLING









Chdslopher & FAMILIES, 9526 Rodeon Rd. Vlenna 22180 Frances STAHNKE (TristarvSil. lvan/8s) 1805 OlnBlead Df, Falb Churdr 22043 (H) LE & Mlko STEVENS (Jacob & Nancta4, RaheySz) 256 Bay Street. Sptingliold 0110+3554 Sharon & John STRAUCHS (Karlidt6. Tifianyt4) 10620 Mary Ellen Mark Runaway Lang, Great 54522955 TEDROW HOME INSTRUCTION SUPPORT GROUP. Robotl Poggy Slr 217 Willorv Ts,r, Slo.ling 22170 TRUETT (Joohud81, l6aac/83, Hannah/86) 7820 Btod( Rd, Ricfirpnd 23227 Larry e Joann€ TURNER (Jenhd8ll Maty & Mafi VAl,,l 3203 Bubank Ln, WoodbfUge 22193 DOREN (H€len/83, Grera/86) RR 2 Box 342-D, N€rv Castle Rogd Sharon VINES (Mautyt7g, Masodgil) 24127 lHl











Wavdly 0r, FredoikiGbutg


Micha6l & 22.101 Doborah WHITE (Leahrrg, LaudSl) 5000 Easlchclor Cir, Jacque & Fred WILLIAMSON (Nalhan/ Alerandrla 22310 3:120



77, Ryanf/9, Racfiey&{) Rt 2 gor 3408, Ctoz€^rc oals & Larry YEAGER (Reb€ccaft7, 0avid/8o)1@8 Bail6 Hill Rd. Mcloan 22101

WA --- Moldm t AnBlh ACHESON Oalilha/7l, Ebad,annq 128 Zaccatdo Rd, Soquim 98382-9607 --- ALTA VISTA COLLEGE PRESS HOME SCHOOL CURRIC, PCI BOT Gigela & Ken BECKER (Dad67, Anka/ 222. Medina ggcltB 69, Wayne?z, Cathodn€46) 7912 Spanan Ct, Olynph 985d1 Joe & Pani BLYSTONE (Seth/8o, Searv83, Dyhd84 CLARK COUNTY HOME EDUCATORS, 28823 NW Main Sl,



Elalne & S.L. CHAN (Jinar/s, Celedezg, Ridgoliold 98&02 Mke & chrl6 Reyna/82, Julku/86) 634-3634, Seattle $lclil CONROY (Justin/44, CrabrieU8S) 260 N Dubb Rd, Atiel98603




Batbata & Matt DRAKE (And€wn7, Johtvoz, Matgd 85) 6812 l"k W6hington Blvd SE, Renton 9805&1012 Mart DUSSELL Nancy HILOAHI (Scotu8z, RadreUS4 32450 Mary ERVIN (Jandt6, Chrb' NE l$th, Duvall tophotlTS) 1q219 Shaon St SW. 98.1*3844 FAMILIES LEARNING TOGETHER, Box 10 Tlger Star Rt, (H)



Colville 99114





#66 - 1989 DIRECTORY


























& oavid LLOYo (ChadidS/t) /t14 Uphnd Rd, B€lwus 98004 --- Stove e Kathy LOGAN (Corir,8, Jchutgl) 14929 Jordan Rd, Arllnglon 9822|i1 --- Kathle$ E Bob MCCURDY (Jo6epav 75. J€88er/8) 509/167-2552 (Spokane) Mark & Gloda McGlNNlS, HOME EDUCATOR'S STAIICHION, 1031 SW 07 Fed€ral way, $o(xl Elnert Naralle MoRTENSEN (Arioy 75, SerThlner/S, Ke[6.V84 5fi0 E Houston Rd, Coupevillo 98en--- NATURAL LEARNING NETUORK, s72s N Elgin, Spokane 9e05 Kathleen & Keth NEAVOR (ArEnda/8O,




KarySa, KaroySs) '141 Bethc Sr, walh walla99362 Perer & M6gan iIOffOLUND (PhlldZ, TheredSo) 916 Bluo Hson Rd. Bq 9841? Panl PITCHER & Stev6 HALL (B€cca/81, Laura/841 540G21st A\,e NE, Seanle 98105 Karh & Dan RAYMOND (Sdhrts, Ve[b/79, Lydta/s) 811 u sr, pofr Townsord 9q|68 (O Davld & Belty RHODES (Katier/6, BenlamlrvSo) 1192:l SE 1861h Pl, Ro|non 98058 lrlylsns SGHOELLHORN & C€rge PUHA (Foresu8'2l2i42-B Cavanaugh Rd, llt Vemon 98273 Llz & Jlmmy SEOORE (Ralna/82) 68tr| F6lor SW Olynpla 98502 (H) Susan SMITH & Jefi ItEDGWOOo (Joslaty86, 18:|7 127 Ave SE, Bellevue 98005 sNoHoMlsH couNTY cHRtsTtAl.l SCHOOL.1215 Olynplc Av, EdrrFnds 98020 TEACHING PARENTS ASSN, 16109 NE 169th Pl, Woodinvllle 98072 Peggy TOFTE (J6*r80, ErldSil) Rt 2 Box 764 Oro,villo S844 (H) Dusty Le8lle WILUAMS (Jes8d8o, Radrsu&4) 1889 H Sl Rd, Blalne 98eD Shery WILSTON (KrbtU76, Shaun/ 77, AarorvSl) SOUIHSOUND ASSOC OF HOMESCHOOLTNG FAMILIES,4ixl3 S 2618t. Kenl 98CXf2 Chud( & Jacki WOOD (Clndyrz Johnr/s, Bed(yn1, Torwg) E.3?12 36rh















NATIVES. HCR 63 Box 7tq Naselle 98638 FAMILY IEARNING EXCHANGE, PO 8ox 7256, Sbokane 99207€256 FCLA A$T WA SPICE GROUP, 56 Bunortleld Rd, YaHnE98901 FCL WEST WA SPICE GROUP. HCR 63 Box 713, Nalolle 98638 Rldlard & Evelyn FOX (Stel,onrf4 13302 Peacod( Hlll Av Nw' Gig Herbof 98aB$8CS (H, Don Mery GARDNER (Bdadn, Nbole/&) TRESTLE HOMESCHOOLERS' ASSOC, 87OS 4lh Pl SE, Eyoron 98AOg Davld & Mary GRAHAM (JeronsTt, DouglastSr Frangcai 80) 1 1 17 N 31 St, Ftenton 98&56 (10 Davld GRANT t, BarbaraSTUEHL|}{G (AmardSsl Ct1 A\€ E, S€attb 98 1 12 Robln & Davld GUTERSON Oaybr/8l, TravWS:|, Honry/8o Venlce l-oop NE, Bainbddge l8land 98110 Paula HARPER-GHRSTENSEN & St+hen CHRISTENSEN PaurrS, Amendd8o, seny85) a418 SE t7th Pt, tss4uah 98O27 Rldisrd Cetherhe HAYWARo, 9'|4 Ma6on 51, Belingham S225 Mark & Helen HEGENER (Jc,l|nnl, Jiu! 76, Jody/8o, Christophe/B1, MbhaeYSSl HOME EDUCATION MAGAZINE, PO Bor 'l08tl, Tonaskot 98455 HEWITT RESEARCH CIR (OR RAYMO|{O MOORE}, PO Box 9, Washougal 98671 Devld & Nene HOGUE {Mylingto, Vabtlelrz,ElatlanS, RedorarSl) 1Pi,5 145:th Av SE, Renron 98058 Roben & Nanct HOLM (Pete/8o, Tyler/83, Annd 85) 9515 Crystd Lako Dr, Woodlnvil€ 9072 HOMESCHOOLERS'SUPPORT ASSN, 2gB5 264th Aw SE, Maple Valley 98038 Many & Sandl HORNE (Erk 82, Kyld8s) 2(124 NW 82nd St, Seettb 98107 Sandl & Many HORNE (Erild82, Kyl6/85) 2e4 NW 62nd Sr, Seanlo 98t07 Mko & Candy JENNINGS (Lewbl73, Gr€ta/8l) Rr 5 Box 341, Va8hon lS $070 Judy & BTcaJOHNSON (Z@na,WrilEn8.\ 1 131 15th Sl, Bollingham 98225 Cad & Stovs KLEIN (Adarn/82) 6708 sth Av NW Seanlo 98117 Rich KNOX & Dobbio CAUTHERS (Mofgan/86) 1655 Madbon Av NE, Bainbrldge lsland 98110 Gony & Dal€ LINK (Jo6iot2, Palfllv84) S 47tS Gldrro8o Rd, Spokane 99223 (H) Julie




(Lodntg, chrbroph eil82, G@tlrcylg7l Rt 2 Box 205, Arkansaw 54.721lBl --. Angelynn BROWN & Eric PAULSON (Lad/80, Kd82) Rl t CTH. G, Hlllpoint 53937 --- Btu€ & Barbara BROWN (Anna Gracezg, Joshua/81, Zadrary/85) Llndl6farne, N'1307 Dalrnan Rd, Walerloo 53594 (Hl Annl6 CHOATE & J€ WAMBACH (T?umarv8s) RR 1 Bor sql, M?lo 54831 (H) Nancy Nick CISAR (KatJu8d8l) 2510 Ksndall, Madison Pat COWAN & Timthy EELL (Willowas, BenFmin/ 53705 78) Rt I Bd 37A Mason !4856 (H)..- Williamt Chsryl DANZ (Lorolol?S, Valoridg2) 731 S Baird St, Grm Bay 54301 T. Scofi DAVIS Diann SIMMONS (Leahr78, Ry/81, Julhn/87) Rl I Box 137, Meon 54856 Jim Jan ERDMAN (Manint6, Wiln8, Ryland/81) Rt 4 Box 298, Tornah 54660 FAMILIES lN SCH@LS AT HOME (FISH),4639 Con€stoga Trall, C.naoe Grore 53527.-- Ja.rBs & Kathls€n FLAHERTY (Patrid/ts, seanrrT. Katetr|/83) N Prc6@, Shorewood '[101 5321 1 Tom & Cathy FRIEDLANOER (B€d(y/8O, Cal€t/8a Petq/8s) Ftt 2, Box Sga Ptnnnh $073 (H) David &












RadToIGRAPENTINE (0a\rid82. Eric/81, WlliadSn Rt 1 Box 45OA Maplo 54854 (H) --- Btlai & Julie GRIDLEY (Apdv8z, Paula/84) 411 E Filth St, Merill 54452 (H) --- H.O.M.E.,


Tower Sl. Onalaska 54650


Jano & Jlm HERMANS

(Anthonyt3, Katherinefrs, Elizabsth/g2) 1644 Habey St, Gfoen

--- Llrda HUGoAHI- 60127 Sun Vallsy Pkwy, --- Keith & Elaino JACKS (Shalirnart6,

Bay 51301-2418 Orogon 53575 (H)

Lahsarig, Arlud82, celina/84 Rt 2 Box Z4C, Ashland 54806 Larry & Susan KASEMAN (B€thr/2, Polorl7s, Grotd|gM/g,


Megarv8l) 2545 Koshkonong Rd, Stoughton 53589 (H) .-Don t Kathy KLEMP (Krls/73, SuzannelTs, Dan/r6. Oavidtg, RichardiSo) Route l, lxonh 53036 .-- Mary E Jlm LICARI

(Vircentt7, Angel€/81) 2133 Lincoln Av, Stevens Point 54481 --- Chris MAYOU & Laily BLACK (Ednt7, Jennyzg, Grsg/84) HOME NETWORK NEWS, W6442 Schilling Rd, Onahska 54650 Alison & David MCKEE (Christehor/7S, Gergina/ S2) H.O.M.E. (Madison Chaptor), 5745 Bitterswest Pl, Madbon 53705 JarFs Michelo MOL0ENHAUER (Joshua/82, JetU86) 4622 Madson Rd, Manitowoc 542?10 Tery & Linda PARRISH (Laurat8, Tord8o, Kate/8s) Rt 2 Box 74, Kondall 54638 Megan & Mark PERRINE (Mika28, Toav8l, Curi/84) Rl I Box 73A, Mason 54856 (H) Ed & Mary PETERSON (Julb/8l, Ely8d8:l) 1428 Woodland Av, Eau Chire 45701 Keith & Mslissa RICE (Stevonr/g. Andria/&4) 1958 Water 51, Stsvons Point 5448 1 Jim & Susan ROZANSKI (Emnry/8/t) 3830 S 43 St t32, Mitwauk6 53220 Linda &










Mko SHEEHY (Brhn/ts. Brandon/t8, Booke/8|) 629 Piper 0t, Madbon 5371 1 --- David t Stoohanie SORENSEN (Abrahar/8o, lsaad82, Ruth/82, Rach6US4) Rt 2 Box 261, Co[ar 54730 (H) --- Cherie & Mark STOIBER (Gings/7s, Kan€r/8) PO Box 1304, Eaglo River 54521 --- Vahrie t, Daryl VAN OORT (Jessicat6, Manh/7g, Nidrohs/8s) W 12691 Hwy AS, Brandon 53919 --. Tootsie WEIER, do Quistod, 519 Riverviow Dr, Manllowoc 54220 (H)



& Billy KUEHNE (KarE/8o, Solomorvga 1&41 Jenile. St, Madbon 53704 (H)..- WISCONSIN PARENTS ASSOCIATION, PO Box 25@, Madbon 53701 UVY


Virginh & Rhhard BARR (DsboratvS0) PO Box

187, Dubois 82513 (H)... WYOMING HOME EDUCATORS NETWORK (WHEN), 158 W Harnsy, Laramis 82070 WYOMING HOME SCHOOLERS, Box 1386, Lyrnan 82937 Kalhy Cmrad ZEITIER (Triciar/l, Holly/8o, Sarah/82) 817 E. 4 sr, Gilsne 827t6 (H)







WV ALTERNATIVES lN EDUCATION. Flt 3 Box 305, Chloe 25435 Ann BOI-ANO A Danny VAN LEEUWEN (SirDnr/6, Rr.b.nrrg) Rtl Box 280A, W6ton 26452 (H)



sfefan czAPsKY e cahy McNULw {Atigaivn,ctyriotTgl 210 Ctde St, Bod(loy 25801 M{gi ELLIOTT & Wibon BASLER (Ena/81. JohrVS4) New Momino Fam, Rr 1 Box 106C, Indirn Mtb 2/t919 (tll C*ne & Nancy ERVINE (Sarah/8o, Robedgil) Rt 3 Bs toq), Harp€.! Fofry 25425 Daw & Sue GlULlAl'lO (J6sfl9, JenndSz) PO Box 261, Red Jadcl 256C --- Amy & Ha[ HllZlG (Jaana/82, Aexandor/84] Rt 3 Box 352, R€nld( 2.1966 (10 Bl[ e Marhnne HUGHES lctqorym,Cla'rr'Tgl Rt 7 Box 67A' N6w Marrlnsvllh 26155 (O Bi[ & Dlane LEEO (Elamr/8, Em]rd8o, Woody/8l, El|lah/86) Box 1 144, Fdars Hl[ 249ip --- Ph[ e Kaftleon NEETZ (JoshuafrS, Cd€U8o, Naomy84) Rt I Box 216, Bud<hannon 26Q01 --- Barbara & John PLUNKET (OrioMt6, Jddl8) Rl 3 Bor 816, HarpoB Fony 25425 (Hl Jill & J.W. RONE (H+pyl8ot Fll3 Box 191, Befidsy Sprlngs 2541t Linda & Bob T}IOMPSON (AlissalBl, RobbidST) HC g' Bor 828, Caldrell 24P5 WEST VA HOME EDUCATION ASSOCATION, FO Bd 268, Glenvllle 26351 t'vEST VA IJOME EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION, PO Bor 7501,









Charlolon 25356


Marcts & Jan HUNT (Jason/81) VICTOFIA HOMESCHooLERS, 4 Elhos Pl, VkXoria VgA 743 8ifl & Madey ILLERBRUN (KurU82) Rhon Rd RR 3, Ladysmith VoR 2E0 Mh JONGKINO (Yonasr/s, Dalnasr/6, Dobos/8o, Brna E Vanya/S3) RR 2 Southvkrw Rd, Povoll Rivd VgA /tZ3 (H) Stophanio JUoY Jony WALKER (Te8sa/82) Box 40, Slocan Park VoG 2E0 (H) Denie KNOPP & Loe LARKIN (Angkt81, Wyav83, DoanndS6) 47330 Ertrom Rd, Safdls VzR l81 (H) Cathdine LEBREOT Mike WOODS (Apdus3) Box ,183.







