Building Services Engineering l May/June 2020
CIBSE Ireland to lead as industry embraces new challenges The Annual General Meeting of the CIBSE Republic of Ireland Region was recently held through video conference because of the Covid-19 restrictions on group gatherings. Despite the challenges posed, the occasion proved very successful with a considerable number of members participating. The agenda followed established AGM protocols with the Secretary, Treasurer, Branch Almoner and outgoing Chair delivering their respective reports, followed by the election of the officers and committee members. Their reports reflected a very successful year with the usual CPD programme, golf outing, 5-side football and other regular meetings and events complemented by the introduction of the Workshare
Michael Curran, Chair, CIBSE Ireland.
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Programme and the activities of the re-energised CIBSE YEN. Proceedings concluded with the address of the incoming Chair who, for the 2020/2021/2022 term of office is Michael Curran. While previous speakers addressed past events, Michael focussed on the future and his comments and thoughts are reproduced here in full. Incoming Chair’s Address “When the committee agreed this date and my nomination was put forward, I started to look at some objectives and wording for my address. When I wrote it a few weeks ago the view was different, and this has altered my thought process and early objectives. I feel it only right to start my address with an expression of admiration for our frontline staff during the Covid-19 crisis. While we acknowledge healthcare personnel as the lead frontline staff, a lot of our own colleagues – such as engineering consultants, contractors, specialist installers, suppliers and maintenance teams – are working hard
CIBSE Ireland Officers Chair: Michael Curran Immediate Past Chair: Mona Holtkötter Vice Chair: Stephen Weir Hon Secretary: Sarah Callaghan Hon Treasurer: James Porter Branch Almoner: Paul Martin Events & Publicity: Pat Lehane CIBSE UK Vice President: Kevin Kelly BIM Representative: Keith Brazil SLL Representative: Menekse Kaya CIBSE YEN Chair: Ryan Loney around the clock keeping the systems and lights on without much fanfare. Our outgoing Chair Mona Holtkötter has led by example and introduced a lot of initiatives to encourage and help members fully immerse in the CIBSE group. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to Mona for all the effort and time during the past year … also James and Coco for their understanding! I spoke recently to a group of secondyear students about building services engineering and outlined the scale and magnitude of what a career in the sector can provide. Building services engineering was once described to me as a large jigsaw with engineers and contractors involved in designing and installing the M&E systems to bring life to the structure. Installations can consist of numerous pieces which, when correctly designed and installed, provide our clients with usable buildings.
01/06/2020 08:38