OE12 -YuvaSangh Order Dated 20-Jul-2010 on Satpanth

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YuvaSangh order on Satpanth OE 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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YuvaSangh order on Satpanth OE 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Real Patidar <mail@realpatidar.com>

OE12 -Historic Steps -Yuvasangh Order Dated 20-Jul 2010 on Satpanth - - .20- -2010 Real Patidar <mail@realpatidar.com> To: realpatidar@googlegroups.com

Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 5:52 PM

25-Jul-2010 Hello/ ,

! "# $%& “' (# ) *+ , % "-. ) /� ( /). / $. $%0 1 2 ) # 3%4" 5 ) ( 6 # 78 6 8 $. 96 ) %,:1 + . Inseparable part our central Samaj and the institution that represents the voice of the youth of our Samaj is “Shri Akhil Bharatiya Kachchh Kadva Patidar YuvaSangh� (YuvaSangh). After having considered the stand taken by the central Samaj and after having understood the wishes of the general Samaj members in the recent adhiveshan, YuvaSangh has recently issued an historical order.

. ;<-= # -;<>< ? @ ) , )- ) # $. A 0 , B 3 )- C( "# , /, )-D 3E 8 ,C1 , % E ? F % C ) #1 1 G9) 6H 9 . “ ! " # $ % &' ( )( � " * + ' , " )( . In the order dated 20-Jul-2010, issued by YuvaSangh, any person following Satpanth religion cannot become its member in any of the YuvaSangh’s three tiered institutional setup. Which means a person who is follower of Satpanth cannot become member of YuvaSangh, its Regional committee and local yuvak mandal. YuvaSangh has further clarified that it clearly believes that “Satpanth religion is not a part of Hindu religion�

“ % E ? F % C ) I J 91 E 6 # %0 9? 1 KC 6 %+- 9? 1 ) 6H�, 1 3%4" $. %0 ) $2 1 + . Allowing the members to maintain present marriage alliances, it has adviced not to enter into any new alliances in future.

.) 3E 8 ,C @ ) 9 ? )0 ? ) ?1)0 L)- M ? ) )- 1%

? 1 # $% 1 %0 $. + . Additionally it has asked all local yuval mandals to amend their constitution and forward a copy of the amended constitution to the YuvaSangh.

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YuvaSangh order on Satpanth OE 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



/ @ ) K)- ) # $. 1 , E N 3E 8 ,C # ) () ) 8 . A sincere request to all local yuvak mandals to implement the order/instructions/advice from the central YuvaSangh in true letter and spirit.

/ $. 1% $ email E 1, # + , O $% # #H %) %0 C- . http://issuu.com/patidar/docs/oe12_-yuvasangh_order_dated_20-jul-2010_on_satpant or http://issuu.com/patidar/docs/oe12_-yuvasangh_order_dated_20-jul-2010_on_satpant?mode=a_p (for easy reading)

A copy of the YuvaSangh’s order is attached with this email and can be found from the aforesaid link also.

/ $ 78 6 8 % # # 9.# 1" .) 2 )PE

0 Q 9Q 9 . 6 $ ). On behalf of the ordinary members of our Samaj, I congratulate and thank YuvaSangh and its leaders for taking such historical steps.

Real Patidar

NOTE: Please send your feedback and suggestions to the NEW group only, by sending email to realpatidar@googlegroups.com In case you are not the member of the new group, you can visit http://groups.google.com/group/realpatidar and request to become a member.

OE12 -Attachment -Yuvasangh Order Dated 20-Jul-2010 on Satpanth -D.pdf 294K

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