--- Elizabeth MACDONALD & Mafi JUKES (Ailon/78, lsidg', Shaindss) Gdoral Delh,ory, Gray Cred( (Slsvento, Bruc6tl) VOB 1SO -- Etta & Uan MARTINELLI Chalham Pt Ll8ln, PO 8ox 657, Carpbell Rivor WW dJ3 (Hl --- Lynn & Oavld MIDDLETON (AndroMl, Jondhant4, Bsnjamint8, KalldSl) ?095 FVnn Pl, N Vanctr.rer V7P 3H8 -: Ni* & Linda MoRRls (KailartS, Emily/7g, Annd8l, Ben/ 84) RR t1, Wnhw VOG zJO -- Victor & Edilh NEV\ilAN (ManonlTZCaeyns, EllotvSo) 1971 Kaltasin Rd, RR 1, Soolra Tolino VoR 2S0

--- Tim ROBERTS t Janet CURRIE l$s|,arttTl, Elis€r8l, srefarvSs) 3&1 120 Summit Av, Vidoda V8T 2P7 -Soan e Lillian SLY (AndresnT, Mdlh€tvr/g, Healhr/82) Konp Lk Rd RR f4, Sod(o VoS lN0 (H) --- Erlc & Carcl SIEPHANSON (H.tdns, Adaill7z, Pots/8tl, Jooy83) 1721 Garn€a Rd, Vbloria VBP 3C9 -.- Lynne & Nava THUNDERSTORM (LoaUl t, Rav€rt8o, Rorg4 Gen Dsl, Tolegraph Crod( VoJ 2W0 (H) '- Loo WEHRWEIN & John GILBERT (Sa€rvard/81, Sasdra/83, Obar/86) 21 Huron St, Viloda VBV VGS 1N0

4Ve (Hl

TIAN... MANITOEA ASSOC FOB SCHOOLING AT HOME, 89 Edka Cfss, Wnnpog R2G 3Hg David & Mog MCCONKEY (Allan/77, Mad</&4, Chre/86) RR1, Brandon R7A 5Y1 Chades Lily SMALL (Jotly/81, Beniy/83, Shawna Joy/86) 1031 oorciosls; Av, Winnheg R3M 0Rl (H)... Brian & hene TODD (Cathit7, Ksithrfg, Glonda/82) Box 1 58, Kanlon RoM 020 (H)





NB Mary Ann COLEMAN & Ed EUSTACE (J6sicr' $fn1s6 g Ssm 77, Albontg) RR t4, Suss€r EOE 1P0 (H) GREENLAW (Caral78, Jand8o, KitU82, Megsr/8s) North Hsad, crand Manan EOG 2M0 Brucs & Juli€ Koan MARKS (Raissazg, Josid8a Zo€r&1) Box 62, Elgin EoA 1P0 Susan PITMAN & Paul JAmUES (Gabi€ri8, Satah/81, lsaiah/83) RR t3, Norton Em 2N0 (H)




(Willowi84, Rqyar/84 NS -- Sian & Hugh MdEAN Bhd( Ar/on, RR f2, Heathonm BoH 1R0 (H) --- Bruce a Carole SKINNER (Mark/69, Nidrolag8l, Jo6hua/84, Sarah Clorrd/87) RR


Hubbards BoJ I T0


ONT A HOME SCHOOLER'S NEWSLETTER.26s Marga ANTORAUOSEPP Bull€r St, Woodslock t.l4s 382 & Andres RAUDSEPP (Hannoz3, Rai.rz6, LainetS, Jako/3o, Jarvi/8s) 20 Pap€birch Dt, Don Mills M3G 2E7 Andrew BLAKE, 17 Mohawt Av, Port Cr€dil LsG 3R5 CANADIAN ALLIANCE OF HOME SCHOOLERS. 195 Maftville Rd, Freda DAVIES (Ksvhtl) Souii Gilliss Unionville L3R 4V8 PoT 2Vo Glen & Chrb DICKSON (Helen/86, BrlarVSS) Box 1914, Marahon PoT2E0 Karon DIXON (CarollndEo) 143 Betner Trail, Scabotough MIB t85 (H) $siba7s








GAUTHIER Simon/7g, LervldSl) Box 627, Vankle€k Hill KoB 1R0 oeborah & Norrnan @LLEOGE (Jamid83) RR t2, Unorson PoB lMo (H) Lloyd GREENSPOON & Mxell BILLOKI (B€njarintT, Noah/7g, Abrany82, Reub€rv85) (H) RR Ciore Bay PoP lH0 Shannon & John GRESHAM (Sard82, Ellyn&4, Hailey/86) 35 Ellen Sl, W Kitcherier Nzll4K1 Calherino & Rodofo HENNGS (Aiden/ 81, PauldS6) 78 Bingsman Sl, Kitdloner N2H 2Sl Brian & Lonore KILMARTIN (Jonathan/83, CatherindS6) 242 Mbsissaga St, Od(ville L6L 3A9 Clive & Glonda KNOWLES nd'oans, ld,ar7,n6, Michaoy84) 609 PiB lshnd Mary E Alex MOLNAR (Nldlolast4, Emily/ Cr6s, Watorloo 77, RacheUSO, Marlhtg3, Molly/B7) 23 DillSl, Krtdrsner N2G 112 Kay & Scon NICOLL (AmyA3, lliv86) 334 Pe€l St, N# Harburg NoB 2G0 ONTARIO HOMESCHooLERS, Wade & Bor 60. 260 Adohido St E Toronto MsA 1N0


CANADA: ALTA Nicfiolas/8s)


John E Lawreen AHLF (Benbminl9z, Bu 6, Edson ToE OPo ALBERTA HOME SCH@LING INFO SERVICE, l6 Fonda Cbss SE, Calgary T2A 6G3 Leslio AYRE-JASCHKE & Eric JASCHKE (Pa!U 79, Muklg2't Box 221 5, Peace Rivsr ToH 2X0 (H) HOMESCH@LERS ASSOC OF NORTHERN ALBERTA. 11415 €rd Ave Edrmnton T6J 0Y2 Shoila MaCLEAN & K6n SMITH (Jenny & Dawv8z. Heather/86) Box 716, Srpky (Hl Lako T0A 3CO Kelly HeO NYOUIST (B?oclv8o, Greg/ 82, ArieySS) 2697 Ave A S, Lethbridge TIJ 1N3 Sandy & Hal PAULSON (Sktrrg, Klnv83) 10968 35 Ave, Edmton T6J 2V3 John E Mailene PEACOCK, RR 4, Rlnbey TOC zJO lGlhy & 8ob ROLLHEISER (Krlsrr8, Lba/80, BtoU84) Box










2609, Peao River ToH 2X0 (Hl --- Pat & C,€rt VAN BUTSELMR (Pdrlck & Michad/7g) Box 2656, Peaco Ri\€r ToH 2X0 (H)

gsiry g 1srry BEER (Jodyn7, RobirvSo) Gen BC D€|, Lund VoN 2G0 (H) Bruco & Llnda BURROWS (Kyld 76, CarrEn/66) Box 166, Sointula VoN 3E0 Ridrard & Kathorfne CAMPBELL (Jo€n4, Heldf75, Dat@yn7. f 'o'!ng, Vi?ginid8o, HaF/82, Ryan/84) RR 1, Slte 42, Unit 2, Blad( Cro€k \,oR lCO EDUCATION ADVISOFY,2267 Kings Aw, W Vancouver V7V 2C1 HOME LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE, 18056-59 Av, Clo\rordalo V3S 1P7


















Tofssa PITMAN (ManhewnT, Usat8, DanieuSl, Jotorny/84) 1235 Redbank Cres. Oalryille L6H 1Y4 --- Robetl & Monica REID (Elizaborh/82, Parrid/&4, hn/84 Po Bor 1347, Wndsot NgA 6R3 --- Jan t Lsn ROACH (Nalhanbng, Bonwsr/82, Kondra/8s) 75 Stuad Av' Williltdale M2N 182 --- Jim ROSS t Anne OUICK (Polv/8l, Jonny/83, ChrbtlntS6) 1 1A W Lynn Av, Toronro M4C 3W --. Phll e Mary Lmn SAUNDERS (Jo€y/ S0, Angola/83, B.ianl8s, Timrry/88) RR 1, La Saletlo NoE IH0 (H) --- Frederk* SCHUELER & Alera KARSTAo (Jennile/86) BbhoF Milb RR f2, Oxlord Station Km 1T0 -- SIDNEY LEDSON SCHooL, 3g Ovorlard Dt, Don Mills M3C 2C3 --Carole SMITH E Stehon BYRNE (Kalbft8, Dan/S1, Hg|ryl8s) PO Box 82, Mcoonalds CometB KoG 1M0 (H) --- Helmi a


John WIEBE (Aaor/g1, SamueyEs) 73 Harburg NoB 2G0

St Apt 1 , Now


Parn & Rell MARTIN (Seamusts, Sager/S, PE Mlcah/8o) 8or 24a Cornwall COA 1H0 (H)


Klm & Vlnco DUFORT (Clakd8l, Abtahtd&4) 7m Do Nofrnandie, Bouchqviilo J4B 5S7 OUEBEC HOMESCHOOLING ADVISORY, 4650 A.adi.L Ladrine H8T 1N5 Lily & Chalss SMALL (Jefiy/8l, Beniy/83, Shawna/86) 1315 Ridgs$,ood Or, Chomodey, Laval H7W 1L4 (Hl Danny & Tereea TITTLEY (Nalharf6, Naom!?S, Cal€U8:t, Par Tidprhy/86) 30 Vlctoria, Pdnre Chhe HgS 4S3 (Hl WALSH & Srephen MORRISSEY (Jakaaq €59 Rl 138,






Huntlngdon JoS 1 H0

Gbda t Hetrgn BOERMA (EriMZg, Laufey S1) SASKATCHEWAN HOMESCHOOLERS, 1710 Prin€ ol Wdes Av, Saskatoon S7K 3E5 -- Bd & Loubo CARLSON (lngtidn0,Etic/Tzl502 Wilson Cr6, Saskaloon S7J 2Ml --Ff€d & Gyven FUNK, SASKATCHEWAN HOME-BASED EoUCATORS, Bd I 13, Neville SoN 1T0 --- Dersk VOPNI & SASK


Rabocca HANKINS-VOPNI (Alicia/8o, OtriJ/82, Aaroni8s) Box 388 Tlsdale SOE lTO

ELSE:WHERE: Rayrmnd & Joan BURLE

(R.Jt1, Edwudn3, Patrbkrts) LACFE (AVS@M) San Francbco CA $301-0066 (Sood, S Korer) --- Bill t Eva CHAPKO (Jasonrtg, Jonnifot/8z. oanlou 85) c/o STATIC, Piuza Caiioli, 45 98100 Me6slna ltdy Oaw & Joan GROVES Olmonr/s, AusliivSo) PO Box 317, Chto HARNEY APO NY 0940G5361 (Thc Azorer) Sranlslaw KLACZANY (Paleys/t, StephanidS6) Vanadby '14l Arr & L6lio HICKS (4 6 113 31 Srod(holm Sw€d€n childfon agod 2-8) Flt Op6. Bd 8778 Tarruning, Gurm 96911







HOLT (Dotolhea/81) USAE IBERLANT Box Bon & Reb€l€h 36, APO NY 09678{001 (Portugrl) (H) ISRAEL (Rachouso) 2CY8, Blod 1 1287, Givd Eden, Zichron Ya*ov Nigel& Lynda NORTON (lsahil8s) PO Box 607, Colonla, Yrp FSM, !rcI96943 PANAMA SUPPORT Torn GROUP, PSC Box 1578 APO Mlaml, Florlda 34m1 & B€th PEACE (Lbydn2,Phill{74't Leticla Arna2onas, Co{or*ir Mark & Peggy STEELE (Satnr/7, Atton/t8, Kovinng) PO Bor 3783, Damrnan 31481 (Sruli Ardfe)..John & Kathy SZYMANSKI (Johnt8, Matusl, Mary/&l) CARITAS, Casa de Cursilloe, Apdo 31 Avda. Lbortador, Bafqubirn€to, Venszueh Slddhanha & Shashi VOHRA (Abhbhek/8l) Disney Sch@|,l 16A-Civil Lln€6 Batoilly (U.P.) Craty


hfsl ---





lndir --- Ron & Marty WAGNER (Heath€rr/3, Aaron/ 79, Nichohsa2)Box 24, APO NY 09406 (The Azon!)



AUSTRALIA =:: ACCELERATED CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, PO Box 10 Strathplne, Old ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION RESOURCE GROUP,39 Wllliam Sl, Hawthorno, Vic.3122, Meboumo Anna & John AUSTIN (Paul/8o, David/81) 2 Bullen Av, Mitdram, Viciorkr 3132 (t0 John & Hsathor BARTON (lbar/g, CanpbolyS3) 31 Sharp Sl Norvtown, Cleelong, Vi:toda3220 (H) BRISBANE HOME SCHooLING GROUP, 148 Honson Rd, Salisbury 4107 Vetonica CROWTHER, 26 Sunhill Rd, Lil€r Tenpl6towo, Vk oft 3107 Andrsa FULLER (Ry/81, Jessba/8it) PO Bd







-- Jsy @DK|N37 Wsntworlh --- HOMESCH@L NEWSLETIER, l8 Arnold Av, Keltyvillo 2157, NSW --- 996 glypSON, 10 Hillsi(b Pde Glen lrb 31{6 --- Ehvan VECELLIO & 1187, Porl Llncoln SA 566 Av, Caderbury, \,fidoria 3126

Shah PARSONS (Lotbnn&, Elhl8(]', lanthd&4, ArnayaiS6) Daram Upper Bulll Cd( Rd Byabana 2446, Via Wauchope NSW


GERIIANY Robort & Llllkmna KLIM (Nidolad8l, Kary83) Hcidoberg HS, APO NY09102{@5 Jad( & Mary SEAGROVE Qc€/:n, All'rn', MbhelletTs, JetU82, Allbon/8s) 569th PSC APO Now Yofi 09178 Diolmar & Margy WALTER (Cardd81, Ingd84, SlsvsrvS6) Flnksrvog 14,7311





Nanct & Bwget


(Viviqvn, Mehnie/84)

Am Waeldchen 8, 0-6240 Ko€nigstoin 4 (H)

(Jacobi8o, Marcid JAPAN -- Mark t Shhloy LUTTIO 4-4-3 Dalnohara, Sendai Shi 980 --- Cynthia & Motohfl(o MAKI (lsdrln/84, NaomyS6) 13 Naka-rnachi, Nbhio-shi, Abhiksn 445 (H) --- Hito6hi & Jan€t OHUCHI (Minat77,Kaing, KaorySo) 138$16 Yarnanaka, Yarnanakalo-rura, Minami Tsurugun, Yamanashi-kon T4O1-05 (H) Kalhl@n REAGAN & Chri6 ROCHESTER (Kaths.ind84, Christopho/86) Foroign Sorvics Inst, Field Schod FPO Seattl€,98761 (H) &4)


PUERTO RICO Max & Conny CHOW(Jlng-rn€y8o, Calle Barranqultas 5e, Apl 1-B Santurce @9O7 Ma'alyn & Ted ORTIZ (Eustebz6, JamidSo) PO Box 31 15, Gurabo 0065&31 1 5 PUERTO RICO HOME SCHOOLING ASSOCIATION, 503 Ba|be St, Santurca @912




UNITED KINGDOII-- Flona & Richard CHAFF (Tarnsin/8s) Stoud, Loch6nd, Shethnd Jane & Frank DONEGAN (S€arv8o, BrendarvS3. Conor/84) Cl@nnabinnia,



Moycullen, Co. Gahyay, lrehnd (H) EDUCATION OTHERWISE, 25 Comrnon Ln, Hsmingford Abbots Canbs PE 18 gAN Enghnd Jill & Robsrt GILLINGS (Jqftg, Liany83,


Zod85) Ballagbnney Farrn Rona0ue Castletown, lsle of Man Brltish lsles --- RO & Babara SHEPPAFO (Ellid8o, Martha/ 83, Atlk /87) 65 Oxtord St Rugby, Warwil(ghhs, Enghnd CV21 3NE (H) -- Christine WILLARD (Satah/8a 5 comwall Avo, Flndrl€y, London N3 Enghnd -- UTORLD-WIDE EDUCATIONAL SERVICE, Strcde Hou6e,44lf0 Osnaburgh St London







55723 Tanager Rd, Yucca


Alphr Omgr Publlcluon3, PO Box 3153, Tenpe AZ 85281; @2438,-2717 Alu Collogo Presr Home School Curric, PO Box 222, Modina WA 98039; ?o6-45$7Ug

