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Eji Aad Nirinjan avtarya, Teno thanak che aerak khand mahain, Satguru ay sohi dekhariya, Te che vaypak nav khand mahain. Cheto rikhisaro guru kahe sache Satgure aem kahaya.
1) Introduction to the Imam of the time-God manifest, resides in Iran and He is the One who Satgur(Pir) Introduced you (Momin) to Him. Refrain: Beware O Momins! This is what the true Guru tells you. 2)
2) 3)
3) 4)
Eji Aal Alijine te kahiae, Nabi Mohammed pir musalle che tya(n)ae Isre aal thi je boolshe, Teto jayse dozak mahain. Cheto...... That the descendant of Ali and Mohammed is He (present Imam) and if you do not recognize Him you will go to Hell. Eji Isre aalthi aal chaliya Te to aviya kahek nagri mahain, Vircha a(n)goaa thanak kahiae, Sri Islam Shah betha che tya(n)ae. Cheto..... Right from that lineage Shri Islam Shah is the present holder of that Noor and He resides in Kehek. Eji Joma(n) Joma(n) ma(n)ae ae Narji kahiae Teni sa(n)kh che aelm mahain, Chalis sipara Kuran na, Te mahain tris che duniya mahain. Cheto..... In every Imam it is the same Noor of Ali and the scriptures bear that out of 40 Siparas (parts) of the Quran are a proof of that and verily 30 are in this world. Eji Das sipara baaki rahya, Te che ae ghar mahain, Athar ved tene kahiae, Teni vani Satgur mukhaj mahain. Cheto..... The rest of th 10 Siparas (Parts) are really the gist of this religion Momins you should recognize the 10 Siparas as the prime religion and that was what Pir Satgur introduced you to. Eji Aal Nabi jine jug mahain aaviya, Tene te kidha ae dharam upaya, Satguru Imam Shah aem kahe, Teto aal Mohammed ni Kahevay. Cheto.... Nabi's descent cameto this world to show you the right path(religion) Guru Imam Shah (composer) tells you this that verily ( Imam of the
Time) 7)
He is Muhammed's progeny. Eji Noor thi Nooraj pragatiya, Teno vas che Nooraj mahain, Tene aa Satpa(n)th peda kidha, Khoji kadiyo Kuran mahain.
The Noor in the Imam of the Time is the same that was the cause of creation and really is from the very Noor you have been given the Satpanth,nay, even the Quran originated from that Noor. Eji Char ved char kitab khojiya, Satguru sarve tya(n)ae, Ilm allah jiae bhejiaa, Farad farmaviya Furkqan mahain. Cheto......
8. (Allah has sent) four Kitabs (scriptures) - Tawrat, Zabur, Injil, Furqan - and four Hindu scriptures (the Veds) the right Guru is mentioned in those scriptures (OR Imam Shah
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has studied those scriptures). That knowledge was sent by Allah and it is presently in the Quran. 9) Eji Farad Furqane thi upanya, Teto parvariya pirothami mahain, Shariyat, tariqat, haqiqat, teni, Malum che marifat mahain. Cheto..... 9. The Quran has given you the basic understanding of Shariat, Tariqat and Haqiqat - it is up to you now to search for Marifat. 10) Eji Marfat mahain thi kadi kari, Teto aaniyo is panyh mahain, Tya(n) raheni rakho nisch kari, Aapna jivne tya(n)ae. Cheto..... 10. The spiritual side of your existence is found in the Satpanth (and you can find it) if you pray during the night with real faith and verily that is the only salvation for your soul. 11) Eji Isre rehani thi je boolshe, Teno tham nahire kiya(n)ae, Teto fera fare lakh chorayashi tana, Teto moksh na pame kaya(n)ae. Cheto.... 11. Those Momins who do not wake up in the morning for Ibadat will go astray and their souls will have to evolve 84 lakh times; in other words, they will not achieve salvation. 12) Eji Lakh chorashi to chutiae, Jo rahiae aapna Satguru ke farman mahain, Daso(n)d dije Satguru mukhe, To vaso howe amrapuri mahain. Cheto.... 12. by obeying
The only way to overcome this evolvement of 84 lakh times is Satgur's Farman, and giving Dasond to Satgur. Verily this will ensure your place in Heaven (Amrapuri). 13) Eji Amrapuri che aagle, Tena sukh kahya nav jay, Satgure dithi tevi kahi, Tya(n) hur malaaek che mahain. Cheto.... 13. The Amrapuri (Heaven) that you will experience and the peace that you will have is impossible for Me to describe! Verily believe Me when I say that I have experienced it and it is a place full of Firastas and spiritually evolved souls. 14) Eji Anat meva che te mahel ma(n), Te ghar ni shobha che tya(n)y, Moman rikhisar te mahel ma(n), Liana(n) lad karshe tya(n)y. Cheto..... 14. (Imam) will 15)
In the Amrapuri (Heaven) there are boundless rewards and that bestow His blessings on Momins and grant all their hearts' desires. Eji Aewa ghar te jiv pamshe, Je chalshe aapna satpanth mahain, Khara dasondi sukarit vanta, Teni sankha che aelm mahain. Cheto....
15. So remember Momin, if you walk the path of Satpanth and be a Dasondi and observe Sukreet (good deeds) you will find that Amrapuri for even our scriptures (the right knowledge) bear that fact. 16) Eji Te Aelm Ali thi pragatya, Teni sankh che Kuran mahain, Kuran kudarat mahain thi utarya, Teni sankh che ae ghar mahain. Cheto.... 16. The right knowledge has come from Ali and His progeny as is borne (forecast) by the Holy Quran and the Holy Quran has come from God Himself (Qudrat) and the proof
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of all that is really here in Satpanth (this Ghar) 17) Eji Ae ghar dekhi je boolshe, Teto jashe dozakh mahain, Aad uniyade thi ae ghar kahiae, Tene sreva(n)ta vimab na kije kai(n). Cheto.... 17. Momins, despite being aware of this Ghar (Satpanth), if you ignore it then you will not achieve salvation and will deserve Hell (Dozakh) for this Ghar is really the proof of the infinite God and never think twice about serving Him. 18) Eji Brahma ne Vishnu Maheshvar kahiae, Teto sarve che ae ghar mahain, Ae ghar ma(n)thi aalaj chaliya, Teto parvariya pirothami mahain. Cheto...... 18. The Gods such as Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshvar are all one in this Satpanth and are manifest in Ali's progeny and is present with us in this world. 19) Eji Tare Vishnu a var datar thaya, Kirpa kidhi Brahmaji upare tya(n)y, Tamo Jawo jug mahain vani karo, Ame sathe aavshoon tya(n)y. Cheto.... 19. He would 20)
Remember Momins that Vishnu in His mercy had told Brahma that grant His wish and in whatever Joog Brahma wanted Him, then Vishnu would be with Him Eji Tene Farmane Brahamji jug mahain aaviya, Vani kidhi te jug mahain, Prabodhi pirothami Brahmaji ae, Dharam marag chalaviya tya(n)y. Cheto......
20. And it is because of that promise Brahmaji has been able to continue Satpanth. 21) Eji Anat kalap aewa wahi gaya, Pache aaviya te char kalap tya(n)y, Te mahaina tran kalap vartiya, Brahmaji ne farmane rahya tya(n)y Cheto...... 21. Thus many eras (Kalaps) have passed and the four Kalaps have passed and the four Kalaps finally prevailed, of which three have already passed and in the past three, Brahma was obeying Vishnu's Firman. 22) Eji Kalap mahain parwariya, Char jug te kidha mahain, Aad uniyade bera hata, Satguru shami jini sewaae Cheto...... 22. In the present (fourth) Kalap, there are four Joogs and the Gods have combined into one God and verily that is the Right Guru (present Imam). 23) Eji Tya(n)thi satguru pragatya, Ane aaviya te char jug mahain, Te mahain tran jug wahi gaya, Tena jivra pahota thanok mahain Cheto...... 23. Remember Momins that three Joogs have passed and Satgur has come in the fourth Joog to lead you tosalvation. 24) Eji Te avtare avtar vahi gaya, Rachana kidhi vishanu brahmaji tya(n)y, Aaj chelli sandh kaljug sandhe, Murtaza Ali avtarya makka mahain Cheto...... 24. So many eras have passed and Vishnu prevailed as the Creator. In this last and present era (Kaljoog) Murtaza Ali has manifested in Mecca. 25) Eji Tya(n)thi aalaj chaliya, Teto aaviya kahek nagari mahain, Sri Islam Shah tya(n) nar kahiae, Shah garibnoon tejj mahain Cheto...... 25. From that day His progeny has continued till this day in Kehek town and the name of the present Imam isShri Islam Shah. 26) Eji Ae ghar sreve je satsoon,
Tena patak sarve jay, Avtare avtar orkhe, Tene pahele moksh muktaj thay
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26. Those Momins who will serve Him with sincerity, all their past and present sins will be forgiven. They will also recognize Him in all His different forms and they will be the ones who will achieve salvation. 27) Eji Ae gher dasondaj dijiae, Te mahain aaras na kije lagaar, Anek jiv aage udhariya, Tene orakhiyo potano bharthar Cheto...... 27. So Momins, do not fall behind in your Dasond for many souls have already achieved salvation and these were the souls who had recognized the Imam as their Lord 28) Eji Dasond vina nahi(n) chutso, Sambaro munivar kahoon chaon varanvar, Chello akharo aa jug tano, Te mahain hathsoon kari liyo sambar Cheto...... 28. am being
Without Dasond there is no salvation so heed Me Momins, for I emphatic. This Joog is the last stage where you can achieve salvation; then why not make an extra effort to achieve it. 29) Eji Dasond dasmi pati kahiae, Teto chalo ae narjisoon aahar, Chaliso te pir mukhe aaliae, Moman tano ae che vevar Cheto...... 29. Dasond is a tenth of your earnings for the Imam and that is for his material upkeep and food (ahar) and the fortieth of your earning is for Pir, for Pir has dedicated His life for you. 30) Eji Dasond deta(n) je jiv rolavshe, Teno hal mal nahire parivar, Kiyana hina koie jiv nahi tare, Satguru kahe che pukar Cheto...... 30. Those Momins who will be dubious about paying Dasond will have no material, physical or familial peace. These are the Momins who have not walked the path of Satpanth and I am beseeching them. 31) Eji Aakhar jamano aaviyo, Aavi chelli kaljug ni var, Avtar sarve pura thaya, Have sami rajo thashe aswar Cheto...... 31. O Momins! This is the last time you have come here and all your Avtars are now over and now King Ali will do Aswari (Epiphany) (make Himself known). 32) Eji Dar re chalshe nak lank tano, Tare thashe te hal halkar, Te mahain sati jiv jitshe, Kayar khashe ghan keri mar Cheto...... 32. much 33)
There will be a battle fought by the Imam (Naklank) and this will be heralded. Only "good" souls will win this battle. The stubborn or misguided will have utter defeat. Eji Kayar ma thajore munivaro, Aagal che dohelore paar, Ali rajo lekha(n) magashe, Nisch jaano nirdhar Cheto......
33. So Momins, do not be amongst the misguided for you have a difficult mountain to climb and Ali will put you on trial so don't be misguided. 34) Eji Kaljug ni sandh che doheli, Ae moman bhai tame rahejo hoshiyar, Dasond dejo satguru mukhe, Tethi utaro pahele paar Cheto...... 34. This Kaljoog is a difficult time, so beware, give Dasond to the right Guru and that is one way of achieving salvation.
Eji Je dasond Teto kayar Tena haira Tare jivso
nahi deshe satguru mukhe, thashe ne khashere maar, mahain thi agni uthshe, te karse pukar
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35. Those who won't give Dasond to the right Guru and remain stubborn despite knowing that, they will never have peace in their hearts and their souls will eternally be crying. 36) Eji Satguru sarve sambaraviaa, Moman bhai tame karjo vichar, Aad uniayade thi ae ghar chalioo, Te Ali rajo karshe sambar Cheto...... 36. Momins, I have told you all, it's up to you to think over it. This house (Satpanth) of Ali is from God Himself. So do not forget to remember Ali. 37) Eji Lekha(n) leshe gurnar sa(n)hiay, Tya(n) sao koie puchayeshe nar ne naar, Otam madhayam tya(n) koie nahi, Koie keni var na karse lagaar Cheto...... 37. spared 38)
When our Lord will question us about our sins no woman or man would be and none will have time to correct their wrong-doings. Eji Utam aachare utam jan jo, Madyam aachare madyam saar, Tame saho koie gnan sambro, Aagar koie keno nahin nar ne naar Cheto......
38. If you are good in your dealings, so shall you be dealt with and vice-versa for after all you are all listening to this Ginan and on that Day nobody will be your buddy. 39) Eji Baap beto keno nahi, Nahi keno kutamb parivar, Aevi vela jyare aavashe, Tyare nahi koie sasro mosar Cheto...... 39. A father will not befriend his son nor will you recognize your family and when a time like that will prevail, there won't even be any in-laws to worry about. 40) Eji Je jiv srevaae thi chukshe, Hadai dharm nahir aanse lagaar, Te mayana moho mahain borshe, Saho koie sarvathe jashe sansaar Cheto...... 40. The soul which has not served and a heart that has not thought of religion, that person will be so attached in this world that he will be let down by those he places trust in. 41) Eji Kaljug jamano kathan jyare aavshe, Tare sahone dile vaparshe kahar, Te mahain je jiv nahi chetshe, Te jivne parshe janjal Cheto...... 41. This Kaljoog is a difficult time and our heart will really stand a trial. Those people who will not heed this warning, these people will have a long way to go. 42) Eji Sansar sarve sambaro, Sambari ma thajo gemar, Satguru jugo jug aaviya, Teni vaani noon tame rakho vichar Cheto...... 42. Momins! You may deal with your surroundings (Sansar) but don't let that lead you astray. The right Guru has come in each era and that promise is the one you should be thinking about (you should be searching for the right Guru in this era). 43) Eji Ma(n)ho ma(n)he bandhav larshe, Teto nahi(n) ganshe mata pita noon parivar, Kathan vachan kaheshe aap ma, Aevo te aavshe sansar Cheto...... 43. Mother and children will fight with each other and won't consider themselves as one family. The child will abuse his mother. Such will be the call of the day (conduct of the time).
Eji Koie kene ghare nahi aavshe, Mane aavshe te rosh aapar, Aha(n)kari a(n)jash aanshe ghano, Telhi jashe te narak dwar
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44. People will stop visiting each other. They will blame each other and selfishness will prevail. All these are roads to Hell. 45) Eji Manre maya thi bolshe, Nahi koie karshe gnan na vichar, Te budi ae thi kaal na utar, Adharmi utpatoon karshe aapar Cheto...... 45. Your mind will be involved in Maya (worldly affairs) and no one will think about Ginans. That sort of mind does not lead to salvation for that's not the right way to follow religion. 46) Eji Gatno melo tethi bangashe, Tare nahi koie aavshe te dharm dwar, Adhram aevo chalse, Tethi vansshe nar ne naar Cheto..... 46. The attendance at a Jamati gathering will decrease and people will stop visiting places of worship. Atheism will be the call of the day and people will pride themselves on that attitude.. 47) Eji Te mana mal mahain thi opajshe, Tena thashe putra ne parivar, Dharm na aave tene hadye, Saoona haday mahain vaparshe kal Cheto...... 47. And the offsprings of such disbelieving couples will of course have no religious feeling. Their feelings will be misguided. 48) Eji Aere aedhan aakhar tana, Tame saho koie karjo vichar, Sarvathi sansar vansshe, Saho koie melshe dharm aachar Cheto...... 48. And that is the sign that the End is near, so do think over that Momins. When selfishness prevails and when everybody leaves religion. 49) Eji Termi sadi aakhar jyare aavshe, Tare dharm na raheshe lagaar, Satiaana sat tare totshe, Hoshe te ho ho kar Cheto...... 49. When the 13th century will near its end people will become irreligious. The good will seem to suffer and will be mocked at. 50) Eji Tare gat mahain but khana vaparshe, Moman na man kathan thashe aapar Te mas che mase khana mahain aavshe, Dharm saraae aavethi paap na jashe lagaar Cheto...... 50. Places of worship will turn into places of sin; people's hearts will harden and hardly once in six months will they visit Jamatkhana. Thus no sins will be forgiven. 51) Eji Aeva aadharm jyare aavshe, Tare dhori chare te dhartino bhar, Tare tharthar dharti dhujshe, Pap karm noon nahi koie shomar Cheto...... 51. When a time like that has prevailed then even the earth will seem to shake and everything will be base and sinful. 52) Eji Gat sat tirth kari nahi koie janshe, Jananhar koie virlo sansar, Aa hoon hoon kari saho koie harshe, Teanthi gatno melo bangshe saar Cheto...... 52. will be 53)
No one will understand the truth or the religion except a few. Most involved in themselves and they will disrupt congregations that gather for prayer. Eji Tare satguruji na vachan otha pashe, Saho koie chalshe aapan man ne vichar, Te dasond na deshe satguru mukhe, Koie melse dharm aachar Cheto......
The right Guru's Farman will not be heeded and everyone will do as
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they please including not giving their Dasond and discarding their religious traditions. 54) Eji Adharme an nahi opjase, Vinasshe kan kanna bandar, Magya te menhe nahi aavshe, Alap kan upajshe teni var Cheto...... 54. Because of the irreligious era the harvest will not occur and a famine will set in. It won't rain and it will take a lot longer to grow things. 55) Eji Aasmani mehula aavshe, Arap sarap te varas she saar, Te to hath sarve Mowla Ali, Jene sirjiya te sarve sansar Cheto...... 55 The heavens will appear angry and hail and storm will fall (occur). This is all in the hands of Mowla Ali, Who is the Creator of everything. 56) Eji Sansar sirjiya Mowla Ali ae, Te to sahoni rozi no puranhaar, Te mahain athar jiv ae jug tana, Tena necho nahin re lagaar Cheto...... 56. Mowla Ali has created this creation and He is the One Who supplies everyone with Roji (food) and amongst this creation there are some misguided souls; O Momins, do not forget that. 57) Eji Te to necho nahi rakhe nishche kari, Nahi rakhe te saheb soon pyar, Bukhya bukhya saho aagal kar, Ae to prarbadhe aavi malshe aahar Cheto...... 57. These misguided souls will be untrusting and they will not love the Imam of the Time. These will go hungry. 58) Eji Aahaar upar santosh rakhiae, Nav kariae to bohot pukar, Jene aa jug paeda kariya, Te to Ali che rojino puranhaar Cheto...... 58. Momins, be satisfied with the food you get; do not hunger for more. The one who has created this earth is Ali, Who will give you your Roji (i.e. sustenance). 59) Eji Seva kije saheb tani, To tale te jiv ne janjal, Matana odar ma(n) jene purya, Gibaravas ma kidhi sanbar Cheto...... 59. Serve the Imam through which you will evolve your soul for He is the One who helped you whilst you were in your mother's womb and He looked after you then. 60) Eji Te Ali ji upare vishvas nahi, Sahu koie chalshe te potane aachar, Bohot budiye saho koie chalshe, Teno man no nahi matere janjal Cheto...... 60. Those who will not trust Ali and will continue to go the way they will and will think their own intellect to be superior, these people will never have internal peace. 61)
Eji Sansar sagharo aem thayo, Sat guru ji kahe te ketlik war, Murkh mayani jar ma(n), Saho koie bur muae re gemar
61. Momins, the whole creation was thus created and I do not repeat that; yet the unthinking person is so involved in his worldly affairs that he cannot surface from this affair to realize all this. 62) Eji Ali jini sevaae thi chukshe, Teno bheth paryore avtar, Chetanhara tame chetjo, Man kho nahi aave biju vaar Cheto...... 62.
Those who will not serve Ali, verily they have lost this Avtar (the
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purpose they were sent for) so beware, O Momins, for you will not come back as a human being. 63) Eji Maha padar thi sarikho aa mankho, Teno satguru ji ae dharm didho sanbar, Te mahain sacha munivar aapana, Tene sami rajo leshe ogar Cheto...... 63. The human Avtar is indeed a high evolvement of soul. In this Avtar you have been introduced to religion and those who are true to this, our Lord will give them salvation. 64) Eji Te mahain khara dasondi je sukrit vanta, Tene te bandhi pun ni paar, Te gnam vichari ne chalshe, Teni kaljug nahin lupse lagaar Cheto...... 64. indeed get 65)
Those who are Dasondi and who walk the path of Satpanth, they have accumulated good deeds and those who will understand the Ginans and follow them, these will not entrapped in the material world. Eji Te char jug aavine pura thaya, Hawe nahin koie agiyar mo avtar, Te senso mate sacha satguru thaki, Teni sharane te raho nirdhar Cheto......
65. Momins, four Joogs (four eras) are completed and there is no eleventh Avtar to come. Thus the only way to complete your spiritual evolvement is to submit yourself to His feet and stay by His support. 66)
66. of each 67)
Eji Gat sagari tame hete milo Momino keni khed ma karsho lagar Seva karo sacha satguru tani Tethi panasho moksh mugat didar
O Momins, get together and meet each other with love. Do not speak ill other. Serve the Imam of the Time and that will lead you to Holy Didar. Eji Jene aa jiv pind sariya Tena samarath no nahi(n) re(n) paar Khari dasond tene aaliye Ae to khateya nire sambar Cheto......
67. The One who has created our soul and our body, there is no limit to Him. He is the One who should be given Dasond and indeed by doing so, you will be the winner. 68) Eji Te satguru ni pa(n)ti algi karo Ane bijoon karo potano aahar Te mahain te thashe barkat ghani Teno sneso ma aansho lagaar Cheto..... 68. Remember Satguru before anything you do; then have your meal and you will find that your meals will always be enough. 69) Eji Te aapane didha vina nahi chalshe Ae gurnar lobi nahire lagar Mankha janam mathe theraviyo Ae saho sahona mathe chhe baar Cheto.... 69. Momins, He will indeed give us what we desire for He is generous and that is why He has created us as humans, so it is incumbent on us to remember that. 70) Eji Jetla sharmo peda kidha Te saho mahain chaliya aere vahevar Hindu musalman potani nat mahain Saho krie diay che potana guru mukhe aahar Cheto..... 70. All the religions that have been created, they all have Ali as their solvent. Hindu or Muslim may stay true to their principles, but in fact, there is only one God and that is Ali. 71) Eji Sarjanharo mowla aek chhe Tene kidha che panth apar Te mahain saho saho potane thanke Aapana dharm mahain rahe hushiyar Cheto.....
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71. The Creator is One, the paths are many. Everybody is at his/her own level; so do remain steadfast in your religion. 72) Eji Adhoro ocho kya(n) nahi(n) Sarv satha ne che aek sarjan haar Te sevane karane sarjiya Guru brahma ji nabi Mohd no avtar Cheto..... 72. Those who are not steadfast do not achieve much. Again, there is only one Creator and He has created us to serve Him. Our Prophet Muhammed is (a manifestation of) Brahma. 73) Eji Nabi Mohd Mustafa upaviya Teno chalyo che parivar Satguri brahma Mohd aek che Teno karta te vishano var datar Cheto..... 73. 74)
Prophet Muhammed Mustafa was created to complete a mission. Brahma and Muhammed are one and Vishnu became his son-in-law. Eji Satguru saheb varo vahi gayo Tena ved rahaya che saar Hindu mane che te vadne Te upar dandiae che sansar Cheto.....
