Series 2 - Covering Email Contents

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Gmail - Series 2 -Truth behind Hinduisation of Satpanth & use of Taqiyy...

Real Patidar <>

Real Patidar <> Bcc:,

Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:23 PM

IMPORTANT Please add to your contact list / address book. By doing so, the emails I send will directly land in your INBOX and not get marked as "SPAM" or "JUNK" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello / W\ƨDh^, This is my 2nd email on the satpanth subject. I am forwarding a study by two muslim researchers on Pirana / Satpanth and happening with reasons thereof. In this email, you may find answers to questions like... 8 \h^s ZjKs email Jp .

5 \h5 TSj GNWhB 7Wp SpWh Dh^Rs dhTp D^° _j ^ dI½ Jp . 8 email \h5 Zp Ⱥk ƨ_\ ^ dI½Dh^s ? Xj^Wh / dƗXT 8 email \h5 S\Wp WjIp Wh dah_sWs KahZ \` bD° Sp\ Jp ... 1. Why satpanthis look like hindus & follow hindu hindu customs, if satpanth is a islam sect? y. dƗXWTj ?D 9ƨ_h\ V\½ȵ k5 YhȬk5 es] Ss dƗXƛTjB e ȳk <_E, e ȳk Wh\, ^ S ^ ahKs aFp^° bh \hN° Xh`p Jp ? 2. How true is the present hinduisation of pirana. Is is a another ploy? z. eh_\h5 Xj^Whȵk5 e ȳk Dh^R D^ah\h5 8ap_ Jp ? D°Nɀk5 dhȧk5 Jp ? 3. What is "Taqiyya" {. "Nh D]h" Ƀk5 Jp ? 4. What is common between Nishkalanki narayan and Hazrat Ali, the son in law of prophet Mohammed? 5 Wh^h]R 7Wp eL^S 7_j (\seƠ\U XpFZ 5 ^ Wh K\h:) aJp Ƀk 5 dh\hƛ] Jp ? |. iWƧD_D 5. Why Hindu religious books have been changed by Satpanthis? }. e ȳk Vhi\ D ȶkƨSDsWp dƗXƛTjB ? bh \hN° ZU_hƥ]h Jp ? 6. Has Imam Shah converted members from our community to Islam? ~. Ƀk5 :\h\ bhe ? 8XP ìhiSWh _sDsWp 9ƨ_h\\h5 aN_hƥ]h Jp ? 7. Who is present living heir of Imam Shah? .:\h\ bhe Wh eh_\h5 e]hS aƛdK DsR Jp ? ... and many more such probale questions. ... Ȑah 7ƛ] GRhZVh dah_sWh KahZ. or

Hope you find this email interesting and adds to your knowledge and understanding of Satpanth. 8bh Jp S\Wp \h^s 8 ?i\_ Tj dƗX5T X^ S\hȿk5 ìhW aVh^bp. Thanks / 8[h^ Real XhN Uh^ / E^s XhN Uh^ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to get emails in this subject to your inbox, please send a request to


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