Ancrlcrn llonE Acldomy

llrbdrl., 270 S 1000 W, Pefry

uT 84302

Amorlcrn In iltub of ll[lc. MPO Bor 1706 ood 140, Niagara Falls NY l43A) Arnedcrn Sdrool,85O E 58th, Chicago lt 6O6i!7 (hlgh sdrool) A..oclrted Chd.thn Schoolr, PO Box 271 1 5, Indi.napoli6 lN

4@7i317{81-713e. Brlghrm Young U-Ilept of Independent Sndy, 206 HarrEn Continuing Ed Bldg, Provo UT 84602 C.lyart Sctool, 105 Tuscany Rd, Baltirbre MD 21210

Ctrirrlrn Liberty Ac.demy,502 tL

W Euclid Ave, Arlington Ht6


Ctrl.lirn Lloht Publlcrtlom,


2&1-1l26j7034344768 EducrtoE Puuirhlng Service,

g*u Glenn


Box 1126, Harrisonburo VA

T5 Moulton St, Canbddgo MA

7251 Bass Hwy, St Cloud MN 32769

lbwltt-iloorc Child OeyeloFrpil Cf,

PO Box 9, Washougal

WA 98671: 26-835-8708

Hom€ Study Alt6rnrdvs School, PO Box 10356, Nswport 8e*h CA 92658 Home Stidy In Ulut , 6940 Carroll Ave, Takorna Pad( M0 ?o912i 2o2-723-08W Internltlonel In tltut , PO Box 99, Park Ridge lL 60068 |,.!rnlng Al Homo, PO Box 270-G, Honaunau Hl 96726 llvlng lbdtrgo Aodemy, PO Box 1438, Lewbvillo TX 75067 Nalionll Bool Co. 333 SW Park Ave. Ponland OR 9720S




No€lins BARKLA




Abboil Loop Ctulttlrn Clr,2626 Abbon Rd, Andtotago AK 99507

Atington Acrdemy, 176 Main St, Ydrp|Jlhpod MA


(Capo Cod only)

Alohr Kid. Ac.demy,4640 SW 182, Aloha OR 97007; 5C3 642.1094 local

Alphr Chdrtim School, Rt 1, Polry KS @73;91$597-5822

Anrrlcen lbritrge CFi36rn Acdemy, 9027 Calvine saqamnro cA 95829: 91e682-2382 Iho Arche., 70214 Thundorbird Dt, Tucson AZ 85708


Arivcr Corulty School, PO Box 24, Ariva€ Az 85601 Bddwin Pr* Clrl.trn School, 13940 E Merced, Baldwin Pad( CA 91 706; 916-An7€829

Cdr Prrrvsl

Srbllib School.,91$232-9721



School, R0 1 Box 95, Smyrna NY 13464 Cmcrds Crnyon School, /15934et (San An8ol.m, CA) Chrirtrn Chipel School., 190 S Brsa Cyn Cul-ott Rd, Wdnut CA 91789; 714-598-9733 Cful.dan Fsnily Educrtioml s€rulc€!, PO Bor 47159, PhGnix AZ 85068 Dryrtir Educrtioml Exchrnge, 1S603 Hwy 1, t121, Ft &agg

cA 95437 Di.covery Chrillirn School, 5547 Alabarna Dr, Concofd CA 94521; 41 5-672-5670 N Dato f4:1, Msa Az 85201;9@-4@'l Graslroott Free School,245g Grdsroots Way, Tallahassse FL 32301: 54-656-$29

High lbrdow. 60 Gatehous€ RD, New Paltz NY 12561;914255-88/.2 Home Bered Educetion Progarm, Clonllrr, 1289 Jewetl St, Ann Arbot Ml 48104: 313-76+4515 Joln Holl L.rnfng C6nbr, PO Box 2261, Twin Falb lD

8:l3dl;208-734S218 l'or?nang CmrFctlon, 635 Batbara Dr,

Grant]B Pa88


97526:503{&5686 Urden School, 572 Militaty, Banlo Cts€k Ml 49015;616-$+ 2577 UtUe Plney School, Rt 1 Box 20, Ns$,burg MO 65550 Uttlo k Homo School, $69 E l8rd, Hastings MN 55033; 437-3049

lhgic llerdow School, PO Box 29, N San Juan CA llebr School., PO Box 427. Ro6haton TX 775&l


llorning Glory Privete School, PO Box 20, Ft White FL 32028 flounl Vsnon Acrdemy, 184 Vine Sl, Muray UT 84'!07 lft crrml Acrdemy, RO 1 Bor 1737, Walewill€ VT 0549

llmcio Clr.i.liln sch@|, A0

S 65th, Kanoas City MO 66111;

9t3-788-3018 North Long Berch Cllwry Chlpel, 132 E Arlosh BIvd, Long Beeh CA 90805: 213428-5166 O.l lib.dow School, PO Box 712, Blacksbutg VA 2{060;80$ 646.4510 Pilgrim Chrilti.n School,3759 E snh Sl, Maywood CA 90270; 21 3-585-31 67 Pifgrim School, 531 N Balna, Portervilla CA 93257im-7820402 Pimwood School. Rt 2 409. Pine CO 8O479i 838-4418 Pitbburoh Urbln Chrl3trn Co!|. School,412-3A-OC4 (PAl Rocly Mountain tligh Aademy, PO Box 418, Flora Vbta NM

3784; 503-228-6345


o|rr Lrdy of Vlclory School, PO Box 5181, Mission Hilb CA

Saddlsbrck Vclcy Cr, Box 912, El Toro CA 92630;714-85$



Pon rcoh Chrlltan Cor,erpordqrca School, Box l8@0,

Santr Fe Communlty School, PO Box 2241, Sanla Fe NM

Psn8acola FL 32523

87501: 505.471-6928

Phoarilr Spocid Rogrrm., 3132 W Clatendon, Pho€nh Az

School ot Horp Le.rning, PO Box 92, Escondido cA 92@5; 619-749-1522

85017 (hlgh


Rod & Stdl PuHi3hol., Crocken KY 414 13: 606522-434S soton School llorno Strdy, One Kidd Ln, Fionl Royal VA ?263G3332;703{36-9$0 Sllll Educruon l S€rvlco., Box 1079, Sunhnd CA 91040 818-352-2310 . Box 209, Kendrid( lD 83537:20&27&


-(Eliz$elil8o, Jand83, Thomas,/87) 17 MererB;e Rd, RD 12, Hawera, Newzsaland -- 6ap1j y"a SROWN (Glegory/8l, Slovon/83, SlrsrS4 167 Tolara Or, Harnllton (t0 -PRUNES, 120 Eskdale Rd, Audland 10 -- Pel91 & Jill WHITilORE (Thom6/'75, Ben/r4 58 Jollboo Rd, Panmuts, Auckhnd 6 (Hl

Privato Gchools enrolling ot hobing

GAT.E School. 1725 Abililio. Reroildr A.rocleb.,

Tertbool. for Prent

NW1 3NN England


U ol

l{ebn.k. hdcpendsnt

Stndy }ogh School, Conlinuing

bd.on School,3:l

Stdy Dhectory: lLl'l HonF Strdy Councl,

1601 lSlh

St NW. Wash DC 20009. For high schol, collsgs and grad coursos, soo PETERSoN'S INDEPENDENT STUDY CATAOG, availSle trom Holt Assodales, 22@ Mass Av, Carbridgp MA q214o, for t8.95 +

Ovorland Dr, Oon Mille, Ont,

Canada M3C 2C3:.116.447-5355

CM.trn School, 1215 Olytrpic Ave, EdrDnds WA 98@O; n&n 1 -1793 StoMoor lfll. School, 3 StononFor 0r. Pu€Uo CO 81005; 303561-3510 Summit Ctri.dln Addemy, 13789 Nool Rd, Suil€ 100, Dallag Snohomirh County


Symore Tre,

Ed Clr Rm 2@. Llncoln NE 68583


Sldn y


79 Moyer Pl, Costa




71'f -

650.4466 TEACH. 4350 Lakohnd Aw, N Robbinsdale MN 55422 Win&mg Lltelchool, 1$9 S. Main Sl PomonaCA 91766; 714-6?2-3r''25







\ryldrltr TarcHng Prront, 316264-9063 KY: Krntucky llome3choobtr, 3:l l0 llllnob Ave, Laiisville 4@

you wrlte lo

th*e grouF,

ploaso lond a SASE. Uso Internalional Poetal Coeons oulsido ot


Stete or Local Groups

l,lr; LoriCrnr Clilzenr tot Horrr Educldon,

Alrblr lbr:


819 Joryne Dr, Montgonpry 36100;20t277-1614 Rt 3 Box dl3, Conondale 35453

AK: Vdby Hn:..fioob. ]5lwort, SR Box S!704 Wa8llla 90687; 3761615 AZ: Ad:om FmllL. toi Hom Edrcrton, dlg E Klno Dr, Mesa 85203; $4-7435 l{omo Sdrool EJpplL., 1125 E Ould( Draw Pl, Tucson 857.19 PrFot A..oc of Hoor SdrooL. 8166 W Highland, Pho€nh 8503 Tuc.on llom Edlcrtlon l5trort,7C21A Thunddbhd Dr, Tucson 85708 A8: Artril.. Chrl.trn llom. Educrdon A..oc, 12.11 1 Sardls Rd, Mabelvale 72103 il.lbour! Seporf Gror?, Mobourn€; 36{,-4117

Prrunl Edrcdor.;75&3786

Crlllonl. Honr Ed CL.rlnghor., PO Box 1014, Placorulll€ 95667-1014 Cmti for Edlcdloill, PO Bor 445, N San Juan 95960; 91s42-$2il CHdrn ]lom Educrtor. of cA, PO Box 2864/t, Santa Ana 9799; 7t4-5i17-5121 CHrtrn Ho|fr Educrlor. of Lo. Angpb. Co, PO Box 1888, Norwax 90651;213-924-3239 Commu{ty Educrtlon GrDtt , PO Box 445, N San Juan 95960

Co.t llonE Edrc.ror., 3345 Sanla Pauh Dr, Concod 9451 8; 82G4580 FCLA Nortr CA SCc. Crilp, 38'12 Holloway Ln, Carnichael 95608; 916-971-3987 FCLA Soutr CA SCca Grorp, PO Bd 912, El Toro 9ffi0;714-24$1395 l|ont3|€y County Home [rrme., PO Bor /1667, Salinas g]912;408-663-5324 llor$ Cqrily llomrcfioollng Clr, 1225 S Boyle Ave, Escondido 9?o27i619-74e.45€7 Nodh Srnt Cl.n V.[ey ]br|D chool$.,7$ Sheralon Dr, Sunnyvale 94097 Norlh.|n Cdl|ornl. Hom..fpofor. A$oc, 2214 Granl St, Borksley 94700i 41$&48-1969 Prnnt !o? Horn D.volop|nnt 18441 RoborB Rd, Rh,€rslde 92504 Prrln.|l. llomc.fioolG?.,2427 Gran6y, San Jc€ 951g) $n lxsgo Hom.droohr., 3681 Mt Adars Avo, San Diogp 92111 S.n G.lrLMby ]lomcrohoolr'.. a€6 W. Laroy Av, Arcdia 91@6 Sbm ]|ooL|t, PO Box 74, Mldpinea 95345 Sonomr Co|'itt Hoft!..fiooL||, l3a7 Gfand Ay, Santa R6a 93104 Soolh Vdby HomrchooL?. A..n, Box (F1, San Manin 95046 Yolo County Hom..drooLr., PCI Box 3xF, Espano 95627; 91$787-3613 CO: Colomdo lbrm Edscrdm At.oc, 5532 Bedford Ct Donver 80?39 Colondo Ho.|| Edrcrto]t'A..oc, 1616 1Ah Box 372, Donwr 80292 Colondo HorF S.fioollng Ltwort, 74$ W Apadte, Sedalia Sol3S; 30+63&4136 Colondo Sprlng. Ho|m.drooh|r, 2906 Mili|m Rd, Cobrado Springs 8o$9 Irouglr. Co Hm.afioo|3fl, 8/tl-5267 Fon Coilil Hom.drooLr., 49+1209 Hom. Edrcdor. Rc.orrc. ErdilE. (HERq, PO Box 13q|8, Aurora 80013 llOllE, 1015S. Craylord St Sulo 226, Dowor80209, sszll-HOME Norlh.|n Colorrdo llorn S.fiool A..oc,4721 Harbor Vlew Ln, Ft Colllns &5?6 CmEr

hlro{hov.r (}orp,

4sG(Xns Souit &fisr.on Co Hofir.choohr., 978{707 Tclb? Co Hom..fioollr{ A..oc, 6876722

G[i Corrrc|lcut Hemccfroolrn A..oc 98 Bahe Rd, De€p River 01101 ; 2@5e&9762 Emrx.Fl Homd..d, PCI Bor 355, S Woodstod( @67:2CB-974-2416


t rglr ol Prliltr (HELPI, PO Bor 2q3, Abinglon



fE: lLhr lbrF.chool A..odrdon,

PO Box 32€9, Auburn C14240

fDj B.ltmof. lb|rI.choolln! Contrct 2l l t Eastem Av€, Banitrpre 21Al;27s5130 Ch.l.drn Horr Schoob ol \ llD, PO Box 564, Curtotland 21502;301-75$9258 Frnr crntsnd lormlng Aroc of Arrp Anndel, 85G4496 Fredrlck Co support C*oup, 6521 Moningsue Ct, Middlstfln 21769 lh.ylrnd Hoflr E4lclton At.oc, 9085 Fhmepool Way, Colu.rbia 21O45; 73G0073 ilontgornery Co ${port Group, 268?l Howatd Chapol Dt, Darnascus 20872-lA7i91-25c 5/,67 13020 Blainrpro st, B€llsville 20705; 301-572-w7 Prlnc. Goorgo. Suppon Group, 3/1ff487 [&. Appl! Courtry Hom3choollng A..oc, PO Box 246, Harvatd 01451 ; 617-45F3688 Hom€.chool6r. ol Ir.. Educrdm Club, 617.16S3647 or 787-5949 (Bo6ton) Kirch.n School Croup, PO Box 96, W Boxlotd 01885;617-352-2023

Ift.. Hon t rrJng A.roc, 1 6 Anderson Rd, Matboto 01 752; 61 7.45G3688 South Shor. lb||r chool€.r, 16:l Hingham 51, Roddand oan70; 87&80*l Wore.t€. Araa Hons.chooling Orgirizrlion, 246 May St f2, Wo(ce6ter 016(P;617-7559553 Uli Copppor County Educrlion Coop, PO Box 713, Houghton 49931 lll*. Frmi[o. ll|Jrlwing Ufelong Ltrur]., 2452 Southcrest Av, Maplorood 55119 Frrgo-tloceherd Home.chool Asa, 19o+8th Sl S, Moorh€ad 56560 lliilr A3.oc Ol Chrl.lirn Home Educrtd3, Box 1/t:}26, Minneapolis 55414 lliilro.otr Horp School Netyrork,96@ E 123rd, Hstings 55d13 (612-437-3049) us: lli$lrdppi llorcrchoobrr Asoc, Rt 4 Box 436, Ps Chti8tian 39571 UQ: F.milis. lor Hom Educrton, 1525 W Lsxington, Ind€ponden€ 64052; 81GgS q255 SFlngfi€ld Ar€| H,omcchooler., Rt 1 Box 193, FairGro\ro 65648 Sr Loul. Soultr Co|,rrty Support Group, @1 Madison, Amold 63010 fI: Flrtho.d Vdley Hom€.chooler. A!.n, Kalisp€ll, 257-5123, 892-4052, 75$2oab Homechool€r. ol llmtrru, 8ox 40, Billin$ 59101 llontrnr Hor€cchoolerr Axoc. PO Box 95, UIM MT 59485s5 STATES


NE: Fsmont A'3r Suppotl Grot.P, 727-1675 LEARN,7741 E Avon Ln, Linc€ln 685O6i402{64{551 Llncoln Aror Horn63chooler., 1 821 Oakdab, Llncoln 68506; 40248+1 196 l€b.r3kr Homs School At oc, Box 1245, Colurbus 68601 ilebrr.h Indep, Homolchoolor3 l{etwoil, 8010 Ullibrk ge Sl, Lin@ln 68506 OPEI{, 79s Raven Oaks Dt, Odaha 681 52; rt02-572-8515


Horn€ Sohool.

