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Rensair school safe

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Rensair units offer safe ventilation for schools

Rensair portable hospital-grade air purification units, originally developed for Scandinavian hospitals, are now available from Core Air Conditioning Ireland for use in any space where clean and purified air is called for. They trap and destroy more than 99.97% of airborne particles such as allergens, bacteria and viruses, including the Coronavirus family, and use about the same amount of electricity as a modern kitchen fridge.


Rensair units can be used practically everywhere, from homes through to large and small offices, retail outlets, in hospitality, gymnasiums, beauty salons, educational facilities and public buildings. Being portable, installation is simple and siting locations are infinitely flexible. They are tailor-made for the Government’s guidelines on ventilation in schools which recommend the use of H13 HEPA filters and the safe use of UVC. Both of these technologies are incorporated into the Rensair units.

A key advantage is that it takes only one person to set up a Rensair unit with no installation required. Just turn it on to start purifying the air. Operation is managed via controls on the machine or by using a remote. Wheel mounting makes it possible to manoeuvre the air purifier between locations. The Rensair HEPA filter and enclosed UVC light have a 9,000-hour life, meaning the filter and light only need changing once a year, even if running 24 hours a day. The cost of replacing the H13 filter and UVC light (filter kit) is inexpensive and very simple and quick to do.

Tested by independent laboratories, Rensair units clean up to 560m³ of air per hour, meaning one unit can clean a room of 230m² with normal ceiling height per hour. Using multiple Rensair units in larger spaces maintains the same air cleaning rate. The patented design and powerful fan create effective air circulation, ensuring that all air in a room is purified, as documented by the independent consultancy Norconsult.

The powerful fan pushes pre-filtered air into the cylindrical-shaped HEPA filter

How Rensair air purification works

(1) Rensair takes in surrounding air from trapping larger particles and dust. The will not have to be changed. (2) A powerful fan (up to 560 m³/hour) (3) As particles hit the inside surface of other airborne microorganisms are reduces the potential for contact with (4) A large volume of clean air leaves the Rensair at 360º.

located in the middle of the unit. The fan creates high static air pressure in the cylinder, which pushes large volumes of air through the filter and distributes clean air at 360o .

Safe maintenance

The sturdy metal shell makes the Rensair air purifier robust and durable for years. Pre-filters capture dust and dirt and prolong the life of the H13 HEPA filter. Rendered safe by the UVC light, no specialist help is required when replacing the filter.

Contact: Core Air Conditioning Ireland. T: 01 409 8912; E: info@coreac.ie; www.coreac.ie




High-quality, easy to use Carbon Dioxide, Temperature &RelativeHumiditymonitor.

Vision is a high-quality CO2 monitor that advises when further ventilation is required. This ‘plug and play’ Visionisahigh-qualityUKManufacturedCO2Monitorthatadviseswhenfurtherventilationisrequired .This solution does not require hard wiring yet has the added benefi t of continuous monitoring (updated every ‘plugandplay’solutiondoesnotrequirehardwiringyethastheaddedbenefitofcontinuousmonitoring(updated 5 seconds) and provides a bold visual indication that is not achievable with battery operated units. every5 seconds)and provides abold visual indication that is not achievablewithbatteryoperated units. An anti-tamper Wall Bracket (with cable securing channel) is supplied as standard, so Vision can be used Ananti-tamperWallBracket(withcablesecuringchannel)issuppliedasstandard,soVisioncanbeusedasa as a portable or fi xed solution, and when connected to a Laptop or PC, the free PC app allows the Vision portableorfixedsolution,andwhenconnectedtoaLaptoporPC,thefreePCappallowstheVisionsettingstobe settings to be fully customised, and readings for the previous 7 days to be viewed. fully customised,and readingsfor theprevious 7 daystobeviewed. fully customised, and readings for the previous 7 days to be viewed. • USB Powered – PC/Mains Adapter • Non-dispersive Infra-red (NDIR) CO2 Sensor • BoldTraffic Light Indication • Desktop orWall Mountable • Anti-tamperWall Bracket Supplied as standard • Typical 10+Year Life Expectancy • Configurable through free PC App • UK MANUFACTURED

Key features:

Key features: Key features: • USB Powered – PC/Mains Adapter • Non-dispersive Infra-red (NDIR) CO2 Sensor • USB Powered – PC/Mains Adapter • USB Powered – PC/Mains Adapter• Bold Traffi c Light Indication • Non-dispersive Infra-red (NDIR) CO2 Sensor • Non-dispersive Infra-red (NDIR) CO2 Sensor• Desktop or Wall Mountable • BoldTraffic Light Indication • Bold Traffic Light Indication • Anti-tamper Wall Bracket Supplied as standard • Desktop orWall Mountable • Anti-tamperWall Bracket Supplied as standard • Typical 10+Year Life Expectancy • Configurable through free PC App • UK MANUFACTURED • Desktop or Wall Mountable • Anti-tamper Wall Bracket Supplied as standard • Typical 10+ Year Life Expectancy • Configurable through free PC App • Typical 10+ Year Life Expectancy • Confi gurable through free PC App • UK manufactured www.cfquadrant.ie Education Education Healthcare Healthcare Offices Offices