74. Brahma's era has passed and only the scriptures have remained. Hindus believe in those scriptures and base their alm-givings on that. 75) Eji Te vedni vaani upar dharm diay Tena jutha te levanhaar Brahma jina sut te kaheway che Te pota mathe liae che sahono bar Cheto...... 75. It is with those scriptures that Hinduism continues and there are many who do not understand it. That scripture says that Brahma shoulders the burden of everyone. 76) Eji Brahma jina sut tene kahieae Je koie pale dharm aachar Dan liae teto safal kari Tene mathe nahi reshe bar Cheto...... 76. The true followers of Brahma are the ones who follow the religion properly. They take alms after accomplishing their purpose and thus they do not owe anything to anyone. 77) Eji Brahma jina sut te Mohd Mustafa Satgur noor teno parivar Satgur noor savrag thi utarya Tene bodhiya te sarve sansar Cheto..... 77. from 78)
Prophet Muhammed is like Brahmaji and the Satgur's Noor is descendant Him. Satgur's Noor has come from the Heaven and He has taught the world the right religion. Eji Te satguru noor thi aalaj chali ya Pir Shams teno pariwar Hajar joman tene dekhariya Murtaza ali no avtar Cheto.....
78. the 79)
Pir Satgur Noor's progeny is Pir Shams and they have introduced you to present Imam who is really Mowla Murtaza Ali. Eji Te Murtaza Ali avtare aa Abu Talib ne gher avtar Te Baitullah mahain peda thaya Te shaher makka min jai Cheto.....
79. 80)
Murtaza Ali was born to Abu Talib in Baitulla, which is in Mecca. Eji Mata ji gayata bait mahain Tayat karvane saar Ibadat karine jyare uthiya Ali pedani same thai teniajwar Cheto.....
80. 81)
His mother was doing Baiyat and was in Ibadat when Hazrat Ali was born. Eji Tare mataji pariya(n) vichar ma Have gher gayani nathi var Ta(n) kere ghar bijo hato Teni bint fali bari thai teniajwar Cheto.....
Hazrat Ali's mother was surprised at this incident of Hazrat Ali being
born w hile 82)
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she was praying for she was away from home when He was born. Eji Tare mataji uthi te mahain gaya Huran be aaviyoon te ghar ninjar Te same Ali peda thaya Te aad nirianjan noon avtar
82. She did not have to worry very long for two angels came to assist her when Ali was born. Verily He is God Manifest. 83) Eji Tame sat divas aankhioon nahi aghariyoon Mukh thi khirna pidhoon lagar Tara nabi Mohd ne malum thayoon Teto aaviya teaniaj var Cheto..... 83. This 84)
For seven days He would not open His eyes and would not take any milk. made Prophet Muhammed realize (who Hazrat Ali was) and he cam to Him. Eji Tare salam kidha sarvare Ali ae aankhiyoon oghariyoon teaniaj var Tare didar kidha nabi Mohamed tana Mukh thi salam varyo ali kirtar Cheto.....
84. He (Prophet Muhammed) paid respects to Hazrat Ali, upon which He opened His eyes and they mutually saw each other and Hazrat Ali smiled at the Prophet. 85) Eji Tare mukh ughariyoon Mowla Ali jiae Tena mukh mahain jib didhi sardar Tya(n) bed sagharo samabara viya Te char kitabaj saar Cheto.....
85. Since that day Hazrat Ali opened His mouth and has become our leader (check this word). He has told us the secrets of here and after and His words are the gist of the four scriptures. 86) Eji Tare potani kudarat rakhi pota kane Nabi Mohammed samajya sarve vichar Dhan dhan mat tat ne kahiae Ay che aad nirinjan no avtar Cheto..... 86. Prophet Muhammed had understood Hazrat Ali's greatness and congratulated His mother for being chosen to be the person through which God would manifest. 87) Eji Aene partham pahelo sahi kidho Jyare ditha te shah na didar Pache te muridone vataviyo Te mahain je orkhashe te pamshe paar Cheto.... 87. The Prophet first assured himself of Hazrat Ali and got His Holy Didar. He then introduced Ali to the Momins and those who recognized Him indeed achieved salvation. 88) Eji Te satguru sahebjieay sreva kari Shukrana kidha ati apaar Ali ne te allah orakhiyo Te mahain shak na aanio lagaar Cheto..... 88. So Momins, serve that Lord and be thankful for Ali is Allah and do not ever doubt it. 89) Eji Tare arash mahinthi maliek utariya Te aaviya paygambar pase tenivar Te puchva lagiya paiygambar ne Tame shoon shoon ditha sardar Cheto.... 89. The angels came down from the skies to ask the Prophet where and how did you see the leader . 90) Eji Tare mukh mubarak mahain thi boliya Nabi Mohammed teniaj vaar Ame mojiza kitha mukh ali jine Aapano bhed aaliyo che sanbar Cheto..... 90. He has 91)
The Prophet replied: "I have seen a miracle from (in) Ali's face and introduced me to the secrets of the here and after." Eji Tare Nabi Mohammed ne malaeke kahayoon Amne dekharo Ali vardatar Ame didar kariya shah Ali tana
To utariya pele paar
91. we may 92)
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The angels requested the Prophet: "Please show us Ali the Lord so that get His Holy Didar and achieve salvation." Eji Tare Nabi Mohammed ne malaek chaliya Te aaviya Abu Talib ne duar Tyan noor dithon nirakar noon Kidhoon kuransoon teni vaar Cheto....
92. The Nabi then took the angels to Hazrat Abu Talib's home where they all saw Allah's Noor (Illahi Noor) and completed their mission. 93) Eji Tare salam kari te to pacha variya Te malaek ne sardar Tare malaek Nabi Mohammed ne kahayoon Ae to che arash kurash noon kirtar Cheto.... 93. After saluting Hazrat Ali the angels turned back and said to the Prophet: "Verily He is the Creator of the earth and the heaven." 94) Eji Hamne jene hukam kariyo Ane mukiya tam pase sardar Sohi ame aene jaanta Te mahain shak nahi re lagaar Cheto..... 94. word), 95)
The One who has commanded me and has made me your leader (check the O Momin, He is the only One I know and I request you not to doubt Him. Eji Tare Nabi Mohammed aem boliya Bhai malaek tamne kahoon vichar Amne pote orkhavio Ae che susatino sirjan har Cheto.....
95. Prophet Muhammed said to the angels that Ali revealed Himself to me and verily He is the Creator of the universe. 96) Eji Ali te to sahi allah kahiye Tema oocho nahire lagaar Ame aene manio sidak soon Aeno nam che jallshanaho aakar Cheto...... 96. Momins, do call Ali Allah and nothing less for I have believed in Him with implicit faith and He is my Lord. 97) Eji Sidak barshaq Ali kahiye Te aad nirinjan no avtar Tare Nabi Mohammed ne saho salam kari Malaek gaya potane duar Cheto..... 97. Ali is the all-powerful and He is God Manifest. Prophet Muhammed and the angels paid their respects to Him and they went back to their abode. 98) Eji Malaek tyanthi mathe gaya Pahota hajor parvardigaar Tare kuran soon kari uba rahaya Tare ditho te Ali jino aakar Cheto..... 98. God's 99)
When the angels went back to the Heaven and were fortunate to go to presence; to their amazement it was none other than Hazrat Ali. Eji Mowla Murtaza Ali duniya mahain zaher thaye Teni kudrat no nahi koie paar Dine islam aethi payda thayo Te karame mathe thi utarya duldul ne zulfiqar Cheto....
99. end to
So Momins, God has proclaimed Himself in Hazrat Ali and there is no what He can do. He gave us Islam and then came to us riding Dul Dul and with Zulfiqar (sword) in His
hand. 100)
Eji Tene mari musllaman karya Hindu hata teno nahi koie shumar Din pota no zaher kariyo Tena Nabi Mohammed ne kidha sardar
100. The people were converted to Islam and no Hindus were left. They could practise their religion openly and Prophet Muhammed was their leader. 101) Eji Nabi Mohammed sat brahma kahiae Tena farzand bibi Fatima saar Tare Nabi Mohammed chinta upani
Aeno kon te thashe bharthar
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101. This 102)
Nabi Muhammed is the right Brahma and his daughter is Bibi Fatima. worried the Prophet - who would marry his daughter? Eji Nabi Mohammed ne shahe maeraj te raviaa Tyan dithi te kudrat aapar Tare farman aaviyo Ali janab thi Tame chinta ma karo lagaar Cheto....
102. things 103)
When Prophet was called on (experienced) Meraj, he saw many wonderful and Hazrat Ali made a Farman to him not to worry. Eji Tam ghar farzand bibi Fatima Teno am pase che bharthar Te kul tamari mahain avtariya Te Abu Talib ne gher avtar Cheto....
103. to you 104)
I have chosen a husband for your daughter, Bibi Fatima, who has come through Abu Talib's lineage. Eji Te roop amaroon jaanjo Te Mowla Murtaza Ali avtar Ali allah aek kari jaanjo Te mahain shak ma aanjo lagaar Cheto....
104. Know My form, for though I am manifest in Murtaza Ali, I am the Creator and do not doubt that. 105) Eji Jyare aevo farman aaviyo hazar thi Tare Nabi Mohammed ne aaviyo aetbaar Tyan dithi kudrat kadar tani Boliya Nabi Mohammed teni var Cheto..... 105. When the Prophet heard this at Meraj, he gained faith and he saw awe-inspiring things. 106) Eji Tare araj kidhi Ali janab ma Tame sambaro parvardigar Ali allah aek farmaviya Teno te koon karshe aetbaar Cheto....
106. He requested Hazrat Ali saying, "How will I convince my fellow human beings that you are God Manifest?" 107) Eji Tare dargah mathi farman aaviyo Tame sambaro Mohammed mora piyar Tam ghar farzand bibi Fatima Teno Ali che bharthar Cheto.....
107. marry 108)
The reply from the Heaven to the Prophet was: "O My beloved Prophet, your daughter to Hazrat Ali." Eji Tam ghar farzand nar che Am ghar farzand the bharthar Tame Mohammed ame jallshanho Aapan donoon no ay che vahevar Cheto.....
108. and I 109)
You have a daughter and I have the husband for her. You are Muhammed am "Jal Shahnur"(Creator). Together we will carry on the mission. Eji Jyare ae farzand mota thashe Tyare karshoon te duniaanoon aachar Ame tame donoon aek chiae Tenoon koie na karsho vichar Cheto......
109. When your daughter will grow older I will create the circumstance for her to marry Ali for indeed you are from My Noor, so don't worry about the future. 110) Eji Bibi Fatima voravajo Te Hazrat Ali gher nar Tene tame tyan aaljo Dejo dej mahain khawja char Cheto..... 110. 111)
Marry Bibi Fatima to Hazrat Ali in the dowry give her four servants. Eji Te khawja raheshe hazoor main
Te upare bibi Fatima dharshe piyar Teni dua ae tito vijshe Tena thashe baho parivar
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111. These servants will stay with her and will respect and love Bibi Fatima and she will ove them. These servants will be regular in their prayers and their families will be happy. 112) Eji Teto manshe Mowla Ali ne Seva karshe dhari baho pujar Teno allah te ali kahiae Je koie aanshe itbaar Cheto....
112. will 113)
They will also believe in Hazrat Ali and will serve Him with love and acknowledge Ali as Allah. Eji Ali allah je koie manshe Teno pir te Nabi Mohammed avtar Je nabi jini aal mahain thi upajshe Te pir musalle saar Cheto....
113. Those who will acknowledge Ali as Allah, they are indeed equivalent to Pir and Nabi, and one can call them as from Nabi. 114) Eji Aal alijini sahi kari manshe Je thashe te khawja no parwar Sache sidake te chalshe Ali Mohammed ni aal upar rakhshe piyar Cheto.... 114. Momins, believe Ali's progeny to be true and those who will do this will get the benefit as those servants did. They will also be guided to the right path if they will love Ali and Muhammed. 115) Eji Tena iamn ame rakhshoon Jyare vartse kaljug kalikar Tene potana kari rakhshoon Aagal mahadan mahain utarsoon paar Cheto..... 115. We will believe with true Iman in Ali, especially in this present material world (Kaljoog); we will also consider Him as our own so that He will be our cause for salvation. (This is what the servants will pledge.) 116) Eji Tare Nabi Mohammed boiya Tame sambaro parvardigaar Tamare farman ne ame chalsoon Tame mehar karo sirjan haar Cheto..... 116. Nabi then replied, "O My Lord, I will obey Your Farman, please be Merciful on me." 117) Eji Te Ali Mohammed aek che Tena nam na joaa joaa vichar Ali kirtar vishanu kahiae Nabi Mohammed brahma jino avtar Cheto.... 117. Momins, Ali and Muhammed are one. It is like different attributes of God as one who would compare Ali to Vishnu and Muhammed to Brahma. 118) Eji Tame sirjanhaar aem boliya Jenon naam parvardigaar Maheshwar murat te mahain mili Te aadam safiullah noon avtar Cheto.... 118. The Lord then replied: The Lord who is the Creator of this universe Maheshvar is that Creator and He has created Hazrat Adam and manifested Himself. 119) Eji Tare maheraj mahain thi Mohammed utariya Te aaviya jyan hato potano parivar Aasane aavi parvariya Tyan betiya Ali var dataar Cheto....
119. The Prophet then came down from his Meraj to his house and went to bed where he met Hazrat Ali. 120) Eji Bibi Fatima jare mota thaya Tyare vali hokam hoyo parvardigar
Hazrat Ali ne paran vajo Ane dej mahain dejo khawja char
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120. When Bibi Fatima became older, Prophet received another order from Allah to marry Bibi Fatima to Ali and give her four servants in dowry. 121) Eji Tare Farman mani Nabi Mohammed ubha rahiya Jai Alisoon karyo vichar Bibi Fatima tame hak karo Ae che tamari naar Cheto....
121. 122)
Prophet heeded the Farman and requested Hazrat Ali to marry Bibi Fatima. Eji Tare hazrat ali ae hak karya Bibi Fatima dikari Nabi Mohammed ni saar Tare Nabi Mohammed Mustafa Ali aa dej mahain khawja char Cheto....
122. Hazrat Ali thus married Bibi Fatima, the Prophet's daughter, and the Prophet gave her a dowry of four servants. 123) Eji Te khawaja khizmat mahain aaliya Teona namna sambalo vichar Arabi bakhya mahain te hata Teto Gujrati mahain kidha nirdhar Cheto..... 123. These servants served Ali; Momin, listen to their names which were in Arabic and I'll try to translate them for you. 124) Eji Khalak khudabaksh ae be jana Trijo te sadak saar Abdul Rasool ae char jana Bibi Fatimane Aliyu sardar Cheto....
124. Their names were Khalak, Khudabaksh, Sadak, Abdurasool; and Bibi Fatima was in charge of them. 125) Eji Teoae khizmat kidhi khavand tani Te umaro sari saar Teni aakhar vela jare aavi Tare bibi Fatima ae dhariya piyar Cheto.... 125. These servants served both Bibi Fatima and her husband (Hazrat Ali) all their lives and even when their final moments came, they remained steadfast in their love for Ali. 126) Eji Bibi Fatima tyare boliya Tame sambaro hydre karar Sari umro aeoae seva kari Teno aapana upar rahyo che bhar Cheto.... 126. Bibi Fatima requested Ali, saying: "O My Beloved Alim, these people have served us all their lives; how can we repay them?" 127) Eji Tare Hazrat Ali farmaviya Tame sambaro bib Fatima saar Je kaho te aeone aaliye Aem boliya te haydare karar Cheto.... 127. Hazrat Ali replied: "Listen, Bibi Fatima, ask them what they want, and so shall they have." 128) Eji Tare bibi Fatima baliya Tame sambaro Ali bharthar Aeone tame duaa karjo Je aeone thaae kutumb parivar Cheto.... 128. Bibi Fatima requested Hazrat Ali to bless the servants so that they and their families may live happily and peacefully. 129) Eji Tare hazrat Ali ae khawja teraviaa Te one puchio te sarve vichar Aaj je joiea te tame mag jo Tamne trutha te Alivar dataar Cheto....
129. Hazrat Ali called the four servants and said: "You can ask Me what you want today for I am in a generous mood today." 130) Eji Tare khawja khalek aem boliyo Tame sambaro parvardigar Tam truthe amne sarve thayshe
Tame kayam cho kudrat na datar
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130. Khalak then replied: O my Lord, Your happiness towards me is all I want for indeed You are the Creator of the universe. 131) Eji Amaroon iman sabat rakhjo Jethi utariya pele paar Bijoon atloon ame ma(n)giye Je varvar hove tamaro didar Cheto.... 131. Keep my Iman strong so that I may cross this world that is like an ocean. The next thing I ask is that I may be blessed with Your Didar always. 132) Eji Sreva tamari nav chokiae Aevi maher karjo alivar kirtar Aal amari koie nathi Jethi kere chale amaro parivar Cheto... 132. Bless us also with more Seva for You for indeed me and my family are nothing. You are everything. 133) Eji Ame char jan is jug mahain aaviya Teni shankh na raheshe mahain sansar Amaro pind pota tano Saheb tamo cho amara aadhar Cheto.... 133. So Momins, this is how these four great men lived their lives. They did not consider themselves more important than their Lord. 134) Eji Aem kahine khawja roieya Tene naine aavian nir apar Tare mataji Fatima aem boliya Tame chinta ma karo lagaar Cheto.... 134. Whilst these servants were asking Ali for all the above blessings, they ere crying and Bibi Fatima comforted them and asked them not to worry. 135) Eji Tare fari Fatima aem boliya Tame sambaro hazrat bharthar Tame duaa karo ayoone meher soon Jem thay ayoone putra ne parivar Cheto..... 135. Bibi Fatima then requested Hazrat Ali: "O my husband, bless these servants so that they may have a happy family and a son." 136) Eji Baga te noor saja thaya Aem dua kidhi Ali datar Tene laiene paramaivaya Utam varan mahein saar Cheto....
136. Those who were ill in that family thus became healthy and each servant was married away. 137) Eji Te chare khawya ne paranviya Te mahin aek noon nahi parivar Tene te kainik ochoon kari janiyoo Ali janab parvardigar Cheto....
137. Though each were married, one of them did not conceive and he was the one who had not believed Ali implicitly. 138) Eji Chare khawjane paramavi kari Aaleaa teone dharm aachar Te chare ne aazad kariya Aem hukam kidho Alivar datar Cheto.... 138. After these four servants were married and after they had accepted Islam, they were released from Hazrat Ali's service; thus was His command. 139) Eji Have ame tamne azad kariya Tame jao te pase sardar Tene farmane tame chaljo To pamsho moksh mugat didar Cheto..... 139. Hazrat Ali said, "I release you to be with your family, but follow My Farmans and you will achieve salvation." 140) Eji Tare chare khawya Nabi ji pase gaya Amne trutha te Alivar datar Have amne laie tamne sonpiya Have tainthi otariye paar Cheto....
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140. The four then went to the Prophet and requested him to take them in his service for they said that Hazrat Ali has been happy with us and no longer needs our service. 141) Eji Tare Nabi Mohammed bodhi teone murid karya Tene dekhiriya sat dharm na aachar Ali te manjo allah kari Te mukh khari dasond dejo saar Cheto.... 141. Then Hazrat Nabi guided these four and showed them the right path; asked them to acknowledge Ali as Allah and to pay their Dasond regularly. 142) Eji Dasond dasmi pati kahiae Te dejo nar Alijine aahar Chalio amaro aaljo Pir murid noon ae che vevar Cheto....
142. Dasond is the tenth of your earning which you submit to Ali and the fortieth is our (Pir's) share. Momins, this is how you deal with us. 143) Eji Ali te allah kari manjo Pir te Nabi Mohammed sardar Amare farmane tame chaljo To tamara vadhshe putra ne parivar Cheto.... 143. Acknowledge Ali as Allah and Pir is on the same footing as the Nabi. Thus follow what we say to you and that will ensure that you and your family will flourish. 144) Eji Teni aendhani tamne don Teno tamne kahoon choon vichar Aal tamari je thayshe Potri potra ne parivar Cheto....
144. I have introduced you to Him and request you to think about Him so that you may in turn have your daughters and sons know Him too. 145) Eji Tene tame laie kari chaljo Te parvat opare saar Tene tyanthi tame meljo Ali allah kahi tene aadhar Cheto....
145. Momins, take Ali's thoughts with you even at the peak of your success, and if you have to leave his thought, leave it after acknowledging Him as Allah. 146) Eji Te Ali allah sahi hashe To tamara ogarshe putra ne parivar To ae nar ne srevjo satsoon Dasond dijo ae narjine saar Cheto....
146. If your faith in Ali is true, then your family will indeed flourish. Thus serve Him implicitly and pay your Dasond. 147) Eji Nar Alijine dasond jo tame aalso To tamara vadhashe ridhi sidhi potra ne parivar Iman salamat tena rakkshe Aapano nar Ali che sirjan haar Cheto....
147. If you pay Dasond to Ali your material wealth and your progeny will increase. He will also keep your Iman strong. Verily Ali is the Creator. 148) Eji Tyanthi aal tamari jugmahain chalshe Tene senso nahire lagaar Je jiv satpanth dharm pichanshe Jyan sudhi aavshe kiyamat rojni sambar Cheto.... 148. Your children that come after you will never go hungry or unhappy till the Day of Judgement if you have understood Satpanth. 149) Eji Tamari aal je thayshe Tenoon aa satpanthsoon raheshe vahevar Nar alijine te sahi kari manshe Pir nabi Mohammed te muslle saar Cheto...
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149. The children that follow you will adhere to Satpanth. They will believe in Ali and will be among the Muslims who will acknowledge Muhammed. 150) Eji Kaljug sandhe bijane bodhshe Je thashe amaro parivar Te mahain thar thar koie koie raheshe Aevo kaljugno kathan thashe vahevar Cheto..... 150. During Kaljoog times will be difficult and only the sincere will be able to keep their Iman strong for diversions will be plenty. 151)
Eji Tare kiyana hiana jiv dolshe Je melshe satpanth dharm no aachar Aa satpanth meli baher jaaeshe Ane karshe juth ninda ne kura charavshe aar
151. Those who will not have followed their religious duty regularly will lose their religion. They will also be amongst those who backbite and are deceptive. 152) Eji Te dare divane vatoon karshe Aapana dharm maragno vistar Te to dasond deta ochoon aanashe Tena jiv te thar nahi raheshe lagar Cheto..... 152. These people will also talk a lot against religion. They won't be regular in their Dasond and they will never have peace of mind. 153) Eji Tyan te tamari aalna je hashe Teni nar aliji karshe vaar Iman sabit tena rakhashe Jare avshe kaljug sandh ni var Cheto..... 153. In times like this Ali will come to the help of your children, O Momins, and He will make sure that their Iman remains steadfast. 154) Eji Kari salam tare uthiya Nabi Mohammed pase thi khawja char Tene jie potano ogham kario Deta dasond khariya ni saar 154. they 155)
When the Khwajas (servants) heard the above preachings from the Nabi, stood up saluting him andwere amongst those who followed his teachings. Eji Satguru Nabi ji Ali ji ne farmane dharm aalio Teno vadhio te ridhi sidhi ne parivar Tena balak jare opje tare Parvat thi hethe mele saar Cheto....
