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Wilo goes platinum
Ecovadis, the world-wide independent rating provider, has awarded Wilo Group the platinum medal for sustainability. Following silver awards in 2019 and 2020 and gold in 2021, this is the first time Wilo has received the rating agency’s highest award, showcasing just how much work Wilo is putting into its sustainability goals. Only 1% of the 90,000 companies assessed worldwide by Ecovadis achieve the platinum rating.
Oliver Hermes, President
and CEO of the Wilo Group, comments: “Sustainability has always been an integral part of our DNA and this platinum rating acknowledges our strategy and is a source of great pride. I am confident that by working together we can slow down climate change and achieve our global climate protection goals. With our efforts, we hope to encourage others to pursue sustainability and climate protection beyond company and national borders.”
The Ecovadis rating is one of the most internationallyrenowned sustainability ratings. Using a scorecard, the rating measures various indicators such as sustainable objectives, implemented activities, certifications and recording measures. Depending on the industry, company size or geographical location, the rating considers 21 criteria along the entire value chain … from purchasing to production and human resources management.
The platinum certification is just one of the prestigious awards that Wilo Group has received in recent years, including the German Sustainability Award in 2021 in the “Climate” transformation field. Wilo is also one of the “50 Sustainability and Climate Leaders” worldwide.
Derek Elton, Managing Director of Wilo Ireland, comments: “Receiving the platinum medal from Ecovadis highlights just how much Wilo prioritises sustainability measures across the entire company globally. Selected as
Gains to date
90% increase in recycling rate 100% use of reusable packaging Climate-neutral production 50 million t CO2 reduction 250 t reduction in raw materials
one of the “50 Sustainability and Climate Leaders” worldwide, Wilo has developed an explicit sustainability strategy. This involved the identification of key issues and specific goals have been formulated within target action areas under the main headings of water, energy and emissions, materials and waste, employees and society.
“Wilo Group is truly setting the benchmark when it comes to environmental protection and this award is an additional incentive for us to further pursue our strategy here in Ireland, as well as globally.”