• Vision CO2 Monitor • Anti-tamperWall Bracket • USB Mains Adapter (White) • 2m USB Cable (White)

Free PC App Allows:

• Traffic Light setting configuration • 7-day historical data to be viewed • Temp & RH Readings to be disabled • Manual Calibration


Standard: H:84 mm x W:84 mm x D:34 mm With bracket: H:84 mm x W:88 mm x D:40 mm

‘Traffic Light’ display:

Up to 800ppm 801 - 1000ppm 1001 - 1500ppm Over 1500ppm

Available from:

Dublin: +353 (1) 630 5757 Belfast: +44 (28) 90 36 55 55 Email: sales@cfquadrant.ie

School ventilation and heating - Versatile risesto the growing challenge

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has advised that “where thepractical measures of good ventilation practices have been undertaken, and poor ventilationcontinues to exist in a particular room/area, air cleaners are an additional measure in conjunction with other methods of ventilation that are available”.

Versatile is a supplier of heating, cooling and ventilation products that bring added value to homes and public buildings. They are already working on a number of school ventilationprojects in collaboration with the Department of Education. In order to achieve this,Versatile are expanding their suite of product solutions with partner factories in Europe. Theobjective is to tick all of the boxes when it comes to ventilation and air purification systems,thus bringing a solution for every school and classroom in the country.

The new Aer Glan (HEPA air purifier)is a typical case in point. This is theideal solution to purify the air, notjust in schools but in other sectorssuch as health, retail, restaurant,hotel and offices. The Aer Glan HEPA Air Purifier offers constant air flow regulation with easy control panel accessible from outside the unit.

Air purification isguaranteed through the implementation of a pre-filter and aHEPA filter, which trap most fine particles.

This air purifier creates air circulationinside the room, sucks thecontaminated air from the spaceand emits clean air from thetop of the unit.

Certified EN 1822, the Aer Glan H14class HEPA filter ensures amaximised air flow and a very low initial pressure drop. This highly-secure product is certified for microbial development. Constantair flow regulation guarantees thesame level of safety against viruscontamination, regardless of theclogging of the filter, while thesimple-to-operate control panel isaccessible from outside the unit.Maintenance and filter replacementare easy with an LED indicatorproviding automatic notifications.

However, in devising classroom solutions we must also look beyondthe pandemic. Versatile’s suite of ventilation solutions will have long-lastingpositive effects, and will go on foryears - providing better learningenvironments and reduced schoolabsenteeism.

Therefore, the measureswe implement todaymust not simply be areaction to Covid-19, butones that make for good building design. It is also veryimportant that they have a positiveimpact on reducing buildings’energy demands as well as their carbonfootprint, and that they are trulysustainable in every respect. The problems that poor heating andventilation in a school can bring areendless, yet it is something that can be prevented or corrected. During this time ofconcentrated investment in schoolbuildings, it is important to paycareful attention to upgradingheating and ventilating systems inIrish schools, so as to deliver not onlygreater energy efficiency, but alsoan environment that will assist ourchildren in achieving their highestlevels of educational performance.

For additional information orassistance in the specification ofelective ventilation in schools/universities/colleges, contactVersatile’s team of experts or go to their website vesatile.ie.

• Plug & Play air purifier • Two-stage filter system • Filter 99.995% efficient • Low power consumption • Easy to install • Ideal for large rooms • Very quiet design, with six integrated noise attenuators • Compact • Nice design • Available in two sizes • Constant airflow regulation


HEPA stands for highefficiencyparticulate air, and it is an efficiencystandard for air filters. HEPA filterstrap 99.97% of particles that are 0.3microns in size, i.e millionths of ameter or larger in size.

The Aer Glan solution comes with anH14 filter as standard which has anefficiency of 99.995%. The Department of Educationis only recommending HEPA filtersof Grade H13A and H14. H10 to H12 does not offer sufficient cleaningefficiency, whic can be as low as 85%.

Before buying any of these so-called“HEPA-type” filters that are availablethroughout Ireland, you need tomake sure that you only consider anair-cleaning unit that says it usesHEPA filters or “true” HEPA filters.

Constant air flow regulation with easy control panel accessible from outside the unit. Constant air flow regulation guarantees the same level of safety against virus contamination regardless of the clogging of the filter.

Easy maintenance of filters replacement with automatic notifications with LED indicator.

Beechmount Home Park, Navan, Co. Meath T +353 (0)46 902 9444 E sales@versatile.ie www.versatile.ie

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