155. Nabi introduced them to Satpanth; they had success in their material and spiritual worlds and their families flourished. 156) Eji Aere aachai aaj din lagi Te bukhaya tarshya nahire lagaar Teni aal aajdin lagi Te Nabi Mohammed bodhiya khawaja char Cheto.... 156. Till this day the families of these servants have never gone hungry and they have continued the tradition of spreading Islam. 157) Eji Te to asal dharmisoon sabit rahiya Nahi melio te dharm aachar Teoae aa satpanth gupt aaradhio. Te panth no pardo fas na kidho lagaar Cheto..... 157. They remained true to the right (original) religion and they did this without publicising it. 158) Eji Te dasond sukrite pura rahiya Juth ninda na kidhi lagaar Tene te doheloon kem hove Je aale dasond satguru mukhe aahar Cheto.... 158. They stayed true in their dealings and Dasond. They never indulged in backbiting how can people like this ever suffer unhappiness? 159) Eji Aere khawaja satpanth mahain aaviya Jare hati Nabi Mohammed ni vaar Tyanthi satpanth chaliyo Teto jaher kidho Nabi Mohammed no parivar Cheto... 159.
My belief is that the servants led exemplary lives on which our
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Satpanth was emulated and they served Nabi and his family. 160) Eji Ali nabijini kala mahain thi apana Imam Hassan Hussein parivar Tena kur mahain thi opana Hazrat Zainulabdin avtar Cheto....
160. Hazrat Ali is from the Prophet's lineage and Hasan and Husseyn are His children and Zainulabdeen is His grandson. 161) Eji Tyanthi aalay chaliaa Te to avtare avtar Tene srevanta je bulshe Te to jashe nark dwar Cheto....
161. Imam). 162)
Similarly this line will continue with every Joma (every descendant Momins, do not forget to serve Him, for if you do, you will not achieve heaven. Eji Ali nabi thi je satpanth chaliaa Tene sreviay gupt aapar Atharvedi aa panth kahiae Te to khojiya kuran minjar Cheto....
162. The religion that has been introduced to you by Ali and Nabi, observe it within yourself for truly this religion is from the time of creation and you can find its proof in the Holy Quran. 163) Eji Das sipara kuran na Teno ay atharvedaj saar Te gupt satpanth rakhiay Aaradhiya teto pamiya moksh mugat didar Cheto..... 163. The Holy Quran confirms this in ten Siparas (chapters) just as Athar Ved (Hindu Scripture) confirms it too. So Momins, observe this without much ado for that is your salvation. 164) Eji Anant kalapanant jug vahi gaya Te mahain jiv oghariaa apar Ah kaljug mahain Ali Nabi ji aaviya Te pan karva jivoni sambar Cheto....
164. Countless eras have passed and your soul has passed through all those eras. In the present era you have Ali and Nabi to guide you to salvation, 165) Eji Tene farmane je jiv chalshe Te jiv pamshe moksh didar Chara charbat je jiv shikhashe Te to jashe narak dwar Cheto...
165. Those 166)
Those Momins who will obey their Farmans will achieve Noorani Didar. who will question the Farmans and think themselves cleverer will not achieve salvation. Eji Aad uniaade thi ay sat dharm chhe Char kalap n echar juh mahain saar Jakh navano karor pahela kalap mahain Te to pamiya moksh muhat didar Cheto....
166. The Satpanth (or true religion) which you have from creation will help you get through the four Joogs just as 99 Karor souls achieved salvation in the first Joog. 167) Eji Bija kalap mahain oghariya Chapan karor megh mala saar Aad sadguru sahevjini sevaay te rahiya Tene orakhiyo potano bharthar Cheto....
167. In the second era, fifty-six Karor souls served the true Guru and achieved salvation. 168) Eji Bathrisha karor kinar kahiay Tene to satgurusoon rakhiyo puro vahevar Ay jiv aagal oghariaa Trija kalap mahain nirdhar Cheto...
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168. Thirty-two Karor souls attached themselves rightly to the True Guru in the third era and thus achieved salvation. 169) Eji Tetrisa karor dharmi pura thaya Teto chotha kalap mahain saar Te satguru ni sevaay thi nahi chukiaa Teto pahota amarapuri monjar Cheto...
169. Thirty-three Karor souls observed their religion implicitly in the fourth era. They did not forget to serve the Guru and thus achieved salvation. 170) Eji Te chotha kalap mahain thi char jug thaya Teno karta te nar Ali datar Karta, treta, divapar jug kariaa Ane chotha te kaljug saar Cheto....
170. In the fourth era there were four Joogs and Ali was the cause of that: Karta (first Joog), Treta (second joog), Duapur (third Joog) and the fourth Joog is Kaljoog. 171) Eji Karta juge raja paelay opana Tene satguru saheb ni sreva kidhi saar Harankans ghar avtarya Tene to baap soon na rakhiyo vahevar Cheto.....
171. King Pehla was the true Guru in Kartajoog and he served the Lord. He was born of Hamakas (Pehla's father's name) and he looked after him. 172) Eji Pitaay tene parharyo Te to janamiyo van monjar Teni sreva dithi sahebjiae Tare thamb mahain thi pragatae dev morar Cheto....
172. His father brought him up after he was born in a forest and when the Lord saw Pehla's devotion, He manifested Himself to him. 173) Eji Paelay n i vare sri Narsinh aaviya Jare kasani te dithi saar Mag mag paelaj sri Narsinh bane Tamne trotho te vardatar Cheto....
173. but he 174)
After Pehla, Narsi was the next who went through many tribulations followed the path like Pehla and the Lord was beneficent to him. Eji Tare paelaj hari pratye boliya Shami dhan dhan satguru ji avtar Tene pratape tame padhariya Te satfuru opare jaon balhar Cheto....
174. Pehla was happy when he achieved salvation and said: O Lord, You are the cause of my creation and I will submit fully to You, body and soul. 175) Eji Jere satguru thaki ame seva kari Ane pamiaa te tamaro didar Te satguru ne pratape kari Amne choravo lakh chorashina avtar Cheto.....
175. He thus served the Lord and achieved Noorani Didar. The Lord was beneficent to him and he completed 84 Lakh evolutions. 176) Eji Satguru pratape Sri Narsinh trotha Karor panchesoon otariya paar Teto jiv amrapuri gaya Tene senso nahin re lagaar Cheto.....
176. Because of Satguru, who came to you, the King of the Kings (God) is happy with you and has givensalvation to five Karor. The five Karor have gone to Heaven and will have no unhappiness. 177) Eji Jug treta mahain harichandra thaya Te ghar Tara Rani naar Kunwar Rohidas teno potra kahiay Tene seviaa te Vishanu kirtar Cheto....
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177. In the Treta Joog, Harischandra came and his wife was Queen Tara. Their son was Rohidas and they all served Lord Vishnu. 178) Eji Te mahain sabi Tara raniay seva kari Te sami jini rahiaa thi utariaa paar Tene sangte thi satguru pamiaa Tethi dharm mahe(n) aaviyo Harichandra bharthar Cheto.... 178. Queen Tara served the Lord and achieved salvation. She was like our Satguru and that is why she had a husband like Harischandra. 179) Eji Te raja Harichandra satguru sevaae rahiya Teno putra ne gharni naar Tene rajpat sarve meli kari Ane Dhiaieaa te sat dharm saar Cheto....
179. King Harischandra remained devoted in his services and when the time came, he even gave his son, his queen and kingdom for religion. 180) Eji Tene hal mal sarve didho satguru name Ane pote vecham zaprane dwar Tene tyan satguru jaie miliya Jyare dithi te kasni aapar Cheto.....
180. All his wealth and his material comforts diminished. He got sold as a slave and it was after going through this ordeal that he attained Satguru. 181) Eji Tare varo hato sri Ramchand jino Tyan satguru saheb Vijesthan saar Jene ay wvtar jani seva kari Te odhariya nar ne naar Cheto....
181. served 182)
During that time, Ram was manifest and Satguru was Vijayshthan who Ram and because of that he achieved salvation. Eji Sat karor soon amra puri gaya Tene satguru Vijesthan otariya paar Aeva thaiene chaljo rikhisaro Tamne kahoon chhon sarva vichar Cheto.....
182. With him, seven Karor went to Heaven, so be like Vijayshthan and Momins, do think about this incident. 183) Eji Satguru jugajuge aaviya Tene to sahune dharm batavio che saar Chetanhaara tame chetjo Aa mankha avtar nahi aave biji vaar Cheto....
183. The right Guru has come in each era to guide us to the right path. Those who are aware of this, understand it for surely you will not be human again. 184) Eji Duapur juge pandav oghariya Tene te rakhio sri krishan sson ati pyar Mata kuntajina te sut kahiay Sati Drupatijina bharthar Cheto....
184. In the Duapur era, Panch Pandaw came and they loved Shri Krishna. Their mother was Kunta who was Truth and their wife was Dropati. 185) Eji Dharm beem arjun kahiye Sahdev nikur chodra apar Tene Kururkshetra mahain youdh kariya Korvane pandave didhi ghani maar Cheto....
185. The Pandaws were Bhim, Arjun, Sohdev, Dharam and Yodhra. They fought the battle with Kawraw and defeated them. 186) Eji Adar kshoan tyan aavti Te mahain aeone aanch na aavi lagaar Aeva chodra te maha balvant howa Teno rikhisaro tame sambaro vichar Cheto....
186. it for 187)
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Eighteen different ammunitions were used, yet the Pandaws withstood Yodhra was very strong. So Momins, listen to this story. Eji Tene satguru vidur vayas jare maliya Tare melavio sarve sansaar Hasnapuri Nagrina te raja hata Teto satgur vachane meli gaya van mojar Cheto.....
187. and
When Vishurvias (check) met Satguru, he met Him with all his thoughts achieved Heaven for it was on Satguru's Farman that he discarded his worldly possessions and lived a life of seclusion in the forest. 188) Eji Mata kunta sati drupati Yoddha panchei pandav saar Tene seva kidhi sacha satguru teni Tare te sate utariya paar Cheto....
188. Mother Kunta and Dropati came to help the five Pandaws. They served Satguru too and achieved salvation. 189) Eji Tene ogharva karan kariyoon aetloon Meliya rajpat sarve sansaar Teone satguru vidurvayase vani kahi Te opare chaliya pure vahevar Cheto.....
189. their 190)
To achieve salvation, these Pandaws and Satis gave up their kingdom, possessions and followed Vidurvias's Farman implicitly. Eji Tare satgur vidurvayas prasan thaya Jujesthan upar rakhio ati piyar Tare nav karor jiv ni maya kari Je satguru ni sevaay hata nirdhar Cheto.....
190. Vidurvias (check) was happy with them and loved Jujeshtan and granted salvation to nine Karor. 191) Eji Te seva jani rikhisaro tani Teto mukhi raja jugesthan saar Te nav karor jiv amrapuri gaya Satguru vachne pandav pota viekunt monjar Cheto.... 191. That is the type of service you should do, O Momins, for Jujeshtan did that and achieved salvation for nine Karor, and because the Pandaws obeyed Farmans, they also achieved Heaven. 192) Eji Aevoo janine chaljo rikhisaro Aagal chhe dohela paar Te satguru saheb jugajuge aaviya Teni vaani thi saho koie otarya paar Cheto....
192. Beware Momins, the path ahead of you is difficult but Satguru has come in each era to guide you, so listen to His Farman if you want salvation. 193) Eji Anant kalap aage vahi gaya Bija jug non nahi koie shomar Te mahain je jiv satgur farmane chaliya Te jaie pota svarag duar Cheto....
193. Countless eras have passed and I have no words to describe the second Joog, but those who obeyed Farmans they have achieved salvation. 194) Eji Tran jug aavi pura thaya Have aabi te chotha kaljugni vaar Aage je jiv nahi chetiya Tene te lidho aa jug mahain avtar Cheto.....
194. The third Joog is completed and now the Kaljoog is present. Those souls who will not be aware of this will keep coming back in different eras. 195) Eji Aad nirinjan Ali kahiae Satguru brahma Nabi Mohammad no avtar Tene farmane je jiv chalshe
Te jiv otarshe pele paar
195. was to 196)
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The present Lord is Ali and Muhammed is His messenger, just as Brahma Niranjan. So obey their Farmans to achieve salvation. Eji Teno parivar gupt chalio Amare te sathe preet aapar Ali narvar tare ame pamiya Jare seva te kidhi aapar Cheto....
196. This was a secret and I love Ali and I have achieved Him after serving Him. 197) Eji Noor satgur preetan jaher thaya Te pan pamiya ay ghar minjar Tene seva kidhi nar Ali teni Tare aalio satpanth saar Cheto....
197. The first Pir to come to you was Satgur who has also achieved salvation for he served Ali and Ali game him the right path. 198) Eji Tare satguru noore prabodh kari Tene aapio dharm sanbar Ay vira mara bhai tame sambaro Satguruji kahe chhe pokar Cheto....
198. Satguru has given you teachings about the right path; so Momins, listen to his teachings, I implore you. 199) Eji Tene bodhi ne khoja kariya Ane aapio te dharm aachar Tyan the satpanth chaliyo Dasond tano vahevar Cheto.....
199. He taught you and made you Khojas. He has given you a religion and Dasond is its foundation. 200) Eji Pir Satgur Noor tyan thi chaliya Nabi Mohammed tano parivar Te noor satguru arsh mahain thi otariya Teto otariya potan minjar Cheto....
200. Pir Satgur's lineage goes right back to the Prophet. Indeed, he has descended from the heaven to come to Patan (town). 201) Eji khel ramat tene ati kari Bodhiya raja preja sar Rani palonde paraniya Te to Nabi Mohammed no parivar
201. In Patan he surprised everyone for he converted the king and the citizens of Patan and married Princess Palandhe and included her in his holy family. 202) Eji Noor thi nooraj chaliya Pir Salahdin teno avtar Tene Pir shah no jap japaviya Hajar jomoon te dekhariyo nirdhar Cheto.....
202. 203)
The Noor has continued and Pir Saladin (check) was amongst them and he introduced us to Pir Shah and to Hazar Imam. Eji Te Pir Salahdin par bodhiya Dan leta te khate aani saar Satguru ne bayeke je sudha chaliya Tene thi vadhio dharm aachar Cheto.....
203. Pir Saladin has told us that those who give alms generously achieve the Truth and those who follow Satgur's Farman know the real religion. 204) Eji Pir Salahdin na Shamsudin upna Te to chaliya Tabrej mulak minjar Te je Pir Shamsudine dharm chalaviya Te rikhisar pasethi lidho aahar Cheto....
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204. Pir Shams was from Pir Saladin's (check) lineage and was born in Tabrez (check) and he taught that same religion and dedicated his life. 205) Eji Te Tabrej mulak mahain thi sidhariya Pir Shams chot var dataar Teto fariya mulak chovis mahain Tyan bodhiya murid aapar Cheto....
205. Pir Shams left Tabrez (check) and went to twenty-four different countries (towns) (check) and converted Momins to the right path. 206) Eji Te farta farta gaya maha chian (china) ma Tyan bodhiya Surja rani naar Kamla kunwar teno sut kahiye Diet kalingo teno bharthar Cheto.....
206. Once after going around different towns, he came to a place called Mahachin (check) where heconverted Rani Surja and her son Prince Kamla. Her husband was (unfortunately) Daint Kalingo. 207) Eji Satgur Shamsudin par bodhiya Ane batavio te dharm aachar Khati kari te mahain thi aapjo Ane dasond te gur mukhe aahar Cheto.....
207. Pir Shams showed the above two the right religion and told them to give their Dasond and follow the Truth. 208) Eji Haq kamaie kari jo aapsho To pahonchshe satgur mukhe aahar Ger haqa noon jo gurne aapshe Teno tam mathe raheshe baar Cheto....
208. Dasond when given from honest earning reaches the Imam. Those who give it after dishonest means will have a burden on their head. 209) Eji Char pohor din no dhandho kijiay Te mahainthi khatiaani gur mukhe dije saar Santosh karine beshiae Baki ratna pohoraj char Cheto.....
209. Get involved in your work for the twelve hours of the day (Chaar pahor) and whatever you earn be satisfied with it and pay Dasond from it. The remaining twelve hours are of the night. 210) Eji Te mahain khat ghari pachli Teto kahiae bandgini saar Aetli faraj tame par jo To otarshe pahele paar Cheto......
210. Of these the best four hours are the last four hours - known as Khat Ghadi - and these are designated for Bandagi and Momins, if you take that obligation then you will achieve salvation. 211) Eji Rat divasno hisab gure kari aapio Te mahain shak ma aansho lagaar Aa din no dhandho teto dhan thariyo Rat ni khat ghari kirae bandgi vevar Cheto......
211. The Guru has divided your day for you and do not doubt that Momins. Just as you conduct a business during the day to gain wealth, you should conduct spiritual business (prayers) in the night. 212) Eji Jyan jawo tyan karjo aetloon To pohonche satfur mukhe aahar Ae mahain ochoon karshe jetloon Teno tam par raheshe baar Cheto.....
212. Wherever you may be, you should do this and try not to miss this obligation for if you do, then you will not have completed your mission.
Eji Aetli faraj satgure kahi Ninda juth ma karjo lagaar Vad viradh koie sathe ma karjo Namta khamta no rakhjo vevar
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213. Satgur has instructed us on the following as well: not to backbite, not to lie, not be stubborn or quarrelsome, but always be humble and bear the burdens with a smile. 214) Eji Satgur noon farman mani kari Dharm lidho te sarve sansaar Tyan sarisat karor dharmi pura thaya Teno kamla kunwar ne kidho sardar Cheto....
214. Those who obeyed Satgur's Farmans and followed Satpanth, amongst these were 750 Karor Momins as well as Prince Kamla, who was their leader. 215) Eji Satgur Shams tyan thi chaliya Te to aaviya oncha mulak minjar Tyan satgur ne kene nahi orkhiya Tyan Bavdin ne mane sarve sansaar Cheto.....
215. Pir Shams left (Mahachin) and went to Uch Mulak where the people did not recognize Pir Shams and the ruler Bahauddin Zakariya. 216) Eji Lok murid sarve Bavdin tana Ana satgur ne to otara noon nahi tyan thar Tyan firta firta gaya aek metmain (masjid ma) Tyan jai namaz kidhi teni vaar Cheto.....
216. People believed in Bahauddin and were not receptive to Pir Shams. Pir, after walking around, came to a Masjid and started to recite Namaz. 217) Eji Tyan aek balak aaviyo Tene te satgur soon rakhiyo piyar Ratne divas satgur sathe rahe Te to padshah no putraj saar Cheto.....
217. There came a young child who grew attached to Pir and became Pir's companion. This young man was none other than the King's son 218) Eji Aek din satgur ji nisriaa Ane sahel karvane satgur bahar Te ramta ramta aaviya Jyan hato te dariyano kinar Cheto.....
218. One day the Guru (Pir Shams) was walking across the town and to the banks of an ocean. 219) Eji Tyan satgur ne mane aem opnoon Dithoon dariyanoon niraj saar Tare kagal kadiyo dustar mahain thi Teni matmi kidhi che teni vaar Cheto....
219. As there were no boats, he made a paper boat and sailed in it. 220) Eji Te matmi lai pani main meli Te mahain satgur ji te pote thya aswar Sehel kidhi te shaher tani Te mahain betha te ketlik vaar Cheto....
220. He sailed in the paper boat for a long time and the boat took him right across the city. 221) Eji Tare Bavdin betho mariae
Tene gokh thi joyoon teni vaar Maha samudar mahain dithi mat mi Ane ditho te kagar no aakar
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221. Bahauddin was sitting in his balcony and saw Pir sailing in a paper boat. 222) Eji Tare Bavdin ne vimasan opni Aa matmi ma koon chhe saar Aa kagar beriae koon sahel kare Aevo purush na suje mahain sansaar Cheto....
222. Bahauddin got worried for he could not bear to have another "strong" person in his kingdom. 223) Eji Tare beri te lagi binj wa Satgure nirkhiyo teni vaar Tare beri te rahi gaie binjta Satgure te man mahain kidho vichar Cheto....
223. This caused the boat to get wet and Pir looked back at Bahauddin and the boat stopped getting wet. 224) Eji Koon adharmi aane same Ane joie mari matmi saar Ta to mustak oncho kari joyoon Tato ditho Bavdin gokha ni bahar Cheto..
224. Pir said to himself: Who is this unbeliever whose evil eye has wet my boat? 225) Eji Teno dhar mahain ne mathoon bahar hatoon Tene pire te didho sraap tenivar Shingara no sraapaj aapiyo Te to thaya tenivaar Cheto....
225. Bahauddin's head was propped out from the balcony and Pir wished that his head would grow antlers and indeed that is what happened. 226) Eji Tenoon mathoon te mahain Nahi gare Te to rahyoon che gokh thi bahar Tare te Bavdin dhorjiya Aa to koie dise che kirtar Cheto...
226. Thus Bahauddin could not pull his head back due to the antlers and he became very anxious and nervous. 227) Eji Sahel karine jyare otariya Tare matmi meli saher thi bahar Tyanthi satguru chaliya Te to aaviya te nagar minjar Cheto...
227. When Pir had completed his sailing and come back to the dry land, he came to the town centre. 228) Eji Tare Bavdin ne vimasan opani Jenoon mathoon raheyoon gokhathi bahar Tene te pucha kidhi shaher main Koie purush aaviyo aapana sheher monjar Cheto.....
228. Bahauddin, whose head was still stuck out, asked everybody who was this man who had just come to the town centre. 229) Eji Tare khoji khojine kadiyo Aavi puchiyoon metne bahar
Iyan koie musafir otariyo Tenoon dash koie diae yaar
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229. Everybody started asking: Where is that stranger and what is his address? 230) Eji Tare ae met mahain thi aaviyo chokaro Teno pirsoon ati pyar Tene aavine aem kahyoon Aek purush betho maet monjar Cheto.....
230. The young man who was attached to Pir told Bahauddin's men who Pir was. 231) Eji Tare te manas mahain aaviyo Tene aavine kidha pirna didar Tare salam karine ohbo raheyo Jyare ditho te saheb sar jan haar Cheto....
231. Bahauddin's man came down to the shore and greeted Pir. 232) Eji Kari salam teto pocho variyo Gayo Bavdin tene dwar Te jetli dithi tetli jaie kahi Purush aek aaviyo te betho maet monjar
232. He returned to Bahauddin and reported that indeed this man had travelled in a paper boat. 233) Eji Tare Bavdin purtane teraviyo Sambaro kahoon vaatno vichar Aevo haval amaro thayo Dhar mahain ne mathoon che bahar Cheto....
233. Bahauddin (who was still stuck in the window) told his sons what his predicament was. 234) Eji Purush aek aaviyo sheher ma Teno otaro che te maet monjar Ardas karo te jaie aag ale Amari taksirno nahi koie paar Cheto....
