ABKKP Samaj -Membership Forms OE 12A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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ABKKP Samaj -Membership Forms OE 12A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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5HDO 3DWLGDU 0DLO 2( $%..36 0HPEHUVKLS )RUPV ! ,# ' 3DJH RI ABKKP Samaj -Membership Forms OE 12A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5HDO 3DWLGDU PDLO#UHDOSDWLGDU FRP! mail@realpatidar.com
2( $ $%..36 0HPEHUVKLS )RUPV 5HDO 3DWLGDU PDLO#UHDOSDWLGDU FRP! To: realpatidar@googlegroups.com
7XH -XO DW 30
27-Jul-2010 Hello/ , / Jay Laxminarayan / Jay Sanatan Dharm ! " # $ ! %& $& ' # ()* *, + # ,# &-./ (0 1 ) 2 & ,# ' 3* 1 3 4 1 1 . Our Samaj had recently issued White Paper and followed it by an order to implement the white paper. Accordingly every member (including existing members) had to fill up the revised forms and compulsorily submit to the central samaj. 5 6 # (& 1 2 & 3* email 7 *(& 8 . 9 1 : 7 download ' '*. http://issuu.com/patidar/docs/oe12_-abkkps_-membership_forms_-d Accordingly the new revised forms are attache with this email and can also be downloaded from the above link. , $& ' ! 3* ; 5 3< ,# # ' ' ! * = >? @ 8 A 5 ! &./ ,# ' %&
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7 1 ' . SPECIAL NOTE: As mentioned in the White Paper, implementation order and the form, only Sanatanis can become the member of the ABKKP Samaj. A assurance that the applicant is following Sanatan religion and a request to accept his membership has to be counter signed in this regard by President or the Secretary of the zone in which one is resident.
D # & * E1 8 & 1F G ,# # &./ H I # 1 J. I request every member of our community to join ABKKP samaj and strengthen the whole samaj. Real Patidar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Views expressed here are for the sake of discussion and knowledge only - To fully understand the contents of this email, you may be required to read email with "Series 1" in the subject line. - See here for Series 1 email: http://issuu.com/patidar/docs/series_1_-covering_email_contents - To know more visit http://issuu.com/patidar or send a request-mail to mail@realpatidar.com - To receive emails send a request to mail@realpatidar.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2( $%..36 0HPEHUVKLS )RUPV ' SGI 1524K
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