New Facebook Changes
Facebook is still the most popular and influential social network available and for this reason it continues to be one of the most powerful and important platforms for marketers to use. There are a large number of networks that are constantly looking for ways to improve their systems and come up with new features that can bring them one step closer to the higher ranking places. This is the main reason why Facebook has been working hard to remain at the top by bringing in some great additions to the layout. We are going to tell you about the most relevant that have come out recently so that you can use them to your advantage in your marketing campaign.
Tabs apps
The tab apps are different now because instead of images they are displayed in plain text and with drop down menus. It's always important to keep an eye out on your apps tab.
Photos are now bigger
Now Facebook has made sure your photos are much bigger when they are displayed on your timeline. This is definitely something that marketers need to take into consideration when working on their graphic campaigns. The power of an image can go beyond a thousand words.
New snapshot feature on mouse over
Now you can see some details when you put your mouse over the "this week" menu. This will allow you to get that info without having to do any further clicking. It's always good when things are simplified for us.
The elemental settings are now in a bundle
Now you get the most relevant settings in a single menu so that you can be sure not to forget to tweak anything that is of true value.
Posts to page visibility increased
Now your fan pages will have a much more visible post to page section that allow fans comments to be displayed in a larger frame. This is good but it also means you need to be more careful about what kind of comments are being left. You should keep things running smooth and always answer any posts that have any kind of criticism towards your business.
Stats are better and easier to see
Now you have stats for all your activities and it has become a lot easier to keep track of your progress on the network. There are many things that you can do.
The activity tab It now contains messages and notifications and it's a lot easier to browse through all of them. There are slight changes like this one that might seem unimportant, but they really add up to the easier access to all the relevant information you need to work on. These are some of the most relevant changes that people need to start paying attention to. If you are in the business of internet marketing, you need to look at the subtle changes as well as the most critical and important ones. They will all serve a purpose for you to be able to do things in a more efficient way.
The amount of time that you spend learning how to take advantage of every tool and every feature on Facebook is going to play a major role in how successful you are. The more you learn how to do this, the easier it will be for you to get your campaigns to be much stronger. Never forget that keeping yourself updated on the latest feature releases and modifications will always put you one step ahead in the game.
Internet marketing is constantly changing because the technology involved is always in constant change. The only way to be able to survive in the business is to adapt to those changes. Resources:
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