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2023 Awards’ recipients showcase innovation at SEAI Energy Show 2023


The SEAI Energy Show is renowned as the industry showcase where innovation, new technology and smart thinking come together to highlight solutions to current and foreseeable industry challenges. The demand for energy efficient and low carbon products and systems has never been greater but, based on the evidence seen at the Energy Show, the building services engineering sector has risen to the challenge.
This was especially apparent in the Product of the Show Awards. This year the number and quality of the entries was exceptional. Of particular note was the increase in submissions under the Best Services Provider category, reflecting no doubt the growing awareness of the need for installation skills along with innovative products and systems.
See panel on page 36 for full list of awards’ recipients.

Panel of judges – Paul Martin, SEAI Programme Manager, Technical Standards Development with Michael Curran, Chair of the judging panel and Head of Building Services, Energy and Utilities at the University of Galway; John Flynn, architect with PM Group; Mona Duff, Senior Manager at International WELL Building Institute; Jessica Smyth, Senior Electrical Engineer, Axiseng, and Eamonn Sheils, SEAI Programme Manager, Commercial Retrofit.

Best Energy Efficient
Award: Kevin Devine, Xylem with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI and judge John Flynn.

Award Winners
Overall Product of the Show
Award Winner: ActionZero
For EscoPod AZI high-temperature heat pump
Best Energy
Efficient Product
Award: Xylem
For Hydrovar intelligent motormounted VSD
Highly Commended: Hevac

For Värmebaronen EP Electric Boiler
Commended: Gaia Smart Energy (Ireland)
For Genius Hub smart heating control
Best Lighting Award: Damien Cullen, ROBUS with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI and judge Eamonn Sheils.
Best Innovation
Award: ActionZero
For EscoPod AZI high-temperature heat pump
Highly Commended: Daikin
For Daikin VRV5 HR heat recovery system
Highly Commended: Unitherm Heating Systems
For eSTÓR modular PCM-based thermal storage
Best Lighting
Award: ROBUS
Best Services Provider
Niall Crossan, Ecological Building Systems with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI and judge Jessica Smyth.
Best Renewable Chris Satell, Hevac with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI and judge Mona Duff.
For GOLF Modular dynamic surface fitting
Highly Commended: Keltech loE
For Dual Distributed Network (DDN) to reduce electrical load Commended: BUCK-EMTel
For Vector HB high-efficiency luminaire
Best Renewable Product
Award: Hevac
For MAXA i-290 light commercial heat pump
Highly Commended: Daikin
For Altherma 3 WS heat pump solution for apartments
Best Services Provider
Award: Ecological Building Systems
For Retrofit in Practice nZEB full day course
Highly Commended: BCR Comply
For BCR Comply App to manage data for full retrofits
Highly Commended: Laois & Offaly Education Training Board

For External wall insulation training course

Exhibition Report
Best Innovation Highly Commended: Chris McClelland, Unitherm Heating Systems with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI.

Best Services Provider
Highly commended: John Kelly, Laois & Offaly ETB with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI.
Best Energy Efficiency
Commended: Joe McKee, Gaia Smart Energy (Ireland) with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI and judge Mona Duff.

Best Energy
Highly Commended: Paul Devereux and Manilla Carlsson, Hevac with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI.

Best Inovation
Award: Carmen Ortiz and Liam Kirwan, Daikin with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI and judge Jessica Smyth.
Best Lighting Commended: Michael Curran, Chair, panel of judges with Gerry Phelan, EMTel and judge Paul Martin.
Best Renewable Highly Commended: Shane McCarthy, Daikin with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI.

Best Lighting
Highly commended: John Lomax and Sean Clancy, BCR Comply with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI and judge John Flynn.
Best Renewable Highly Commended: James Canty, Keltech IoE with Margie McCarthy, Director of Research & Policy Insights, SEAI and judge Eamonn Shiels.