234. And he also requested his sons to go down to this man who had travelled in the paper boat to make him normal again. 235) Eji Shekh Sadar te puchiyoon Pita Bavdin ne vari vichar Tam mathe shingara kem thaya Teno bhed kaho nirdhar Cheto....
235. His sons, Sheik and Sadur asked their father what had caused him to have antlers. 236) Eji Tare Bavdin mukh mahain thi boliya Sambaro kahoon choon ay vaat no vichaar Ae purush matmiay besi kari Karta dariyani sahelaj saar Cheto....
236. Bahauddin replied: I was watching this man sail in a paper boat. 237) Eji Te matmi Banavi kagar tani Te mahain pani na pese lagaar Te samoon ame joyoon Taere bhini thaie hashe saar
237. The boat, despite being of paper, did not get wet. However, my staring
at him could have caused it to get wet. 238) Eji Tare purush na man mahain ae opni Tene thi aere thayo israr Mathoon te meri mahain nahin gare Te to rahiyoon che gokhthi bohar
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238. This might have angered the man and he might have cursed me to be in this state. 239) Eji Hawe te jaao purush kane Jaie sambaro sarve vaatnoon vichar Aeni dua ae fajal thayshe Ane mathoon aavshe gokha monjar Cheto....
239. So go to that man and request him to take away his curse and pray for me. 240) Eji Shekh Sadar tare chaliya Te hato Bavdin no parivar Tene aek manas bero lidho Teto aaviya maet monjar Cheto.....
240. Thus Sheik and Sadur went down to the town with a man to where the paper boat was. 241) Eji Tare satguruji same betha hata Teno shekh Sadar te ditho didar Tare salam kidhi satguru jine Nami hath bandhine kidhi pokar Cheto...
241. They saw the Pir seated at the bank of the river. They folded their hands and humbled themselves in front of Pir. 242) Eji Tara Sri satgure aem puchiya Shoon kam che tenoon kahone vichar Aa kyan thi tame aaviya Koon tat tamaro saar Cheto....
242. Pir asked them what they wanted and who their father was. 243) Eji Tare shekh sadar aem boliya Ame rahiae ae nagar monjar Taat amaro che Bavdin Ame be bhai tena parivar
243. Sheik and Sadur replied: We stay in this town and our father is Bahauddin and we are two brothers. 244) Eji Tare satgrurji boliya Pir Shams var dataar Aa shoon tame be bhai onoon nam che Ane koon tamaroon che parivar Cheto....
244. Pir Shams asked them their names. 245) Eji Tare shekh sadar aem boliya Tame sambaro sardar Shekh sadar amne kahe che Bijo rukan amthi nanero saar
245. Sheik and Sadur replied: We are called Sheik Sadu, O Lord, and my younger brother is Rukan. 246) Eji Have tam kirpaae ame chootiay Bavdin noon mustak rahiyoon che gokhathi bahar Teni upare tame kirpa karo
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Tamo cho gunah na bakshan haar Cheto.....
246. Forgive our father, whose head is stuck in the window; please forgive him. 247) Eji Tare satgure sahi kari puchiya Amne te vaatnoon kahone vichaar Aa keni rite tara taatnoon Mustak rahiyo che gokhthi bahar Cheto....
247. Pir asked them again to describe how their father's head was stuck in the window and what had caused it. 248) Eji Tare araj karine shekh sadar boliya Saheb tame sahel gaya dariyane paar Tare Bavdin betha hato gokh main Teni najar pari gai tenivaar Cheto.....
248. Sheik and Sadur replied: Whilst you were sailing in your paper boat my father was watching you from the window and this caused your boat to have difficulty. 249) Eji Tare gare te mahain garaae nahin Ane mathoon rahiyoon gokhathi bahar Teni araj ame laviya Tame meher karone dataar Cheto...
249. Our father's head grew antlers and we have come to request you to get rid of them. 250) Eji Tare satguru Shams boliya Amne hati, te Rish aapar Matmi mari mahain pani aaniyoon Tare bein shingara kidha tatkar Cheto....
250. Pir Shams replied: I was angry at your father for he caused my boat to get wet and to punish him, I have him the antlers. 251) Eji Have shekh sadar tame aaviya, Tare have mustak aavshe gokha minjar, Shingara che te samaie jashe, Pan matshe nahin te bavabavno aakar
251. Now that you have come, Sheik and Sadur, the antlers will disappear and he will be able to withdraw his head from the window, but signs of the antlers from his forehead will remain for generations and generations. 252) Eji Tamari aalnoon je hashe, Tene matha mahain hashe shingarano aakar, Aetli aendhani che am tani, Hashe te bavdin tano parivar
252. All the people in your lineage will have the marks on their foreheads as a distinguishing feature that they belong to Bahauddin's family. 253) Eji Salam karine shekh sadar chaliya, Teto aaviya potane dwar, Tare Bavdin meri mahain thi otarya, Tene puchiyo te sarve vichar
253. Sheik and Sadur saluted the Pir and returned home to find Bahauddin able to withdraw his head from thewindow and Bahauddin asked Sheik and Sadur what had transpired. 254) Eji Tare Bavdin ne chinta op ni,
Tene senso te aaviyo aapar, Aeno ne amaroon kem chalshe, Sheher te ooncha minjar
254. Bahauddin grew apprehensive and felt that Pir would jeopardize his position in the city. 255) Eji Shekh sadar ne tene kahiyoon, Man main te kari vichar, Aene aapane kem chalshe, Aa mulak te oonch minjar
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254. Bahauddin grew apprehensive and felt that Pir would jeopardize his position in the city. 256) Eji Aa vat ko bari aapoon khir no, Teto jaie aapo siyedne saar, Teto vatko die pacha aavjo, Kaien vaat ma karjo lagaar
256. So take this glass full of milk to the Pir and let him drink it. 257) Eji Dudhno vatko te barabar bariyo, Te mahain khali te nahire lagaar, Sheka sadare opariyo, Te aani aaliyo satguru jine saar
257. Bahauddin filled the glass with milk, put poison in it, and Sheik and Sadur took it to the Pir. 258) Eji Teto aani obho araj kari, Satguru samoon te teniaj vaar, Amare pitaae tamne muki jo, Tame lijo te saheb dataar
258. Sheik and Sadur came to the Pir and requested him to accept the milk which was sent by their father. 259) Eji Tare satgure samoon joie kari, Obho rakhiyo tene aj thar, Arsh main hath oncho kari, Phool man gaviya teniaj vaar
259. Pir looked at the milk and raised his hand to the sky and plucked a flower from the air. 260) Eji Te laie nakhiyoon dudhma, Mukh thi kahiyo aehre vichar, Jaie dejo tara baap ne, Kejo senso ma karjo lagaar
260. He put the flower in the milk and told Sheik and Sadur to take it back to their father. 261) Eji Biji vaare hath oncho kariyo, Te mahain khak aani te saar, Tena tran bhag satgure kariya, So sone name kari didho teni vaar
261. Pir raised his hand again and this time he had sand in his hand. He gave it to Sadur and told him to divide it into three portions. 262) Eji Shekh sadar tyanthi chaliya, Satgur ne hajor thi bahar, Dudh khak tyanthi lai chaliya, Teto jaie aapi pita Bavdin ne saas
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262. Sheik and Sadur took these (milk and sand) to their father. 263) Eji Te Bavdine laie bhony dhariya, Dudh phool khak tenire vaar, Tare te shekh sadare puchiyoon, Amne mitaji kaho ne vichar
263. They presented all the three elements: milk, flower and sand to their father and asked for an explanation. 264) Eji Kevi rite tame dudh meliyoon, Syed ne re dwar, Te mathe lai ne phool dhariya, Mukhsoon kahiyoon ke senso ma karjo lagaar
264. "What was your intention for sending him the milk and why did he put a flower in the milk you sent him?" 265) Eji Tare te Bavdin boliya, Ae mahain tame samjiya nahi lagaar, Ame aene aem kahi mukiyoon, Onch mahain oliya che bohot aapar
265. Bahauddin replied: Though you did not understand, my son, it was my way of telling that there are too many high people in this city (i.e. no room for Pir). 266) Eji Tare aene aem kahi mukyoon, Dudh mathe phoolnoon kahen baar, Aevi rite ame ahin raheshoon, Teno senso ma dharjo lagaar
266. Pir's reply by placing a flower was that, "I'll stay without interfering with anybody, just as this flower floats in milk." 267) Eji Shekh sadar vari puchiyoon, Aa khak no te sho vichar, teni vaat te bahar mahi kari, Bavdin na man mahain te opne kahar
267. Sheik and Sadur asked for explanation of the sand that was sent. Bahauddin did not reply, but he became very restless. 268) Eji So sone thanke besh rahya, Bavdin ne senso nahi mate lagaar, Teto antre ade khaie aane ghani Teto aapana mazahab noon israr Cheto.....
268. Every person finds his level and Bahauddin is no exception. He was a jealous individual and began working against our religion. 269)
Eji Teto tran yarne mane nahi Teto Ali nabi noon parivar Te dinthi cheta pariya Je din Ali nabijini var Cheto.....
269. Bahauddin did not believe in Ali or Nabi. 270) Eji Te mahain andha na jane aetloon Je panjtan sarikha kem thashe tran yaar Jene kudrat mahain thi kitab otariya Bijoon aaviya duldul ne zulfiqar Cheto....
270. It's like a blind man who cannot see that Panjtan Pak is the cause of these
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three entities: the Holy Quran, Dul Dul (the horse) and Zulfiqar (the sword). 271)
Eji Chadar arsh mahain thi otari Tene dankiya panche panjtan saar Huraoon arshti stariyoon Teto bibi Fatima na ghar minjar Cheto...
271. A shroud had descended from the heavens to shield the Panjtan Pak. The angels came down from the heavens and they came to Bibi Fatima's residence. 272) Eji Jaher karamtoon dekharta Teto dithiyoon ketlik vaar Musharik toae mane nahi Mode Kahe din antre na aane itbar Cheto....
272. Many miracles were seen time and again. The unbeliever cannot believe that. They just give lip service, but do not understand the gist of Sat Panth. 273) Eji Pir Shams betha maet main Tyan aek balak tene dhariyo piyar Aavi kaja tene aem thaie Te pohot saheb ne darbar Cheto...
273. The child who had travelled with and loved Pir Shams, (unfortunately) passed on. 274) Eji Teto potra padshah tano Teto raheta oonch nagari minjar Tare padshah ne senso opno Tene kidho te man mahain vichar Cheto...
274. This child was the king's son and lived in Uch. The king was very upset and began to think of ways to bring the child back to life. 275) Eji Aage ame aem sambariyoon Je manas muvon jivare paygambar no parivar Tene te muvon manas gharma meli kari Teraviya kaji mufti teni vaar Cheto....
275. The king said that: "I've heard Prophet's progeny can give life to the dead and so get me somebody from the Prophet's progeny to help my child." 276) Eji Te kaji mufti ne teri kari Ane kahiyoon aere vichar Ame tamne roj khavravata Tame aim pase parta te ilm saar Cheto....
276. Many "religious men" came to the king's palace and the king said: I have given you alms and food, now you help me in my hour of need. 277) Eji Te mahain tame aem kaheta Je muvon manas jivare payagambar no parivar Te mate have tene aem karo Muvon manas paryoon che amare dwar Cheto...
277. You have taught me that Nabi's progeny can give life so help me for I have a dead man at my door. 278) Eji Tene tame jai jivto karo Nahito hoon pirish tamne ne tamara parivar Tare kaji mufti araj kare Paro nankho te nagar minjar Cheto...
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278. Give life to this boy or else I will harm your children too. The "religious men" started begging the king to spare them and to announce in the town for Nabi's descendant to come over. 279) Eji Tare paro feraviyo shaher main Te koie aave payagambar no parivar Tare sheher sagharo bero thayo Kenethi nav othiyo ay baar Cheto....
279. Thus it was announced in the town and many claimants of their lineage to the Prophet came forward, but none could give life to the child. 280) Eji Tare mahoin mahain betha vatoon kare Tene mane te bahore janjal Aapan ne padshah pirshe Saho noon kadse te nakhodaj saar Cheto...
280. These people got worried and knew that the king would be angry with them if they could not fulfil his wish. 281) Eji Tare sarve sheherne senso pariyo Te mahain aekne opno vichar Aek marad betho che maet main Tene teri lavo padshah ne dwar Cheto....
281. The whole town was in a predicament when one person remembered the man who had travelled in the paper boat and decided to bring him to the king. 282) Eji Tare kacheri othi kari Te to aaviya maet minjar Satgur Shams tyan betha hata Tansoon kariyo te sarve vichar Cheto...
282. Several townsfolk came down to the river bank where Pir Shams was seated. 283) Eji Satgur aagal saho vinti kare Padshah pirshe amne ne amara parivar Te mate saheb tame kirpa karo ane otharo te padshahno baar Cheto....
283. They requested Pir Shams to help them by giving life to the prince for their children were now too in danger. 284) Eji Satgur Shams tare puchiyoon Aa shaher mahain nahi koie payagambar noon parivar Jenethi ay balak othe Je che padshah no parivar Cheto....
284. Pir Shams asked them: Hasn't any other descendant of the Prophet been able to accomplish that deed? 285) Eji Amere gulam nabi Mohd tana Shiyo che amaro baar Je auliya is nagar tana Tene puchine karo takrar Cheto....
285. I am but a Prophet's salve and it's too big a burden for me to carry, so I request you to ask the other descendants of the Prophet. 286)
Eji Jetla hata tetla boliya Saheb ame puchiyoon te sheher aapar Have maat taat tame thayo To ogariye ame ne amara parivar
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286. All the people said: We have tried, but not succeeded and you are our only hope. 287) Eji Tare maher karine murshid othiya Te to aaviya padshahne dwar Banh gahine balak othariyo Te othariyo teniaj vaar Cheto....
287. Thus Pir rose and went to the palace, took the child by his hand and woke him up. 288) Eji Tene othariyo potano hukame kari Nav lidho nam saheb kirtar Te balak othiyo tare orkhiyo Tene laie chaliya teniaj vaar Cheto....
88. He woke him up by his own command and he did not invoke God whilst doing it. The child recognized Pir and bowed down to him. 289) Eji Tare munafikona man doliya Aa to aape thayo kirtar Aene mathe tajir aaviyo Tore toran mari ne kare che vichar Cheto....
289. The people watching became suspicious of the Pir and felt that Pir was playing God. They thus held a conference to discuss this. 290) Eji Tare Pir Shams pase koie jay nahi Pan pothe te kare gibar aapar Tyan be imani jiv doliya Te mahain koie nahi pohota paar Cheto....
290. They decided not to associate with the Pir, started speaking ill of Pir, and those whose Iman was not strong, they went astray. 291) Eji Tare satgur ji balak ne teri kari Ane gaya te nagarthi bahar Tene te khadhoon pidhoon kain nahi mathe doharo te chare aapar Cheto....
291. Pir, with the child, left the city. They were hungry and thirsty and the heat of the sun did not help the matter. 292) Eji Tare stgurji chayre podiya Futi dithi sarani paar Tare mathe thi khal otariya Potane hathe soon kirtar Cheto.....
292. When they came to shad Pir thought of a way to get food for the young lad. He skinned himself without any trouble. 293) Eji Te to laie didhi balak ne Ane pacha aaviya te nagar minjar Te to balak laine teone didhi Te didhi khal teniaj vaar Cheto...
293. He gave his skin to the child, who came back to the town. 294) Eji Aare khal tame liyo Tene satgure kahiyoon teniaj vaar Aa bandane ame othariyo Teni am sir shara aavi chhe saar Cheto...
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294. The child requested the townsfolk to make amends with Pir for the child had recognized Pir's teachings. 295) Eji Tare sahona man te thar na rahaya Tene to nahi orkhiyo dataar Tare satgur Shams ne khudiya vapri Teto gaya kasaie ne dwar Cheto.... 295. The people could not grasp and began doubting Pir even more and would not give him any food. 296) Eji Sheher sare aem theraviyoon Aene koie khawa ma dejo lagaar Aene potano hokam chaliyo Te mathe aaviyo che sharano baar Cheto....
296. They also forbade anybody to give him any food for they felt that Pir was claiming to be more than God 297) Eji Sharano baar tare otare Jare kayathi chamri otare saar Tyan sudhi tene koie ma aapjo Aevo paro ferviyo shehe minjar Cheto...
297. We will forgive you only if you repent and one of the ways would be to skin you alive. Until this happens, nobody in town will give you any food. 298) Eji Te satgur Shams ne malom thai Tare gaya te kasaine dwar Tare paisa chori didha hath main Amne aapo te tam(khorak) taiyar Cheto...
298. Pir Shams knew what was to happen and he went to a butcher. He gave him some money to buy some meat. 299) Eji Tare kasai ay man mahain vichariyoon Aane kem dai ae sodo saar Paro fariyo che sheherma Aene koie khawa ma dejo lagaar Cheto....
299. The butcher was not sure whether he could give Pir any food for he had heard the announcement. 300) Eji Tare kasaie te man mahain zankho thiyo Te to obho kare che vichar Kaho to kachoon ma(n)s aapiye bijo nahi tam (khorak) taiyaar Cheto....
300. The butcher thought: I'll just give him raw meat and that will not anger the townsfolk. 301) Eji Tare Pir Shamse ha kari Kasaiae ma(n)s aapiyoon teni vaar Te to laine aaghera chaliya Tyan kane mangiya devta saar Cheto....
301. Pir Shams accepted the raw meat and went to the other people to ask for some firewood to cook his meat. 302) Eji Tato khudhiya lagi ghani Baki daharo rahayo ghari char Tare lai suraj ne saad kariyo Te to hajar thayo teniay vaar Cheto....
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302. Nobody cooperated and the evening was drawing nearer; so in the end, four hours before the sunset, Pir requested the sun to come to his help. 303) Eji Tare suraj aavine hazar thayo Kaho ne saheb shoon che vichar Hukaam tamara mahain hajar choon Tame farmavo te karoon taiyar Cheto....
303. The sun obeyed Pir's command and asked Pir how could it be of assistance. 304) Eji Tare Pir Shamse farmaviyoon Mas pakavi karo taiyar To amo beie jana aarogiye Amne khudhiya kagi aapar Cheto.....
304. Pir asked the sun to cook the meat for I and my partner are very hungry. 305) Eji Tare ma(ns)s laine neja opar dhariyo Satgure pakav vano kariyo aakar To suraj aavi opar thayo Tato khalakne thayo che aajar Cheto....
305. Pir held the meat towards the sun and the sun cooked the meat. 306) Eji Tare aam khalak to barva lagi Ane nagar mahain pari pokar Din kiyamat no aavi obo rahayo Tethi kem pamiay paar Cheto....
306. With the heat of the sun, the area around became very hot and the people became frightened that the Day of Judgement had come. 307) Eji Tare raja praja sarve barva laga Pasho pankhi tarfare aapar Touba touba saho koie kare Kenoon jor na chale lagar Cheto...
307. The king and his people became uncomfortable with the heat and begged for forgiveness, but nobody could get rid of the heat. 308) Eji Tare koie tyan aavi nahi shake Thaie paryo sahone janjal Tare saho saho vimasan mahain pariya Aano koon che karan haar Cheto...
308. Nobody could come or go and everybody suffered. Nobody could find who had caused the sun (to get angry with them) and cause this discomfort. 309) Eji Tare mas pakavi suraj oncho gayo Tyan satgure balak ne puchyo vichar Kahore beta kyan jaie ay Tame bukhaya hosho aapar Cheto...
309. When the meat had been cooked, the sun went back to its place and Pir asked the child where he wanted to go for he might be hungry. 310) Eji Tare balake satgur ne kahiyoon Je saheb tamaro che akhatyaar Amne to khudhiya koie nathi Amne to aaviyo aek vichar Cheto....
310. The child replied: I'll follow you, my Lord, for I have accepted you and I want to know your teachings and I have one question. 311) Eji Saheb tame suraj mangaviyo Tene thi ma(n)s pakaviyo saar Tyan aam khalakat shaherni
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Teto balva lagi baho aapar Cheto....
311. You called the sun down to cook the meat and the heat made the area around it burn too. 312) Eji Aeto tame kirtar thaya Teno khalkatne nathi vichar Ae achrat mahain ame chaieae Tame saheb karamat na dataar Cheto...
312. Your power is great but these people do not recognize you. 313) Eji Tato khalak aavi mili Teno to koie nahi shomar Tyan kaho mufti aaviya Aaviya oliya ambiya aapar Cheto....
313. The townsfolk all gathered together, amongst which were the Qazi (judge) and religious leaders and people who claim to be from the Prophet's lineage, etc. 314) Eji Tyan saho koie aavi paye pare Te sarve nar ne naar Touba touba saho koie kare Bijo koie nahin vichar Cheto....
314. They all bowed down to Pir's leg, men and women alike, and begged forgiveness for the injustice they had done to him. 315) Eji Tyan raja ne rana na haram aaviya Teto touba touba kariya aapar Teto satgur ne aavi paye pariya Ane puche te balak ne vichar Cheto....
315. The king and his train came down there too, and they likewise begged for forgiveness and asked their son to act as an intermediary to the Pir. 316) Eji Te balakno mat tatt kahiye Pan balak no pirsoon ati piyar Tene balak ne baho vidhe puchiyoon Je pire suraj mangaviyo teno kaho vichar Cheto...
316. The prince, who was physically related to the king, had a stronger spiritual bond to the Pir. And the king asked the prince what the meaning of all this apparent miracle was. 317) Eji Tare balak beshi vatoon kahe Tame sambaro vaat maat taat saho saar Amne aakho din vahi gayo Toae kyaie thi khawanoon nahi malyoon lagaar Cheto....
317. The prince replied that both Pir and I have been hungry for the whole day. 318) Eji Tare satguru ane ame be hata Te pacha aaviya sheher minjar Te aavi ame sheher mahain puchioon Ta to khavani koie na kare hakar Cheto.....
318. The townsfolk would not give us any food and we went from door to door begging for it.
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Eji Tare te pire kasaine kahiya Amne tam te aapo taiyar Tene paisa chori didha hath ma To pan kasaiae kidhi nakar Cheto....
319. Finally Pir asked a butcher to give him some meat, but the butcher would not accept the money nor give the meat. 320) Eji Tare kasai ae te tyan vicharyoon Kacho mas aaliyo savasher baar Te to ame laie farya ghano Te to pakavvano nahin kiya thar Cheto....
320. Later on, he took mercy and gave us some raw meat and there was no way of cooking it. 321) Eji Tare din saro ame bukhaya rahaya Baki daharo rahayo ghari char Tare satguru ae surajne saad karyo Te to hajar thayo teniaj vaar Cheto...
321. Thus we went without food for another day and there were only four hours to sunset. So the Satguru called upon the sun to come to his help and cook the meat. 322) Eji Te neja opar suraj aaviyo Tato ma(n)s paki thayo taiyar Te ma(n)s pakiviyo suraj tape Ae satguru che karamat na dataar Cheto...
322. The sun instantly obeyed Pir's command and cooked our meat for verily he (Pir) is a great being. 323) Eji Aevi karamat satguru ae kari To ae duniya na mane lagaar Mowo manas satgure othariyoon Kagarni beri mahain beshi otarya sheher thi paar Cheto...