Uriledvegr3 Vdl6y,

PO Box 2681


Las Vegas 89126; 702€7G

9566 NH: New Hampatiie HoltE Educ.lo]r A$oc, 9 Mizoras Dr, Nashua 6062 llew llrmpcHrc Hor€ Sdrool! ]lewdEttBr, PO Box 97, C€ntot Tutlonboo 03816 UL Homrchooler. of Soutt Je.t€y, Rt 2 Burnl Hollse Rd, Vinconlown o8og8 ]U F.mlly School. A.!oc, RD t2 Box ?36, Calilon 07830 Su!|Gr County tlorr Educeton Org.nizrum, 87S178 Un choofen lfstwo?k, 2 Smith St, Farmingdds onn; 201-938-2473 Xf; New llerico Frrnlly Educrtor., 678 Lisbon Av SE, Rio Rancho 87 24 1


Hom€ Educrtor., PO Box 13383, Abuquerque 87192 Nil Chrl!0an Horn€ Educrton, 7417 Santa Fe Tfail Nw' Albuquerqu€ 87120 NY: Cenlnl NY Hon|etchoolo]!, Side HillSprings,8ed€r Rd, Skanoatsl€s 13152;3lS

STATES D.K EL: ForidrA..octorSchool.rtHorE,lO00Devil'sDip,Tallahass€e32309i878-2793 Florld. Pftcnt{drc.torr A$oc, 945 Woodrun Rd, Pensacoh 3251+5519; 90t477-94t2 Homo.choob?. ot Lr. County, 841 t Charter Club Cr t1206, Ft Msye|s 33907; 813-4814713 qA: G.orglir lor Fncdom ln Educetlon, 4818 Joy Lans, Lilburn S247

llo|'frtrln llomsc$ooler., Fh I Box 1426, Claylon S525 lAi lowl Frrdllc. for Chr|rtrn Edrc|tlm, RR 3 Bd 143, Missoud Vall€y 51555 lowr llorr| Edrcator. As8oc, PO Box 213, Dss Moins 50301 lD. ]b||| Edscrror. of,3618 Pins Hill Dr, Coeurd'Alene 8i1814:20S667-2778 ld|ho l{orn Edrc.tor. Sout m ldrho,3125 Black Hi[s, Bobe 83709; 20&362{449 llj I|oUSe PO Box s78291 , Chlcago 60657-8291 ; 312-9296723 llllnol. lbnr Edrc|ror., PO Box 261, Zon 60099 l[iCenlral Indlana Ho.rF Educalo6, 7262 Lakesid€ 0f, Indlanapolls 45278

Ekh.n Co Pr|t||t 21+@S9897 FCLA lll Slcc Grol?, 7262 Ld(6id€ Dr, Indhnapolis 46278; 317-290371

Wryr Atrr lbnr Sd|ooL,

4321 Mirada Dr, Fort Wayne 46816 19th st, Latayetre,4T9qt lfn&'Eton Co llorrr Educ.lor, I138 Byron St Huntingilon 46750 fndrnr Aroc of Homc Edrcrtor., PO Box 50524. hdianaDolis 162'oi317-54.7-47?2. lldronh Hom SchooL?., eG N 19ih 51, Lataystte 47$4 Sodhm lt{ $pport Grotp, RR 1 Box 1&3, Patoka47666;812-fr+3616 W$r.h Yrlby Hom-chooLr. Ar.oc, RR 53 Box 2d), Tero Haute 47805 WE CAlt lnc.,60l Erandywlne Dr, G6hg| 46526 KS: lb.aton/C.ntoo Hoflr Edrc.lor. A.aoc, 31G97-m2

e.rbr lrhyru. ]bm


H,onr StJdy A..oc, R01 Box 477, Anson Telk About tmnJng,25 Belrn€ade Rd, Porlland 01101



3404 Van Buren,

Plr€nt. for Ho|rt Educ|tlon,

Sdtlr tul.dd Chrlrdm h|rni Educrtor.;56+9{79 CA: B.y Ar.. Hom.choobr., San Jo66, 4O8-26G1494 or 408-378€280 Crllfordr Codldm - PALlt, PO Bq e, Escondldo 92925;61$7491542

Hom. Educdon



Th. Volc., (Newslotte4 Rl3 Box 9-8, Tallassoo 36076; 20$43-5018


19985 Ronnet Rd, Spring Hill e608:l 91168e2310


Alrbmr lbrm Edrc.lo.. -Tu.crloo.r A|tr,

Norft tub.ld

Altmrdy. Eduerlim,

(alphabetically by state):



lhr$.ttm Pr|lnl Educrtor., 913537-2585

Edrc.tor., Qr6 N


#66 - 1989 DIRECTORY


Homo School Encowrger, 55 Giford Ave, Pougt*sspsi€ 12@1 HomeSchoolen Erchrnge, RO 1, Box l72E, E Chatham 12060 Long Long

lrllnd FJnily Educrtort,


PO BOX 283, Salville

Hom.droolors l{ew.,



884 Wilson 8lvd, Csntral lslip 11722i 51S34S4410

Lovlng Educ.Uon At tlomc, PO Box 332, Syracus€ 13205 ilew Order ChrirUan Ho|rE Educrton, 105 St MadG Pl Apl 2, Brcokn 1 l2t7 lLw York Strls llometchoole?r, Rl 1 Box 8, Ghent 12075 Rochaalgr Are. llomsrchooling Aaroc,401 Patsells Av, Raheslst 14ffi9i71e28&?o3/. We.tam NY Home.droollng ltolwo*,85 Abany Sl. Buffalo 14213;71$881-3585 Nc: Norlh Clrollmn lor Hotrr Edicrtm, PO Box 5182, Ernsylyood Sta, High R 27?6,2

X[lj. North D.kot| llorE School A3.oc, 10G3rd Sl SW Mmdan 58554; 70'l€698958 OH: Clrl.t.n llomc Edrcridr ol Otio, PO 8ox gogil, Cattton 4471 1;21H94-&!66 Chrlrtm Prronb A..oc, 310 Bluebonnot Dr, Findhy 45e40 (local only) llorn6 School Rs.orrc! Ct, 1444 Gulley Avs, A(rcn 44310;21S6333160 Ohio Co.l. ol Educ.Uoml AllamdF3 Now' PO 8ox 094, Thonpoon 44086 QK, tha Frmly Ls.rnlng Co|rectlon, PO Box 1938, Durel 74702 School Supptrt Group, 14212 Pi€drmnt Rd, Pi€dru|t 73078;40$3&10$ Otlrhomr Chri.U.n Homc Educrtor. A$oc,20OB Maado'ribrod(, Ponca City 7tl@4 OR: Dougl|. County Ho]rB3choolon Cmcrlon, l|osil HannaSl, Ro6€burg 97470 FCLA OR SCce Group, 8016 Yank Guldr Rd, Tal€nl 97S4O; 5O353H5O9

OKcentd Hofn


Cottrty, 38040 Pengfa Rd, Fall Cto€k 97438;503'937-?271 PO Bor 1,€2, Boaverlon 97075; 503-645-3709 Porimd ArGr Trl€ounty tlomo..trool6ra, 8242 Sl€€py Hollow Rd, Woodbutn 97071; 503'982'

Hom€.chool,lr. ot Pr|€ rlr Educruon


Tendd Tutor, 2770 S 1000 W Perry UT 84302

Homeschool Groups Outslde





A Homo Schoolef'.





of PA, RD 2 Bor 334A, Mun6on 16860

Educdor. of PA, g]34 Db8lon

St, PhihdoFhia 19149;3:t5{674


8rl.b.n Hom.cfiooflng Gtor.P, /r8 Henson Rd, Sallebury 1107 , Aus'Jalb (Zl'795, Crn d.n Allrnc. of HorE droob|r, 195 Mstkville Rd, Unlonvilo L3R 4V8 (41H7|'3atl)

(E|d PAl, 3l.l Bryn Mdt Avo, Bryn Maw 19010 Podryly.nlr Hom..t|oob|., RD 2 Box 117, Knanning 16401;412'7sll€512 Ei P.ror Edrc.lorr ol E, PO Bor 516, Covonlty 02816; .101-8e8-5724 PEI{CIL


Co.|tlt toml Educrdon,46



Homesch@llng Famllle6, | 16 Richards Dr, Oliver Sp|lngs 37840; 435-1667 IIg ChrlrtLn tlonF Ed of Sm Antonlo, 12170 Nil Sulphur Sp96 Rd,, Adkin8 78101; 649-t792 Ef Pr.o Horp.ctrooler. A!.oc, Slar Route Box 87, Anthony 79821i915-877-2417 Frmffy Hom€ Educdor. ol llrllr., PO Box 2805&4, Dallas 75U9i214-N1-1729 Sout];r.t Tcrr. llo|I€lclrool At oc, PO Box 4gl, TorYball 2375 Tore3 Horrr Educ.tor. llewrbtbr. PO Box 8i15105, Rldtardson 7508i1;214-231-9838 !lI: FC|l Utrh qic. CrouP, 1510 W 5(n N, PToro &4601; 80l-327.0728 Ut h Ho|fr Educ.ton Asocirton, 1g)9 E 7240 S, Sall Lake City UT 84121 VT: Yormoni llofiplchoobr. A..oc, PO Box 1002, Middl€town Spgs 05757 yA Educrtor. A..oc ofVA, PO Box 1810, Ftonl Royal 2263G1810;70359G9048 tlom.ln.tnicdon g.|pporr Grel?, 217 Wllow Tetl, Sletlir€ 22170 North VA|oolclr Newrlstts. 2519 Bud(€lsw Dr, Falls Churcfi 22046 Northom VA ll,omrdrooler./LEARN, 3015 Faitrnonl St, Falb Church 22042; 703698-8383 WA: Ct||t Counry HolrF Educrtorr, 28823 NW Maln Sl, Ridgslield WA 98A|2 Famlllo. lrrrnirE TogerlEr, Box l0 Tiget Slat Rt, Colville 99114 Frmify loernlng Organizalion, PO Box 7256, Spokans Sl?o742fi FCLA Er.r WA Splce Group, 506 Bunertiold Rd, Yaklrna 98901; 509-575-3950 FCLA Wort WA Sde Group, HCR 6:l Box 713, Nas€llo 98638i 206-484-3252 lloms Educdor'. St.ncHon, l03l SW 307, Way 98003 Hom€.choolen'Suprport Aooc, 231135 2o4th Aw SE, Mapl€ Vallsy 98038; 20G4?-3935 Nrtunl l,,r?nine ll6twod(,5725 N Elgin, Spokane 99205;326-0267 Sourbomd Asoc of HorE dpding F.mlllo.,4333 S 26lst, Ksnt 98032 TercHng llrrgnt A..oc, 16100 NE 1691h Pl, Woodinvillo9&72tn6483&2 Trerte Homlcfroolor. Ar.oc, 8705,{h Pl SE, Ev€ren 98208 lv..hington tlomc.rfiool Orgrnlzrlion, PO Bor 42403, Tacorna WA 98442 IIL Frmlllo. In School. rr HorE (F|SH),46:F Constoga Trall, Conags Grove 53527 llOilE (Urd.on Chrpter), 5745 Bittoswet Pl, MadFon 53705;608-?38-39)2 HOME l{etwork Newr. 1428 Woodland, Eau Clake 57401 Whcon ln Prl€ntr A..oc. PO Box 2502. Madbon 53701 lvyi Albrmdve. In Ed|.|Grdq|, Rr 3 Box 3o5, Chbo 2&95i94-655-782 lry€.t VA llorE Educatioo Atroc, PO Box 266, Glenvllle 26351; 304462-8296 Wo.t VA ]l,orrF Educrlor. A.!oc, PO Box 7504, Charl€slm 25356 WY: Wmlng llomo.cfioolsn, Box 1386, Lyman 82937i$7-7s7-6728


Natlonal or General Homeschool Groups Albrnatvc Educldon Sotrcca,

PO Bor 172, Unionville lN 47468 BrCc Educaton, PO Box 610589, D/FU, Aitpon TX 75261; 214462-1909 C.lhollc Horp School ilewrbtrr,688 I lth Avo NW New Brightm MN 551 12

Llfc Worlohop., l& SE l(an€ Avs, Grosham OR 97030 Ciertvc lnmlng l|.gezim, PO Box 37568, San Antonb TX 78237-0568 Frnfly CGnteEd Lcrmhg Albtmtver, HCR 63 8ox 713, Nasello WA 98638; ?064&4'3252


lhe Frdly tr.mlng Gonrpaion,

PO Box 12268, Okhhorna City OK 7315/ Growlr|g Wllhout Schooling, 2269 Massachus€t|s Ave, Carnbridgs MA 02140 lbwitt Ror€|Ich Ctr (Dr Rayrncnd Moors), PO Bor 9, Washougal WA 98671; 206-835-2736 Home Educdion ltuguine, PO Box 1083, Tonaskst WA 98855;5@6&4-8955 llome Educltlon Rerource Ct, PO Box 124, Monl Vetnon NH 03057 Home Educdlon Workchopc, Hor€stoading Sctool, RD 2 GW, Oxlotd NY 13830 Homo Educrtor Slngle Prr€nt llotsork, Rt 5 Box 120, Ava MO 65608 ($1 + SASE) llome Edrcdor. Computer Us3 Group, 26824 Howard Chapol Dr, Darnascus 20872- 1247;

301-253-5467 Hom€ Llb, Box 16202, Claylon MO 63105 Hom. School Ci.z!tb, PO 86 359. Bunonsvllle MD 20866;301421-1473

Hom.S.fiool H.d$rrbr., PO gor 366, Fte]md NE 68@5i4@-727-W2 l{om. S{fiool frgrl t}sFr. A..oc, PO Bor 95o, Gfeal Fdb VA 22066 Hom. S.fiool Ro...rclF , cr'o B Ray. Sdtool of Educalion, Seanlo Pacific Univorsity, Soanb WA 981


9; 20&281

-2214 FBrc., PO Bor 7.1, MldplrE CA 95345 llome.chooler. Trry.l }5twork, PO Box 1083, Tonasket WA

98855 (Dhsdory 92)

Homc Swoct School, 1919 W Melr6e, Chicago lL 60657

]lom€.chooling Ddr 8..e., PO Box &12, Bellvllle TX z4l8 Honr€.chooling l|.rkelpha llt$lcttot, R 2 Box 11, Fontanells lA 50846 lrrr]rlng Edg., 1289 Jsry€n St, Ann Arbot Ml48104 tLt'l Corlition ol Ct$dhn tlon: Edrcetor., PO Orawst 440, Jsnks OK 74CX]7 ]||t'l In tibb fo. Ctdrliln llottE Edrc.tlon, Rt 3 Bor 543, Rustburg VA 24588 Nrdmd HorF Edicrton Gdld, 515 NE 8th St, Grant8 Pass OR 97526; 503{74-1 lhc Terchlnq llomc, PO Box 20219, Pdihnd OR 97220'0219

2267 Klnga Ave, W Vancouvd BC Canada yry 2C1 25 comnpn Ln. Herningford Abbots. carts PE 18 gAN Ettgland .ouc. C.nt , Bq 61, Ouathiaski BC Cenada\'/0P 1N0

Eduoton Advl.ory,

E Csrgo St, PtotHenco (p906;401'274-8€'97 SCiC.rollm Fmilly Sohool A..oc, Rt 2 Bor17, St Stophsn 29.179 SDi South D.lotr HomG School A..oc, Rt 2 Box 45, Garlel8on 57030 ol Td,|n (HEAT), 3577 Rbhb&r Ct, Nashvills 37211 Hodr Educrdon At

Rhod. f.. to?

268 Butlor St, Wood6tak, Ont, Canada l.l4s 382

Accelenled Ctli.lirn Educrton, PO Bor 10, Strathpine, Old., AuEtfalia (07 2O5 7503) Albsrtr Hom..chooling hlo Scrvlce, 16 Fonda Clo8e SE, Calgaty T2A 6G3 AlbrnadvG EdJcrdon Rsror.rce GrouP, 39 Wlllhm St, Hawlhorrp, Vbloda. 3122, Meboutno,


Edrcdion Olh.rrh., Hom.

