Gmail - Series 4 -Attack on Fundamental Faiths of Hindus / ...
Real Patidar <>
Real Patidar <> Bcc:,
Tue, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:04 AM
IMPORTANT Please add to your contact list / address book. By doing so, the emails I send will directly land in your INBOX and not get marked as "SPAM" or "JUNK" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello / , In this email, you will find the actual methodology adopted to corrupt the Hindu beliefs / faiths, by way of Budh Avtaar written by Pir Sadruddin. email ! " # $%& , ' ! () " *+ , - . " . You will get to know the following facts / / $ 0 ; 1. How Hindu Veds, Brahmins, Holy Cow, Temples, Ganga River and Idols (the pillars of Hindu
faith) were ridiculed. 6. - 7 8 7 9 ! - :;, <= ;, %, : ;, : , .
?% . 2. Who are Guru Brahma, Vishnu in Kaliyug? @. A D E < , F 7 JK ; ? 3. Atharva Veda means Kuran, the religious book of muslims. 3. , . 4. All these are just the thoughts of Pir Sadruddin without any proper basis. L. #- ' ! ( ) ; 7 / . ;M ' - # ?%; 0 . You can find this information in these links (OR the attached file also) N # O ! 0 N;P " Q M" .0 / "S U ; OR/.0 /patidar Thanks / F Real Patidar / + ; ' O : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to get emails in this subject to your inbox, please send a request to Send me your friends' (from our community only) email ids, so that they can also start getting such emails in future. By doing so, you will help me in spreading the FACTUAL knowledge and awareness of satpanth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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27-Apr-2010 12:43 PM