323. He has performed such a miracle, yet you townsfolk do not recognize his potential. He gave like to the dead and sailed in a paper boat. 324) Eji Pushat otari potani Satgure suraj mangaviyo saar Aevi karamat satgure kari Toae andhi duniya na aane itbaar Cheto...
324. He skinned himself and had the sun down, yet you did not grasp his meaning. 325) Eji Jaher karamat kahoon to duniya chero Ae baton noon n ahi aave paar Karamatoon aeniyoon sarve dithi Aethi kori bijo nahi kirtar Cheto....
325. All this physical (material) miracles are not all, for there is a lot more spiritual aspect to it. You all saw his miracle and you know that he is a great being. 326) Eji Maat taat sarve ae guru ne paye paro Sarve orkhi liyo nar ne naar Pay pari pari ae gurune manavo Ae satguru che sahono taranhar Cheto....
326. Thus, O my mother, father, and the townsfolk, I request you to fall
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down to this Guru's feet and understand and follow his teachings. 327)
Eji Tare rajana haram othiya Te to satguru ne charne pariya teniaj var Othi saheb tame kirpa kari Ane chalo amare dwar Cheto...
327. Upon hearing the prince's explanation, the king and his train all fell down to the Guru's feet, and requested Pir to come back to the palace. 328) Eji Tare satguru Shams aem boliya Tame koon te lok sansaar Amare tamare to nahi bane Amne besvoon te maet monjar Cheto...
328. Pir replied that "I don't think I would like to go back for I have to be on my way and I'll sail in my boat." 329) Eji Tare raja balak ne kahiyoon Je hato potano parivar Tame satguru ne samjavi kari Laie chalo te aapane dwar Cheto...
329. The king sought the prince's help to persuade the Pir to come to his palace. 330) Eji Tyan raja praja saho ooba Saho koie dhurje tenivar Shekh syed tyan ooba ghana Ane oobo te Bavdin no parivar Cheto...
330. Amongst the people waiting for Pir's answer were the king and his kingdom, people who claimed to be sent from the Prophet, and Bahauddin's sons. 331) Eji Tare Bavdin obo meriye Te to man mahain kare vichar Aevo purush kyan ditho nahin Ame te joyo sarve sansar Cheto...
331. Bahauddin was standing in his balcony and thinking that: "In all my life, I have never come across an entity like this man". 332) Eji Tare Bavdin meriyethi otaryo Te aaviyo jyan obo hato te sarve sansar Tyan oba ditha satguru Shams ne Jaie pa(n)ae pariyo tenu var Cheto....
332. He came down from his building to the place where all the people had gathered and fell down to Pir Shams' feet. 333) Eji Tare sahoae mili satgurne kahyoon Je saheb amari bul she aapar Have sarve gunah bakshjo Saheb tamthi otariye paar Cheto...
333. Then everybody asked Pir to forgive them their sins and not to be angry with them. 334) Eji Tare satguru Shams aem boliya Ame aaviya ae nagar minjar Te musafar thaie betha maet mahain Keni cher na karta lagaar Cheto...
334. Pir replied: I came to your town as a stranger in a boat and I did not
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wish anybody any ill. 335) Eji Tare muvo maans tamara shaher mahain Teno hato tam shir baar Amare aagal aavie kargariya Je ame tam thi otariye paar Cheto...
335. You were the ones who begged me to give life to the dead boy. 336) Eji Tare ame tene jaie othariyo Je hato rajano parivar Tare tamara man doliya Tare am sir tajir aaniyo tenieaj var Cheto....
336. And when I woke the prince, you folks doubted me and barred me from your city and food. 337) Eji Tare ame amari pushat otari rilni Teto dithi sarve sansaar Toae paro feraviyo sheher mahain Je aene khawanoon ma dejo lagaar Cheto....
337. You wanted to skin me and your announcement implied that I should go hungry. 338) Eji Tare din saro bokhiya rahiya Baki daharo rahyo ghari char Tare sheher sajo ame fariya To pan kene maher na aavi lagaar Cheto....
338. The whole day had passed and I suffered hunger, yet you did not have mercy. 339) Eji Tare kasaie hato aek sheher mahain Tene kacho ma(n)s didho savasher bhar Teto laie fariya sheher mahain To kene devta na didho lagaar Cheto....
339. Finally a butcher gave me one and a quarter pounds of raw meat for which I had to look for fire to cook it. 340) Eji Tare laie suraj ne sad karyo Te aaviyo teniaj vaar Tethi ma(n)s pakaviyo Have jashoon te maet minjar Cheto....
340. (Since I could not get fire) I called the sun to come and help me and it cooked my meat. Now I have to sail away. 341) Eji Tare te raja boliya Je hato oonch na sardar Have satgur ji amne dharm diyo To choriye sarve janjal Cheto....
341. The king then replied: O Satguru, show us the right path so that we may achieve salvation. 342) Eji Tame satgur ne ame sevak saday Tame kirpa karo satgurji dataar Tame maat taat thaie ne bakshjo Amara gunah tana nahi koie paar Cheto....
342. You are the Guru and we are your slaves; show us mercy; be like our mother and father, forgive us our sins for we are sinful. 343) Eji Ame gunehgaar baho banda
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Teni saheb tame karo sambar Bale aaviya amara deshe mahain Ame tamthe otariye paar Cheto....
343. We are very sinful so be our Guide. We are glad that you came to our city for I feel you will be our cause of salvation. 344) Eji Have satguruji amne dharm diyo Ane chalo te amare dwar Kirpa karine padharjo Tame risha ma karjo lagaar Cheto....
344. O Guru, give us the right religion and come with us to our palace, please don't be angry with us anymore. 345) Eji Tare satgur Shams aem boliya Tame amaro dharm lesho saar Te katahn dharm che am tano Teni parej noon nahin koie paar Cheto...
345. Pir Shams replied: The religion that I teach is very difficult, and you will have to go through a great discipline. 346) Eji Tare raja sarve kabooliya Je kain farmaviyo satguruji dataar Amere bana satguru ji tam tana Tenoon kain ma darsho vichar Cheto...
346. The king and the townsfolk agreed to follow the discipline and agreed to obey everything Satgur would tell them. 347) Eji Tare satguruji ae kirpa kari Ane padhariya te rajane dwar Tyan jaie satguruji aaramsoon Bojan jamiya saar Cheto...
347. The Satguru finally consented to go the palace and he dined with the king. 348) Eji Tyan satgurji podiya Te raja tane dwar Tyan chandar suraj aaviya hajor mahain Te aavi araj kare che aapar Cheto...
348. When Satgur went to bed at the king's palace, the sun and the moon came down to the Pir and requested the Pir: 349) Eji Satguruji amne farmavjo Ame chaiay khijmat daar Ame tamara banda kahiay Tame cho bakshaan haar Cheto....
349. O Pir, we are at your command and we are your slaves. You will be the cause of our salvation. 350) Eji Te noor noon tej arsha gayoon Te dithoon raja rani saar Tare tene man mahain janioon Ae saheb che sirjan haar Cheto....
350. Those souls who have recognized the true path go to Heaven, amongst which were the king and the queen for they finally knew who Satgur was. 351) Eji Madharatno samay hato Tare satgure aevo te kidho israr
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Chand suraj oba hajormahain Vedni vani chalavi teniaj vaar Cheto...
351. At midnight, Pir performed a spectacular miracle in which the sun and the moon shone together. 352) Eji Tyan chand suraj oba sambaro Satgur ni vaani te mithi saar Teto sambari ne raji thaya Teto suraj ogiyano samo thayo saar Cheto...
352. It seemed that both the sun and moon seemed to be listening to Pir's teaching and gladly acknowledging Pir. 353) Eji Jyare suraj ogiyano samo thayo Tare suraje satgur ne kahiyo vichar Hukum karo satgur ji to ame jaiae Have te rehani te nathi lagaar Cheto... 353. The sun asked Pir to command him for he said darkness has disappeared now that I am here. 354) Eji Tare satgur na hukame chand suraj chaliya Teto pota sahu sahu ne thanke saar Tare satgure vedni vaani chalaviya Te mahain mohaya te sarve sansaar Cheto...
354. So Pir commanded the sun and moon to go back to their places and to follow the teachings of the scriptures for it is easy to get lost in the material world. 355) Eji Tare raja rani ae dharm lidho Satgure paval kidhi teniaj var Tene satgure satpanth dekhariyo Je panth sarve panth ma(n)thi otamaj saar Cheto...
355. The king and queen accepted the Satpanth through the Satguru. 356) Eji Tyan raja praja saho koie namiya Saho rakhe satgurusoon piyar Tyan parbodh pire chalaviyo Murid kidha te oonch minjar Cheto......
356. The whole kingdom, and the king bowed down to the Pir and began to love Pir. The Pir in turn preached to them and accepted them as his followers. 357) Eji Tyan satpanth gupt dekhariyo Ane bataviyo te dharm aachar Raja rani aaviya dharm mahain Ane aek teno putraj saar Cheto...
357. He showed them the secrets of Satpanth. The king, queen and their prince thus became enlightened. 358) Eji Jene satgure jivariya Movo jivaryo te satgur var dataar Ae tran jugane dharm aaliyo Bijo boliyo te sarve sansaar Cheto...
358. The prince was none other than the one Pir had give life to and thus all three were included in his teachings. 359)
Eji Tene satgure vani kahi Murid kidha mulk oonch monjar
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Satgurna farmane jo chalsho to aagal pamsho moksh didar Cheto...
359. Satgur told them that if you want to be my true followers, you should follow my teachings for if you do, your salvation will be ensured. 360) Eji Satguruna vayke te sudha chaljo Dejo satgur mukhe dasond no aohar Chaliso te pir mukhe aapjo Ane karjo te sukrit aapar Cheto..
360. If you remain true to Satgur's teaching, pay Dasond from your earnings and the onefortieth of your earning should go to the Pir. 361) Eji Khara dasondi sukrit vanta Te to aavshe amare dwar Aakhar ni vela jare aavshe Tare te otarshe pahele paar Cheto.. . 361. Those who give Dasond regularly and sincerely, will have no difficulties at the last moment and they will achieve salvation. 362) Eji Tene hajar jomo dekhariyo Shah kawim no avtar Aene te allah karine manjo Tema shak ma aanjo lagaar Cheto...
362. Thus Pir introduced the townsfolk to Hazar Imam, Shah Qasim Shah, and taught them to accept Him as Allah and not to doubt that.. 363) Eji Aene je jiv ochoon kari manshe Te nahi satpanth te pakha(n)ri saar Jena pratham na poon sacha nahin Te jiv nahi orkhashe hajar jomoon patra avtar Cheto..
363. He warned them that those who will not accept Him as Allah will not understand the gist of Satpanth. All hisdeeds will be of no avail for he will not have recognized God Manifest. 364) Eji Alakh nirinjan ae narji kahiae Teni kala nooon nahi koie paas Aad uniyad thi ae narji kahiae Teni khel ramat che jugajug saar Cheto...
364. The Creator of this universe is Him (Shah Qasim Shah) and how can I describe His attributes. He is the Beginning and He is the End and He has come in different eras and different forms. 365) Eji Ae dharmaj aalshe Tene aavaga man nahi re sansar Aa kaljug sandhe je thar raheshe Te jiv pamshe moksh mugat didar Cheto...
365. So follow that religion so that you don't have to go through any further evolution and utilize this era (Kaljoog) as the era where you could achieve salvation. 366) Eji Kaljug sandh kathan jare aavshe Tare vaya pase te kor kapat ninda ne vevaar Vahre odang tare vaagshe Tethi momino na farshe kipar Cheto...
366. The Kaljoog is a difficult time for in this era, dishonesty,
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backbiting and ill-feelings will prevail. The environment will be very unconducive for the Momins for all this sinful atmosphere will be around them. 367) Eji Tare dharmi te adharm thashe Tene meher nahi avshe lagaar Tene kari duniya sarve dolshe Tene momino mathe raheshe baar Cheto...
367. Many a religious person will go astray and it will seem that they have lost His blessings and the whole existence will seem to be shaking. 368) Eji Jare dharmi te adharmi thashe Tare sahone dile te vapshe kaher Tenethi sansar vansshe Te mahain thi koie na pame paar Cheto...
368. When the above happens, people will have doubts in their hearts and these doubts will be their downfall. 369) Eji Te sansar vans she satguru vina Tene dharm maraj nahi suje lagaar Te avtar patranoon ghar boliya Tenoon tran vedsoon che vevaar Cheto...
369. It will seem that the world will exist without a spiritual guide and no-one will know how to follow the right path. People will have forgotten the Imam of the Time and the scriptures. 370) Eji Teto tran ved tran jugmahain hata Have aavi chotha kaljugni var Tenoon satgure kahyoon momino ne Te kahyo te sarve vichar Cheto...
370. Three scriptures in three eras have prevailed and in this fourth and present era, Momins, think where is your scripture now. 371) Eji Temainae jan je aajan thaaeshe Te sir raheshe sahonoon baar Te momino ne papae pirothmi pira aesha Je janta karshe vikam aachar Cheto...
371. Those people who will ignore (religion) will carry a heavy burden on their head and will never have peace of mind just as Vickram didn't have peace. 372) Eji Je dharm karta zagharo marshe Ane chalse te aapana man ne vichar Te ghar daya nahi opje Te jashe narak dwar Cheto...
372. Those people who instead of following the religion will argue against it and will do what they will, will never have kindness in their hearts and will go astray. 373) Eji Satguru mukhe deta thir nahi Pakhanre rakhshe te puro vevaar Tene gurnar potano nahi kare Beth pariyo teno avtar Cheto....
373. Those who are not Farman-Bardari and would succumb to their five vices will not achieve the right Guru and they have lost their human existence. 374) Eji Supatre dan deta ochoon aanshe Ane bije pakhanre rakhshe vevar Tene sri satguru ji potano nahi kare Teto jashe narak dwar Cheto...
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374. Those who will not give alms to the right quarters and will associate themselves in the wrong company, will not be amongst the chosen by the Satguru. 375) Eji Te supatre dan deta ochoon aanshe Ane chare charbote te raheshe hoshiyar Pan satpanth vinya dharm che jetla Teto sarve mithya saar Cheto...
375. Those who will not give alms to the right quarters and will be shrewd and "clever", these are the people who have not achieved the right teachings and they have wasted their lives 376) Eji Jene satgure dharm dai ne saheb dekhariyo Pargat hajar jomoon patra avtar Bija sansar thi guptaj rahiyo Aek satguru mukhe rakhiyo vichar Cheto..
376. To those whom Pir has introduced the present Imam and those who have accepted the religion secretly and are constantly thinking of Pir's teaching (are the ones who will achieve salvation).. 377) Eji Tene satgure momino ne sambara viyoon Jaher dekhariyo nar naklankino avtar Ae nar dekhi je jiv bulshe Tenoon tham nahi urar na paar Cheto...
377. To these Momins Satguru (Pir) has shown the Manifest Imam so they have no excuse to forget Him for if they do, verily, they will not progress at all. 378) Eji Aevi vani satgure kahi Teno moman bhai tame rakhjo vichar Aa sansar ni maya che mithri Tenethi man thar nahi raheshe lagaar Cheto...
378. Momins, these are the things that I tell you and I request you to think over them for the lures of the material world are many and it's difficult not to be distracted by them. 379) Eji Te mahain je jiv chetshe Ane melshe mooh mayanoon janjal Je khara dasondi sukrit canta Te hajar jomoon sahi kari manshe nirdhar Cheto....
379. Those who will beware and detach themselves from the worldly going-ons, will observe Dasond and their religious duties, and recognize the Imam of the Time, 380) Eji Te jiv am gher aavshe Tene kaljug nahi loopshe lagaar Aa dhan potra maya sarve karmi Tene janta na lage vaar Cheto...
380. These people will get to be chosen to go to Pir's abode; the environment around them will not matter for they will have understood that all the worldly attachments are not lasting. 381) Eji Aevi vani satgure kahi Murid kidha mulk oonch minjar Satpanth gure gupt chalaviyo Teno momino ne kahiyo sarve vichar Cheto...
381. This is what Pir told the people of Uch and showed them the secrets of Satpanth and Momins, you should think over it too.
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Eji Te satgur na Pir Nasirudin opna Teto satgur shamsno parivar Tene satgure baho jiv bodhiya Te to vase che oonch minjar Cheto....
382. Pir Nasiruddin was Pir Shams' son and he had preached religion to many a soul and he lived in Uch. 383) Eji Pir Nasirudin te noor nabi Mohd tana Teno Pir Sahebdin parivar Aal Ali nabi jini te kahiae Aad uniyade thi chaliyo ae parivar Cheto...
383. Pir Nasiruddin was from the Prophet's lineage and Pir Sahebdin's was from his (....? check) and he followed the teachings of his ancestors. 384) Eji Pir Sahibdin na noor mahain thi sirjiya Satgur Pir Sadardin karor barna taranhaar Teto Sri Islamshah pasethi bakshaviya Teti pamiya moksh mugat didar Cheto...
384. It was from Pir Sahebdin's lineage that Pir Sadardin, who was the cause of salvation for 12 Karor souls and who had got this title from Shri Islam Shah, when he got Noorani Didar. 385) Eji Pir Sadardin ae narni seva kari Ane janiyo aeh naklanki no avatar Jugajug ae narni seva mahain rahiya Orkhiyo avtare avtar Cheto...
385. Pir Nasiruddin served that Lord and recognized Him as God Manifest. He had served Him in each era and had recognized Him as God Manifest in all eras. 386) Eji Satgure pote piyar kidho premsoon Ane sreva te kidhi alijini saar Tare nar Sri Islam shah navajiya Ne trotha te var datae Cheto...
386. The Pir loved the Imam and served Him devotedly. Thus Shri Islam Shah blessed him. 387) Eji Choryashi aasne pire tap sadhiya Ane shamiji upare dhari ati pyar Aasne aasne tap sadhiyo Ane giriya kidhi te baho aapar Cheto..
387. The Pir meditated in eighty-four different positions and loved the Lord implicitly. In each position, his meditation was like a vigil and he begged and beseeched the Lord incessantly.. 388) Eji Chotris jug te choryashi chokariyoon Satgure tap sadhiya saar Tyan anek anek tap aadriya Teno kain na thae vistar Cheto..
388. For thirty-six eras and eighty-four "times", Pir meditated and in each meditation, there were countless disciplines which I cannot enumerate to you. 389) Eji Aath lakh karan aage tapse kari Char kalap char jugaj saar Teto Ali roope nar naklanki orkhiyo Teto satgur saheb nabi Mohd no avtar Cheto..
389. Eight Lakh saints (people) meditated before the Pir in four eras and
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the four eras before that. They all recognized God Manifest in Ali and they were prophets of their times. .390) Eji Khel ramat aeni aad uniaad thi Jyan thaki sirjiyo sarve sansar Aad nirinjan te nar Ali kahiae Te nabi Mohde orkhiyo potano bharthar Cheto...
390. Thus God has come in many forms since the time of creation so recognize Him in Ali as was done by Prophet Muhammed.. 391) Eji Name thame ae nar Ali kahiae Panth panth mahain aeni sreva thayeshe saas Jetla varan che aa sansar mahain Te sarve nam ali noon jape che nirdhar Cheto...
391. Recognize Ali by Name and by His Being; serve Him in everything you do for the whole existence is already meditating on His Name. 392) Eji Te varana varan mahain theraviyoon Ali potanoon nam kirtar Aa jamin aasman tethi thar rahaya Tena namthi sarve sansar Cheto...
392. Ali's proof is in everything around you. It is due to Him that the earth and the sky are sustained, nay, the whole universe is sustained. 393) Eji Te roop Sri Islamshah noon kahiae Ane nabi Mohd te satgur Pir Sadardin saar Jugajug ae narni seva mahain rahiya Te satgur sat brahmano avtar Cheto...
393. That Ali is now Shri Islam Shah and that Prophet is now Pir Sadardin, who has served God Manifest in every form (Avtar). 394) Eji Tere var ame pamiya Te Sri Islamshah dataar Ame te amaro var orkhiyo Momino tamne kahoon chhoon pukar Cheto...
394. That God Manifest I have achieved and recognized Him. Momins, I am sharing my knowledge with you. 395) Eji Tyan niyam dharm sahone aaliyo Jetla aavi mariya nar ne naar Tene te satguru ae bataviyoon Bhai karjo te haq kamie saar Cheto...
395. That Lord in Shri Islam Shah that I have recognized and it is on His Farman that I preach to you. He has showered His blessings on 36 Karor people and they have achieved salvation. 396) Eji Tare farman laine satgur ji chaliya Tene vani kidhi is jug minjar Teto farmani banda Sri Islamshah tana Tene chatris karor bodhiya duniya minjar Cheto....
396. Upon His Farman Pir came to you in this present era - for Shri Islam Shah's Farman is command - and 36 Karor souls were shown the right path by Pir. 397) Eji Tyan niyam dharm sahone aaliyo Jetla aavi mariya nar ne naar Tene te satguru ae bataviyoon Bhai karjo te haq kamie saar Cheto...
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397. He gave them a way of life and a religion. Both to men and women he revealed the God Manifest and told them to be honest in their dealings. 398) Eji Juth ninda keni ma karsho Jenethi pariye dohele par Sati jiv tame sate chaljo To tame otarsho pele par Cheto...
398. He instructed them not to cheat and not to backbite for that hinders your progress. Be like saints and truthful, then you will achieve salvation.. 399) Eji Je satgur no tame dharm lidho Te satgur ni vaninoon karjo vichar Te satgur ne ame aek chaiye Aapana sahona mowla che sirjanhaar Cheto...
399. The Satgur from whom you have learnt about this religion, pay heed to what he has to say and I am none other than that Satgur and verily our Lord is the maintainer of all beings. 400) Eji Je narni sreva ame tam ne batavi Je chhe amaro tamaor sirjanhaar Te nar naklanki Sri Islamshah Tenoon thank che aerak khand minjar Cheto....
400. The Lord whose service that I have shown you is the maintainer of all beings and He is Shri Islam Shah, who now resides in Iraq. 401) Eji Aere aasan narji tana Ane satgur ji betha te jampu dip minjar Tene farmane chaljo momino Haq kamai karjo saar Cheto....
401. Momins, sit in His prayers and I have dedicated my life in India in His prayer; follow His Farmans and earn an honest living. 402) Eji Have saho saho ne thanke parvaro Jai ne karjo oghan aachar Te mahain thi kadjo munivaro Narini panti te pure vahevar Cheto...
402. When you go back to your homes or hometowns, be always true in your dealings; always set aside Dasond from your earnings and make sure you do this regularly. 403) Eji Tame dharm dejo hetsoon Te mahain khandat ma karjo lagaar Khati karine te mahain thi aaljo Aapana alijina mukhe dasondno aahar Cheto....
403. Kindle the love and serve with love; destroy the doubts that arise in your mind; always observe the Dasond and pay it to Ali's progeny. 404) Eji Dasond aapana nar Sri Islamshah ne aapjo Je che aaj kaljug sandhe nar naklnaki no avtar Tyan chaliso satgur sahebjine aapjo Ane karjo te sukrit aapar Cheto....