L.mln! n

Homschool il.wdotlor,t8 Atnold A\,€, Kelllvllle 2157, NSW Austtalia llomchooler. Asc ol ]ltrltf,m, 11415 43td A\ro, Edrmnton

llrritob. A||oc

tor Sdlooling

rt tloflr,

T6J oY2 (4566741)

89 Ed(ar Ctea, Wnnireg R2G 3H8

Ontl]lo Home.chooler.,

Pm|mr Suppod

Box 60, 2@ Adelalde St E, Toronto M5A 1N0 Gror.|p, PSC Box 1578, APO Mlatnl, Flo.ida 34m1 (Ft ArEdor, Panarna)


120 Eskdalo Rd, Auckhnd 10 Nerv Zealand PLFno Rlco Homs.choollng Arcoc, 503 Barbe St Santurce 00912 Pu€rlo Rico Quebec Horpschootlng Advltory, 4550 Acadia. Ladllno HBT 1 N5 (514-d'7-5?90) srskrtdEwrn tlonE-Br.6d Educrtot . Box 1 13, Neville SoN 1T0 \rictorh tl,ons.choo|€fl,4 Elho6 Pl, \,/icbria VgA 743 Worl4widr Eduolimd S.rvie, Sltode Hous€, 44l5O Osnabutgh Sl, Lmdon NWI 3NN England

OTHER ORGAIITIZATIONS These educalional, child-raising, or s€lf-teliene otganlzations are good sourc€s of haF and alli€s. Again, a SASE i8 appr€cialod. Clerrlnghous€ ol Ed Choice, 161 1 N Kont Sl t805, Arlinglon VA 222ogi 703-544-1556

(voucis|8) EVAN-G, 977 K€lor Ave, Berksloy CA 94708 (corporal punbhmnl) L'oche Lsguo Intsrnrliond,9616 Minmapolb Av, Franklin Park lL 60131 Nrr'l Alsoc for the bgd supporr ot Alt schools, Po Box ?241, Sanla Fe NM 87504; 505.17'l'



Nationd Cenler lor Frir rrd open Te.tng (FrlrTe!t), PO Box 1272 Harvard Squate Statlon, Canbridge MA 02238; 617-864{810 N.t'l Coditis Of Alt Commwilty School.,417 Ro6lyn Rd, R6lyn Hoighls NY 11577;51&6412195 These lists rnay bo rsproducod in lullot ln patt only il the sourco b ctsdit€d as €ROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING, 2269 Ma6sadlusdts Avonue, Catrbtidgo MA 0214O.'

U.S. Postal Scrvice STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MAI{AGEMENTAND CIRCUIATION (requtred by 39 U.S.C. 3685). (fA) Tltle of hrblicadon: GrowlngWtthout Schoollng. (lB) R:bllcadon No.: O74553O5. (2) Datc of Flllng: 9,/3o/8s. (3) Frequency of tssue: Bi-monthV. {3A) Number of lssues publlshed annually: 6. (3B) Subscription Prlce: $2O' (4) Complete malllng address of known ofBcc of publicatlon: Holt.q.ssoclates, 2269 Massachusettes Ave, Cambridgc MA O2f 40. (5) Complete rnailing address of the headquartcrs ofgeneral busfurcss offlces of thc publlsher: Same. (6) Full names and completc mailing addrcss of publlsher, cdltor and managlng editor: Publi,sher: Holt Assoclatcs, 2269 Massachusctts Ave' Cambridge MA O2l4O. Editon Susannah Sheffer. 2269 Massachusetts Avc' cambrldge MA O2l4O. ManagingEditor: Patrlck Farcnga. 2269 Massachusetts Avc, Cambrldge MA 02f 4O. {7) Owner {lf owncd by a corporation, lts namc and address must be stated and also lmmedtatcly thcreunder thc namcs and addresses of stockholdcrs holdlng I 96 or more of total amount of stock): Holt Assiatcs, tnc, 2269 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA O2l4O. Patrtck Farenga, 2269 Massachus€tts Avc. Cambridge MA O2l4O' Stcve Rupprecht, 23OA Fuller St, Brookltnc MA 02146. Donna Richoux, 56 Grimshaw St, Maldcn MA O2148. Tom and Mary Maher, 3O Park St' Wakeff eld MA O l 88O. Nancy and Bob Wallacc, f l 9 lrvlrrg Pl, Ithaca I'IY I485O. Mark and MaryVan Doren, RR 2 Box 342-D, New CaslleYA24l27, (8) Known bondholdere, mortgagees, an dother security holders ownlng or holdlng 196 or morc of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or otlter sccurltlqs: None. EXTENITAND I\I,ATURE OF CTRCUIATION: {A) Total No. Coples (nct Prcss nrn): Average no. copies each lssue drlrlng precedlt:g 12 months: 5774. Actuat no. copies of siqgtc tssue published ncarcst to ffling datc: 62fi)' (B) Paid or requested circulation: l. Sales through dcalers and carricrs, strcct vendors and counter salcs: O. 2. Mail Subscrlpdon: Avcrage: 4889. Achral: 4857. (C) Total Pald Ctrculation (sum ofBl and B2): Avcragc: 4889. Actual: 4857. (D) Frec Distribution by Matl, Carrler or Other Means, Samplcs. Complimentary and OthcrFrcc Copies: Average: 8. Actual: l. (El Total Distribution (sum ofC and D): Avcrage: 4897. Actual: 4858' {F) Copies not dlstrlbuted: l. Ofllcc usc, left ovcr, unaccounted. spolled aftcr prlnttng: Average:877. Actual: 1342. 2. Rcturn from ncws agents: O. (G) Total: Avcrage: 5774. Actual: 6200. (f l) | certl$ that the statements madc by me abovc are correct and complete - Patrlck Farenga,



FOCUS : CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Susannah Sheller's comments are italicized. and Howard Cohen s are tn regular type,

Wltch a nes frst - do we gfin kJrJls certain dghts and tfun waXJor orr attlhtdes to catch up, or do our attthtdes ltrrtr- to change &Jore X malces sense to talk abut grantlng rlghts?

I think that an funportant purpos€ ofrights ls to gflve people lwerage so they can change attltudes. I don't count on people havlng a change of heart about adult-chlld relatlonships. What you have to do ls glve ctrildren, and those who care about them, enough leverage to get people to acknowledge thelr rtghts whether they ltke lt or noL If you thtnk poliUcally about groups that have worked for rlgfrts, they haven't wanted to be loved, they've wanted to be empowerrd, and I thfnk rlghts ts a concept of empowerment. In the long run lfs tn adults' lnterests to have better, more respecdul relatlonslrlps wlth chtldren. If you take a long enough vlew about adult-child relationshlps, you can see changes ln the dlstribudon of authorlt5r. When we talk about adult-child relationshlps, we often start thinklng about young children. It's easler to talk about controlling children when they're one or two years old. Thafs a flme when the authorit5r - and by authority I mean the ability to make decislons about how a person lives really rests wtth adults. And that's appropriate. You don't expect very young chlldren to be declslon-makers, although as they get older they tqr to canre out places where they can make declsions. Then as ctrildren approach, say, the early teenage years, you start to see adults and chlldren contesUng authority, contesting who gets to make decislons for the chlld - how a curfew is set, for example. The authortty relatlonshlps between parents and children change over a life cycle. By establistring respectful relationships when chlldren are young, we can create models for respectful relatlonstrlps when the adults are very old and the chlldren are no longer young. That is, when the chlldren may be ln a poslflon to make declslons for thelr parents. Ifs tn the lnter€st of adults to have models of sharlng authorlt5r. We mag rrolt think oJ a dn geor dd. as maldng certahrlcind.s ojdecisions, bttt ttr tle aurse o;f a dag there are a hundred

opprhnltles to fu rcspatj[ or dlsrespeclfuL A a hrc gear oA. TIv pattern stafts earlg, desn't tt?

That right - the tdea of respectful relaflonships ts actually much wlder than the concept of rtghts. Human relationshlps have a structural slde and a textural slde. The structural side can be very formal, but the reladonshlp that btnds people who may also be legally bound has a lot of texture to lt; lt ls much more than Just a contract. Marrtage ls a good e:<ample of thts. People sometlmes thtnk that tallidng about children's rights ts cold and formal, and that's because they only thtnk of tt in structural terms. They don't re"lt,e that our relationships to children very much overspill the ldea of structure, Just as a marriage overspills the legal contract. We can thfnk of rights ln the sarne way that we think of the emergency brake on our car. You may never use tt, and with luck you won't, but tt better be there when you need lt. WeJust cannot count on people, it seems to me, to be respectful uniformly, across the board, to everyone, and certainly not to children, because they have power oner chlldren. Chtldren need the legal equtvalent of an emergency bnake. Glubtg chfldren tle rlght to vote, sag, mlght gttE tlem an trcenttn to learn norc abrrut the ;;nlttical sdtuatior! but paple

aryue tllc;t up cant't qfford to tuattJor chlldren to learn tils, that tt ulo,tl4 fu t@ ilsrc9 to let them hanue- the vote h tlv n:r,anttne.

I thfnk there's an element of hypocrtsy tn GROWING WTTHOUT SCHOOLING #66


that chtl-

We began this discussion oJ children's nghts bA recording a conuersation uith Howard Cohen, rrutfror oJEqual Rights for Children.We ttwn sent tfe transcrlpt oJ the conuersation (IeJI n ttvee ottwrs wllose response s JolIotD. dren shouldn't have rights because they might not exercise them responsibly. Adults don't want to subJect themselves to capability tests before they become voters. We never say to adults, 'You have to exerclse thls rtght urell ln order to exerclse lt.' In fact, the central element ln the concrpt of rights ls that when we say somethlng ls a right, we acknowledge that we have no further standing toJudge how lt ls exerclsed.


Wlwt abr,ut the arywnent ttnt tnuing all tlvse odult rights too btg a butdenJor cltldren to carry? ^Floru is this


df:scussfon not about "prrsh@ ctdldren to gtou up taJasl' whbh ernryone seems to fu tulfcing abr;rut these dags?

The conception of somethlng betng a rlg;ht lnvolves two things: non-lnterference by other people, and what I call performance - obllgating others to do something to aid you to get what you're entitled to. Non-tnterference means lf I want to do lt, you stay out of my way. Performance means if I want to do it, you have to llgure out a way to help me. Neither of these entitlements implies that I'llr required to do what I have a right to do. Exercising my rights is still an option, and the optlon is mine. Children may have rlgfrts they do not wish to exercise - as we all may. Those who are not ready or interested will ignore their rights. If others push them to do dilferently, tt ts not the rights that are at fault. So I don't think rights place an unne€essary burden on children, any more than having the right to vote places a burden on adults. The right to vote is not compulsory and many people lgnore lt easily. In the end I come back to this point we need to create models of shared decision-maldng and respectful acc.omodation between adults and chlldren. I think people will work these out indirridually, tn hmilies, ln work settings, in school settings. To the extent that there are models, it will be easier for people to accept the ldea of chtldren's rights. F,gual Rlghts Jor Childten

is at:ailable |ere:





RIGHTS AS LEVERS Brittsh writer Bob FlanJcltL editor oJ T}:re Rights of Children, responds to tle sane questfons; The question, "Which comes flrst," is very interesdng, not least because lt states quite clearly the nature of child-adult power relationshlps: 'Do ure give llds certaln rights?'As adults it is at our behest to bestow or deny rights to young people, and, in that sense, it is adult attitudes which we must change before children are given rtghts. However, to view such matters in either/or terms ls perhaps mistaken. As adult attitudes change, young people will acquire more rights, develop greater competences which, ln turn, will alter adults' assessments, and a benigp spir:al is established. Given exlstlng structures of power, the source of initiation for such a sptral must be adults. But children must not become passlve agents in thls process, and here I endorse very strongly Howard Cohen's remark. Rights ts a concept of empowerment; rtghts are levers which the empowered group must pick up and put to work. Glving a group rights ls a waste of dme unless that group ls enthusiasic and lnformed about exercising them. Moreover, ifs easy to mistake the word for the deed. The United Nations ls


currently redrafttng lts convendon on human rtghts for children, whiich tncludes rlghts such as entltlements to food, clothing, shelter, etc. Thls document will be stgned tn the next year by many governments but the rights tt embriaces are currently being dented on a scale that ls massive. In the Brlflsh context, the equal opportunities legfsladon enacted tn the l97os tn support of the claims of women and black people to equal rtghts ls lnstrucdve. Ahead of publtc attitudes a serles of acts gave women and black people a set of levers with whlch to prlze open opportunldes ln education, at work and ln a range of soclal settings. But essenilally, the importancr of such acts is s5rmbolic. They gfve statutory recognition and support to some clalms for equal rtghts, and they unequivocally and publtcly s"y to the prerriously-excluded group, you are an equal, fully pardctpathg and valued member of the community, with shared clvic obligaflons and you both deserve and owe respect to others. The pattern ofdlsrespect ofchildren does start early. I thtnk probably the most commonplace way ln which such dlsrespect mantfests ltself ls in the way that adults lgnore young people. For example, ln a cafe the other day I sat near two adults with two children. The adults were chatdng and the children, equipped with crayons and paper, were drawlng. The children kept trying to lrrvolve the adults ln the task by showtng t-llem what they had drawn and asktng them for advtce and Judgments of the work. The adults made lt clear that such lnqulries were an irrvasion of adult conversatlon and, when the children perslsted, the adults hit them. I can think of few more damagtng ways to express disrespect for chlldren and their creatlve acttvities, but it is a pattern wtrlch perslsts unfll adulthood when adults are exPected to refraln from "childish" (worthless) acdvides. It's posstble to answer the questlon about the risk of giving chlldren the vote ln one of two ways. Howard has offered one part of this answer, namely that adults have the vote and yet we don't demand that they exercise it competently. The point about voting is that tndtvtduals should have the vote not because they know everythlng about polidcs or forelgn policy or are an expert in this or that branch of government, but because democracy demands it as a baslc requlremenL One lndlcator of the health of a democracy ls the extent of cidzen partlcipatlon. Now lt's trre, of course, that lnexperlenced partictpants ln politics might make mistakes inittally, but we have to start somewhere or we never break into this vlclous clrcle. Mistakes are not all bad. We can learn from some of them. But the main polnt ls that we should have a rtght to make mlstakes. Havtng a rtght to do something is not the sarne as doing the rtght thrng. I ttrtnk the concern that by givtng children the vote we may be pushtng them to grow up too fast ts clearly llttle more than a ratlonale for the status quo which favors adults and allows them a monopoly exerclse of polidcal power. I agree very much with Howard. We don't ttrink voting places too glreat a burden on adults. Indeed, the whole process has been stmplified to a mlnlmum and doesn't erren requtre literacy; you need simply place a cross on a plece ofpaper.

As a soclety, we systematically encourage children to under perform, and we make Jokes about thelr acuvlues and their asplratlons. To oller a posltive assessment of their potentials and capabilittes would be a refreshirag change.

