TECHNOLOGY OVERPOWERS CANCER - GENOMICS TO OUR RESCUE The current population of India stands at 1.35 billion. The incidence of cancer in India is 70-90 per 100,000 population and cancer prevalence is established to be around 25,00,000(2.5 million) with over 800,000 new cases and 5,50,000 deaths occurring each year. More than 70% of the cases present in advanced stage account for poor survival and high mortality. About 6% of all deaths in India are due to cancers and contribute to 8% of global cancer mortality. According to Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) data on site specific cancer burden, in males, the most common are cancers of mouth/pharynx, esophagus, stomach, lung/bronchi while as in females, the common cancers are cervix, breast, mouth/ oropharynx and esophagus. Image Source: The Better India
These statistics are not to scare you! There is a pleasing news at the end of this article. Read further to know more and sigh in relief.
First of all, lets talk about what is cancer and what causes this horrifying disease. In our human body, all the cells have a definite lifetime, which may range from a few hours to a several years. New cells replace the dying cells and the body keeps regenerating itself. When cell growth goes out of control due to some abnormality, cancer is caused. But what causes these alterations? The reasons for these alterations in the cells also called gene mutations can be divided into two - Gene mutations you are born with which you have inherited from your parents; and gene mutations that occur after birth. These mutations are caused due to lifestyle habits such as smoking, radiation, viruses, obesity, hormonal changes, lack of exercise etc. Gene mutations occur frequently during normal cell growth. However, cells contain a mechanism that recognizes when a mistake occurs and repairs the mistake. Occasionally, a mistake is missed, this is when cancer is caused. Genomics for Cancer detection Genetic testing aims to detect certain mutations in a person’s genes. With advancement of techniques, we are coming to the age of highly detailed, specific and cost effective personalized testing of one’s genes to detect abnormalities in the individual. Whole Genome Sequencing(WGS) is the process of determining the complete DNA sequence of an individual’s genome at a single time. Confused? Well, in layman’s terms, Genome sequencing is figuring out the order of DNA nucleotides, or bases, in a genome —the order of As, Cs, Gs, and Ts that make up an organism's DNA. The human genome is made up of over 3 billion of these genetic letters. Image Source: Illumina
Next Generation Sequencing(NGS) is a technologically advanced technique to perform WGS which combines sophisticated biomedical chemistry and imaging with advanced bio-informatics to index and analyze a genome. The techniques of NGS can be used to examine the 3 billion base pairs that comprise the whole human genome. The resulting data help identify disease factors and are proving to be invaluable in informing treatment decisions and prevention strategies. Phew! After consuming all these biological and technical information, who should opt for a predictive genetic testing? Well, it should definitely be opted by someone with a strong family history to a certain type of cancer or a person with a flamboyant lifestyle! This is where PatientMD comes to your rescue. PatientMD will help you or your family/ friend through the entire process. As the first step, when an individual is making an informed decision after risk assessment and genetic counseling, an informed consent duly signed by the candidate or appropriate representative will be required. Next, the specimen will be collected through a clinic conveniently located for you. It may range from a blood sample to biopsy sample as required for the cases. In case of an apparently healthy individual it will be blood samples only. Once the samples are collected, they are transported securely through PatientMD’s logistic partners to the Wet laboratories where the DNA will be extracted. After the DNA extraction, a series of tests are performed to check if cancer is present in the genome or not and a report is generated. PatientMD’s genetic counselors will help you interpret the results and guide you for what to do next. Cancer is a devastating disease and takes a toll on the patient as well as his family physically, mentally and financially. The goal of PatientMD is to make this process as smooth and affordable as possible making your lives easier and strike off one stress issue from your life!