404. Give Dasond to Shri Islam Shah, who is the present Manifest God, a fortieth to the Pir and always be true in your dealings. 405) Eji Maljo nitonit gat mahain Ane gat mukhi sathe karjo vichar To pap tamaro sarve jayshe Dinna dandhanoon matse sarve janjal Cheto....
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405. Meet in Jamatkhana regularly and discuss the religion with the elders of the Jamat for that will help you get rid of your sins and with that religious "business" you will able to get rid of the worldly worries. 406) Eji Gat mukhi sathe dua karaviae Kori damri pujani daiae saar Bijo dharm to dasond che Te dhandha mahain thi aaliae pati pure vevar Cheto....
406. Fold your hands before the Mukhi and do the Du'a ceremony; you may give a token coin as a sign of devotion and always observe Dasond and conduct a (spiritual) business with Ali. 407) Eji Nitonit gurni gat mahain jaiae Kariae te aevo dharm aachar Hal vaeke aaliye munivaro Aapana ali ji mukhe pure vevaar Cheto....
407. Never miss going to Jamatkhana and make that your habit. Disclose your troubles to Ali and conduct business with Ali. 408) Eji Aevo par bodh pire chalaviyo Ane nimiya te chatris karor saar Tere nar Sri Islamshah ne betiya Te chatris mahain thi pakya karor baar Cheto...
408. Ali has created such an environment for you that he had indeed nominated (blessed) 36 Karor souls and He has manifested Himself as Shri Islam Shah. Of the 36 Karor blessed, 12 Karor will achieve salvation. 409) Eji Te bar karor dharmi pura thaya Tene to orkhiya potano bharthar Dasond sukrite pura hata Teto pamiya moksh mugat didar Cheto...
409. These 12 Karor are the ones who knew their religion and the Imam of the Time; they were regular in their religious duties and thus they achieved Noorani Didar. 410) Sji Tyan chovis karor chit dolaviyoon Nahi rakhiyo Sri Alijisoon vevaar Bar karorthi te jooda pariya Teto chaliya chovis karor ghor andhar Cheto....
410. The rest 24 Karor have been shaking their heads and have not maintained their link with Ali; thus they were separated form the blessed 12 Karor and have gone astray. 411) Eji Dasond karane jiv dolaviya Mayasoon rakhiyo ati pyar Tene thi kiyamahain bang pariyo Hajar jomon nav orkhiya nirdhar Cheto....
411. They shook their heads because of Dasond and their worldly attachments; they were not regular in their duties and they did not accept the present Imam. 412) Eji Dasond khandat nav kijiye Je aad uniyad thi chaliyo dharm aachar Tema dasond Aliji mukhe aaliye Te mahain shak na aaniye lagaar Cheto....
412. So Momins, don't delay giving Dasond for it is through this that you show your devotion to Ali; pay your Dasond to Ali and never doubt Him. 413) Eji Dasond khandat nav kijiye Je thaki aapana jiv ne parere janjal
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Chovis karore jiv dolaviyo Tene kain nav rakhiyo vichar Cheto....
413. Do not procrastinate in giving Dasond for that will involve your soul more in worldly affairs and you will be like the 24 Karor who got involved with material things in life. 414) Eji Teto alijina vayke nav chaliya Tare dan poon tirthnoon fal nav thayoon lagar Te mate tamne kahoon choon momino Je Ali jini vani no karjo vichar Cheto....
414. These 24 Karor did not walk the path that leads to Ali. They did not get any Sawab for their generosity or good deeds or religious observances and it is for that reason, I tell you, O Momins, that think on what Ali says to you. 415) Eji Je jiv ay jugmahain nahi chetiya Tene potana jivne pariyo janjal Jare alijina sharanethi chukiya Tare chovis karor chaliya ghor andhar Cheto....
415. The people who do not beware in this era will not evolve spiritually and will be like those 24 Karor who were not blessed and did not find a place near Ali's feet. 416) Eji Tene aapana satgur ne lajaviya Ane pote gaya te ghor andhar Teto tetris karor mahain thi joya pariya Tene nahi orkhaya hajar jomoon patra avtar Cheto...
416. These twenty-four Karor spoke ill of Ali and went astray and were thus separated from the 36 Karor for they did not recognize the present Imam. 417) Eji Partham Pir chaltra karya Tare tena man thar nahi rhaya lagaar Hukam hoaa nar Sri Islamshah tana Chatris mahain thi am ghar aavshe karor Cheto...
417. The Pir preached to all the 36 Karor but they did not follow his teachings and upon Shri Islam Shah's Farman (blessing), the 12 Karor were accepted by Him. 418) Eji Te mariyo asal teyona angma Jetlo hokam kidho kirtar Je mariya ma pacho vare nahi Temain kenoon na chale lagaar Cheto....
418. They (12 Karor) incorporated the Farmans as part and parcel of their body; all the commands made by the Lord are always fulfilled and cannot be changed at our will. 419) Eji Tenethi te jiv sarve doliya Tene nav orkhiyo potano bhartar Teni nav bagi saher vacche Teno koie na aave par Cheto....
419. Those people who doubt His Farmans and who do not recognize their Lord are like the ones who have capsized from a boat in the middle of the ocean and to them the bank is not in sight. 420) Eji Sansar samodar maha onro janjo Tema lobh lalacha noon pani baryo aapar Te jalmahain je jiv burshe Teni nav nahi thashe orar na paar Cheto.....
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420. The material life is like a deep ocean which is full of false promises and misguided desires. Those who will sink in that ocean, their 421) Eji Teni nav dubavi nakhode Jene gur thai ne lidho che aahar Te khevanhaaro khoto thayo Tena bunra boreya aapaar Cheto....
421. It is ourselves that cause our boats to sink for not taking Guru as your Guide and getting involved in the wrong involvement. 422) Eji Tyan nichoon joyoon nakhude Bonra boreyanoon man thin nahi rahayore lagaar Tene nav bangi te nisat lokni Tene te kain nav rakhiyo vichar Cheto....
422. Those who have aimed low and given way to their base instinct, find their mind wandering and their boat capsizing. 423) Eji Te Satgur ni shikhe nav chaliya Tene te rakhiyo khoto khevanhaar Te mahain malam murkh besariyo Te mahain bariyo te anhad bhar Cheto....
423. Those who do not follow Satgur's teaching and have a wrong captain to guide their boat are like people in a ship of fools with a very heavy cargo. 424) Eji Teni khoti nav asatni Te mahain asati lok besanhaar Jotha gur tena daan liae Teto sarve nahi pame paar Cheto....
424. Amongst this "misguided" boat, also included is the boat composed of Asti (pseudopious) people. They give alms to deceitful gurus and they never reach the bank. 425) Eji Sad te asatni navnoon Mahain kubudui no va vayo aapar Tenethi te nav dubi gai Satgur kahe te gaya ghor andhar Cheto....
425. The way this above boat sails is as if it is caught in a storm of misdeeds, that causes the boat to capsize and people to go astray. 426) Eji Te satgurna varek thi otariya Tare te nav dubai gemar Hajar jomanoon fal tene gumaviyoon Te chaliya chovis karor ghor andhar Cheto...
426. These people miss the gist of Imam's Farmans and are like the 24 karor who went astray. 427) Eji Tene dasond deta jiv dolaviya Ane mayana moho mahain bula gemar Juthia gurne te jai miliya Jene potani pnth na suje lagaar Cheto...
427. Those who have second doubts whilst giving Dasond and get attached to their worldly possessions, find themselves in the company of untrue gurus who don't even know how to correct their own wrongs. 428) Eji Te gur avarane kem tarshe Jeno aa jugmahain but khanano abtar Tene thi duniya gafal te mohi rahi Te mahain thi koi na otarshe paar Cheto....
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428. A non-divine guru like that cannot lead you to salvation for he believes in evil spirits and his thinking is very material and misguided. 429) Eji Satpanth vina dharm che jetla Teto sarve mithya saar Tete swarag bogavine hethe otarshe Ane nahi jayshe te amrapuri minjar Cheto....
429. All the other religions will lead you to heaven but it is only Satpanth that will lead you to the eternal heaven (Amrapuri). 430) Eji Bar karor pura gur mukhe Teto munivar jai pota pele paar Te hal vayeke dasondi pura Tene didho aliji mukhe dasond no aahar Cheto....
430. The 12 Karor who achieved salvation were true Dasondi and they never ate before paying Dasond. 431) Eji Tene to satgur mukh mahain vaviyoon Ane orkhiyo te jahar jomoon patra avtar Hajar jomano fal tene sufal thayo Tene bije kiyany nav rakhiyo vevar Cheto....
431. They obeyed Imam's Farmans and recognized Him as God Manifest. The present Imam blessed them and they never looked elsewhere for guidance. 432) Eji Teto satpanth ni shikhe chaliya Satgur Pir Sadardin opare rakhiyo ati piyar Teto satgur na pratape odhariya Tene mariya te lakh chorasina avtar Cheto...
432. They followed Satpanth and loved Pir Sadardin and thus completed 84 evolutions of their soul. 433) Eji Sachi nav che satgur tani Tema khub che khevanhaar Tema nakhudo nar Sri Islamshah Tema salamati Pir Sadardin saar Cheto....
433. The true boat is of the Satgur and great is its Captain - Shri Islam Shah - and Pir Sadardin is the shipmate. 434) Eji Sad to satgur na navnoon Khuyo parmaan rakhiya dharmaj saar Nagar naroon aena nam niyoon Mahain gnan gore charaviya baar Cheto...
434. The way this boat sails is by good deeds and the Lord of the boat is the right knowledge of the self and the religion. 435) Eji Satgur ji sad purine chaliya Tare vishal no va vayo saar Malam boriya te aal Ali nabijini Je aad oniyade thi chaliyo ae parivar Cheto....
435. The boat sails smoothly aided by a breeze composed of inspired thoughts and recognition of Nabi and his progeny. 436) Eji Aad brahma te Pir Sadardin Jene bar akror tarya pele paar Te nar Sri Islamshahna namethi odhariya Tema Pir Sadardin khevan haar Cheto....
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436. Pir Sadardin is like Brahma and he has helped them cross the river to the other bank and meet Shri Islam Shah there for Pir Sadardin is the right Captain. 437) Eji Te nav otari nar Sri Islamshah Kaljug sandhe nar nakalanknoon avatar Tene baar karor jiv odhariya Mukhi Pir Sadardin sathe pahota pahele paar Cheto....
437. Shri Islam Shah has saved that in this era by manifesting Himself and has blessed the 12 Karor who Pir Sadardin brought with him in the boat. 438) Eji Pir Sadardin na noor mahain thi opna Pir Hasan Kabirdin na aavtar Tene seva kidhi sacha shami tani Nari thaine orkhiyo potano bharthar Cheto....
438. Pir Hasan Kabirdin followed Pir Sadardin and he was his son. He has served our Lord as a wife would serve a husband. 439) Eji Te nari thai ne nar ne orkhiyo Ane bijo kain nav rakhiyo vichar Karani kidhi aena namni Tare pamiya te aeva bharthar Cheto....
439. He humbled himself like a wife and recognized his Lord. He never had any other thought in his mind and meditated on His Name to achieve Him. 440) Eji Tare nar Sri islamshah nava jiaa Te Ali jiae seva te dithi saar Tare het dhariyo Pir Hassan Kabirdin opre Ali jiae kidhi te maher apar Cheto....
440. Shri Islam Shah recognized Pir Hasan Kabirdin's service; He loved him and showered His blessings on him. 441) Eji Te maher kidhi Ali raje Satgur ne sevak janine kidhi sambar Tare satgure aeva tap sadhirya Jethi parasan thya alivar dataar Cheto...
441. The Lord was Merciful to His servant who had served Him as well as showered His blessings on him. 442) Eji Tare seva dithi Ali raje Gurni kidhi juga jug sambar Te gur aad uniaad thi alijina vahne sahaya Tare stgur ne aapiyo man aapar Cheto....
442. His service was recognized for he (Pir Hasan Kabirdin) had recognized Ali in each era and followed Ali's Farman; and Ali in turn loved him. 443) Eji Aad uniaade thi gure tap kariya Tena tapno nahi aave paar Jugajug vinti kidhi ghani Ane orkhiyo te patra avtar Cheto....
443. He meditated endlessly, beseeched the Lord incessantly and recognized the Manifest Imam. 444) Eji Aad uniyade thi saho bera hata Brahma vishanu maheshwar saar Ae tran must aek che Te mahain vishanu te sirjanhaar Cheto...
444. To Pir Hasan Kabirdin, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshvar are all one and
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Vishnu is supposed to be the Creator. 445) Eji Sevane karane sirjiya Brahma maheshwar avtar Tene potana noor mahain thi nipaviya Ane mutiya te duniya minjar Cheto....
445. It was for His service that Vishnu created Brahma and Maheshvar from His Noor and sent them to this earth. 446) Eji Tame jawo brahmaji jug mahain vani karo Ane orkhavo te amaro avtar Aem karta vahi gaya Anant kalap anant jug saar Cheto...
446. He told Brahma to go down to the earth and make people realize His existence and this mission has been going on for countless eras. 447) Eji Te satgurur aa jug sunghe avtarya Te satgur nabi Mohamed avtar Te avtare sahi satguru janiae Pir Hassanshah Pir Sadardin na parivar Cheto... 447. In the present era that Guru has come as Nabi Muhammed (Brahma) and do recognize him as the True Guru. Pir Hasan Kabirdin and Pir Sadardin are from his lineage. 448) Eji Aene satgure aage anek jiv ogariya Te satguru ni sevaae rahaya nirdhar Tene jive satgur ne te sahi kari maniyo Ane orkhiyo patra avtar Cheto....
448. This Gur (Prophet) and Satguru (Pir) have helped many a soul achieve salvation. They have served the Lord and have recognized God Manifest in the Imam. 449) Eji Te avtar patra aa jug sanghe aaviya Te betha che milcha minjar Alijinoon avtar te kahiae Te mahain shak ma aansho lagar Cheto...
449. That God Manifest has come to this world and is now residing in Milcha, verily He is Ali so do not doubt that. 450) Eji Ali ne te allah kari maniae Satgure seva kidhi te jugajug saar Tare nar Sri Islamshah navajiaa Je betha che kahek nagari minjar Cheto....
450. Accept Ali as Allah for Pir has served Him in many eras. In the present he serves Shri Islam Shah and resides in Kehek. 451) Eji Tene maya karine bolaviya Satgur ne potana janine kidhi sambar Tare satgur brahma Hassan Shah Te betha hata mulk oonch minjar Cheto....
451. The Imam called Satgur with love and looked after him. The Satguru who is Brahma's Avtar, is Pir Hasan Kabirdin who resided in Uch. 452) Eji Tare satguru Hasanshah Alijine orkhiya Nar Sri Islamshah sarikho bharthar Tene satgure tem tem tap adka kariya Tare Alijiae dhariya ati pyar Cheto....
452. Pir Hasan recognized Ali and accepted Him as his Lord, served and meditated to achieve Shri Islam Shah's blessings and love.
Eji Onch thi Shah ni Have te Jyanthi
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satgur Hassanshah chaliya dargah no rakhiyo vichar nar naklanki ne betiae tale te jivoon ne janjal Cheto...
453. Pir left Uch to go and meet Imam physically for he could not contain himself any longer. 454) Eji Tyan marag mahain satguruji aaviya Tyan man mahain te opanoon ae vichar Mara shamine kaje shoon laie chaliae Kaink tofo joiae sambar Cheto....
454. On his journey he thought: "What shall I take as a present for my Lord?" 455) Eji Tare Satguru Hassanshah pariya vichar ma Aa shi rite rize amaro bharthar Have kaink tofo banaviay Mara Ali raja ne kaje sambar Cheto...
455. He kept thinking: "How can I please my Lord? Let me make something with my own hands for His love is haunting me." 456) Eji Tato aakra ditha marag mahain ghana Te mahain thi rera toriaa teniaj vaar Te mahain thi rui nikali Te to kadine kidhi taiyar Cheto....
456. When Pir came to a cotton field he processed cotton into threads. 457) Eji Marag chalta teto karti aa Ane ziano katioon te sutar aapar Teno te tofo banaviyo Pire pagharti te kidhi taiyar Cheto...
457. He weaved the thread into a very fine cloth and made a Pagdi (head-dress). 458) Eji Teto paghari pire potane hathe kari Teno panchsho gaj vistar Te gaj gaj opare shafayat lakhi Satgure araj vinanti kari aapar Cheto....
458. The whole Pagdi was weaved by Pir himself and was 500 yards long and on each yard he wrote a Venti (prayer). 459) Eji Te paghari satgure taiyar kari Te nav choga bandhine pire kidha taiyar Te choga choga mahain araj vinti lakhi Te vinti no nahi aave paar Cheto....
459. After he had prepared the Pagdi he made nine tussles and during making them he composed nine more prayers 460) Eji Tyan araj vinti pire ghani kidhi Nari thaine dekhariyo potano aakar Manma nav rakhiyo motapano Jene thi vadhe man no ahankar Cheto...
460. Pir Sadardin's prayers and beseechings were tremendous. He called himself a female and humbled himself so that he would never experience pride. 461) Eji Nari thai ne Sri Islamshah ne jiti aa Satgurur brahma Pir Hassan Kabirdin saar Tene thi Alijiae kirpa kidhi Ane terviaa potane dwar
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461. He thus won Shri Islam Shah's heart just as Brahma had won (Vishnu's heart); Ali was beneficent to him and called him to his abode. 462) Eji Te Hassan Shah Alijine darge jai pota Tyan noor dithon naklanknoon teaniaj var Tare noore noor samai rahaya Satgure te orkhiyo potano bharthar Cheto....
462. Pir Hasan Kabirdin reached Imam's Darbar and saw the God Manifest. He immersed himself in Imam's Noor and accepted Him as his Lord. 463) Eji Tare Ali jiae sat brahma kahine bolaviae Ane hady shoon rakhiyo ati piyar Tare satgur Hassanshah vinti kari Tame sambaro parvardigaar Cheto...
463. Ali called him the True Guru and showered His love on him, whereupon Pir Hasan Kabirdin said a prayer: 464) Eji Hel barine ame aaviya Ali ji ame nair tamare dwar Duhagana dukh sarve tali kari Suhagan karo mujne bharthar Cheto....
464. O Ali, I have come to you as a woman who has a heavy vessel full of water on her head. Only you can give all my sins and convert me from a fallen woman to a bride. 465) Eji Ame nari tame nar sada Ame sevak tame cho Ali avtar Aa tofo tamare kaje laviya Teto kabool karone alivar dataar Cheto....
465. O My Lord! I am but a woman and you are my Lord, nay, indeed, I am your slave and you are none other than Ali. This little present that I have brought for you, do accept it. 466) Eji Hoonre nari sadai tam tani Mara avgoon no nahiri paar Tamare sharane ame aaviya Ali tame cho gunah bakshan haar Cheto....
466. I have accepted you as my Lord forever, yet I am very sinful, so I have come to your feet and only you can forgive my sins 467) Eji Tare satgur Hssanshah sir nami kari Ane kidhi te araj apar Te paghari lai pire aagal dhari Je marag mahain kidhi hati taiyar Cheto...
467. Pir Hasan Kabirdin continued begging and beseeching the Imam with his head held low and presented the Pagdi which he had prepared during his journey. 468) Eji Tare Alijiae chero te mahainthi kadiyo Te potane hathe bandhava lagaa dustar Jyare sir bandh alijiae bandhiya Tyare raji hoaa te var dataar Cheto....
468. The Imam (Lord) took one end of the Pagdi and began to tie it over His head and He was very pleased with Pir Hasan Kabirdin. 469) Eji Tyare narji boliya mukhthi Tame sambaro sat brahmaji kahoon vichar Satguruji sir bandh je tame laviya
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Tenoon koie nahi mool shomar Cheto....
469. The Lord said: Listen, My dear Pir, the head-dress that you have brought for Me is indeed very precious and dear to Me. 470) Eji Tare satguru Hassanshah boliya Tame sambaro nar kirtar Ame nari tam aagal avgoon kari Tame kirtar amara bharthar Cheto....
470. Pir replied: You are my Lord and I am your slave. I am full of sins and you are the One who can forgive them. 471) Eji Am nari thi nar rize nahi Jena avgoon no nahi paar Aliji tare aa tofo banaviyo Nav chogani vinti kari aapar Cheto....
471. Please never be angry with me for indeed I am sinful. I have made this head-dress for You and have beseeched You while making the nine tussels. 472) Eji Tare Alijiae sir bandh bandhi kari Prasnn hoae Alivar datar Magoo magoo satgurji aem Aliji kahe Dhan dhan tamaro avtar Cheto....
472. The Imam was very happy with Pir Hasan Kabirdin and asked him to ask for whatever he wished, He continued: Your Avtar is indeed great. 473) Eji Tamaroon amaroon tan aek chhe Te mahain antro nahi lagaar Tamne satgur brahma karine sirjiya Tamari seva noon ant na paar Cheto....
473. (The Imam further said:) Your body and Mine are one - there is no difference in that - I am indeed very happy with your service. 474) Eji Kirpa kidi nar kayam jiae Satgur Hassan Shah soon kidho vichar Aaj je mangoo te tamne aaliye Tamne trotha te Alivar daatar Cheto....
474. Thus the Imam of the Time was Merciful to Pir Hasan Kabirdin and granted his (Pir's) desires for indeed He was in a beneficent mood. 475) Eji Tare satgur Hassan Shah boliya Tame sambaro te sirjan haar Aliji tamare trothe sarve anand thaya Jo ditho tamaro didar Cheto....
475. Pir Hasan Kabirdin replied: O my Lord, the Creator, I have achieved everything in Your pleasure and getting Your Didar. 476) Eji Ame sharam lidhi ya Ali tam tani Jenoon nam che sirjanhaar Aa hoonre nari tamara namni Mane sohagan kidhi mare bharthar Cheto.....
476. O Lord, You accepted me at Your feet and have counted me amongst Your slaves. 477) Eji Nar ji aagal narinoon chale nahi Aem boliya satgur Hassan Shah teniaj vaar Tamara birad samoon tame joi Pavan kidhi te abra naar Cheto....
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477. How can a slave think of asking anything - continued Pir Hasan Kabirdin - by looking towards me You have indeed given me everything. 478)
Eji Maat taat tame bandhva Amara Shah saday cho bharthar Tame purusho cho nirinjan avtar
Hoon bandi saday tam tani
Cheto.... 478. You are my Mother and my Father, and my family. You are my Lord, I am Your slave and You are the Creator. 479) Eji Baho gunhi ne ogariya Jati kadi te saher minjar Amara avgoon samoon nav joyo Jenoon nahi lambe ant na paar Cheto....
479. You have lifted me by my arm from a deep ocean, do not look at my sins for I am sinful. 480) Eji Muj nari thi baho avgoon thaya Te ya Ali lai aavi choon tamare dwar Te amara avgoon samoon nav joyoon Amne lai rakhi potane dwar Cheto....
480. I am indeed a fallen woman and I have brought my sins to your door but please ignore my sins and keep me at your door. 481) Eji Ya ali ame oniyachari banda Maroon jor na chale lagaar Te gunegaar nari ne ya Ali tame pavan kari Te Ali tamara goon no lambe paar Cheto....