TIME TO MAKE RIGHTS EXPLICIT Flom Merdlt Ctfton (Fftrd,brg Our Teachers," GWS *6O): Howard Cohen focuses on legal rlghts for chlldren, whereas the focus of chlldren's (and anlmals') rlghts struggles to date has been on moral and ethical concepts. In light of history, I suspect the moral and ethical concepts a rntnority of us would like to bestow upon chtldren wtll be bestowed, wtth legal reinforc.ement, only to the degree that the maJority recognlzes econornic utility

in chlldren having rights. Is thls posslble? I submit that tt ls. Chtldren were chattel, undl about a century ago, up to the age at whtch they could whup thetr old [lan or mn awEry. The Industrial Rerrolution gradually brought chlldren their rtght to e:dst by giving child laborers some

econornlc value, albeit ptdfully low. Then, when children cpuld be defined as economlc unlts, the reladve value of an educated child over an uneducated child became recognized. The decllne of child labor and the rise of universal, compulsory publtc schooling not only guaranteed children thetr right to edst, but also established their rlght of lncreaslng endtlement. It is lmportant to remember, and I'm sure John Holt would agree with me here, that universal, compulsory public schooling was râ‚Źcognizd ltt its orlglns as a reform movement. Ltke many reform movements, it failed through modeling ttself upon the very lnsdtudon it was trying to alter, the factory system. Nonetheless, lt achieved one aim, tn establtshing the nodon that children were equals rather than lnferlor beings, and as equals are entltled to recelve the benellt of adult wisdom and guidance (such as

tt may


The legal foundatlon of chlldren's rtghts odsts h the very maze of legal strictures surrounding universal, compulsory public schooltng that now comes between children and thelr oPPortunities to make decisions. At various points society has already agreed that children have a right to ProPer nutrltlon, a rlght to freedom from physlcal abuse and even some forms of mental abuse, and, as well, some degree of most adult civil rtghts. These agreements have been codilled tn public educaflon statutes, much as early agreements concemlng adult rtghts were codllled ln the articles of servitude, e.g. Ktng Alfred's Law. The essence of Klng Alfred's l-aw (En$tsh Common law) holds validity and social utility long after the decline of the feudal and economlc polidcal structure lt was supposed to govern. Similarly, the present educational structure may be amended in any number of ways, or even replaced altogether (not very likely), without at all dirnintshtng the tmplications of breakfast prograrns, tax-supported librarles' physical education periods, sex educatlon, the ellmtnatlon of c.ompulsory prayer, and desegregadon, to name only a handful of tdeas inidally exercised through the schools that amount to saying: children have a right to nutritlon, a right of access to our culture, a right to develop their bodtes, to know about thelr bodtes, to choose thelr own artlcles of falth, to assoclate with persons of their choice. We're approaching the polnt where we have to recognlze that we have by de facto methods established certatn rights for chtldren, and that lt's dme to exPress those rights ln so many words. That accomplished, we can go about reforming or alterlng or replacing our social instltutions so that they can more conslstently Increase rather than diminlsh children's social entitlement' We have a lot of trouble with the tdea that chlldren have a right to be respected, mafnly because most of us have a hell of a ttme figurtng out what respect ls. It's a word that tends to be used to lndlcate a balancc of terror, whtch ls not what one should develop wlth one's chlldren. I'd like to see the nodon of respect dropped from soclal reladonshlps, replaced by conslderadon' Conslderation means conslderlng what the other person's abilities and limitattons are, then acting accordingly, wtth the madmum posstble generoslty of sptrtt. Sometlmes lt ls conslderate to give a small child - or a confused adult - a direct order' More often lt ls most conslderate to temper the order' An lmportant difference between resPect and conslderation is that ln betng considerate, one may have to recognize that one's own capaclt5l for considering the other person's point of vlew ls greater. Therefore, one may be obligated to be more considerate of a child than the chtld is ln return. But so what? If we consider that chtldren are more physically limlted than adults, what's wrong wlth considering and acceptlng thetr emotlonal limttatlons as well? Further, if we recognize that children gradually lmprove their physical strength and coordinadon, why should we doubt that they will lmprove their capacity for consideration as well, especially if we're setHng a good example? Much discussion of legal rights centers on who's golng to do the enforcing. But long before any conoePt becomes an encoded right, tt becomes culturdly accepted. Murder decltned not because we made it illegal, but because lt became soctally unacceptable about the dme Cain slew Abel. If a legal right needs a whole lot of enforcemen! tt stmply cannot be established. Rtghts becpme CROWING WTTHOUT SCHOOLING #66

E enshdned ln law only when vlolators are companadvely few, and vlolatlon ls no longer a baslc part of our culture (for example, slavery u/as already a decltntng lnstttudon before tt was belatedly aboltshed.) We are alredg enforclng those rtghts of chlldren that we recogplze, and the burden of enforclng them won't lncrease lf we state our recognldon expllcftly ln law




Is ttds the chlcken-or-Ore-egg problem - no rlghts wtll be granted untll atiltudes change and no attttude change wtll come about untll chlldren have rlghts and thus the power to change attltudes? The quesdon for me ls, are we spealdng theoretically, morally, or practtcall/? In a purely theorettcal sense, lt seems clear that atiltudes must come ffrst: lf weryone ln the world had a negauve atdtude toward chlldren's rlghts, those rtghts would ne\rer be granted, because who would grant them? (As my son polnted out, chlldren cannot vote for the rtght to vote.) Those whose atfltudes do not support children's rights (or who would tn fact prefer to deny rtghts to chtldren) will not grant those rtghts Mthout a struggle - and thts means, tn practlcal terms, a poltflcal struggle. Yet tn a moral sense, rtghts ought to come flrst. Slnce attltudes change only gradually, whlle rights can be bestowed overntght, the morally correct answer must be that rtghts wlll need to come llrst - somehow - because tt would be unfatr to ask chlldren to contlnue to watt for atdtudes to change. So the questlon becomes, what must c"ome flrst, pracUcally? And tf we say rlghts, the problem becomes, how do we materiallze rtghts for chlldren, glven present attttudes? Fortunately there ls a way out of this apparent dilemma. In TIE Hurlfuedth Mor*eg (Vlslon Books, 1986), Ken Keyes describes the sudden acquisldon of a particular behavior (washing sweet potatoes before eatlng thern) among widely-separated monkeys once a crtttcal number of the ortglnal tribe had leamed this new habtt. In this fasclnattng story, the critical number was lOO. There ls, of course, no way to know what the crldcal number of humans must be for a new aurareness of chlldren's rlghts to take hold: the lmpllcation from tlds 'hundredth monkey phenomenon'ls that the number does need to be large. Glven that there are already a number of us who recogplze the ne.ed for children's rtghts, tt ts up to us to do what we can to lncrcasâ‚Ź that number. Although we should gfve our full support to chlldren's rlghts, should we extend those rtghts fullf That ls, should chlldren have the rtght to make all declslons in thelr llves? Are there any exceptlons? My feellng ts that there are exceptlons, but they are rare. Insofar as we have devtated from the Contttuum Concept life [SS: See ?he Conttuttun CorrcepL by Jean Ltedlolf, avatlable herel, adults do need to overmle children ln sifuations which endanger their lives or health or that ofothers. In prlmltlve socletles, children can be trusted even ln these areas, and lt ls unfortunate that our modern-day stresses necessltate certaln llmitaflons on a child's freedom. A baby's need to explore the world cannot lnclude polsonous substances accldentally dtscovered; a toddler's need to explore a busy street or to exprless anger ln away that hurts another person must be suppressed.

In addltlon, a chtld u/anttng an expenslve ltem ln a store cannot always have that deslre fullllled. In such cases, lt ls important to dlscrtmtnate between deslres and rlghts: a ctrlld may deslre an obJect, but tn our soclety he or she does not have the rtght to that obJect unless lt can be patd for. But thls ls the same for adults. Chlldren should have the same rig;hts as adults, and the same Irnltatlons. In thls uray they learn the rrles and tr:adtUons of their socletSr. But lt ls unfair to expect children to abide by the llmltatlons unless they have the rights and privileges as well. For example, tt Is unfatr to expect a chtld to accept 0nancial limitattons wlthout provtdlng the rtght to meanlngful employment. GROWING WTIHOUT SCHOOLING #66

fSSJ Sfrrce *ptemb1 when their mothers stafted unrkitq our oube, Mtchellc (13) rrnd. Mafie (11) Ban and. Mandg Maler (13) hove spent serseral lours a unek lere. We reanded. tle


fdlotovtg cunuersatbn abrrut their work tere, thelr lvneschalbq, drrd. tlElr tla ughts on relatbns fudoen clildren


adults. Otllers are uselcome toJobr br brJufure issues o/GWS, Sueannah: What have you been doing here tn the olllce

since you sta.rted comtng ln?

Mandy WeVe been answering phones


Marle: And doing things for Day [Farenga, our subscripdon managerl -

Micbcllc: We call people to see tf they have the books we need, and we dellver messages ln the olfic-e. Marlc: And we help out with the younger chlldren. Sugannah: You were a btg part of the bulk matltng we dtd, too. I remember that when I asked you, Michelle and Marie, whether you d helped out at your mother's old olfice, you said they wouldn't let you.

Michclle: No, they wouldn't, because lt was a law ol[c.e, and we weren't allowed in.

Susauah: It interested me that you put you wished you had been able to help.

it that way, as if

Marlc: When there's things to do that you like, ifs fun to do

it. Sugannah: What are some other things you do, when you're not in the oflice?

Marle: On Fridays I have cello lessons.

Mandy I take dancing, and piano. Mlchelle: I take plano now. I got a vlolin last year and took lessons at school, but I qutt because I hated the teacher so mqch. Because I was homeschooled she singled me out, like I was

different. Susannah: Were these after-school lessons?

Micbellc: No, it was during the school day. I didn't like when people stared at me.


Susannah: Do you have any advice for people who might have to be tn that sltuatlon, and mtght be stared at?

Mlchclle: Just lgnore lt. Someflmes I saw my flends and made sure to walk dorvn the hall with them. Suga-.ab: Have you ever been able to successfully e:c.plain homeschooling to a child you met who went to school? Marlc: In my cello lessons they all say, 'Youre luclry, you don't have to get up early,' and I say, 'Well, that's not why I'm homeschooled,' and I have to explain the whole thtng to them, wery sin$e week. Susannah: Are there some ways of explainlng better than others?

it that work

Marie: I say that in school, it was Just drills, tt wasn't any fun for me, and now that I don't have to do things at a c=rtaln tlme, lt's more fun.


Surann.h: The other klds can probably understand that because it's likely that they don't like the drills either. But I bet the part thafs hard to understand is that you do thlngs wlthout betng made to. Marle: That's lt, they don't understand why my mother doesn't make me do thtngs.

Mlchcllc: So many people ask us why we aren't ln school, ls today a day olf, erren ln the grocery store. Susannrh: What do you


Mlcbellc: We say we go to a private school and today's a day olf. Mandy: I say I don't go to school, my mother teaches me at home.

Marlc: If you say that, people askyou all sorts of quesdons, and I don't always feel like getflng tnto all that. If lt's someone we know, I tell them, But there's one grocery store, every tlme we go ln the man says, "Why aren't you children in school?

Are you playtng hoolqf'

Susannah: It must be hard for you to feel that there's no other place someone your age ls supposed to be except in schml.

Maric: It isl Sueannah: Do you have any set times for dolng what people traditionally


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Susannah: And of câ‚Źurse a lot of things you do here could be classifled as schoolwork, tf you wanted to thtnk of lt

that way. Marlc: We don't use textbooks an5[noret we Just learn on our own. Ifs easier to learn that way. The three of us are malidng a magazlne now, called ?he Cat's Pau. We'rc all wriHng for it, and our pen-pals are, too. It's mainly stories about cats, but also other animal stories. Micbcllc: We don't know how we're going to prtnt lt up yet. Marie: We might have the cover like GWS.

Marie: My friends say, "You're not old enough to do a magazine,' but I say, 'I can do anything I put my mind to.' Sugannah: What do you do when you want to know something, and neither of your parents know much about tt?

Mlchelle: I go to the library. I was looking for my dad's birth announcement in the paper recently, and I couldn't nnd it ln our library, so I went to another lrbrary and finally found lt on one of those machlnes -

Mlcbelle: Yes. I wanted to make a copy of it to give lt to him. So I did it all by myself - you have to pay to do tt, and I did, and it's not like Mom sald, "Now Michelle, you have to go do this."

Marie: Kids don't have to know werythtng that their parents know and parents don't have to know werything


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8ox 403, Yorktown Hts., NY 10598

Susannah: You're talking about

using books to flnd things out - have you ever used other people?

Rotsrence Llsls contoln 50,000 Regulorly spelled words.

Michclle: Our grandfather knows everything, he reads encyclopedias for fun. Whenever we need to llnd anything out, we ask him, and tf he doesn't know he goes to look

people not understanding about homeschooling. Here's your chance - what would you like people to understand about


Maric: That you're not Just PlaYing games all day, and you're not belng homeschooled because you don't want to learn we do want to learn. When I first started,

my friends said, 'Oh, you're luclty, you don't have to learn an5rmore.' It's not like that. You learn rnore, When I was first homeschooled I dtdn't want to learn anything because I was so used to drills and having to do things, but then I learned more about homeschoollng, and I started wanting to leam more.

Susan-ah: You started homeschooltng tn third grade, and lt sounds like when you were ln school your thoughts were slmllar to the ktds you'rg talking about now - you thought you had to go to school to learn.

Marlc: I did thtnk that. Sueannah: How long dtd

Susannah: An excellent modell

that their klds know.

suffl xss:

Indlvlduol Spelllng

Mandy: I do my schoolwork at ntght.

Sueannah: A lot of parents are concemed that they will have to learn something before their child can leam it.

rHt YowEt catEooRY ?noonatS E.

Michcllc: I go to the library a lot, and I get about thirty or forly books at a tlme, and I read them whenever I want.

Sugannah: Oh, microfllm. You were looking up the ortgtnal blrth announcement?

Children ond Adults

by noymond

think of as school work?

it up.

Marle: He knows a lot about the stars. It's interesting - he tells me to look up at ntght, and he shows me thkrgs about the stars. I like that kind ofstuff. Susannab: We were talking about

it take


change the way you thought?

Marie: Not very long. The first year, we did things exactly like school, but then it started being a drag. We didn't want to do werything that they were dolng. We wanted to go ahead, to work on our own.

Mandy We never really did tt the way the school dtd. Michelle: I went to school 'ttl fourth grade, and my ffrst g;rade teacher verbally abused me. When I was little I used to have bladder problems, I used to wet my pants all the time, and she used to make me sit in the wet clothes all day, she nener let me go to the bathroom. She called me, 'You

stupid kid.' Susannah: Dtd you tell anybody about this when lt was happeningl

Mlchclle: I told my mom, and she wanted to take the school to court, but then the superlntendent told her he would watch out for me. The next two years were better, but fourth gpade was bad agatn, and when my mom complatned, the superintendent said, "Why don't you homeschool your kids, because they obviously don't

like school.'

Sueannah: Do you still have friends



Michcllc: I have some friends that I met in school, and they don't ask about homeschooling all the ttme, they Just acc.ept tt. Marlc: Mtchelle had a terrlble exper-

ience in school. I had a better experlence, I had nicc teachers, but I still got bored wlth It. You can have a good tlme tn school and stlll want to be home-schooled.

Sugannah: Do you think about thtngs that you want to remember about ctrlldren when you're grown up?

Michellc: When I was ltttle, people GROWINC WTTHOUT SCHOOLING #66

n always used to make fun of me because I was short, and I want to remember to tell kids that tt's all rlght to be dtfferent.

Maric: When people say things like that to me, I say, big deal, at least I don't have to call people narnes to look blg or feel popular. I don't have to be popular, I'm Just me.

Susanrsh: You have so nEny penpals that you're probably gettlng to know ldds around the countr5r who are dilferent from you. Marie: When you go to school, you

just know the klds ln that school, you don't know anyone ln all the other schools, but ln homeschooling you know so many dillerent people throughout the whole count4r. Some of our pen-pals are really our frlends.

Micbcllc: We have two pen-pals who are best friends, and write to all three of us. They live on farms, and we have plctures of them, we've talked to them on the phone. Someone in our church went to where they live, and she told me all about it, so now we know what lt's llke.

Sugannah: What would you like people to understand about children and teenagers that you think they don't understand?

Marie: That we have feelings, and we want to be wtth the adults, we don't want to be shoved in another room. On holidays we always have to eat ln the kltchen. Susannah: I have to put tn here that that must be one good thing about this office, that you're with the adults. Marlc: Yes, you include us, we go to

all the meetlngs.



don't like people thtnking that teenagers are ditry, and mean, and have all these rnoods. Marle: People thtnk kids act like kids, and adults act llke adults, but people should act how they want - adults cam act

silly... Surannab: I would ltke people to realize thatyou can be ldds and do serious work, like answer the phone competent$. Marle: Once I answered the phone and the lady satd, 'Can I talk to an adult, please?' And I said, 'Why can't you Just talk to me?' She satd, "Well, you don't

know much.' Susannah: That's silly, because you usould refer a phone call to one of the adults tf you really dtdn't know how to handle it, but that wouldn't be because we were older, lt would be because we knew

more about whatever lt was.

Mlchcllc: You know more about


Susannah: And I would reGr to you if the quesHon was somethlng you knew more about. GROWING WTTHOI..TT SCHOOLING #66

HOW ADULTS LEARN: ONE EXPERTENCE WITH SELF.EDUCATION From Kalhertte McAlplne (IT'l): To begtn with, I hated htgh school. I hated the caste system (the rtch klds ran all the clubs and won all the student counctl electlons). I hated the smug conformtty and the charade of school spirlt (enforc.ed attendance at pep rallles). But above all, I hated how betng tn school was lnterferlng wtth my educatlon, The teachers (wtth rare excepdons) had only one requirement that we swallow lnformatlon whole and regurgitate it the same way. Any student who showed a trace ofindependent thtnktng or intellectual curlosi$r was qutckly ridiculed lnto submisslon, It was a factory, set up for assembly-llne producEon of what was then called "the well-rounded student.' I didn't want to be well-rounded; I wanted to keep all my odd angles and rough edges. I wanted to be a wrlter. and I couldn't for the life of me see how school was gotng to help me get there. TWo things made those years bear-

able. Flrst, literature. I'd pl"y sick every

chance I could so I could stay home and read. Or I'd play hookey and hide out all day in the countSr library. (Bless those librarians. They never reported me, though they must have realized that I was

truant from schml.) I read widely and wildly, whatwer captured my interest,

without direction or gUldance. When I happened upon'The Waste Land,' there was nobody to tell me what it was supposed to be about, how I was supposed to evaluate it, or that lt was supposed to be very diflicult. So I read all of T.S. Eliot's notes on the poem, then halfa dozen

critical studies, then a bunch of stuff on the Gratl legend, and drew my own


More than two decades later, l'm still reading everything I can get my hands on, and I still haven't mmpleted my educatlon. My college-educated friends can't believe anyone would do this voluntarily, for lts own sake: 'But Katherine, that's the sort ofwork one does ln graduate school.' In high school, though, I didn't view it as "educating' myself. Those writers were my trfends. They showed me that there were possible worlds beyond the one I happened to be stuck in. But ofcourse they were also my private faculty. They taught me by er<ample all the wonderful things that language could do. The second thing that saved me was taking a part-time Job on the local paper. I got the Job by boldly walking tn and aslidng for one. The edttor was one of those

tough-talking, chain-smoking,'lady journalists" straight out of a I93Os movie. 'Well," she barked, 'we could use an extra hand around the ofllce. Can you read proof?" 'Um, sure," I lied. "Hne. Stop by tomorrow after school and we'll try you out.' I was so thrilled that lt didn't even

occur to me to ask about pay, I raced home and spent the rest of the day memorlzing all the proofreaders' symbols ln the back

of my dictionary.

The paper was a small-town weekly where a hot news ltem meant somebody's barn burning down, Besides proofreading,

Since we ran a "How Adults Learn"

section in GWS #59, readers have written us asking for more of those stories. We wotid like to make this a regular part of each issue, and we need you to help us by writing about how you learned something new as an adult, orfoundworkwithout

school credentials. I dld whatever.rnyone else was tm busy to do: swept floors, went for colfee, answered the phone, made phone calls, sold want ads, set type, wrote oblts and wedding announoements. Eventually I got to wrtte more challenglng stortes. Nobody wer critiqued my work; nobody had time. They lust went ouletlv ahead and made correc"uo.ts, and t ba;ned from my mlstakes. I'll never forget the day the paper mlled o{f the press and there was my story, with my byline, right on the front pagel Agaln, nobody satd, 'Well, Katherlne, youVe done such a good Job that we're going to rcward you by putting you on page l.' TheyJust went ahead and did lt, wtthout even botherlng to mendon tt. Several months later my boss turned to me and asked, 'Would you run over to the dlner and get us some sandwiches? And by the way, how'd You like to write a weekly column?' I loved the way everyone treated me like a colleague instead of a kid. To act ldd-like around them would have seemed unthtnkably

unprofessional. After an apprenticeship like that, the thought of four years in college looked about as attractlve as dotng tlme ln lravenworth. I liked the real world, and I wanted to see more of it. During the next decade I traveled around Europe, got rnarried, got dlvorc€d, studted volc.e, composed songs, sang in cafes, acted ln off-offBroadway theater, and kept readtng.

Then, through a rather c-ompUcated chain of events, I ficund myself living tn an unfarnlllar town, alone wlth a small child, with no money, no Job, and no idea how I was gotng to rnanage. I met a free-

lance wrlter who was already well estabItshed, and he ollered to let me take on some of his over{low. Did I think I could handle the work? Once again I gulped and lied, 'Sure.' Once again I started at the bottom, dolng other people's lJunk'work stuff they couldn't be bothered with because lt was too tedious, too low-pa5ring, or both. Stncc then I've wrltten clrPorate newsletters, corporate slide shows, ad copy, catalog copy, speeches, radlo spots, iniiruction manuals, magazine articles, scrtpts ior self-help tapes, and more Junk mail than I care to count. And what an incomparable education that's been. In commerclal wridng there's no rtrom for self-indulgence or ardstic temperaments. Your audience ts anything but captlve. You have to grab the reader's attentlon and hold onto lt. You must approach your readers with respect and good wtll or they won't keep reading. You leam to be your own touglrest critic. Deadllnes arc great training, too.


I'rrc never kldded mysâ‚Źlf that wrtting an ad for pantyhose ts the equtvalent of wrtflng'Paradlse Lost.' But nelther do I thtnk of tt as sclltng out or lowerlng my standards, (lf aJob dld rcqulre me to compromlse my lntesrlty, I would turn lt down.) In addltlon to subsldlztng my creaflve work, commerctal wrttlng has taught me some valuable skllls and atfltudes that have helped thatwork, Even when I'm vrrtdng a poem, there's alvrays a volce lrr the back of my head rerntnding me that the urorld lsn't hanglng on my errery word: 'Why should anybody bother to read thts? Have I made tt worth readtng? Could I make lt morc worth readtng?' I should add that not once have I been asked for college crcdentlals from elther a bustness cllent or a ltterary edttor, Not 6ren out of ldle curlostty. The cllent may want to see samples of my prevlous work, but couldn't care less how many degrees I have or dont have. The edttor's crlterla are even slmpler: ls thls a good story or poerrl and how well does lt sult the magazlne's readershlp? At least I've found that to be tnre of any edltor worth bothertng

Just couldn't brtng myself to turn our home lnto a school. My daughter Becky ts satlsfled wtth the unstructured program. Ben ls not, at least at thts potnt. They're two dtlferent people wlth dlfferent needs and wants. We'll see what happens.

YeIIout Moon Press Storytelling Books & Tapes

We asked Karen how Ben had responded to hls..ffrst year ln school She wrote:


OLDER HOMESCHOOLERS TRYING HIGH SCHOOL: ONE STORY... Karen Ktmball (MN turcte ln June 1987: My son Ben, who has never been to

any school, recently reglstered for trlgh school. Hls mdn râ‚Źason appears to be that he wants more structure and feels he necds somebody to tell htm he has to do school work. Although I trled to put more stmcfure lnto our program thls past year I wasn't sucressful. Thls was matnly because structure and forced learning were what I didn't want my children to have to go though when I began homeschooling. I





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Ben completed his freshman year of high school and I thtnk the main thing he gained from the experlence was that he proved to htmself (and to all the doubters) that he could do lt, and do it well. He found that he could keep up with the others and in fact excel. He was on the honor roll the last three terms and won an Honorable Mention ln the Mass. Bar Association's state-wide writing competltion on the Consfltudon. which also eamed him a certillcate of merit from the School Commlttee. His teachers were all very lmpressed wtth htm and hls work. Only two of his etght teachers knew he had been homeschooled. The ones who hadn't known were shocked when I told them at the fust parent's conGrence. In fact, hts En$ish teacher, after digesting this for several minutes, commented that although she hated to admit it. he was much better prepared than those who had come through the system. At the last conGrence, Just after Ben had signed up for the next year's classes, this teacher expressed surprlse that he was returnlng. She lectured me on the need for Ben to continue wlth wridng and said she hoped that school wouldn't ruln hlm. Towards the end ofMay, Ben began expressing doubts about returning to school, but he wanted to llnish out the year and have a couple ofweeks to asslmilate the experience before making a flnal decision. At the end of June he decided not to return. His main reason was that he needed some breathing space. I thtnk the main things that bothered me about his year in school were the fime lnvolved, the lack of soclallzation - no new frlends, plus no tlme for old ones, and trls perfectlonlsm, whlch I had managed to tone down a btt but whlch now retumed. I do thtnk hls teachers took a genulne lnterest tn him, but matnly because he and lds atdtude toward leamlng were dilferent. I think they saw that dillerence, even

before they knew about his background.

Although I dtdn't have to attend the School Commtttee meetlng the ntght we were approved to homeschool this year, I dtd watch the meedng on Cable TV. After the Commlttee had unanimously approved our request, one of the new members commented that he was very impressed with Ben's record. The superintendent, very reluctantly, satd, 'Some children do very well with home-



KlmbaII add.s:

Betng plunged lnto the world of public school after betng taught at home all my life was certalnly a new e:gerience, and, like any new e:gerience, it took some getting used to. Golng from class to class when the bell rang, the same routine wery day, was one maJor change, and there were plenty of others as well. One that comes lmmedlately to mind ls the homework - assignments due by a certain flme, usually the next day, some in the form of mimeographed worksheets, whlch are often not even collected. This makes for an lnteresdng sort of gamble for those who want to take the chance of not doing the homework in hopes that it won't be c.ollected. A constant tendency of most teachers, I've found, ls to condemn thelr whole class to being all the same. For lnstance, if the assignment was to write a composition, and the maJorlty of students didn't do a very good Job with tt, even lf a few did do well with lt, the teacher will announce upon returning the compositions, 'I was not pleased with the results of this," and then go on to clte everythtng that was done wrong, regardless ofwhether or not etaryone made those same mistakes (which is, of course, extremely unlikely). So this ls an example of how a school

environment can't provide a separate education for each lndividual, and it was rather challengtng to grow accustomed to no longer havlng that spectal attendon that I had at home.


AND ANOTHER Sharon Anas o;f Kenhrcky writes:

I went to Klndergarten and lirst grade. I always attracted frlends, wen though I tended to be shy, but the schoolwork was always useless and strange to me. And slnce I was very shy when I was younger, I cried when I had to go to kindergarten. After llrst grade, when I started homeschoollng, all of my years were spent carefree, playing outdoors or playing games inside the house, or reading. I as1 August I declded to try public school, and though my mom dldn't like the ldea, she gave me the freedom to choose, I am $ad she did because now, after trytng tt for a month, it makes me apprectate how luclgr I am to be able to homeschool. I never appreciated lt before, and lt has really changed my whole outlook. School was a mad rush of students werlnvhere, those forced to go and 'learn' thtngs. I was one of them, but the way we were forced to leam things stmply made them float ln



one ear and out the other. It's llke eatlng a plecc of pte - you don t want the pte thrown

ln your hce, you urant to eat tt properly, rtght? Ifs the same wtth learntng. How can we enJoy learntng when lt ls shoved ln

our faces? I made frlends ln school. I had a group to sit with at lunch, even on the first day. But the rush and an:dety of weryone, rushtng to use the restnoom ln the couple of mlnutes you have after you are allowed to use the cafeterta and before you have to get to class. No tlme to calrnly use the restroom llke you rvould anywhere else, and no tlme to go to your locker lf you urant to use the restroon I no longer need to get up ln the dark, rush around to get ready before the bus comes, and wonderwhy I am gotng. A[ thls ls not worth the frtends I sociallzed

wlth. Most wereJust acquaintances, but I dtd llt ln wlth everyone, and always had someone to talk to. These days I spend my time wridng,

reading, llstenlng to the radlo or tapes, I am startlng to sew thtngs, and l'm worklng on an outllt now. I draw, tm, and my mom s:rys I have good potenttal. I have my share ofthe household chores, and I do them fatthfully now. Before, I didn't have tlme or was too ttrâ‚Źd. I enJoy llfe much more now. I couldn't ever glve ttrls up for school. I learn by Itvlng, and I reccntly took a test for high schoolers and scored average or above average ln most subJects. It's not that I don't enJoy a fast pace. I don'tJust slt around all day and never go anywhere. But I would rather learn things than try to please publlc school teachers.

RESOURCES: OTHER PUBLICATIONS Several other srnall, high-quality pertodtcals are looktng at chtldren and comtemporar5l soclety ln ways slmllar to GWS. The followlng publlcatlons are good sourlces of support (and of lnteresting readtng): GWS readerJan Fletcher puts out Neu Famtlies maâ‚Źlaztne and Home Busirress Adutsor. Both are about comblnlng creadve and economlc work wtth famtlv Me. Ner.u FanflIes also explores lssues such as televlslon, adoptron, stepfamilies. Both are full of storles about how real people have stmctured thelr work and


4l lO8, Fayettevtlle NC 283O9; 919-

867-212a. Neur Fbrnjl&es: $15/4 lssues, Honc Busbess Adu&son $16/6 lssues. The C.ompbat Mothrlr ls perhaps the Canadtan verslon of Motlerirg, focuslng on natural alternatlves tn pregnancy, btrth and breastfeedlng. F\rll of personal storles as well as an lnternational perspective (the 'Breastfeedtng Around the

World'colurnn tn one lssue dlscusses Kenya, Korea" Bangladesh, Ireland, to namejust a few countrles). COMPLEAT MOTHER RR#2, Orangevllle, Canada L9W 2Y9. $ lO/yr, $2.5O/stngle lssue. Tlre Fornilg Reader ls publtshed by Chrts Mayou, another GWS reader, and

reprlnts artlcles about blrth, breastfeedlng, educatton, and related lssues from CROWING WTTHOUT SCHOOLING #66

for years. MANAS descrlbes ltself as a 'the best of the alternatlve parenting press.'A good way to get acquatnted-with Journal of lndependent inquiry,'-and the rrartou--s publications thai are dlscuss- discusses philosophy, medicine, educa-

tion, psychologr, and much else, ln ways tng such lssues these days. FAMILY nneOBR PO Box 534, OnalaskaWl 54650- you won't be likely to llnd anywhere else. MANAS PUBLISHING COMPAI'IY' PO Box O534.$15/6issues. 32112, El Sereno Statlon, los An-geles CA MANAS is possibly GWS's steadiest fan, having usei matehal from our pages 90032. $folyr. (MANA.S ls a ureeklg

ln tts "Children... and Ourselves'column publicatton.)

WATCHING CHILDREN LEARN, continued from pageT antlrologles that prtnt children's work, qualtty work. And so we subscribe to Stone Soup, a nragazlne that ls solely made up of children's $zrlttng and artwork, and we discuss our reac$ons to the pleces - whlch we thtnk are good, and whlch we don't care for and why. We sometimes envision our pieces belng sent off to Stone Soup. The Motler Earth Neurs, Ranger Rtck, Cricket and other nragazines also regularly publish pteces by chlldren, and we pay spectal attenflon to these, too. Our klds always want to hear tf any ldds have wrltten anythtng in to Grouring Witlaut Schoolirrg, and we all love to see what's new in the Boclqpack, our newsletter's own children's writing sectlon. The wrtttng club that weVe been lnvolved te thts year has also been a real boon in letting our lidds hear other children's wrldng. It's been speclal to see how

the children often spark tdeas from each other - Joshua decides to try writtng in the first person as if he is a tree being tumed into a treehouse, after Jacob writes about life as a tophat. Topics, too, bounce from child to chlld - stories about pet turtles beget storles from another chtld about his pet toad or salamander. Recently Ann Early, organlzer of the club, suggested a fun idea - durlng a meeHng, each chlld wrote for three mlnutes on what It was llke for them to get up ln the mornlng, and then I read the pleces aloud to the group. The ldds had to guess the authors, based on their growing knowledge of how each of their writer's volces come out. Everyone guessed correctlyl The kids also get to see how others go about the mechanics of wridng - some use computers or tyPewri-

ters, others prlnt tn mostly capitals, some have very neat handwrlting, some are still struggling with coordlnation and pencils. Everyone's level ls accepted - I haven't heard a negaflve remark from anyone the whole year of the club, We also try to plan speclal events that

help us see other klds as writers, real writers worthy of everyone's respect, We're

planning an afternoon workshop Presentation next week for Pittsburgh area homeschoolers where the l4-year-old wlnner tn the l-andmark Publishtng WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRA'IED 8Y... contest wlll speak to our grouP about her book - how she got her ideas, how she dweloped her tllustrations, how her book moved througlr producdon to become a real, publtshed book. Now, not all children want to be published - lt's tndeed frightening to think of allowing other people to see what youVe written. You're openlng yourself up to Judgments and even possible ridicule - or at least lack of interest. I think we need to help our children flnd suppordve audlences for their work, but also to resPect their need for keeping thlngs private when

that's lmportant. We as adults have these

same feelargs too. Think of Emtly Dickinson, who never took her Poerns out of her drawer while she was alive. I think the noUon of an audience can be crucial, though. Just yesterday Jacob, now 8, c.ompleted a book, tris second blg book proJect. The book records many of his observations of trls sister Hannah, now one year old, over thls past year, He had several audlences tn mfurd as he bmught the proJect to c.ompletion. He thought perhaps llrst of Hannah, that tt would be a wonderful Sft fo. her, something she'd love having all her Me. He then thought of the homeschooling writing club that we attend every other week, as he'd shared many of the pieces from the book as earlier drafts at club meetings. He thought of his grandmother ln Geor$a, who ls always excited about receivlngl the

children's wrldng, and proudly shows thelr books and storles to all her frlends. We've thought of varlous homeschooling friends who might like a copy as a glft. I'm going to suggest sending it offto Stone

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What I'm trying to say here is that Jacob needed to feel a real need to go to the work of completlng the proJect, a real purpose. He needed to envlslon someone really readtng lt, envlslon the book as a real

thing to hold tn his hands and flip through - a very dllTerent thtng fmm hls pile of rough handwrltten and typed drafts. He also certatnly needed a lot of help from me. I spent hours dlscusslng with htm whlch pleces to lnclude and which to delete, helptng type ltnal drafts on our word processor, and llnally helping trim get tt all tn order to take to our local printer. It was not somethtng he could have completed at I wlthout help and input from me. I was hls editor, somethlng he knows that most adult writers have.