481. I am a sinful slave and I cannot force You to listen to me, but You are Merciful so forgive my sins (and grant me salvation). 482) Eji Ali dware ame aaviya Jyan choote te sarve jivoone janjal Jyan hiana khiana aage kainjiv odhariya Tyan ya Ali amaro jiv che umedvar Cheto....
482. I have come at Ali's door, where all souls achieve salvation. The souls which are sinful and the souls that have not made any advancement have received Your Mercy; So Allah included me amongst those. 483) Eji Tene pratape ya Ali amne bakshjo Amara aeb che aapar Kain goon nahin amaro rati jetlo Jethi rize amaro bharthar Cheto....
483. O Ali, I have too many vices and indeed I am lower than even the sand we walk on, but please do not be angry with me and be my Lord. 484) Eji Tare nar naklanki maya kari boliya Ali sahona sirjan haar Anant karor jivoone maya kari Trotha te Hassan Shah ne nar avtar Cheto....
484. The Lord (Shri Islam Shah) was Merciful and replied that: You will be the cause of salvation of an infinite number of souls, O My Pir Hasan Kabirdin. 485) Eji Anant no var tamne aapiyo Tame jai duniyama bodh karjo saar Tam brahma ame bakshiya Anant karor jivoon ni sathe avsho amare dwar Cheto....
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485. I have given you responsibility of infinite souls; Go back and preach to them the right religion and come back to Me with those souls. 486) Eji Je jiv tame ahi lavso Tene avag man fero nahire sansar Tam karoan jene jivoone ame bakshiya Teno tam sir brahmaji baar Cheto....
486. The souls that you bring with you will not have to go through the evolution for, because of you, I will forgive them. However, you will have their responsibility. 487) Eji Tare gur Hssans Shaha Ali jine paye pariya Ane vinti kari teno ant na paar Aa dahn dhan Ya Ali tamne kahiae Am nari no shoon che baar Cheto....
487. Pir Hasan Kabirdin fell to Imam's feet and wept with joy and said: I am indeed very happy, my Lord, but what can an incomplete human being like me do? 488) Eji Ae jiv amthi na odhare Ali ji tame kirpa karo aap kirtar Amere gunehgaar baho banda Tame to cho saheb bakshanhaar Cheto....
488. How will I be able to take the infinite souls with me, so be kind to me, forgive my sins, for You are the Forgiver of sins. 489) Eji Aevo bar Alijian sir dhariyo Te amthi Aliji shoon thaya sirjanhaar Tame maher karo mora sahinya Am sri thi otaro kaljugna jivno bhar Cheto...
489. The responsibility You have given me is indeed grave. Will I be able to fulfil it? Be kind to me, O Lord, and share my load of the souls that are in the Kaljoog.. 490) Eji Tare stguru Alijina charane thi Sir ochoon nav kare lagaar Anant karor jivoon ni vinti satgur kahe Tare kayam dev mukhthi boliya teaniaj war Cheto....
490. The Imam then lifted Pir Hasan Kabirdin's head from His feet. Pir continued to beseech Him for His help in completing his mission of being the cause of salvation for an infinite number of souls. 491) Eji Anant mahain te jiv aavshe Je jiv orkhshe aapana avtar Aa tamne satgur brahma sahi kari manshe Ane hajar jomo te sahi kari manshe nirdhar Cheto....
491. Amongst those who will achieve salvation will be those who will know the Imam of the Time and will accept your teachings. 492) Eji Aad uniyad na satguruji tame Tame cho satgur brahmajina avtaar Ame vishanu var dataar chaiae Teno kaljug sandhe miliha mahain Cheto...
492. You are the right Guru and incarnate of Brahma. I am Vishnu, the Creator and we have both come in this Kaljoog 493) Eji Ae avtar patra je jiv orkhshe Teni sharan che satgurji tamare hathe saar Tare hath daine mustak oncho karyo
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Vishanu ji te huwa vaar dataar Cheto...
493. Those who will recognize the Living Imam and who will follow your teachings will come with you. Saying thus, the Imam lifted Pir's head from His feet and was pleased with the Pir. 494) Eji Satguru Alijine kahe Aa mustak oncho kidho jeni vaar Ya Ali tran bawan no bhar lai sir dhariyo Te am kiri noon shiryo che baar Cheto...
494. Whereupon the Pir said: O Lord, you have lifted my head on which rested the load of three Joogs. How can an insignificant person like me (ant) survive without you? 495) Eji Am kiri thi kem opare Ya Ali tran bawan no bhar Ame gunehgaar oniyachari Tenoon Ya Ali tamne kahoon vichaar Cheto...
495. I have no power to carry this load of three Joogs for I am sinful and not regular as I should be. 496) Eji Anant noon var Ya Ali amne aaliyo Aagal kaljug kathan che sansaar Te mahain koon jiv am pase aavshe Koon daan deshe pure vevar Cheto....
496. The responsibility for infinite souls that You have given me is difficult to fulfil in this Kaljoog for how many will follow my teaching and how many will be willing to sacrifice? 497) Eji Koon jiv avtaar patrane manshe Ane koon jiv satgur ni karshe sambar Koon jiv kiriyana pura raheshe Koon jiv ninda juthathi raheshe nirdhar Cheto....
497. How many will recognize You as the Imam and how many will pay heed to my Ginans? How many will fulfil their obligations and how many will refrain from backbiting and cheating? 498) Eji Kaljug na jiv sarve thanke pota Amara baap dada sathe rakhiyo vevaar Aa jug mahain te koon jiv baki rahaya Jeno am sir rakhiyo bhar Cheto....
498. The souls that have achieved salvation in Kaljoog were the ones who followed the teachings of my ancestors. Who is left now that You have entrusted me with their responsibility. 499) Eji Am gunegaar thi kain nav opare Ya Ali aa kaljugna jivoon tano bhar Je asti jiv ne oniyachari Jena man thar na raheve lagaar Cheto....
499. I am sinful and I won't be able to fulfil that responsibility. The people of the Kaljoog will lack concentration and it will be a difficult task. 500) Eji Juthore aa kaljug kahiye Tena jiv te jutha aapar Te jugmahain amne mukta Tema kem kari odharshe sansar Cheto....
500. The Kaljoog is full of deceit and full of untrue people so why send me
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amongst them for it will be difficult for me to cross that era. 501) Eji Baki oniyachari jiv otariya Sati jivto sadhaviya sarag dwar Te jiv ne parbodh kevo lagashe Jena manma rahem nahi lagaaar Cheto...
501. The people who are not regular in their duties stay here and the true have no difficulty in crossing the path. Those who are unkind will not understand the teaching. 502) Eji Aa kaljug sandhe je jiv rahaya Teto kuboduri noon karshe aachar Te jiv dharm boduriay nahi chalshe Te ninda juth soon rakhshe vevaar Cheto....
502. Those who are involved in material world and neglect their religious obligations will not achieve religious advancement for they will be lost in their backbiting and in their falsehood. 503) Eji Jyan sari oganisha vesoya papna Ane ardho vesoyo sat dharm no saar Aa kaljug kathan aevo papno Te koon chalshe dharm aachar Cheto....
503. It will be as if 19 1/2 portions would be sin and 1/2 portion true. Thus will be Kaljoog and only a few will be true believers. 504) Eji Sansar sagharo bame juthma Teni juthi kiriya ne jutho aahar Te jutha juthiay mijlase jai beshsho Teto aap muradi man hathi aapaar Cheto....
504. Everyone seems to be involved in a life full of deceit; false appearances and false food (food where no Dasond has been paid) and it seems as if a Majlis is being conducted where false desire takes precedence. 505) Eji Tyan maline dharm khanrat karshe Aa kaljug sandhe jivoon no aevo che achar Aa jivone dharm kevoon lagashe Je sidhoon bolta(n) kare apkar Cheto....
505. There will be talk against religion and people's action will be material What will my soul think of religion then? For even whilst speaking the truth, one could get proud. 506) Eji Aevo sansar baki rahiyo Ya Ali teno te am sir rakhiyo baar Sansar sagharo pakhand tano Teto bot bakitsoon rakhe piyar Cheto....
506. O Ali, such is Kaljoog and You have entrusted their responsibility to me. People have succumbed to their vices and they believe in evil spirits. 507) Eji Sat ni vatma samje nahi Ane bot bakitsoon rakhe ati piyaar Tema je opar tame kirpa karo Ya Ali te jiv aavshe te tamare dwar Cheto...
507. Then there will be those who will worship the evil spirit and will not understand the Right Guru, but amongst these, on whom You will be Merciful, they will find the right path. 508) Eji Tare satguru Hassanshah ne alijiay aem kahayoon Tame senso ma dharsho lagaar Ame amara jiv orkhi leshoon sansarma(n) Teto tam sir baki nahi baar Cheto....
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508. The Imam then comforted Pir Hasan Kabirdin and said: Don't you worry, I will recognize those souls who are true and will help you carry out your responsibility. 509) Eji Aevo kathan pohoro te mahain je jiv chetshe Ane rat din rakhshe potana manma vichar Aa sat dharm tene sujshe Te jiv nahi melsho dharm aachar Cheto....
509. Those who will worship in such difficult times and will think about the Satpanth day and night will find it. 510) Eji Te jiv tam sharne avshe Te satgur ni gat mahain marshe saar Te jiv haq haram orkhine chalshe Ane khati karshe te dharm aachar Cheto....
510. These souls will achieve a place near your feet and they will come to your gathering and they will recognize the Truth and thus achieve the meaning of religion. 511) Eji Jene aathoie pohor chinta aapana jiv ni Rakhashe te aapana manma vichar Aa sat dharm tene sujshe Te nahi melshe dharm aachar Cheto....
511. Those who constantly worry about their souls will find the True Religion. 512) Eji Halal kamai tene sujshe Te nahi karshe juth nindanoon aahar Aa kathan vera kaljug tani Tema man thar nahi raheshe lagaar Cheto....
512. Their earnings will be true and they will refrain from backbiting and they will remain above Kaljoog. 513) Eji Kaljug jamano kathan opano Te mahain kor kapat ninda no chalshe vevaar Tema sati jiv chetshe Te jiv aavshe te aapne dwar Cheto.....
513. Kaljoog will indeed be difficult for everything will be so base and untrue; yet the true believers will beware and will come to Satpanth.
Eji Te jiv guruni gat mahain jai milshe Dukh sukhnoon nav rakhshe dil mahain vichar Dukh sukh dehi sathe mariaa Jem jiv pindine an paninoon aahar Cheto....
514. These believers will go to Jamatkhana; they will ignore their unhappiness and happiness and will take them in their stride just as they will take their food and drink (for physical life). 515) Eji Tyan sati jiv ne kasani ghani Aa kaljug no aevo aachar Te halal haram orkhine chalshe Parki aasha na karshe lagaar Cheto.....
515. It will appear that the true believers will have difficult times but they will still recognize the true from the false and will never place their hopes on others. 516) Eji Te jiv pakha(n)re shoon preet nav rakhshe Ane juthi mijlasnoon nav rakhshe vevaar
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Ari pari keni karshe nahi Aapana dhandha mahain raheshe hushiyar Cheto.....
516. These souls will not associate with the misguided people, will not meddle in other people's affairs, and will concentrate on and excel in their own business. 517) Eji Je jiv din no dhandho karshe petno Nam japshe te damodam sirjanhaar Haq kamai kari te mahainthi aapshe Aapana gur nar mukhe dasond no aahar Cheto....
517. Those souls whose business will be religion and who will think of the Lord at every breath will be the ones who will give Dasond to the Imam of the Time. 518) Eji Te keni ninda bad goie karshe nahi Aapana gur narsoon raheshe pure vevaar Te jiv am ghare aavshe Teni ninda te karshe bijo sansar Cheto....
518. These people will not think ill of others and their only purpose will be to associate themselves with the Imam; others, however, will speak ill of them. 519) Eji Tena aekoter puriya mai baapna Ane saat pediyo sasrani saar Je laie kari amrapuri mahain chalshe Je khara dasondi sukarit vanta saar Cheto....
519. A true believer will help seven generations to achieve salvation. 520) Eji Satnoon dharm aa jug mahain je koi karshe Te aek kanna sava lakh leshe sambar Aeva daan deta je jiv kalapshe Teno aapana mathe kain nahi baar Cheto...
520. Those who will sacrifice in Satpanth, will find that for each sacrifice they will be rewarded 1 1/4 million times. 521) Eji Je jiv sati deshe sat dharmsoon Teno aek til bhar nav jashe lagaar Aa supatra daan to baho fale Aek kanna sava lakh leshe sambar Cheto....
521. Those souls who will give their alms to the Right Guru and will never forget their Dasond will be rewardedplenty for indeed for each atom of sacrifice, the reward is 1 1/4 million times. 522) Eji Amra puri ma tena ghar chanaviya Tema jartar khira manek padarth saar Sovan inte tena ghar chanaviya Tema nakhiya che anbar kastorina gaar Cheto...
522. When these souls reach Heaven (Amrapuri) they will find that their houses will be made of golden bricks studded with diamonds and the beams will be made of sweet-smelling wood and the mud will be composed of Kasturi (precious perfume). 523) Eji Horani pachas te gharma rakhsoon Teno aek te thashe bharthar Panchso putra te jiv na thashe Teto farmani ramshe te ghar minjar Cheto....
523. Fifty angels will quench these people's thirst and one of them will
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marry him/her and they'll beget 500 sons, all of whom will be true Farman-Bardari Momins. 524) Eji Panchso malaek tena hajorma raheshe Teto farmani raheshe ae ghar minjar Teto ashwa zaline oba raheshe Ane te sahel karavshe swarg minjar Cheto....
524. 500 slaves will serve that Momin and will be at his command and indeed that soul will be soaring high. 525) Eji Tam ne amne je jiv orkhashe Te jiv aava ghar amrapurina pamshe saar Aa dasond sukrite pura satgur mukhe Tene kaljug nahi lopshe lagaar Cheto....
525. The ones that will recognize you and I are the ones who will get this eternal bliss, but they will have to stay true in their religious obligations and not succumb to the Kaljoog. 526) Eji Aeve sat dharme j e jiv chalshe Tene aavagaman nahi sansar Tam brahma ne satgur kari manshe Ane orkhashe hajar jomo patra avtar Cheto....
526. These souls who are true in their duties will not have further attachments if they also recognize you and the Imam of the Time. 527) Eji Aeva sukh amrapurina aalshoon Vari aapshoon aakharat dahare didar Aeva sukh je jiv ne nahi game Teno aapana sathe nahi kain vahevar Cheto....
527. I will give them such eternal bliss and prosperity and I will also give them Noorani Didar when their time is up. Those who do not want this happiness have no business with us. 528) Eji Kupatre daan je jiv aalshe Sambaro satgur ji teno kahoon vichar Teto aekvis swarag mahain jagya pamshe Je rakhiaa che mir parbat minjar Cheto....
528. Those who give alms to the Right Guru will achieve 21 heavens which are in the Mayer Mountains. 529) Eji Te swarg mahain je jiv jai otarshe Jene satgur vina didha che dan aapar Teto swarg bogirne hetha otarshe Ane leshe te duniya mahain avtar Cheto....
529. Those who will achieve those heavens will also be those who have given alms elsewhere; however, once they have had the happiness of this heaven, then they will come back to this world. 530) Eji Jene jive jeva dharm duniya mahain karya Te jiv teva te leshe avtaar Teto jai parshe lakh choryashi ma(n) Tena dukhno nahi aave paar Cheto....
530. Everybody will be judged according to their deeds and their evolvement through 84 Lakh stages will be accordingly. The suffering will never cease either. 531) Eji Madham avtaar tenea aavshe Ane charoi khana mahain te leshe aavtar Aekvis lakh avtaar aek aek khanama Aa bogvashe te duniya minjar Cheto....
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531. The evolvement will also involve going through the four Joogs and in each Joog they will go 21 Lakh times. 532) Eji Tyan toba toba te jiv baho karshe Tene tyan nahi koi choravan haar Te fera farshe lakh choryasi tana Te orkhaya vina jashe te ghor andhar Cheto....
532. Even the beseeching by these souls in the four Joogs and asking for forgiveness by the souls will be meaningless if they do so without recognizing the Imam. 533) Eji Aeva te avtar koon jiv pamshe Teno satgur Hassanshah ya Ali ne puchiyo vichar Ya Ali ame gunegaar banda tam tana Tamari kudratno nahi lambe paar Cheto....
533. Pir Hasan Kabirdin asked the Imam: Who will be those souls? For indeed I am sinful and You are Merciful. 534) Eji Tare satgur Hassanshah lagaa dhurjwa Ane giriya kidhi teno nahi aave shomar Ya Ali anant karor jiv kem odhare Aevo kaljug jamano kahtan saar Cheto.....
534. Saying thus, Pir Hasan Kabirdin began to tremble and started praying: O Lord, how will this infinite souls finish their purpose in Kaljoog for it is a difficult era to pass through? 535) Eji Lakh chorasima te koon jiv aavshe Teno satgur Hassanshah te Ya Ali jine puche vichar Ae srushti sarve Ya ali tam tani Te sarvena Ya Ali tame cho sirjanhaar Cheto....
535. Those souls who come through the 84 Lakh evolvements, are they not the ones, O Ali, who have been created by You for You are the Creator? 536) Eji Ya Ali maat taat janme barak ne Te mahain vahlo veri nahi saho aeno parivar Ya aliji adkoon ochoon aema(n) koie nahi Te maat pita ne vahalo potano pariwar Cheto....
536. You are our Mother and Father and we are children and indeed we have no other real families, so don't look at our shortcomings and treat us like Your children. 537) Eji Surshti to sirjanhaar tame Tame cho maat taat banhav morar Aa kutumb kabilo Ya Ali tame Tam vina nahi koie sansarma saar Cheto....
537. You are the Creator, You are my Mother, Father, Friend, and You are my Family, and my Tribe, and there is nothing without You. 538) Eji Maya tamari thi chotiye Ya Ali tale te jivoon ne janjal Tame tamara birad saman joioo Ma jowo amara avgoon samoon sir janhaar Cheto....
538. With Your blessings, O Alim, we will achieve salvation; please look at our faces, and not at our sins. 539) Eji Ya ali hindu muslaman sansar ma Te sahona tame cho sirjanhaar Aa vahalo veri te mahain tamaro koi nahi Vari sahona roji puranhaa kirtaar
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539. The Hindus and the Muslims are created by You and You sustain them. 540) Eji Sahona avtaar Ya Ali tam thaki Tema utam madham nahi koi sirjiyo sansar Te jivni rakhiya Ya Ali tam thaki Tam kirpaae Ya Ali saho odhare nar ne naar Cheto....
540. It is with Your Mercy that all the souls who have been sustained by You, will achieve salvation. 541) Eji Aliji tame naeji aad antna Ane tarioon tamarioon te sarve sansar Tam Ya Alithi sohagaj pamiae Duhagan nari te sarve sansaar Cheto....
541. You are my Lord and I am Your slave; if I have You, then I am like a woman with a husband; without You, I shall remain a widow forever. 542) Eji Otam satguruji tene kahieae Jena dharm otam ne otam aachar Juth ninda jene jive parhari Swarthi na mi khami chale te duniya minjar Cheto......
542. The highest Guru (Pir) is that who has high religious aspirations. He is humble and sacrificing and refrains from backbiting and going the misguided path. 543) Eji Namni khamni te sarva ne piyari Jenethi rize te sarve sansaar Teno jash boliya naat par naat ma Koi kathani nav kare duniya monjar Cheto.....
543. Humility and sacrifice endears everybody. With these virtues one can wean any tribe and one gets no difficulties in this world. 544) Eji Jeni vani mithi duniya mahain Ane hoshe vari tene dharm aachar Tene duniya to bomra vache nahi Te opar raji hove te aap sirjanhar Cheto....
544. People who talk sweetly (tactfully) and who are religious in their dealings will never be misguided by the world and the Creator will be pleased with them. 545) Eji Je jiv shil santoshi dya khamiya vanta Nichi drushte chale te duniya monjar Aene aachare otamaj janiye Sarve kutumbno khenche baar Cheto.....
545. Those souls who are contented, quiet and tolerant and those who are not proud, consider them amongst the highest and they can be the cause of salvation for their whole family. 546) Eji Kirya aachar te jivna pura kahiae Tene jive aapana dharm marag mahain rakhiyo ati piyar Tene haidy kamal nahin doshe Aavo kaljug te vikharo otarshe pahele paar Cheto.....
546. These souls have fulfilled their duties and have loved the religious path. Their hearts never sway and they will cross Kaljoog effortlessly. 547) Eji Aene aachare mitra thashe aapano Tene doylo nahin thshe lagar Amrapurina ghar te pamshe Je jiv orkhashe hajar nomo patra avtar
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547. It is people like these I (Pir) will befriend and will give them bliss if they recognize the Imam of the Time. 548) Eji Je jiv bonre kame jiv chalavshe Nav parshe te kirya aachar Te jiv pote dobya ne vija ne dobawashe Ane pamshe madham avtaar Cheto....
548. Those who will be irregular in their duties and lead a sinful existence, will not only sink themselves but will drown the people around them. 549) Eji Ane aachare madhayamaj janiae Tenoon koor kapat nindasoon vevaar Tene dharm aachar to suje nahin Te juth nindasoon jashe narak dwar Cheto.....
549. People like these are cheats and backbiters who can never recognize religion and live in an eternal hell 550) Eji Te dharm deta(n) zagro marshe Bath pariyo teno avtaar Aek potane panye pora nahi Ane karva jaae bijani waar Cheto.....
550. They will argue against religion and waste their life; not only will they miss their chance, but will prevent people around them from being regular in their duties. 551) Eji Aek potano pind pale nahi Ane biji jivno mathe liae chhe bhar Teni aakhar vela jare aavshe Tare te jivne bandhi deshe maar Cheto....
551. These people are indeed taking the burden off the people around them by preventing them from performing their religious duties and when their time will come, then their soul will undergo tortures. 552) Eji Tene marta marta kiyamat jashe Tyan te jiv baho karshe pokar Tene aaro te koi nahi aavshe Mai baap nahi koi kutumb parivar Cheto.....
552. They will go through the Day of Judgement at their deathbed and their souls will scream in anguish, but none of their family members will be able to help them. 553) Eji Saga savga sarve sansarna Tyan kenoon jor nav chalshe lagaar Ajan thai ne potana karya Te sahono pota mathe lidho che baar Cheto....
553. Everyone is for himself for no-one will want to share the anguish. 554) Eji Duniya mahain je potanoon kari rachshe Agal kathan che sahemne darbar Satguruji te sacha vina nav chotshe Aakhar jashe te ghor andhar Cheto....
554. People who are selfish will have difficulty in later life. They will need True Guru to guide them, otherwise they will go astray. 555) Eji Aene aachare shtro thashe aapano Satgur Hassanshah taune kahoon cho nirdhar
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Duniya mahain je jiv sat dharm bangshe Teni koi na karshe saar Cheto.... 555. These people will be our religious enemies, but no-one in turn will befriend them (This is what I tell you, Pir Hasan Kabirdin). 556) Eji Shtro te je satgurune jane nahi Ane chalshe te adharme aachar Gur lopi te maha papi kahiae Jena hady mahain opje kal Cheto....