FOREIGN.BORN BOYS Rusty Taylor oJ Alaska writes: My husband and I adopted two Korean brothers last year (then 2 and 4, now 3 and 5). They dldn't know a word of English and I had leamed only a little Korean. Even before we flew to Korea to pick up our boys, frlends asked me lfwe were going to put them ln school in the fall. Well, we had done a great deal oftalking and reading about homeschooltng and had decided that we wanted to try tt. I told my friends that we tntended to homeschool for at least the first few years because we didn't have the llrst IIve formaUve years with Chuck (5) or most of tt wlth Joe (3), and we feel it ts lmportant for our boys to have several years wlth us full flme to learn our values and our way of Ife. The thtng that really c[nched lt was afterwe ptcked up the boys we found that they are extremely brtght and qulck, and very active. I cringe at the thought of Chuck being forced to stt still for long periods of time. We had no doubt that we could homeschool, though I hadn't seen any information from those who have adopted forelgn-born, non-En$tsh sp€aking, older chlldren. The advice from all the adoptlon support people is to get the children lnto school as soon as posslble. We haven't done an awful lot except to provide lots ofbooks, paper, penclls and crayons, and other materials, make ourselves avallable to answer quesdons, and read stories. I got nragnedc letters and numbers and mostly let the boys Just play with them. Sometlmes I would spell words

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they knew, especially their names, on the fridge. Chuck would take the letters offthe fridge and copy or trace them on paper. He started to learn the alphabet, writing and reading all at the same tlme. One day, after about flve months, he brought one of hls pictures to me, and I nodced that he had wrltten hls own name on lt, Then he wrote hls brother's name, unassisted. Nowboth boys know the alphabet (not from the song, because they don't know the song) and can rec€gfilze letters out of sequence. Last weck, Chuck asked me, 'Mom, how Dad?' He had a penctl and paper tn hand so I sald, 'You mean, howdo you spell Dad?' He satd yes. I said each letter and he wrote lt. He went on to wrlte many other words wlth me spelling them. If he got stuck on a letter, he'd ask and I would draw lt ln the alr. Hed recognize lt and write lt. watching the boys learn on their own has been very encoura4llng to us. Their Engltsh ls cornlng along flne. When we picked up the boys, the Korean social worker admitted that Joe's speech was delayed. At almost 3, he could only say one or two wonds at a time, and they were halfwords, mispronounced. She said that he was hard to understand. Now he can speak in sentences and can pronounce two- and three-syllable words. We would like to see other homeschoolers who have adopted foreign-born,

older children write about their eioeriences.


Katherine McAlpine's story in GWS #&1 ['Testing Allects Feelings About Math'l about how her son leamed to

multiply fractions in 'about two minutes' brought back all the dmes IVe seen Vita and Ishmael ptck up things like that, things that took me forever to learn in school. Katherlne wrote that Nathaniel leamed to multlply fractlons so quickly

because "it was something he needed to know at that moment." Yes, and by watching Vita and Ishmael, it's been clear to me too that their lnstant learning also seems to burst forth as the result of a speciflc need.

Ishmael, duttful soul, spent years using flash cards and other gimmicks ln an attempt to learn his multipllcation tables. He nwer really managed to learn them until one Christmas when he decided to order presents mall-order and needed to multiply the prices of several different items in order to lind out how much money he was going to owe. I could tell that he dreaded the idea of havlng to count everything out on his llngers. It wasn'tJust the humiliation, it was the time involved. He spent a while looklng around for his multlplication chart - the crutch that he relied on to get hlm through hts math textbooks but he couldn't flnd lt. Well, I could see him thinldng, elther he was going to have to forget about Chrlstmas presents or he was golng to have to face those loomtng multiplication problems once and for all. Which ls what he ffnally dld - sans flash cards OR drlll work. Instead. Iike

Nathaniel learnlng to multiply fractlons in two minutes, heJust took a pencll and a

deep breath and, as lf wtlling the answers, found himself muldplying 5 x 9 and 8 x 7. Now I suppose you could say that Ish-

mael's experience was different from itlathaniel's slnce he had probably known his muldplicaHon tables for years but simply hadn't had the self-confldence to reallze lt. But I don't thtnk that the knowledgeJust rose up to the surfac'e of hls consciousness at the very moment that he dectded he needed tt. Rather, I thtnk that hls unconsclous knowledge made that decision possible tn the llrst place. Thls ls where Ishmael's e:gerience has everythlng to do wtth Nathantel's. I now thlnk that lt's not lust that Nathaniel leamed to muldply fra6uons so qulckly because he suddenly found a reason to learn them, but that, ltke Ishmael, he dlscovered a reason onlg Ster he knew enouglr about fractlons and the proper$es of multiplicatlon to feel to need to use tris knowledge. It's as lf Nathaniel's need to

multiply fractlons actually brought out his pre-e:dsdng understandlng, rather than what we usually imaglne - that his needing the knowledge was the external motivator for his deslre and ability to


I think that to a large degree, learning involves the acqulsltion of all kinds of seemingly disconnected ltems that we just store away ln our unconscious. We ffnd the reason to use them when they are ready to come out in a coherent order or when they have gained enough coherent order to allow us to use them. Nathaniel must have been storing up btts ofknowledge about fractlons for years, knowledge that he got from playtng games, maldng thlngs, listening to adults talk, and so on. I don't think he could enen have forumlated the questlon about how to muluply them if that loose knowledge hadn't accumulated. But because lt uras accumulating all those years, his unconscious mind must have been busy sortlng lt out and trldng to make sense of it, until it was ready for that moment of consclous understanding. It's like the old story of Archimedes reallzing, upon stepplng into the bathtub, that he could figure out how much the Klng's crown wetghed, and thus whether lt was gold or not, by measurlng the amount of water it displaced. The solution to his problem came to hlm, as such solutlons often come to us, ln that sudden'Eurekal' moment. WeVe all experlenccd thos€ occasions on which somethtng Just clickd because our unconsclous mlnds were busy working tt out all along. When Nathaniel came to Katherine for help, he was able to use her the way Archimedes used the bathtub, as a catalyst for that moment of understandtng. At that point, he could be sure that her help wouldn't disrupt or steal his own systems for learning about numbers. He knew that Katherine wouldn't threaten his sense of himself as an lnventor. We generally equate early learntng wlth giftedness. But tf you thlnk about tt, only ln school settings do children who leam to read early become the ones wlth the most lnterest ln and sldll at language. Most educators would tell us that children who are born wtth a glft for language are fascinated by tt long before the average child and so learn the sktlls earller and more qulckly. But tlme and dme agaln GROWING WTTHOUT SCHOOLING #66

3l homeschoolers noUce that erren when

their chlldren learn somethlng later than ls consldered normal, they are soon Just as capable, or more capa.ble, than those who learned earller, Why? Could tt be that trl school, ear$ learners seem so gtfted because they have the good luck ofhavtng been born wlth a dmetable that allows them to dwelop thelr orprr systems beybre adults tradtUonally step tn and try to gfve

them the 'cprrect' ones? Unllke the other chlldren, whose mlnds become trapped and dulled by the teachers'lmposed systems of leamlng, perhaps clrrcumstance allows early learners ln school, ltke marry homeschooled ctrlldren, the chance to

remaln the tnventors of thelr orvn

leamtng systems, When I shared what I loved wtth Vita and Ishmael they loved lt, but lmklng

back, and parttcularly with math, I wtsh that I had been qulcker to reallze when I crossed the tnvlstble boundary llne betwecn sharlng and actually bylng to take control of thelr own process of dlsc'overy. Yet how was I to know where that llne was? Ibtherlne's story about Nathanlel gave me the answen by watting for thelr quesflons. If I had waited for them to ask questlons, I would have been sure that they had had time to develop enough knowledge and understandlng to be certain that asktng for my help would ln no way threaten thetr ability to keep

control of thetr learntng systems.

UNDERSTANDING NUMBERS Jane Rinurrlr wrote br the FolI Issue oJ Pennsylvanla Homeschoolers: We are now enjo)dng a book from the Chlldcraft serles, Mathemagtc. It has mathematlcal puzzles, games and lnformadon. The beglnntng ls a parttal htstory of the use of numbers, and some folklore. The Chlnese and Greeks thought of odd numbers as'boy" numbers, and erren numbers as'glrl' numbers. The number I

was not odd or e\ren, but the only "true' number because all other numbers were made from lt. Number five stood for rnarrtage because tt was the llrst number made from a boy (3) and a girl (2). YesterdayJenny (5) came to me and satd, 'TUro boy numbers make a glrl number." Stnce I was lnvolved tn laundry or cleanlng at the tlme I had no ldea what she was trllang about. She said, 'Like 5 and 5, the 4's go together and then the other 2, and you get gtrl numbers.' I would probably have sald 5 plus 5 ls ten and ten ls even, but she had grasped the concept and arranged the numbers tn a way she understood, so she was able to express lt

clearly. Today Jenny asked lfwe could go to a

play at Hershey Arena. I asked her to {lgure out howmuch ttwould cost. We'd need two chlldren's tlckets at etght dollars each. She sald, 'I don't know... tf 6 and 6 ts 12, then we add 4 more.' She has not memorlzed a lot of addttton and subtraction facts because some teacher sald tt was so; she understands theways numbers behave, a very solld start ln mathematlcs. Recently she satd, 'Mom, letters end and numbers nerrer do.'


Chlldrcn wentlng pcn-Flr should write

to those listcd. To bc listcd, send rrame, agc. address. and l-3 words on tntcr€sts === Kad DODSON (f f) PO Box 2155. La Mcsa CA 92044: sdckers. muslc, school === Alison XLEIN {l l) I lO Shiley St, Annapolls MD 2l,lOl; horscback rtdtng, btrds, rock music === JohLrmtc McCIAIN {5} Rt f Box 386, Dawson fi 76639: tractors, anlmals, readlng === Jcruny FESSENDEN (8) 5623 Wvogel Av, Glendale AZ 853O2; sports, anfmals, outdoors === p1616 HDGON (71 1497 Gray Av, Yuba Ctty CA 959{rli puppies, rollcr skadng, klttcns === Aaron TORANI (A RfD f Box 343, Icbanon ME O4O27l comPuter games, rcpUlcs =: Arrra LORD {12) 874 Flallomn Rd, Bow WA 98232: drawtng. sketchtng, fashton destgn:= Stephanlc BROWN 1l2l 444 Flamlngo Dr, Apollo Bcach FLS]57O: French, Europe, poctry === CHRISTIE, Partrldge Cottagc'

Dereham Rd. Colklrk, Fakenham, Norfolk NR2l 7NH ENGIAND: Joanna (lO) violin, campir4l. swlmmlng: Elizabcth (8) ballet. crafts, baklng; Aaron (5) cars, dcrrs. drawtng ==- Teresa LUBI{E (16l RR I Box 9, Stanford lL 61774 === CONROY, RD 5 Box 286, Smoky Corners, Wlllfamsport PA 777Olt Mcredith (8) grmnasttcs, babics, dolphins: Flona (5) swimming. art.


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rnCWS. DAYSTAR is a nondenominatlonal, basics-

ccntered, personaltzed correspondence school thc least experrsivc and most cffective. Wrlte Daystar. 186O3 Hwy l, Sultc 106. Fort Bragg, CA

95437. WANTED: CALVERT books, any condition. lmbeau, 1746 Roosevelt, Los Angcles, CA 90006.


ggide available) to build succcss in

basic sldlls and hig;her concepts. Contact: Uort n.Gn Ueth Plur Morc, 3O4 North Strcct. Drrndee IL 6Of 18. 312-426-764.2. 312-

428-&n5. 'Our Mag;azlnc' - Ncw monthly rnagazinc about orcrythtrg uritten by you and others tr order to share ldeas and thoughts. For sample copy and detalls scnd $l to Maty Coorrlcy, 1523-32nd Ave, San Francisco. CA 94122.

Northern California Homeschool Associadon: I-cgal and lcgislative ncws. calendar oflocal events. SASE for sample newslctten 2214 Grant Street, Berkeley CA 94703. WORX AT HOME - Dlstrlbutors needed for excellent part-time business sclling cassette tapes which build self-esteem. promote charactcr. develop character. Details for ISASE' Music Distrlbutor. 87O2 Mountatn Breeze, San Antonio'


Empower yoursclf to t:teract per:suastvcly with the publlc schools - for program approval, lnstructiorral r€sourccn, or reenrollment. Send 25c stamp for FREE detalls. Mountain Meadow Press. PO Box 447-83, Kooskia ID 8:1539. NEW - K-8 ruit studies, history, scienc€, reading - How-to books, G.E.D. Prep (success guaranteed)

- Bwhnell sciencc cquiPmcnt/inquiry sts Cuiscnairc Base Ten manipulativcs/games Morc forcigyr languagct Standardizcd test hclp, complete Teaching Guides heK-6 and Art, Keyboarding, K-8 workbooks. sclcnce and art supplies. Free Catalog. LEARMNG AT HOUE Box 27O-G66. Horvrunau. Hl 96726.

HONEY, RAWDESERT: 5 gallon bucket, $4O; 6 2 I /2 lbjars, $l 5; 24 f lbJars, $28. Pleasc specify SFRING or SUMMER honey. BEES WA)( CANDLES, HAND-DIPPED TAPPERS: Irng, $2.5operpalr; Med, $2 pcrpaln Small, $1.5o per pair. 4" Cat, $2.75 each, 4" Orvl, $2.75 cach, 3' Skcp, $2 each. BEE POLLEN: 6 ozJar, $2.5o each: bulk, $5perpound.All prices F.O.B. Rodeo, N.M. l@6 Discor:nt for Natiorral Homeschool Assoc. membcrs. Bonus forGWS subscrlbcrs: You may makc pa;rmcnt after recciPt of products. Satisfactlon absolutely guaranteed. RODEO HONEY CO, Box l9l, Rodeo NM 88O56.


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Stopl Don't call a math tutor. Call your Mortcnsen Math Consultant. A complete program uslng marripulatlves, workbooks



HOW TO GET STARTED Here arc somc ways you can ffnd out the legal sltuatlon ln your statc. ll look up the law yoursclf. ir: a public library or law ltbrary {courthouse, law schml, etc.) laws are lndoted; tqr'school attendance'or

'educaflon, compulsory.' 18 states havc revlscd thclr homc cducaflon laws slncc 1982 so check the reccnt stahrtc changes. We hare prlnted or summarlzd thcsc ncw larps ln ourback issues. 2) Ask thc statc deparhncnt ofcducadon for ar4l laws or rcguladons pcrtalnfu{g to homeschooltr{g and/or starflng a prlvatc school. In some statca (pardcularly CA" IL, IN. Iry) therc are fan' rcguladons conc€Ettng prlvatc schools and so you can call your homc a school. lf you are conccmcd about r,errcalir4;your namc and addrcss to thc statc. do thts througlr a frlend. 3) Contact statc or local homeschoollng groups. Thls llet ls prlntcd te this lssue, md is updatcd and sold scparatcly for $2 as part ofour 'Homcschooltng Resourcc Llst.' Somc groupe havc prcparcd handbooks or gutdeltncs on legal matters. Often. thcsc groups can tell you more about thc lcgal cllmatc ln a statc than anyone else can - whethcr new legtslatton ts pending, for examplc, and how thc prcscnt law is bcing enforced. 4) Contact othcr fiamilics listcd ire our

Directory. Thls ls partlcularly useful tfyou live ln a state that lcavcs homcschooling r€guladons up to lndivldual sdrool distrlcts. When you contact thcsc famlllcs, hclp thcm by havlng donc some rescarch on your orrn ffrst, 5) In general, lt ls not wlsc to start by askingyour local school dlstrlct they usually don't know thc law clthcr. B€ttcr to gather the facts flrst on your own,

At thc bottom of thts pagc ls a form you can usc to t€ncwyour subecrlpdon. Please help usby renewlrg carly. How can lou tcll whcnyour subscrlption erplres? Look at thls samplc labcl: 12345 JIMAND MARYSMITI{ 27 01 67 PIAINVILLE





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cwg e.r foundcd l^ 1977 by Johl Holt' Editor - Susarmah Shelfer Managlng Editor - Patrtck Farenga Contrlbudqg Editor - Dorura Rlchoux Editorial Assistant - Mary Maher Editorlal Consultant - Nanry Wallace

the back tssucs of GWS, csp€cl,ally lf you plan to roke your children out of school. Many of thc arflcles arc as uscful and lmportant as when thcy wcrc printed, and wc do not plan to repcat thc information tn thern. All back lssucs are kept tr

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