556. Guru's enemies are the ones who are sinful and cruel. 557) Eji Madham chanral kari tene janiae Tenoon mukh dithe thashe dosh aapar Tene jive maat taat sarve dobaviya Jene jive nav orkhiyo hajar jomo patra avtar Cheto....
557. These people will commit lots of crimes, will drown their family in sorrow for they will not recognize the Imam of the Time. 558) Eji Je jiv avtar patrane ochoon kari manshe Ane man mahain te rakhshe aevo vichar Ae to manas rope thai betha milcha mahain Te kem hove kirtar Cheto....
558. Those who will not think enough of the Imam and doubt Him, and question: How can a human being be a Creator? 559) Eji Tene kirtar kari je manshe nahin Te ghar daan deta aanshe rosh aapar Je daan liae tene allah kevo kahiae Allah to sahoni rozino puranhaar Cheto....
559. They will also question: Why would God need Dasond and will quibble that He should be giving it to us (Roji and He would have no want). 560) Eji Aeve aachare madhayamaj thashe Tena man thar nahi raheshe lagaar Aa maya mithi kaljug tani Te potani kari beshe gemar Cheto....
560. People who think like this will have no peace, the world will sound sweet to them and pride will take over their existence. 561) Eji Asal dharm jena pura nahi Te jiv khandshe hajar jomo patra avtar Aene khande te narji nahi khanda ae Tene jive khoyo te potano avtaar Cheto....
561. Those who will not know the True Religion will not recognize the Living Imam and they will have lost their Avtar. 562) Eji Maha padarth sarikho mankho Te nahi aave varovar Lakh choryasi avataar madhamna bogvi otare Tare aek te aave mankha avtaar Cheto.....
562. Our spiritual evolvement as a human being is indeed the highest; It is through 84 Lakh evolvements that we have got there and this chance will not come again. 563) Eji Te mahain aath avtar aa jug mahain mankha tana Te mahain karnithi aave otam madham avtaar Have te mahain je jiv avtaar patra ne nav orkhashe Te jiv jashe narak dwar
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563. There are eight types of human evolvement that one goes through and good deeds lead you higher. It is during this eight evolvements that you should recognize the Imam or else you will not achieve salvation. 564) Eji Sansar saghro thashe pakhandi Dharm velaae karshe juth ninda aapar Teno dharm to satguru mukhe pahonche nahi Te to jashe avra mukhe kaar Cheto....
564. Everybody around you will be deceitful and will backbite at prayer times. Thus prayers will not uplift these people. 565) Eji Jeno dharm satguru mukhe nahi Tene tevi barkat thashe saar Jena poravna poon sacha nahi Tene nav orkhiya te patra avtaar Cheto....
565. Those who do not know the Guru will not achieve prosperity; those whose previous deeds were not good, failed to recognize the Imam. 566) Eji Mankhano avtaar to otamaj kahiae Jene rupe brahma vishanu mahe shwar no avtaar Te mankho lai didho aa sansar ne Teno gafal duniya nav karshe vichaar Cheto....
566. Human Avtar is indeed precious (?) (check) for God has manifested in this Avtar, and the unbelieving world doesn't know that. 567) Eji Pasho pankhi che aa sansar ma Tene potani karni thi aaviyo tevo avtaar Jene khadha pidhani shodh nahi Tena mathe kevo baar Cheto....
567. The birds and the animals on this earth have achieved their own evolvement through their own deeds - those who do not know how to eat or drink right, how can they achieve salvation. 568) Eji Satguru Hassanshah tame jai jug mahain vani kuro Anant karor jivoone aaljo dharm aachar Tema(n) tamne je jiv orkhine chalshe Te jivto aavshe anant na hisab monjar Cheto....
568. Pir Hasan Kabirdin, you go and preach to the infinite number of souls and amongst these those who recognize Me will be the ones who will achieve salvation. 569) Eji Satgruru Hassanshah tare boliya Tame sambaro Ya Ali sirjan haar Aa kaljug kathan aevo parvariyo Tema Ya Ali tam vina bodh anv chale lagaar Cheto.....
569. Pir Hasan Kabirdin replied: Without You, O Imam, I cannot preach, for Kaljoog is a difficult era. 570) Eji Tare kirpa karine Akiji boliya Sambaro satguruji tamne kahoon choon vichar Ame tame bei aek chiaye Teno senso ma dharsho lagaar Cheto....
570. Ali in His Mercy replied: Do not worry, My Pir, for you and I are one. 571) Eji Anant karor jiv ni maya tam opar thai Temathi artalis karor aavshe aapane dwar Tena mukhi satguruji tame Ali kahe tamari karninoon nav lambe paaar
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571. Infinite souls have been blessed because of you, of which 48 Karor will come to My door, led by you; Indeed you are a good man. When the (final) Great Day arrives, Pir and Prophet will be the leaders and I will be there in Arabic (human) Avtar and judgement will (..... check). 572) Eji Mahadan no din jave thashe Tare sarve Pir pyagambar mahain tame thashi sardar Tare aarbi roop thashe am tano Tare sach juth no thashe nistar Cheto.....
572. Even the Pirs and the Prophets will be worried and it is with your help they will achieve salvation. 573) Eji Pir pyagambar khara dhrujshe Tyan koi keni araj nahi karshe lagaar Tam satguru saheb vina nahi koi chotshe Teno kol aaloon te nische janjo nirdhar Cheto....
573. It is through your prayers that the Pirs and Prophets will achieve salvation on that Day. 574) Eji Kol laine satgurji padhariya Tene satgurji bodh kidho te duniya minjar Te satgur pratham padhariya onchomain Tyan te bodhiaa sarve sansaar Cheto....
574. With that promise Pir Hasan Kabirdin started preaching in this world and he started in Uch. 575) Eji Tyan jai narjina vachan sambariya Ane potano parbodh nav chalaviyo lagaar Shah ni dargaye dithoon jetloon Teni satgur Hassanshah kari pokar Cheto....
575. He went there and told people about Imam's Farmans and preached about what he saw at Hazar Imam's Darbar. 576) Eji Amme ae narjiay pote orkhaviaa Ame nari thaine rahaya ae nar ne dwar Ane am jevi nari anek chhe Ay Ali che sahono bharthar Cheto....
576. Ali has revealed Himself to me and I have accepted Him as my Lord just like many others who have accepted Him as their Lord. 577) Eji Ae nar naklanki ame betine aaviya Tyan dithi te kudrat aapar Te sarve ne kahi sambaraviya Ae ghar vina te bulshe sarve sansaar Cheto....
577. I have met that Creator, Whose creation is infinite, and if you forget Him, then you have forgotten everything. 578) Eji Ae ghar daan dije hetsoon Tema koin shak na aaniye lagaar Je narna didar ame pamiya Te nar che sarva shushtino sarjanhaar Cheto....
578. So serve that Lord without a doubt for the One I have seen has really created the whole universe. 579) Eji Am duhagan ne lai sohagan kari Anant karor no amne paheraviyo shangar Te karan amne mukiya sansar ma Alijiae kirpa te kidhi aapar
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579. He has forgiven my sins and crowned me with a responsibility of infinite souls; this is my purpose which He in His Mercy has shown me. 580) Eji Te Ali jinaa vachan ame tamne kahiye Je ame sambariya che Ali jine darbar Te Alijina vachane je jiv chalshe Tena te talshe janjal Cheto....
580. I tell you Ali's Farman as I have heard them and following His Farman will lead to salvation. 581) Eji Partham paheloon aem kahayoon Sambaro momino teno tamne kahoon vichar Aad nirinan te nar Ali kahiye Je muj duhagan nari ne paheraviya shangar Cheto....
581. The first advice I have is: Accept Ali as the Creator for indeed He is my everything. 582) Eji Jaoo Hassanshah sansar ma vani karo Aaljo te dharm aachar Je panch saat naav baar karor osariya Teni tame jai karjo sansaar Cheto....
582. Go Pir Hasan Kabirdin (says Imam Shah) and tell people about the 5, 7, 9 and 12 Karor infinite souls that have achieved salvation. 583) Eji Baki anant no var amne aaliyo Tema artalis karor no Ali jiye pote kariyo che vistar Tema sat dharme je jiv chalshe Tene Ali raje pote leshe ugaar Cheto....
583. Tell them about the infinite souls for which you are responsible, and the 48 Karor who are close to Ali. So those people who will follow the right path will be saved by Ali. 584) Eji Te mahain sati jiv tame dharme chaljo Jethi utaro te pahele paar Dash avatar Alijina pura thaya Have nathi koi agiyarono avtaar Cheto...
584. Momins, follow the Satpanth for your salvation for the ten Avtars are over and there won't be an eleventh.. 585) Eji Chello akharo aa kaljugno Tama jene orkhiyo teto pamiyo paar Aa amne tamne jene sir jiya Te ali ne orkhiya vina nahi jashe jivoone janjal Cheto....
585. The last era is Kaljoog and those who recognize Him will get salvation. Those who do not will not attain eternal bliss. 586) Eji Amaro tamaro sirjanhaar koon chhe Sambaro momino teno tam ne kahoon vichar Aal Ali te Sri Islamshah kahiye Te Ya ali shaha garib mirjano avtaar Cheto...
586. Do you know who our Creator is? I will tell you: it is Shri Islam Shah who is now in human form. 587) Eji Pargat avtar Alijino jug sandhe nahi Ae narno chaliyo che gupt avtaar Tene sansar sarve nahi orkhshe Nahi manshe kari patra avtaar Cheto....
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587. People don't recognize His form and will not obey His Farmans. 588) Eji Ame to tene sahi kari maniyo Te chhe aad nirinjan no aavtaar Aa noor na paglan ame nirkhiya Sri Islamshah che te Allah no avtaar Cheto....
588. I, however, believe in Him implicitly as the Creator for I have seen the Noor in Shri Islam Shah. 589) Eji Amare vachane je jiv chalshe Te to ae dhar meli nahi jashe bahar Te nar Sri Islamshah ne allah kari manshe Aema shak na aanshe lagaar Cheto.....
589. Those who will believe me and accept Shri Islam Shah without a doubt as the Creator will not go astray.
Eji Pacham dish ne aerak khand mahain Te narji betha tyan ae nare te dhariyo gupt avtaar Hajar jomo ae ghar mahain jetlo Tene shai kari manvo Alishah no avtaar Cheto....
590. My Lord resides (secretly) in the West continent - Iraq - He is the Living Imam and Ali Himself. 591) Eji Te ghar dharm dasondaj aaljo Nahito jasho ghor andhar Bija dharm sarve parjo Juth ninda keni na karsho lagaar Cheto.....
591. Give your Dasond to Him or else you won't achieve enlightenment; accept all the other religions and do not degrade them. 592) Eji Haq kami kari khajo pet ma Aacho dhandho karjo narne naar Ajampiya jap ahonish japjo Orkhejo te hajar joman patra avtaar Cheto....
592. Earn an honest living, practise your Isme-Azam and recognize the God Manifest. 593) Eji Ae patra avtaar orkhiya vina nav chosho Teno kol kidho cho Sri Islamshah kirtar Satgruna vachane je jiv amne orkhashe Te jiv aavshe anant karorna hisab monjar Cheto....
593. There is no salvation without recognizing the Imam of the Time, Shri Islam Shah; and those who will recognize Him will be amongst the infinite Karor to achieve salvation. 594) Eji Te anant no taranhaar te to Sri Islamshah Jeno kol aaliyo amne ne orkhaviyo potano avtaar Te mahain kaljug chelli sandh jare aavshe Tare ae narni ninda te karshe sansaar Cheto....
594. He is the One who will grant salvation and manifested Himself; yet in this Kaljoog there will be many who will talk against Him. 595) Eji Tare bijana vachan othapshe Aem kaheshe jei manas rupe kem hoshe sirjanhaar Te to gharoghar jai vaat karshe Tena man thir nahin raheshe lagaar Cheto....
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595. They will argue that how can a human being be the Creator and they will go and tell this to everybody they meet and lost their peace of mind. 596) Eji Tyan kaljug sandhe aeva jiv opajshe Te dobshe ane bijane dobavshe aapar Te to mari arth noon anrath theravshe Te satguru na vachan othapshe teniaj vaar Cheto....
596. These people will be sinking and will drown others with them for they will misinterpret what Imam tells them. 597) Eji Jene satgure dharm daine sahev dekhariya Te guru ni khandani te karshe aapar Jena purvana poon sacha nahi Te kem kari orkhshe hajar jomo patra avtaar Cheto.....
597. They will be against the Pir but it is because they have not evolved enough to recognize the God Manifest. 598) Eji Sansar sarve te thashe pakhandi Te jai katha gita opar dharshe piyar Andh duniya tene kere parshe Jeno varo hato te tran jug monjar Cheto.....
598. The world will be full of cheats and will follow other religions blindly. These religions were relevant in the last three Joogs.
Eji Te jiv kami karodhi lobi lalchi Te potano swarthe lontshe sarve sansaar Tene potani puth suje nahi Batave bijane dharm aachar Cheto.....
599. Those souls who are involved in materialism and who are selfish, how can they guide others? 600) Eji Tyan andhi duniya aevi thashe Je nahin orkhashe dharm aachar Je juthoon boline mitho thashe Tene manshe sarve sansar Cheto....
600. People will be so blind that they will sweet-talk others into believing in them and they will not recognize their True Religion. 601) Eji Aeve pakhande je jiv chalshe Aapana gurnar ni laaj na aanshe lagaar Tenoon satguru aagal kevoon chalshe Je pote thai besshe gemaar Cheto....
601. Those who will be led astray by these people will stop respecting the Imam and in turn will not achieve anything from Imam. 602) Eji Ay sarve pakhani is jug tana Te mahain sach juth na te thashe nistar Aeve adharme kari jug puro thashe Tare Imam Mehdi te thashe aswar Cheto....
602. When the world will be full of misguided souls and of people who will cease to believe in religion, then Imam Mahdi will declare Himself. 603) Eji Aevi vela mahain je jiv chetene chalshe Aapana sat panth marag mahain te rakhshe piyar Kane kani badgoi sambarshe nahi Juth nindasoon nahin rakhshe vevaar Cheto....
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603. It is during these times that those Momins who will beware and will love and adhere to Satpanth, they will also avoid listening to people's faults and backbiting. 604) Eji Haq kamai karine je khashe pema Temathi aapana gurnar mukhe rakhshe dasondno vahevar Te jivne gurnar potano kari rakhshe Te jiv aavshe te anant na hisab monjar Cheto.....
604. Those who will earn an honest living and will pay Dasond will be amongst the souls (saved by Pir Hasan Kabirdin). 605) Eji Charachar bat dekhi aa jug tana Tame boolsho ma sarve sansar Ali nabi aa jug mahain avtaar patra che Tethi otariya te jashe narak dwar Cheto....
605. Momins, do not be lured by the materialism around you. Ali and the Prophet are (Manifestation of Divine Light) so recognize them thus you may achieve salvation. 606) Eji Ae nar Sri Islamshah avtaar Shah Ali tana Satgur Hassanshah te to nabi Mohd no avtaar Ae avtaar patra ne je ochoon kari manshe Teno hal mal gayo ne gayo teno mankha Cheto....
606. Shri Islam Shah is Ali, and Pir Hasan Kabirdin is Prophet and those who do not believe this have wasted their human Avtar. 607) Eji Ae gharni umeed rakhjo re munivaro Jan sudhi jivo ta(n) sreva karjo saar Satguru Hassanshahe tamne ay ghar bataviay Te mahain senso ma dharsho lagaar Cheto.....
607. Momins, aim for that religion and serve Him, the One who has been shown to you by Pir Hasan Kabirdin. 608) Eji Satguru Hassanshah boola to tame bulsho Jo te nar jitiaa to tamne vadhaiyoon aapar Bijo guru sansar na te satgruru thi hiana Tame aa vatno rukhjo vichar Cheto.....
608. Not acknowledging Pir Hasan Kabirdin's teaching is like not acknowledging life and if you do acknowledge, then your happiness will be infinite. All the other Gurus will not lead you to the Right Path so think carefully before you follow them. 609) Eji Amaro nar te kayam Mehdi Sri Islamshah Jeno aaj kaljug sandhe che nar naklankino avtaar Te nar ne ame orkhine tamone orkhaviyo Amare tamre javoon che te nar naklankine dwar Cheto.....
609. My Imam is Shri Islam Shah who is the Creator and having recognized Him, I have introduced Him to you for ultimately we will all go to Him. 610) Eji Nar naklankine sukh to aapane sukhi Jo tene dukh to aapane ka nahi vichar Te mate momino satguru kahe Ae nar ne sharane te rahevoon nirdhar Cheto....
610. By trying to inflict worldly sorrow on our Imam, we are in reality inflicting sorrow on ourselves, so I request you, Momins, to stay at Imam's feet and obey His Farmans. 611) Eji Nische kari sirevo ali aapano Aapana nar Sri islamshah no avtaar
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Aene aage anek jiv odhariya Te aapano ali karshe te aapani sambar Cheto....
611. Serve Ali with implicit faith - who is Shri Islam Shah - He has saved infinite souls and will indeed save us. 612) Eji Ae ghar meli bije seva karshe Tenoon aagal man na raheshe lagaar Biji juthi seva te satgur vina Tena jutha guru juthi kiriya hiana aachar Cheto....
612. If you leave Him and go to serve others, you will lose all that you have achieved and the misguided Gurus will misguide you.. 613) Eji Te guru tamne nahi mariaare momino Tame dharm kahndat ma karsho lagaar Tena parkhan parshe aagale Jyare mahadan mahain puchase nar te naar Cheto.....
613. On the Day of Judgement you will not find that misguided Guru and you won't be in a position to recognize the Imam of the Time. 614) Eji Je jiv sat dharme pura hashe Dasond sukrite khadat nahi lagaar Te jiv sarve jashe swarma(n) Pachi je kain karshe amaro bharthar Cheto....
614. Those who will be regular in their religious duties will achieve Heaven and will be helped by my Lord. 615) Eji Jare dinre mahadan no mandavshe Tare hove te hal halkar Te verla thshe ghani doheli Tyan jena guru jutha hashe te mahadan mahain khashe mar Cheto....
615. On that final Day, there will be many trials and tribulations and those who will have followed the wrong Guru will suffer a lot. 616) Eji Tare takhate kayam Ali rajo beshe Je che ali naklankino aavtaar Tenoon tej tap tyan vadhashe Aarbi rupe thashe Ali vardataar Cheto.....
616. Sitting at the Throne will be the present Imam - Ali the Creator - and those who have recognized Him in an Arab Avtar will find Him. 617) Eji Tare thar thar dharti drujshe Aasman kanpshe aapaar Tyan pir pyagambar sarve drujshe Saho koi aap aapanima padhse sansar Cheto....
617. The earth will tremble and the heavens will thunder - even the Pirs and Prophets will be afraid for everyone will be judged according to their achievement. 618) Eji Gunegaar ne sir hukamaj thashe Lekha leshe aapano Ali rajo sambar Sach juth na parlshe parkhan Momino tamne kahoon choon varo var Cheto....
618. The good will be separated from the sinful souls and you will be questioned about your achievements. 619) Eji Dhan dhan te avtaar patra ne Jene Ali raje te aaliyo potano didar Teni seva aethi ma chokore monivaro
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Ae Alijina chaltra no ant na paar Cheto....
619. Happy will be the souls who have had Ali's Didar - don't stop serving Him for He will grant you the ultimate kingdom.. 620) Eji Ali jina chaltra samoon nav joi ae Sri satguru ne vachane seva kari ae saar Jem jem kalikar vadhase monivaro Tem ali rajo chaltra karshe aapar Cheto.....
620. Do not look at what Ali does, but obey what He says, for as the times will change, Ali's actions may be beyond your comprehension. 621) Eji Satgure aem kahi kahine sambaro viaa Te tame monivaro rakhjo haidy ma(n) vichar Aem karta(n) je logake jashe Teno satguru Hassanshah mathe nahi baar Cheto....
621. Momins, if you do not think about what I have told you, then Pir Hasan Kabirdin will not take your responsibility and you will not achieve Heaven. 622) Eji Aava vachan suni je jiv sate nahi chalshe Nahi orkhashe aapana hazar jamono avtaar Je pote pistalis karori ma bela thashe Teni satguru Hassanshah kiaan karshe saar Cheto....
622. Despite listening to my preaching, if you still deny the existence of Living Imam, then you will be amongst the 45 Karor misguided whom Pir Hasan Kabirdin will not take with him. 623) Eji Aage pistalise dharm laine kahdat kariaa Teto chaliaa sarve jiv ghor andhar Teni jive dasond deta chit dolaviyoon nav orkhayo te hazar jomono avtaar Cheto...
623. These 45 Karor are the ones who have turned a deaf ear to our teachings, deny Ali's existence and have not paid their Dasond. 624) Eji Te aapana gurnar na chaltra dekhi ni boliaa Aapana gurnar opar nahi aaniyo aet baar Tene murkhe te manas rupe karine janiyo Te gurnar ne vachane thar na rahya lagaar Cheto....
624. Those who have doubted Ali by looking at His actions are foolish because they have considered Him as their equal. 625) Eji Dhan dhan te gur Hassanshah ne kahiay Dhan dhan hajar jomo patra avtaar Dhan dhan te sati jiv ne kahiay Je jiv orkhine chaliya aapana satpanth minjar Cheto....
625. I congratulate all those souls who have acknowledged Ali and heeded Pir Hasan Kabirdin's teaching. 626) Eji Dhan dhan te gur narni aal ne Ane dhan dhan Imam shah avtaar Satgur Hassanshah na sut te Imamshah Jene te bodhiya murid aapar Cheto....
626. It is great to have the True Guru and his progeny guide us for in present times, Imam Shah is from Pir Hasan Kabirdin's lineage. 627) Eji Aa satgurna ved vachan te sat kari janjo Aa vedna vachan mahain asat nahire lagaar Aem karta je jiv sachoon nahi manshe Teni potani kart kamai nahire saar
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627. Consider their teachings as the Truth and those who will doubt this have indeed wasted all their achievements. 628) Eji Dhan dhan ti Pir Sadardin satgur brahma Ane dhan dhan Pir Hassan Kabirdin aena parivar Dhan dhan te satgur Imamshah ne kahiay Jeno satgure ginan kanthi yoon vichar Cheto....
628. It is auspicious to have had Pir Sadardin and his son, Pir Hasan Kabirdin and now his son Imam Shah to preach to us in musical form. 629) Eji Gnan kanthiya gur Imamshah Te moman chetamani gathaj saar Aava aava vachan kahi monivar ne chetaviya Moman bhai teno hiady mahain rakhjo vichar Cheto....
629. This Ginan has been composed by Imam Shah and I called it the warning which I hope you will think about. 630) Eji Ame tame banda sarve saheb tana Tea li jina samarthno nahi koi paar Satgure jenoon dithoon tenoon kahiyoon Aapane sahone javoon che ae Alijine dwar Cheto....
630. Momins, you and I are Imam's slaves and His Beneficence is infinite. I tell you what I feel, for to Him we will return.